Unlocking the SECRETS of Super Smash Bros Ultimate! | SSBU Theory Talkback

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT live 80 lie GT lie cheat Eli Matt Stephanie your voice got a lot deeper and your hair is more blonde and shorter in your faces so beautiful so stubble wow you just had like a sudden hit of testosterone yeah well Steph told you on Friday that she refused to play Smash Brothers with you on the stream today so that's true she'd God you must you must be Stephanie though because you also told me I can't hear my first street we've ever died that's true you were there in the first thing we ever did you should god no one no one goes to boot the computer I have my mic we do have your microphone on so I guess you're not you're clearly not Stephanie hey uh hi we have a new face on the couch today because Stephanie unfortunately couldn't make it we have Jason here so if you don't like today's stream or if today's stream sucks or if I suck while playing smash brothers guess what you know what to do hashtag blame Jason and he'll be able to see it front and center like he is that he has my computer right in his face you can blame him to his face I may be your Twitter password right I'm trying to get on Twitter how do you spell it again oh man and people thought stephanie was bad with twitter here's Jason who has never used the platform what are you talking about he doesn't even know it's bad for you like it sure I don't remember my password realize the fact that you just go onto Twitter and use hashtag and search for him this is his third time trying by though this is I've been watching him as I'm talking he's tried three times with this bad I might have to you know I think I got it I think I know what it might be yeah so anyway yes today is a very special GG live because this weekend try number five okay so today is a very key please keep trying maybe by the time I'm done with the preamble you'll have actually locked into Twitter it'll be able to respond to people um know so just recover your password buddy oh I feel so bad doing that so anyway today is a very special GT live because this weekend we posted our theory on what the ending of super smash brothers ultimate story mode means it's a very weird ending it's a very story mode in general the world of light story mode is very odd it's long it is about 20 to 40 hours to complete and it's a pretty massive undertaking it's a lot of fun and it's very satisfying as an achievement person because you're like clearing a lot of battles very quickly but the cutscenes that are in it are kind of vague uh they're vague they don't make a lot of sense they don't really feature the main characters all that much the main fighters and so seeing those cutscenes playing through the game I'm like hey let's do a theory that explains it because we've also done lore theories in the past about smash this is kind of the natural conclusion to those and so today we wanted to do a stream where one we got to play some more Super Smash Brothers because lord knows I can't play enough of it in my day-to-day life are we doing all 40 hours of the of the intro story mode probably not no sorry stick around yeah I mean I I can't because you know I got like recording city bus you want to stick around and play for 40 hours and unlock every you're welcome to do so I'll do it I'll stick around for you guys wow are you saying that I wouldn't stick around for that well you already said you would you I said are you sticking around for them or are you sticking around for the smash Oh obviously for them I don't believe you can tell where someone's lying to you when their pupils dilate Jason's pube or that they're in love with you so either Jason as madly and with me right now or he's certainly lying to you I mean I'm playing the role of staff so anyway that is the the stream of the day right play some smash talk to you guys about what you think about Smash Brothers if you've been playing it who do you enjoy playing as what are your favorite characters how's your experience been and also what were your thoughts on the theory this is kind of like we're experimenting with ways to do more Theory talkbacks where we are able to respond to your questions where we're able to talk about you the theories that you have and respond in real time to them we've only ever really really done it with five nights at Freddy's episodes but heck if we can do it with some more of the episodes that come out like del Toro and super smash and stuff like that great all the more power to us because ultimately we'd love to have those conversations with you guys so if you want to participate in those conversations how many ways are there to do it Jason ah - two ways what are those two ways Jason uh one is with that board over there we mail the board to you the board you scroll on to it you send it back to us and you've got 40 hours to do it while I complete this playthrough man look at that almost there it is again a man who's been doing this Oh which did you lose you're like no I've never had it on you yes I have it on whole whole time scarlet fellow GT life check I'm on it now so I can read your comments like Claudia the goal of today's hashtag GT Live is not to see map that play Super Smash Brothers but to see at JJ parks that's him struggle trying to log into his Twitter well I guess the episode is over it wasn't completed it only took him eight minutes to do it like I had to reset my password he did what is it though I can't tell you you log in later so that the entire world can log in just tell me why my password is great yeah Jason they're just gonna help you remember your password moving forward that's true that's it send me what password I should change it to Wow all right so Super Smash Brothers discussion favorite characters lore theories and Jason's new password yes also you can engage in the chat that's the second way of doing things yup which is either down below you or to this side I think it's this side I think it's this side over here i cards are up here Gary there that one well done yeah always gets it wrong he points over it there alright and I cards made YouTube is getting rid of annotations permanently done dunzo apparently my cards and I don't know they're like annotations don't get love and they're not very clear about what specifically they're referring to but apparently January like second they're going away huh oh you know we need to go back to our old videos and figure out a solution more work for us ah I feel like they got rid of annotations no they must mean the iCard yeah I don't know I'm confused about it so anyway that's it for today uh so I'm gonna thank you so much I mean I'm signing off because I can't deal with you on the couch anymore like please end this now oh no so I'm gonna happen to story mode here we're gonna start with story mode if Jason feels so inclined to me we can hop into some other matches are you good at smash I have only played this one like three rounds great so this is the time to play me Orient's yeah it's around four he gets really good really it's like he's like one two and three are all him learning they don't want to get spore it's like a whole new learning curve and then you have Chris also there who's gonna troll both of us hi Chris hey guys so you got you got the you got everyone but Stephanie which is kind of a bummer but honestly that's what told me reason to watch this show yeah you know my voice she uh she couldn't make it today unfortunately I'm dying uh she she is not dyeing her hair are you gonna dye yours I guess I'm dying mine well at Thursday's I believe when it's on a schedule for right nice right I don't know like Chris Chris you know oh yes it's gonna be a great day do they know what guy yeah Mason do you even pay attention to anything we talk about anymore you know like him you just given up yeah talk about this all the time over the last couple scream oh it's okay you know I'm working very strange no I get to watch that's what I am too it's all it's called what you're seeing on screen right now okay yeah we're dying the hair which I can hear hair red and green you guys selected it because it was a good embodiment of game theory and film theory however everyone else in the universe will think that I'm doing it because it is Christmas my parents are coming in this weekend on Saturday and they are excited to see me with my new hairstyle yeah I know they're what do you think your mom's gonna say she will be really at reality it's the truth so anyway here we are with the world of light as you can see I have played a little bit since since the stream last week when the game first lon you can see that we're slowly taking apart into leaves shield here I actually believe is striking back at this point in time apparently he's doing something we'll find out what's going on he's revealed some secret portal that's a portal so technically those tend to be areas that you need to dive down into at which point then it like it's hard to feel it yeah it's like for them yes Super Smash Brothers in staff world are the same thing you're yeah that would be awesome though let's be honest it would be really cool if you could actually adjust