Mario Odyssey but if I take damage, I add more mods

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today I'm going to be playing through Super Mario Odyssey but every time I take damage a new mod gets added into the game this is probably one of the stupidest and most difficult challenges I have ever done so subscribe if you want to see more and enjoy the video alright here we go Super Mario Odyssey but if I take damage I install more mods I think just to make things a little spicy I'm just gonna start off we're gonna take some damage immediately I feel like it's a little bit more fun if I start with one mod and its tanks are now spawning well then okay there's like 25 mods I can randomly get that is probably the single worst one I could have gotten all right let's just oh that was close okay all right let me have a good topper fight for once please I deserve what no I don't I don't want ice physics no okay whatever whatever whatever yeah we're starting out great fantastic by fantastic I mean this sucks I mean I don't really know what else to say it just sucks ice physics are hard enough all right Madame brutal time that was close I I blame the ice physics for that one I tried to do speeder on stretch but I'm like slipping around it's hard but we got it no I got the book wait wait wait wait no no no no no no no no no how wait can I warp I well I'm two times faster now no I can't warp do I just have to die no this isn't fair all right all right whatever whatever I'll take I'll take it all right now we get random gravity oh Kaizo blocks can now spawn all right I just need a not soft block to fight this time this is already getting really bad really quickly there we go okay we did it we beat the fight we already have five mods on which I am just terrified about that oh the gravity was changed for a moment there okay that's that's fine that's normal but we we beat the fight at least we beat the fight I'm starting to like regret the ego of taking one damage right at the beginning of the Run okay I mean really we've got speed boost so I can make this quick we just gotta be careful not to run into the tanks all right go Mario Go that's the gravity I I thought that was like a cat bounce I was so confused oh my gosh I can't I just need this one Moon all right all right all right just get out of the way block please we're almost there that was so much work just for one simple Moon I hate it oh there goes my gravity uh no no no no please don't put me over the pit please don't random teleporting that's something all right hey maybe maybe it'll help out I don't know all right into me give me this wait no what am I doing I can just capture a tank all right that's so much easier I don't need the Bullet Bill grab this uh we're getting warped okay oh that scared me I thought I was I thought it warped me above a pit all right I guess we're doing this sub area I thought I was gonna die that was terrifying and then we want to get up here I'm trying to I'm trying to be careful because like gravity can change at any moment yeah like that and I don't want to die when it does oh that was close um you went right in front of me okay Goombas are spawning now that is fantastic [Music] in front of me come on now we have the freaking killer heart oh and of course it warps me right before I ground pound oh god there it is there's the heart gosh I didn't think 2x speed and enemy spawning would be such like a bad combo plus ice too like this is rough no it keeps happening and now we have a darker side all right just play it play it safe wait wait warp oh I did I just came to a realization I think there's only one way I get out of here and it is a random warp to near the end of the level I think we just wait a moment we just sort of play it slow I don't want to take any random damage to something stupid like that oh my God this is what I mean I'm gonna die and take more damage I have to get a warp all right where am I where am I is this I this isn't helpful this might be the like safest thing I can do we just like ledge grab somewhere where tanks hopefully can't no there's the heart I didn't didn't see it please don't be bad one hell uh this is bad come on it warped me up here again all right here you know what maybe we do just play the level you're kidding me and now there's the No Air Mod all right um I think we just have to play the level and then maybe like wait wait wait wait come on we're right at the end now we're at the Ed worthy of North End don't warp me don't warp me don't warp me see I I told you we just needed to warp to the end of the level come on come on come on yes oh my God I'm free we're out all right I just need one more Moon There's a Moon there's a moon like right here and then we can leave sand Kingdom and I I already have like 12 mods installed this is horrible [Music] what well I may have gotten scammed but we do have infinite cat bounces so I'm not gonna complain wait I'm wide two when did I get that oh my gosh uh just throw the rock where am I going up here okay uh where are moons that I can get dude I'm just it's it's scary to try anything let's just get the story Moon you're kidding me okay okay back quick quick quick quick this this will work this will work if I grab the checkpoint right uh the checkpoint doesn't refill air no more HUD all right I have no idea how many moons I need to get fantastic I just have to rely on memory look at Mario what the heck you're kidding all right centering the camera kills you okay that's not that's