Mario Odyssey's Online Multiplayer is Amazing

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in this video me and three mario pros play some competitive tag in mario odyssey we start each kingdom with one seeker and three hiders if a hider gets tagged or respawns then they join the seekers until everyone's been found after four kingdoms whoever has been a seeker for the least amount of time wins oh and if you enjoy the video consider subscribing it helps me out a lot and i really appreciate it i will give you guys 60 seconds yeah yeah yeah in three yeah two one go go hide go go go go i'm gonna hide right behind small ant so he doesn't see me behind his back you're not muted oh i don't know where i want to hide where are we thinking to hide where are we going to hide we got to figure out somewhere to hide fog island that's a good idea i have no idea we're outside i don't know i've got some ideas because we can't work we can't use captures um um uh we could go up there oh this is a bad idea like kind of just hide but we don't want to be loud because he can't hear us that's the problem right here there we go perfect i'm concealed by the fog i'm sometimes concealed five four oh [ __ ] three two ready one go okay i bet there's someone no there's no one there okay i'm looking where would i hide if i was a someone that was hiding i bet there's someone in like a sub area okay okay i'm looking you know what almost guaranteed there's going to be someone in here i'm just going to say it now for sure oh god i'm scared this is incredibly stressful i didn't i didn't think it was stressful i don't see anyone i don't see anyone in here i don't know where he is right now cj's back there what are the rules like if uh you're hiding near someone and they become infected are they just allowed to go grab you right away yeah they can just they can just get you yeah i think i think that's fair okay wait there's two people side by side all right fur uh oh if one of us goes down um you're all going down together yeah i know i got the big brain back there how do we feel about seekers warping i think you can warp yeah i think that's fair i think i think that'll make it a little bit a little bit faster okay secrets can warp if small ant's thinking about warping i am not staying i'm terrified he's gonna just like come in here from up there so you you must be there i had a good idea for a spot but then i realized it wasn't actually a good idea yeah i was going to go into a doorway and hide in the part where it's all black but then i realized that if you enter that you're just going to i'm just going to kill you on the way oh no maybe you might need to where the heck did you go are you still back there oh no you're not where [Music] where did for i looked away for a second just don't even don't even worry about it i'm just hearing all my friends dying they're all dying around me and i'm just covered in i think this is a good spot if he comes in here he's gonna think i went over there okay okay i don't think they're in here i'm gonna be honest nice spot i see you down there i see you down there wait wait i heard someone dive what no who just did a dive okay i see you down there i see you down there wait wait i heard someone dive what oh i just died oh yes it's cj okay i just killed myself i got someone on my team let's go oh hey cj let's go lock him in let's go get him i had such a good spot i'm pissed oh wait i heard someone long jump where the heck is he then like we i checked all the sub areas and couldn't find crafty anyway i'm not gonna expose my location at all i'm not saying anything i think that way i'm here i know where you are i know where he is i'm considering moving i yeah to check i bet you're in one of these ones [Music] oh i found fur he's in the water he's leaving but no you're stuck there because you can't warp i didn't warp i left the suburbs he just walked out all right so mary he's oh my god he's doing a trick jump oh he's jumping all right now you have to make the jump if you want to get me yeah but i have as much time as that why where the hell are you going oh no you're right um you know when i made it i wasn't really thinking about that at first i will get you i will get you fur i am the chosen one oh wait are you actually oh no dammit no i'm gonna die you're not making it back alive let's go he's a secret now okay we gotta go fight graffiti let's go wait so how do i win now you just stay away from us for as long as you can so our timers go up yeah i don't know where crafty could have been i've never seen him i mean for i'm assuming you didn't like see him in the frog room maybe but i don't remember he definitely wasn't in top hat tower to start i wonder where he could be i found it you found him oh no he's over here you get him oh that's such a good spot i had like the best spot in the game and then i killed myself because i was just bored do we want to try around in cascade kingdom i'm ready ready when you are okay go 60 seconds starting now we'll go hide good luck i need to find a good spot actually no i have a better spot ever no no this is the exact sub area i wanted to get to actually as long as