similar to the ultimate Nintendo crossover which was a online game where you could have just like the different eras of the characters and stuff it's been really cool floors love a great potential so story mode I've gotten the hang of at this point it's a lot of grinding to raise the levels of your spirits that you kind of attached to it's a lot of fun because it's all a bunch of cameos from all the other like characters from these from these franchises um who are vaguely represented by existing characters in the roster one of my favorites that I just did not too long ago was they had buzz buzz who's from earthbound okay he's like this superhero from earthbound who comes in and like helps helps you out during the very first moment for the day he's defeated in one hit at the end of like the game's tutorial basically and in the in the game he's represented by a very small mr. Game & Watch I was also able to be defeated in one himself it's great it's it's it's brilliant like this whole mode is a really fun a night it has a good sense of humor to it it's a lot of fun like I said as an achievement guy it's really nice because you get through a lot so you can see I'm getting through a decent number of battles quickly and at first out of mine we'll see my dress I you can go in with different type advantages based on the spirits that you choose I've been actively kind of I don't know I mean I'm not avoiding them but I sometimes I go in with a spirit of and sometimes I don't depending on Glenn's looking to level up look right now I'm trying to level this one day up to level 99 now I can get them out of the way but you got a disadvantage here for for the spirits in general does it ever between you to not have a spirit like do you think are they like benefits but also have a negative in some way or should you always happen um so when it comes to the spirit stuff be the one benefit to you the one benefit to anybody whoa grass type you have fire in the rats all right wrong you lost your grass type I did I also lost myself on screen which is like fluff so the benefit to using either underpowered spirits or against tight spirits or no spirits is you actually for defeating them or for winning the battle you get more oh that can unlock more items you unlock more like the music seriously like things like that okay so that's that's the way that works so that's one of the nice benefits of it which is why sometimes like that's why right now like they're like it's it's against your level or whatever I'm not too concerned about it cuz usually it doesn't matter too much sometimes it judge like there are some battles that I've had to skip cuz I haven't figured out the right combination of ways to be that okay um and they're really hard but it's good it's it's a good balance they've scaled the AI difficulty in this game to where like there are some battles unlocked characters that are really hard whereas they used to be just kind of a formality but anyway enough about like the actual game mechanics this is about the theory right so Jason you you saw the fear you yourself yes I'm a writer person what did you think all right oh and I haven't actually gotten the chance to talk about it like even though Jason is like here all the time and we do everything together like Jason we don't know we don't I actually tried to avoid talking as much as possible right now you do I mean yeah you just you just got it's hard but we're getting better right he's persistent he like nothing he doesn't take like ignoring him for an answer sure um so it's interesting because I'm not really sure port for the master hands theory being all the like creators and stuff like that yeah I'm a little like hesitant to believe that Sakurai doesn't have like a difference between him and the rest of it what do you mean like all the hands are always depicted like the same except for like great crazy hand well master hand is more control than crazy hand is like more aggressive right but like for cutscenes for this purpose there's a ton of the hands around yeah um rich so wait so you're referring to win the cutscene comes and you think believe and you see all of all my fans yeah getting sucked in okay um right they get sucked in them so they they basically give themselves they basically give themselves up - okay - zooming to believe they unravel and then ya think oh my god you're slow okay I feel like and maybe maybe I'm like wrong on this maybe he wouldn't do this but no way I've never heard you say that I know right you're wrong I just think it's a little odd that all the hands are exactly the same and if Sakurai is like telling this story yeah about all of the different creators getting sucked duck or into Nintendo I felt I feel like there should be some sort of difference between and how he sees the rest of the creators so I would challenge that so like I get that mm-hmm but at the same time I would challenge that because if you think about the essence of what it means to create a game right it is a bunch of very talented individuals each in their own field so yes they're all differentiated but it's oh it's a bunch of talented people all working for the greater good of this is one creative and here this one okay the product which is the game right and so there can't be any individual ego that's a part of that right it's they are all servants to your Studios ego to either the studio seeker of ego or more accurately to the project itself right over but when GUI or Nintendo or whatever company you're working for is you're giving yourself up to that company as well so that's why you see these hands disappearing into the black hole okay and that's like--that's and that's my interpretation of why each hand wouldn't look different like that would be cool to me actually that would be really exciting I think it's a good idea where if in that opening cutscene you saw like Master Hand as you saw him morally and then all of a sudden they cut to the wide shot and you have like a blue hand and a green hand and like even show that there's multiple hole but I can see the other also you got think about Japan - right where Japan is all of and we covered this in like global gamer and things like that where a lot of the the Asian countries are all about this idea of unity unity and not having an ego and part of like the greater good like we are rather than individuals yeah like if it was America I can totally see doing that same cutscene all of a sudden it's like yes each person retains their individuality but because we are you know united we get sucked into going but because it's Asia because specifically Japan I would say the mentality of we are all one in the same we are all equals who are giving up a sense of our identity to create something that is bigger than ourselves I think that's that's the way I wouldn't kind of you know rationalize that decision okay okay to me the the hardest part of the theory inand I'd be curious to get people's thoughts on this is and and the part that I struggle the most with was the whole idea of dark on yeah being an embodiment of of the fandom and specifically like toxic fandoms um cuz there's not a whole lot of evidence around what dark hon is I think that's like I call out in the theory the strongest bit is when he takes over the teens go out and control and control Oh Dean like maybe they imprison doing rather than destroy believe and I do think that that's important because it's the fan killing is a company upon City yeah well because I it's an odd decision right cuz if because if galine wins dark on just gets destroyed he just fragments away peasy he just falls apart right hmm whereas if the Fed if dark on wins dark on like of Galena leaves literally he stays intact but he's in Chains right so you jump into here about the hands I just wanted to say it before I pass Charles Hagen in the chat was just like what about possibly the hands representing other players not yeah thought the hands were actually supposed to represent the players not the characters well so the hands of dark on are the players right so so the hands who are under gleam the master hands in this theory are the ones who are actively working on the game they're the creators right they are the master hands who are setting up this world of light for us to play through their the what they're the game makers the the crazy hand the ones who are under dark on their the players hands who are more volatile more uncontrolled they're the ones who are like you know as as a maker you have to be controlled and precise you're programming things you're animating characters in very fine detail that's net whereas crazy hand you're very much like Reddit trolls well you're well yes but also you're just kind of they are indeed that is actually darkness actually but but um but you know they're they're the player they're the fan they're the ones who are like eager to like smash the thing together and let's let's actually play with the stuff and you know destroy it and rebuild it whatever they're the less control dependent more volatile section right and so Sakurai is himself a balance of those things you know and and any game has a balance of those things you have the diffusion of creator