Using HACKS To Cheat In Mario Odyssey Hide N' Seek!

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I invited a ton of YouTubers to play hide and seek with me but little do they know I have a ton of different hacks installed that will give me a huge Advantage I hope they don't hate me after this so for this first round I'm a seek out I have to find all the hiders but if you look at this I have a load of cheats to help and out of these cheats omelette enable the X-ray and the teleport so what this x-ray hack does is makes it so I can see everyone else's game attack and just go straight towards that it'll never find me here I'm in snapshot mode in the middle of the balloon oh my gosh I see Arrow's name he's on top of the Odyssey he's on top of the Odyssey I see him I don't know where he's at now oh he can hear us now hold up yeah hello I think I see someone so Aaron just got turned into a red Seeker let's go for smashy next I saw him I'm just gonna walk past the turn I'm gonna walk past smashy attorneys in the 2D area I'm gonna act like I can't seem to scare him oh my God just ran past oh my God I just said it's a heart attack almost attack there's no way out there's no Escape for him hey smashy hi that's such a good hiding spot because I'm uh all right I think we should test out the teleport more decks so I should be able to select someone's name like this you see how it says Mathias and then press a button on my controller to teleport straight above them so I can just snipe him from it voice over me here so Matthias was actually hiding in the sub area so it messed up the teleport and I just died are you kidding me he died he died he fell off at this point there were only two hiders remaining and they were both vibing together on the top of the top hat the only chance that I have is to try and make it over to that rocket I see somebody I'm gonna get you I just got away I got away so I'm gonna hang tight right here [Music] there's no way this works there's no way this works he doesn't know he doesn't know I'm here let's teleport to Dan the Man quickly I'm being so clutched with my mute I'm so sorry for this person I don't know who this is but oh no oh he just got got it's just Gideon I'm the teleport straight to him and get him first he's gonna get this out of nowhere he's gonna see this out of nowhere oh he's on top of the castle oh he just ran off I see him he's way up there he just jumped off of the tallest little pillar he's going towards the castle um going towards the Odyssey towards the Odyssey yet let's go let's go all right round two three two one go all right I've got an idea for where I wanna hide I'm not gonna tell anyone else because obviously they're gonna snitcher me so I've got a spot in mind in this Kingdom that no one else should be able to reach because it requires like God gamer ability but with my fly hack omelette act like I've got that God gamer ability when I actually don't so is anyone else gonna go for it I I don't see oh he might be I don't want to get caught straight away because people would be snitches where are you going manx oh he's going for it no okay that's ruined my plan a bit uh-oh well then I gotta go somewhere else oh nice he found the jump five four three two one ready or not here I come okay he started he started going oh gosh the fly hack is now on I just enabled it okay all right let's go let's go let's go okay I think I did it quick enough where they went over oh my gosh oh my gosh I just flew up I just flew up and they didn't notice well after 30 seconds extra 30 seconds 30 seconds oh okay I'm I'm actually gonna have a heart attack from this is either gonna be my best or my worst game behind the zoo wait wait wait actually the seeker can warp what am I thinking there's a checkpoint right here oh this was actually such a stupid spot because the secret can warped straight to that checkpoint don't give him ideas why hello there no oh I can see the Chase from up here the chase is oh wait wait wait I said no oh you're up high no no no no I'm not no I'm not oh manx is a pie exposed no okay it just hit me because I'm tired of uh running yeah see me I can't tag you you know what I might just bring up the teleport if I'd see anyone go to that checkpoint I'm warping immediately another hack that I have is this size hat wide Mario oh no oh no I'm clipping into the ground I'm clipping into the ground what the heck oh no oh okay okay I'm back I'm back that was stressful I'm just gonna come out and say I think I've won are you sure about that I don't know I don't know I mean I'm feeling pretty good okay so my game plan is if I see somebody coming I can do a little roll vector and go from this platform and I can jump all the way down there it'll be