Unlocking The TRUE Ending! | Kindergarten 2 (Final Ending)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AutoModerator ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 19 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

You know, Iโ€™ve always wondered how deep the hole was in kindergarten 2 when you push Felix instead of Ted. You hear a thud by nugget since he was lied to and he still survives! How does he do that?! Last time nuggetโ€™s cave was checked he had like a 4 story building deep nugget cave! Jesus! That cave now could be like 6-7 story building deep!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/WoomyMcVroomy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

And thatโ€™s the end of Kindergarten 2.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Chrobert-Ristgau ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Who would win: Thanos with all 6 infinity stones or Nugget with all 50 monstermon cards

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Flyingfish222 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] strap in ladies and gentlemen it's there's no pussyfooting around in today's livestream none of that no no no pleasantries here today it is strictly business Matthew Matthew is just not you know you're gonna hear about all Street now oh wow glad there wasn't any insightful comments here first nonsense I said nothing good at all hey Stephanie hey oh my gosh I can hear you now that's crazy wow what a difference having an audio collection device on your person mate don't get snarky with me you are gonna need me today to keep everything under control so you don't lose it during Monster bond I don't know if anyone who Tunes in to the previous livestream that we did on kindergarten to be back and forth on top of the camera but you are also the person being like why don't you use this card that you don't have mana to do or I was having a hard time explaining to some that the game in order to offer advice man you sound like every little brother sure you can play a second player it's fine great so anyway today please help me Matthew is not so much a fan of the online card games that exists within other video games the Gwen's of the world and so forth but today we are monster Monning our little hearts out so that hopefully Matthew doesn't become a monster Mon a monster II Mon when he loses all of these games in a row we're trying to collect all the monster cards in kindergarten this is our last push toward the final completion of the game there is a hidden end we are trying really hard to get through but we lost a lot of times in a row last time so the situation is desperate we need all the help and love and subpoenaed all your weaknesses out pull out your wheatus my wenis summoning all the witnesses Chris where's your witness it's out show me your weenus oh I got D miking good just just the elbow yes just the elbow there you go weenus all right prepare your ween i my friends it's time for us to get these last eight whatever cards so we can get this ending please we need all the time we can get so I'm hopping right into this hashtag GT live on Twitter need really good rest you're like okay good job okay hit us up in the chat you're already hitting us up in the chat you're saying things like good luck actually darn there's more than eight cards cursus you're saying weenus is out for monster bonds isn't straumann okay oh the chat is strong the chat is strong with this one okay okay here we go I'm dressed as Agnes by the power of dumpster hag dude dude wonder asks do you prefer smokey or tenders oh I prefer I must know I'm smokey as well and although that's okay so really quick I had a question for you which was yeah mysterious package yes so you can cross that one off give me give me literally we're so bad at this but we literally have a print out sheet that Chris had to give us little baby instruction oh that was baby instructions just it's not that we're bad at it it's that it's inefficient for us to go through everything like what Chris did stop undercut you tell people that were bad at the game when we're not and then the internet just think like the internet just thinks that were bad at games which we are not Stephanie or maybe you're bad at games III I think we did great at this game thank you very much I'm bad at card games let's play no in making during a mission of kale to janitor's okay we got we got this okay okay tail to janitor is great that's a you don't need anything for that all right yes looks great cuz although because they're a combination of heavy twin monster man battles and and going through two very specific moments at the missions where we get extra monster Mon cards for like deviating slightly off of the path of one of the missions but we don't but in order to know where like you really have to have lifted up ahead of time otherwise this would take forever okay so during the mission of tail GG editors stop in the girls washroom and speak to Bob when the old janitor tasks he was getting an elevator to go when he sends you to get the elevator key don't just go talk to Bob presumably you're gonna tip him off and be like hey the other janitor might have it out for you head yo okay so you'll say it just like that I'm good yes just like that yo and then all the most my battle seemed to happen at lunch man we have all sorts of visitors what you occasion you forgave your water next to all the electrical equipment open up at work like 20 minutes ago right hi where were you all day man sleeping napping okay so that nap or Jason am I supposed to do all right so follow along with the mission okay until the janitor asks you to go get his elevator key which should be like right about here see me Bob is currently upstairs like a coward what you want to do about it I need a key to the elevator okay you're gonna go get the elevator key okay you're gonna go pass this guy Yeah right the editor should come like bludgeon him you go upstairs the community told me yeah okay the janitors okay so the janitor needs you tell Adam and beat him up if I beat him up I mean literally less death yeah basic you know the usual crack his skull open vu my taxis cope here comes that mop is so sharp oh I feel like a sharp mop is probably not the most effective way to smash someone oh gee I feel like you want more of a bludgeoning mop than you want a sharp mark right let's be honest here okay come up here and talk to Bob Bob hey Bob this is brand-new hey uh look he had that uh that letter you gave me this morning it was a joke right he wrote Pat yourself right I can't read or write no that's pretty scary but nothing some strong words can't work out I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding we can talk this out like adults good luck with that [Music] cool washroom speak with Bob the old janitor tasks you with the elevator good news it was just a silly misunderstanding we're gonna do great work together and pretty well here's a Mossberg card there so that it's good to use your words except now he's probably gonna die or janitor is gonna kill me he's definitely my janitor is gonna kill me if I talk to him I'm just curious I don't know oh well there you go just a bonus monster Mon card from the troubles that's great easy-peasy alright so let's get to let's get to recess and start challenging some cool yes start challenging the fools all the fools better watch out because they're about to be challenged get ready here's an elevator key hey don't kill us we're gonna go to recess gradually okay let him ride to war so he rides off to war the periods done so we move on to you we just run out the clock on lunch yes right cause all we have to do is make it yep right at this point if there's no other if there's no other cards that we need ok mad at me Oh nope apparently not look who it is couldn't help but notice that you are no stairs open me with old Volvo go Sat 1 2 L so notice that you're bleeding I am now you are oh oh well so much for eating out 2 o'clock there damn well then you're an accomplice well then I'm at lunch I'm not allowed to leave ok one of the new kids must have a way to get you out great so who gets us out of this one is it Karla how do I get out of here you can tell it's trouble go cause trouble great so there's a distraction