and fan creator and consumer but when you take them to the extremes which i think is Galena and dark on when taken to the extremes you have like the greedy corporation and the toxic fan right and I think that those are what the big entities represent right so you have the individual creators represented by the individual hands on either side of this battle but then you have the the you know the bad extensions of those things kick it off to the side which is also why at the end of world of lights Master Hand and crazy hand actually Rebecca okay so so throughout world of light you see on the overworld map every once in a while master hand will come up and he'll like snap and something some new obstacle it will appear on the field that you have to oh okay but at the end of the game and we show this very briefly in the episode and I haven't gotten to it in the game yet but i from Gerard's footage I saw it at the end of the game crazy hand and Master Hand actually rebel against Kaleem and they work together to open up a portal and you're suddenly able to control master hand to fight against the evil puppet fighters who have been controlled by these two dark forces and that to me is hey these two you know people who are working on the armies of either side of dark and light suddenly realize hey the characters are what matter here's the purity of these characters the spirits of these characters are what matter if so let's actually you know break away from kind of like the people who are pulling the strings behind us and actually help out the embodiment of these tears like that right the the period these characters so um I'm trying to remember do we see taboo in this no damn it all the booths only in Brawl okay cuz it was my fate one of my favorite characters fishy boop khun's in the chat fishy fishy boob kins says what if de leme is taboo and Darkon is the other timoni fight so what I wanted to do was bring it back around to maybe the previous theory that we did on smash brothers yeah um and sort of get your thoughts on where you see happen spitting into the know I don't know so I think taboo like it's interesting because taboo was such a brawl specific hair block such a brawl specific character and at the end of brawl you see taboo actually break apart okay and to me taboo was very much the I say it in the theory but I like I think I'll reiterate here he's very much this embodiment of like social tab social taboos adults aren't a plate allowed to play with video games as an adult in Japan as an adult male in Japan here Sakurai who's making his living making video games right which is weird and I think he he probably feels even more pressure there than we do over here about making a career out of that it's not a respectable career you're not an adult you're splittin still playing with children's toys right so taboo then was Sakurai's internal battle of sorts or like him fighting against the strictures of society okay who are who are saying that and then at the end of brawl noodle that battles completely he's come to terms as it as a creator he's come to terms with you know that dude's going you see these characters that he loved what he does that there's nothing to be ashamed of and all of that be that game was represented like if you look at the symbolism around cheffou he's a weird character first but one you actually stop and look at like all the design detail around him you see a lot of it makes sense he's the one who's actually puppeteering master hand in that one he's like master hand is literally encased in chains these my tabs are heated by what's the deal to be taboo ah sorry sorry buddy that was tell us a wasted smash for him that's okay games going yes I thought you said it got harder there are thirty battles like it really hard um I I'm kind of avoiding them so that way we can get through a couple here but there's there's a couple I've left on the board that are really hard I can't believe we missed this Chiron Mayhew spells it out for us dark hand is dark on is the body minute wow this Waluigi spirit actually breaking through the wall that would be amazing actually it's like so dark on uh you can see the imagery of him in that episode or online he literally breaks through the walls and yet he's the one eyeballs like tentacle monster basically that would be amazing if the eyeball like opened up or like was revealed to be Luigi's I guess he's literally trying to break his way into the game that would have been the best like there's a couple of decisions that Nintendo I would have they would never make it in a million years but I would have loved to have seen a maze see him did watch him like just to acknowledge like the meme dumb of this character if like out of the blue there's a surprise can you defeated gleam a new challenger has approached and you see like the cutscene of like dark on breaking through the world and then he like peeks through and then the I like pulls back and it's like wow that would be um the internet would have lost its more he follows him through like dark on comes through and then you see while you like step over like the shattered glass or whatever darkens color is purple that's true um that would have been amazing I love that idea so actually after watching the ferry this weekend yeah one thing came to me when I saw that transition because the the world shatters and to me that reminded me of like the fourth wall but yeah hammer lens something like that and then I see dark on come out and he to me is represented by bits I more so than like the dark tentacles yeah the eye is interested i doing where we are in like the the world of gaming right now when knowing that esports specifically are becoming more of a thing yeah and knowing that in smash bros history a lot of things have been ridiculed based off of the esports apply beachy in the game and that's why you get characters that are like fan from competitions i hammock comes down to a very small meta base i'm curious a different angle to take it from the angry fans in general yeah is is the elite fighting community or eSports community supposed to be represented by their country I think that's I think that's an interesting interpretation and if something actually that I was just wondering about as I was working on the episode yeah cuz because I thought that that might be the case the the only question I had then is then what is like what is the duality so I think the interesting thing to note is this whole battle between darken and Deline is important right it's it's it's a it's literally a it's two different dualities like they have to be opposed to each other because at the end of the game that's what you see you see that's what you see at the end in the game right is the two forces are fighting each other so if dark on is what the embodiment of like eSports are like the elite gaming elite gaming vs. casual yeah you think and and cuz like that was the question I had is okay if it's about this pressure to be an official sport or right to light up you use only the hardcore fans like what would be the other what is the other side of that then what would the Galil equivalent be I could see it being you know potentially I could see it potentially being the you know the more casual fan potentially it just did it did seem as quite of a equip light as strong of a comparison but I can't oh I think that's an interesting and valid interpretation the other one that I saw circulating online or on reddit specifically that's kind of discussion around this very started was what was the fact that maybe this all has to do with some sort of duality just within Sakurai himself okay uh you know his desire to kind of destroy the thing that mom you know his his love of this franchise and his desire to continue working on it yeah from now until it's infinity which is Deline mm-hmm but then the other side are what he resents it because of all the physical pain that he's been in because of that you know the pressure that he's under the long sleepless nights the fact that he's spent so many years of his life foregoing other creative endeavors to pursue working on this franchise who that was one of the other interpretations I saw in Reddit which i think is a good one but again I go back to the question of why are there that many things like if that would reduce and I think that I think that's a really good way of looking at it but if that's truly what this is meant to represent why are there so many other hands rygel okay you know um so that's interesting because I just saw this from often colds and it was a I think this post was put up right after your theory or a little bit after mom and they they send it to me and it says the only thing that bothers me about Matt Matt's theory is why would intend oh winning cause the toxic fandom to be destroyed would it make more sense if galine was the better side of the fandom and Darkon was the toxic side so that galine destroying everything is the better side leaving the fandom or something like that and that a destruction of both is the two sides coming to peace with each other or something that's it that movie that is that is interesting and I and I do think one of the things that I wish