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i played hide and seek tag with three other mario pros there's four rounds and the person who's able to hide the longest wins here we go man this is such a big area where to go uh tell us when to go crafty all right three two one your 60 seconds have begun all right boss we're moving we're going i'm gonna relax with mario there's gotta be some really good places around here okay okay okay i think it's a good sub area 60 seconds is up i didn't even know this existed okay okay let's hope that they don't either okay nobody told me i couldn't be in a tree you're just gonna check all the girders if you guys can't see him he's in the top right corner he's a very smart spec but i do see him okay oh god oh god oh god what did you almost just die he almost got me the girder okay wait what no really you're lying but that doesn't mean that he's nearby go away go away yeah don't stop coming back here thank you for telling me that you can see me it's really really helpful being able to narrow things down a bit unless you're like at the very top and you could just see me like like one pixel of me it's like only when i'm on the girder you can see me there's so many forks up here okay just need to get a a nice little aerial view i don't know why i don't use uh checkpoints more but it's also like if you take the time to look there it might be rewarding on your way there that's the place where you would normally yeah that's true when we were in cascade i from inside the odyssey i just warped to the top where i thought someone would be but no one was okay what's your timer uh i'm at 7 50 right now this is such a hard kingdom i'm upset that i got it i don't understand i was gonna say that we could say which like quadrant we're in top right top left bottom left bottom right i don't know if you guys want to do that up left right i'm in top left okay yeah i just died oh i'm in top right i was trying to do a really hard trick jump in in an area and never made it you sound so sad yeah okay where was where was poo did you see poo i did not see poo but i imagine he was on the tower because i was on the tip of the tower as you there i rolled off did you say you were in a sub area cj i'm in a suburb i am not in a sub area i think this is the only sub area in the top right corner there's only one sub area cj could be in the top right and that's in the dark area oh he's in he's in the dark area dark area arc area yeah he's in the dark area uh which is warped to uh teleport teleport teleport all right i'm climbing up i'm glad we have to get him where is he that's right cj do it that's right um what are you doing you're so dumb wait you can roll through it are you at the entrance oh this one yeah yeah stay at the entrance save the entrance he's in here where you guys at [Music] god i gotta see i spot once i said tough right i realized oh this is the only sub area okay now poo where is poop crafty did come within like a few feet of me and i held strong okay what about what about verticality are you very high up are you oh i would say i'm low you would say you're low but i would say i'm low if i wanted to lie no i don't want to lie you have to lie in order to win uh yes because i am a cheater and very i freaking knew it what a guy uh inside the tree by the rocket platform oh this is the first thing i jumped over there and immediately just grabbed the tree because i thought he was yeah he grabbed the tree i didn't even see him coming oh okay what's everyone's timer's at 9 48 15 49. i'm at 12 40. okay okay you didn't get too much of an advantage there cj oh man if i didn't give away my quadrant before we before we leave metro do you want to recreate the the the picture yeah let's go on to the next kingdom in person the wheel is spinning cj is searching i think it's like it's like that's what i'm talking about all right i'm gonna start my timer go okay okay okay chad i mean thinking that is that the i don't think anybody really checks crazy cab stores y'all just do that dude i have no idea where to go in this kingdom this is fun though perfect five four three two here i come where are you guys why do i keep choosing a uh a location that uh doesn't have an exit plan oh this is a tough kingdom yeah sub areas are really good in this i actually feel somewhat confident about my spot you got a good spot i don't know i don't want to say it's good it's either it's either like all my spots either the greatest spot or it's the worst spot ever i mean they're gonna be last and first one i hope samantha can go into two-player and get like the hardest trick jump in the game you know it would be unfortunate i went through a zipper that can like remove a door kind of and i just started running against the door in case anyone was inside of it it was like i got you here all right so no one's in the 2d section because i would have heard it i have an idea but i need to move to get there it's going to be super risky but i'm going to do it it has been two minutes hard there's like so much place to look and it's so slow going around yeah that's the hard part it's so slow i always get so scared that i'm just like walking past someone dude it's gonna be a while before he comes back i'm clipped out of bounds right very easy this was the spot and i managed to escape i could hear him swimming i made it out without him seeing me i think there's a lot of places that i keep looking but then i'm like no they would drown if they were in there he doesn't know he doesn't know wait could i