FNAF VR's DREAD-ful New Game! | Curse of Dreadbear (FNAF VR Help Wanted DLC)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT live where I am clearly alone on the couch but you know not alone in my heart or quite honestly in this room because Chris is standing right next to me and that right Chris hello hello and there's Jason there see all the necessary people are here except for Stephanie sadly so what who is perhaps the most necessary of them all ah so I don't know about you but I just flew in from Abu Dhabi and boy are my arms tired but if Shing yeh oh so long story short I wasn't sure if we were gonna be able to stream today as you can tell we're kind of on a limited basis today the the story is that we flew in last night from the United Arab Emirates the UAE it was over 20 hours of flight time so much quality plane action we got it last night at midnight and today we have a day before we head off to this YouTube gaming event that I alluded to two weeks ago I guess at this point that we're gonna be gone for the next couple days for and so I'm trying to squeeze in as much as possible here and one of the things that was important was like streaming with you guys I didn't want to miss any more days I wanted to take advantage of the time that we had but because there's a lot of stuff going on and because this was kind of a last-minute decision Stephanie's taking care of Oliver today which leaves me alone on the couch but you know what that means it means that it's time to hop back in to fin a VR because what does a guy like to do when he's alone but play a game about haunted animatronics in pizzerias and killing kids that's how I spend my free time alone how do you spend your free time alone Chris large the same eye I sit in a dark room and wait to be called upon you're just summoned your left I go to my void if you will it is true I've always wondered how Chris likes to live his life because every morning to summon him to the office I go into the bathroom without the lights and I look into the mirror and I say Chris Chris Chris and then he of jumps out through the mirror it's crazy he's like Bloody Mary or Beatle to you that way it's weird saves a lot of time on your commute though doesn't it oh yeah I mean it's nice being able to cross space and time like that through through interdimensional heck portals in the in the bathroom mirror so anyway today we are unlocking or unveiling or playing maybe I could just use a mundane verb we are playing for Navi ARS new DLC apparently there's been new stuff that's been added into the game and there's gonna be more coming later this week question mark this is according to Chris Wright really important what really important stuff sorry I I was listening back to make sure that we can hear you live and it turns out we can but in the process I miss what you're saying man that would that that's an important thing to ascertain early in the livestream is the person talking to the camera for the last five minutes actually audible in any way shape or form huzzah step number two making sure there's no thin line along the top of the gameplay screen so that way it's not distracting for everyone um but anyway yeah so in honor of Halloween true - five nights at Freddy's history there is Halloween updates to whatever the latest game is and so with the latest game being five nights at Freddy's VR help-wanted there's been a bunch of new stuff added into the game apparently so I'm told and even when I was in the Middle East at Middle East games con where we've been over the last week a lot of people there were like oh my gosh are you gonna play curse of the dread bear infinity R and I'm like yes eventually when we get onto the livestream so here we are play curse of dread bear I have no idea how long it is I have no idea if it's canon or not I have seen literally nothing about this I just know that it exists and Chris looked into it downloaded it it took a little while to set up which is why we're running a little bit behind today but that's the goal check out some of the new Halloween editions to five nights at Freddy's VR and then later this week either Thursday or Friday depending on the schedule but we will be back streaming later this week later this week see what else has gotten released cuz apparently a Scott Cawthon has said online that tomorrow there's supposed to be a bunch of new updates so we'll see I don't know but you can bet that there's a whole lot more five nights at Freddy's coming I'll be in a headset so I won't be able to talk to you guys well I'll be able to talk to you but it'll be through the medium of Chris but you can interact with the live stream via Chris in two different ways Dwain umber one is using hashtag GT Live where Chris Drew spooky bare face it's a pretty good spooky bare face your circles are on point in particular oh I tried very hard I mean I was wondering what you were doing all last week while we were gone and this was it apparently what were you doing all last week while you're just sitting in your dark room waiting to be something more or less I mean you know working on all that other stuff on the side I don't want to go into it it's it needs to be summoned just like me Wow well then look a lot of summoning has been happening lately so things that have to be summoned but your comments sorry has to take duty live over there or in the chat you know what it is alright where people are saying things like Wow's and so glad everyone is okay also glad