Mario in FNAF?! | Ultimate Nintendo Night (Ultimate Custom Night Fan Game)

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT line breathing that Monday GT live everybody refitted hmm smells good Oh delicious I wish it smelled like bacon wouldn't that then that'd be great if you're like the theme scent could be bacon mmm I feel like if you had the theme scent of bacon and you smelled like bacon all the time well bake it what I feel like the smell of bacon would actually lose its pleasantness actually this the smell of scent the smell of scent the sense of smell is one of those things that you that your brain accommodates for very quickly and so for instance when you walk into our house it smells like cat urine but within five minutes of being inside our house the cat urine smell goes away it's pretty magical we may have a problem currently with skips peeing on things maybe there may be an issue skip may have peed on something we can't find anybody gets peed on so many things at this point we don't even know where he is at this point it's like it's just that it's fair okay so make my house seem gross he if is the one who's making the house seem gross I think he's doing just fine however the holiday season he's sometimes he gets a little stressed out around the holidays like we all do and might be in a position where he may have peed on something this weekend I don't know I don't know I mean I don't know where it is I can't I don't know I thought I used to be able to pinpoint and I can't anymore you know what what's a bummer the know when you like baked chocolate chip cookies or something and you can only smell it after you come back into the room with the chocolate chip cookies that's that's kind of the bummer about it because your nose just gets used to smell so fast the chocolate chip cookies of the urine though chocolate-chip cookies you use the pronoun if that wasn't sure what the it I was supposed to be smelling what hey guys welcome to GG LIBOR today we're not using our sense of smell but we are using our sense of hearing oh what a good segue I know I know so today we are very fortunate to be sponsored by Dolby yam a sponsor you guys yeah oh this is this is and this is really exciting so they actually they actually got us an early Christmas present yeah I I like to think that for both Steph and I we got a first-hand look at their Dolby dimension headset which is the things I'm wearing right now it's a it's a wireless headset or headphones wireless headphones that they're they're great so I'm usually not a guy who's super picky about my technological devices or anything like that but one thing that is a big problem in my life has been my headphones um stuff with Matthew and the saga of I can't tell you how many headphones Matthew has gone through and he wears them constantly like we haven't actually been able to show any headphones on the stream for a while because or just on our online life in general for a while because these were not released yet and we actually weren't allowed to show any pictures of them but we've been using them behind the scenes for like weeks now and but the Stephanie can attest like one of the big problems that she's always had with me and and other like Jason has the same problem too is the fact that because I'm online like watching YouTube videos because I'm watching movies because I'm wearing the scanning through things because I'm like listening to music while I'm writing strips and I need to be in like my writer zone or just kind of like just focused on the scripted my writers own study it's a real thing it is a real thing I you're an artist I whatever artists all I'm saying is I need to focus on everything we're not an artist I'm saying you're right uh so anyway anyway I feel like it's really in it's like he gets really I'm sorry that it takes I don't know when I don't know when you're trying to write something that's complicated you need to like focus on it that's not half people being like hey can you approve the thumbnail hey can you respond to this email hey I'm Jason and I have nothing important to say you know and so being able to block that out is important but at the same time like then they then they wait for you and then you got a soul so I do this thing all the time where I'm like doing the one cup I do the one cup all the time right you can attest to this and its really frustrating yeah hate me for it well well I when he doesn't do that it's just impossible to talk to him you could be standing like three inches from the back of his head but he's blasting music really loud into his ears and so you you can't ever get his attention so he has to like have the one year out all the time but that's actually really uncomfortable yeah so anyway it kind of sucked long story short you don't have to do that with these and they're awesome no yeah so so the cool thing about these headphones and and the reason I like I've been using them so much and I like them so much and I'm so excited that Dolby selected us to kind of be one of the first people that play around with the product is the Dolby dimension headset actually allows you to do this thing called life mix it has this feature called life mix which allows you to choose how much ambient sound is getting into the headphones and it basically like amplifies it into your ear it's great so I can be listening to the music or to the game or video whatever it is but I'm still connected to the outside world so that way I'm listening to something in my headphones but Stephanie can say something like if I'm talking right now I don't know where it is actually but but if he has it turned on he can still hear everything I'm saying and it's actually cool when you're in the headphones it actually sounds like there's a very small like microphone right next to your ear that's amplifying the voices that people of people around you as much or as little as you want like it'll dampen out all the sound if you want like if you want to cancel out all the sound on an airplane or something like that but if you have it turned on a little bit it's just like there's this like little small microphone right next to your ear so even if someone's like kind of across the room or not speaking all that loudly it actually kind of amplifies it like right into your ear you can hear what they're saying yeah it's real me it's really really cool I've never seen anything like it but this life mix feature is awesome because like right now I can hear exactly what you're saying and hold a full conversation with her but at the same time if I just double touch I can't hear I can kind of hear myself but I can't really hear anything in the world around me yeah it's one of those cool headphones where everything is controlled just by like just by like tapping stuff or moving your fingers like you can like just like stroke your fingers up and down to like to control the volume and stuff anyway they're really cool thank you so much for your sound I can hear I can hear everything okay so the last thing really the last thing I want to say real quick yeah is you can actually adjust the level to using their app which is really cool so this is like it can like a control or like a remote control for the headphones and you can like scale it down to find like what the right mix is depending on the subject or like depending on the situation and so like right now it's like a 50/50 mix yeah I can still hear you but like today as we play the game if there are moments that are like more intense or whatever I can just turn down the transparency and being just summary out and I can't hear anything I turn down zero and I can't hear anything and I'm focused on the game you can't hear anything you guys because way we could say anything out here I might take 11 what you turn it back in here you go yeah it's also nice too because with Oliver like I can hear if he's like crying in another room and I'm like trying to like watch a show or whatever it's great I guess desire I