I could have addressed more or like I that I kind of struggle with is galine winning causes the world to be blanketed in light and they actually there's a very specific shot where they pull out and you see the whole universe and the whole universe gets consumed by Gallinas light and I don't quite know how that necessarily like fits in with if it's a Nintendo right if it's the fandom so like to to to this specific to this yeah green I don't have that kinda yeah to add Mason Cole's the only thing that I would be questioning about like if Kaleem is the good side of the fandom mm-hmm why would the good side of the fandom winning be considered a bad ending i guess is the question like to me if like Colima has to have bad elements and dark on half half bad elements in order for both both of their defeats to be required for the good ending and so if the good side of the fandom is glean why would you want to defeat him in order to get a good ending like yeah I guess that's my like the good part of the fandom I feel like would be the one embracing these characters not shooting out light beams that ultimately destroy them and then create cut puppet fighters of them create carbon copies of them what what if so we were looking at gleam as Nintendo and essentially um sort of removing the depth to these characters yeah way and just making them old carpet yeah um a lot of times in the conversations around these games that have so many um in their franchise now um another complaint that we get from fans is that the games become very like cookie cutter very easy to beat yeah there's no difficulty there there's no substance to them in a sense it's just creamy and that's just the characters that we used to play as um what if we were to take this approach and it's not the good random versus the toxic fandom but more so it's like this is the the casual gamer that is just a fan to play these games and they just want more and more games coming out and Darkon is more that like I was talking about earlier the neatest eSports gamer or just the elitist fan that wants the hard hard levels' hardcore stuff and you have you play between the two yeah and you have to find a balance because if the light side wins then we just get flushed over and over and over again yeah but then if Darkon wins then we just keep making these games that have a very high like barrier of entry yeah and not as many fans would want to play those things they get discouraged and probably stop yeah I'm joining their characters as well so I'm wondering if like that's another take that you could put on that is address point I think that's a really variable I think that's a really good and interesting interpretation I could totally see that baby pace and then the the hands are still the developers and they're trying to figure out like some of them are gonna be like oh no I want these hardcore games other ones are gonna be like bands happy yeah what is my balance yeah that's interest so that's really interesting I could see that really working um that is that's really interesting I guess my the question always then becomes like like so the reason I like the Nintendo toxic fandom in comparison is it seemed to answer the most symbolic like the most imagery that you see right you seen multiple hands you see galine as an angel in a black hole you see multiple crazy hands see you know dark hun as this like all-seeing eye you see them fight each other and not the characters like there were there's a lot of like it's there a lot of very simple cutscenes like they're not all that elaborate which means that every decision that Sakurai made in designing these things has to mean something or it doesn't have to but I'm assuming it did because very clearly he takes a lot of time and attention with these games um and so to me the the duality of corporation and fan made the most sense you couldn't answer the most questions that being said I think that's it that's an interesting interpretation of it um one of the other things that was brought up earlier when we were talking about waluigi um but it made me think of was dark on has an i yeah whereas going doesn't write you know dark on is like an organism Kaleem is very cold and like on feet like it's cold and unfeeling time ago okay it's very it's very save it not sanitary is not the right word but you're sterile that's the word I'm looking for thank you it's very sterile where it feels almost like a machine you know the ruins don't feel organic they feel hardly chiseled out you know feel ya pal okay um it's a fall rather than an organism which again goes to that like the idea of what corporate mentality whereas the dark on having an eyeball it almost feels like it's the thing that's like watching it's the thing that I'm carefully watching and observing similar to fans they've watched the observe they consume whereas Nintendo just operated on its own like a good like that right and as an organism it consumes Darkon breaking through the world the in breaking through into the world of light is almost like you know here's the master hands and here's Nintendo they create and craft this perfect bubble mm-hmm they create and and craft this perfect bubble that is pristine and them and they have perfect control over it now all of a sudden the fans break in they're able to like you know because a game is a participatory activity of participatory art form the fans break into what is that perfect world and start having their way with it they start you know they start to mess with the perfect world of light the perfect balance that has been creat or not the perfect balance but the perfect ecosystem that the great company and its creators have made and so again that's why you see Darkon literally break through almost this glass ceiling mm-hmm and start to impose its will into things and start to kind of like mess up things and and destroy things and stuff like that again which goes to that idea um yeah and that I mean that makes a lot of sense to in the fact that like you were saying gleam is very in Soleri he's very protected from the outside world they are creating their games within a bubble yeah um and then I guess the whole point of you don't want dark on to completely take over because you can't just let that fan to create whatever they want or take all of their suggestions because a lot of times you have a lot of different viewpoints giving their opinions and it's gonna make the end product crap right but what Sagar is saying I'm sorry I think we've all been there where we played video games that the fans gave a little too much input on and DLC came out and then guys yeah but I think what's then to that point Sakurai is saying hey Nintendo you need to at least listen to the fans a little bit like listen to their complaints and then come up with solution to it based off of what they're saying yeah but don't give in a hundred percent to the fans criticism and lose what stories you really want to be telling that yeah I think you're totally right like it was that kind of reflection of the need for balance yeah and it is someone brought this off I think it was in the comments section of the video and I thought it was a really good observation and I had briefly noticed it when I was doing research and kind of thinking through everything but I think now in retrospect it kind of solidified something that I couldn't really articulate which is so I say hey when galine or when Darkon wins galine gets captured and imprisoned when gali wins not only does he envelop the universe and light but you see dark in the moment before that you see dark on literally fall apart you see him like in his arms and tentacles start to break away he starts to tend to like wither and dry up which someone called out in the comments I thought this was great the idea of if the company has pure focus and is the only thing that is able to have creative control over these names the fandom dies my dad if the fandom dries up it triples away in it and instead of being a united front for good or ill in terms of dark on it it disseminates it dies it fades away right it just kind of like fizzles out and sure Nintendo gets it ordered Nintendo or the company or whatever gets its way and whoa it's bright and shiny but there's nothing there to actually compute it to like balance it out yeah okay you're some of the theorists Twitter just like basically tweeted something that's exactly oh really maybe Nintendo is destroying the fan base and changing the entire yeah right and and you know honestly like as a Booker set a su bag who are you also made back it's su B so some some aku are ye who are you yeah fantastic I was saying the same thing about like galine destroying dark on in the light makes him feel like it's a representation of Nintendo destroying their fan base and their core yep which goes very much in line with in the comment that you were saying yeah you know in its and I think I couldn't let that we kind of agree um or that you know that other people kind of she's we're going out there and we're that kind of fits in um and it is the one thing I didn't really get the chance to mention but in the episode that I think I probably should say which is I'm not saying