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oh we got the full eight people today for the very first time we got alpha we got cj we got crafty we got four we got poo we got liquor we got nikro we got me star studded cast all right everyone you ready for the wheel it up let's go here we go and my teammate mr nikro mr nikro this is og right here all right 90 seconds on the clock now go go go go go go go go go oh my god okay we're going we're going we have a bunch of mario's rolling around i like how we're all just going to the same location no we're not migrating i have an idea here's here's what i'm thinking i am going to go to the very top of the kingdom we go into the cj good spot is that in this kingdom wherever cj is he has a good spot anyway five seconds four oh three that was a fast yeah i kind of flew by honestly let's say it must be time uh uh uh i think this is decent i feel like people don't remember this moon i'll be able to see them the whole time but will they see me hey cj my love for you is steamier than an active volcano don't don't say it now i have to check hey cj my love for you is deeper than the db you just committed these to memory didn't you you think i could remember that i couldn't even remember it when we were like in the location you committed them to memory you son of a he didn't find a good hiding spot he just memorized every single piece of dialogue they're like one i should go and be like behind you know i'm pretty confident in this location honestly which means it's probably gonna be caught pretty good i feel like this is a little bit hidden in plain sight which either means it's a good spot or it's dumb i could hang off this ledge it'd be legit we're just gonna run around in here probably is what we're gonna do oh no oh no surely someone's at the end of this over there night girl i'm just vibing i'm just i'm just i'm just cruising right now i kind of like this spot honestly this is a good one [Music] maybe it's not a good spot [Music] oh yeah moon cave huh that's the thing that exists he didn't he didn't look up that's really good that's really good where's my escape plan oh there's someone right there there's someone hanging right there man maybe i shouldn't have skipped breakfast i'm very hungry good point i had the you guys remember the vitamin water oh my god i'm so stupid oh my god you didn't die oh my god before us yeah i died for my own indecision wait we can use captures oh hi he's got a bill i gotta wait so long for these stupid bills they take forever oh my god that was kind of genius though okay i found one there it's fur it's fur there's multiple of them i have to choose one uh okay he's at the beginning of the bullet bill part where the checkpoint is one of them's at the beginning of the moon cave they might be leaving i don't know what's happening there he's so small where'd he go oh there he is i found him okay he's going up to the banana brood boss right area he's doing the wall jumps up we make a great auction yeah going once going twice what if you took the wire and what have you dropped out i just had to choose and you chose me yeah you're hard of a kid okay so jacob might still be in the mooncave he might have left through the top it would make sense so i'm gonna stay here because they think i left i feel like he left but you never know maybe we'll see i'll stay all right well we got two four to go jesus christ that's actually crazy it's a weird sentence to say i'm amazed no one has looked up here yet this feels like the most obvious spot but also it's so obvious why would someone hide here right if i get caught though i know exactly that i'm going to get i think that might be lickle top half or bottom half top uh great question you're on the bottom you know where i am i'm pretty sure that was just a lucky guess but crafty said bottom right i did [Music] he's on top of the chapel he's on top of the trap he's on top of the tree he's just jumped down go away what direction i don't know he just fell somewhere dude what are you still up at the chapel wait did he just go back to the top yeah that's a that's a very smart thing to do and that's how you know because i'm falling celebrating that and i'm falling [Music] where'd he go wait you should lose him again all right he's going down towards the moon cave he's at the sphinx no i'm not i'm not anywhere stop looking uh he's going up to like the middle island where the rocket flowers are yeah oh oh i see small light he's by the wedding chapel he's run by the wedding chapel jacob yodu have been found [Applause] oh he's going around the back he's going around the back yeah he is going down the back actually oh my god dude are we chasing lysol yeah i'm chasing lysol now wait what happened to sman i got away i got away a person is a person i don't care who i'm chasing yeah you know what i'm gonna go back and go after spent actually yeah for you got this do i know why so if you do trace walking get 100 i won't get you do not go in the two this is not going to go well for you you do realize that right i don't know what you mean this is a great idea it's on cycles i hate this this is a great idea oh yes all right so where the hell is man uh a valiant