love these because our depression says hey yeah but are they edible not quite yet that may be a future feature they have not led us they are really soft though so anyway they're pretty like really push it's good yeah and then we have a link in the description if you're looking for like a last minute Christmas present for someone really special in your life these are just about the best headphones you can possibly get there they're fantastic I love them and I wanted to put them to the test today because one of the things and we were talking all about this like life mix and being connected to the world around you but also to your entertainment and one of the things that any long-term viewers of GT Live will know is that I've historically had problems with games that require me to wear headphones specifically horror games because it's so dependent on the side own but because this is a live stream I want to be talking with you guys and I want to be talking with Stephanie and holding on to the conversation whatever comments are happening things like that and I could never do that because I had to be in two places at once but now because of this I'm actually able to hear the game perfectly but also here Stephanie perfectly so hopefully throughout the day like this is like putting the headphones to the test which is really cool um and because it is Super Smash Brothers season because that just came out over the weekend I've been playing have you we've been playing it's great I'm we had the theory come out on Sunday which we're gonna be discussing during tomorrow's GT live but because it's Super Smash Brothers season and everyone is there we thought we would celebrate with one of the Forgotten franchises that was not present in Super Smash Brothers five nights at Freddy's and so so Chris went online and found apparently this fusion of ultimate custom night with Nintendo characters ultimate Nintendo nights right ultimate Nintendo night and the creator of the game is already reached out to us on Twitter so we have them hopefully watching thank you so much for making it - baby gamer that's baby oh debt baby yeah baby gamer on Twitter gamers I'm so if you like the game give it a try show them some love and we are ready to play let's do it so so yeah that's a that's it it's ultimate in two ways to engage in the stream have a question about headphones if you have any questions about ultimate Nintendo Knight who we are meaning right now is brother's Smash Brothers Simon Belmont far and away the best new character he's great wait I'm still on Pikachu he's great I IRA and zero suit samus is as good as she ever has great yeah those are my two favorite care guys why should you live we're on Twitter tell us about who yeah we're playing as fashion where apparently Chris drew an evil Sonic the Hedgehog which is not a Nintendo character yeah but it sure pregnant endo night and just as Sonic is in Super Smash Bros ultimate so he is in this game so ultimate Nintendo and others night ah video game mascot night uh hey you know what I will take this version of Sonic over the version of Sonic the Hedgehog that was revealed on the post era - whoa oh my god which looks like a hot mess oh the hottest it looks honest but that's okay oh you can hisses God skin the chest not some thighs man you see he's got Bailey's got those gams working I don't you've seen this on Twitter if you haven't seen it on Twitter or body shame poor sauna the thing is all you see are like the outlines of his like bulging like quads and then like oh and then he hates all his face is like blacked out because like they're afraid to reveal what he actually looks like which is concern he's also wearing like super trendy sneakers now it's it's gonna be rough horse sanic alright the sanic movie gotta go fast in the other direction is that one thick yes so his legs are like Ron you're like whoa he also has human hands it looks like witches yeah yeah I can't even think about it I'm we nightmares let's let's play weird okay ultimate Nintendo night let's do this - baby gamer version 3 alright so here I am but right immersing myself okay in my Dolby dimension headset I can still hear me there you go and I can hear the game are you sure you can still hear I can't so if I started making fun of you behind your back of Jason if you start making fun of me I'll probably just turn it off so that way I don't because no I don't want I don't want to be hurt and Stephanie hurry and play is um I don't know well find out alright let's see apparently they've already selected for us that these odd characters are good to go oh no that's me from earlier oh oh is that you alright fair enough I like how you put them on one you're just like I just want to try them but I don't want to try I'm very hard chris has got it so this is this already looks really cool it's it's Super Smash Brothers but like fine a petition so I've got discreet and all the captions are really small though 8-bit Mario runs by the screen at random if he goes off screen he disables your light click him okay I'm gonna go with I think we'd go with Mario mm-hmm let's start let's just start low at three yeah paper I'm gonna I wanna borrow my gosh this text is so small people commandos five of your coins will you play you will need it to help him in battle if you can't afford it the heater is pretty bad for paper so you could burn Paper Mario with your heater still small in all of these stays in the kitchen it keeps the powered okay Mario stays in the kitchen making his a pasta maker awesome audio keeps his power generator keep his power generator on so he can keep playing his video game if his power breaks that he will use yours bad channel says hold on let me get my earphones Kennedy says I love you more than matpat loves Diet Coke sonic doing his cardio is a spiritual game Raider and Mattie Burke says Colleen is having her baby we saw a picture of that and the first thing that Matthew said was that's not what it looks like to have a baby I think Colleen Colleen has like this really cute staged picture of her at the hospital drinking coffee which they don't let you drink like if you're actually in labor and she's like looking at her phone which you would never do if you are also actually in labor we are wishing her 100% the best and that was a very nice staged photo okay so peach you flesh you got a flash peach understandable don't make too much noise for Luigi he needs power keep his power generator on okay will appear in the office at random so heat it up and and heat it up so he so Bowser there's nothing you can do about okay keep collecting the apples you see on screen he gets hunger if you don't see oh she if you hear their usual toad noises close both doors at the same time oh boy okay do it that's good a Ross jump right he's gonna be rough like just don't like with any custom night game I know it's always a bit challenging to like figure out stuff to begin with Rosaleen Tallon says making pasta Mario make your pasta module Odyssey someone asked when can we see your baby we got this question all the time the baby doesn't appear on the live stream or anything like that but he does show up everyone's smile over on Instagram let's see what is that sound okay I got my power generator on no I don't know if uh he releases Emma when I am here in Germany and I can't sleep so why not just watch my first ever GT lapse from you guys today why not that sounds awesome let us keep you company in your heads Omni huh I think I may have just died what already no your time still ticking right it is still ticking I hear I hear all sorts of weird sounds today look made it - did I win have I won the game I hope a winner is me this might not be the conglaturations the winner is you this might not be the winning scream this might not be win this is just some sort of strange purgatory this is yeah hey yeah I think we did it nailed it Chris do we have the votes do we do we have the latest version of the game we do have the latest