little man is doing good yeah everyone's great and just uh we'll probably talk about it more when Stephanie is on the live stream because it's just weird for me to talk so low about middle east games con it'd be fun to actually like share opinions from both of us but I gotta say it was a fantastic last week the trip to the United Arab Emirates was amazing everyone out there was phenomenal there were so many loyal theorists out there talking theories requesting new ideas and who are super excited because not many youtubers not many like online Alaniz come out to that part of the world and so it was really awesome to get to meet a completely new bunch of people a completely new set of theorists who haven't gotten a lot of exposure to other events like this in the past the event itself middle east games con phenomenal they did such a good job of putting it all together they were it was so well organized they did such a good job of like treating us really well it was just a blast and the UAE is super safe and it's super easy to get around with it being part of the Middle East I know it's easy like mentally to group all of the Middle Eastern countries into the same like box I'm like oh that's a scary place but it's really not and especially there it was unbelievable beautiful country some amazing beaches really nice weather hot but really nice and some really cool sights to see which is going to be coming on to GT live we're working on putting together kind of like a like a road trip video of sorts that we similar to what we did when Steph and I did our little road trip across California and we're gonna be doing social posts over the next couple weeks of all the cool stuff that we did it was a lot it was a packed week of stuff and we can't wait to share all that with you but more immediately I can't wait to share with you this new DLC so let's hop into the VR headset and do it you'll have to forgive me for running my glasses today but you know staying up for over 24 hours without sleep and you know being in a dry plane I tried to put in my contacts this morning and it was rough so I'm gonna be going old-school with the glasses today I haven't done VR in glasses so hopefully it's not too too uncomfortable hook this thing up a little bit here alright ah good old fun a VR how I've missed you in my life all right let's see always practice safe oculus touching no one wants a bad touch I did give the people at Middle East games Khan a bit of a hard time we played a lot of switch games and they're the joy Khan's orden we're not properly strapped in okay resume where we are here okay quit - title maybe that's what we'll do are you sure wait where we going hey friends quit to title me yes hello all right congratulations it appears you have been granted access to additional holiday content how dare you press the special button in the candy pail to enter the Halloween hub keep in mind that this DLC pack is nothing more than a festive holiday themed add-on which has absolutely no hidden intent or purpose so have fun I want to believe that right like is a cannon is it not that was actually one of the big things that people were asking me when they're like oh my gosh should I get a cover and cover the new DLC for fun fer I'm like well first off I don't know if there's much to cover I don't know what it exactly entails but then secondly I'm like hey I don't know if it's cannon so covering it may or may not make sense I have not hopped into this world or this game since we last played it and so I don't know what other updates have happened does Showtime work yet Showtime still doesn't work I mean here here's our good friend glitch bear he's still hanging out that's fine or a glitch trap he's still hanging out a little stuff glitch trap Showtime it still clearly doesn't work uh missing the coin great Rafi Harry muddin says ultimate hikes forever yikes forever ah doesn't seem like there's much new in the prize corner over here seems like kind of kind of doing her thing all right can we turn on okay well the one thing I remember in the aftermath of fan fpr's release was sure oh they're all there's new Halloween stuff that you can unlock okay that's okay all right I see you game I see you and respect you plush action-figures butter okay didn't we unlock at one point or maybe that was just online tutorials um the basket of exotic butters we did right I thought we did but I can't summon it anymore cuz there was a button I mean I do know the one thing I do know about the game at this point is you can now summon the basket of exotic butters and there's a button in the bottom of the basket and you press it and it turns on that TV but alas doesn't seem like we can do it so instead we're just gonna press this a festive holiday bucket and see what is in store for us on the other side ooh dread bear oh cool I was like an old tiny drive-in oh this is sweet okay campsite willow whisper willow whisper x 800 series oh i'm to get a good got our good friend with her body back there welcome hanging out I was expecting this to play like an echo this is nice I like this atmosphere powder do anything now just set the stage let's continue I guess let's play show me what you got whoo whoa Wow okay Oh interesting okay so we've got a little jack-o'-lantern Chieko which is this adorable little blood moon over there it's playing uh it's playing breath of the wildest taught me anything that's meeting that all the enemies in the world have suddenly respond which is cool