Mario Odyssey but the floor is POISON

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about a year ago i was just i was just saying to uh to twitch chat i was like hey i have this idea that requires someone to mod super mario odyssey and if anyone is really able to dm me and craftyboss about a year ago dm me and said he could do it he said he was able to mod super mario odyssey and uh he made the floor his lava challenge for me that was an incredible challenge one of my favorites um and uh he's been working on mods ever since but we have kind of revisited this idea and made it harder because today the floor isn't lava you don't take burn damage when you hit the ground today the floor [Music] it's not lava the floor is poison and i'm sure you understand how poison works in super mario odyssey right the floor doesn't just hurt you you just instantly die you just you just you just die the floor is twitter toxic as hell [Music] death counter question mark oh yeah i did some testing there were two deaths i did there's a death counter in the top left um so we need to figure out how the heck to get off of this why is my family on the floor the floor is league of legends anyways we need to get onto that thing there is a grace period timer i'm gonna use it if i need to but i think i might be able to start this without it but yeah this is gonna take a few deaths are we gonna get a death counter bro look at the screen it's at the top left the whole time i don't know what you're talking about it's it's in the top left there's a death camera already what are you doing bro think i can make that maybe i am blind yes you are i'm sorry it's just the way it goes sometimes bro you know what i'm i'm gonna take full advantage of this freaking grace period i don't care it's implemented into it i'm taking advantage of the grace period frick you there we go oh god okay well there there's the grace period gone okay you get a grace period where you're immortal it's been a week since i played mario odyssey just give me give me a moment to get used to the controls it's not my first playthrough i swear doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose okay wait no that was drip that one was drift i didn't do anything there that one was drift i swear to god okay so i mean if you here's the thing here's the thing there's a grace period for sections that are when you respawn are impossible okay doesn't it defeat the purpose i didn't make the mod i don't know the intent maybe they included that because it makes it more interesting more fun you know [Music] emily thanks for the 19 months don't come into my chat and tell me my challenge isn't the way it's supposed to be nude glasses yes yeah crafty boss added it in to fix any soft locks and honestly this could be a soft luck i i don't know if this starter section is possible is it i don't know think i can triple jump from here bro i doubt i can triple jump you think i can triple jump off of this that oh my god i'm getting some mad joy conjured right now [Music] okay um it should i need cappy is the problem excuse me streamer man you're doing it wrong exactly i know it'd be the perfect jump i can get a haircut now not quite okay damn it okay possible maybe get on the fence i'm trying dude i think if i vector i might be able to make it with a single jump in a dive but i got a vector is it poison below the fog no that's just void you should grow your hair out my hair is actually way longer than it looks like man it looks terrible with this lighting it looks so bad because the tips are still like bleached from like in january is the sub counter activated yeah it's not a phase mom this is uh the third spider-man movie all right we're stuck here there's nothing we can do to escape a long jump followed by a dive uh come back after you've played super mario odyssey please thank you i can almost chew on it but yeah it's very long i need a haircut very thoughtful of crafty boss to put four digits on the death counter yep yeah real great real good have you ever thought about rocking a beard i mean i thought about it and then i looked at my facial hair and then said oh it's not really going to happen is it bro it's so close it's so close this looks very difficult yes it is incredibly difficult we just need to get we did if we can get cappy this will be way easier why don't i just warp is there no there's no checkpoints okay because i don't think like a long jump is just not going to make it it's just not going to make it violet blaster like is a tier one this is a triple jump on this tiny little speck in the in the floor is lava we could have just taken one hit of damage okay well it looks like we're gonna have to do at least a double jump but yeah we we jump diagonally so we can turn mid-air because it you go further triple jump during the grace period well if i mean if we're going to be using the grace period i could just do this i could have abused the grace period if i really need to but i'm going to try and do it without i will try to abuse not abuse grace period if we just line up perfectly no that's not quite right damn it maybe it's intended it is intended yeah it is oh heck craftybots forgot to check that this section was possible because he automatically replaced all the big platforms with small ones but no no he yeah this is intended crafty boss yeah yeah i was of course yeah crap okay so i asked craftybots to make this uh i think at the start of this weekend he messaged me at he messaged me at 10 30 p.m and he said yeah i think i could do it at 3 17 a.m he said uh how likely is it that you're able to do this part and then 6 30 a.m he texted me okay i may or not still be awake and now crafty boss is in stream bro go to sleep it's okay if i have any problems i could always just play minecraft go to bed i appreciate it but you go to bed it's fine i had five hours of sleep bro we're kind of close but like not quite i don't know i don't know i don't know if we can even start this we may have to just like is there oops i accidentally incremented the deaths just a ground pound or oh yeah just just back flip of course okay you don't go as far horizontally use the spin jump okay boss okay here we go you can't triple jump you gotta at least [Music] mister streamer did you try two-player mode oh okay good one bro it's so hard to angle this dude okay how about this we we use what the mod is giving us with a five second grace period to get somewhere safe i think this is a good you know we made it that's crazy wow ahaha you know it gives us a grace period i was a little bit stubborn but now i will use it and now we just need to slow slowly shuffle along as i uh readjust the super mario odyssey controls with the if i ever die though it's joycon drift okay i want you to blame nintendo for any death that i have because it's not my fault i take no responsibility ha only half a stack of deaths okay it's not a minecraft day although i so minecraft is only on the schedule for one day this week but i i actually kind of want to start like genuinely getting good at minecraft like right now i think i'm like top 150 in the world at minecraft speedrunning maybe top 200 i'm not exactly sure but like i've been thinking about it i really enjoy speedrunning minecraft and i might actually start practicing to go for like a top 50 because it's like i don't know i i just really appeals to me just doing runs more often riveted gameplay hey would you rather i die and have to restart because like i i feel like i'm definitely capable i just haven't been uh i haven't been disciplined enough with practicing certain things and like having really good reset efficiency i still don't know how you got such a good time when you only play once or twice a week exactly that's another point like you know i have a 15 minute 50 second time and i only do runs once or twice a week you know imagine if i practice like like off stream more i haven't practiced recently okay this will most likely kill us when we get the cappy cut scene but that's totally chill come on maybe do an hour per stream yeah like maybe maybe i'll start like finishing off streams with minecraft or something that could be interesting but yeah i'm gonna start like probably practicing all the stuff that i'm bad at okay anyways we're about to get cappy now there we go good cappy and now it's now this is much better see look i'm gaming now we can actually move the game is started just just don't die now right okay good i'm glad it didn't touch the ground there we're gaming now okay good i'm a little bit afraid of wooded kingdom i'ma be honest jackson will be so broken jax it'll be so good any specific goals with this run to see if i can beat the game mostly that's the big one is just finish the game [Music] we almost died there uh what odd little fellows oh i don't think those fellows exist is this even okay it is possible oh okay this is fine the froggies have been moved very nice thank you oh are we dead okay well we're dead because the frog got teleported uh rip i guess okay let's hope that cutscene doesn't play again okay the cutscene doesn't play we're fine we're just chill we're good uh i think we can land oh there's a railing here yeah boom yep there's a railing here good just got to be a little careful and we're dead okay um well i guess we'll try that one more time probably need the coins to what i don't know something that i just thought of if we ever get really stuck on a section i could always just turn on assist mode right like assist mode is a thing where we just won't instantly die that could be interesting right then i mean we'd have faster retries on certain areas which would be sick nah that's cheating i mean if we have to you know if we have to but yeah this uh this mod is canon by the way uh this is uh how that wait how oh we have to go up the other side uh like the reason why mario dies this purple stuff is that mario is allergic to grape juice and grapes in general um if you didn't know that uh you're not a true mario fan sorry it's canon like this is uh sorry i didn't mean that it was canon i said that wrong um i mean like it's like the fact that he's dying to poison is correct because it's actually not poison mario you know you don't die when you touch poison right right you don't just die when you touch poison but mario dies when he touches grape juice because he is allergic okay well yeah joycon drift on that one we'll call it is this harder than the floor is lava no it's actually easier because you die when you touch the poison instead of just take damage depends on the poison you got some crazy hard i hate how it doesn't let me uncapture you got some hardcore poison if you just die to it right it takes less of an emotional toll no i think it takes more of an emotional toll right like in certain sections you know we won't even make progress we won't even have a hope i guess you know if if you have hope that means there's hope if you have a hope i guess that means you have hope to crush you know if you never had any hope and you do it anyways that probably feels pretty good you know it probably would feel worse if we had hope so i'm not hopeful i will never finish this challenge i'm it's no reason to do it there's no reason it's we're just gonna be disappointed the whole time no no reason to watch everybody go home i can't uncapture so we're just stuck in the frog to death no no reason to please use assist mode this is casual gameplay [Music] i didn't get enough sleep for you to be so mean why can't you uncapture it's the tutorial and doesn't want to let you uncapture i like your glasses thank you i'm actually stuck in that animation until the it's done but we'll do this bro i it just slid right off [Music] what's the goal i would i would say beating the game it's it's only been 20 minutes okay just gotta line this up just right be careful this section is probably one of the harder parts because you're just forced to use these stupid frogs i don't like them the frogs suck what if it's purple because it has the universal indicator and it's just extremely corrosive um corrosive it's a good question uh i don't know okay thank god we just need to open this door now without hitting the crate oh okay well that's good that's good to know the door is now open uh we just need to get into it okay go ahead so didn't quite make that the door is a little hard it's it's a little small okay the door is is slightly it's it's good though okay we're fine bro i have something to talk about actually i a few things i got glasses this weekend which is cool uh but also um today i was in line right and um and there was this this lady ahead of me right we're all wearing masks because they're basically required here to do anything these days uh because you know covid and such um and this lady stands in front of me she goes pulls her mask down and then coughs into her arm [Music] what are you doing why are you wearing a mask if you're just gonna take it off the car you idiot [Music] is your brain the size of a tic tac if you're coughing that means you probably got something going on in your lungs you shouldn't be taking off your mask for anything [Music] well no wonder cove is so bad oh no what karen no it's just some random lady although her husband was like she was like with her husband and it seemed like she was in a particularly foul mood and her husband was he seemed like the nicest man that was just like stuck with her you know he was like dude would you like this would you like that she was like i don't want anything no go away do you want this water no i don't want anything okay you just want to cough and get everybody else sick i got you use your little tic tac brain i got you he was and he was just so patient it was wild okay okay here we go we just gotta go into the door okay we're just gonna long jump i was so close he's definitely so immensely sad maybe i don't know [Music] what about a sneeze i mean like also the the whole i remember the other thing that that it's just i've been going out a little bit more like just just to you know actually see some sunlight for once and i'm seeing p i didn't realize how dumb people are people are wearing a mask but they're not covering their nose and again why are you wearing the mask it's to stop the breathing from like it's you know putting a barrier between your breath and everyone else you're take you're taking the mask off of your nose so you can breathe through your nose [Music] bro just don't wear the mask [Music] [Music] it's just man it i need to kill the frog deliberately i think did you visit america no i just went outside i like how it took you one and a half years to realize how