version of the game I wonder if maybe you needed to do something and didn't and the power went out and then I did a good job and then you did a great job you just wait it out because I'm gonna win - am big since this is ultimate Nintendo night it literally is matpat wins by doing nothing I think I'm pulling a Luigi right now Matt Pat wins by doing nothing are you gonna say stuff Prime Meridian says what the fudge is this it's a black screen yeah right now we've got a good black screen rerun on we're a very restful well I'm so good at this game I don't even need it the games like I can't even compete with this I can I can't even challenge them you don't even know I know this is ultimate Nintendo night it's basically ultimate custom night from in a in a snappy sort of way but it's all been replaced by fun and lovable Nintendo characters who do things that are less than fun and lovable to you if you don't keep them in check Chris how can you cut away from this compelling gameplay you're right you're right it's we're getting close Chris don't this is tense right now I am tense with these headphones jump-scares give me intense I'm gonna read a few more things where we didn't have to like turn off the mix more just to avoid the light jump-scare sounds hey Shaco gaming says i have no school tomorrow so i can watch the whole stream the roads are still icy so i had no school today yay I miss icy roads Yeah right what dude there's a whole bunch of snow happening on the East Coast which was rain on the west coast last week so hopefully everyone is faring well I know a bunch of people lost power and everything in the rain storm nobody I think Mario took your power said fuff sub plays but nothing else seems to be happening yeah Mario took my power apparently he also took all the enemies out of the game because it does not appear as though they are threatening me or maybe they too are scared of the dark and ran away oh yeah which I totally get I was scared of the dark for so long I feel left with a light restart the ventilation Matthew go do that uh I was scared of the dark for so long I slept with a light on the light in my room on until midway through elem are not Monello college midway through college no at least midway through middle school I kept my light on and at a certain point I recognize it's like hey I should probably get good at sleeping without lights on but no for the longest time I slept with the light on did you ever were you ever scared of the dark or no I was always pretty scared of the dark but I wasn't allowed to sleep with the light on so I only weren't allowed know your parents forced you into taraf terror I had a nightlight so I wasn't like strictly disallowed it was just like it's just like no if you're going to sleep you go to sleep and you turn the light off I don't really know why my parents never went with the nightlight option really you never had a nightlight no never I mean I had the whole lamp on I always had your no because I think my parents were afraid that I would like kill myself trying to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night by tripping over something I was a bit clumsy I think that's where it came from wow we did it we did it oh yes we scored zero how oh wait wow you suck a big time oh excuse me what are you 300 how how can I suck a big time when I did it yeah and also we love so little effort bro what are we supposed to do should we pick these same characters or do we think there's something wrong with one of them it was almost like I didn't have to do anything almost we got to go me milord here will appear on either side of your office flash your light okay okay I think we can do that yeah I think we can do that and then I want to put in a bid for Paper Mario down there at the bottom REO was a heater okay and Mario here was click on him so he goes away I think they just go with those guys makes her way through the plate system Makayla Stewart says why is Matt Pat's head not Christmas I need the Christmas mrs. KUB okay christmas is coming you guys Thursday 11:00 a.m. we'll be there Instagram storying and there will be a video on it the this appointment is going to take so long it's gonna be happen it took us forever to schedule because we needed to find someone who had that much time on their hands to do it and it would also allow filming and we could like get back to the live stream and stuff on time so it's gonna take like 4 or 5 hours to do this ok so he's in here they have to bleach all the color out of Matthews hair and Matthew has just some like you know stubborn stubborn guy hair here so they have to get all the color out and then put all the color back in happening Thursday the appointment is on the books Matthew cannot get out of it this time no and we'll be done and we'll be your planet ugh hard and kidnapped to the hair salon I'm totally on board oh wait uh and Kay loves you it says you don't miss icy roads trust my broken legs what what is reset ventilation okay so paper Mario's here right and I'm supposed to Blake bird him with something right right I heard something who's that what does that sound all of Oh Oh the camera battery is being drained really fast oh wait no just look at the emotions open camera right what's that grinding sound I hear it in my item it sound like my life mix is incredible right why whoa whoa oh my god I got him what we what Oh No Oh ventilation there we go see okay we turn through the alright we got it we got it device that's for this coin power while Luigi should be appearing in my doorway right I also really don't know what the deal is with paper Mart like Paper Mario just being here is freaking me out a little bit whoa what do you want oh man might not be in smash and so he wanted to make his presence known in ultimate Nintendo now it's a little bit nutso this game I mean all the finesse like custom fan games have been a little bit off their rockers but Oh beaver Mario he will demand five of your coins so how do you give how do you pay him off if you can't afford it than the heater okay so only when he demands the coins you have full up the heater okay great what a gangster so now I know click Mario block the doors and what does she do chief helps me she really cannot kill me oh she is I turned on literally the characters who are the easiest okay great oh this person will attack them it's too hot only be kept at bay using the sound is the power generator said Jack flames that what it is okay okay we're gonna try these again since I died phantom universe says wow that's more of a which everyone says Wow okay let's try this again shall we I don't know what global Odyssey means no clue how her generator has like the worst sound ever so I'm not you think that's just not yourself right it's I mean it's it's very effective like it's very clear what's going on some of the changes that I looked at the song where your hoster exam bleating oh there you go right out and tough man Sonic's brought the sonic ones rough guys so IRL remix of everything make me real nervous right when you they make me real nervous oh wow between the Disney IRL remakes and everything and then all of these new real-life video game remakes that are also happening I'm just there's so much room for error here don't you know that the the Disney Wars so many ways to go wrong the Disney ones are good are they I think so yeah you liked IRL Beauty and the Beast here's the thing was it better than the original No was it good it was fine it was good boy it was fine it was watchable I enjoyed Maleficent I enjoyed Maleficent - oh I enjoyed what other IRL Disney like it's a jungle boy I actually liked the jungle book was beautiful I'm skeptical about that I am cautiously optimistic about the Lion King yeah Jon Favreau directed The Jungle Book and he's doing the Lion King that gives me hope okay all right that gives me hope okay I'm still not seeing waluigi in either of these oh yeah use the heater to kill people Paper Mario pull it up on the camera since