effort i reckon can't believe he gave you up like that dude i know what a snitch i have company how'd that happen no no stay tuned all right are you in the sub i just assumed it was one of us i don't know i'm also in now i'm at the very beginning so we're all just looking here yeah sure why not i got it i got out i knew you would come back here i knew it i've been trying to get back here it went back where where'd he fall wait then he's just going back up wait how did he go back up are you up there night girl i'm confused no i didn't mean to grab onto the light i was joking people like crazy you kept jumping off and flying back in jacob is tanner in there with you uh he was in there but he left like a minute ago he's back on top of the chapel i bet honestly let's rush this game i got the reeds on him he knows did you get him he's down towards the sphinx going towards the entrance to the moon game no he's doing the backwards any percent movement he's going up the ramp come on get his ass i will escape you will not he's going to go somewhere he's probably going to jump off someone wait at the bottom he's going for the wait outside i can't believe i've messed it up that was a good run though jacob your jukes were insane if i didn't have three people on me i was living what's your time 16 16 14 29 251 i only got 5 21. cj just had to chase me instead of alpharade just had to give me up what a snitch i saw your fingertips and i was like that's gotta be lickless all right wheel time the first seeker is pooh and his teammate fur and we're going to see sun side does it still have lag we'll find out it started we're going it's going you already lost five seconds man i can't wait for sman to do his strat that he loves to do when he's getting chased here what is that you know what it is you go in the geyser then you jump out in the middle so no one knows where you went is it possible to track i want to see how good this one is it's a little obvious especially given you can hear me swimming you're at 50 seconds remaining yeah this is a pretty it's open kingdom honestly well now 35 seconds remaining honestly guys i don't know i don't know what to hide there's a moonpipe around here somewhere i'm not far from the odyssey at all this is bad they can't even really get up here actually wait they can use captures okay i think this is a good spot i forgot about captures i kind of want to just like take a gush into like somewhere is there a way of staying on top of water without five seconds left if we need to escape one ready or not here we come which i don't think enough people say i feel like y'all are missing an opportunity every time to say that most people are not ready pretty classic saying i have some spots i think i want to want to check so that was a really good round for me so i'm dead hey i died last time that's the brakes fur just i guess spawned and thought i'm going to go to cj and just found me i got 77 was that an insta i just like it in there well it's not very cozy if you're dead i'm sorry that wasn't funny it wasn't funny but i appreciated it you know i didn't think it was funny it's all subjective no objectively i'm literally hiding in the spot i found putin one time this is terrifying because it's so out in the open alphabet's costume blends in so well up there sorry yeah oh was it snow jam no the other painting i got i found nikro he's in the uh yeah he's going towards more flowers oh he's going towards the gold uh pokemon the cold dory the yellow shop yeah i see him he's just a body of water oh no this isn't him who am i chasing oh there he is around the back is that him by the purple dory yeah that's him we're just playing a completely different game i think he's the head orb i would imagine the orb that's ahead of you is the one you're chasing oh my god what is this oh dang it in the water no oh come on what he's joking get up god let's go are we sure we're chasing the right one i sure as hell hope so fun fact the rocket flowers are faster than the gushing oh god weird and i grow it's way too easy to juke is that anyone here this is helping everyone else so much because we're only chasing this orb of water oh my god they're on the phone it just feels like i'm like the omniscient spectator he doesn't even care he's so calm about it i'm in the zone oh god that was a close one what is this no i was inside you you were inside of me i was inside you you've been inside several times this is quite the round for your boy you know you guys do that i'm gonna look for other people did anyone get found i did get found i mean we see nikro right inside of ammo he's cruising around as they say no this is good i'm just i'm just the play tester right now oh i'm sure you do think it's good this is for good it's a good research yup yup yup oh i cut you off how did you i think i know where alpharad might be chat they're never gonna look at the lighthouse don't worry alpharetta just what ah jacob's dead jacob get your ass over here get nike oh no i was definitely inside you i had the inside corner i'm nascar in the i don't even care anymore about hide and seek this is now a new game squid race we just made our own game oh he got me he got me get ready he