perfect I can see the Seeker let's do a bit of trolling and trick in front of him wait Minx are you on top of the are you at the painting no are Seekers allowed to warp okay is that human time oh no oh no oh no okay no how did I lose you I teleported I said teleport whilst I wasn't muted oh I'm so scared what how the heck he's so confused he said how the heck oh my gosh at this point smashy had been caught we didn't change his costume that's why he's yellow guys there he is I'm gonna try my strap foreign [Music] well now I gave it away oh do you know what I'm gonna set myself an objective I have to make it to the bubble on the map which should be pretty difficult I'm on top of the map I'm on top of the map oh no I'm clipping I'm clipping it I'm clipping it I need to make it to the bubble though that's my goal yeah bubble there that's all I want to do [Music] oh no [Music] there's two people right there oh no I managed to make it away from everyone I they didn't notice me I might hide in this cap store that's a good idea actually I just felt a ramble I'm so scared oh no oh well blend in with the yellow that's smart I cannot believe this is happening or was that Max that was Max I thought that was a Seeker oh no was I a Seeker goodbye Max [Music] no who was that he was in the crazy cap area right oh wait I saw him I saw him and I thought he was a Seeker so I just ran off oh my gosh really yeah yeah I was behind the counter did you not see me but no I can see someone I can see someone jumping about wait who is this guy's yellow I'm being chased I'm being chased all right should I turn on my fly hacks uh I don't know he's in the middle oh my God Lisa's still not on to me but they might be on to me after this next round three two one high all right let's go I'm gonna wait here above the Odyssey because I want to get into the Odyssey as soon as he leaves so I can change my costume because I've changed one of the game files to look like the rock so I can blend in with the Rocks this is gonna be so cool okay let me know if everyone is hiding yeah I'm hiding I think so he'll never find me here actually he probably will as long as I am not found first I'm okay all right you've been right okay hmm there might be someone else behind one of these rocks already and know oh no he's saying exactly what I'm planning to do I'm just gonna get my popcorn here and watch him move around the Kingdom so all right I think he's ran off I think we can make our Escape into the Odyssey let's go let's go I think I made it in a right I don't think anyone saw me all we have to do is go to the cupboard and change our costume all right I changed the Explorer hat and the clown costume I think if we can find it there we go yes we're fully camouflaged oh I love the way this turned out I'm gonna warp out the Odyssey I know warping's banned but I don't care I'm cheating I'm cheating anyway I'm gonna be Rock Mario oh my goodness I blend in so well I just need to find a spot I just need to find a spot otherwise I see somebody running this is such a good spot oh I'm planted in fully I'm Blended and fully wait also what I can do is change my scale I'm gonna make myself half the size you can barely see me I'm a little rock man wait actually if there's no one around I can AI great I see somebody running oh my gosh my game's lagging because there's Rock texture it's too big I'm just making it back to the Odyssey and then I'm just gonna hide behind the rock all right I feel like that's good enough I feel like that's good enough I'll be able to see if anyone comes near oh no I fell off the map great man oh smash you you were right next to me man I'm so you're literally right next to me when you fell off the edge oh my gosh there's someone right there jumping around oh my gosh you can only see his eyes and his gloves oh my gosh oh I see that whilst I'm just vibing as a rock no I tried to activate the cap thing do you know what challenge for a second I'm just gonna oh oh no no no no don't come near me don't come name okay all right who is in the skeleton come here leave me alone stranger danger stranger danger go oh yes oh no oh no they're gonna come towards me oh no oh who's this come here Mannix so Dan was a giant Bozo and didn't download the mod pack I sent him so he didn't see my camouflage but that didn't mean that other people didn't see it later wait what who are you thanks you have uh also like fire something else on all right I think everyone will like this but I've got a very very special one for this okay I want to warp and then I want to change my costume my game is being very Boogie because of these hugs I need to change quick because it kills me as soon as I change my costume switch to Mario 64 Mario so I've replaced some