Mario Speedrunner plays 3D Land for the First Time

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[Music] so this is Mario 3D Land I've never played it because I never owned it the only reason why I'm able to play it now is because someone sent me in the PO Box I know literally nothing about this game we played through a 3D World I haven't played through 3D Land never played it but we're gonna try it let's go Tanner that's me don't don't look at my me I know I look like an egg let's play oh wow what a surprise Bowser takes Peach again who could have guessed the Run button okay something is telling me that this game this is like 3D world but instead of cats it's raccoons they do not have ground pound jumps they don't have triple jumps but the only jump you have is a side flip wait what if I look around aha [Music] look at it you can do it you could do it you got oh you tried his best oh there's another one okay I'm assuming three coins for world then based on like you know how Mario collectible works let me up no ledge grabs okay that's fine I guess I guess I'll just never get up oh I will get up never mind okay we need to find this last coin I'm gonna try and find all the coins oh here it is we found it we found it 100 it's in here yeah look at that what [Music] okay I had to turn 3D on no no anyways wait we got everything in this level right yes okay on to level two immediately go back every level there's always a secret never never mind there's clearly not a secret there get freaked okay okay wait wait wait no no don't do that oh wait this is fine okay I I totally knew that was gonna be fine and that's why I jumped wait they don't how is he jumping how does one jump like that his legs aren't even moving and he's coming off the ground what oh clearly a secret up here never mind they they have the coins go up for no reason I take it back okay wait no no no I bet we could get infinite lives right there okay okay here we go you can't grab shells in this game I did it oh no we're gonna lose one life ah we lost a life no oh man now we only have 642 lives okay we're going back in for just a moment because I saw something at the end of the level because I think that I think there's like it looks like there's a platform up here the camera moved oh it's just a one up unless unless what is this wait this is world two yo I'm gonna finish world one though foreign [Music] where's the coin I want I haven't even seen one coin yet what is this oh it's just a Sprint okay just go go go go go get more time get dyed don't forget to take a break when you before you feel tired all right I've been playing 43 minutes guys I think it's time to take a break um I'll see you tomorrow on City hidden platforms let's look around don't don't do it no don't do it toad no oh okay okay another first world oh Bowser I'll save you Toad no no okay we're fine why don't I just do this oh bro how do I stop you know what go goodbye see you idiot okay it's it's it's classic wait this is Super Mario this is Super Mario Bros 3 Style and it was a fake we saved him yes wait what the heck was that wow oh my God we gotta do the level again okay whatever boss just try and stop me [Music] so I'll talk about that one oh the combo okay we just gotta get full speed and then let's go into world two how many worlds are there in the normal game eight okay I love flip switches I'm bad because I haven't played it before bro [Music] it didn't I love flip switches no saved now now now now damn it I may have died a few times on this level but let's not talk about that easy okay wait is that the end of world two already this game is quick down wait no no oh wait it's not a stroller okay I hate uh more time thanks I'm sure I'll need more time in this Auto scroller [Music] damn it I never get what I want no no no no oh it goes I thought it was gonna go down don't make me redo this whole level again okay we're gonna get we're gonna get maximum speed here and I'm gonna hit the I'm gonna hit the top ready [Music] good good how does this postcard work it's animated Bowser printed a goof yo open world ah what's this the mushroom is blocking my path okay there we go now I'll be able to get up good sand Kingdom AO I don't want to hit this because I feel like it's just gonna force me through the next part of the level is there something on top I don't know how to get on uh oh wait a minute wait a minute do something up here what the hell is that what is that thing I don't know what it was but it's dead now secret door I don't know what I'm doing but something wait this is a checkpoint did I just skip the start of the level any secrets yo it's obviously the last one I don't know what the first one is though that's the problem there's the starting one okay I just need to get there I know where it is now I'm just gonna use the cannon oh you can just aim it [Music] okay obviously we'll use this dude [Music] to go here and then here to go over top I know that was completely unnecessary but it looked cool okay and sometimes that's more important just look at everyone with an Apple phone nailed it good c what does it mean Secret that's what it means that's what it means secret you know there's a secret in one of these I didn't mean to leave the secret is that you can leave through the back door ah bubbles ah okay it doesn't do anything this time for sure there's a good secret down here what are you what are you what are you you're my ride that's what you are can you come back we got a ride baby where's