at minecraft vo5 1-5 on twitter you come out so I'm good with paper Mart okay is that I have no oh hello can I blow eg Wow gaw Meem Lord I'm not worthy I'm not worthy to face the purple man he's literally he's the purple guy he's always I was wondering that too a few different under you if you ever picnic at rek be says I'm not saying I tank could have done Matthew Sarah but that's what I'm saying / there was a problem with it we could not for the life of us get a hold of him we tried so hard right we tried to get guy tank to do Matthews hair oh yes yes yes we tried we tried he wouldn't return our calls we're like not cool enough or whatever or something I don't know maybe he was just booked I don't know um but anyway yeah we we wanted to get guy Tang because he does all the youtuber hair or whatever all right I'm gonna try this again because I realized my mistake which is I need to flash my light apparently I read everyone's instructions and then completely didn't pay attention at all ha you're too busy mixing your life I was I was too busy playing around with my also I'm loving seeing everybody's pictures of your merch that you are getting that's arriving as your theory where arrives of the mail yeah hopefully it is I see a lot of it pouring in so thank you so much for sending your pictures and and everything of the hats and the socks and the dresses and everything it's awesome it looks great and we hope you guys are loving it yes this one actually to mom to me today what today today is the final day if you want Theory where I know guaranteed to get before Christmas Christmas there's no job yeah if your domestic you can probably still get away with a couple days but just to be safe we're telling everyone to order by today if you want to get it for Christmas and I want to call out at Wardlaw Jesse who says just going to three where I love it love from Canada I love everything I got I see game theory socks film theory socks a hat and a film theory jacket which is pretty amazing thank you so much I hope you love it you know what complements a good set of theory where some Dolby dimension infants yeah it's great i these are these are some like these are the most by far just just so you guys know are by far like the just the nicest like sort of most intense headphones are like like really high like high quality headphones that we've ever had you know for us this was like a really special thing and we're like a big Christmas present from like for us yeah so that was why we were excited to like to share them and why we were willing to talk about them because there's you know there's a lot of stuff that you buy our a lot of tech that you try where you're like yeah this is like okay but I'm not sure like we'd be willing to talk about it or endorse it or anything like that and this is like sort of an exception for us what do you want what do you what do you want what do you want smaller ferry all right are you the DD are you are you inserting a new challenger okay and also some love for your scared of the dark days yeah amulet rebel on Twitter so I was terrified of the dark even now I keep my digital clock like on a pretty bright setting oh yeah I got him sorry I got really all right there I got rid of good big moment and at la Michelle once I'm a 19 year old in college and I sleep with a nightlight and ask Santa for a new mic honestly like no shame I also did this weird thing where I did this weird thing growing up where I would call it the cocoon but I literally would shoot someone's gonna attack me those Oh totally no one's an event system either where is this new challenger huh huh I don't know it's making me nervous but I would do this thing and all the way up through college actually called the cocoon where I would wrap myself completely in a blanket completely like head-to-toe like in a cocoon and I would only leave myself a small like air hole a small little air hole he's demonstrated the cocoon to me in the past and it really just does look like a big like dirty lump on a bed and then if you like look at it from just the right angle you'll see that there's a hole like this big on one of the size of a blanket and you see Matthews like I and like no it's just kind of sticking out through the hole it's uh it's something to behold it got hot it was largely because I was like nervous ah got here good I just always imagined that you just likes rain sweat under that many blankets yeah you do it's true it gets really hot and really uncomfortable even others oh stop it no way where are you if I may have anyway I love our little music yeah you did it baby I don't suck anymore you suck wait wait old mediocre look new high score come man man brutal that being said I would like to call this out not just because they sponsored an episode but you'll notice how much better I'm doing it having a conversation and playing the game actually yeah right is usually a miserable time trying to talk to these kids right I just turned it off so I can't hear you but but cuz it used to always have to be billeted it used to always have to be the cup the one year the one year yep right but now I love it I can also turn up the volume by doing this we just really excited about them okay you can swipe forward and back to like changer haha okay so um appears on your desk click her or she'll distract the fine um I never saw Mario I'm gonna go pay here we just crank them up just crank cuz I'm determined to not suck a big time I I don't know that might just appear there forever I don't think I think once you cross the circle oh wait I had Kirby will copy exactly what you do at all times on his game if you let him fail he'll make you fail what what what Wow Wow we'll just start with these guys okay so now we've added in jiggli because see this is like Smash Brothers accept free and not at all like Smash Brothers but it's great I get my like ultimate crossover oh yeah now well now you can play all the characters even if you have an unlock them on this match side right um it takes a long time to unlock everyone final final word on Matthews cocooning is that one of the reasons I think that you that you don't do it anymore is that now if there's a cocoon going on skip will actually come and lay right on top of it so not only is Matthew being like crushed by blankets but now he just has like a cat like it was and skip is hefty I mean yep you know he's a substantial soul if you know what I mean and he'll just come right up and lay on the face so so I don't know it does your air hole collapse under that circumstance when I it's funny when I do when I do the cocoons cuz sometimes I will everybody architecture of the cocoon definitely starts to break down under the weight of the cap no it's not even that the architecture of the cocoon is great what happens is skipping can find my air hole my little eye in the air like that point I air hole but he'll find it and what he'll do is he'll start like bet Oh what what he'll start batting into my so like now all of a sudden is like reaching through a hole that is either a direct passageway to my mouth or to my eyeball so you'll be in real high don't he'll be he'll be there and they'll be like what's in there what's in there oh I need and it's me that's I hear something I don't know what it is though it's really hot in there is that a problem might be I'm just saying 120 degree it's like me inside I'm trying to recreate my cocoon Stephanie haha he's the cook I'm trying to relive my cocoon okay it's just the purgatory of your cocoon the purgatory of Myka all right don't worry oh hey oh no oh no I don't have my flashlight all right all right Oh curse you Mario and preventing my flashlight from activating well poopy Darrin I wanna I want to get beyond I suck if I could get past I suck I would be happy we'll attack on the right door however if agent 3 is active she'll attack the moment after what close the right door that's what I've learned from this one close right shore great going all-in I can't