got some more festive jack-o'-lanterns here I don't know maybe this is Scott Cawthon sway of trying to encourage people to promote all things five nights at Freddy's by carving their pumpkins in the style of the characters from the game that's actually a really good chica idea I might actually do that that would be a lot of fun Fall Fest 88-83 that's a three right huh yeah it's definitely a three because the eights actually connected I got a got to give them a bit of a hard time cuz isn't usually if you abbreviate a year they apostrophes at the front end over the years because it's like oh everyone knows it's 1983 so you apostrophe 83 so really this is Fall Fest the year 83 hundred and something great huh so I wonder if dread bear is doing something to continue the story of of the the bite of 83 at this point like is this happening around some at 4 mm got our candy which I can eat yeah I make myself sick of Freddy fudge bar mmm love this fudgy fudgy goodness crud Lee wait all sorts of candy so this is what you are probably talking about Chris how in October 29th there's apparently a couple new installments here so there's the plush all the plush skin patch that's cute what else we got afraid of the dark spooky mansion hallway build a mangle and trick-or-treat oh cool danger keep out night one huh and then a bunch more stuff oh yeah this is totally gonna have a decent amount of content this is great this is actually a lot more than I expected I expected it to be like an additional just like spooky themed night or something but this is actually like a complete collection of small minigames here let's switch it over tonight mere mode anything here in the glow-in-the-dark mode spooky mansion danger keep out so nothing yet but maybe if we complete all the other stuff and since it's going to dark is there anything different happening here spookie burning tree in the background you see the 83 i see the car back there and i didn't really notice the car all that much before i wonder her that's like Astin's car or something right just kind of hanging it back there kind of ominously I don't know friends let's hop into it let's start with plush compact so let's start where it's kind of put pushing us towards afraid of the dark oh great press and hold d-pad a press trigger to continue okay so this is survived oh it's survived till six fantastic oh we're doing it in a spooky forest check again check off and check around for the details nothing Can I grab the axe can I protect myself using this axe no apparently not all right I got um forgive me if these first couple go a little rough I need to get warmed back up into this I'm assuming pleshkin patch is gonna be like the oh yeah oh it's this though it's this again no poop here we go so we're definitely gonna get jumpscared hair here ha was that a chick of like does that take a balloon boy hybrid Oh alright not uh I mean definitely you see so it's baby oh hey hey bat so it's definitely baby and baby it seems to be wearing a little spooky mask come on well there you say someone behind me can they can they attack me from behind Oh foxy all the yeah they're wearing their little Halloween masks they're so festive oh okay I don't know what that was all about but that was loud holy jeez no so it seems like it might just be the two layers oh I'm done I'm over okay yeah okay so it seems like there's kind of three layers to check it's the low layer there seems to be like a mid layer and it's oh that's cool oh no way are you we actually reaching out to me oh this is super cool what a good model it's like Frankenstein crossed with Freddy and again this is one of those things that's hard to convey in you know just from watching but in VR is we're like how big he is relative to me is really intimidating like it's really intense oh wow look at foxy oh that is so cool oh he's like oh my gosh she's like Nightmare on Elm Street like Freddy Krueger foxy almost with this big old hook reminds me of a Freddy Krueger with his like big nails oh that's so cool what a good model that might be the best version of foxy to exist look at him oh these are great I love these new styles that's interesting notice in the background the kind of like glitch right near weird red bear I'm assuming you're just red bear right if there's anything you can do back there or if like the glitch team is gonna continue in some way interesting okay let's let's try this again oh I should have tried to pick up the candelabra and stuff we'll do that next time we die okay it's also weird that there's all that stuff back there okay oh hey there's also give up okay so there are three and each one is wearing their low and little Halloween costume that's cute okay I see no that's bad [Music] what I hear you oh there okay we gotta charge up this light it's getting low that's an apple you know up there hey hey a lot of a lot of big spooky noises having a difference I'll pay ya oh ha ha look at him Brody look I'm running in the background that was super cute so I should have someone on my left oh whoa whoa that's a good one underneath the wheel that's really hard to see holy jeez a bunch of people in the chat are asking that and more bit oh this is hard oh hey oh there's a co-op there's one up there in the tree okay man the scariest hey whoa hey get out of here get out of here you little hooligan wow they are all over the place whoa oh that's a good sound effect there okay Charlie oh no you're not here good got two oh five o'clock shoot