it gonna lead us it actually led me to a secret that is so sick [Music] no no really [Music] no no no I almost saved it too [Music] no oh wow I did not see those coming out let's look around don't do it oh did he just eat his shot yeah he cut the head off of his young child and threw it off of the edge of the stage he was getting rid of the body oh you again bad easy yo should I get some more lives no that's not where I wanted you to go all right all right you can help me here can't you whatever I'm done I'm out of here screw you murder all of them [Music] you know what for that I am going to get infinite lives [Music] it's uh it's called Uh investing okay you know you got to invest some lives to gain infinite lives all right it's what it's just don't we're gonna it'll work if we um this TR this is working as in [Music] what no [Music] I told you I was gonna work you just have to invest a few lives I think we'll be able to get to 999 I know there's only 100 seconds but we're able to do this what happens it just goes back to zero [Music] I prestiged what happens if we get to another 100 there's no room grounds let's go hang mode activate 100 it's above here 100 no doubt in my mind it's right here okay there was something I I need to go around this way real quick to get the uh the secret coin or not okay there was one area I didn't check because I thought they wouldn't hide it there I'm going to the cannon oh [Music] nice [Music] nailed it we're already on world four oh my God we're zooming hey dude secrets whoops I guess we're in world five back to world four I'm confused as to how I'm supposed to get this oh never mind I'm no longer confused that actually reminds me of the first time so I had a terrible time in first grade I had a terrible teacher and like a public school I was very shy um I remember I dropped something and the teacher got absolutely pissed at me she was Furious keep in mind I'm in grade one and she is yelling at me top of the lungs like face to face and I don't want to make eye contact and so I'm looking at the floor because I don't want to look at her and she says no look up look at me damn it we gotta do that level again and I don't want to look into her eyes so I like I look down I look like below her face and I'm like okay but she doesn't then I look to the left and then I look I look up and then I look to the right and I look down and she's like who do you think you are rolling your eyes at me and I'm like I don't know what that means but I just I just stayed quiet and then I then I went home and I was like yeah I don't want to go to school anymore the only other school was like this private Christian school or something so I ended up going to that one for a few years but I remember when I got back to public school because I was in a private Christian School I didn't know anything about how real people talked in real life and so on the first day of school a guy walked up to me he's like you want to go you want to go and I'm like go where because he was like and they just walked away but that was I told this story before but that was the guy he was like thank you so much for not like punching me when we were in school I really deserved it like he ended up apologizing when we when we got out of school because he was like I was kind of the worst I was like yeah but you know don't worry about it you were probably going through some oh lovely let's ago stairs [Music] [Music] they didn't give a warning that they were going to turn why are there like a million buttons it seems like the right way to go so I don't want to go that way yet we're gonna go this way instead okay do you like hairless cats I don't know they seem chill literally because whenever I see them they're just shivering because they don't have any hair oh my God holy octopus this could be a problem [Music] die it's good let's do it oh is this Wendy Pom-Pom sorry it's not Wendy ow ES okay I guess I did it okay what's here there's a secret there I almost died though that was not worth it another letter we'll go into level five world five okay yo they actually have a boomerang power up in this where are we going buddy oh okay is this how Monkeys dance oh apparently throwing a boomerang does not stall you in the air like in Super Mario Odyssey nailed it oh my God I may need to use the 3D on this one uh it looks like both of these are entrances wait is this the right way or is that the right way I don't even know I'm gonna go here this seems like it could be the secret what is this I need a fire flower for this level come on give me a fire flower already this level is wild yeah definitely the 3D adds a lot to this one this is gonna give me a fire flower I believe did not give me a fire flower and we're dead there's your fire flower yeah [Music] The Legend of Zelda reference that's cute that's so cool wait I missed one you have to jump up okay well now I have 80 Seconds to complete the level I can do it 60. can't get a hit 40 coins totally have that amount right 75 haven't missed a single one now the vote just gives them back this level seems very difficult what does this platform do [Music] okay I feel like I've missed a secret already [Music] I must have missed one somewhere dude there's got I had to have right oh that's only the first one oh they swing back I didn't catch that part all right now we're gonna go to the note block up here I almost just shook like in Super Mario Odyssey to climb faster I'm about to lose my second Crown I need to get my