stupid people are i never leave the house okay like the i haven't really experienced it at all uh i think this is fine but man people are dumb it hurts it was the first time in two years yeah so here here's the thing here's the thing you guys all right all right so i [Music] so okay one second we made it we made it okay good that still counts we made it yes we're good i haven't left the house in like in like two years basically you know i stay inside i do my work you know i pay my roommates to to do the cooking for me so they do all the grocery shopping the only time i need to leave is to like go to the post office or go to the bank that's it and occasionally pick up things here and there so like no one goes to the post office because it's 2021 and no one gets physical mail anymore um and uh you know the bank is just boring as ever you know there's like maybe one person there i feel like all the people at the bank generally wear their masks properly but i don't uh you know i don't need to leave the house so i don't really experience it much okay here we go i'm not sure if this is poison or not and it's just i'm just gonna act like this floor is poison just in case i feel like it just visually might not be you know like it this this feels like it's just visually not poison but there is actually poison i i just don't trust it you know okay good no one tell them it's not poison oh crafty boss said it wasn't poison we did it anyways it's just like when we were kids you know ah the floor is lava just pretend smo but everything is waluigi covered [Music] yes oh my goodness these kingdom previews look so cool anyways [Music] do you cut your hair at home no not really we're going okay here we go let's get that checkpoint good uh okay this is going fine for now don't kill me good unlock that we're great sman didn't get the updated files that makes this kingdom look a lot nicer visually oh dang it i mean it looks fine to me i got you it looks so cool it does look pretty cool too though [Music] call the gel thanks for the three months [Music] do you have new glasses these are new ones yes i didn't realize how bad my old ones were until i got these new ones they're so bad okay don't die mario no he's fine i guess all right it's poison but the swirls are gone i guess yeah maybe the animation got a little bit funky in this one that's all right how is this different from the lava one you just die instead of you know oh you touch the ground you can take a few more hits no you you just die it's way harder you think the dino can walk on this stuff i guess let's find out does the dino survive all right i forgot slow motion dino skin baby let's go made it real easy for me there huh all right [Music] that could be an issue uh i'm gonna be honest that could be an issue um the fact that we um die when we just go into that fight i think the platform might have been shrunk by accident uh [Music] we might be able to skipper wait you fixed in the updated files [Music] oh wait did i not get the updated files did they not upload quickly enough all right what does the skull mean let's take let's take a guess what generally do skulls mean in video games pirates no that's a skull and crossbones but close that close aha i'm just gonna i'm gonna get onto a safe area real quick apparently i get to stand here bro yeah okay we're gonna try and we're gonna try and do this now i turned it back on okay there we go i turned it off just to get onto that tiny little square i have no idea how i'm going to do this by the way because this seems incredibly difficult plus like after i defeat her we're kind of done too right i don't know anyways get freaked lady no um smite chat they ask dumb we could not please okay there you go i'm looking around and i'm thinking we might be able to skip my damn brutal because like we might not need to do does that give me my does we do this that'll break that open right that breaks that open so if i can get in there we'll be fine um yeah what's the difference of the floor is lava if you look closely it's not lava but poison [Music] and by poison i mean grape juice do you have enough space for crc why did that not get him in my capture i'm back what the heck packs thanks for the prime acid lean what is lean that's is that a drug that sounds like a drug i don't actually know i hear it in rap songs a lot so it must be a drug that damn rap music [Music] it's cough syrup [Music] rappers are singing about cop syrup what they're flexing about how they have a cold huh you can get high from cough syrup really it's cough syrup with cocaine so it is a drug yo i love the frames freak you dino that it's it's the particle effects dang it okay cody not cocaine oh not cocaine sorry codeine that's like an opioid right that's like kind of a in a roundabout way i mean if you're if you're using it like like abusing it you know it could be bad such a nice 25 fps it seems like it's lower than that i'm not i'm not gonna do it coding is a narcotic exactly that was right robo tripping is a thing that's not just getting like you telling me that's not just getting motion sickness when you're using vr [Music] okay we need to get to this wait can i not get to that uh wait we can do this [Music] okay we got a moon good survive no okay never mind well i did my best that's okay say probably in a low voice probably was that low that didn't feel very low probably how was that was that lower did i do it better i i i uh i was i was busy getting stuff done this morning so i my voice is all warmed up and i can't do like a fake low voice if like on pc or a hacked switch you can't play on pc it's not a thing say i'm batman i'm batman was that good kind of sounds like he was wavering in the middle like i don't know uh let's try that again yuzu yuzu doesn't work [Music] well enough it's batman oh my jesus christ yeah okay i need to look up at the sky so the frame rate isn't trash give me a sec no i need that checkpoint i need it thank you sir okay small batman i didn't believe until i saw myself i am indeed batman yo i didn't know batman was on twitch she's kind of cool this will be fun with the frames of metro no no no no no metro is great metro's great as long as it's not night metro okay i just need to get in here oh that was so perfect too yes we got in pogba i did it woohoo out so uh is facebook instagram and whatsapp still down what's up with that does anyone have any news with that we got the moon by the way what's actually murdering the frames the particle effects with the dyno and the thing okay i need to get this checkpoint and we can die it's totally fine it's still down damn okay so i was out this morning right i was out this morning and um i forgot my my keys and they're hanging up right over there i forgot them uh to get into my apartment right and uh so i was like oh you know i'm gonna have to ask my roommate to let me back in and so i message my one roommate and they're like no i'm out you know i message my other roommate no they're out and so my third roommate is the only one that's home and he said and and uh and facebook goes down facebook is down right and so i get home and i met and the the only way i've ever messaged this one roommate is via facebook and i message him hey i'm i'm i'm home can you let me in and then it just says message sending i'm like my data is fine i have wi-fi from here and i'm like oh oh facebook is down i can't i can't message him to get into my apartment i there's i can't like what am i what am i gonna do [Music] you live in a frat house no it's just a this was the three bedroom apartment [Music] so what i had to do was i opened up i i um i think i i paid him and had to he had to give me his email for something so i had to check like what i sent money to a while back because yeah we don't have like a doorbell or like a ringer ours isn't working i had to email my roommate i said please let me in facebook is down [Music] and then like 30 seconds later he comes down he's like i had no idea but i had to email my roommate to let me inside i don't have his phone number it's in my old phone it's not in my current phone and it's a like an apartment building so like we have like our like our st our door but also like the main door for the apartment i didn't have the main door for the apartment i wasn't able to open that i can't call him i don't have his phone number [Music] email what are you 50 knock on the door i don't think you realize how big my apartment building is bro i could be knocking on the door for a year and he'd never hear it it takes like five minutes to walk to the stupid laundry room you missed the laundry room story the other day simply throw a rock in the window i was thinking about it big house life no it's honestly not that great of a place like my rent is like 300 that should kind of tell you the quality of the place that i'm living in um anyways uh [Music] i think we can go into two-player mode right now how do you not have the phone number of your roommate okay so here's the thing i broke my phone about a year and a half ago right and um i got a new one and i have never texted anyone except for like here let me read through my texts right now let me read through my texts for the last two years my mom said here's what he came up with for my emotes she asked about some other stuff um uh it's my uh microsoft account security code uh my so what am i skip the dishes people uh it's paypal it's saying that i paid someone uh another skip the dishes person um a family member says hey i'm in town you want to hang out i got a youtube verification code a tick tock verification code another tick tock verification code another tick tock verification code another tick tock it goes on like that for a while um i have a ups tracking thing i have a uh i don't even know what that is a discord security code a uh an accounting software security code a usps package code an amazon link uh my uh dentist saying hey you have an appointment coming up uh i have another tick tock code an adobe code a dhl express code and adobe code and adobe code it goes on like that i i have not got a text from anyone other than my mom in like two years and my dentist why do you keep forgetting your tick tock password uh i i'm pretty sure the person that ran my tick tock account we were having issues with him signing in for a bit [Music] bro i haven't done this in so long i'm pretty sure you just there we go it's going to be tricky because you have to stay in a certain area or else cappy will slide out like that [Music] okay yeah almost everyone that i talk to is just like on discord these days [Music] you won't slide out right [Music] stay there [Music] i gotta keep cappy there so i'm gonna have to continually ground pound will i die will i die okay frick let's just go down as well no but i don't have my roommate on discord i i've only messaged my roommate on uh facebook does your mom use this cord yeah you your roommates don't have a whatsapp group chat we have like a facebook group chat because they're boomers sorry chris you're kind of old remember when you said you didn't want to watch anime because they were cartoons then i got him to watch death note um and now he's watched more anime than me okay this is safe apparently interesting cappy is still stuck this is good we need to get onto that log i can't exactly remember where on that log i need to stand [Music] but i need to get under that log uh i will not be explaining why [Music] rick [Music] yeah instagram whatsapp and facebook we're all done oh grace period nobody saw anything [Music] what's the task right now so we can't beat madame brutal so i'm instead trying to get up to that floating island in the sky because i thought it would be funny oculus vr is supposedly down it's v is that not like done on your computer what dang it i'm gonna have to use my hands for this one i think can we have a nut okay just for you there you go uh-huh [Music] oh man um i had maybe the most interesting dinner i've had i've ever had in my entire life this weekend okay don't i went out nice you know i decided i'm gonna i'm gonna go to a restaurant and actually eat out you know it's you know every every restaurant has you have to be vaccinated and everything to go to restaurants so you know today they're doing their due diligence to make sure it's all good so i'm like i'm gonna go to a restaurant okay didn't order anything i i went and sat down for a restaurant and uh it was a nice place it was a pretty nice place um it's like a like a chinese restaurant but it was like a really fancy one it was nice and uh i didn't understand most of the stuff on the menu because most of the menu was in chinese and so i was like okay uh but there was there was one thing on the menu that it uh it said ask your your waiter or something they said ask your waiter and i was like okay i'll just ask i'll just point to this and ask my waiter and i'm like hey what what is this they're like oh i i show i'll show and so i'm like okay all right they'll show and they come back with a tray that's about this big like it's huge [Music] and they say on the tray is a live king crab that is massive that is like it's it's its legs are like moving around it is like three feet wide alive it's like it's doing the thing with its mouth and i'm like uh okay i guess i haven't had crab in a while um and it's like it's still like water like this dude just pulled it right out of the tank and i'm like oh okay [Music] and um and he's like and i'm looking at this and i went with a friend of mine we're looking at it and we're like uh is how how much is this and he's like seven six eight seven six eight i'm like okay 768 isn't actually that bad i imagine it's per pound like the mag it's probably like 10 pounds or something we could probably finish a crab so like sure yeah yeah that sounds good i forgot to leave cappy oh i did frick it was not 768 okay it was not 768 dollars we asked per pound he said he said 768 per pound and we're like okay that's fine that's fine and so you know wait a little bit and uh you know they end up bringing it out it's it's you know got a bunch of garlic on it and stuff and there's like half of it's like garlic half of its stuff we got some soup as well it's not 768 dollars per pound all right um but anyways uh they they pull it out it's delicious it's the best crab i've ever had it did not weigh a hundred pounds spoilers um uh that there's like two two different courses um and uh yeah there's like two different courses so they have like this this garlic butter one and then they have another course where it's um where it's like fried in in something i don't know um but yeah we have some soup we have some