i don't die you say you know where to hide but i don't how obvious is this i feel like this is obvious no one's ever going to find me on like that bridge no all right it's been a minute coming all right i know where i want to hide i don't know if this is good oh my god i keep bonking i'm just gonna hide on the furthest one here there we go i think this could be good oh i'm sliding we can see them come in here and when they're halfway through the area we can just leave i think i like this honestly this is so good this is crazy good how's the search going crafty i think i see him you know i'm gonna be honest um i'm starting to realize that i really just don't have that much game knowledge i think i just saw you uh crafty oh although that could be literally anywhere although i'm gonna use my my skills of realizing that i heard a 2d area music get played to infer that there's a possibility that someone's up above oh my god i'm so scared why are you so scared yeah huh i'm curious i'm curious to know uh i'll tell you later when you're older oh yeah yeah okay i have yes ironically the best hiding spot never believe him i have the best hiding spot you're not in my spot so i know you don't have the best spot okay well what about my spot your spot's trash you could see crafty earlier that means you're doing a bad job i can still see you crafty what you guys ow bro there's no places that are above me guys guys i saw look you see you see there he is i don't know if i should know i should go for him because if i go for him he's immediately gonna like immediately run just kind of looking around this is a good vantage point i feel like he's like a dinosaur you don't move he can't see you how could i sneak up on him if he's not looking in the air i could totally just do an air drop on him okay um oh no he moved he moved come here small hat come here i'm not fast enough oh did you find him yes he's moving uh he was on a rock uh um where did he go where did he go did he take a you took a wire i can't believe it hi small ant oh is that you over there i'm just gonna i'm just gonna guess nope i have no idea no you did it you you actually got got to slip wait wait wait i heard i don't think he saw you so you're all good wait really no wait oh oh i see now i can't believe you did that to me [Music] did you guys just both fall off nope yeah i am well kind of definitely died is there a thing down here that i just never knew about yeah there's like a platform you can jump to bro i guess i've never 100 of this game because i never knew this was here where are you going i'm i'm on your team for and she's like going to sudbury i'm so confused cj is in a really good spot you're saying you're literally never going to find me i'm sorry i kind of want to find cj yeah let's go find cj while we're waiting for crafty to find us oh i bet i bet i know where you are you took a while to get to that spot so i bet i bet ah i just fell into poison wait wait where's the cj is being honest i bet the best hiding spot okay there's crafty oh god oh no how did you get over there so fast if i was a hider i would hide oh i heard i heard a bonk are you guys just like not hiding you're crafty i see fur however the chances are low that i'm going to be able to catch i've got you cornered don't use the wire again please please don't use the wire i'm using the wire i'm never gonna catch you down i'm still wondering just where is cj he's not in the place that i would hide oh no wait oh i might die i have to do like blinded jumps cross avoid across the light nothing please please i don't want to do the skin though that's a good spot it crafty is there still a button to hide whether you see people or not i know i got rid of it using it like i'm not even a secret chat but i'm just curious i saw you go into the sub area and so i waited harry you got the secret knowledge i don't know i i couldn't find him cj i don't know where he is hi i am hiding no you're not get over the other one crafty will never find us no he will and fur is the secret out too oh okay okay i'll i'll go uh i'm just sliding off very slowly yeah it's tough on that side sliding off and readjusting from this spot you can't see them coming which is terrifying yeah no it's really like there's just no way to know what are you doing he's psycho wait i'll just are any of you colorblind no damn it how are we even gonna get back we're not we we're just stuck if they find us we're done what where is there a place you can get stuck i'm grasping at straws here you guys like i'm pretty sure they can just see me no mine you can't i had to play real risky to make sure but yeah on that side now yeah i mean if he if he looks this this way then i'm definitely spotted the real question taner is can he even get here yeah that's true it's a yeah i feel like you guys i'm not dropping these subtle hints and it's driving me insane right i think you're better off like you're gonna die you're gonna fall in dude no i'm an expert you're gonna fall in i'm doing this for like 20 minutes you're gonna fall in all into the water i just improved my previous hiding spot and got even closer oh my god how is he even standing