beat them for the life of me but I'm gonna do it I'm actually I'm a little skeptical about your ability to tackle this one I'm actually having a slightly harder time o all their feelings so I should probably shut that right door that much there we go whoa hey hey friend that was swell just gonna keep under power-generating other folks have sent in pictures of their merch in last couple of minutes have been at anesthesia for EM let's see oh oh I like there's the blanket metamorphosis that someone sent in whoo the Palenque bit amorphous terrifying that someday you will emerge from your cocoon as a beautiful butterfly one one can only hope was that the sound of them Oh get out here go meet Lord go go try to get your way go try to get your way into smash again what you're not active what the heck what the heck I protest this is hard even even with a baby no no this is hard all right hold up you oh wait he was how did you get active at Lauren mclubbe Nikolov or also says how's the centerfolds going don't have to take those pictures man I'm taken though so so you know we're taking the lingerie pictures after I get the hair so there is hair first than the pictures so this weekend when your mom and dad get into town that we're taking the yes everyone we're saving our parents start to come into town for Christmas next weekend gonna get together to launch race you know this parents awkwardly babysitting Ally in the background it's just gonna be great welcome to our life just weird that's it's true they will be there for their sons lingerie shoot right with his red and green hair let's see at mama badger on on Twitter says there's no shaving sleep a little light on I'm 33 and strategically placed lights throughout the house and for the middle of the night wandering right if you're going downstairs to grab us now if your bathrooms down the hall whatever is going on you have to be able to get there and back without stubbing your toe or killing someone is that you attacking no is that the sound of little squid man attacking me my little inkling I have an inkling that I need danger Oh something tells me I must be in trouble oh this is a really cool thing to call out on Twitter just by the way at Kelsey draw and says I was referred by your film theory on article 13 and so for my final my immediate class this semester I'm writing a case study on the dangers of the direct and I hope you don't mind that I use your video as primary source that's so awesome that is awesome clapping at CEO thank you for the good words we also love hearing what da heck oh my god why I paid I I paid your blood money that was crazy I played your bud what that was crazy [Music] it didn't turn everything on wow this game is crazy I love that the high score is wait Queen values the high score is still 540 fused it also came rule is not active alright weird okay shoo I'm so bummed I paid I paid right oh I get it having your mouse over her will make her do an appearance okay so she's basically the nightmare Marian out of this game so you don't like your mouse over got it I'll be obviously still okay you're very familiar I'm sure thank you very light which is actually one of the hardest characters to deal with in custom night nightmare night marry in it okay here we go Wilson I have on Jigglypuff I'm determining it over a thousand I'm gonna do this this is brutal brutal alright you start that one up I'm not sure you're gonna make some of this one so I'm gonna distract you with questions no it's great at but yeah I can hear yet what we wait asked for but yet we wait asked on Twitter how do your parents feel about your new hair they're they keep asking me about it actually because they were watching the live stream and they're really excited yeah I think they think it's funny oh no they think it's hilarious and so my dad every couple days will eat oh it will email me basically being like well yeah hey where's where's your where's your new haircut yeah and at our ETV says wait is he making a matpat nerdy nudes calendar with the lingerie thankfully no although nerdy nudes is a great moniker yeah it's not quite no no it's not quite a market it's more it's more nerdily suggestive in a still wholesome family-friendly way we were thinking about trying to find a makeup artist or we have some friends in the drag community who might be able to help him so that was an idea that we've had we're trying to sort of sort out the final details on that one yeah so yeah so this yeah it's only um it's only a lingerie it's not tasteful nude yeah so I will be covered you know thank goodness good and I mean Matty offered so everyone's eyes won't have to be I don't know I don't know if it's much better necessarily but it's true uh at Colleen Siri says Matthew even though the game thinks you sucks big time you'll always be a winner in life thank you I appreciate that ivory very nice that's very sweet of you it is a bit of a hot mess right now get out of here waluigi go go back to your assist trophy huh no one cares at Finley Lofthouse says creators twitter account just for GG live i love this show yeah awesome that's awesome so who's my new mini character here what is this creature that's making the sound over it oh is it you alright I don't know is it me what no no is it you know yeah yeah I like how autumn through some Jigglypuff in it's just like I'm good at dirty longitude on Twitter says cocoons are necessary I sleep in cocoon or in pillow boxes which is pillow box just a box made of pillows like a ghost a big box of pillow it's just a pillow where I I think where you stand up some of them on their side and then you have a leg you have a couple that are over top like you're in you're like a little little pillow box that make sense to me I don't like herself right she keeps screwing up my days she's not my thing you're not even that good of a Nintendo character get out of here right you're not no I mean streaming up yeah I got oh no pay up wait I got it Bitcoin six so now there's two people who need coins why does everyone need my money give coins why Wyatt why could no one do work for themselves hey no I'm clicking you yeah I want more coins because apparently everyone is just bleeding me dry right now Isabelle oh I hear Richie Rich I'm sure you can just just spent coins to the masses Isabelle was suddenly like oh man now that I'm an official smash character I'm gonna invade all the games give coins give life is it so when it comes to new smash characters I don't know if any of you have been playing the games or unlocked everyone but um Isabelle is another so Simon is great I love Simon Isabelle is also one of those ones that just like decimates everyone she has this fishing hook ability what is like it's actually hard to kind of click on it as the camera spins a little bit right good no no no oh yeah whoa yes thank you so much do we still suck big time or only in a little bit here we go we go there we go once we cross the town Line come on this is a dork good because at random 800 that's so weird all right yes yes better heyo we went from good from you sucked good that's nice I wish there were cutscenes to reward me I'm up more reward in my life hey it's great alright well are we gonna say Chris I was just agreeing with the cutscene right I know I feel like I feel accomplished from doing that I feel like I need something else so okay Kirby will copy exactly what you do at all times on his game so if I don't die then he presumably shouldn't die right am i right thing that okay Isabelle she gets jealous if you have more money than her hey your seem to be really poor in this game so I don't think we're gonna run into that issue Hayes your tech for her pay your taxes pay your taxes the headphones are wireless but I'm lawyer did oh I love that you were just getting this view of your chin hey you're makin a new sugar one die or else or else so she's like a loan shark okay so she needs something she needs payments okay girl alright I can I'm good with money yeah yeah