dessert and they bring out the bill the bill is eight hundred dollars it was 76 and 80 cents a pound i am not kidding it was 800 i look at this what i thought you said it was 7.68 but no they said 76.80 i mean it was really good but it is not worth that much that was not like the crab it was delish it was the best crab i've ever had was it 800 worth of crab absolutely not you know what the craziest thing is was while we were eating the crab or when he brought the crab out he pointed to the other table and they ordered two so i was like in my head i was like yeah 7.68 tanks a pound that makes sense you know what no one is gonna order two if it's 768 dollars like the other table must have had like a 2k bill or something so yeah it was uh yeah it was just a misunderstanding really i mean i paid for it you know it's it's whatever but bro cappy yeah how much did you tip not a lot i'm gonna be honest because i was already paying 800 for for that uh [Music] i can't exactly remember yeah it was uh yeah maybe the other table also thought 7.68 is that even legal because of bad communication [Music] i whatever you know i'm already 12 billion dollars in debt what's another 800 right right [Music] but yeah we we i think we we got the bill and i was like is that right it was like yeah you know it's out of season so it's a little more expensive and i'm like okay [Music] anyways we're trying to get a moon that get solved i just paid for it i just paid for it i have 10k subs i can afford it this month i don't want to have to afford it but i you know i i it doesn't uh ultimately hit me too hard yo low curbs thank you yo wait little curbs played my mario maker level this weekend i'm i was i didn't i didn't catch most of the stream did you get the better world record wait wait wait little curbs play my mario maker level low curbs wait stop be quiet don't tuck me uh did which did you just play the one level low carbs i didn't see you you finished low curbs played my oth another mario maker level i was there when you got the first one i don't know let's see all curbs speed speedrunning small you did you just did you just play my level for two hours oh my god he did bro he's committed you guys want to see my mario maker level i made like a few levels when the game first came out okay okay wait wait wait wait wait let's see let's see let's see uh real quick he played my can you guys hear this yes uh why is this not what they're all doing all right can you hear now look up stop i'm gonna have to do this tell me if there's a difference between what you hear right now yeah and what you hear now okay okay he played my level i want to see his first his first impression of my level the real at the end because yeah i made three mario maker levels so we'll see okay let's see because this was when the game first came out it looks like i made fortress of frustration it's very short it has a 0.15 percent clear rate so it's not the easiest but it's you know this is the one that i saw him like make and beat on stream back in i guess it was 2019 then like the the first month that it was out yep pretty much 0.14 clear rate and i remember making it and uploading it and like wow that's a really cool level i'll have to play that someday and that someday is now two years later wow two years later two years yeah king boo has the record ryan okay i don't care i just want to see your first impression it would be possible to get the record i think i don't think this is his first impression but this is the level it's possible so let's hope bro he's so smooth with it you can't just use the super balls everywhere and yada yada yada oh my god throw it back he's so good pretty much like he's trash pretty cool lovely use this the on off switch jumps which are like really pretty anyways does he what let's watch an attempt where he actually beats the level how long does it take for him to beat the level you think 20 minutes 40 minutes oh there i think you can beat the level right there he beat it right there okay here we go let's watch his where he beat it let me get my protractor considering the level's only 16 seconds long that's actually kind of kind of a while but yeah i made this like the first month of the game came out for the math i should have put a warning on stream oh never mind he failed that attempt forever yeah that's the end of the level okay wait he gets to the end boom nice oh that was really good that was good that was super good there my ball hit like the corner of that block this has got to be point a point eight that was a hot one oh was this not his first attempt i'm alive oh he got point nine five so we already beat it okay wait did let's see what is it my final jump was optimal did he get a better time it was bro what how is he getting point six nine [Music] that didn't seem as good did he find a speed run skip or something okay was he is he making a level i can't even tell our subpixel of the thing i don't know let's see what he does did he figure out like a six strat or something i can go in between frames though i know that or you just he just gets it real clean like i just want to see a clean run from him you know because it seems like he saves 0.3 seconds i have no idea how you save 0.3 seconds it must be a skip of some kind right smith but it's not made for it you could do it with mario maker one i know back super fast he's gets just super clean and there was actually everything is so tight which was kind of funny nice oh he clips through the top because if you sh with any further the world does he clip through the top at the very end it looks like that's what he was going for no shot right shoot and he was hmm i'm looking so all levels before then he beat he beat it okay what's this time here yeah right there that's pretty good let's see super big jump because my ending was actually good what's up [Music] but i'm pretty sure he got the world record let's check it out nice so 0.5 is possible dang anyways back to the game i just wanted to see see him do the attempt because it was cool anyways uh is the audio doubled who's that that was little curbs playing my mario maker level can you still hear it you can still hear it your level was very cool thank you i cannot remember what my third level was no idea what it was hopefully it's just as cool it's good now excellent uh i don't know if i can make this jump which is scary psych easy every time uh so i'm pretty sh goddammit you need i wait am i not able to stand i don't think i'm able to stand on the right section to to crc wait low curbs road and chat with the time save was it must have been that last jump i feel like it was that last jump you must get like a huge boost forwards low cards look real quick real quick there you are there you are you wrote in chad you're right at the end of level the duck jump gets you higher and you don't have to turn around a ton cool monochrome mania oh it must have been monochrome mania i don't remember monochromania [Music] but yeah we need to get cappy onto that there uh and yeah looking at this i don't think we're able to do the two-player jump so we're gonna have to crc you could only die eight more times true but yeah i'm gonna have to crc to skip this boss fight because i don't think this boss fight is possible which is just so unfortunate but if i i think about have you seen squid game i've seen the first episode no spoilers please [Music] not remember bro two years ago me was on a different level happy flip out let's hope not bro how is cappy slipping out [Applause] it's actually not about squids yeah i found that didn't two years ago you grind this game every day yeah kind of [Music] [Music] i need to like not jump too high or else kathy will pop out [Music] you need cappy to stay in that corner there so wait it's not about splatoon i know that's what i was like what's all this hype for splatoon right now it's kind of a lame game to begin with i was thinking about tweeting that actually [Music] you know what else is in my drafts that i added to my draft this morning but i felt like it was too early to tweet because it was like i woke up early uh i was like i i tweeted i was gonna tweet out i was like i was thinking about it i don't trust anyone that has a case on their phone [Music] i don't trust anyone that has a case on the phone why you know you you're not confident enough to take care of a little little device like this you know you you can't take care of something so small something so valuable to you that you need a case [Music] how are you gonna have a child if you can't take over care of a little phone you know how are you gonna how are you gonna live your life if you can't if you're not confident enough to not have a case [Music] i'll have a case that's not going to break about screen protectors bro just come on it's your phone just protect it yourself you're the phone protector [Music] it looks like you could stand on it that's like arguing that your child shouldn't wear a helmet while cycling what that's a bit of a leap don't you think you don't have to learn how to take care of a phone you have to learn how to ride a bike [Music] it's pretty easy hey don't drop the phone right once they learn no helmet yeah once you know how to ride a bike stop wearing a helmet all right [Music] you know if you're not confident enough to ride a bike without a helmet then just don't ride a bike okay it'll weed out the weak ones [Music] bro really what [Music] this is good content the cases were just in case don't get yourself into situations like that i don't know what you're talking about dude [Music] i cannot tell if you're joking that's the great thing about sarcasm [Music] not everyone gets it what about tony hawk wearing a helmet what about it he's just trying to make the competition easier for himself you know if you need a helmet that means you're falling encourage people who fall to do more skateboarding it's easier people to compete against it's genius actually tony hawk kind of smart [Music] some five head stuff going on bro why is cappy not saying there [Music] can we stop this challenge 69 deaths maybe ah lots of thanks for the five months [Music] you know if you wear a helmet you obviously think you're going to fall why would you be wearing a helmet if you're not fun if you're not going to fall right right exactly if you knew you weren't going to fall you wouldn't be wearing the helmet because there's no reason to all right now um here's what we segue into uh uh if you think my uh uh idea about if you if you um if you think what i'm saying is stupid and yet you aren't vaccinated because you'll be fine uh hypocrite get vaccinated dummy [Music] [Music] this urease up i might have missed it thank you for the resub though i'm missing a few [Music] anyways i needed to bring that somewhere and that that's the most topical idea that i had i think happy's in a good spot right now i'm pretty sure cappy's in a good spot we just gotta [Music] i can't remember where you stand for the crc [Music] uh and i don't have any visual cues is it even possible you guys think to do the crc from here i shouldn't be asking you none of you know how to do the crc uh let me go into the crc discord that still exists right [Music] but why did the super mario sunshine speedrunning discord ping me oh now whatever doesn't it it's just an at every one ping [Music] low percent no person here we go uh minimum captures pins [Music] crc tutorials crc tutorials go hey cj thanks cj okay where do i stand yeah what do i send cj right foot is touch in the edge of these blue flowers edge of the blue flowers got it oh no [Music] oh we're on the wrong log oh frick i think we can do it though make sure not to walk too far onto the logs okay mario's feet stay at the angle they are in this picture sounds good boss if he's too far on the log or not far enough mario's feet won't be angled properly and cappy will miss the checkpoint perfect uh so we need to get onto that log actually um which sucks because i did a lot of work to get onto this vlog [Music] how do we get onto the other log though i was just barely surviving okay please tell me cappy is still up there okay it looks like happy still up there good double audio oh i hate that that's so annoying thanks for the update though uh-huh this is the most terrifying moment okay [Music] oh no no it says don't get too far up on the log 100 this is too far up on the log bro [Music] we're gonna try it anyways i gotta try it anyways isn't this just the floor is lava bro if the floor is poison what are you talking about [Music] yes oh i freaking did it dude let's go oh baby we're skipping madame brutal hey you forgot to put poison up here okay where's the last moon now right [Music] see him a damn brutal we already got the 2d moon is that counter first try oh oh wait please tell me this works i'm gonna switch back to one player just gotta just gotta do this flip which i haven't done in a minute but it's not that hard there you go no i went back in the bathtub no i didn't i'm good oh that's not the right thing damn rip my moan there's something wrong with the audio is there something right wait is it still doubled no okay bro whoever said it was doubled i i know you're gonna see this in like three minutes but please refresh i'm begging you please right or call an ambulance yeah you're hearing double is that better or worse than seeing double what do you think [Music] you just ban that idiot uh mods ban that person just signed them up i think this platform will kill me [Music] okay crafty boss thought of everything there's an invisible circular platform right there um there's an invisible circular platform there that i was hoping to be able to stand on but apparently it's poison use the ground pound clip that bro i already lowered the bridge nice what's with the glowing music look at the amount of debts we got we got a little just a little fun little easter egg if you get to 69 deaths just wait till we get to 420 deaths mario gets set on fire well rather he just starts smoking cappy thank you that's all the moons we need let's go we're done badges 69 this is the floor is lava and you know what i'm going to time you out because you're wrong it is not the floor is lava if you are if you're not able to recognize that this is significantly different than the other challenge then you're gone for today go away let's take a look let's take a look at the uh the floor's lava challenge real quick i'm just gonna check out that youtube video i'm just gonna just gonna open it up because i'm curious you know if it's the challenge then it would look the same it would play the same right floor is lava mario um let's see super mario odyssey