necessarily you know in the fury that this is absolutely what Nintendo is doing right like when I say Nintendo I'm saying vol Nintendo creator of the game but I'm saying like video game companies in general and I'm saying in a negative extreme of what Nintendo's doing I don't know what Sakurai's relationship is with Nintendo like I call out a couple quotes that are like hey maybe it wasn't the healthiest relationship but I'm not necessarily saying like this is him outright saying like agenda has done this and there they are the embodiment of gleam I'm saying Galina is the embodiment of life the negative extreme of Nintendo like I'm just like dark on is the negative extreme of those of that fanbase that active man right and that's that's part of the reason why in the episode you know when we use a Nintendo logo I'm like hey let's like darken it or do some effect on it so that way it's not like we're not outright just saying that sort you know like all this is all in the tendo's fault or what happened but that was that was a just another like decision that I wanted to make sure that people weren't like August throw it to ten - under the bus or whatever their own shade you know me it's --spill --spill nutty Jason you know how much I love drama CW d p LD you've been notice no how's it going so far oh yeah you've been unlocking people all left and right I'm sorry I've been very attentive to the job right nothing I haven't been saying a lot but I'm like really trying my hardest to make sure that I at least read comments to bring up in conversation I'm no steps she's super fast at reading these things you're doing a great job oh you don't want you would get you're right you are no sale I mean no stuff yep but you're right dude good job she's played so to take a break from the the discussion is if your eyes yeah yeah yeah yeah take it take a second what um you said you played three matches of smash yeah oh maybe a little bit more oh oh you are you under playing it for that I played like I played for like an hour and a half okay so those were either really long matches or you just lying to me I was lying were you laughing I was just flat-out why it's so sad what does everyone tell me the truth anymore you'll get mad well the mood swings look at that this isn't what a therapy session is going on this is [Applause] don't take that away buddy I will leave that what the intervention is so in your in your hour and a half of play yes who uh who have you been playing as or like what is your go-to so not everyone was unlocked um I had a couple people but I was clean as mess okay villager Zelda and Sheik and of course of course Jigglypuff is awesome and I'm so upset that they have that character over the years right although I Jigglypuff was instrumental how when I was playing this weekend at unlocking one of these one of these challenges luckily the particularly puppet was wasn't it yeah I only play him twice in this new version so I haven't gotten a good sense of if they like sort of balanced him back up how not but I I really feel like in we do they nerfed in too much come up she didn't feel very powerful but I'm also not like a competitive fighting game person so who knows maybe I just don't know how to use it correctly any borough P it's still really good yeah no I think in I haven't unlocked and everyone yet either in the game I didn't do the like quick unlocks I'm like I'm just unlocking I'm the slow way by doing the world no 1 stock jump off yeah the one faction by yeah I wasn't doing that but um but I will say that if there are characters who are way overpowered it feels like the Castlevania twins yeah like Richter and Simon feel pretty overpowered or at least like their moves that feels pretty pretty good there real fast they're pretty heavy they're really powerful like either they're just really well balanced or or they're just overpowered and everyone's been saying Isabelle is the other one who I haven't haven't gotten Whizzer yet right that's the one if she plays like the villager I'll be happy she does play like that I do know that I plays like the villager except he'd been almost a better version because she has this fishing rod that okra just like Gentiles everyone okay oh thank goodness I can awaken Oh Lamar thank thank you this is a carrot this is the character that I'm waiting I've been searching world of light countless times he's got dots hundreds hundreds this what's wrong with all Aman have you seen Lamar is great he missing you get to put dots on people Wow would you look he's great yeah I mean that is that is if you're talking about characters who need to be like three balanced I don't know look if look how good he is look at look at him go look at them go look at that Oh Lamar look at him decimating me watch out watch out I told you the games on easy mode it's not it son normal thank you very much I saw that pac-man special sometimes you fire off a super speedy ability but sometimes you fire off the finest man and you just miss okay yeah it sucks for that like five seconds that it's on screen and it's really I'm sure the computer was really embarrassed by that moment so thank you thanks for rubbing it in he's very self-conscious about it I don't think even belongs in this game if you can't do that Wow you're the biggest character and he didn't even come close he fired at all Finland in the top of the screen buddy like give them give the guy a break you know we trainer I did get I also got me sword fighter get high huh me such ah I was like oh thank goodness here let me see I'm gonna I haven't played a Zola Mars really my first time playing but since the first time years available I haven't played with him since so let's let's see how he does okay I can't apparently pull out any more boat for Pikmin so I'm gonna say Pokemon that's not right okay whoo come on can you still attach him let all the way let's say it was beat oh yeah there we go yeah go they pull out more Wow I can't pull him out they're not that fast to pull out with your trend of a bummer like I misspoke I'm the one saving grace of the whole Pikmin mentality was who you guys mad all of our wreck right height thank you you didn't even get hit you're right I don't think that was my doing I know it was apparently it was all of my being awesome he was all are wrecking out - clear eyes clear up the tier list ladies and gentlemen you saw it here top tier Oh Lavar it also doesn't I'm sure it doesn't help that like the spirit that I'm using that I've been grinding away at like raising the level of is he human you know he's not healing me but he is at a power level of 8,000 as opposed to most of the people that were fighting again so far which is out there there have been a couple who've been higher like we fought a 9000 earlier but because the thing I like about the adventure mode is you can go in any direction and you can come across really hard characters okay at any point in time but yeah it's oh come on [Music] wow that was surprisingly strong see it's all tomorrow he's great I don't think it is great something tells me it's not a little more just saying thank you screen up is great Viktor inside about me oh wow you're so right Jason the moment I thank you mister belch pass all sticky floor defense them this is fun it would be great if like his weakness was throwing me into something because that or like if you could use these I hope that bees appear as items in here what what's in what game so he's an earthbound and master belch is the way that you deepen in the game is basically you need to get this item called life on you oh and you feed him fly honey and he does nothing the entire rest of Japan oh the rest of the battle we could be soaked and filled with meetings with sly money okay yeah it's a very weird battle but that would've been a fun little nod to him outside of the sticky floor and the coloration honestly I mean don't get me wrong Laurie coloration develops when goodbye now nobody going down like cousin stinky do you know it uh these spirit battles everyone come on we'll have like random effects happen either you at the stage whatever okay so no woah-oh these I didn't noticed that come on Omar yes hang tough buddy no you didn't notice oh I didn't notice that they got rid of the I'm a bit fun that the final smashes in this game got rid of a lot of the life so like a you ready to arm the character do something else yeah like this transforms in but you don't control it like I miss the ability to kind of like transform and then control the characters I think it's it's harder yeah but it gives you a little bit more flexibility or a little bit more gameplay which I think it mm-hmm yeah and it forces you to kind of be creative and figure out solutions around it which is which is nice um so I'm a bit bummed about that they just wanted to finish it that's what I I do think that like it is easier to kind of program and control you know that right in balance yeah cuz with those with those special characters it's a bit hard to balance you know like Sonic is now supersonic yeah like in the hand of a really good player but that's also kind of the point I don't know yeah a bit of half and half what else is going on in the chat