not horrible I didn't see it it was in the wall no we have another just death timer on now oh no you're kidding me all right I have 273 seconds and then I will die unless I get more coins I think we have to try and do Deep Woods so we're gonna go down there wait we don't even need to get the dinosaur I just need a tank all right no don't warp me I was right about the ground pound on that all right I guess we'll get this moon real quick and there goes the gravity can I no that doesn't work and I'm dead sometimes there's weird interactions like that okay sometimes it works at least for randomly Invincible now so that's a plus were Invincible I guess centered the camera kills you I forgot monks okay uh gravity's weird again all right all right all right that actually worked out because there's a moon up here we can get all right I need a tank I need a tank thank you oh my God I just got up there I can I can stall it by going in the tank wait I have invincibility maybe that maybe I can't take damage please I need a tank where's the tank where's the tank come on come on come on come on come on I'm Invincible too let's go this is our chance this is where we come back this is our comeback moment chat no you're kidding me random fun all right well now we randomly travel back in time so there's that are going into the fight with invincibility we're Invincible it didn't do any damage all right grab the heart wait what I was invincible did it what I got scammed all right Mario is now tall this is so cruel now we can't warp man it's all falling apart and I took damage again you can now play as Luigi hey we're Luigi now oh my gosh look at how high I jump maybe this is what you're kidding me top random bugging me into to die Moon requirements increase well heck you too all right we're getting sent back in time that's okay I'm getting warped oh my gosh the gravity saved me from the Goomba that's insane all right one more hit that's all I need all right we we healed no no it rewinded me into the heart oh my God we're only in Cloud Kingdom and it's already out of mods I think we need to do an attempt too I don't think we're finishing the game like this all right we're running it back attempt two all right let's try this again that one got way too out of hand way too quickly but hey this this is the run you know I'm a man of Honor I'll start with one damage again it's the same thing you're kidding me I figured it would at least be something different oh my God you have time to have like doing this top or fight like so safely get me out of here I'm just like I'm trying to be so careful this time I don't want to like have the mods spiral out of control super quickly again all right just be careful play it safe don't take damage on the Madame brutal fight or don't soft lock the game again there we go okay we're doing much better on this attempt just gotta play it safe don't let things get too out of hand and it'll all be fine this is so much more calm than what we were dealing with in Cloud not long ago for like a second and then it's just like oh you're in darker side honestly it is good that I'm in darker side because I only have one mod right now this is gonna be easy it definitely is scary though like this area is basically designed to hurt you so if I am not careful I will take more damage just gotta remember it could be worse keep going you can do it thank you well that hurts okay well we have to get more moons now that's honestly kind of just annoying now we just gotta do our long flight it's funny this version of darker side just expects you to do the skip there's like literally nothing there to my right the only way you can finish it is by doing the skip okay we have made it out of a darker side and we need 21 moons now oh my God all right I guess we're gonna have to do a lot of moons we normally wouldn't like sheep while tanks are firing at us grab you tank didn't spawn on a palm tree this time that is fantastic oh that was they teamed up on me there that was not fair gosh and the random warping is so annoying too like I feel like the effects I have so far aren't necessarily gonna make me take more damage more so just really slow down my run okay done with sand Kingdom oh my gosh back to link Kingdom I feel like this is gonna be a lot easier this time that would where am I where am I I don't want to move I don't want to touch the controller what is going on what what killed me wait how did I just get time travel one hell I'm leaving this area I'm leaving this area should have warped man oh well too late for that now tomorrow there's time travel at least this one's like not that annoying no I was like right there what is it doing what the heck I don't know if the fish is okay just let me get this like one last Moon game please it's right there oh man on to wooded I am already just exhausted but we just gotta stay strong all right there's no way wooded will be like that bad right 21 moons my God all right we just got warps during time travel is that gonna warp me back yeah you know I'm I'm okay with that one it just put me right back where I wanted to be I have no poems um I don't really have any good warps I think I just have to kind of hope the game teleports me where I want to be no it did not do that at all I mean I guess we could just do Deep Woods mere dinosaur [Music] it's gonna be that what just happened you know I'm not gonna worry about it go run run quick quick quick quick quick what the heck do I do now the dinosaur's right there I don't