yeah we got to go home Bob oh there you go he's a little bit dying over there just stay out of it man Monty's stuck okay I'm here okay we gotta go to this okay we gotta go to the janitor's closet no no oh my no no nobody nope nope nope no thank you miss Applegate you are a gem alright go back here pick this up easy peasy and let the door grab us a giant chain saw right yeah it was it was the very first mission that we accomplished that we needed it was - it was - sawed off our first ever well second I guess in this game victim because TV is technically our first one but whatever you know details here's a chainsaw congratulations man doesn't get old kindergarten Chainsaw Massacre okay well let's see I wonder if I can and chill it okay we got a problem where are you I'm garbage can whatever great oh my gosh go go go here can I choke bugs yeah bugs here we go oh hey oh nice okay okay my gross Deco steps go what the floor bring it on bugs it's go time I forget what cards with avatar yet it's fine doesn't matter we're gonna we're gonna win this okay here we go so we've got I can hit him with some damage for damage I mean with two damage or cover three damage straight out of gate go time bugs subtract more that's fine you still hit him spanky for three right okay okay he's gonna deal one damage which is not that big of a deal right so I'm not no reaction reaction good for now I deal two damage plus another two if my last card between which it was yeah let's do it BAM oh he reflected me that sucks that was absolute crap okay electing cards really do a lot okay he's gonna deal two damage or reduce a green monster rounds damage by three okay block the yellow block a yellow reflector you know ok so we got no reaction yeah deal - okay well I'm gonna hear how we're doing we're swapping a yeti swap hp's let me pee yet swapsies no deal three damage plus two if your hand is all red great smoke oh good match bugs good match okay Craigan or changer I can beat you but I can't beat the system stupid study hall okay it's fine it's fine monster Mon re-strategize I'm really reflect cards really do a lot do we have anything else that reflects we had a lot of red cards so we need stuff that's gonna reflect red reduce the red monster runs damaged by 306 damage that's the shark okay this is by three by three reflect black reflect okay we want to reflect well we're gonna get rid of this gets garbage yeah reflect there what else we want reflected blue we need a nullify purple cuz that perfect thanked us we need to block a purple lock purple heal for HP okay this card three game three mana if you last this card was red block mean three man if you're less with blue I mean maybe we have any blue card right heel for HP if you last is red we have a lot of red yeah that's true deal one reflect I like reflect produce any monster moans damage bite one really but okay but I'm okay go in have a couple read you hate who deal eat damage whoa and block a purple yeah let's let's pull him it does completely eliminate your mana as the problem let's try it good okay okay you never know I never know let's try it here we go uh we're gonna win okay cuz gross - okay we got a well we got a deal eight off the bat we also have a deal six I say we deal 6x I agree and then I can swap one manner with my opponent yeah we do Ralph bet that's only minus one that's fine boom five I'll take it there we go that's good fantastic good dog dude I can't do anything because I oh I have to bit oh yeah that's right I used to okay here we go feel two three damage plus two if you have less HP he does reflect a blue no feel free plus two do you have anything that can do it in Tibet reduce any by one we can reduce by one right things but I would say that for the for damage they agree what man block yeah we can't do anything because they just take a ticket okay fine our turn why don't we do it now again pants laughs man oh hey feel for we can deal for we deal for come on go for go way to go - well that's fine still three take it great okay okay he's gonna deal with - God we can block everything but the red that's fine okay okay if you list to be broke if this you don't have any options that is true so we do this we just deal one doesn't finish him but it'll help us recover some mana yeah [Applause] great boom smacking for one okay we're one away Stephanie okay okay we might win one no flick the green wait give one we need walk the yellow we can we can block a yellow no sorry oh it's alright I look at the bottom we need we need something that will actually build it it is the problem he's one away but we don't have any attack things oh come on you can swap mana with him at the very least yeah okay but that takes one mana and we would have that I know but then he would have to and we would have four okay presumably okay yes okay it was blocked damn it but did that reduce him we get another card steel for the old one that's fine okay we take it you take it yeah we take it no reaction boom okay that's fine now now this is it before come on this is the most painful match so painfully long there go a monster card yes the school blows what else he'll they take from me mom c'mon card we got spiky flim-flam you're taking it okay great okay that's one okay so it got like you slip slip we got bugs [Music] there we go recess okay yeah okay are we gonna challenge out at recess oh damn it I'm fine second study is there anyone else in the building that Wells can I challenged ye it just says you can challenge people at recess and study hall you could challenge Jerome in gym after reasons but that depends on my ability to survive sorry no it depends on my ability to well cuz Jerome I how do you stop him from how do you get how do you stop the Jerome from Pitt or help drugs kill the basketball so when you walk up to him and Carla fighting over the basketball you have an auction to help Carla get the ball or do nothing oh it oh really if you do nothing and then if you do nothing in there sorry I I just like getting going into the boys room I'm getting like super lasered getting shot Oh totally fine this is totally normal right this is wholly within the normal realm of gameplay we've got oh no there's to dock your dinner but dr. banner guys he's uses telophase border oh now where's the door well Devon trail there we go as long as it follows a blow no oh get better no luck we have Ravens Mavin's wind dr. Dehner killed you too many times what happens when you speed your way through the game okay it's fine it's fine it's fine we're totally good I know the stairs are here are you in like under garden purgatory apparently totally okay I got shot fine we're totally okay with this the game just reset maybe probably brought low no probably not it's probably not for the best we broke the game our amazing skills that monster Mon broke the game please let it have retained our one card that we got please okay well we're gonna can't afford to lose any cards okay here we go what's let's reset sorry about that friends maybe we still have our card okay I'll read from Twitter you just get our game back we're at Q cat candy 2 says light mode activated 40 see that's one more car two more cards than we had before right we got to keep both of them uh-huh at Maxie fuqua jr. says my eyes and what you're busy on I don't want to interrupt you on Twitter it's such a rarity I want to celebrate that at call me Claudia says there's a glitch in the matrix and at anti septic I says Monica right ah plus just restart the day again Lowell all except decay at Maya and a bunch of numbers says abstract Pat strikes again okay we go okay go to mark sweat and everything out okay so here guide me to do debug wait where's Doodlebug it's where it says do debug pretty self-explanatory this area it's very obvious at the top okay the events the smart class completes the assessment to get the toilet paper leave the class go down to miss Applegate's classroom in advance time enter on the last apple okay so just complete your assessment okay complete my assessment got job go downstairs yep advanced time and enter the classroom on the last Apple to get the hall pass enter Owen okay know what and now keep your last Apple get the hall pass okay got it good go to lunch buy a burger or we giving Ozzy his toilet paper I think