Mario Odyssey Speedrunner vs Hunter

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this is Super Mario Odyssey Manhunt I'm the speedrunner and small ant is hunting me if he hits me with Cappy I take damage my goal is to beat the game before small ant can kill me oh and we did a second part of this on smallest Channel where I hunted him so make sure to check out that video when you're done with this one alright enjoy the video okay I'm in safe Zone's here I'm a runner all right let me let me join in go whenever oh wait okay Oh I thought you left already you see my sick outfit I mean this is pretty like standing where do you think you're going buddy what do you think I'm right but I'm gonna get you you're so dead you're so dead now what should I hit what the heck oh my God I know that you're not behind me damn it but where am I though that's the question that's right I'm right here you're not great at vectoring are you CJ you gotta practice your vector game man checkpoint right outside I got through the front of the front okay you're doing left side there's you're gonna fail left side no shot under all this pressure oh you bumped you bumped I heard that wait what I barked after getting it you booked after getting it you've got to be kidding me come on come on TJ oh come on CJ no I think I got rid of your life up though right I better have I don't know at this rate I'm gonna get to the kingdom before you you will I forgot the warp I've completely forgot the board oh this is stressful that's so weird without the oh wait that means you're already here huh you're here this is 1.0 right yep Oh no you're gonna do first boot skip wait where are you all right there you oh my God you're not gonna make that you're right you're not gonna make that but I will make this where are you going you know what if he gets in I'll let him have it what do you do what I missed oh where are you going CJ slow down there buddy no this is my checkpoint wow what the heck dude what are you doing in there nothing is he purple Mario nothing I took damage I'm an idiot wait I didn't mute no you already up there how did you get up so fast oh God oh God I started uh accidentally going through menus I have more Health than you swallowing I just want to get rid of the three I need you to get rid of that you know you lost your life apart what you have the life of art still not fast enough here your Cappy is spinning yeah then the next freaking Kingdom wait no you need one more Moon you need one more Moon don't you oh damn it he's getting that Moon well you're not anymore obviously leave me alone where are you going I need you need a door move wait yo you skipped the first food I forgot no I didn't need one more dude I completely forgot okay [Applause] oh boy prepare to die CJ I am prepared to what Juke me that quickly get back on the launched get back in there oh don't miss the ground bounds [Laughter] oh bouncing I was standing in the spot for the grandpa wasn't it I got it before right before you hit me and now I'm safe yeah oh you're running that way [Applause] in the desert I you would have to walk fast because I'm gonna hit you you didn't get that Moon already did you no way there's no way you got that Moon already you might I bet you're just leaving them out just to go pick them up later you are believing them you did just leave it it's like that was way too fast get back here CJ take me back no I thought you were doing that so I'm at the freaking Odyssey though where is he going [Music] what I'm doing something sneaky what what can I do I have a feeling like my compass isn't working well that's because I noticed something for whatever reason there isn't a lock on the outfit door so I got a free move you would just been dancing I've been dancing [Music] oh CJ I think you lost life there didn't you if you had it I didn't have one you didn't I even have one yeah I lied when I said I saw out of there oh my God where do you think you're going wait you took the full Bill to the um is that you I don't know where he went I don't know where he went here I don't know where he's going [Music] I'm such a sneaky guy did you clip did you do a sphinx clip no I did icicle clip you did icicle clip I pulled off some crazy stuff this thing like I don't know if the compass is accurate or not right now because it's just pointing in this direction you could be in that direction I'll tell you something yes I'm warping right now what you got enough already I got off okay I did I super clip it it was so clutch oh my God also I took the Bullet Bill to the pyramid and then just did a loop around it it went all the way to the icicle I warped I I went into the pyramid and waited for you I knew you'd think I'd do that oh I know where you are you dust cloud yeah no you kicked me it counted there's no way you get this oh you hit it I didn't even know that was possible in this what and I didn't do it right you messed up I broke it by jumping into it but I still got the backflip