have just stayed there and he wouldn't have checked it because i would have i could have just stayed there at the chest he thinks we i would have drowned the one thing that's bad about this is that i can't see anything i feel like an idiot i feel like you guys can see me yeah oh someone's in 2d nope where the hell hmm all right for next uh smo hide and seek i'm going to replace one of the kingdoms with a random guy from across the way the bush unloaded when i was on the other side of the map oh my god okay i got i got one and i got him yeah and i got the one person who was beating me before this round no idea where sman is i did not see him at all i'm in the top half i'm in the top half as well fine oh wait maybe we should i'm left or right but it's too late now so you'd be in like the b area like if we're going right yeah i didn't realize how like horizontal this map is i absolutely looks like left or right yeah left to right like at this point it's too late because then it would be way too specific okay i don't think he's in the zipper you think they're in the you think they're in i'm checking in the cap's room wait is that not you back there how am i not touching you i think there might be something wrong with the puppet okay just get out here then yeah you got god okay yeah there's something like when the camera moves or something yeah i've got no idea where he's at i am still in the top half off half of the map huh you know what 11 minutes and 30 seconds in that area that was okay that was all right that was pretty good that was 11 and a half minutes nobody checks to nobody checks those areas can you guys wait up top from the captain toad thing do you think there's a chance that he went down there even though it says like wow this is really deep wherever i know i'm just checking just i don't think you can get down there can you yeah i just made it and crafty did it last week i'm currently in the zippers up area i checked there i didn't see him but that he's not in a sub area though i did move into a sub area oh a while back with the map crafty come over here okay wait done okay um i'm in the zipper sub area yeah you could just clear that out he's in the zipper sub area on the zipper right now oh no wait you stayed on a zipper um i think i got a problem here i think it might be impossible for me to get to him at this very moment or something yeah i think i need to leave and then come back oh i see okay yeah you see what i'm seeing it's okay i've got the i've got the exit uh down for sure okay he's kind of cornered himself i'm gonna go after him all right i got i'm right here oh come on no no you weren't supposed to engage i'm inside of him please yes yes okay i can't believe you were just hiding on top of the zipper grand poo bear went around me because i just captured the one that was inside yeah i didn't realize that was gonna happen yeah get out for some reason i thought he was gonna fall you know what i mean all right what's what's everyone's times at just for an update 23.55 i got 20 43. 11 33 all right crafty roll that let's see what's gonna be samantha pooh oh i think it's spent okay small kingdom kingdom okay is everyone ready to go and hide yes yeah all right i'm ready go arm shake all right we gotta find him quick okay i think i'm gonna go into the inverted pyramid maybe stop following me who is the highest timer right now i gotta i gotta just just you know and then poop no yeah poo okay so i gotta find poo first gotcha and then who's searching next round yeah okay so yeah i'm beating crafty i think it'd be good to find cj first then yeah that's messed up yeah i'll find cj first i think that's the play yeah they better run chad i don't think this is it i don't think this is good maybe i should stay up here wait can't you stand on these down here your time is dwindling and wait do anything i say zero i'm coming to get you you're mine kid kinda scared to try it but i have my backup of i could send the ip skills is so big i was trying to see if i could get to the ip skip lunch oh i think you're dead yeah i'm pretty sure you're dead oh oh that's a good spot well now he didn't understand that i'm totally right yeah he's already crafty's done yeah he's gonna have to go around there all right there we go all right crafty where did they go good question you didn't see anybody who and i saw were the others what but crafty didn't see where we went inverted pyramid i think so maybe check check inside and read a pyramid glad i found someone fast but that's not what i yeah that was the last person i wasn't gonna win anyways pj's gotta be found quick so i remember cj we were talking uh remember when i i needed to get a thumbnail for you and you were talking about how there is a good hiding spot in the sand kingdom yeah i'm gonna go check that spot now oh my god there's someone in the in the inverted pyramid oh there's someone leaving the inverted pyramid uh to go to the top of it i don't have a checkpoint for the top there isn't one there isn't one i was just waiting on the pipe damn where did he go i i think i no i think i saw him go to the jackson ruins you didn't jump off i did i did jump off i saw him go to jackson ruins man he's this way he's this way he's this way crafty follow me which way where is he it's around here did he go in he's on the top he's on the top of the runes here i see him crouching he's taking the oh that's you [Laughter] stay on the outside of this of what my god i see i see where cj is going right now oh no he's leaving through the pipe to the exit