so is that what this is okay I get this burger please give the toilet paper to Ozzy in the bathroom great okay cool oh that's so nice of me right I know that's really see the whole passing yeah up here comes it goes and [Music] oh hey is anyone on there I need some toilet paper I cannot spare a square stranded stranded and stuck call the toilet bowl what do you do and you shredded without a roll thank you for taking such joy into it maybe not everyone else's life out there but thank you I didn't know what I would do without you here have this monster run cards wait you had a monster run card York why why did you use that get out and gave it to me before you washed your hands you could have wiped using our Doodlebug Doodlebug achieve nice okay all right so okay now we're back on recess it's time to chill Josie Ozzy who was our nemesis a lot of times last game so here we go this is it this is this is serious talk time I think we lead with the six damage I think we lead six damage boom okay that's why Kevin Pelton Greg that's totally good awesome great Ozzy's turn he deals one that's totally fine yeah that's not working we'll take it well spec that's although we could have reduced the monster on cards damaged by one banner if it's more important for us to get the energy okay deal four damage is you have four damage right I think we'd appeal for yep basically lonely dragon and gnome of the garden are the same there's yeah exactly cute okay reduce my one that's fine fine that's fine we're still smack down we are low on mana but we do have something that'll deal one without anything okay here's this big one - yeah okay deal three damage plus three if your hand is all red or just reflect as men we can't because we don't have enough right that would have been great oh no nuts that's fine I'm okay with this block or what block purple this is fine it's fine good now we can deal for okay so unless he reflects it okay you should be dead okay if he reflects it we're in trouble come on so part of the cards by the heart of the cards - three okay by the heart of the cards we have no man that's fine deal one damage fight he's dealing two damage that's fine why okay part of the cards do one all we need is one man I bested you on the toilet and I bested you on recess boom that's one fewer card to wipe your bottom with bucko are we wearing our hoods yeah hoodlums no way I can't believe it mostly I just like this maybe you knew kids are good at something after all outside of child murder boom million had it hi drunk that is ours now that's a good part that's an awesome card okay okay who else can be challenged at recess nugget yeah it's gonna be like right I see nugget being really difficult honestly do we want to change anything about our strategy we don't we've never played him before we don't know what color it's true monster goose do we want to try and put in the card we just got though million hit at Hydra or whatever yeah where's them green what says new oh thank you no bets dude your button deal three damage plus three if your hand is all red now that's too much for risk that's a hard that's hard to use yoko didn't show us his deck he didn't show us his hand it's a it's a really good manner ratio if you have all an Allred document already look otherwise it's actually not great yeah so I think blocks agree though it does which is also nice but I think for now what stay as is and see how to no gets do it right let's try it let's battle oh here nugget read it oh it's crazy get it really intense means nothing like the Red Wings since they remind him of okay you like thread just so we have it for future reference hey although a lot of times it seems like they lie about there's Aksum can't really believe that men none of these are helpful deal ones we're just gonna start off with light spanking one damage minus one great okay that's fine we're even yeah it's okay block a yellow plus three if your hand is red he did save me like you could say he likes red and we can't do anything so yeah okay ya know what good luck wow that did suck why did you show me his hand he's supposed to show me his hand he did not show me his hand right I call foul on that damn want to try white I think we I think we swap yeah yeah alright that's it slap mana with your pointy metal spot [Music] damn it oh no everyone has a block for that damn card it's sucked wait hold up he must have just drawn that one yeah cuz his hand was apparently already all red I don't know put the point out of yelling I don't know I call foul and we can't block any of these red cards we do this okay he's gonna deal to block purple black oh yeah we can reduce by one I don't really I don't know I I would like to save that for the damage right I want to save it for the damage too right oh this sucks okay the ten I can't believe that yeah I mean he is the funny [ __ ] deal for we could also swap man with him so that way he has low mana actually that was no fellas yeah ignore that stupid are you kidding me wow crazy you're getting rekt oh this sucks up three damage plus two lower less HP so all the four threads yes except that required us to have yeah we have less HP oh wow he wrecked us alright well okay that's mine so we know he is very red heavy that's fine yeah here brag about it no good no even the best months do you meant anything to me you do no it cannot be listed shut up one arm boy let's go really you know he has a room red deck we can all right nice to buy your service indie fine I suppose it would be a good way to pass the time my cute deck it's pretty good it's fine Cindy coming at you good we got our weigert deal 8:06 fine it's fine block if I won that's really cool well swipe nice well we can reflect the red yeah reflect right but yeah because it requires three yeah bummer it's fine just watch we can do another six that's minus one button field ed to MU yeah yeah baby we don't have to live you yeah I would make a derogatory comment about girls and gaming but people would probably not take that as a joke because it's 2019 even though I would totally be meant as a joke C would be meant as a joke but I think it's a method this is not yeah he did so I didn't say that because like I respect women as gamers Stephanie is far better at me than so many games can you not and I won that we play on the live stream we flash back to that moment when he called me his little brother and gaming or instead that or maybe the moment he said I can do this without you or maybe the moment he said that I suck at games huh you can flashback to any of those moments right now just saying okay how dare you being you of your cue cards if you give me one will you go away yes we got marshmallow got a marshmallow all right that's good not to be confused with the deej the hip hip DJ hip it's DJ man Carla bring it on sure Mike you know this trampoline my green and redneck can take anyone a whole green and red girl speaking my language brunettes Ruby sharks says let's go look arabela stream says yo ye except for today feel sick Oh buddy Carlos we got deal one damage that's the best you got Carla no reaction take it I'm gonna I'm gonna swap mana with her yeah block damn it they always play always block how are they always blocked it's in the purple cards but so our old boo costs her no mana to do that know what she gave me she gains a peg they cost someone but that I not know yeah I don't know we seem to always run out of mana a lot faster than the other people it's very true it's I know and they seem to be able to use reflect which costs three mana and then go on to do a lot of other stuff I know they're just really good stuff I don't just really good they're like the best 15-3 jeez okay here we go right she never seems to actually run out of here deal - that's fine we have to take it really yeah okay you only got three left come on come on this deals 3 and +2 if we have less HP which we do not [Music] [Laughter] you are crossing into double digit numbers and you are dealing with cards that are up to five blue dots and looking at a card and being like is it purple or is it green well I literally asked Oliver our one-year-old that question can we defeated Sydney we defeated Ozzy feed it Ozzy and we defeated Karla okay here we go so we have okay okay amazing we're flying thread