timing did you jump into Deep Woods did he jump into Deep Woods what into where Deep Woods what is that freaking did didn't he the compass snapped wait no you didn't what the hell uh oh I heard a warp noise dude you were just uh no I had to go all the way around you went all around yeah I tried to do gate Skip and I messed it up once you get hit by what I didn't have cameo I just keep bouncing on your damn ass I can't believe I got knocked like that ow I'm not even good at getting nut clip normally yes CJ you're in Hunter mode oh that only made me worse right rarely ow you know what hit me again get rid of my life apart okay it's right all right now we're good slow down buddy ow what foreign [Music] just in case wait were you not doing FRS what I did [Music] we must have died I was throwing Kathy back so that when you tried to get it you'd die dang it was a good Strat but you failed on your own so shut up foreign [Music] you're not gonna make that jump CJ [Music] now without me killing you first [Music] where are you oh wait I think I just cheated I thought I had enough moons do I not you might just double checking oh wait oh yeah because it takes a second I did I did okay you did oh my God you escaped I forgot that when uh when this mod is on yeah you can work before it gets added to your thing okay I'm you're making it to Cloud I guess what are you doing right now you're doing you're lying boys oh wait no late Kingdom right you went to this first I forgot I'm not doing a lying voice what are you doing oh man I guess you're beating me you are beating me wow this is so I don't have any plans to get you I don't have any plans to get you that was my Genuine Voice it just sounds the same here to Grandpa you lucky little guy go away what you didn't get hit oh yeah you have the three seconds as well these damn fish I wouldn't do that that's why I wouldn't do that oh you're gonna hit me once and then I'm gonna get my health back for the moon now it's a net net zero oh did I get you no but I saw it it was awesome dang it it was so close no reason to chase him here chat no reason to chase him here okay you should pop out right here unless he swims back up with the fish which I don't think you'll do he did pop out with the fish he figured did pop out with that damn fish oh I see what you're doing CJ yes no way you do this you're the one who taught me this actually did I yeah right after we started playing bingo he's trying to bait me he's trying to he's trying to warp out he's trying to Juke me I won't fall for a chat oh my God you got juked man I am in front of the shop I worked I am in the shop right now you got cheese I knew you were there bye no wait no no you know what it could be it could be enough but all right Cloud Kingdom yep what I have a hat on I can't tell you must have the hat on okay okay I see you yeah it's on you got it now okay oh my God you hold Gabby there for so long no fast stretch she bounced me I was gonna get hit by his house yes stop bouncing me you gotta be low buddy you gotta be oh oh my God he's on whoa no it was so close I was on one I grabbed a heart as I got to one Health dang it and I and I got back up as he died oh my God that was so crazy all right now I get the Head Start and lost yeah we need to warp immediately if we can klepto him we win if we just clipped it when we win so if it's fast let's hope it's fast no what the hell I just got hit like three times and died and you got klepto too this is just a regular speed run apparently I was soothing I was not slowing down stop stop oh you're low no you are ah come on you got bubbles DJ CJ I know you're close buddy oh my God you don't have enough do you leave yeah who me yeah do you have enough CJ it says you're still in this Kingdom did you leave yeah I left okay no no jump for you what you just laid down okay you just fully laid down like you had been you know AFK for however long just take a nap okay for like half a second it was so funny [Applause] good that wasn't mistakes DJ was it yep I didn't realize a big mistake for you oh my God okay I gotta get up here fast come on we're faster dude what the heck wait did you already make it up top what do you mean how did you get up that fast I warped and you were already done the room click wait you said you were in the oh God no I'm going to the boss fight now uh here oh wow you camped me yeah so once I finish hitting it yeah like now come on you're low I bet too unless you got the Life part in which case you have full health in the tank again I see how much health were you at I gotta know five okay so I at least I got a video life up yeah okay it's going well for me I think no no you may not get back here you missed it I nailed it though stop sipping around [Music] come back here stop crazy frogging oh you're dancing all right oh let's dance together just for a moment enemies to lovers lovers uh dancers I mean dancers I'll take friends [Music] get out before me oh damn it oh my God that was