he took the wire the real one yeah i went to the wrong i knew i knew none of you would be waiting on the roof oh my god he escaped super quiet right now you know like we're just gonna we're just hiding in our bush minding our own business yeah i just hope they forget about me when i was on the wire going towards the pyramid who saw me just so you guys know it's a little sauce oh yeah it's a little sus that you see someone going across the entire map you just covered the entire map i could see you from the hottest side where i don't know he's probably gone by now oh i see you guys up there so he's like jackson ruins maybe oh bye taking the wire bye nothing here see him no okay if you tell me where you are i'll tell you where i am dude this is where it's at chat they're all moving around and not me i'm all about hiding in plain sight you know what i mean just let them overlook you run by you cause like once they run by you got a free few minutes and so he went back onto the flag do you think the odyssey flag uh oh my god i found him he was hanging off the edge of where we went to the odyssey obviously got it let's go ah where is he going uh now he's going towards the ruins oh oh no the ruins i'm not even close to there i know he's at the town he's at the top i know his fans are behind he's like i'm not fast enough he's like he's he's running out of options i'm cornering the platform moved out from under me oh okay all right all right we have to get him now okay where's poonam where was he see me rolling and he's in top half not in the sub area how do you know i'm not in a sub area now no he might have migrated might be i guess yeah oh that was i got so rolled man that was a cat game to see if i'm okay curious i really love that whenever i shake my controller the entire you can just hear it i found him i found he was in a bush you where he's uh going towards the i think i got him oh my god why did i get out you weren't even you didn't even see me why did i move you were going past me i should not move your hair blends in with those bushes so well what's everyone's time's at 29.40 20 39. i have no shot i just need to hide from uh pooh for nine minutes i also need to survive three minutes longer than tanner big kingdom coming up right near big kingdom small kingdom i mean i want a small kingdom but a big choice of kingdom i'm in the i'm in wait you're in the audience oh god oh i'm in the odyssey hide and vision join me wait are we is it the minute going no go now i'll go now okay okay oh yeah i'm on the way up wait they're going to crafty do you remember where we are i just remember that's where you're going so i'll head there now are you coming too oh i feel bad now is the worst kingdom wait has the sticky 60 seconds gone yet no i don't think i got enough time to get up the nut keeps falling you have time you can do it uh giving away no i'm so sorry i didn't he doesn't know i'm moving i'm moving i'm going uh-oh wait not coming i couldn't make it i think as long as uh nobody enters today i should be good oh i wasn't needed crap oh that's kind of rough okay hopefully hopefully he goes to the champion now i just don't know where they went are you guys up by the painting there's no way i'm getting up there no no no doing snow drop also you could warp there if you wanted there you go well that's a that's a okay so i didn't realize that there was i was scared that was like where i hide and seek you know what i mean that was like one of my spots i read all the time so i just went to the nearest uh spot that i could crouch at i didn't realize that there was a flag behind me yeah he was right next to me he wore i warped and then like he was just sitting right there hey cj do you wanna tell me where you are no you have to wait like 30 more seconds okay because i'm gonna go to where you were where you should be oh oh oh are you nothing oh he's you don't think i moved immediately the second samant didn't go there i was like they're gonna know exactly where i am i could i i had to check i had to check you know where sman's at that's even better honestly uh okay all right i'm in a sub area svan i am in just shavaria no sorry not chivalry the main area oh you're not underwater are you no i would be dead i mean not if you weren't oh i guess the cold water first person it cancels it it cancels it first person also oh yeah i'm sure you didn't know that no i swear i didn't know that yeah i had no idea main area no are you on the painting yeah this is the other painting no that's like they're not gonna know how to get up there i know and then cj is stuck in a sub area that's so messed up that means that you won i mean if you find cj quickly enough you might be able to get me shut down i think he's in the hatless sub area if i had to guess time to search uh i'm pretty sure he's in the hatless subberry if you want cj's help no kingdom i'm sorry to sell them out like this but i mean i gotta get some some of these guys off my back oh no i just bonked i he just leave yeah yeah he left it oh there he goes oh my god there's cj he's going into bavaria no he went over he changed his mind he's going to the moonpipe no he's not he's going to go join you he's trying to get up here there's no shot you make this cj is he actually trying oh they're coming they're so close i can hear them oh my god wait guys give me one second let me try to get up there i'll scare them off i kind of want to see if you can do it like a person yeah i'm going to show you guys how to do it but only if you don't kill me no i got to