we defeat a bugs oh man buddy get ready friends okay wait we can fight Agnes in Monty and they'll get okay egg dumpster hag Oh dumpster hag would come for you okay here we go yeah a monster the only one cuz I was the strike with bouncing whatever just like this it doesn't fit with my deck anyone yeah quarrel that looks okay let's go throw them yeah my yellow deck feels like the coolest card is better than anything you've got yellow I mean they say that but again that helps us not at all okay yellow we can deal eighty oh you delay yellow damage yes yeah but then we're without mana do it we never try this hard can do it fine what's the good news haha I get it did we lose a lot okay he's gonna deal two damage to us we can't do it we can't do anything we can do this deal one damage without anything yeah keep it going oh yeah buddy yeah Rome oh he's gonna be way damage to us only we had something oh wow if you actually look wait if he lands this we die so we really do have to kind of like damage but we can reduce any monster Mons damage as I want it's not confusing because there are no colors involved for me okay oh okay we have nothing we can do we have literally nothing to do beep but we got to and swap mana with your opponent no no that's shoot shoot we can't do anything a bit lame you alright man how come every time we try to do one of those things it never work okay Jerome here it comes what's he got deal six well weed then no wait refresh reflect again we don't have enough he did damn it we never have enough to reflect cards then they always have enough I know you couldn't do your cards it's so lame okay I guess they are later we're gonna beat you up I'm gonna be sad crying child right I'm gonna let you get hit in the face with a dodge ball good hey this time let's not burn through all of our eye it worked it was actually a great mood we lost we didn't lose there was that moment where we it was close remember that it was awfully close okay he's gonna deal - or we can block a yellow I think ya realized maybe we should save that for one of the like heavy hitter ones but that's fine deal three damage plus two if you have less HP we know I think we'd save up you'll want to try for the 60 M account the I didn't count the pieces you're so smart today I'll reflect the red yep we can do it reflects are you sure yes Oh buddy oh that was exciting Oh sound he's hurt now he is on the fence we also went through anyway that's fine okay he's gonna deal for damage that's okay I'm okay with that it's fine it doesn't matter eight steel fork or we deal six you feel for it I don't know why yes that's that's not what I'm thinking that's fine don't matter gone you gone boom on pros oh my gosh I can't believe this is going so well I anticipated us getting here like two people right I know because we wouldn't be able to win anything no offense darn it stupid deck I blamed the golden dewdrop he's not cool enough to be in my deck you can have him great no I'm gonna get back to these swings hold and do dry don't care I just wanted to beat you up all that okay let's talk to Agnes Agnes golden dew drop come on my friend who's banging on my dumpster cuz I your hello chime okay oh man I've come to battle Agnes oh you play with the talismans be careful dearie some bad things happen if you get all 50 really like what perhaps it's better that I don't tell you why don't we get to it then it's been ages since my dark deck has seen any action whoa Eggman Oh Agnes Agnes is so cool I love Agnes she's the best she's got a dark death so she's got Dark Magician probably right right I think we start conservative feel for us before and probably a lot of Purple's as well I could see her or I could see her or or nothing fine well one hermit frog oh yeah well we couldn't anyway okay we've got four 2001 no or use those protection deal three plus two 2003 like to green let the red block I like all the protection I have here you know what I'm gonna save up okay deals - that's fine I'm okay I'm gonna try this yeah you want to use this now or do you want to try to use it on the next turn and just beat her yeah I think I think we did take it I think we do this okay that was blocked so that was actually a terrible idea it was fine I it was I thought that my case it was she wants to swap HP that really doesn't make that big of a difference okay I'm okay with that actually change it it's just one number and now all of a sudden we have less HP so we can do this Oh damnit Bank we could have dealt one damage I guess feel okay he doesn't have less we should only deal three okay we're at bay okay good swap man with your opponent no no feel free to put saddles in good good good okay good yeah okay can I go whoa hey there gained three mana if your last card was green it was okay we can't do anything really about that that's fine yeah okay so she's gonna gain a bunch of mana but that's fine that's fine because we could swap it how is she how did she play that card with no mana she had no mana that costs one mana how does she play that card she but she gains one so you gain one every time a card is played right that's something should we swap mana would we deal one damage [Music] I think we deal one damage we're very close im a banna friend okay one Humana I'm gonna do one damage that's fine yeah take it okay no red or green think green okay I think she's probably I think she's not gonna be over legendary sword yeah yeah hey yeah more like taking you to the trash where are you already y'all don't have to even go very far more like your deck is garbage very convenient for you actually no job very easy okay defeated Agnes I wouldn't get okay go for it okay you won good job I'll give you a car but remember having all 50 might not be such a good idea bye donkey lady evil order ooh you've all water we have Monty that we have to be a nugget yeah yeah I'm auntie a nugget okay Monty Monty what about old Monty work oh man you're in for a now kid my green deck is quite formidable okay he's green he's all about them green which makes sense because he likes money deal 6 feel sick like this oh no way all right yeah buddy okay okay he's gonna deal - that's fine let it let it run but ride the rides here we go kill for smack and for what what I thought even gonna be super hard I thought so too yeah buddy get rekt boy and wheelchair [Music] he's very smart doesn't his wheelchair impact his monster mom playing abilities not at all no sir so that was very carefully blares a very fellas parents a great game great game yep the evilest Matthew what is interesting strategy I suppose I could give you a card for beating me yeah good hissing all right back to you oh wait nugget so I'm not gonna add a bunch of yellow right what's that what it was I think so no red all right that's right it reminds me so we need stuff that reflects red or cancels red either that or we fight him with red so we should do like stuff that blocks red as well as this whap mana is garbage this is yeah ticket yeah reduce some red monster monster card by three that's pretty that's the one mana that's good read by three again so I should be limiting my cuz red is against reducing green so I should be limiting my use of green really what do we have in green we have legendary sword and what's the other one we have right now legendary sword in green and our good old gnome oh I like know I know I love the gnome the gnome is great can we just keep it like this yeah I think let's try it okay let's try together bring it on no guys I'm high on the smell of victory you're high on the smell of nuggets only one smell will reign supreme nope fork yeah lead with no okay reduce that's fine okay okay hey we are already have him down further than we had him last time okay feel for HP if you're less this card was read was but we can block a yellow let's let's do it let's block a yellow a white yellow yellow swapping yellow nice don't you be healing well that's right okay I think we feel for I was gonna say thank you lonely dragon that lonely dragon that he has nothing to play oh okay he's gonna heal six unless we block a red we can reduce a Reds by three yes yes yes yes do that do it boom - three okay that's fine well BAM okay got this which is just gonna deal one but that's fine that's I think we take it yeah and