sir um Matthew has glasses guessing I am logging off oh no Bob Ross but wait ma brought up here Miss Bob Ross no wonder he logged on yeah because we weren't doing one of those tutorials like we did that one day Oh so June z-boy jillsy boy Joey boy Matt patty boy transformation smashes hilde the flow of the battle was evident fun for me Andy really oh okay I thought that's apparently why they got it the the thing I would say is to me the transformation smashes were did they feel the fun no but what they did do is I mean similar to the hammer and similar to either this I would say it's similar to the hammer and it's similar to like most other final smashes it forces you to get good at a like avoiding the thing right that's one of the things I like about the final smashes and the ones that were able to be controlled like the fox's tank or supersonic or Pikachu or anything like that it's cuz it forces you to suddenly go on the defensive and actually like figure out a way to avoid it and if you're really good at it like it was a good risk reward right we're like if I'm a good sonic player I can do really well with that you have transformation but if I'm a good overall player I can also avoid that transformation whereas one of my problems with a lot of you know these ones that kind of just suck you in and do stuff to you is they're just I mean you can avoid them but they're a bit harder to avoid like I liked the excitement of like oh man here comes the landmaster tank not and it's not that morning how do I avoid it how do I like mitigate the damage I'm going to take in this moment right three with that whereas a lot of this is just kind of like well you got that you got caught in kind of like that area now you're getting a bunch of damage also there's like the whole like different modes that you can put on a different study like a lightning mode and stuff like that and to me anytime you had like one of those transformation smashes it felt like Oh for the next like five seconds I'm getting to go into a special mode which I don't know I always thought that felt like a little cool a little fun it it broke off the stagnation a little bit yeah one it's also one of those things to wear again like similar to anything in this game like you could always turn that stuff off yeah I think that the other thing right is the fact that you could always just turn off or or the final smashes yeah stalls if so you know if they were breaking the flow of the game for a lot of people I mean people will turn it off anyway I was at a Christmas party over the weekend with the big ones for battling it was great who's an awesome host it was a really fun party but we played spec smash most of the time and you know they turn off all items and they do only battlefield and final destination even though it's not like competitive to me I like my bar I like the chaos um that being said I did well me playing this game this weekend uh I had to do this because yeah that's why I mask and r58 Vander Tron oh please Matt in Jason five and a half for my first likes oh man I think so I will do this by half once I die guy here okay whoa wait for it and are ya coming it's coming here we go it's coming Oh No 38 more hours of this live stream before you get your clap and a half Wow again oh yeah are you are you committed everybody yeah I feel like badly I don't like our system could not handle oh it would 40 straight hours we saw that it could handle Oh No we saw that how long it can handle you know just under 9 hours so you know started messing up right at the very end of the show Isabella chlorite was all it was all our fault what don't blame it on handily old mark huh it was all the way time watching the repast tagname Oh Lavar I want a stand watching this what did you do you you literally just ran into a rocket coming down that's what those and s is I get one guess what the Rockets are unclear how to use them I was actually confused like I don't know the Oldham are rocket I don't know enough to know like if I throw it does it belong to me can I take the average from Italy have I just activated it no you can take damage right I think so with the Overland I think anybody gets hit by those Rockets I could be wrong I lost my second I lost I lost myself oh my gosh what the heck that was a hot mess that was rough Jason throwing man I invite you over he'll head once and you just like just throw a lot of sorts of shade I've been on the couch morning hey sure but like today shadow when stuff says like when steps like hey and much of me I'll make this dream like all of a sudden like a daydream you want to join me hell yeah I get to throw shade that was my that was my animal did a wild night to howl he was very excited about the prospect of the shade and going on the shade that was happening he was very stoked about get out of here there we go get out of here Isabel get be gone villain are you unlock even right now where is this no that's good the way you probably battle okay oh that one was yours you can't get her by it you went right through it that one's death not mine that has a blue arrow on it oh wait that's a that's a plane yeah yeah there you go thank God for you you're welcome roll i unlock to you I have freed your spirit at this point is that a Pokemon player oh my god we maybe don't know real art style look do you like believe you even make a little ball what was in Mega Man Oh Mega Man acts rock and roll no that look like that there's a roll so I don't remember rock and roll okay well he's bought it he's a rock man and then rolled that's the pun oh that's a mega mans club that music foundation Oh his sister is wolf oh I got a broker that when is this story last year screw up your video game is this story in that I get back story on the villains this is like avoiding that something even coming to add some our Channel yeah there's a gentleman I'm just gonna scratch can we do one of those by the record but we can hear the re lights we can do a dance of our livestream yeah I think we should do that we could do it you can I don't know at the airport I don't know if we go welcome to the barbershop here's how to make everyone hate you always always Andy from a Megaman also our style looks the same it's saying you know your your I love that Jason whenever you're on the life you just been generally the number one thing you always comment on is our styled always art style style visual art style yeah they're really using their that old I forgive you yes all Jason cares about is art style that's not true what else you care about buddy I mean I like when I'm picking games to play myself I care about gameplay and narrative I think our mining it's all I said I support that there's a lot of okay and actually how many people do I get to play I think that's about yeah yeah oh yeah I just nope Merry Christmas thank you thank you Jason you shouldn't have no I really should have cuz that's all I wanted Oh Christmas I want a I want a TV mount I want to be able to mount something on like I have a TV that I want to mount on the wall and so I wanted to you know okay I was long sleep sleep would be nice I haven't gotten a whole lot of sleep lately that would be a good one I'll take your video game away from you great thank you that that's what's keeping you up right clearly it's not Oliver wait number three in the morning being like my pacifier fell out you're like oh buddy you poor thing Jen Jen said let's just get you guys a piece of paper that says coupon good for watching Ally for one night oh that's a good yeah I told her no no you don't want to do that no it's too expensive yeah is your time too expensive you're maybe a discount 25% off lucky ally for one night we'll do that 25% Wow you're the babysitter buddy oh my god all right good idea no we would definitely do that I'm a little worried that you guys don't trust me with Wow I said you're great with him buddies yes so good so wait what what should I get use resent me if we're talking Christmas gift what do I get you know I don't have smash yeah okay so you're saying I hope I can let you borrow my copies yeah it'll be a dual present you be able to delete because I take your game away from you oh you're so disciplined yeah you're so right that's a great one what what Mike what am I thinking that's a good one Chris what do you want for what do you want for christmas boo you know I'm running low on time you're at a drugstore I was gonna say yes just say the word night I can get you the hookup apparently they're sending someone to space to like a random person it is it's big live away where they're actually sending someone into space now one of those planes that fly up and down but literally it yeah I don't know did you did you know you're everyone's got some crazy stuff going on there great you want cards against humanity' did for our April wait Black Friday I think Black Friday because that's more money yeah well what did they do apparently they were doing like 99% off coupons ok transaction ended I have to set off of the coupon ah no no like they were doing deals that were 99% off yeah but every like minute they were cycling what the deal was oh there was only one of them oh wow so like they did like 