finally actually went inside of me mario squid game there there it was like rake it in i would be riding inside of his bubble for like five seconds at a time it's just they're too fast so the latency like really could help the meta though dude yeah no she's leaving this start she's not yeah there we go okay i got lightsaber yeah i got lights that was a good spot i barely saw the shadows yeah it was just the shadow really but we really out here saving the game micro check if they're in the uh secret moon oh like behind yeah there's like a little part you can fall into wait what where is it you go to the start all right crafty's coming oh oh this is so upsetting too is it just smalling again oh my god are we giving him a youtube video maybe oh yeah he's the last one twice in a row now oh where's the wall yeah i'm at 27 seconds right now i don't i see the first one seek the first one and suck the second one hey what the hell got him all right so he's over or he was at least over world top half how did you get in here how are you how are you inside of there smith he's in one of the bubbles like or the shooters he was he was workshopping that idea i didn't know if he didn't you get inside there as soon as i went in it shot me out he was in this shooter right here i think i escaped i don't think they're going to check here did he get away what happened where is he oh is he that cheap chief is he the cheap cheap no i'm the cheap jeep i don't know where he went what he's in the 2d area he's out to the 2d area now he's in a fish he's in the face he's in a fish he's in a fish i've got eyes on him um if you get a hundred in volleyball he won't tag you come on go go go go go okay he's just grabbing another rocket flower he's running across the water i'm coming ah dang it dude he had everyone on him i should have just stayed in there man how did you get in there i i saw him crouching and i was like all right i'll just crouch walk in you have to basically get in immediately cancel and then stay in and fall down oh kind of first try yeah but i figured it would give me at least one chance to rise to run yeah what's your timer at smalling 30 minutes 30 minutes this is a good round so you watch that whole race the entire thing it was so funny there's just bubbles we're running all the way around i'm rolling the wheel boys we got lysol and her teammate small anthony give the hard kingdom small kingdom metro metro metro metro metro snow kingdom like snow kingdom i'll give you 90 seconds now go oh [Music] just hanging out in the odyssey i'm feeling pretty good about all the same idea about this round together um no here they come go you camp the bottom of the nut sub area and i'm gonna go up and check to see if anyone's there all right got you are you kidding me you camp it her and i have this mental condition i keep getting found first can you just not go up there and i'm just gonna see her might be baiting me but he is a master at that very good it's okay it looks like fur was baiting me i don't believe he's in here so fur baited yeah i i did bait and because of that i am choosing to find him first keep finding me first he's going to see someone else or just walk away yo we got an actual fan art already from today's stream it's amazing rio blitzel yeah this is actually really good hey it's me am i man you should just stop checking there you're not gonna find anyone it's all these mind games all of a sudden yeah he's screwing with me now that is kind of just cause that's there so how's everyone else's hiding spot three minutes yeah cheveria sub area or overworld shivering oh i found someone cj was in the ice spikes room he's leaving the ice snakes room all right i'm outside oh he jumped over me he's going to the exit to sparia is he hitting the pipe is he going to make it i can't catch up to him wait did he bonk did i hit him and he bought my round i went to dive into the pipe and i bonked on it like an idiot wait what did people say sub area three people came down here with me well let's check more sub areas so what do you guys think of my hiding spot this is just like all my other hiding spots but i chose the left side so i can go in that pipe if i need to it's the perfect escape oh i'm so embarrassed how do i keep doing this to myself oh wait where's your time at right now five and a half minutes if they're up in small ant's good spot then you'd see him right you'd be able to see him no absolutely not you got to jump up there to look for him jacob are you seeker are you lagging yeah i'm lagging i am now oh you died oh no cj why can't you be cool about it i didn't know it was you when i went after you all i saw was blood whatever was someone down here with you yeah i'm having fun he's not gonna sell them out i'm not yeah we need help damn it i was just gonna wait in there and hope you just missed me everyone has been found except for who this man you know where i am you just didn't see me um he's not there because he's not gonna check there if i keep telling him to it's so sad i'm right behind smalling and now i can't even do it oh me too it's okay i'm also really close to winning like see they're gonna come in they're probably not even gonna bother looking at