it costs us no mana okay we're do it that's fine no big no big deal fine job ugly that way nugget here we go two plus two if you're less this card was red no I can't okay alright okay three though this can finish him this should finish him yes no reaction yeah oh man what a happy day here on GT laughs Wow the happiest of days oh man we get the Teenage Mutant Ninja zombie card you know what that I am going yeah whatever haven't seen that one Clete I don't think Christie deponent excuse with the tennis means perhaps you wouldn't you gather them all gotta catch em all gotta catch em all what Sean bennigan gotta catch em all monster Ramon could mean Nicky didn't get there Oh 50 it's really new and it is happy you're weird buddy okay so homey all right so that's all of them no we can't we we need dab here oh okay after unscrewing Monty's wheelchair yeah which is is that on our Applegate Lima room and then what's the other one it's give okay Rome so okay this one we just need to get to gym class yeah and then we need one more player and we got it and then we got them all and then we can get the bottle and it's less steel slug okay what is it celestial celestial slug great let's go to gym okay let's go to gym and help out your road night Raven in a game in says how could nugget be defeated Mason's a else's nugget knows what nugget goes and going place now Pat you became nice king of my come on let go I want to shoot some free throws get in line new kid this basketball is mine don't do anything and then go back again help Jerome grab the bowl yeah-ah yeah-ah now get lost girls can't play basketball Oh Jerome I know it's not sexist you'll live to regret this new kid oh man if you're straight thanks for the help she had a stronger grip than I thought she would be proud here's an Oscar Mon card it's probably the coolest one there is I'll see you all right no that's nice that he gave me his coolest part oh that's fun okay so he gave you dab here oh did give me a DAB here oh and that's the end of the day Oh get out of here great so we're run away one away and then there was one one monster Mon card to rule them all oh my god we do it yes we can look at this look at this wha-ho one two three four five six seven eight not nine in one line that was amazing Oh buddy get ready okay get dunked on kindergarten - okay it only took us 18 days and almost that many live streams look at this deck look at this deck oh it's fitting that though one we're missing is the first alright get in there almost poetic so what mission do I need to start uh you need to start celestial slug oh wait that'll be a man's potty guard hit man's bodyguard that's nothing yeah that's just Ozzy and Felix or do you feel like kantha teddy did you know you get the pin for that yeah okay so we're gonna try to kill Ozzy oh my gosh we're so close okay I'm gonna hop over to Twitter and read some fun commentary over there at lgt live says last one here we go getting you the envy like old snap says xxxx black says Dreier XX c @ sy golds says wait y'all run away you got oh my gosh got so many right right an at Grace Hutton from a few minutes ago says only two cards to go at antiseptic a I'm excited here in honor of our last run I'm gonna change I'm gonna change into Oh nugget nugget [Music] it's unlocked once you alright you got a seat with you a theorist toddler on Twitter says I may be a baby but I'm a baby that does not stand for sexism off with you Jerome right get that Oliver so welcome okay here we go step okay since where it says this is our last run before we unlock the ending let's just play it out really we don't have to be a speedrun it no because I forget how to do this one okay and also because after we finish this we'll have ended the livestream slightly early so long all right so it will just fit the time okay I'm Ted that's good I told you already Teddy the pet the plan is foolproof just do exactly what I told you and I know it's just hello Felix this whole thing seems so wrong cause he hasn't done anything to us it'll be fine quick beans how long have you been listening to our little Shh not long good I wouldn't want Ted here to get in any trouble hey why would I get in trouble I didn't do anything which is just so typical for you Teddy I'll just save our family's company myself look at that guy's oh hey I'm Ted aren't you in on Felix's plan ah because he's a good-for-nothing disgrace to my family's name wow that's harsh I'm sorry Felix I want to help I can do this maybe I can explain better during morning time I'll be in the regular class the stupid class the stupid class if you want to talk that cool see you then hey great great I can't wait to get started now we can start now what are you trying to accomplish tell me with this one part and I'll tell you the rest on warning time okay what we need to do well we're gonna need to distract Ozzie during morning time talk to him and see if you can figure out what a draws attention great I'm gonna need someone who can stage a fight with him probably a girl although with the the rezoning I'm not sure if there are any in the there's definitely one in the dumb class teddy you can pull this off I'm gonna try you'll see there's definitely one in the dumb class and heard man Cindy I can't believe it I can't believe it it's not there what do you like to do Ozzy I like to play oh my favorite toy destructive Ron he's so cool or he used to be his battery ran out not that a new kid like you cares there aren't any other batteries not unless one of you kids are selling them unless until then my favorite toys just a dump paperweight great I've got a solution for you [Music] listen up boys what do you think good once your help it's something forward I'm believing here like five seconds and I'm already being propositioned yeah wow it's amazing well then I'll just have to go through a little test here are some here's some gum if he makes it find its way to another girl's hair then it's a date no I don't like what a man keeps me waiting I want to be done before the bell rings I'll get right on that let's buy some batteries some stuff I'll buy something let's buy a battery thank you so much good doing business with you talk to you so we can put it in Carla's hair so Sarah curl you can set me up with yep look in the girls hair what's that so mean let's go go long as my plan if I do this probably even if you don't she's pretty fickle that way okay no I mean uh curly sometimes she deserves gum in her hair more than any great go do it I'm really sorry about this Carla sorry about what you haven't done anything oh so that's how it's gonna be well you just made yourself an enemy Ted I'd watch your back if I was you know another Parliament really sorry I have this really elaborate plan to get away from me man she seems really mad I feel terrible I would be mad if I had gum in my hair right someone wrapped tape around my head three times once like like masking tape it was the worst it was probably worse than gum because at least gum is like soft and chewy I heard someone glue to both your head one time yeah that happened once for Halloween last year and that someone was you blowing up wig to my head oh don't worry oh don't worry the glue won't seep through the very obviously holy pantyhose it was fun to try to cut it off of your head though what's great though yeah there are a lot of peanut butter it was a really long bad lots of oil just son backing up a lot of baths put off hair my hair lost a lot of episodes of are you afraid of the dark life that's true actually it was a fun Halloween yep Halloween's were scaring yourself you might go bald I know but can you just go over and see if she's okay I mean maybe we can make it up to relate but I can do wonderful you're gonna be an excellent boyfriend yeah okay all coming together I'll see you in the morning time great good great teddy it's fine Gillis my plan will work you'll see great let's look Carl Oh get out of here Monty Oh what beg is wrong with you Ted just came up and stuck gum in my hair anything I could help that's nice kid I appreciate it here's some scissors got this crud out of my hair okay get those upstairs but since you're in the less gifted class it would probably be easier for you to get them at lunch thanks kid here's a vending machine coupon