but the floor is lava yo what's that uh it looks like i didn't actually have a death counter but the complete cascade kingdom it took me 14 minutes for 14 minutes it took me to complete cascade kingdom i don't think you could die 69 times in 14 minutes that one had completely different strategies because you could take you could damage boost you could figure things out this one has different problems more complicated problems that we got to solve that's just as you've gotten worse okay all right now you're just being mean don't do that [Music] dude a superstar mode race with cj yo actually you know that that race we did last wednesday with uh with eric where i completely decimated him in a pokemon race where the map was all randomized and stuff that was pretty fun i actually had a really good time with that uh i think we might do that again next week [Music] decimated is generous well i mean uh his chat told him where jim five was uh and uh and um he cheated i actually watched his vod uh he cheated and saved about an hour over me wait really yeah uh so there were like about four times where he was soft locked we said you could only rest wait oh my god that looks so cool anyways um there were four times where he was soft locked when he wasn't actually soft locked we agreed you can only reset the game if you saw flock you know i'll just i'll show you and i mean this was this wasn't like he was cheating but it wasn't like deliberate we just had a different idea of what softlock meant i had you know what a softlock actually meant and he was like i i don't feel like doing this so i'll just reset i guess uh anyways um what's that here let me let me show you with vod really quick and this isn't like don't be mean to him i just it's just it hurt watching the vod back because i was going through it and he was just like not let me find the moment let me find the moment i'm going to try and find the the exact moment in davaod to show you guys he got it was where was it oh wait i sent it to him i said i should have a time stamp yeah right here it it hurt because of what we were talking about at that very moment too yeah here we go here i found it i found it found okay it was right here look at this listen and watch this right here listen to what i'm saying wrong to be taken out by and then let's go back a little bit yes leads to a soft block okay okay all right so this one leads to a pc or no so we we agreed that you could only reset the game if you're in a soft lock and a soft lock means you are unable to make progress you're unable to get out of it right so this one leads to a piece this is the fifth floor fifth floor leads to a soft lock right here um right here i think i speak up then for i guess and all the loading zones lead to random areas if you didn't know okay so we have access to pelbert cove let's go that's you westerf tunnel for that after getting stuck in here is ruining the mall right now the first floor leads to uh mount pire listen so i keep getting stuck in this hole i keep getting stuck in this hole but there's only level 20 zubats right where there's only level 20 zubats right yeah my pokemon and it's not a soft luck it's not a soft lock because you can technically white out because you can technically write out to the zubats by fighting the zubats over and over yeah but my pokemon are too strong to be taken out by zubat so i'm stuck here for five minutes my pokemon are too strong to get taken out by zubats it actually took longer than five minutes i think this this specific one took me 20 minutes to get out of every time i get in here go through like four as i'm explaining it he walks into the soft flock that i'm in so what's your strategy this is the exact spot that i'm in right now waiting for 20 minutes and he just resets right we're doing lily coke right now as i'm explaining it second floor oh it's not a soft flock second floor he's lily he does that three times uh lily cove he's saying remember anyways he's writing it down just watching that back i was frustrated anyways pokemon can spawn in that room no the the room below it there's zubats he just didn't recognize that he was in a soft that he wasn't in a soft lock oh like it what here's the thing it wasn't eat like from either our perspectives like he it was like how do we phrase this he thought he wasn't cheating and i i wasn't cheating because like for me i only reset if it was a soft lock but in his mind a soft lock was when you're just stuck and you can't get out of the loading zones but like you could technically fight pokemon to white oak he he considered that a soft luck in his head and i didn't so it was just a miscommunication it was just a miscommunication that's all it was it was just watching it back i was like oh that hurts because i lost like an hour to that and he didn't lose any time i mean i still won but i remember seeing that it's just it's just the timing was so hilarious i showed it that yeah he was like i'm sorry he said oh i totally did i'm so sorry oh i'm sorry about that yeah like he he was like i'm so sorry i didn't even recognize it's not a big deal it's just you know i i suffered for an hour in there and he didn't which hurt a little bit okay so sand kingdom [Music] here we go there's more of the story is that eric should suffer more he will because we're gonna race again next week and um what i will say is that uh after that race happened something in my brain clicked in a good way something in my brain it just clicked i felt it you know how taxi drivers in large cities do you know that there's actually like portions of their brain that grow and become dedicated to knowing the city streets did you know that people who play pokemon growing up there's a whole portion of their brain that develops to remember the pokemon well you know what happened is uh while i was watching that a portion of my brain expanded and grew to quickly be able to memorize exactly where every loading zone leads and map it out my brain has grown so i know everything well i mean i don't know everything yet but i'll learn it faster than him my brain has become so large and uh in charge in fact we're not gonna do it on the same map it'll be a random map but uh i expect that uh it'll be a lot faster this time because it's going to be big brain time exactly my brain isn't submissive and breathable no it's dominant and infertile the opposite do you know the new map i know we've never it'll it's randomized every time your pokemon xvid is popping it is it's doing so well oh i love this i love the poison there's usually just regular poison around here but no it's just all poison now it's just all poison it's good well pokemon will be i believe it'll be pokemon emerald [Music] did the level 100 video come out yeah like a month ago it was like 5 million views it's doing pretty well uh [Music] okay i mean now we're able to travel across the whole kingdom so i don't think sand kingdom bleed i don't think sand kingdom is gonna be too much of an issue i'm gonna be honest a little too tall thanks for two four months appreciate it emerald is the best version out of the three i completely agree uh i don't think we're able to get this bird moon because uh ground pounding just immediately kills us so we're gonna get this tree moon oops all poison so we're gonna get this when i download the map randomizer i don't know that's that's eric's thing uh when he releases it whatever i think it'll probably be released whenever he's done with his video okay so i think we're gonna do like this big area here yeah oh god i've mercy thanks for the seven months are you confident in the nick all-stars tournament tomorrow no so i'm in a big big charity tournament thing with nickelodeon all-stars brawl it's like a nickelodeon version of smash bros if you guys know what that is um after watching some gameplay it feels like it plays a like quite similar to super smash brothers melee which i suck at plus i just don't really play smash and um also i know nothing about the game so um i don't really know like i don't know which characters are in the game [Music] why is mario sparkly it's because of our number of deaths we're at a good number of deaths right now that's why he's so sparkly think i can stand on there and live i don't think so uh i can't stand on there and live um the sheep instantly died looks like i guess we can climb the tower we know there's two on the tower so yeah every time we warp we'll probably have that effect oh never mind well we don't have that effect anymore carlos thanks to the prime sphinx clip no it doesn't exist in this version rip word 70 deaths heartbreak hard to break [Music] oh i'm trying to think of all the easy moves there are a few story moons are you doing buying the switch old no i already have the new switch check this out check this out boop six switch not very glamorous now kinda lame not gonna lie yeah not able to do the other sphinx clip the other swing slip i don't know what you mean that sec thanks mom it is pretty sick okay i'm trying to think of any other cool moons we can get i don't know [Music] we're definitely gonna go over here but then we need six more moons we could go into some sub areas but i feel like that's a cop out oh there's moon over there how have i not got that moon yet icicle clip icicle clip forces you to land in sand you have to land in sand at least once for high school but what run is this it's in the tide on my guy no wait i didn't know wait does it actually kill them no shot oh i thought they would stay alive lava didn't when when the floor was lava they didn't die nice it isn't lava now no it's not i think i could land on their head for just a moment no they're there for like one frame [Music] i don't think i can get a jackson here maybe i can jump that way i might be able to make that jump okay this is progress yeah yeah okay wait a minute wait a minute use two-player mode bro i feel like people these days think that two-player mode is some heaven-sent thing it's not that great player mode doesn't actually help all that much okay we're on the invisible platforms that's what i was aiming for just was checking to see if it could jump me up i guess not um huh is there any way we can make this as a jump you might be able to with like uh like the proper bounce wait a minute use a cactus for the boost no that's not a thing if you bounce on cappy at the right spot you can get slightly more height jump over to the lift i couldn't just do this instead [Music] i'm i think i can make that i'm pretty sure this is doable i maybe not i'm going to try a motion control one yeah maybe with the motion control throw we can make it because motion control throws technically give you more height which is weird motion control throws against a wall give you slightly more height which is wild but we can do this delay your dive under cappy okay you're telling me the basics of super mario odyssey take your glasses thank you we're getting closer so not quite i'm a trick jumper this is unproven in one player wait really this is unproven in one player all right well check this out then huh wait a minute [Music] what if i do this then trick jumpers are insane they spend like six hours trying to jump up on a freaking ledge if they say it's impossible i believe them okay uh how do you do this again i can't remember how to do a cool jump where you like i guess we have to do yeah this this right i need to bring cabbie back earlier than that jem razzle thanks for the aid almost there i can make this okay okay this is fine oh wait i actually use the grace period i didn't mean to ignore that what there's a great there's a five second grace period after you respawn it's just in case crafty boss forgot to put these platforms in somewhere oh wait [Music] that's so tricky dude making that jump in two player what's the challenge no challenge today sorry [Music] normal super mario odyssey [Music] i'm gonna switch to one player i feel like this is easier in one player i'm gonna be honest yep there we go okay normal smo [Music] that's not gonna work i didn't hold the button right [Music] so hard when you can't see the platform dawson thank you issues goobers jim razzle i don't know if i thanked all those subs but thank you appreciate it i think i can just make this the lung jump or something oh you totally can just make that with a long jump instead of screwing around for so long all right [Music] good i don't know what happened there anyways cam fam thanks for the five subs what else happens what are some other stories i got for you guys that are interesting and fun [Music] okay i'm gonna go watch moist critical thanks good boy it's not really an airport though you don't have to announce your departure you can you can just go without telling me that i want to watch someone more than me kind of just makes me feel bad just just so you know for next time [Music] we like saying bye yeah but it still kind of makes me feel bad [Music] can you announce a rival so no it's not an airport in fact just don't say anything at all everyone just perfect this is the perfect twitch chat thank you see much better isn't this nice [Music] it's just it's such a beautiful it's a beautiful twitch chat where nothing goes wrong and i make the jump every time watch see i'm gonna make the jump now now that everyone's being so quiet we'll just be able to [Music] uh that was my warm-up that was my warm-up see told you good yep i'm not a gamer though oh my god no that's bad through the spin at your peak what are you talking about he didn't even grab the wall there he didn't triple jump okay coughs oh you ruined it why am i doing that so early bro why does he not grab the wall [Music] he is so close okay we can we can keep talking again that's fine the the dot dot dots clearly aren't helping that's all right that's all right welcome back everybody i am now a gamer okay man i don't trick jump you want to know why i don't trick jump [Music] no you're bad at it no i'll show you just give me a second i just need to check my email it's it's related trust me but it won't let me sign in for whatever reason [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] sorry i got distracted what were we doing again i can't remember what i was doing all right we're doing a trick jump i got distracted sorry i was going to show show you why i don't trick i don't like it that's why [Music] wow riveting why don't you trick jump i don't know it kind of seems arbitrary to me yeah i mean if if you're into it what fair whatever but you know it's kind of like jogging like bro just take a car it's like jogging but you don't get the benefits you know like uh like jogging you know you