excuse me I'm I'm very comfortable with money I want money I love every day he flies through the plate system with speed U is the audio Lord okay that's good to know makes her way through the pipe system use the heater to push back okay these are heater guys so let's do some heater guys let's do heater all right and heater and I'm gonna knock her down actually cuz she requires door stuff I don't ask if she doors are so hard right envelope they're either open or closed if she tense they lock each of three she bangs on the left door hit this ball to the goal what hit the eight ball to the goal okay I will hit the eight ball to the goal here with will call you at random shut him off so we both make noise okay good this is the phone guy equivalent okay good okay here we go alright what is that I have no idea I thought that was like phloem it looks like decorative chocolates what right now chocolates it looks like gak I totally recognize it like yes someone who knows Nintendo I feel like I should know that it looks like a chocolate look like with a little flower pattern on top what is that Chris I really do decorative chocolate man uh knuckles will kill us if we look at the camera while he's there but I'm not going to need to look at his camera he protects the Master Emerald in the green hill camera but if I don't go into his camera he won't kill me presumably right right right right right go right we got this so I need the heater on I don't need any doors I need a lot of money though why I need a lot of money so there's Knuckles whoa whoa whoa hello whoa whoa whoa okay hold okay hold the phone the heater okay kick the ball to the goal what do I got to do with that okay kicking the ball to the goal is a little bit harder than I gave it credit for okay kick the balls of the books I can't believe you can you pick something that has to do this fourth ball what the heck is going on oh my god nope what why kickball to go kick the ball to go look oh this is bad news this is bad it's still 12 right now I'm just saying it's still we haven't even gotten to one again how do I kick the bottle I want to kick the ball Matt Matthew I think we could have all told you it's forcing was not are you okay here kik-kik wait what you said something chef next time the balls on there look at what it says okay reset reset great fantastic uh uh press Q to shoot it just kill Gary cool i really QQ q i press q oh my gosh what is this got it okay sounds like we're just running a nail gun in the background this is rough this is rough you're getting enough sound in there a lot of sound oh I get it I don't know maybe this doesn't feel like an immersive enough audio experience Matthew you in there I'm gonna I'm gonna turn down my wife mix or something here uh q q speak coins coins coins coins coins I'll pay up oh no oh no okay q I kicked it thank you so I figured out what it is it's this thing that's making that sound whatever that thing is it's vibrating and making that sound oh yeah I saw that back there but I didn't know if there was anything we could actually do about it oh yeah yeah money okay here we go paid off I'm just I'm just hitting cute constantly at this point right why do not okay okay okay what is that what is it what is it huh it's so hard to click oh my gosh Oh weird ears okay stop Mario watch out for Halloween no no fairy child leave me alone I forget what your name is the pixie child oh my god all right we're at four I am at leave I can't believe you got this under control I'm actually really impressed that we are at four a.m. and we'll make it this far cuz I didn't think it would happen thanks tough I'm just saying I mean I'm more impressed then then I expect it to be apparently I mean you have yeah I've done this a few times and even your first canal Cairo do it stop it stop it what is that thing it's awful it made it so much at least those guys like slightly Pleasant in his tones who else do man rat we're only at 8% battery life oh no this ban is No turn that off I have no ability to can no no no no oh lordy come on oh this is bad news we're so dead shoot yeah what I can't even turn anymore but technically I don't need doors so maybe I'll live 5 a.m. maybe I won't live just keep pressing Q I'm pressing Q and I'm just software through friends suffer through I'm gonna I'm gonna turn down the using my dude Dolby dimension headset I can turn down the audio subtle subtle man right thanks no one's turning it down for me got it okay okay still sucking good drop good oh man oh man do I score come on mm great we made it great you're great meowvies we have done it man I am I am conquering whoa Super Smash Brothers math edition so she added in Luigi who doesn't like sound but apparently is okay with the jackhammer barely okay with a little jackhammer happening for like 90% of that great I'm gonna read a few more things off of Twitter while you are gearing up the next round let's see at the rising catches you're not mainstream enough is my new insult let's see I did the pillow box says at Minecraft Z and a bunch of numbers at the GG live a go B says do you need white noise to sleep no but Oliver does yeah the baby sleeps with white noise and at em the puff says poor Ollie's going to be so confused when Matthew dyes his hair I actually think that might be true I I actually think so - I'm a little bit concerned about it let's see someone else who did a paper on article 13 by the way we really loved seeing both when students are able to use some of the something they've learned from a theory in schoolwork or sometimes when teachers tell us that they've shown our theories in classrooms both of those are incredibly flattering so it's okay that's the best common with Matthew says I'm just like crawls toward the camera comes out on the left side of your office if she gets too close shut the door okay I think I could do that I don't think I could do that when sitting in your office leave him alone awake he's ready to go fast use the heater to pass him a great I've been keeping the heater on the entire time okay sonic classic sonic good sonic not weird leg human hand furry sonic also everyone makes sonic furry he's a hedgehog he has needles can't you design a character who has like a high density of needles but still it's interesting that one bothers me to father's me a little bit but here's the thing with the graphics that was that were available when Sonic came out that's when his like cult character shape was established and there was no graphics a graphical ability to show needles here now with like the you know The Witcher threes of the world and all these like and God of War and all these like amazing like super super high def games you could give a me Dalls but it's kind of too late now if you know the die has been cast the thing is to be like everything would being like oh why don't you put wrinkles in Mario's like overalls and stuff it's like well you could but at this point his character model is set well in the thing it's weird too because everyone always like everyone's like oh well they need to be realistic they don't need to be real it looked like they work better not like the Sonic Generations is single-handedly like the best Sonic movie that you're gonna get because it like found the perfect merging of like 2d and 3d Sonic it was great so I'm not gonna read any game it's a it's the best game but like the cutsies oh and the best like cinematic rendering it's not really good like I mean yeah the story is not great because it's a video game and video game movies just or a video game like cutscenes aren't always the greatest especially if you're talking about like retro characters Wow like the thing is I don't know okay he needs you to find a gem by the way you have some advice coming in on on your hair what you do GUI is a question I'm gonna turn to motor number is what that's gonna do ah at Alex signless on Twitter says after you dye your hair make sure you use white towels I've changed also are the state and all