I would do it myself but I'm not allowed to use the machine anymore since I started counter Matson at all everyone hid inside your assigned classroom good class say we go stay to the fight okay kids teacher has a headache so we're going to be it looks like this school is well has more funding than the last time and this one has toys go play just please be quiet great and oh good you're here felix has this scheme that's gonna help our family's company but I have a better one and no one and no one wants to listen to it I'll listen to it I'll tell you but you gotta Carlos I'm Tony felix is so moving so mad if our plan it's ruined then it's my fault go to it I want you to kill odds why was it well you see Felix said it's because I actually don't know but I think it has something to do with Erics inheritance your inheritance yeah Felix they're going to be getting a large sum of money we will meet routine Felix is a donkey like me won't know what to do with it maybe he's right you do seem pretty dumb no I'm not we're gonna kill all by ourselves we don't need him to do it sorry kill him well I want to give him a cosmetic uses inhaler a lot he keeps it in his cup why do I need Cindy I need a long a long distraction I figured we could pretend a fight or something draw the teachers attention and you could grab let's do that a dealer right good girl should be analyzed you gotta do something to distract you got something to distract us right out of battery I ain't going and going and going and going we outside of the class please just track your Tron give him that battery and we could talk to stick great let's do it oh hello no get no no get this late so you're getting study hall oh dear god what happened to your arm in order to escape from the field nicotine why did you oh never mind do you want to go to see the nurse you're bleeding all over the new classroom look it's quite durable No if you insist go ahead and Claire do whatever it is that you do all right good Deitrick this junkie child is the best toy in the toy box my right the work or the work you can have this battery oh really thanks maybe you aren't so bad yeah maybe dot dot dot Bom Bom Bom if we had a camera zoom ability right now we were told easing the camera maybe just move our faces closer Bom Bom it was just as effective I think that was perfect that was just as effective as if we had had a zoom who needs zoom technology when you have your ability Tozer great I'm gonna go play over by the toy box I'll see you around kid thanks good good story I'm gonna talk to nugget because I also look like nugget we are one of the city's great just uh yeah the way we're ready to make our move we start the distraction be ready to grab the inhaler let's do this so Felix doesn't get a chance to empty his cubby before going to the smart class there's some stuff in there that might be worth crap is it contraband nobody is my cubby Felix this is right next to the right of us here's this contraband anyway let's go get it let's go start a distraction lead the way here we go Cindy we need you to call the distraction really sorry sweetie but I do something for my head will be your boyfriend yeah come on show to distract the teacher oh yeah that's my quick date are you ready to go down he is yeah let's go you ready grab that inhale it came true follow me boyfriend we're about to have our first back are you ready sweetie all right what you haven't told me anything we've done this a million times how long's what how dare you pin it hurt your jerk well there's more where that came from hey Cindy stop knock it off right now holding the boy the boy the boy oh this is Ozzy's cubby it has an inhaler take the inhaler and this is Felix's cubby take the contraband okay okay stop but I'll kill him if he ever does it again knock cut it off you little bat bat black bread you're getting study hall for this Lillian sorry got a little tongue-tied there I'm coming down off of an extreme lie fantastic mrs. Applegate had a big party last night yo let me tell you there are so many men all the men all the men I was like roll over and boom there'd be another man and bills oh there were so many bills and men committed bills the glorious night from his Applegate but I'm coming off it was a rough one I want to go Mordecai was a tumbler communities that miss Applegate used to belong to before it shut miss em okay used to be a big tumblr user oh I know all sorts of all sorts of art Burke I would post on there ready let's let's keep going shall we oh so I was a prodigious user of the Wattpad she's still it still a but it's under a pseudonym because my employer will find it if it's still listed under my name you wanna check out my private Instagram thank you for the really good stuff you know I can show you a good time but for the page right yeah it'll cost you a few bones okay let's go and they're referring to money or something else I'll let you my eyes please play the level study hall was it was it was it great oh no oh no did you get it please tell me you God got it awesome you're both really you're really good thanks now what now we look now we took away his life line we just need to stress them out enough to trigger as my fantastic let's cut some out cause he's a bit particular like some new things what go get breaking if we can break the routines he should start freaking out where do we start lunch does a lot of really specific things there it shouldn't be hard to throw money great it's good attention new kids here is your passbook if you get in a dope to sign it you're allowed out in the halls don't get any crazy ideas though you're only allowed to use it once per day thanks baby oh thank god that's the Bell get me out of this classroom we go to lunch here you go it's time to move forward with the next stage what is it what the devil are you talking to him for what are you two doing nothing I'm just going to show the new kid right at four o'clock follow me you kid okay great the forks are apparently in the middle of this room filled can't know we're doing this I want I want to do it just the two of us so he knows that I can take charge of stuff in a few minutes Ozzie is going to leave and use the bathroom you need to take the stall on the left that's the stock like what it'll stress them out that's the name of the game here we just have to keep putting pressure on him until it cracks now go to that stall and wait for it okay let's go felix is watching here's a fork so we don't look suspicious great thank you also did you talk to Carlo well she helped me she wants scissors of course uh well you could probably do that while you're out of the great idea excellent I'll do that as well yeah that's my figured burger bada-bing bada-boom wait look you telling us this is the wrong mission what Steffie there's a device that tells us this a few destroyed money's wheelchair during the hit man's putty it would be this right hold up yeah his bodyguard are you mistaking it with canes not evil it's easy to confuse because they are both twins right that is a whole stick okay bada-bing bada-boom hey man you need a pass you go out here go back to wherever Lunger whatever and I'm gonna give you study hall there we go that's go right now okay yep you book your pass for the bathroom now upstairs what can I do if you let you up uh that little narc took my cigarettes this morning you wouldn't happen to have some smoke would you I have this mysterious bag of herbs oh this is even better than cigarettes thanks man ah mysterious herbs totally fine totally cool not a problem at all use the coupon to buy scissors which we need great we got that and I'm gonna stress out Z by taking cue in Scotland it was because I didn't have to buy a burger I think really it was ok you can't you can't go out yeah right well you haven't left yet so as long as it get out and go in mmediately to the bathroom I bought a burger there you go let me out yeah maybe they yeah you can't go upstairs first path yeah yeah remember we made that mistake last time left say you the stall yes [Music] Carla hamburger hamburger ok maybe the way it goes is this we do this I have to pass thanks I need to go upstairs here's the mysterious herb now we block the toilet yeah and then we go upstairs and get the scissors okay there you go what