like that i have an idea they might be in they might be in the sub area i'm going to go pee i'll be back you're they're going to find you okay no they all fighting they're gonna find you so uh small animal cj's going to the bathroom you wanna i mean i'm stuck with him i can't give it away i haven't heard anyone nearby wait wait is that do that i'm not sure if i just heard something oh no can you not see me from back there i can't turn the camera oh no oh no i have to jump over there without a capture yep wait wait wait for like you are you kidding me i was there bro smallin you baited me in the seat wait what just happened they got you they found us yeah you do birds found me into you what does that mean he accidentally died and found you wait where's man are you at the suburbia [Music] where is he he's on the bridge it was only 16 minutes it's not that bad you mother you got me caught it was honestly really yeah i heard it from the bathroom and i rushed back all right we're going to sand it on the side kingdom yet let's go dude it's so quiet here after being in cascade for 16 minutes and 19 seconds here and just tell us one we can run give me one second one that's not what i meant and you know it it's okay i'm deliberately annoying oh someone's not a hider yep oh we're gone okay here's my plan here's my plan right [Music] i mean it feels obvious but i could escape so easily you have 10 seconds looks trippy too this isn't fair this kingdom is huge it is so big ginormous this coin never stops rotating my switch is about to crash all right where could they be where could furby where is fur i don't even know where to begin i feel like we should like maybe give hints after x amount of time yeah that's a good idea i'm just hanging around that's that's a pretty good is that a hint he's hanging off the edge of the world near the cactus i don't want to walk around the whole map looking for people hanging off the edge cj just called exactly where i was he said next to the cat how did he know i'm so nervous i don't know if you're saying that could you see me or just trying to mess with me i still don't see him if fur was running around over there we'd see him there's actually so many places i have an idea it's a really cheeky idea i feel like just naturally people are going to be attracted to these sorts of spots oh come here cj over here you're so gonna die oh oh no you actually didn't how am i even gonna catch you like this oh i really don't know where i'm gonna go where are they oh god oh my god were you right next to me oh god this is an insane chase this is insane [Music] holy oh that one health i've practiced this pyramid way too many times for oh no that's not good for me wait is somebody in here it might be oh my god that was so terrifying fern i just had like the most insane chase of all time i thought i just saw you what the heck [Laughter] oh my god all right that's unfortunate for you i am the flag they will never know i blend right in they're right there you can see them running around you hidden employees only i'm not in the shop i'm not an employee i can still see someone running around two people running around no i mean that's ridiculous if he can see us we can't see him because it's a third-person game i'm not there either no don't look at him dirt no don't go up that wire hey where are you going there you go down the wire good i think you're being so clever he could be in so many places he just remembered where he is he's hanging on the edge of the map somewhere which means his little fingertips are probably hanging off the edge somewhere wait a second he ran towards oasis at the beginning i just remembered i mean i believe camouflage baby an oasis is he not hanging off the edge he's buried under the ground like captain toad he's running towards oasis from i'm right behind him go come here [ __ ] no i'm gonna i'm gonna warp today oh did you get him yeah when he hit the slingshot it took me with him and i just listened i think crafty boss earlier said they were in a sub area wait did i uh i didn't say anything i should have gone in the hole i should have gone in the hole [Music] all right so now it's one more and then after that the round's over are we going wooded or like i would choose like personally this is turning out to be a lot more fun than i thought it was going to be it's so [ __ ] great when you're getting chased it's so terrifying oh it's just the battle of who's the better schmover yeah all right i'm going to stare at this wall for 60 seconds go okay go now i have no idea where to hide on this one okay so i could go to the captain toad area but there really isn't that many places you can hide once you're in the actual area i don't want to hide in the toad spot um do i go in this sub-area or do i go into the the waterfall what do i do where are they going to hide they can't capture which means i can't go into the zipper sub-area they could be in the puzzle room i'm going in because here's here's my plan here's my plane that's it they could be in a lot of different places i have no idea where to go i'm just gonna have to go to the captain toad area three two one here i come oh kathy