terrifying [Music] as long as I hit you I didn't care all right oh my God stuff a jump I'd even do that come on baby we're zooming through yeah I'm sure you are CJ I'm sure you are [Music] where did you go you just disappeared that was awesome did you capture a freaking pole and launch yourself up a building wait are you how did you get over there honestly just see you flying up top what I could die it was crazy that is absurd oh hi there where I you will have no idea how long it took me to find you no yeah [Music] oh my God not today [Music] how do I think you weren't here I mean I I thought you were gonna do that where am I [Music] was just floating above I could yes yes no dang it dude okay I will get you I will destroy you leave me alone no no no I will not leave you alone [Music] ow stop stop stop it's yourself now you're just buying the no we want it in close quarters we'll go with Close Quarters CJ I mean life's disease I have one someone argue zero what the what the dude what's up dad has coins that doesn't have the heart CJ that one is the cord oh my God remembering oh DJ get back here no I was at one on that old time that entire time [Music] showed me one time and I don't remember where you going CJ I don't actually know I'm just thinking how many moves do you have I'm already done I'm just messing around really you're just messing around foreign that's where it's pointing me to wait no you warped to the you're at the Odyssey you got what oh hi oh oh hold on hold on my game's broken wait what oh I just crashed you crashed yeah hey you're back all right go in get in there reenacting it I'm not gonna hit you this time okay uh-huh I thought you said you were poor I was things change stop stop seriously stop that's not funny oh seriously it's not funny are you in a mode uh yeah I'm in Hunter I'm hunting you I thought maybe you didn't come and you're just gonna wait no no no I'm J you got to get through this whole thing without dying CJ do you know the eels oh what what's up CJ stop [Music] ow you moved me stop stop give up CJ you're not making it where are you right now Heidi where are you right now running are you did it not show you leave this area what how did you get out of what the sub the sub area it didn't show you leave oh that's weird I got out like right away I didn't actually yeah oh yeah why is your face look like that [Music] I feel like I can never hate you wait why am I not hitting I don't know wait I'm not taking any damage switch back and forth there we go probably fixed it what oh [Music] yeah there's not enough room oh damn it you're at full health now oh baby okay baby uh-huh okay you're not ready for what I'm about to do you're right I am not ready oh I'm so confused I thought I was in luncheon I was really confused my got out and it wasn't much Go away You're not gonna make it I'm just gonna stop you all right you're not doing snow dram buddy not right now I'm not not yet I mean you can't don't know what you can't warp out to do it so I don't need to work there's gonna be free damage for me this is true oh wait wait can you stand still for a second okay wait what so what's going on there let me switch back and forth hit me I'm gonna turn the game on off back on okay I lost my life apart for that but whatever okay okay go I'll give you a little bit of a head start foreign [Laughter] too long what the heck we just bounced on each other's hats for an eternity oh oh my God that extra one is so yeah it's so bad what the hell hey CJ hi that let's go that was a sick jump okay you're anyone that saw that that was I jumped way across yes I did I used the wind to do it it was crazy dude no yes you murdered me you shouldn't have gone over after me okay the top is just saying this one so I'm gonna go into this one if you're not in this one which one is it saying tell me so I can tell you if you're right you're right I was right what it didn't count yeah just go CJ just run your life depends on it buddy no he's going back to the Goombas you're really going back to the Goombas huh you really going back to the Goombas huh no [Music] oh my God what really you went I mean you had to have gone here right where do I have to what the compass was not pointing in the right direction it was pointing towards the freaking shop where are you I'm gone I know you're right behind me though now see you're gonna freeze to death CJ you're close [Music] you're going back in no CJ no joked me dude I thought you were doing snow dram pounding you must be here what what you got me down to one Health I got you down to one I almost freeze to death oh my God no okay I'm trying to I'm trying to like think in my head what's good what's not damn you went the other way there's a 50 50. you think I was gonna get a timer challenge I did oh ow [Music] oh hey ow oh I was still in the disability mode oh ow yes stop oh I missed oh my God no [Music] no these freaking lava bubbles dude oh wait you're in the middle of the boss fight aren't you maybe