99% off a car 90 went off a trip whoa they they did 99 percent off a trip to Antarctica oh then it said disclaimer like this is real only do this if you are gonna go because we are going to cut you that's awesome actually so our Antarctica is actually really expensive stuff and I have because we want to travel all over and want to like see different countries and we met like we've actually looked into Antarctica and it is okay anybody now is it true nope nope nope nope nope nope nope yes uh-huh is it true Oh like a multitude of countries sort of share rights to Antarctica I believe that is correct yes okay so the problem though is it costs so much to get there because there's like only one flight you have to be at this like a research station um you have to like fully supply yourself for a week because they're not just doing it to do it like it's not a place that you just fly in and out and there's a bunch of flights going on all the time mm-hm it's pretty intense and so you have to be really prepared to go down there I want to go it's about it yeah it's expensive a it's like a college ed what 99% off right which is pretty great so that was cards against humanity' to another pretty awesome yeah yep this is all here time I did not see any articles on this I did not party to the wait are you know I could be wrong are you full of fake one oh my like like I owe me why were your friends lie to you I alway ty I know this firsthand because you would step lie to me all the time so as as we have established over the last couple weeks on the livestream apparently you guys lie to means up constantly so that's cool oh oh rah rah 33000 says yeah it was $21 for two people to go to Antarctica for two meets $21 $21 you missed your opportunity that's tomato de Antarctica hey man I need I need to follow could have left are you here is Antarctica in this summer months it's funny on what yeah there's summer months if I was very sick it's funny I'm wondering and it's like oh my god I want to go to Antarctica on the other like yeah there's gotta be that's ahead because all these countries like share that space you get to cross off all those countries off your travel where we do that that's necessarily the case but yeah let's say that's how we work that is that sure of course it is but still they all work if there was one place in the world Jason that you could go and visit what would it be why let's wait to Ireland which was my place I would have to go um I think the next place I want to go which is bad because I don't speak the language whatsoever there so I probably like but I want to go to Japan yep but specifically for like the countryside okay like I'm very curious about seeing like what the nature over there the Mount Fuji area is gorgeous like I mean it has like the big cities it has everything and has the big city stuff it has like the countryside you have like really beautiful mountains you have a lot of it's it's a good quote like Japan I know like us gamers are always like I love Japan because that's where the video games are and that's true and that is a nice thing about Japan but Japan has not much cool stuff like the temples are great to visit the the temples are great to visit the historical landmarks are incredible it has like just a huge number of it has a huge number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites which is something that Steph and I always like to do which is the the sites that like UNESCO the the overseeing body has determined is like historically important for protection okay um and like every single temple you go to in Japan has like or every single temple you go to and depends like you want it's great um it's a really really cool country well yeah yeah I definitely want to go just - how about how about you Chris no what's much your place real quick oh really I've never been it's a massive country it's got you know the ends there's so much to do like I do need to do a whole bunch huh all right um Rebecca Muller ah it says I'd go to Alexandria Egypt oh and they're right we have not been to Alexandria or Luxor but where we went to Cairo and kind of like the outskirts of Cairo um which it was great and pretty wild Alexander you know of Egypt Egypt is fascinating there's a lot of crazy stuff in Egypt and Stephanie I really would love to go back and is it like cuz Luxor is the other area where you have a lot of like really classic like classic stuff going on oh god no no oh I haven't fought instead of war enough to know who's announced yeah early to middle you say I saw I played with him was he a Mega Man characters yes clearly no I know that's a Pokemon do you know where that that's Pokemon it's a stupid one from Aloha oh the stupid Pokemon from Aloha yeah that's the final form of the cat which is clearly the wrong starter to pick in that game what right nice not whatever Jason you're uh you're on the live stream it's trust me people people are not gonna be about whatever ha ha do you say ole ole ole ole ole oh you've got Davey say aloha did he say the right thing when Matthew says a wrong thing yeah that's exactly what it was if I say yet it's like you should just take that into consideration Wow on the right side of the screen hi I am on the right side of this trees a stream stream scream I said I was right whatever I say yes good yeah you guys are great yeah yeah um you were gonna call out some more comments but right that is the final form of the cat from that oh yeah he turns into like the the human form for some reason which makes no sense whatsoever for him but anyways obvious on the obviously the seal is the right one to go with his watertight Paul we've watered I only know where the water tight you're talking about going to space yes would you do that come on don't say no I think it's the worst idea ever oh my god I honestly think the only reason we have astronauts is because science fiction writers made the space seem so cool when in fact it's just a cold vacuum with nothing Wow why would you go there I mean it's not a cold vacuum with nothing it's a cold vacuum with a lot of very scary things yeah I feel like I would I wouldn't I would rise it has rocks Chris I I struggle with especially nowadays going to space maybe one day when like when there's people up when there's consumer travel going up my regular base it's like when when going to space is like going on an airline I might I might do it yeah but yeah I I would struggle to go to space honestly it's it's intense man like even if you watch the movie first man which just came out I do not watch it's a it I'm totally cheating the pedal but there are there are some battles that you can actually like there are specific things that you can this is shield great yeah sure but like the movie first man which it which is pretty it's an interesting movie it wasn't like one of my favorites I saw this year but um it was definitely interesting but I would say watching that movie definitely made me like no definitely don't want to go to space after seeing this thing it's it's just like you're surrounded by like every hit like everything can throw you in space you know you can't even go outside and you're just done oh there's holy geez we're getting so much flak for not going go into space people are like oh dear you're not going to space guys I I wouldn't do it I I guess it's a it's split a little bit but yeah people definitely are disagreeing with us they they think we should go to space no but let me also get comments like Elijah to Ducote space is a scary place I don't know what's scary I just I have to believe it'd be really boring up there like Who am I gonna troll in space right what do you know buddy Detroit has the Internet they have the intro space they have like internet but it's not gonna be like God it'd be delay what do you think it how like take our livestream for for example like what to do how long do you think they're behind right now on our stream yeah if yeah for all our fans you are basic shout-out to the Armstrong who are up there right now yeah for all our fans who are up there right now it is currently 521 so send us back our comments let us know one tiny for you yeah I want to know that yeah yeah very specifically we need to know this yeah and then we got to tell YouTube to step up its game so you guys can get to see right no of no latency guys I mean it's already a struggle enough okay the struggle is already real enough to get it out in time maybe we're on time all the time and just everyone is in space we are consider what how we started every school I've strayed five minutes late maybe that's just us beaming in from planet Earth to everyone else we just no space consider that I think it's you not being on the couch John John he thought respective that's it to your Christmas watch that shocks you when you're late okay did you decide what your what your Christmas present is for myself yeah so much brothers although Jason I keep telling people time great writer you know that's let's trade back because I also want like you ask what I want that's what I want to know buddy oh no right what was I gonna say so you want time yeah Chris wants unscented lotion always always okay you can never get enough