crowns back dude faster faster oh that's not the right way wait is it the right way I think maybe it is well there's the end I don't have a tail though uh [Music] don't play that celebratory music on me moles brutal oh their eyes you could see they're in such extreme pain oh disco oh my God you monster is this you literally making me pick a pipe here what is this that's not too bad I hate not having the um the tail it's so tough got the one up let's go you need me a leaf no are you are you it's good enough for me I'll take it all right cap what you got buddy hey he's wearing a hat he's going for it where did he go where'd he go where'd he go no no oh wait he might be okay why didn't you get the he didn't go for the flag he made it he survived okay I know it's a tough life for a toad but man [Music] oh no toad did it I thought it would be okay I can't tell what anything is or where anything is oh I see the coin [Music] nope okay did I just die nope everything's fine okay depth perception on that was so tough all right Bowser wait it takes 50 coins to unlock this level all right let's see what this level's got in store I'm kind of zooming right now [Music] it's not letting me wall jump that is not cool dude well I guess I'll do it without the Tanuki well I guess I'll do it without the Tanooki Suit wait I just I there's got to be a Tanuki suit in one of these right oh frick you don't get out of here you Golden Leaf stupid [Music] okay we're fine I think yes we're fine good no no they dropped hard I'll kill you foreign what where could I have missed it I really don't know wow someone just went home and recorded their pet cat wow they at like 6 a.m it was their cat at their door trying to wake them up oh Bowser's here see you idiot the the bridge turns since when no why does lava insta kill humans in this game but it never really [Music] okay now you're just stop bro now they're just like it's because you're making me go backwards after this checkpoint all right you are literally making me go through this whole why is my we're gonna run out of lives I'm only one I only have one king crown now this is embarrassing okay just I just got to be a little more patient that's all see that patience exactly no Bowser I run through you now I just need to hit the flagpole at the very top running a circle around a circle get that speed speed get full speed [Music] nail the top who's delivering these letters yo peaches are saving herself that's a goal huh well that one was easy now now now now how do I miss it no why did why am I so upset I'm not upset saved where's Captain Toad hello okay he's right where'd he go did he just it's a secret he's waiting for us let's go yeah let's go I missed one no what the I got Kaizo blocked the block was visible though that's ridiculous I who no one could have seen it it's got to be in here somewhere that's what I thought I wasn't looking at it therefore it didn't exist okay okay I can I can save this [Music] pyramid okay I thought so let's go we made it up okay wait wait for me wait for me huh nice yo I recognize some music from somewhere where is this music from the winter levels of 3D World wait so it originated here okay I haven't missed one yet as far as I can tell we do be exploring these mushrooms are fun boys this game is old yeah this game is rather old huh stop making me feel old sorry you are old just the way it goes you're old as heck who's the boss right now huh and we got a tail this game is as old as Skyrim the 3DS doesn't have Skyrim isn't that sad everything else is Skyrim why not the 3DS um not fair I was too tall I had to crouch under it so you need to crouch there we go oh not her again we're gonna die oh [Music] okay oh that's a stressful boss I don't believe you [Music] aha that's what I thought that's what I thought [Music] on to the next World world seven oh the letter yo Peach kind of dealing with everybody I can't handle some bees and she's running away from everything tail tail tail tail I guess that's better than nothing yeah oh we can cause pain fire in the water it doesn't make much sense does it okay this is an interesting level okay bite me there we go just get through that nice and quick that's the first one excellent oh we're taking a hit unless yo you can tame the Chomps or at least chill them out or heat them up why are you celebrating you just got destroyed what happens if I just well now I know okay that's a set of stairs that should work right wherever that might lead to great where's Captain Toad hey oh my God look at them all I guess there wasn't enough room for all of them up there so they kind of took the heads off of a few those monsters they terrify me that got dark quick it really did didn't it okay that should be enough right to just [Music] it didn't Long John speedrun speed run Speed Run Speed Run nope don't wall jump speed run [Music] no no oh I just did something okay got it let's wrestle on that one though we're good we got we did it yeah yo this remix foreign yeah I figured you'd be here the Cycles don't line up they don't they don't rotate at the same time there we go okay we'll be able to do this that's the one apparently that wasn't the one never mind we're doing the level again wait I don't need that why am I doing this again I can do the fast way I can just run around I don't need the coins foreign there we go on the boss I really wish I had more Leafs though dude [Music] okay bro chill okay I really hope this is I don't know which was the intended way I'm