just said wow this is really deep i wonder where one of you could be going well i uh that's why we didn't go to captain toad right up here and then i can uh launch over there wow this is really deep but now that he's he's gonna go here so i should wait until like i can see him on top of the exit that's i think impossible in one player you're gonna leave it on two players wait did i miss something did it was he in there i heard him there isn't any other way to get in here hey i'm pretty sure it's only one of you went into the puzzle room and laughed that was probably smaller or sure was going to the uh the zipper room you just work up here that is darn surprising sure we can gosh dang it okay i think this will work well it is so eerily quiet i swallowed it oh my god come on oh my god where the hell no i don't know dang it oh [Music] did you actually go to the captain toad thing at first no i didn't no that was somebody else oh please tell me his pathological lying skills has affected cj to the point where he believes him that he went down here he doesn't check it's kind of terrifying should be no captur c couldn't be in the the zipper sub area where probably keyword probably keyword processing no capture so yeah except wires wait a minute where could where are your enough man i i'm near the goombas wait did they see you do you see somebody cj no wait i i see the shadow of someone oh i found waluigi he's in the water he's in the mid water go go go let's get him break dude i i think we might be able to cut him off i think i i think we can do this we got him oh no i'm on the other side now okay i'm gonna catch him he's so fast it's okay it's okay he's going to the odyssey oh he's cornering himself yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'll go left here okay uh you wait outside here and i'll get them in the frog he's so bad how am i always the last person that gets caught you can't run forever again wait by that exit spay it i need to wait by the exit he's he's going by the exit oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah is he dead he's dead he's dead no way he survived oh he had a cam jump what oh my gosh no get back here how is he getting out of the oh my god oh my god how is he so fast oh my god did he escape no no he's still in oh jeez who what do i re-enter the sub-area no no okay okay the exit oh i got your friends one of us is gonna die eventually cj yeah oh no it's me yeah oh come on i got him no i'm dead i'm a great person now it's crafty okay we gotta get crafty now oh my god i think i have a hunch of where where crafty might be never mind never mind that was that was pretty cool he's not in the shop did anyone actually check captain toad no is he just still down there oh you're probably right i left i left that area i'm sure he left that area totally screwed i didn't check captain toad because i was about to and then i thought i wonder if someone's in this like water elevator wait wait wait wait there's someone down here i found crafty he's down there he's down here he's going up someone come down he'll never catch me you never catch someone come down he's swimming up yeah he's swimming up he's i'm gonna die there's no way he's making it up uh if i stand fast enough i'm coming down i'm coming down the hole and then i go back down wait he's going down i'm totally gonna die but it's worth the shot oh someone stay up top someone stay up top i'm gonna go down no way did he make it did he make it i'm not i'm not telling you i'm dead he must have made it we got to go all the way back down now all right where's the life apart we got you you're going to start going okay don't worry i'm right here i'm right here he's coming up he's going up he's going up he's going up yep oh there he is oh what i meant he is scared you missed he juked me what a crafty little boss oh for sure get back here oh no i bonked i did too i did too i think i can catch him make that without a life of the [ __ ] oh he's going in i got him yeah bro that was like the best possible scenario so what was everyone's timers at the end there i had 25 57 i did not have a good time 10 of those minutes were like sand kingdom yeah that was real what about you crafty was your time uh 16 19. oh my i was at 19 and a half wow well gg good job crafty yeah you won what do i get 100 subs right yeah that's what i get everybody go follow crafty all right are we going again uh yeah do you want to start just on the do the next kingdoms sure okay if you like this video remember to subscribe and if you want to see more content like this check out cj and fur's channels for some other rounds we played and one last thing a massive thank you to craftyboss for single-handedly developing online multiplayer for super mario odyssey it is so much fun
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 5,685,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: online smo, smo, online, super mario odyssey, multiplayer, hide n seek, hide and seek, tag, extreme tag, cjya, fir, smallant, craftyboss, 4p, 2 player, 2p
Id: CATm2QWj9U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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