know if he's gonna leave okay I mean I wasn't paying enough attention that's not bad though Run's really starting to look up gotta say there we go all right get me out of here okay we are finally back in Cloud Kingdom attempt two and we have a lot less mods this run is looking a lot better than the last one this is gonna be so much easier oh I gotta be quick all right there we go I'm pretty sure the time travel can delete the Bowser hat which makes the fight unfinishable so I gotta be very careful whenever time travel appears all right I got warped where am I oh I'm right next to Bowser okay we're Invincible though Perfect all right this is great come on and there we go we beat Bowser gosh that was so much easier dude exactly like the Mario movie that's crazy spoilers is it though is saying they beat Bowser in the Mario movie spoilers if it's spoilers to you then that might be more of a you problem than to be a problem all right I need to get Club oh there was a tank back there that sucks all right we've randomly turned 2D that one could be problematic because if I'm like trying to cap bounce and then I randomly turned 2D I might just die let's get this Moon all right get that what the anti-air tank you're kidding me how did he do that maybe if I'm lucky I'll just get time travel back and not have to do any crazy jumps um I don't know how I feel about time traveling anymore um okay that was scary it took a lot longer to activate than I thought it would I forgot the 2D mod breaks 2D sections no no now we have Kaizo blocks oh that's I'm so stupid and now I've lost Cappy too oh what am I supposed to do Mario's stuck in an island warp how am I supposed to warp I don't have Cappy they at least were 2D on the island all right I know we're Invincible but invincibility does not mean we can walk on poison it doesn't mean I can run into this guy and not die though or take any damage that's cool wait wait wait the time travel things here here I gotta make this path long enough so I don't get sent back that was that was close imagine I got trolled and just sent right back all right let's get them okay this might be a bit of a controversial decision but trust me it'll be fine okay see what did I say easy Kingdom all right we made it into Metro Knight I am terrified about the moon counts 25. okay well this is gonna suck so let's just try our best ow I don't think this will be too bad uh I'm mainly just worried about warping like that because that's obnoxious as heck wait can I not oh no uh how do I get back in over here quick quick there we go yeah I'm mainly worried about warping in the other tanks hey we're Invincible I don't know if that breaks because we're to capture so I don't want to take any risks and there I go but we're gonna time travel back oh my God that was close please oh my gosh that bullet was closed all right quick quick quick quick quick before I like War for something stupid yes okay we got it oh okay we're making progress all right there's so many moons we can get here the fact that we need 25 though still kind of sucks Mario's gonna cause some major accidents in this Kingdom by warping in front of a car okay take a moment to sit down there's a lot going on oh God there's like tanks in here get away get away get away get away maybe this was not a good moon to go for but I mean I only have so many options oh God get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here I didn't mean that literally might get like carried away because of that so who knows if it's actually a good thing and we're going somewhere new I mean I could try jump rope no that that's that's not gonna work and we are 2D again okay at least the 2D doesn't last for long but it definitely is the sort of thing where it's like oh if that happens when I'm over a ledge I just die hey wait where's this gonna take me because I this was before um okay that's fine all right still need six more moons oh my God the what what the people can get scared of the like the tanks and now they're like grouped together look at that I didn't know that could happen all right we need two more moons where can I get two more moons uh I mean I guess this is where the game wants me to go yo look at Mario's what the heck look at that that's not normal what is going on oh no wait wait wait wait I didn't think this through oh no oh no oh no the time travel is about to kill me maybe just maybe oh no oh no gravity now changes randomly I'm getting a different Moon all right there we go we have collected every moon in the Kingdom oh my God all right is 10 moons normal maybe it is there's not many moons available in this Kingdom all right I wanted to go down there but I guess not now the gravity swapped fun we're about to get time traveled again gosh this is getting chaotic really quickly a lot of the mods we have are the very chaotic ones oh well I guess I'm not going down there again I'm just gonna get as many moons as we can as I whoa I actually made it over that Kaiser block I'm surprised it didn't Bonk me all right uh oh I guess we're fighting Rango okay uh interesting warp this is actually really bad um this is not an easy fight I am Invincible right now though but that's not gonna last for a long okay come on no okay I guess we're not getting that hit all right one more hit one more hit come on just just go for the speedrun Trap no I was so close I panicked because of the bullet oh we can now play as Luigi here let me let me get changed [Applause] s Duty jumps so high look at him go yippee