charge charge no no you know get them okay that's okay sorry sorry come on five oh yes is really close oh yeah oh I'm glad I still have it I'm glad I still have a little bit of that skill oh man came one claim your prize' this on one hand it's like oh look it's a fun festive Halloween party but on the other hand I feel like I'm in a murder barn it's because there's no one there is that what it is is that the difference here I was gonna say I think it's my celebration sign hanging right below a giant cow skull which I have no problem with but you know is just kind of intimidating with just like here's a big old skeleton right right there it's thematic so if there were people there you wouldn't be as alarmed maybe if there was someone there I would be alarmed it depends on who that person is this looks like a delicious cake by the way choose the cake then can I choose I don't know you know you know what's interesting they've given me darts it seems very intentional that they have a darts placed right here pop a balloon there's man-wolf so again continuing the like vague connection between the games and the books huh very clearly that these are gonna mean something I guarantee it and you can pop the balloons so as we learned I bet I wonder what we're supposed to throw these darts at I [Music] didn't know if like throwing it at a know as throwing it at a poster might like unlock something you know like ha ha you've entered this painting world or whatever huh this is this is where okay so again like me overthinking and being like overanalyzing of everything this poster as well as man-wolf and this drawing but specifically this poster if I remember correctly this is hanging in the alleyway of five nights at Freddy's 6 where the salvaged animatronics are where you find the salvaged animatronics slumped over in in that alleyway back there if I remember correctly this poster along with a man-wolf reference poster were back there and so I'm wondering if this is in some way actually connected to the lore of Nath 6 and the box and burning down the building and stuff like that cuz I very distinctly remember this because this felt weird to me when I first played that game that and as I like research stuff it felt weird to me that there was like something that was completely disconnected and unrelated to all other things for Nath and Scott doesn't really put in a lot of extraneous details into the games and so that right there feels like a connection point so is it potentially referencing this Halloween party like was this a real Halloween party really all then I just got some faz ease some flavor burst and faz ease that's it I'll leave it but I won't be happy about it so there is one weird art down here at that balloon right are there any color of balloons that there were only four of that color for up four of that color yeah oh you were given four darts I was given four darts you're right foo I mean I got a say yeah it seems like there's five of it I feel like that blue balloon that's a white in my headset all the other white balloons are kind of tinged yellow gosh but that one is tinged but like that one is come very clearly color corrected as blue that one to me feels like the odd man out huh so you can go around to pop them so I feel like this is the one that like if popping any of them is gonna matter it's this one oh so close you got a hit it was so close Jason come on well now they're all gone so we'll have to try again later wait oh no that was just the crank I was like what was that going in the corner but it was going to crank that this DLC pack is nothing more than a festive holiday themed add-on which has absolutely no hidden intent or purpose have fun you know whoa looking over there there's a pirate ship then I did I miss the pirate ship completely the first time I was at this screen there's a giant pirate ship back there that's so cool and this I'm wondering what that thing is burning over there because on one hand like since I'm talking about the fanatics connection it could be that but really what that looks like is actually a mean it's either a tree with like maybe a fire behind it or maybe a funeral pyre like so in India when when Steph and I visited India they burned their dead in a lot of cases next to the Ganges River and they stack up logs kind of like a Jenga set almost or like a Lincoln Log set and then you burnin that's kind of that like tall kind of like square pattern that that gets built into a column it looks like how those fires are built so I don't know what exactly that is just other weird things I'm noticing again like that pink oh wait wait wait wait huh so already it's weird to me that the pink back there is very reminiscent of the pink glitch that was kind of the theme of the main body of the game collecting all the tapes had kind of that pink aura that glitch aura and if you look through the barn there's actually an eye looking back at me and you can see the top of the head so I wonder if that's actually dread bear that's cool that's right that's like legit the chat is is all shouting look up now so maybe there's something in the sky look I'm not seeing anything in this guy alrighty well we did it I mean maybe in the maybe in the barn maybe they just meant maybe okay so so there's a couple more nights I guess of the dark challenges which is great because everyone loved the like find the things in the dark challenges those were super great okay so let's let's do the hallway spooky mansion hallway