might you might get that there's like a runner's high that people get right trick jumping is like running but without without the positive physical benefits i mean if it makes you happy that's all right i just don't get it gummy doll thank you for the prime [Music] man wanted to try from the crystal behind the pillar there's an extra few inches how would i get there though i might be able to jump from there there i think that might be worth a shot probably go for that at some point that's so weird it doesn't let me throw a cappy in two player mode little baldin thanks for the prime okay i don't know why they did what's the difference between this and the floor is lava if you look close the floor is poison [Music] damn you got me there i think that's the biggest reason why i waited so long to do this challenge it's not because i didn't want to do it but because it's similar to the floors floors lava challenge and you know the floor has been modified there's some i i so many people would ask that question so i waited literally a year to try and make people forget that i did the floor as lava no joke it's because of twitch chat that's why i waited so long thousand no it's okay you know it's a fair question it's a fair question but it's just for the mental so i don't get frustrated asking twitch twitch chat asking the same question over and over [Music] and i mean it's not anyone's fault oops it's not anyone's fault you know if you have a question you have a question but i'm trying to do within the best way that i know [Music] it how like six months ago for you maybe the youtube video came out six months ago is there a difference between the two just joined see what i mean see what i mean and they proved my point we could just ban the word lava people would ask to figure out a way to ask the question anyways we'll just leave it okay we've made it do what can i make that you think you really think i can make that you think maybe i'll try it the the sad part like i'm gonna have to not only make it but time it right it's too early or late whatever it's not time to write we gotta go when it's like moving upwards i think like [Music] now there we go perfect perfect uh and we did that for uh one we did that for a single little thing up here and now we need to reach that which is i should probably get a little closer to the edge because we still need to get three more we didn't even get that one i wonder you think the edge of the floor is safe nope i can totally get that but it's just another another long step in the process right [Music] didn't you already do this with the floor is volcano substance yeah there you go i almost thought that was serious for a moment but it's okay i recognize that one's a joke you made that one obvious enough what about ledge grabbing is that safe it doesn't appear that it is nice triple throw mario you save the day with that one is this moon necessary i mean we need seven more moons like kind of i don't know i'm trying to get all the exterior ones i gotta wait a little bit we're gonna wait till it goes down and up again [Music] okay of course we made it good with the jacks these won't be hard at all well i mean it's not really that hard do you think our triple jump from like here could work we could do like boom boom boom that will work a triple jump makes it further but i actually vectored pooh hard or something like i did the triple jump too early it just sucks how long it takes to get back jacks your glide on glide on you need world peace so that makes it pretty difficult oh we might die here then oh i made it let's go okay now good made it why don't you use jaxy jackson actually can't make it to this area without like a series of very difficult glitches uh yeah she actually can't make it over here [Music] it's not a triple jump uh maybe if i just do a vault with a little bit more precision you know there we go we got it okay there we go we just vectored from the moon and it counts good good good good good good now we just need the other two will be not as hard i don't think she's gotta be i deserve to die there that was sloppy as the heck okay wait for this to come back down edgy koala thanks for the prime what color is your hair it's like a dark brown but the tips are still bleached from when i had pink hair earlier in the year i need a haircut it'll be gone by the end of the week look at it while it lasts uh so where are the other two so there's one [Music] where are the other two there's one here but where's the where's the last one oh it's right there okay um i'm gonna get this one look at my glasses thanks they're new okay we're gonna go here and here and then land directly on the bird boom we're back let's go good jumps there are invisible platforms here i just i just memorized where they are that's all [Music] okay we need to get the last one is the bird moon close true we'll get it in a second oh okay good you see your new glasses yet yeah i mean they're i can see now okay there we go that spawns the moon and i'm pretty sure we're just dead have you ever considered participating in a gdq event i've applied like a bunch of times that i never got in so i just gave up it's not worth it it's not worth it nice we got it what's the longest you've been stuck in a level in any game uh we were stuck in the ruined kingdom boss fight in the cappy kills mario challenge for like 12 hours [Music] honestly gdq isn't good anymore they really changed yeah instead of raising a hundred thousand dollars they now raised three million man it's terrible honestly it's not even good i i don't think you understand the point of the event if you're saying it's bad facebook and caller back up i was hoping they were down forever man dammit although yeah pre-code gtq i'll probably like attend the gdu just because it's fun to physically be there hanging out with the speedy people we need six more moons now uh i guess we could just do the pyramid right let's just do the pyramid yeah you know what there's six moons in the pyramid word moon oh you know yeah actually i'm gonna get the bird moon first because i bet i can have people heard of the zed event outside of france is this a deez nuts joke zed event france i can't buy tickets for zed z event a francophone charity project whose goal is is it like us a french speedrunning thing organized on the twitch streaming site huh cool whoa whoa it's big there's a lot of people there yo it's actually kind of big it's not specifically about speed runs but it's a big gaming event probably has a few speed runs anyways i got the bird see look does france say z or zed they probably say zed but when i said zed event it just tried to get me tickets for the zed musician which is not i i don't care [Music] maybe just swing slip is not possible five more moons um i want to do it without story progression because i feel like that would be cool if i could do it without stripe progression or like too much i guess we can grab that moon that's an easy one let's do that zed is the correct way yes do you say zed zed top or zzz top uh those are the same things what are you talking about are you gonna finish all celeste chapters i think so we played for like two hours and i got three chapters completely done even the b-sides you guys said so you guys said the hardest b side was b-side for chapter three and it took me literally 20 minutes so i think i'll be fine when will you do sea sides i don't know how to unlock those you guys said the the sea sides are only like three rooms and like i can do seaside and like i i can do seaside in like what was it like five or six minutes right i don't know let's check my 80 percent pb for super mario odyssey like my seaside split is hella fast like i don't think it'll be an issue [Music] can i stand on this yeah they're like two to three rooms how hard are two to three rooms come on uh how hard can they really be i'm 12 hours into chapter nine in the final room what bro you could have saved me if you just walked earlier you're not you're not prepared what's my not prepared [Music] anyways oh we haven't got that moon yet however i forgot about that one bro okay almost to the big hundo yeah 95 deaths uh oh [Music] small and four boro moon i did for guaran i'm pretty sure the ground pound moons are impossible because i just die in the florist lava challenge you could ground pound and it would register you'd take one damage but it would register but in this one you just die so i can't get any of those uh i don't think sub areas have been modified so i'm going to try and stray away from them [Music] leads me to think like what could we do have you got the five cactus moons i don't think those exist yet the five cactus oh wait it doesn't exist i'm pretty sure this doesn't exist yet i'm pretty sure that's like a this exists already i thought this was like post game [Music] yo i didn't think that existed thanks for that one um [Music] do you think i can just like talk to the sphinx like this use your words mario no uh i can't do the jaxy reunion i can't talk to you and i can't do jaxy reunion because i believe the jaxy is frozen right now so jackson reunion just wouldn't work hmm i could just do the jazzy sub area and call it a day yeah this one it just i'm pretty sure it just doesn't work nope doesn't work music notes already did the music notes they only need two though are there any ones left or will i have to use a sub-area alko's moon already got that one nut moon i'm pretty sure the seeds are did they just die instantly yeah you can see it died there we could do the pipe i guess [Music] we don't have enough money for the shop moon unfortunately we could if we can get in here this could work okay we did get in here just barely sheep herding mood is impossible because the sheep instantly die i guess we could just do this oasis tree no moon we did that one already one of the first ones we did i guess this works i don't think the one behind the shop is possible we can just warp out here good what about story moons i i didn't feel like doing it i feel like tweeting right now i'm gonna tweet it out ready tweet drafts i don't trust anyone with a case on their phone not confident in your capability of taking care of a phone red flag tweeted wait someone just added me they said do you agree that's furry porn ah twitter rumble from the sandy floor on to the next kingdom my dad blocked twitter good you're not missing out don't worry i swear like it's a good thing leafeon trust me your father is a smart man the only reason why i'm on twitter is because i'm a content creator and it's like it's it's a way to post stupid thoughts occasionally is this chris pratt simulator yup how fast can you beat chris pratt simulator new youtube video challenge [Music] what are we doing like kingdom or wooded kingdom what happened to facebook it got nuked did you hear what came out about like facebook earlier this week like what it looks like most people are saying let's do a poll slash poll i'll pull you guys which kingdom lake would i'll let you guys do bits too to gain the system so the rich people can decide but you have to do five bits for a vote um what was i gonna say i was gonna show you talk about something i can't remember what it was right i was gonna show you guys that no i wasn't um oh yeah the whole facebook thing that came out facebook news how like a former executive were like yo we know that ours our algorithm is incredibly harmful to them the human psyche but it makes us so much money that we just don't care right what did they say the thing i saw at facebook over and over again there were conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for facebook and facebook over and over again chose to optimize for its own interests like making more money anyways the pole was 52 lake kingdom [Music] oh dale thanks for the prime [Music] i also found it kind of funny that facebook updated everyone on how facebook was doing on twitter that was good i really liked that that was my highlight of the day hey twitter users facebook is down we're coming back soon though okay well this is terrifying all right late kingdom has been drained i forgot about that yikes [Music] yeah they did they drained lake kingdom so this this the i love the aesthetic of this kingdom isn't this like a cool okay we're fine this is a cool thing we got going on here nice cool aesthetic yeah it's not lake kingdom anymore it's just kingdom do you guys want to see a sick trick that i only can do like half the time you're getting it no matter what dang it that was the half the time now it's guaranteed fail at once you're guaranteed the next time joycon drift damn these joy-cons in nintendo bro okay that's joy-con drift i see look mario is doing something to the wall and i'm pressing nothing stop it don't turn around stop it mario i'm trying to okay bro if you don't start behaving mario i'm gonna get very mad oh i went too far right okay this chris pratt simulator sucks i guess we're just dead then huh all right get a pro controller already the problem with pro controllers is that they also drift which is ridiculous just chris pratt being chris pratt i bet the slime controller doesn't drift are you are you mixing me up with fearsome fire is that a fearsome fire thing just need to use some compressed air the dragon quest slime controller oh i'm pretty sure like fearsome fire was like what if i do a challenge but the controller is covered in slime oh like a long time ago i'm pretty sure he's talked about it compressed spit is what gets it out sorry no spit for me thank you gonna land directly onto this area here boom nailed it flawless look at that moons on moons on moons on moons did you see there's a permanent solution for joycon drift is there i doubt it [Music] permanent fix joy-con drift nintendo buy a playstation 5. you're not wrong anyways i think i can get up there i want to get the checkpoint before i hit the the boss fight i'm pretty sure he's oh there's dory's moon i'm going to ignore it that seems too easy you know [Music] ouch bonk does cardboard work cardboard what what do you mean anyways thank goodness you can breathe in here yeah that's crazy really wacky get a third-party controller i don't think third-party controllers are just worse though there is a solution to joy-con drift have to get a card stock behind the thumb stick that doesn't sound right because the it's like the thing there's like it's like plastic dust right that causes it i don't know anyways i'm gonna destroy this boss real quick is that like a newly come out that literally all you need is a piece of paper that probably costs like a quarter of a cent to permanently fix joycon drift you would think