Wahoo yippee oh okay okay okay okay we'll be fine we'll be fine we'll be fine all right we're good um where to now oh I guess back here wait okay okay we're good we're good uh where are we going oh back to Rango oh my God this game hates me but I'm Luigi now it's gonna be easier huh oh and of course we get the killer heart and I gotta remember the invincibility does not protect me from it oh no uh a heart please no it's starting to spiral it's starting to spiral random box too oh this is bad uh okay uh I'm on the ceiling I didn't know this had a ceiling oh God there's the heart [Music] and we're back in here not what I wanted maybe the time travel will take me back into the room okay yes all right we're back we're back yes we got the moon let's go all right now all we need to do is snow dram I think this won't be that bad we're we are a Luigi now this is literally a tank right there we're warping okay uh maybe snow dram wasn't a good idea or even am I oh God there's the heart all right we're gonna get a different room we're getting a different moon this was a bad idea from ow ow again do not accidentally trigger that fight okay grab the moon warp to the Odyssey and leave Seaside time gosh I just realized 15 moons in Seaside Kingdom feels like so many probably because it is a lot for Seaside man I wish Mario Odyssey had a Luigi mode that would have been so cool I liked it how Galaxy had that you could just go like oh I'm Luigi yippee oh I forgot the random Bonk mod was even on and we're warping uh no I don't want to do the boss we're just gonna out I hate the random Bonk mod and now we're flying to the sky never mind we're not anymore so much can happen in such a short period of time it is ridiculous I cannot like comprehend all the things going on it's just too much all right we're probably gonna I guess time travel back yeah oh no you know I'm not sure what happened there was intentional but it is what happened and now everything's upside down and now I'm falling because I'm 2D which actually works out because now I'm at the Sphinx all right go go go go go go go go go and we're warping again um okay um I guess we're going this way now and never mind we're back where we were before it's definitely four more moons in this Kingdom it's just like hard to reach them when I'm warping all the time quick maybe I can uh reach the chest never mind the game clearly does oh uh you're kidding me that was targeted harassment Goombas are now spawning fantastic all right were we warping this time oh this is right by the shop just let me have normal gravity thank you no no no no the random Mario is now wide okay okay don't teleport me don't teleport me don't teleport me don't teleport me please no if you wart me do it before the time travel gosh dang it finally this Kingdom took way longer than it should have and I'm not even done yet I'm like nowhere near done okay just deep breaths keep it going that's all we gotta do okay don't Bonk okay good I was so afraid doing that dive that was the scariest thing ever I'm trying so hard to avoid bongs oh you you're kidding me you warped me on a spot that immediately killed me okay we have infinite Cappy jumps but that only helps so much when we randomly Bonk every time we dive so I just gotta use it with caution because it's not inherently bad but it's not like the best thing that's ever happened to me you know oh my God I'm spamming I'm spamming Captain [Music] come on tall Mario this is what I needed all right we're invincible so that didn't that didn't do damage I didn't do damage this is good uh what is happening what is happening we're still Invincible we're still Invincible it's fine it's fine it's fine when does gravity go back though uh I think it broke I need I need gravity to fix itself the game thinks this is normal gravity when it is very clearly not um we 2D warped what is happening um Luigi are you okay Luigi I think he's dead look at him go oh well now he's dead okay well heck no all right we have 70 seconds to live just I gotta run I gotta hurry and we're morph again wait it's not here excuse me oh no we're in the soup where what is happening no wait wait wait wait wait I can warp I can more if I can warp so much is happening so quickly right now and now we're flying which is bad we just gotta go for it we just gotta go for it and we're warping again and we're getting bubbled back again there is a plus side to all of this we do get 200 coins when we die and I guess we're faster now so all right we're Invincible take advantage of that take advantage of that it's fine it's fine it's fine oh my gosh it is so hard to jump on this is Luigi all right I don't think our invincibility has much left so I need to start being careful again yes yes okay okay okay okay okay we beat spewer I just need to grab the moon as quickly as I possibly can go go go yes all right all right all right all right all right we're still in this we're still in this does anyone know how many mods I have too many I mean you're not wrong 2D is fine 2D's fine all right we're losing coins still which is not fine why is there a Kaizo block blocking the moon maybe I can still grab it yeah okay all right where are coins in this Kingdom I don't know if there are any anywhere which is a huge problem there's like nowhere to get coins here we can grab this for five extra seconds and this is a few extra seconds as well just I need to take anything I can get all right there are coins down there we need those coins oh no oh no oh wait I was