this is fun this game I know I said it when we were playing it but let me say it again fine a fee are is really fun like it is really fun it might actually be my favorites with naff game because it has the core gameplay of like snaf proper but then it has all these other game modes which are a blast to play so hallway crawl okay move with the d-pad cross the room okay oh this is kind of scary actually I'm kind of intimidated by this is there anything behind me no okay so just across the room huh easy enough right it seems like a Tippi move with the d-pad move with some pad move with something can I move okay you would think that moving would not be that challenging but uh impress them forward on the sticks I'm trying to teleport or something all the usual all the usual things you do to potentially move are not really working here so here let me restart this one maybe okay let's let's restart this level maybe no maybe not I'm not getting a whole lot here maybe we need to actually hook up a real controller for that got no movement friends I am noticing the iconic five nights at freddys lamp for Salem and IKEA near you but does not appear like I'm gonna be able to move through this so here I'm actually gonna hop out so that one we've in mind that this DLC pack is nothing more than a festive holiday themed add-on which has absolutely no hidden intent or purpose so have fun so it's worth noting that the pirate ship is gone so I wasn't just making it up before like I actually didn't see it huh and again maybe I have you just noticing things for the first time but the house on the hill feels very much like snaff for is that the staff for house it definitely looks like it interesting I wonder if this is more Canon than we're being led to believe here let's do build a mangle rather than the whole way for now and well it may be off stream or something have to figure out how to get the movement to work grab and release pull trigger okay push the buttons okay nothing behind me looking out nothing really above me start game build a mangle huh welcome to the fazbear entertainment fulfillment center today we are assembling animatronic performers each animatronic unit will bring joy to the children at one of our many freddy fazbear locations okay just place the necessary components in the assembly chute conveniently located at the front of your work station each work order is unique so gather only the components as shown on the quad monitor array house the high voltage shock buttons to gently remove any unwanted critters that belong to the assembly line huh let's get to work oh okay Oh No he's the shock buttons oh geez whoa okay so okay so they're being incinerated so these guys we got a chuckling okay so you got a shock - Wow Wow okay Oh what the heck what the heck what the heck distance between lenses okay what why okay I got a grab oh my gosh this is really overwhelming okay oh and I got 30 seconds to do it Oh No uh okay I need a leg I need a leg I need an arm this is the wrong it's it's switching a bunch nope get in there oh no that's I'm wrong that was wrong I guess what am i wrong now leg nope that's wrong oh jeez Oh No your face arm oh there's a balloon sign I got one oh there's mangle mangles coming well done let's see how you did wait what it looks like there aren't enough components perhaps the instructions were not clear perhaps you should seek employment elsewhere whoa whoa oh that's funny that's really funny report glitches before they spread can we look up guys Oh huh look so remember I pointed out that glistening earlier it's gone from inside the gazebo area or like that mausoleum area this is awesome the models which bear is so cool or dread bears so cool this scream is just awesome is this gonna jump scare me now I can't grab it how about this guy there we go beautiful yep oh there you go friends here let's try that again [Music] so I are is this one you're just purposely mental is mere entertainment fulfillment center we are assembling animatronic performers each animatronic unit will bring joy to the children at one of our many freddy fazbear locations just place the necessary components in the assembly chute conveniently located at the front of your work station each work order is unique so gather only the components as shown on the quad monitor array okay use the high voltage shock button gently remove any unwanted critters that stumble onto the assembly line which are the fredholm oh let's get to work okay three two one go these are fun I like these little mini games okay so we need a plus C I don't think you're supposed to be able to win this because it switches things so quickly okay here was this suck him here we go okay it's gone I'm just gonna load up everything get in there get in there yeah [Music] huh is there a way to actually play this one or is this just always gonna fail you it's we huh this is weird maybe you're supposed to hold on to them until it's time to one one go go okay okay we need a foxy head here's a foxy head so as long as this doesn't shift I should be coop no seeing it shifts so I fell over oh that was okay so there was a good sound there shocked you [Music] foxy leg I saw that was just wasn't that a leg flex the arm that's one that was on there he's so that got a plus I heard a good sign there [Music] uh-huh Wow I am no hit here come thanks whoa hey mango whoa awesome see now he's gonna jump scare me No eight seven six so that one was right that was right let's see how you did hahaha