like this is too high for them to like look up probably it's man you know that suburb you just went into yes crafty's at the end of it okay i'm sure does anyone else take like seeking time is also time to scope out new spots just me no no i don't either you're a bad teammate no i'm a great teammate excuse me who are we catching who was that oh wait i just found nikro he just didn't say anything wait what oh no oh no he's going up he's exiting the pipe out of cheveria bro you literally came out of nowhere nice how did i not hit you i hit you with the my hat hats don't count you have to physically hit him alright he's up top uh i don't know how to explain anything in this map it's all the same he's by the snow [Music] you're not gonna you just got a fish wait what are you just you don't look like a fish i found fur wait for just went through a moon pipe all right through this moon pike through the speed pipe wait there's first someone chased fur oh he just bought get up i'm pointing like you're gonna see that where'd he go where'd he go where get fur i'm going after nitro where are we going oh wait oh we're chasing fur okay i'm bad oh my god get him uh someone wait outside the moonpipe [Music] no all right nicole's dead were you waiting for cappy to come back oh that was a mistake fur is in chavarria he's going down i'm waiting outside nope he's in all right oh it doesn't do it anymore i got him what i didn't get him he better to escape i don't understand this is the last stitch i've heard do i go do it i'm going do i go i don't know do i go i'm going to keep going after all right just in case he goes back to the entrance crafty's still hiding right yeah i need i need someone to come into the rainbow room i'm in what do you want me to do oh i think it's for surviving that he is okay yeah he's right there oh yes oh got him let's go just crafty he wasn't that sub area with me i wasn't lying but i think he left yeah no i totally left i i left as soon as you gave my spot away i was like a barrier i am in a new sub area if he's in a new sub area then he's got to be here the mind games he's not in the race sub area he's not in a little cooper room did he have enough time to get a blowy joke yeah probably not did he leave he might have been bluffing he might still be in there i checked when i was leaving i'm pretty i'm gonna double check that he actually left there's no shot this works twice right you're not seeing anything i'm gonna do it are we not here then i think they're all messed up oh wait there's a pipe up here i checked it at the very start because no one was in there but he might have enough time to go up there all right this is we have a seven person search party right now are we not finding him there's not really any places to hide it above the clouds right no but it's funny no shot right don't see me don't see me don't see me don't see me how is my heart apart right now i don't understand what the is going on right now did someone check the race rematch i did yeah he wasn't in there not even behind the podium and stuff i can't handle this do i go back do i go back i'm in fire flowers that is one of his favorite rocket flower see if i went back that would have been it for me i'm really surprised you guys haven't found me maybe this spot's too good it was like a panic spot though how good could it be sometimes spots are the best watch spot i left i don't think he's in rocket flowers you know what i'm just coming back in here something's fishy about this something is pretty fishy about this yeah honestly wait that's crafty right there is it not yeah what's up guys oh my gosh i was in the right place i went through there several times yeah i just i just went again yeah that's really good because we have to wait that cycle out yeah that's actually pretty cool there's no way to actually catch up to him you just have to like yeah just go to the start and wait is is anyone doing it so he has to come out yeah the people went through that yeah he's just right here he's just joking i'm just observing this i'm coming here damn it's so funny all right that's it it's over so you guys want to know where my my panic spot was oh of course god damn it that's actually really good we went back in this love area yeah pretty much the entire time i was in the subway i don't think i left like twice i might be winning i'm at 5 16 without you guys aren't you searching right now though alpha and craft yeah yeah okay it's a crafty little boss it is lost oh it's not wooded that's pretty nice that's a short one i think crafty's probably gonna win this but we'll see i need to hide for 12 minutes longer than crafty how do you hide for 12 minutes in lost kingdom you got to realize though i'm not a good seeker this is my second time seeking what do you mean i'm sorry but you're gonna you're still gonna have to carry all right to the odyssey we go guys i think i'm gonna make you come back here now i really hope they don't immediately check some areas this could actually be an insane spot i think everybody who comes through here will have to see this cut scene three you know what i wanted this spot i've covered this all right we're coming all right you and me cj i feel like