who's in there this is my stop everyday not done yet buddy unacceptable everyone knows this is like that is not Excel buddy then die why don't you die no mercy great ah that was great mmm and dresses nugget and I just dropped a big old nugget into that 12 grab some scissors there we go scissors their missions Matthew just goes off the rail I am crazy if you see my inhaler I thought I loved it my coffee but it's not there haven't seen it curses let's figured out our game inhaler will it definitely seem stressed I take you to meet it to his stop you're making him classics no good we can tell you the plan we just need to adapt to it we've got this we've got some things to do one is to find a green flower Ozzy's highly we're just seeing one should be enough to freak him out where do I get one there is a few around the school I know one grows back by the dumpster I'll be back with that one yay why do we have it why do we destroy his wheelchair in this one I'm trying to think right it is the other one isn't it is that just a misprint on our little sheet might be a misprint right why do we destroy the wheelchair in this one I forget there's only one person coming her hair that's fine you've got Carla oh man we've got Carla we have a job for you is that so oh I know this is why I think and why would I be so inclined to help the kid who put gum in my hair this morning I'm really sorry about that but if it helps my plan has been please shut it snob did you get those scissors I asked for I did good at least you're going at least I have that going for me so will you help us I guess if you can do this is it I guess if you could do one more favor for me you see that kid in the wheelchair over there he's been making some moves on my turf today I got to show him not to do that here's a screwdriver I think that his wheels are inoperable do that there's two of you what have you pretend to buy something from the little fence while the other sneaks behind even pops out a screw it's not that complicated we got this good come see me when it's done there it is so what I gotta do okay so after you've destroyed Monty's wheelchair during the hit man's party guard which is this one choose to go to gym class okay okay I guess we have to do this we have to further disable of crimpable I feel sick you're trying to get it you're trying to kill a kid that's different I know Felix has a good reason for no that's good that's over with right before we do if you want to buy yourself stuff you should do it now I doubt he'll be in the mood after we ruin his day for the last part of my plan you have to go to science instead of gym okay you write that but we don't want to do that work so yeah chants okay we're ready I'm ready no okay here we go uh-oh you distracted him wow there's so much stuff that I want to buy yes I want to buy something no great there Ted good work good work buddy should I be removing screw for monies wheelchair yes we should oh no no no no what happened to my chair sucks is this happening to me oh my oh yeah oh let you get yourself together we'll talk just get out of here [Music] well done okay feels feels I'll see to it that Ozzy's lockers open by the time you get to it it was true it was it's almost time to do the actual job now are you ready for your big moment what to do when the bell rings pay the lefty and go to sign that's great cause he goes absolutely sick then what once you're there cause the distraction and sneak out grab the inhaler out of his locker we're not going to hear this okay so we're going to gym yeah go gym and what I do in gym class right on the clock uh your you have to get miss Applegate to leave okay by siding with Karla yeah basketball so she chases Jerome oh okay she goes to kill the sexist great okay here we go let's go I want to shoot some free throws getting my new kid this mess with my help Karla grab the ball boom oh okay who did it who threw that ball it was that your own kid he tried to take the ball from me and when I tried to get it back he just threw it in your direction what that's a lie this kid came over and helped her snatch it out of my hands it went flying when they made me let it go both of you shut up what really happened to Carla call the truth that's what I thought your own do you know how bad my head hurts right now not more than the waistband on those shorts I'm guessing whoa okay now I'm mad oh hey stop screw this I'm out of here come back here this is making me feel better okay so I did that good good work kid I appreciate the help you think fast on your feet okay now head out to the playground that's my figure eight and I'm assuming like there's something in his wheelchair yeah he's for the rubbing out there actually oh really yeah Oh No horrible oh hey kid yes everyone forgot about me after the bell rang sorry to hear that yeah that's okay even though you were the person who did unscrew my wheelchair in the first place at least it's myself thanks for coming to help me keep me company no problem why don't you take this mastermind card it's slow look I am now oh you can get going then I don't need your help okay Monte make sure okay I'm just gonna eat apple I should get going I'll get in trouble if I stay here and with that we have collected all of the talismans all of the talismans are ours we can finally beat this game I can finally do a theory on it maybe if I can think about how it's gonna work I'm not a 1% sure but we'll be on here it is oh my god gage 119 I wish it was kind of take 20 that would be a little bit better here we go so oh my gosh oh look at cool that looks like dab hero teenage mutant zombie great oh okay I'm assuming you know you wait oh wait did we get our button wait hold up do we get our last outfit oh we have to I think we'd probably have to start wait collect all 50 and press the button press button will you press the button press but I will press that button you press the button there's a button on my bedroom wall I don't know what it does okay it's not good no friend of nugget and gatherer oh okay Oh what are you doing my bedroom buddy oh amazing done the secret room and come with it go hug it okay well there it is that's the final outfit okay so why is this behind my bookcase not yet literally anywhere else again how about the nugget cave it's nice with the 50 talismans no you can do unspeakable things really like what maybe we should be the power I will behold Oh buddy Oh buddy alrighty here we go oh no no see snaps fingers he's dead he doing what's good come quickly I'm good it is never one to be 14 okay just go with it huh oh dear doctor dinner why has the sky turned red hmm not my doing I have a thing that would turn the sky green but it's safely contained in the I feel so good me neither but I think that's the way that you're all talking fingers oh I don't feel so good I get it oh that's funny our 50% of up good at disappear oh did did did anyone else see that or am I actually going crazy everyone remain calm I'm sure everything's fine Oh Margaret oh there we go luckily yes one of the new students has vanished I need you to find her immediately right ways Margaret no we may be in trouble here look oh please Clark I think it's happening to me too Oh teddy okay yeah you are the better of the two Oh what do you mean it saves me the trouble of having to do it myself Oh teddy Oh nobody gets my stuff I mean it it all goes to this is the canned ending right I wonder if this is canon ending I'm sorry everybody I I don't think I'll be able to help clean this Oh Bob oh oh it's Rome oh oh you think it to see my dad again oh that's that that's like legitimately really sex how unfortunate and I won't be able to observe this phenomenon could have been it could have had excellent weaponization path properties mommy mommy I'm scared I don't mean she's half cyber I guess that counts yeah cuz this can't be happening what do we even to know she's alive she made you made it I'm telling you new monitor these holes can be dangerous Hall monitoring is the ninth most dangerous job in Oh happens when you smoke kids oh right you become smoke yourself oh oh ashes to ashes dust to dust oh hey wait stop where did you can't just quit on your first date oh man where's that nuggets nuggets [Music] good work finding these hiding spots Lily will be