sorts of towels also some weird colors so watch out don't go like bread and all that hair dye all over the place from clumsy the right vents alright I'm ready to do this do that so so Sonic should be turned off by the heater still don't check him I still got a hit cue a bunch of times to play his little game I have no idea what GUI does heater needs to be on heater needs to be on click him ok light heater heater click him pay him hit cue this is the worst flashes of light that'll distract me sure but it won't be bad heater will not come out just a distraction should help me but didn't really last game and then pay pay off money ok ok cool we got this at me on Stephie says I feel so much pressure when she reads Twitter even though I barely tweet it's ok it's ok we're all friends here no matter what you tweet it's ok songs that's not really awful or offensive ok here we go 2800 all right let's do it money ok ok you feeling the pressure oh yeah my turn I turn I turn it up a little bit just in case okay heater he'll kill shooting yeah oh hey oh he's cute oh he's the trash people he just tongues you what was going on cue there you go oh this was a bad oh this is I think you're gonna make it through no problem you laugh that you got get out of here okay this is just know what she's she's that she's the sexy chica of this game cowboy pinup chica did any a game really need a sexy chica that's all I'm saying yeah her appearance I'm never throwing it out there oh my god what stop it oh no you don't like wienie scream kind of makes me nauseous the wavy Street oh yeah oh wait I don't need this oh I'm already out of power this is bad news already hey why do i D no it's also 120 degrees don't worry about don't worry about the heat right now it's the last thing on my mind I need to get more money than Isabel so I can pay her taxes oh my god I have to get more money than Isabel so I can pay her taxes you know how it is okay we're at 63% that's not the greatest oh she's the Louie pay your taxes she got so bad I wish I could've reminded me that she was so angry oh really bad for she was like so cute and angry she's like all right give it a shot I mean I would be a set if I found out about unpaid taxes as well we said every said the internet forever we need to fish together all right well calm your buns right go take your fishing hook and wander on back to smash bros that was one of those characters when they announced I'm like really that's it that's a surprise like hey good good on them but I was just like very surprised by that one okay okay okay at Lindsey one to three to five says time to make the most important snack run and grab the cookies out of the freezer go God's do it you got it I believe in you we also had a discussion Oh Lord at home today about the merits of frozen cookies with one of our our team members and and they were really adamant about the importance of freezing Oreos and and how much better Oreos are if they're frozen oh that's my reaction to the frozen Oreos - I just don't buy it I don't get it why would you freeze orioles are great as is I know something you need it but then they become word and then like oh like then they kind of go soggy so it's a little bit weird it's a little weird but also one of the best parts of the Oreo is is the texture difference right we're allowing the soft cream and the crunchy right I don't want it so good but maybe there's an argument to be made for for freezing your Oreos so let us know in the chat are you an Oreo freezer or our new an Oreo room-temperature yeah borrow room temperature oh my gosh stop it frozen cookies aren't something since brandy app asked them or she was so adamant about this comment that she just didn't even finish writing it why are you freezing cookies says Lizzie bear gaming I freeze other things like through phrase banana right you're ganna hey okay okay okay and sometimes candy bar is like a frozen Twix or a frozen 3 Musketeers bar aren't even like Three Musketeers bars but if they're frozen I'm like all about it I've never frozen an Oreo but I've made truffles that is not the same thing as an Oreo hold on if people freeze Thin Mints I do I do get kind of the idea of freezing Thin Mints one because they keep longer and maybe you eat fewer of them and mint feels kind of nice when it's cold I Oreos I don't know though it feels nice to win cause I don't know it's refreshing mint eNOS no no I'm with you there thank you thank you is this a big it adds to the refreshment oh come on Wow get out of here oh really strong feelings frozen grapes are a blessing sense Cassie Fisher and see the sparks those deep-fried Oreos are heaven why are there so many of new people coming in we're dead yeah we're dead I don't think this is gonna go yeah what is that he has artwork know what aah angry English gonna say killed by an inkling I don't know I know thank wings man really he'll by tinkling oh and we have to set up shame usually booted up again we have to settle this frozen Oreos Wow when she appear it's just noting when she appears she turns on literally every single character that's brutal right it's just brutal put Oreos and diet coke and genius says Hannah soften all of these strange Oreo combinations are just coming out of the woodwork you guys freeze the Thin Mints no eat them right away I like frozen water at you weirdo frozen waters great I am an Oreo Dipper in milk or yogurt peanut butter Oh - not asking what you combined the Oreos with just fries or no fries I write like the texture is so important to me and also like yeah once you freeze it none of a sudden it becomes like salt like if it falls it becomes soggy and so you can't like get a nice like the crisp of everyone's like everyone's favorite Oreo recipes are just being like vomited into the cherry good frozen chocolate Oreos and shakes woo Orioles and Oreo mint and then drink water watch those feelings are so strong that a prescription I take three Oreos and call me in the morning but Oreos in root beer Oreos are always good Oreos and peanut butter oh my gosh Oreos and oxygen the best company clapping and half Orioles an ox that was make a toss a I appreciate that good I agree Oreos plus oxygen equals life definitely freeze totally my aesthetic no fries no fries no fries and adds also says Matthew Treasure Planet better get a proper mentioned in your diffic Disney deathcount video it's an underrated classic and actually has a pretty high def count oh it does get ready and it does it hasn't very high def it does yeah that episode is actually in the works right now yeah it is you'll see it in the next track yeah but Treasure Planet hold itself well it's at the top 10 right if you haven't seen by the way speaking of that a new game theory in a new film theories both came out this weekend if you haven't seen them head over and watch one is on smash ultimate which I I really like it's one of my favorite theories actually that we've done in a long time I love ones that talk about gaming history and this one actually like goes in to talk about gaming quite a bit and you know Nintendo which is I think one of the most fascinating game companies out there I want ones that are about creator instant that yes that - oh yeah it's all about what do the creators mean with Smashing ultimate what is what is the story mean it's really good and then over on film theory we are counting down the most deadly Disney movie oh my god and we're gonna be doing that for couple weeks it's uh it's awesome they have been so hard to research but they're it's been a lot of like pretty much done hey would it tell you what at least I had nice headphones to listen to all the moon yeah it allowed me to be that was that was how it's helpful um but but yeah I will talk to you well after watching the movie at four times speed which is what we did for every single Disney animated movie it was a ton of work check out this yeah please please do yes hmm do I have the work worth it the jaw doesn't carry they're still talking