this is okay it's not a tree in the traditional sense you know what i mean i just got to keep my eyes open i really want to win this but i have to out time crafty and make sure you look for two distinct separate marios oh is that is that so when fur and i were hiding together we didn't say anything because we knew well i didn't say anything until yeah until you ratted my spot out and i was like we had a moment i thought it would be funny of course if it's funny then it's it's fine i agree with that a lot this might work chad so we need this spot to last for 30 minutes i'm just playing with kalepto this whole time i'm probably doing this really wrong i don't know what's happening all right hey oh my god you get a cussing to react to me oh i just got baited masterfully oh did you go in the klepto sub area sure did and i saw negro in here and then he vanished cut scene boys cutscene boys that is so evil that's such a good plan though did you just lean during the cut scene yeah he left during my cutscene honestly i'm feeling okay about this spot and i need to pee sir i'm just gonna hurt that nobody finds me while i'm gone if anybody's in the overworld and you've been hearing deaths that's just been me i mean i i don't think i would just die it was uncharacteristic for me oh my god i just this poison it's like like magnetic okay well we're just gonna pad everyone's stats it's gonna be real fun what's going on over there can we just zoom in on those what are they doing okay well i i died because i knew there was no one in there so you know you know you know yeah i'm in here i'm just resetting this so let's go just don't die that's all i gotta do has it been three minutes yet anybody knows oh yeah yeah yeah not in a sub area yep huh there we go i got cj no i'm just gonna keep talking so you can't hear crafty oh he's over by the klepto area come on keep being distracted by them he went into the wiggler sub area wiggler sub area by the odyssey no i thought you said live on why are you chasing me well that was when i was still a hider oh god fine he has like 50 minutes you're just going to give him a youtube video with that easy hey i'm trying to get named on that channel man you know what i mean oh no the guy with a bunch of subs is going to upload a video with me in it oh no darn he's going to mention that we're all uploading a video on our channel how did i not get you there is anyone in here by the way i am in here obviously the moonpipe i i did go there cj doesn't this just bring back a great memories yeah oh it's great this is more achievable though you have to get your ass over here oh my god i'm just i'm throwing i'm throwing for content i don't think anyone saw me dude we are throwing for content get it correct yeah oh yeah we are that person just disappeared was someone not just right there fur and i are on like a two by two platform how about i'm killing him it's just me and he's just like parkouring around me as i walk around oh no it lagged oh no it lagged oh are you dead fur yeah i'm dead it lagged and you started lagging hey someone want to go to the odyssey real quick well for what reason you know where that key moon is can you go wait man's by the odyssey myself wait i just oh no what i came back smith oh you died did you notice i wasn't here oh i missed my cap joke you were hiding on that island right yeah i was coming to get you and i just warped here and you were standing here i dude i saw her on the island i thought i got her but she like disappeared no you did you get me but she was afk so she didn't notice he's going back towards the odyssey oh okay people are back in the what's up we're back in this sub area this is the last person right where's this stuff all right i'm gonna stay at that it's next to the sub area no all right we got them oh tanner's dead okay oh that's it all right crafty one no no no i thought girl was dead are you boys ever in for a treat let me tell you he's in the klepto area he's probably backing klepto we're gonna have some fun boys i do not see him anywhere yet wait is he's in a lava bubble he's in a lava bubble running around the outside where's the ace is on everybody grab your bubbles apparently oh no don't worry you know what i've done this before i've caught him before no oh did he leave here no he's still in here oh god i don't have my cap back yet i'm just gonna try and run into him check this out check this out where is he right now he's just in a lava bubble running around like a menace oh this is this is this is fun to see i feel like if the gushen had trouble working there's no way this is going to work any better man and look who it is with it again oh yeah oh no oh i got him all right cut me off all right crafty good gg 24-46 i did really well 39-31 oh you're all the way yeah i was trying to beat him that was my goal i mean your goal in general is to be whoever you're up against so what are we doing now another round around another one more roll the wheel roll the wheel
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,459,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tL1vub5XVkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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