nintendo would have uh fix that if that it's that easy right like if it was that easy you'd think nintendo would you know done that maybe [Music] nah nintendo wouldn't really some of the new skyward sword controllers actually do have that oh so i need to buy some of the newest joy cons then i guess i'll do that uh all right two more moons wow the aesthetic is kinda gross now i don't like this aesthetic anymore all right there we go the skyward swords are like 80 us dollars [Music] i play control on switch controllers like hours and hours every day week it'd be nice to not have to replace them i've probably spent a few hundred dollars replacing joysticks no joke this would be nice it's just a rumor the skyward sword ones are actually the same sad all right lake kingdom surprisingly not so bad this is the last moon give me your fishy only some of the skyward sword ones have them [Music] yo he arrived today let's go [Music] odyssey only needs eight more it needs zero more now just don't drive if you can't keep your baby safe smh [Music] having a car seat means you think you might crash how's it going it's great um what it's just twitter satire don't worry about it are we going yes i was someone just i i tweeted out just like a few minutes ago i was like okay uh i don't trust anyone with a case on their oh an air grid hopefully that doesn't cause it again uh i don't trust anyone with the case on their phone not confident in your capability of taking care of a phone that's a red flag and elizabeth from elizabeth and carolyn said i don't trust anyone with a car seat for a baby not confident not confident in your capability of stopping your child from hurling out the front window during a crash red flag and i said yeah just don't drive if you can't keep your baby safe smh having a car seat means you think you might crash right super mario odyssey let's help the game does it crash it might oh yeah oh no i was dozing off and heard the switch crash noise yes sir so are you against seat belts i'm getting seat belts if you're going to crash your car or if you're not going to crash your car but because other people will crash their car like i wear mine you know just in case anyone else makes a problem omg you trying to fight me maybe i might be please don't crash no crashing i'm not going to skip the cutscene put them up oh yeah [Music] there are lies i mean you're not gonna get punished unless you get caught i think it crashed again yep frick hmm [Music] other people can also bump into you and knock your phone out of your hands i don't hold my phone like this oh no someone's going to bump my phone no i have a firm grip all right i don't have no weak hands what's up crafty saying at small ant crafty boss says super mario odyssey can you try traveling to sand kingdom and then wooded i got you dude i got you do you use 90 dns on your hacked switch is this a deez nuts joke it's probably a decent bro you don't have a case i don't need a case my phone isn't gonna break oh it won't even oh no no no stop do you ever finish where mario died whenever kathy touched him yes this could be an issue um potentially does it save saves and would it i'll check i will check throw it against the wall well i don't throw it against the wall you shouldn't be playing modded if you're confident if you're not confident it won't crash i don't know what you're talking [Music] about thanks to the tier one ah we're still on lake did you still start the stream you broke your phone last year red flag no i didn't break my phone i used it so oh okay i used it so much that it just wore out the kingdom resource manager oh no what the heck the kingdom resource manager new to the streams welcome ashleigh to the streams and veronica with the two let's go i'm going to speedily get out of lake as fast as you freaking can all right crafty boss i will get out as fast as i can so we can't load stuff too many texts from tick tock actually i think tick tock is doing pretty well ry uploaded a new one a hot new tick tock 60k views this morning almost at 200k all right time to go fast worst case i turn off the mod go to the kingdom and then oh god this isn't fast enough go go go go go go go faster than this worst case i turn off the mod go to wooded kingdom and then turn it back on do you think i could save the game right now okay go go go go we just need to go to like uh can we go to lake with lake kingdom work too wait we're in lake kingdom we're leaving go go go faster faster faster damn it you think cap kingdom would be better crafty i was a little bit slow there i'll do it one more try and then i'll just turn off the mod turn it back on because it's just the resource system screwing up this is actually one of the biggest issues with the the super mario odyssey randomizer was that the game's resource system gets overwhelmed because it's trying to load a bunch of different things all at once and it crashes the game took boss is like figuring things out that's what's that's what i think craftyboss has been working on recently [Music] okay we're gonna try this one more time i'm gonna go a little faster okay i find it so hard to jump in the middle of an ongoing stream all right let's start the stream over hey everybody welcome back we're in lake kingdom uh we're back from from last time we made it all the way to lake kingdom we're moving on to wooded kingdom now the floor is still poison um then i'm excited yeah it's gonna be a good time [Music] okay okay i'm gonna go to captain you as fast as i can because i think cap kingdom might have like less resources than sand kingdom maybe i don't know i bet cascade is even less don't crash don't crash don't crash don't crash stop loading ah damn it it crashed it's taking too long frank all right give me a sec i just to shut this thing down and take off the mod real fast it will only take a second let's do the that field one is your first stream nice welcome donkey the game don't usually crash it's just this one is being mean you should get a file manager homebrew for you switch i can change files without shutting off your switch yeah that would be a little faster wouldn't it ah it's too late now 90 dns let's connect to the internet but blocks the nintendo's server so you can't switch even if you misclick i think i turned that on for something earlier a crafty bus thing one the yeah the gravity one it i had that turned on 20 minutes later no i've already started up my switch we're going into wooded kingdom in just a moment uh huh [Music] okay it's loaded good trying to do a new pb and all advancements on friday uh yeah yeah i am absolutely all right i'm going to wooded kingdom now is this the stuff that gets cut out no small ant fan two three four i usually leave this in let's give it a sec it's just a loading wooded kingdom i just need to get the the file to what it gained but save your merch just came nice could you do an all moons run to this no it's literally impossible you seem exhausted thanks thunder one two four two five you you uh you seem really tired as well i can tell because your your face it just looks exhausted you just look really bad right now yeah the energy is really low yeah we're just helping each other out right social awareness is a beautiful thing all right all right it's all good and just gotta turn this bad boy back on sing fly me to the moon you won't oh you're right dang it what made you have a nice weekend uh i bought an 800 crab like a living crab well i wasn't living by the time i was done with it what why i i already told the story i don't want to relive it again my switch isn't turning on that's new what i might have just pressed the wrong button we'll see hey there we go we're good ready and working look at that bricked no how do you find your makeup modded switch uh i'll do a tutorial once the randomizer is a thing so people can do it if they need to diddly thank you for the tier one appreciate it let's go all right it's time it's time let's see is that no signal something that shows up on your monitor uh that's when my capture card doesn't pick up any video the funny thing is so do you guys want to know my mind so that that's when my capture card doesn't pick up any video you guys will see that on a minecraft stream because this is actually the exact same scene that i use for minecraft it's just that minecraft goes over top of my capture card so if i open up minecraft it just it just covers the capture card like it's literally just goes over top of it when i play minecraft so it's not an image it's just my capture card being like i don't see anything anyways no crash oh it's working [Music] yay it's not crashing do you hear something nope i don't hear a single thing look at this it's so purple it's beautiful wait how do i i don't think i can get this rabbit can i i guess i'm gonna have to like jump on it and cap jump at the same time what hey there we go look at that beautiful oh wait do i need to update the death counter let me see how many deaths are we at how many deaths were we at anyone keeping track i'll just i'll just bring him back to where we were 97 all right we are at 97 deaths uh we just need to figure out how to make it through this kingdom now wooded kingdom i remember it being difficult but i think it's doable oh yeah right this is actually really difficult who made this this was crafty boss of course that's faster than you can get the bunny tricky until you figure it out all right is this rock exist i bet if i just hit this once it'll spawn it right yeah i i didn't hit it though i remember you needing a damage boost to get anywhere yeah i'm pretty sure it's like just barely possible i guess we'll find out sandra thanks the tier one yeah i'm gonna be a little bit more patient this time a little more careful actually think about what i'm dead um we got the moon we got the moon what is grace period timer that's the grace period timer it's just in case there's an area that that actually doesn't have a platform when you respawn it allows you to get to a place that you're safe it's a grace period a period of grace okay so here's what we gotta do we're gonna have to do this land here and we need to get to that rock get to that rock probably gonna uh i think we can get into that water there i'm pretty sure the water is safe is this safe no that is not safe this is harder than the floor's lava because you didn't damage boost correct there's no checkpoints around which is scary the one thing we can maybe do uh we could go into deep woods to make it to the other side of the kingdom because the exits to deep woods are options how is this different from the floor is lava one if you look close you can see that the floor is poison middle of the water is actually safe okay good to know you watch squid game only episode one don't spoil it i i need to get i haven't had time i want to though i will soon i'm sure okay if i do this correctly this will be a sick jump that was actually perfect i just didn't think it would work someone said the center of the water is safe the center of the water is safe okay nice let's go okay and this is safe that's kind of sick okay uh looks like the edge is safe there it's not safe we're gonna have to do that again that's not the right direction mario good to know that the edge is that doesn't quite stick out as much as you think this is fine let's do this we'll go a quick low one two boing stand in the water and we'll go we're up okay okay i think this is yeah yeah okay these rocks are safe this is good uh we might be able to get up here looks like this is safe okay good there's enough safe areas here i'm okay with this for now hit this i should probably go for the checkpoint shouldn't i i just want to get this moon first because it's a it's a convenient one poison on the poison what do it do there is poison on the poison there isn't there okay um so it looks like those i think this the place here is safe it is safe okay wait a minute next idiot ouch [Music] i could not see that there was a death thing there okay [Music] we'll just go back in the water i suppose i think we can get that moon for sure it's definitely going to be tricky getting all of them though we're getting all enough almost almost landed on that railing if i land on that railing we're good [Music] um we may need to get some um [Music] good warp though good work mike the potato thanks for the six months we play skyward sword one time i've actually already played it on stream it was when i had like three viewers but uh i have played it once have you considered taking your feats to the next level i'm talking big interviews full promos publicity everything [Music] it died the frame that i captured it [Music] whoops i just found a new glitch huh potentially potentially a new glitch uh [Music] will you do xd on this run now of course i will you actually did that by accident uh i'm pretty sure that wasn't in another video there was a video where like froze the game but we could still move around anyways it should be pretty easy to get back there as long as the game doesn't crash when it starts up because i can just simply walk back and we're good to go what's the lost game going to look like it's just a lot of poison mostly some trees yeah it's mostly just trees pretty much that's it how you feeling today i'm good i'm excited this challenge having a good time with it oh wait death counter was reset again whenever you close the game [Music] go go go go go what are we at what were you at for deaths [Music] no [Music] we weren't at 69. we had 106. okay [Music] it's the death counter is so cool it's just like such a small thing but it's so nice like it fits in with the game so well probably because i took the icon from a different mario game but it just it's such a good fit you know it's so nice i will simply do okay we're good we made it we're fine see look it's all chill here everyone's friends is that a boop it's from a different mario game i'm pretty sure i took it from the bullet bill cannon from super mario 3d world and just like sent it to crafty boss yeah actually it might just be the general skull from mario games and i'm thinking about it i don't know i took it from a bullet bill cannon from 3d world [Music] oh um you think we could kill this dude he's kind of just like instantly dead as long as i can activate it but then i guess i need to get the moon as well without i don't think that's possible now i'm thinking about it we won't be able to get that one that's fine at least uh okay you cannot do anything from this side so i will need to go into here i don't know if this section is possible i'm gonna be honest i'm pretty sure we did get a moon in here last time but yeah