invincible we're fine oh my gosh though I'm about to die anyways it doesn't really matter I have like 20 seconds to live we just need to get as much done as we can in those 20 seconds come on I've got like three seconds quick oh my gosh oh my gosh no I fell oh okay Moon magnet oh this is this is good I'm gonna grab the story Moon here first because story moons aren't magnetized but now we're gonna get all these other moons just coming straight to us oh this is great this is so good trigger this and the moon's just gonna magnetize to us one oh wait does this one not oh there it is it just took it a moment oh yeah the oh this is perfect the gray moons are money too oh this is so good uh try not to die try not to die try not to die all right well we just got a moon that was really far away okay that works oh we're so close all right just wait for the moon it's coming right towards us I just need a not die oh my God get me out of here please get me out yes we're done with the kingdom all right we need a we need to get the coins we need to get the coins [Music] oh I don't even know if this is enough it's only like a hundred um well I guess we got warped to the fight all right I have no idea of a hundred coins is a enough for this so presumably we just gotta play it like perfectly oh God the gravity oh my gosh that was so close go go oh no not the heart yes all right that's one hit we're warping that's okay all right that's two hits come on please oh no no no no no don't kill me no oh I got screwed by time travel that was gonna be it at least we only lost our Hood like at this point that does not matter come on it's a really annoying warp where am I all right we're getting warps oh geez oh my God no I got time travel oh now I have another timer to worry about of course we do [Music] all right now that's just cruel all right maybe I can stall in the air so I don't die Oh wait we're gravitying up maybe and then we warp and we're there easy no okay okay we're alive we're alive I was so close while centering the camera kills me now all right up we go staying in the air like this honestly isn't too bad like we'll bong potentially but we'll have time to bounce again before we hit the ground so it doesn't really matter that's just cruel oh well that works I guess okay just one more oh no no no no no no or we're teleporting well that's happening A lot's happening oh that was close we're Invincible that we're Invincible we're Invincible all right all right all right okay we're teleporting this is a fine spot to teleport to come on come on yes all right please let me have this okay all right we got it that was insane it is time for Bowser's Kingdom oh God all right this is already off to a great start let's keep it going just don't stop you just need to try and get as far as we possibly can as quick as we possibly can uh we're warping this is bad we need to do the objectives in this Kingdom in order yeah we need to grab those moons that are randomly flying around we can get coins from them and I think it'll also help with our air as well so we need to just let as many of these moons hit us as possible and then we can warp and they'll start flying to us and give us a ton of coins oh my gosh there's so many of them he's gotta keep moving oh my gosh more moons oh my gosh we just got so many coins all right this is gonna be an annoying fight especially when the heart gets here oh I see it in the background I don't even know what killed me but we're just gonna have to take it no more warping okay get it all right this is one hit the hearts here that's obnoxious don't worry we're Invincible we're Invincible nice oh I got the speedrun Strat somehow that's crazy but I'm getting messed around with with um these mods this is obnoxious the heart is nowhere to be seen which is really nice right about now and yes no oh we have invisibility still oh my gosh the invincibility saved me I bonked right into that tank oh geez we are fine and topper with invincibility I don't think this will be that bad as long as we've eaten topper fast like I am I am in the clear see like he can't hit me as long as I still have this come on yes okay okay okay okay this is great I have no idea where the murder heart went but I'm not complaining oh for getting so close we're just almost there that's an annoying warp where am I all right we have to just try and keep making our way up uh I mean that's one way I guess no these random bongs suck right now I'm getting really unlucky with them all right War me to Bowser and warped me to my death okay well that actually works and we're officially out of mods to add okay I think the game is still possible though we have every single mod on but I think we can still beat it I hope all right I want to use the capture here because it'll make this a lot easier oh a tank hit me wait I can use the tanks I forgot and the game crashed it crashed last time but it should it should work I guess not okay so we clearly can't capture the tanks but they can definitely still destroy the mech so I think this is the strategy all right now we want to try and oh we're getting teleported and we're back for some reason okay I have no idea what is going on right now all right we got two hits we can also fly around which is really good I feel like we're in general safer in the air than oh no no no no no no no no oh my God what just happened okay climb up climb up no no no no no no no no no no I'm getting warped all right let me in I'm about to die please let me in and