Mario 64 Mario on something very very cool I can't wait for this this is gonna get everyone searching for hours is transform me into a scarecrow so they won't be able to see me look how convincing that looks it looks like those scarecrows just from the game which you put your cap on so I think I'm gonna go into this sub area it's probably best if I go in a silver area because I don't know where people have the subarius memorized wait this is actually good because it takes away Cappy from me let's see if I can do parkour okay I did parkour I don't have Cappy or anything I think this looks pretty convincing you know oh my gosh this is actually so convincing they're never gonna find me they're never gonna find me overall I feel pretty confident okay but we have two Seekers this time it's gonna be perfect are you guys there already I am ready all right I'm ready whenever three two one go let's go you guys are known more all right I'm going up I'm going up uh we can warp right I I don't care I'm just gonna work oh yeah you're gonna work that's a secure okay and so I'm gonna do something that just died who died who died who happened that Aristotle guy oh hello there who is this dude here I didn't die did you already find someone hello there hello smashy oh smashy dead smashy caught this is the big Grand Finale so that's definitely gonna know I'm cheating after this after they catch me in this I see the Seeker I see the Seeker right over here uh-oh uh oh I see them oh I see him oh no he's coming across oh no he's coming across run was that who was that where is he where is he um going towards the honesty towards honestly towards Odyssey I Got A View From The High Ground he's not gonna get away from you no all right oh he's going he's going back towards uh towards the bridge towards the bridge [Music] I really hope I win this I see The Seekers they're in Lost Kingdom I'm in a Subaru by the way I'm amazed nobody hidden here there's so many good spots that nobody hidden I'd probably think it would be here because this is like the perfect place for a scarecrow somebody gotta be up in here right yes oh I found someone oh they're they're uh oh they're making their way towards the Odyssey towards the Odyssey let me snipe them from Sarah's that's uh no no I died it's only manx oh is it oh no oh okay let's keep in mind Minx is in a sub area I don't even know where strawberries are oh I think I know where one of them is I'm actually so scared it's everyone against me I maybe could potentially lose friends if they see me cheating I don't want to lose friends I want to keep friends he's being very sneaky I I know it I think I might know where he is I don't know [Music] hmm [Music] he's singing so he's he's definitely being sneaky I do have a bit of an idea wait how not quite not quite hold on I don't want to give it out I'll give you a hint the area I'm in is very warm thank you very much I have just entered your sub area all right so there indeed is it is called the klepto sub area oh my gosh she's in he's in oh my God they're all in the ruling and this is me where's the players to get there um oh no Clapton just took my hat yeah uh it's halfway up halfway up as you go up okay they're both getting their hat stolen off them in a gray Moon pipe uh he might just be playing us though you know I don't know uh for for the content [Music] he is he is in here yes yes I'm gonna cover the accident he's he's like a scarecrow he's a scarecrow what happened here he does oh my gosh this is so funny oh I I died literally a scarecrow do you want me to explain what I was doing the whole time yeah I've been cheating the whole time and you guys didn't notice you got got you've been doing what are you a prop I'm a prop how wait how is this possible what are you doing how does that even work I've replaced the Mario 64 body with the Scarecrow how's that even possible like it transfers over to other switches magic anyway you might also enjoy Mario Odyssey but there's new custom power-ups click on screen to watch it now
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 2,665,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, hide and seek, hide n seek, cheating, hacking, hacks, mods, mod, mario hide seek, mario odyssey hide and seek, super mario odyssey, super mario, mario odyssey, Mario, challenges, super mario odyssey 2, super mario bros, funny mario videos, funny, mario mod, modded, mario odyssey mod, mario odyssey challenge, manx, manx ninja pig, custom, super mario 3d world, modded mario, new mario, super mario challenge, mario modded, funny mario, prank, online smo, online multiplayer, moreo
Id: PYdiHX-ar6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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