we'll see is it confirmed possible no it is not confirmed possible [Music] if you swim in water you're good but shallow isn't safe i think shallow water isn't safe that's correct it does not let you wall jump on that use the grace period i could but i don't want to abuse grace period we'll abuse grace period if we absolutely have to only if we have to yeah i'm pretty sure getting up to you see where um we might need to uh well let me do here we go i'm pretty sure we damage boosted in the lava challenge right there why did that i don't know what happened there we'll leave that alone for now um did that just spawn two moons [Music] i think there was two moons there i'm fairly sure getting this next moon is technically possible because you can something really funky is going on ah that was weird uh anyways i'm pretty sure it's still technically possible to get the moon around the corner did that give me an extra moon [Music] i'm pretty sure it's technically possible to like roll along that uh but i'm gonna have to yeah that there we go that's what the great spirit is for see what just happened there respond on some poison yeah because you can roll along and then i guess we'd have to like land on it somehow [Music] the triple jump is promising though i like that i'm just gonna go [Music] so tough oops [Music] oh god didn't this take like 20 minutes last time it took 20 minutes but also it was lava so we could take damage but fortunately everything takes 20 minutes [Music] whoa that was a crazy joy gundrum what happens if i just do this instead [Music] oh that doesn't refresh your cap bounce oh that'll be a little bit more difficult then i mean that'll work just roll along that boom let's go that was sick oh i almost made it back to you kind of amazing okay is this poison okay these are so poison too flower road skip there's nothing to land on if i get there moving platform is safe confirmed that took happy okay ah [Music] all right [Music] probably gonna just stand on the button and do that that seems to be the safest course of action it's even harder than superstar they're just completely different ideas i think i don't know it's fair to prepare them but i think it might be harder yeah with your ace period you don't get hurt for the first five seconds after respawning now wait for me there's a wall [Music] i need a little touch would be making the death counter increase instead of the coins decreasing when you die yeah that'd actually be kind of nice yeah instead of instead of the coins decreasing just show the the death count incrementing by one what do you bonk on the side of the flower path dumb right [Music] wait is this [Music] poisoned the layouts are weird and i'm not quite sure how to get that working all right gravity bosses the layouts are weird and i don't know that'd be cool with grace period timer just in case you respawn at a point that would insta kill you when there isn't like a safety platform [Music] don't fall to deep woods i don't think there's a way out i'm pretty sure there is a way out it would just be really really difficult okay like um so looks like we're going to be defeating stewart uh here [Music] this should be [Music] we landed on the very very edge of that dude oh wait no wait what [Music] bro i'm just gonna reset i'm just gonna kill mario [Music] because i should have died there you forgot to make the floor poison here that's so funny that's all right poison does work in boss battles crafty boss just forgot to activate it we're just gonna act like it is poison whatever uh well that's a death okay if we take damage i'll reset [Music] can you hear the forest poison sunshine maybe then he's other randomizers we did a wind waker randomizer and an ocarina of time randomizer thoughts on the old switch bro what the freak value died dude these fuse attacks are kind of redundant yeah spirit attacks are kind of necessary in this one okay push me back a little bit why oh it's so annoying okay the ocarina of youtube no it's still being edited i think it's almost done oh no what do you guys think of uh super mario odyssey except all of mario's sounds have been replaced with chris pratt saying things do you think that would do well [Music] all right i feel like the joke would get old really fast [Music] well we didn't die we just got hit that's fine yes i could [Music] oh we beat it yay we did it yay destroyed him [Music] automatic thanks to the prime [Music] be fast though since that means could die in a few days i'd have to do it like next week that would be funny as a youtube only short yeah it could just be like mario odyssey mod replaces mario's voice with chris pratt all right past the secret flower field let's do it um i think we'll probably just take the path we took no wait is there no way up to the top [Music] there might not be a way up now i'm thinking about it actually uh well nutcliff would kill us wonder if tanks die oh i don't know are there any safe zones um okay that's not poison i cannot remember how to do nut clip apparently but it's a new moon we only need three more i think we get three more even if we have trouble getting up it looks like the tanks do not die which is brilliant [Music] so as it turns out the tanks do die um huh the mecha wiggler i think is poison but there's like a tiny little area you can be in [Music] is that my joy-con drift or is it auto-turning by itself i'm thinking we might be able to get this to work if i like get him to shoot this wall here we could do flooded pipes that seems lame i want to get on top i want to get to the top of the kingdom i feel they'll be more sick [Music] the camera constantly turning is a nightmare cool challenge needs a death counter so true so true so true it really it's missing out maybe one day i'll figure out how to add a death counter [Music] yeah that's what i'm trying cappy bro [Music] [Music] this could be a problem why is there no nut in that [Music] i think i can jump up there without the nut [Music] the camera is so bad i don't think i could [Music] i'd have to like stand here throw cabbie this way no you can't get high enough please stay open yes it stayed open okay thank god nut jump you guys don't know how nut jump works this is all 1.3 and it's not wet is two-player mode available yeah but like how would two-player mode help oh no you're right you're right two-player mode would help wait a minute wait a minute no no no you're right yeah yeah we just need some serious gaming yeah two-player mode if i play with my hands and feet chat two-player mode actually helps okay let's just make sure the nuts are active come on buddy there you go okay i need to land on this little fella the timing on that's crazy hard i just have to commit to thinking i'll get it oh this come on okay oh my god dude min cap strats no no i can't not jump it like it's literally not in the game close not available it wasn't the smartest crc i guess we could crc but there's no real reason to i'm pretty sure in the uh the mario lava challenge we didn't need to uh we didn't need a crc and cascade kingdom did we didn't remember that i'm pretty sure we didn't see rc that was a cool little unique thing with this okay with this one you have to make sure not to use your cab jump and then damn it like that almost worked mario okay now i just need to how do i i need to get it in here still will this work we did it oh my god actually amazing [Music] i'm pretty certain we never figured that out in the lava challenge we made it that is so sick all right nice [Music] it is super cool might work i think you can jump high enough right oh yeah easy gotta be careful with the cracks you close enough [Music] [Music] do i need to be closer because [Music] [Music] wow she's kind of a monster i'm assuming this is a mod yep do i need one more i'm pretty i don't know i am not sure is there one more i don't think there is another one that's all the goombas we got we're gonna have to work with this must be six tall well we're seven tall so [Music] annoying uh [Music] we might not be able to get past this i'm like looking at it where can we jump from i guess there is the charging pad moon that's true we can get to the charging station let's try the charging station yeah the goomba yeah one of the goomba spawns in poison exactly [Music] [Music] we got that and now hmm [Music] well i was hoping i could get into the uh one place wait you haven't got a deep woods at all correct i haven't gone to deep woods at all gravity boss [Music] deep woods is poison up so it's a place to go i'm gonna try something first i have an idea [Music] [Music] oh no wait we're not gonna screw this we're going to deep woods there's poison up there we're gone was this a mistake maybe it could have been is it still super cool yeah [Music] all right how does this differ from the floor is lava uh if you look closely you'll see that the floor is poison instead of lava totally normal deep woods we're good awesome stupid treasure trap and we can leave has your poison affected gameplay lava you can damage boost poison you just die dino's not alive no dino can walk on poison just fine actually do people not look at the title of streams no quite often no that lava would do that too i guess never play the game that's fair poison is totally easier than lava oh yeah oh i guess we're going to cloud kingdom now huh is cloud kingdom possible how does cloud kingdom work jack is bff thanks for the two months did we have to damage boost at all i don't even know i guess we'll find out when we get here how this works okay no it's definitely doable it's definitely doable wreck-in thank you for the prime yo this is like sludge okay okay i thought you did this already no no i didn't this is crafty boss just spent like 40 hours this week making this uh i guess we're gonna go around this way so it looks like these are the safe pla no [Music] okay that's just mean i can make it work though i can make it work okay now we need to go get him uh oh right i just remembered why this is so difficult you need to jump and make it in between these and like you need to make it to bowser before he jumps away so you're just constantly running in a circle around the arena like this it's even harder in the later kingdom that's a good start don't step in the mud it'll kill you yes correct i think we got this though this is good i think i can get this to work oh easy dude uh i might damage boost for the last one then no i don't i don't think i can get there fast enough unless oh no it was worth a shot unless unless oh is that second try first try let's go what are you gonna do the next pokemon oh wait lost kingdom what's it gonna look like kind of just looks like regular lost kingdom if you're not looking close huh cool first try fight yeah also someone asked what are you gonna do next pokemon challenge i play pokemon every wednesday literally every wednesday all right so this is gonna be an interesting one uh if we get klepto'd i believe we just lose so i'm actually gonna make a safety save here because i'm fairly sure if we get klepto we're done we do have to restart the whole challenge so i think we're gonna have to go deal with klepto very carefully land on this uh i think we can stand on that we cannot stand on that this is a very very delicate thing we gotta do weren't you able to first frame talk to cappy yes after damage boosting to get to cappy crafty [Music] okay [Music] this jump is gonna be tough i think i can make this even just with the regular jump this might make it yes good okay can we make it to the top of the kingdom we can definitely make that we definitely make that okay um if we get to the checkpoint up top i think we're somewhat safe we'll see it's gonna be tough though cruel oaths thanks to the eight months oh the grace period wasn't up yet we stopped to murder the bird i i think we will have to murder the bird yeah can cappy ground pound the moon i never thought of that wait a minute wait a minute two player mode might actually help us here camera turn is there a command that tells it between poison and lava if you just watch like one death it kind of tells you why are there two regional coin indicators good good one okay just long jump across here i'm gonna test something that could be very important to us oh my god [Music] that's actually really really good okay that is so nice now i just need to get up and reach the checkpoint without [Music] i tried to use two player mode to get cavity at that but instead it wanted to hit the coins cappy home down the coins did you not know catholic ground pound moons i didn't know that it's just you know there's kind of a layer of poison in between it now that's a death warping we're good with this i gotta remember all my two player movement tech because it's kinda sick two-player movement's so cool it's just it's so smooth and everything you know okay we're gonna get this now and mario you're not how about this why don't we just dive onto the safe zone instead and we'll let cappy do whatever it wants for like that is so frustrating that it goes for all of that before anything else nice oh saved um almost almost saved it's like a half save it was close it's close enough to a save right oh what's up conrad it was almost so sick mike the potato will i see this absolutely not sir my controls aren't working my controller just did what oh that doesn't count my controllers died you survived oh my god we can't we jumped frame one we jumped frame one and that allowed us to use glide on let's go i think we're dead though i'm pretty sure we're dead wait i could have worked okay three moons let's get two more there's there's i mean this one no that's not what i was talking about there is this one here and then there's the one in the 2d section we can get i think we might not be able to get it i'll try it anyways we might not be able to get it maybe i should try dealing with klepto first do you have carpal tunnel on your feet no no my feet are fine they're totally good yo wait crap you actually added a platform to get cappy back that's so nice i see you look at that checkpoint next to the 2d area yeah i didn't want to get it because i didn't feel i don't think we need it you sure did thanks very thoughtful of you even if you didn't remember yourself very thoughtful oh we dead no we're not good stuff you got mario golf super rush yesterday you're asking that as a question did you get it yesterday and can't remember or are you asking us if if you got it yesterday i don't i don't know what you mean with the question mark there here we go we're back we're good boom just gonna jump in here get this moon real quick easy peasy uh two more moons yep i'm gonna get this one