this is going to be very difficult for you CJ [Music] yes is it what oh someone's on one Health right now no you how could you tell you did the like hunched over thing first yeah I saw that and I was like time to go for the kill this seems like a bad spot for me look at that how convenient [Music] oh die already I got close I got damn close okay oh that dead though waste so much time for me man hey hey hey go away hi this is my moon this is mine die yes no no he's going into the shop to find life apart now he has enough money no way [Music] the timing on that was perfect CJ absolutely Flawless performance that was crazy dude how did you make it that fast oh my God did I get you I knew you're gonna do that yeah how did you make you make jump I can't even make that it never works [Music] oh get back here CJ oh geez please [Music] no no nope yes oh my God [Music] no no yes it was so close such bad cheese come on oh I see your cap it's so funny oh okay yep what no it's okay damn it the freaking lava bubble hit me on the way oh hey yeah I'm camping your meat no yes yes no I'll camp that meat yes no [Music] wait was that enough to leave I don't think I don't think I don't know if that was enough to leave I actually have no clue what's it for you not counting like me oh my God it was enough to leave he just Moon deposited all right a grand Showdown wait wait you're not here yet are you I'm already like done with the fight almost wait are you here I'm not sure if the company is working okay I have something to do first he's getting a life apart [Music] all right so where are you what I'm waiting okay well you started the fight already heck on me I don't you yeah you keep hitting me ow your cap pushed me no you killed me dude I don't even ah dang it you have those freaking life up parts and everything there's nothing I can do man nothing I could do what the heck no [Music] no you killed me again how are you killing me that might not there's you don't have enough time to do that phase right [Music] oh I didn't even do that one no I'm just taking damage [Music] no you killed me again was that phase three was that it yeah I'll say yeah I automatically get full health when I go to a New Kingdom right yeah you do unfortunately all right I'm in Bowsers are you hiding say it nowhere I hear you you son of a oh interesting Moon Choice CJ hit the fire no I did not hit a fire I don't know what you're talking about why'd you go to the Moon I needed help what the oh no way no way you got it already no way wait I was gonna try to hit you before I got the move but you hit me into the moon yep I see your ass what you took David on me yeah I did what what yep what how do you get out so quickly no wait wait did you no but bouncing on your cap ate my cap out um yeah I didn't know that I thought they were separate [Music] wait where are you going did you take the wire down where are you going CJ are you going back to the Odyssey where the hell are you going are you confused yes you're just dead now you have no heels all the way up no heels huh I mean you could go into the Odyssey to heal yeah I can but like are you leaving the kingdom no what are you doing uh yeah I needed to heal in The Odyssey oh my god dude uh because I was at one Health that was scary I did mine and you did yours never even [Music] to the bounce no no oh get away oh oh CJ getting a little close there CJ she captured bird it gives you the damn Bird yeah do it up there oh my God the freaking duh you got a full heal with this damn checkpoint okay I I didn't go in for a life apart but I see he's a little I will do it then yeah you're not good no life apart I'm a man of Honor I'm not okay if you got a life apart right now I'd be kind of mad I I had one but I don't right now CJ nice Koopa I know the freaking goopa hit me [Music] I heard you took damage there dude I didn't even need to do anything apparently my goodness thank you oh getting a little low there CJ do it you're like in the sky I am yeah you're like floating for me right now I don't have any hearts in them oh my God oh CJ one help again one Health again really really is this gonna be it is this it CJ [Music] seems like it could be I don't know about that you got a life up when did you get a life up you went back to the shop no no there's a hidden one there's a hidden one on this island there's a rifle from the island right here right before the bus what where right here if you walk a jiso right here you get a life up what that's what you're doing damn it oh my God damn it oh my god oh GG oh Jesus yes thank you thanks for playing Stan thank you for playing as annoying as you are to chase it was really fun it was this is a good time all right well next time I guess next time see you later life for now bye wait how do I stream bye
Channel: cjya
Views: 848,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c-8TxwN-HEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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