able to conduct our operations oh you're also fading out between like and acid like parts of the sprite are that feel like I make a negative fine it's like oh hey you they wouldn't get me that's no good yeah looks tough is it one two three four five yeah that's what six seven yeah what yes no oh no you smelt again no it's this has to be yours this has your strange vibes all over it what did you do why are you so weird what are you wearing I do dad's oh no that's nap again oh man okay that's why you've never snapped twice kids Oh perhaps I spoke too soon oh oh my gosh honestly I'm glad to go out more violently turn to dust is for nerds at [ __ ] that's awesome good for bugs whoa take it like a man bugs well done oh no not Carla oh come on I didn't get dusted but now I have to he didn't get dusty but now I have to get blasted with white oh oh man hurts hurt man her head just rolled no I'd rather be dust that's pretty accurate yes it's really nugget man miss principal something's wrong the new hole monitor just discipline what what happened out here everyone is everyone is dead go home Stevie but just just go home okay I'll see you all tomorrow oh oh and his head is on top of his album over hi all right you're kind of the worst yeah uh-oh because our whole monitor still in his tipos even after he blows ups right look it steadies fed it killed literally everyone agreeing know the thing is wrong no good friend left you naked and look it's trend and they'll get very nice in the net oh no me a nugget have to repopulate the planet I don't think you've totally calculated this one out here now again I think the ratio I was only to rest as dumpster hag you don't get you don't learn about puberty to like fifth grade Oh Foley man had health class we need to teach health class in art schools much earlier uh what do you mean oh wait oh you tres what do you mean again again Nuggets friend is wrong again nugget so is this a reference that must be a reference to the first one maybe what do you mean again nugget has done this before does that mean you'll do it again ah kindergarten three perhaps this is meta commentary in get a grade three you do that nugget what wouldn't make it to do I guess I'm going home I'm very offended nigut sure well really that's it let's just go at all look good now if we liked it nope it would actually take me ten you think you for joining him for kindergarten to you you're welcome Jake now if your Excuse naked nugget has a nugget cave to dig you have the hole you'll have like everything in the world like you know make the best cave in the world at this point you don't even have to dig it okay well what did it cost the achievement is what did it cost what did it cost you now get yeah there you go so is it gonna switch days to winds-day baby did we move on or no cuz the first one who ended with everyone basically he summoned the devil right one night we look like Cthulhu up in there that was great you know what I'm glad I talked it out through the monster mode so it you know I was a very satisfying ending I like a complete a truly completionist worthy ending alright i scoid why does your hard not do videos like kindergarten i know what you're one of the few gerard the completionist my buddy do it send this to Girardi telling me you got a do you got a do kid okay I have to go I have to go get our Bab who's uh who's here oh waiting for us oh wow it came in the kindergarten advocating there guys in all right guys that was awesome pleasure of kindergarten - yeah let you know I'm gonna stick through the credits to see if there's anything post credit because obviously this obviously yeah you have to you have okay get back there we are special thanks to us woo and some other people but us yeah that's awesome yes oh man I sure I have my nugget shirt and I should have worn it today I keep forgetting to wear my nugget shirt oh yeah today would have been the perfect day right retrospect is 20/20 if only we had worn the Nugget shirt here we go special earthen wait there's special things and special er thanks Sean some being an awesome artist and friend my siblings were giving much-needed breaks my mom for believing me the whole time everybody was help me a kindergarten success you've allowed me to live my dream and I couldn't be that so nice special effects and not jealous or anything that there are people who are listed as specialer Oh Billy you're totally right everyone's totally right actually everyone in the chat right now is saying what happened to Billy because you're right we don't seem Billy died in that ending which is also weird because nugget killed off Lillian you would think that he wouldn't kill off the pretty Lilly so you would assume that nugget in doing this would kill off anyone who isn't his friend so no you guys are totally right for calling out that we did not see Billy died in his cardboard box but we've seen everyone else that Oh huh and it didn't switch days unfortunately so that does not that seems to indicate that we're probably that they're not sure if kindergarten three will be a thing but uh as a Tory said when I am to Billy the Watson 11 what happen to cats cats the cats live on obviously me to shoot there was someone else I missed christina claisen says because Billy is Nuggets friend I agree but lily is Nuggets crush who kisses him at the end of the true ending of the game or at least the kind of main ending of the game so it presumably Lily wouldn't die in that scenario either so I think Billy is just kind of forgotten about maybe there you go so anyway the slippery dude says Billy is originally Nuggets friend but Lily is just the pretty Lilly I mean that could very well be a trite nugget doesn't kill off his friends but man and he's willing to kill off his crush that's that's harsh nugget is harsh so I guess that's it huh I guess that's fifty thirty we got all the characters and we've got all I'm just gonna pull this up real quick as we wind things up here but I'm in my yep that's the final after nugget yep so that's all that's all our outfits that's all missions we didn't unlock any new missions right nope that's it and if we do this again it's just gonna unlock that same medical bed here's it up the data looks a friend of Duggar and Galit you have this dog's name down the secure room yep okay so this is all the same so there you have it ladies and gentlemen kindergarten - great again I think it's I think it's just as good if not better than the original the writing is still spot-on the sense of humor is great it's fun it's it's a more streamlined experience but it's bigger so it took out a lot of the like guesswork of the original and helps you kind of like guide your way through the missions but at the same time is bigger as a result because we have more missions to accomplish a lot more secrets a lot more monster Mon cards obviously great great game so clapping half kindergarten to team thank you so much for sending it to us for just taking the time to make a really awesome game like the last year I would say has been kind of thin on a lot of like really awesome indie games just because I think like everything's been dominated by 49 so it's good to see some really good stuff coming out hey Betty so anyway I gotta go I have someone waiting right off camera for me hey Betty hey hi so I'm gonna head out but that's kindergarten - we'll be back tomorrow for something new and something different actually I'll probably be t-series and then later this week let's play some new games shall we kindergarten tubes up let's find a new kindergarten - I know right hi-yah anyway that's it for today thank you guys so much for watching and remember that's just a stream a live stream we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,124,183
Rating: 4.9428248 out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten 2, kindergarten, kindergarten sequel, kindergarten 2 game, kindergarten 2 gameplay, kindergarten nugget, nugget, nugget voice, game thoerists, game thoery, gtlive, matpat, gtlive kindergarten 2, kindergarten 2 gtlive, steph nugget voice, monstermon, monstermon cards
Id: DfeRXc1qTVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 47sec (5507 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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