kill you so you kill him but if you kill me i'm not going to show you and i'm going to let stanley why would you not you're just going to let small ant win this is your incentive to let me live and get us both off the platform no i'm going to kill you and get it then i'm not helping you get up there i'm not why would you not help me get up there what kind of what kind of blackmail is this it's to let me live yeah what makes you think i'm just going to be i can't believe wait he's right here i figured it was a little bit cheap so i left okay yeah i'm gonna do the same i kind of gave myself up yeah i left you guys didn't even notice i i'm gone you're so distracted by me yeah i can't believe this i knew i knew some of us should have stayed there he's down in the hole now all right hints i'm in shabario oh this is garbage garbage game i'm in the overworld still oh yeah you guys should go look for him right right he's down in the racing area he's dead no i'm not like it's like the bottom part of the circle why are you just going for me samantha's winning right now i know well i think samantha already won i think six minutes have gone well i guess not yeah if i get found first and then cj keeps running yeah that's the only way that he can not win where'd he go i don't know are you waiting at the entrance or no i'm not yes i am wait i'm looking for samantha right now oh oh you got away yeah i already left the race area no you didn't are you in a sub area man no he said he's in the overworld well he might have changed it where's where are you cj i'm in cheveria i'm in a sub area all right i guess i'll go look for span i can't believe i made it up to span i had to get it first try when i got there but uh yeah i knew that two of you would never know that it's like a really weird setup all right i'm gonna do the flower road uh sub area yeah i'm gonna go into another sub area here we should uh stick together and do the same submarines so that way if you do find one person yeah they don't just escape right right right okay so which uh which subway are you going to uh i was in the little koopa drawing thing just looking for him oh they're looking for spam this is my chance i think that's got a lot of hiding spots so hey man don't underestimate a bush i mean crafty hidden it last time so or fur someone did some of the small brain big brain plays you know yeah it's like it's so small brain that it's big brain because you're like yeah no one would ever hide there and then you don't even look oh i mean i don't think he's in this like poison water one ah maybe the flower one flower road one does have a lot of hiding spots there's a lot of places you can hide like where the secret moon is yeah chad i thought this was the one he most likely went into a suburb that's in close proximity to where that dump is possibly yeah i'm in the yeah the little poison water one flower road which one is the poison water one is that the right neck the yeah right next to the hole you guys oh yeah i see him over here oh he wasn't there yeah he's in here he's he might have just left i think i didn't get my cap out did he just die yeah it didn't give me my cap bounce yeah i was gonna say he just died actually yeah he's dead now i'm dead 36 26. all right let's find cj in chavarria that is correct that's my hint for you guys i intimidated him to that loss right there okay so most likely he probably went into one of these maybe i feel like we should split up and do all the different i'm in the shop i'm one of the clerks you'll never know it's me what's your time at cj about to be 34. oh it's so close all right i'm at i'm at cheveria okay yeah just stay in the opening area i'm doing the below each other right now have you done the goomba area no come on we gotta find him just gotta forget which one it is i'm in i'm in the hollow crevice right now i don't think he's in the tall or the goomba room you checked the poison room and rango did anyone check random i didn't check ringo okay i'm going into rango he's probably in rango who make sure to stand near that pipe oh i'm on top of this fight i'm doing the most important role right here switching over to a different submarine me standing on top of the pipe 48 seconds no i do have to like how mary in there might have to he's probably so far away 30 seconds no no no i'm still in holocaust he's not here where is he oh he's down in the freaking bottom area i bet all right 15 seconds i'm in the cheveria race thing what i never left you ah where is he where is he i don't know i don't know six seven [Applause] where are you at he was in the race area probably behind where you fall so i was up at the top behind the ark and then when crafty came down i just hid behind the ark until he went to the bottom and then when he went back to the top i just came down here and i was like i escaped i got out and he just left wow and then he just moved around here that's big brain actually the psychological warfare is at it again that's what that's like half of this battle yeah the psychological warfare is half of the battle that was good it was good yeah i had a great time i got a train on next monday i'm training well that was awesome that was really fun yeah yeah it was awesome yeah i don't know about you guys yeah so we said thousand each it doesn't get so detroit
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,310,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qySFe0ipwTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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