gonna hope this isn't the intended way I do this whole level over again just just kill me just kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me good just focus on not dying you're dead kid I said just focus on not dying brain you good this boss fight's actually easier because she doesn't track you I'd like to jump on his head please thank you there we go I'm not going to get that item but what if it's a leaf if it's a leaf it's worth it but there's something on top of it I don't want to go on top of that I don't want to die okay one up good anyways we're on to the last World oh he's got her in a cage now what's your favorite level so far that one was really fun I think that's sand level the sand level that was like kind of almost open world that one was I like that sand level no I am not going for that you turning oh geez spooked me there that whole level is an auto scroller I gotta sit through that all over again yo this seems special this seems like a special level oh it is it has these lovely flip switches I love flip switches bro did that one have a tail that was sick okay the flippity switches I was not expecting to jump on that foreign try let's go wait is this the last level let's go be Bowser it only took five and a half hours I think I missed any coins yet is it a coin right there [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down there big boys [Music] nice checkpoint really hope I didn't miss anything wait yeah that's right where's toad where's toad is he free this time did he escape okay Bowser bring it on this should be easy come on Bowser jump again no jump again you won't how did he he pushed me The Recoil from his no how the hell are you supposed to get that without do you have to have the tail or the boomerang it's fine we're making it off screen jumping Fireballs off-screen jumping fireballs can you jump for me thanks oh really good we got him that time those are literally literally burning and melting and dying nice yo the skull okay he died but where's toad Peach escaped by herself you tell me I didn't need to do any of this is that just a cardboard cutout of peach did he just die no oh no he's flying you can just float away man's in creative mode world eight right more levels what were those coins there for oh this thing rotates oh Oh I thought there was going to be a falling you know what okay [Music] we got the leaf [Music] okay I bet the last coin is somewhere on this rotating pillar so I'm gonna check every side is that it right there yo I told you I told you somewhere on this little pillar [Music] looks nerve-wracking a little bit not gonna lie this has got to be the end of the level just gotta prank why why that's so mean [Music] see not too bad just show me seven eight oh wait what I thought I thought there was gonna be more levels in between but I guess not never mind let's go wow what the heck is going on here the last level is an auto scroller no you won't hit me and if you crouch you just don't get hit by any level okay no that's not true what I'm running I'm running I'm actually gonna Focus now we made it through the auto scroller again let me bounce on you let me bounce on you thank you push another Auto scroller this might be the worst final level I've ever seen it's just like four minutes of Auto scrolling I'm gonna use the 3D for this one because clearly I need some depth perception okay it's all three I guess we're at the end okay we're at the end yo you guys were working with him the whole time I knew it [Music] yeah it's a leaf how ominous oh is that a checkpoint no that's the ending flag yeah you made it without defeating Bowser of course time okay oh let's do it where is he I can't tell where he is oh is he shooting fire I don't know oh yeah there it is I need that thank you you're not Donkey Kong go away foreign nailed it see you idiot that's just not fair [Music] there we go bye bye I thought he could fly what happened to that okay that's what happened to that I guess huh okay thank God doesn't bring me back to the start of this level where is he oh God jump but don't land on me this time thank you idiot see a loser we have our tail still which is what matters I think we go this way nice goodbye this is a really cool Final Boss though uh uh okay depth perception yeah okay I need to turn the 3D on again this depth perception problem is killing me here we go nice nice he's gonna get to throw another Barrel won't he what do you think you are Bowser jump can I just do this no you can't okay bye you cannot just roll through them there's got to be three buttons there's no way that's it oh that might be it never mind is he dead for real yo just don't mess up the flag Mario I didn't mess up the flag let's go it took six hours the end question mark you can now plays Luigi oh wait can you oh no Luigi was right though what crime did he commit to get locked up you can now use pipes to travel the special worlds foreign [Music] so we're only half done well then I guess we're at a halfway point we'll finish this next Thursday I'm gonna call it here thanks so much for watching everybody and if you enjoyed be sure to follow I stream five days a week you know every weekday this is fun I enjoyed this
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,441,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MCLZ5xP308k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 48sec (2388 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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