about Orion I don't believe them I Oh Sandra Zbornak literally just says Oreos with three exclamation points the thing that started off the Oreo discussion by the oh hey Oreos and ketchup Oreos and sweetest fist Oreos and ice water what Oreos it is the the thing that started the Oreo discussion by the way is Oreos I just got this yesterday at the grocery store they have peppermint bark Oreos ha ha ha peppermint bark Orioles they're special for the holidays obviously there are almost gone now they are I got them yesterday as like an impulse buy at the register yeah and now they are gone but they are amazing so bad and by bad you mean they are amazing they're amazing they sort of remind me of if you've been to Trader Joe's and you've ever bought like the peppermint JoJo's which are sort of the like or like Trader Joe's Oreo equivalent but I mean it's really tough to be an actual Oreo these are so good oh man it's 3:00 a.m. I'm so close Oh [Music] who approaches oh I don't know what this one is I don't know what this one is I know what to sign one what sign one Oh Lord where did we get those at Target where we get everything like 98% of the things we buy come from Target that sounds gross it was not what the peppermint bark or yeah so good maybe it's gross my liking some of the selectivity of my consumption it was gross no that is accurate page mass Andreas is oMG I'm eating the peppermint Oreos right now I wish I was with you that I were with you to do the same thing meanwhile the more Oreo the combinations are rolling in Oreos and the latte Oreos and Diet Pepsi and a lot of love a lot of love for the peppermint bark Oreos I I totally see why they are so so good Oreos and Target yes run out the clock run out the clock come on Chris turn the volume down already there oh good what does the audience not enjoy oh my gosh the hammer votes does it you know what's great about these headphones they have great noise canceling too I don't want to talk to you yeah yeah oh okay how do you do good good oh good good feel good great great great great super awesome yes oh man okay and I and I want to call out uh Louie who just subscribe to the channel thank you hey Club well is my favorite Oreo combination yeah butter Yoshi zero who says Oreo and not getting a girlfriend here I think that was the last where we can probably fit in he will rush to any door and double-click this side to tell her no Rosalie yes that's the last one yeah that was less than we could fit in for today boat but that being said we got through a bunch we went all the way from you really stuck to getting getting better so not too shabby all you can ask is that each day you improve a little bit and honestly I gotta say this is really fun the and and I think this is more stable and a little bit more doable than the rejected custom night and I usually great feel a bit more safe you know I feel like this one works a little bit a little bit better than rejected custom night which was the other fan games which if you haven't seen its on the channel the past life students that we did that that was also fun but I like this one cuz I like the Nintendo characters this one feels a little bit more stable the critiques here dad dead baby gamer dead baby what is it baby that's a dead baby that baby doe dead Baby Doe um please change the the phone it's just last phone or whatever baby gamer dad baby game your one request and if you can make it so that way like in the middle it's not rotate cuz like it was hard for me to hit pay five coins or answer the phone when though when the mouse was in the screen but this is great so far I've been enjoying it I'd love to do another stream of this see if I can do any better yeah and before we go remember today is your last day to buy a theory merch to have it guaranteed to arrive at your door in time for Christmas if your domestic you get a little bit more time yeah and thank you so much again to Dolby's yes we still be dimension headphones we love them yes they're really great like seriously these are amazing headphones and getting getting sponsorships for GT live just so you guys know really helps us a lot this livestream in case you like in case under anyone was under any illusions does not like doesn't make us money or anything like that in any kind of real way you know we're able to help support Chris and you know make sure that every the lights stay on for like doing the livestream but having sponsors really helps us and will help us be able to do more and more fun things so a big thanks to Dolby for just believing in us and supporting us and sending us some really special headphones for Christmas yeah thank you for the early Christmas gift and again like these come super highly recommended they're incredible yeah the noise cancelling is great the ability to like just have one touch controls off your ear is great Dolby like they're the ones who they build sound systems for movie theaters I mean they're like really serious about sound so you know we felt really privileged to get a pair of these yeah and yeah it's it's nice when people like outside of our wheelhouse kind of sponsor us to like hey you guys just do good work so that is so it's been great the headsets great I'd still be to mention there's a link in the description I think right yes that is that if you want to find out more about them all the cool features and I know I described like the transparency stuff in the life mix feature that it had a lot more it's a lot more than that they have it's one of those things that like I didn't know what it was like until I tried them on and I know if you click that link they actually have like demos of it so you can see it being used if you I don't know if like if you can ever get a head hands-on experience with these it's totally worth it cuz it's like I Kris put him on the other day and nearly right there yeah like I know yes this is sponsored but like again we only sponsor stuff that we really believe in right it's really cool honestly like I've never experienced that but the abilities are just like tuned in and out of the real world is awesome it's really nice and it's something that's super useful Stephanie appreciates it so that all the time to time oh yeah we have like matching sets and we just sit across from each other more them all day so anyway thank you again Dolby for the sponsorship check it out it's a great holiday gift idea for anyone who loves like entertainment and stuff in the meantime we will be back tomorrow yes 4 o'clock p.m. Pacific time I believe it is more smash and we're doing a back if you have any questions or thoughts or theories of your own as it relates to super smash brothers ultimate to follow up with this weekend's game theory so bring those questions bring your comments bring your discussion points because we're doing a little bit of smash and a little bit of fury talk right do it so with that being said guys we'll see you tomorrow 4 o'clock p.m. Pacific time and in the meantime remember that's just a stream a live stream thanks for putting up with the jackhammering let's say goodbye and indeed we shall ah let's see April Walter says Baba dudes bad race rocky says bye guy Abby have a nurses first left room can you go up a few would absolutely nice Sonia Denny says
Channel: GTLive
Views: 316,715
Rating: 4.9215584 out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddy's, fnaf, ultimate custom night, mario, super smash bros ultimate, super smash bros, ssbu, smash bros, fnaf ucn, fnaf movie, nintendo, freddy fazbear, freddy fazbear's pizza, five nights at freddys, fnaf 6, fnaf 4, fnaf sister location, fnaf fan games, mario fnaf, ultimate nintendo night, mario fnaf game, fanf mario, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, gtlive mario, matpat fnaf, dawko ultimate nintendo night
Id: Zxk1EUT7tb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 42sec (4602 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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