i'm probably not gonna get this one i'm gonna try it anyways because it would be sick crafty boss forgot to put collision here so i'm just gonna ignore it uh let's get this one all right free at last uh we need one more moon now what's a good one to get i think i know which one we need to get let's go talk to captain toad huh wait no he would kill me i think i don't think we do captain toad unless his area is safe i guess there's only one way to find out huh no you know what [Applause] captain toad kind of wronged me oh oh good save captain don't kind of wrong me the last challenge that we did the gravity challenge that gravity anyway i'm getting this one instead and we're done and we're done this kingdom you think the game is going to crash you like the built-in death counter it's chose all right there we go when is the no death run of this mod that would be an absolute nightmare [Music] will the frame rate be zero because i remember the frame rate being zero and the other one poison metro kingdom is just detroit poison bingo i'll just make it so every death makes yeah every time you die it just starts a new game yo it's not framy let's go probably because it doesn't change the oh no a little it's a little framing it's a little bit oh actually no it's no it's still very framing never mind oh this is going to be an absolute nightmare oh bro oh god it really doesn't like the particle effects that are interacting it's just safe to stand on though it is uh i guess we're playing in slow motion who will be the last smash character so i thought it was going to be like waluigi but sakurai tweeted that if you don't know who the character is don't be mad which leads me to believe that it's a character that uh isn't universally loved like waluigi it's not gonna be uh it's not gonna be like a halo character it's like master chief it won't be um it won't be any mario characters it's not gonna be goku uh it's not gonna be sora if it's sora i'll scream because sora is bad and uh i have a theory that if you uh played kingdom hearts you had a bad childhood and it can't be that i mean it's it's a super popular game that was unrelated but i hope it's not sora true though yeah hands up if you played um if you if you if you if if you like if you played kingdom hearts growing up hands up if you i didn't have a good childhood look look at how many people have their hands up like everyone or something that's a double-barreled question i don't know what you mean yeah i can't impossible jump you're right i played kingdom hearts when i was an adult and i was like man this game is kind of trash and then i never played it again i played it and i was like i got to the part where there's like a dark riku final boss sequence and every time you want to try the final boss it takes three minutes of an unskippable cutscene and the final boss is just stupid how like they just level them up like a million times for no reason other than you have to grind for a few hours and so i like it just sucked like it was so trash like the only people that can have positive memories associated with that the rest of their life must have been terrible it's the only thing that makes sense oh this is so brutal maybe sakurai was ironic maybe what's up with the gravity the gravity is normal it's just the frame rates trash because it's the rain on the the poison you know jaiden animations yes yeah she she paid me to speedrun cooking mama i've watched your videos they're fantastic i think we might just make it to that i'm just gonna try and make it to that i don't know how we can make it to that huh maybe not so way to get rid of the rain yeah make it turn daytime i saw those ghosts thanks for the prime is it going to be crash it's not going to be crashed actually like a sony character crc to the wire that just doesn't i would have to find a slope that goes upward okay i would have to be like a lot of trial and error that i don't really want to do but i could see rc if i really had to uh what i'm thinking is there a way to like parkour my way over there or something maybe not floor is poison two this is the first time i've ever done it what freak warping from midair it's just so slow oh the stream died for a second okay weird isn't the path to the wire now completely poisoned i'm pretty sure it is completely poison like unless this for whatever reason isn't poison in which case i'll take it oh wait oh wait this isn't poison oh so i can just do this then it's so framey oh my god i don't know it's just it's it is painfully for amy it'll only be painfully for aiming for night metro i promise we just need to make it past this uh i don't think i can do night metro skip i'm going to try it though i think the crafty boss forget to turn on the poison in night metro i think bradley boss forgot to turn on the poison in night metro which is fine i guess oh wait does this this is fine whatever we'll just just imagine okay i'm gonna try and get through this as quickly as i possibly can just so we don't have to worry about it because it is yeah i will admit a little slow come here i need you guys to attack me [Music] okay so we need to land on here so i can do this cap throw and then land on this and now we still have the cap jump and i need somewhere to [Music] oh there's poison up there uh huh why is the game slow-mo it was too hard in full speed it was too hard in full speed sorry any future about the wild plans maybe one day i'm just gonna zip through it like this or not nice uh i guess we don't have the scooter anymore let's hope i didn't need it it actually makes it a harder with the frame drops i swear it just it's so hard to time everything to have optimal jumps any plans for more lockouts yep yeah we will be the the lockout thing is getting updated right now for minecraft super mario odyssey we may revisit it at some point here soon not exactly sure when but i know people are really liking watching them okay oh that's annoying i think we're just dead then yep we're just dead okay it shot the man what are there dropped inputs in between the like when the game isn't moving yes it drops the frame so yeah there are dropped frames so like i need to spam every button every time did he finish a lot of pokemon game if you check the schedule you'll have your answer i just do another breath of wild dingle with point girl i actually did do another breath of a bingo with crank grill but it was such a wash that i couldn't upload it to youtube because it wasn't like it wasn't enough content like i think we played for an hour and i got like all of the goals and he got one kind of thing i expect the same thing will happen next week when we play pokemon where we do the randomizer where um the second time we do something i've improved an insane amount and he's about the same [Music] let's see maybe not but that's my expectation [Music] oh whatever do you always obliterate point grow not always don't tank style poison only if you capture them like there was this one time we were on a team uh where we were forced to work together in a minecraft lockout against cj incredios and then i got 11 goals and he got zero and cj and quinoa's both got seven and six and we lost i mean i didn't really obliterate eric in that one yeah i guess he kind of obliterated me is it meant to sound condescending maybe a little bit [Music] how do we get over there i guess there's the polls [Music] that's not the right direction excuse me sir oh mario you good it's like the freaking matrix over here oh my god the frame rate is so ass it's like 2 fps let's get to the checkpoint okay we should have died but i guess the poison isn't turned on next slide please the tanks are destroying the frames yeah do you know if erica will be releasing it i think once the video comes out yeah he'll probably release it 17.1 lockouts with 16 loot tables yeah yeah they will be okay i think we're free from the the lag at least we're free from the lag yeah yeah we're go okay freedom let's go for the most part once it gets to daytime it fixes it damn it we're back in the lag do you use a hair get gel yeah i didn't really do much this morning i kind of woke up and went for it no let me go i should have hit the checkpoint i should have just tried to hit the checkpoint you're following now let's i'm packing you know what i didn't realize that tagging isn't uh isn't something that's like everywhere on twitch i actually didn't i thought pegging was like a universal twitch thing apparently it's not someone beat your pencil sharpening record i know i gave him a thousand dollars define pagging no that's not it define peg ing no i give up [Music] it auto corrects to something else okay we're going in that's why we have a grace period that's why the grace period exists there we go now we get to play with this yucky ground boom okay no problems not scared at all good nice lands on the chest and everything i would like to land directly on the railing that would have been so sick oh my god matt thanks for the tier two that would have been so sick right too bad it didn't work uh-oh that's the problem did the same people make this yes the same people did make this people being crafty boss one guy that manually changed every single floor texture in the game like one at a time [Music] okay good don't touch me are you going one player mode i need to look around no i need to see where i'm going cowards i actually have to do that blind jump from the chest to the railing oh my god i actually have to jump from the chest to the railing oh that is gonna be so hard okay like just jumping off the chest is hard enough huh we actually almost made it it's just really difficult this is the first run i'm only ever doing one run one and done okay oh it almost got me so close so close right there not even close that time might not die here though i land in the right spot go again immediately not having to wait for the respawn yeah i don't know how am i doing good are you gonna try and get as many possible moons after you beat bowser probably not this one i just want to see if i can win okay [Music] i might just go for a two-player jump i'm not sure if that is a good idea or not but i feel like it is a good idea because then i don't need to worry about um i'm afraid that the extra height is necessary for cappy all right like because you you get some extra height while throwing kathy i'm not sure if that's necessary or not it's pretty cool zeo space hey is bowser immune to poison must be the only thing that really makes sense i think we might need that extra height it's gonna be tough then man one player loses momentum when you throw yeah but it gains a pretty significant amount of height wait for me thank you like the height is a lot it's a surprising amount uh i'm not gonna question it polls are weird okay it's so hard to go directly across i'm gonna maybe deliberately bonk so i can throw cappy and try and survive now [Music] yeah here we go top of the chest yeah i think i'll try the top of the chest then it just we'll need to move more to the side but might be a good thing i'm afraid that it's gonna be harder to uh to jump off the top of the chest lame oh didn't get the 12. huh what's the tournament tomorrow uh nickelodeon all-star brawl tournament where we do uh uh i i actually don't know exactly how it works someone was just like you want to join a tournament for a charity thing and i said okay and so i'm just showing up and i'll read the rules tomorrow morning here in the future not currently no wow that's so annoying dude you make it good it's the same tournament jaden yeah it's the same tournament with jaden yeah there's like a like a billion people in it okay steal cat dog from her is cat dog good i don't if i'm being completely honest i don't even know what characters are in nickelodeon game i i don't know i haven't actually seen the gameplay other than i watched moist critical play for about five minutes this morning does it look good let's go we made it we made it oh back to the frame it's a smash one that actually looks fun the tournament is whoever donated the most money gets to pick their character and then fight for a winner like during the tournament [Music] okay wait is this impossible or can the tank survive oh right no how about this we'll just stay in the center just so we don't have to deal with the poison we'll just hang out in the center we're not gonna hit it's like a good smash rip off okay bro this is actually so painful the slow-mo ludwig is practicing oh man i feel like anyone that's good at melee will be good ads at this game because it kind of the the little bit that i did see it kind of looks like melee it has like wave dashing and stuff did you enjoy the escape room you did with alfred what is this a deez nuts joke [Music] that was point crow this dude is named smallant fan234 and he's mixing me up with point grill band change your username i'll unban you [Music] dude mixed me up with someone else and his username is small ant fan nah nah nah you can come back when your username is accurate that's night metro done nice uh yes bruh thanks for the four months atomic weapon with the six months mighty oak thank you for the year [Music] nice we're done day metro oh we've been freed from the powerpoint now it is smooth sailing from now on look at this a fresh start no more frames [Music] we got rid of the big bug thing what a nice neon purple color looks good i'm gonna check to see if dave metro was poisoned if not it'll be okay hey poincare how's the escape room darth straight fire you don't have a small fan in your username i'll forgive you for that one i'm just gonna check to see if this kills me real quick if it doesn't kill me we'll probably have some things to fix okay it does kill me it does kill me the sad part about that is you might be a little kid i really like you almost took you for another person alphabet and it's not bad from the channel it's okay you can change yours that's no problem music doesn't start to hit the ground so it's going to be a completely silent kingdom for a little bit but you know what i'm starting to get a little bit tired and i think this is a good halfway point hmm
Channel: SmallAnt VODS
Views: 360,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, smallant vods floor is poison, smallant vods smo floor is poison, mario odyssey floor is poison, smallant vods, smallant vod, smallant vods smo, smallant vods mario odyssey, smo challenge, smallant mario odyssey, mario odyssey but the floor is poison
Id: Ykj0M6r7ueY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 30sec (13890 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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