of course it brings me back into the heart that is obnoxious all right here we go again and I'm dead I'm just gonna wait until um oh of course it goes right into the heart and we go again they knocked it down all right all right all right I just need to make it back in time come on time travel bring me back bring me back bring me back come on what's going on what's going on what is happening what go go go go go quick quick where is it what huh what what well I guess I lost that one all right uh we we go again that is a annoying bong no it's gone again it's down there wait did it come back up I saw it like shoot up for a moment it's like in the block now I guess we go again all right I'm coming back in the Hat was closed oh my gosh I'm getting so many unlucky bongs oh my God all right they're falling this is good you're being so cruel every time I'm right about to get a hit you teleport me away oh now you're just adding insult to injury don't fall off neck okay one more hit we're basically there we're good on air we have invincibility or no the heart I didn't see it it was below the mech oh that was it ah that is so cruel oh now I'm too deep and now I'm getting scammed oh God I'm Geezer Jesus don't run me into the hearts thank you I need air I need air I need air I need her all right we're good all right one more hit one more hit we have invincibility right now all right come on yes finally oh my God and to think the Run isn't even over yet I still have to do the Bowser fight oh God all right we finally made it to Moon Kingdom oh and we're already getting moons all right here we go or maybe we just don't yeah normal jumps go pretty far on their own Luigi's got some crazy jumps all right we're right under the wall now I just need a cat bounce my way up stop bonking I'm normally not this unlucky with these [Applause] okay this works what did I Bonk on give me in there give me an all right all right we've finally made it in it is time to do what will probably be in a very annoying boss fight but it is the last thing I need to do in the run this is probably gonna suck no I missed come on quick quick quick quick nice I need to be fast because I'm pretty sure gosh dang it that sucks I need to be fast because I'm pretty sure if time travel activates when I have the Hat on I Just Lose It there we go first hit no the tanks are being so annoying all right back in we go all right well we're going up all right I'm coming back down for you Bowser oh I I jumped on his head come on oh we have invincibility that's good see that's really helpful oh we're teleporting just Spam I can't get hurt right now no you had to do gravity at the worst possible time and Cappy did something weird there I don't even know what happened and then again we go go go go go go I got Kaizo blocked okay uh this is a fine time to get gravity changed it's not really much I could even do here to begin with all right there we go that's two all right please give me invincibility please give me invincibility I need it I need it I need it okay we're warping oh it gave me it right at the no that was the uh Bowser fight's been like 15 minutes I don't think it'll take like over 30. off to a good start one hit one hit and I got Kaiser Vlog and we're warping does that make me lose my hat yes it does and here we go again I'm gonna get it all right let's keep going all right here's the new plan we don't do anything until we warp and now we can grab the Hat did I hit that Goomba we got the warp okay what the heck you can't just put me under the ground like that this is fine uh-huh all right we have events no you're kidding me wait wait the Bonk the Bonk maybe no all right we're on phase three again we have to wait for Gravity because it hasn't happened in a while all right we're waiting on Warp all right there's warp all right we are good on our cooldowns uh of course the game screws me with a random Bonk there we still have invin though so there's a chance depends on how much longer it lasts there we go okay finally oh my God right before a gravity trigger too that could have sucked all right we got Bowser basically nothing can affect us from this point we're probably gonna die to coins but we'll just respawn at the beginning of Escape so it won't really matter oh that took way too long yeah there's the coin death did you see Luigi there he was just like doing a default pose what was that we're Invincible let's go all right 2DS uh I think the gravity flips and it inverted my controllers okay then uh I guess we're not going through 2DS do it the the normal way in case I suddenly start running backwards we're almost there we are in the final room after nearly five hours and this isn't even my first attempt this is the second attempt at a run we're nearly there oh my gosh I almost took damage there okay finally oh my god oh Super Mario Odyssey but if I take damage I install more mods in 4 hours 57 minutes and 39 seconds I am finally done oh my God that was so freaking hard I literally met capped out in the mods like two hours ago what the actual heck uh if you're watching on YouTube subscribe bye bye
Channel: Fir
Views: 442,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, mario, nintendo, fir, fir_, simplyfir, if I take damage, install mods, too many mods, random mods, every 5 minutes, challenge run, speedrun, world record, mario speedrun, mario challenge, is it possible
Id: 1i7ab-Kgi-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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