unscented loose you know he wants to all the shape up yeah that's right and going into space buzz that whole thing I like that much started as a theory discussion ended up as let's talk about going to space most beautiful thing No yeah turtle somebody just said time is their relative I think that's what they said right there you go Chinese relics oh yeah full nelson time is relative so right isn't right so that means his on forefathers that's 100 time he said time is relative not time is a relative that's right you got to read between the lines on these messages yeah yeah this is why you can't man the chat uh-huh this isn't any missed things like live general saying can I get a clap in half what you can there are are like the taste I miss things like gavel gamer I love Jason there's more to that but we'll just stop it there but why does the boy was there more to Jason about we're step or but were step which is should I not read into what they actually meant there which is where is [Music] get out of here come tomorrow just me and stuff wow do I get an idea from our offices that was Evelyn here she got it right great oh I'll be watching from home I'll be caught you guys you're gonna do great we're gonna do tea time where we drink tea and discuss Matthew sports what they'd watch that that would be goal drink tea and discuss my fault yeah like tea time really do i define okay a very sure that I see a lot of fun delightful okay so I think I just got to where is this one second did I get to the end of it yeah please notice me I'm not gonna say okay cuz then everybody that has put that in the chat thinks that I would know it's them or how do you notice that you know I'm gonna stick with my I got one more bad any final thoughts Jason on the ps1 I love Jason see just perfect right there no extras I love you know what you might left they said cool violence but he didn't think to call you out cuz it is so fixated on its own name so you know I do know I I like the one who notice who who said that I decided to call Jason it's me it's I love Jason but I don't care who loves Jason it's just me that's my name Jason final thoughts are you Jason need me Jason I love me Jason oh man people are requesting Jason and Stephanie tee times so I guess I get tomorrow off then yeah I get to just record all day hang out with Oliver great sign me up that's it cool I think that's it you wanted final thought yeah what's your final thought so I okay so I honestly think that dark on is supposed to represent the like even latest view err standpoint um because I feel like it's a question of balance for Sakurai yeah in game design being influenced by in my opinion two different sources one is the mega corporations that own this stuff and need to make a profit and so they're turning out the easiest type of games that they can that will bring in profit from the biggest fan base and dark HOD is the loud elitist gamers in this sense it's a fighting game so a lot of times it's gonna be the competitive players here and the reason why I think it is specifically that group of the fan base is that over the past five years or or more I feel like the past five to ten years yeah a lot of the changes that I I've seen happen with fans Gideon games to change things is usually due to the competitive scene and balance uh-huh like balancing characters get up like that and to me I have just seen that happen more than just Kara just fans that are unhappy with something else in the game yeah so I I lean towards dark on actually being that specific group of the fanbase and especially when this is a competitive fighting game I think that would be something that Sakurai would actually be about concerned about like this games need to be of both a fun game for the casual fans but it also really needs to do well in the competitive fighting desi I mean that's the whole reason why he originally made smash bros is because he wanted to make a different style yeah so I think that's I think that start out is that's interesting specifics and interesting I like I like your interpretation thank you interesting I I do I I would challenge it just a little bit just because to level it again just one sub like one hardcore subset of fans yeah I think would be I don't know I don't know too limited I feel like that would just be too limited or like you might see it as like it like not there's not necessarily an attack but I I know that he's always historically kind of struggle a little bit with trying to find that balance so with with kind of the mound at the top its yeah working on it working up go go down why was oh it's because I've got to keep it mushroom on my head that's why I got confused that's brutal I think this is what I need to do to unlock a good old good old wrong yeah it might might be what I robbed to and we'll do this one more time yeah tell you what that Franklin badges we show for this one yeah yeah so this is one of those ones that you really need to start off with like the right accommodate mysterious mm-hmm there are there are certain ones that's like oh this is just a normal battle but this one where it's like was there green Quinn badge two three Franklin bags reflects projectiles okay which these guys are literally starting off with like the the steel diver which is a new thing that want I think if anything in this one stop it wow that was intense [Applause] alright Metal Gear like because he was so undersea so because we saw you get a bunch of experience on that one didn't see all the presents I got you that's what happens when you do the underleveled ones like we talked about before so yeah that would be my only interpretation there is for my only challenge to that one which is would he be so takes laid out a very small like a very small and also like a very loving community you know to hit like it there though like you could you could argue that those are the hardest core fans of the franchise right because there's one for still playing like melee to this day and all that stuff and sure they might be demanding but they're demanding you know I would hazard to say that they've been aggressive against white other stuff like they never did yes they eliminate large portions of the game but they're still playing like they they recognize that they have the option to do so yeah and so that would be my only question there is can it truly represent them when overall it's like they haven't been so toxic negative or like they haven't been so like detrimental for the overall game you know that's why it's there okay that's my challenge now let's let's try to get some names and then wrap things up oh come on leave Oh No I'm just looking for some final recap stuff I don't worry you can't hear ya it is a lot of this yes Nick he's one of my favorites I'm glad I got him whoo that it all roll in yarn Yoshi leveling up fantastic alright guys so that is it for today we are back tomorrow for slot campus at a time woo woo with something new some difference and yeah let us know actually in the chat or when this video gets me up loaded or whatever what do you think about Theory talkbacks cuz it's something that we've been trying to figure out like a good solution for you know this is a nun game very proper but it does give us a chance to kind of like play the game and talk about the game that we just covered which I think it's we cool we've done two previous episodes sorta like this one being the very first like foot Nath one where we had a whole bunch of the finale really like our key right but then we also did one that followed up a specific finesse game theory yeah so we showed the episode during the talkback as well and then this time we just obviously played the game and talked about it so I also be curious to see if you guys have a preference on start having more people involved playing the game and just gonna talk back plain to see you episode yeah so yeah seeing the episode is like a premiere yeah which would be weird anyway yeah okay that's it for today guys we'll see you tomorrow four o'clock p.m. Pacific time for something new something different hopefully you're there we will be there so join us otherwise it makes our existence kind of pointless thank you for watching and remember that's just this dream a live stream let's say goodbye the chat tiny wings bye Jason hello and matpat Wow Hannah Bolstad says talkbacks are super cool hi Daniel yep do you think this is the last smash game yes geek Oh bye bye Jason senpai Kirby plus me
Channel: GTLive
Views: 236,498
Rating: 4.9293857 out of 5
Keywords: super smash bros ultimate, world of light, smash bros, super smash bros, world of light ending, smash bros ultimate, nintendo, mario, switch, nintendo switch, super smash bros ultimate world of light, super smash bros ultimate unlocking characters, smash bros ultimate unlocking characters, smash bros ultimate ost, smash bros ultimate gameplay, super smash bros ultimate gameplay, super smash bros ultimate trailer, game theory, matpat, gtlive, game theory super smash bros ultimate
Id: LMAwKw3rk5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 20sec (5540 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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