oh no it looks like there aren't enough components well perhaps the instructions were not clear perhaps you should seek employment elsewhere that's awesome so so it seems like every time I'm wrong mango gets closer but I was getting some stuff right so is it a memory game or am I supposed to wait until it like stabilizes here I'm gonna try this like one or two more times just to get a sense of it but I might I don't know this one's a fan this one's ailments center okay - all right I saw a cupcake briefly so let's so I saw a cupcake okay there's the mask we're gonna start with the mask Wow which is really scary did I get that was that a pass or no don't you - okay [Music] keep earlier can some hand I need a leg no leg arm well and leg wrong leg arm arm inside even knee the other thing okay that was one I got right for sure [Music] he had a thick leg [Music] okay this one definitely moves in there okay that's two nope there get in there get in there okay I got a couple good we're getting better this looks like human centipede great engineering is just that simple see you next time wait really I passed are you kidding me oh yeah that was totally what it was meant to look like absolutely that's okay so that is a beatable game which clearly my performance was not notch right obviously that was an award winning performance there so here's the blue balloon it got a little closer ah too hard I don't know my own strength in VR literally I don't oh come on that was so close apparently there's some sort of Easter Egg if you throw darts and posters you see you around just so you know I want to hit this balloon no that was the blue balloon anything [Music] well I did throw yeah you could try it huh and it does seem like the balloons are or the posters are randomized because they're in different locations now and this time you actually have two of the same one there which is interesting there we go no I missed I'll have to win another game in order to try again shoot really a single can all that have a man bite oh it's the late-night bite candy that's cute okay apparently you can't throw that one too far huh wow you really really don't want you throwing it mm ah apparently I'm not allowed to eat it either so I'm not allowed to throw it I'm not allowed to eat it I'm only allowed to observe the candy that's great thanks thanks game huh okay so that was an odd one that was it was cool I like the concept I'm still not 100% sure what I'm supposed to do with it trick-or-treat ring doorbell look through windows to see who will answer the door haha okay we're masks is the trigger hold to lean left deep okay so with us having to use the d-pad that might not work we'll see ring doorbell look through the window see who will answer the door wear masks so if someone bad is gonna answer the door I'm supposed to wear the mask and assuming hold the - lean the bluff tipet okay still nothing in the woods behind me nothing up nothing to the sides okay I am getting info from the chat whoa that apparently on nightmare mode looking behind you in the menu areas might be a little different really oh I'm supposed to match I think I'm supposed to match who I'm gonna dress as Wow can I just say this balloon but like all of the animatronics I actually gotta say Balloon Boy might be the scariest like look at those look at that mask all the other ones are kind of like okay I get it they're spooky but they're not like terrifying Balloon Boy though he's got a creepy mask Wow look at this fancy huh this is one of those houses that presumably should give you a bunch of candy like if history makes sense like if my knowledge as a trick-or-treater is coming into play here big houses like this better be giving you like the full candy bar oh look and there's chica so chicas hanging out which is legitimately terrifying look at her just look at her just twitching back there is that foxy foxy is back there you've got yourself a cool little gramophone kind of want to play the Bonnie no balloon boys here in the for right here you've got the TV going oh no there's Freddy oh this is so good the level of deep I gotta say the level of detail of these whether or not there's like actual or hints or if this is like meant to be just for fun or whatever it like it's just really cool like I could just spend a lot of time just looking are you kidding me what the heck what the heck no no I was wondering about these side doors legitimately I was really concerned about these side doors they are here for a reason I guarantee it I don't know what they're doing but they are definitely here for some like gameplay component or something is there anything under the mat by the way like I could see there being like a hidden key or something under the mat hold up and then we'll ring this doorbell haha I am so concerned about things sneaking out of these doors and attacking me from behind that is not okay game that is that is not acceptable all right so let's ring the store but I'll see what's gonna happen please ring the bell what if I not and I knock and be difficult and probably get punished from the game okay who's coming who's coming no no knocking guess you got to ring the door I guess knocking didn't do anything huh I need to do it again nope this has got to do something right you don't just leave a not without an option Oh done chica oh this is so cool one wait what that foxy foxy foxy foxy foxy Fox he's gone Fox he's gone Fox is running around I don't know what that means oh wait here comes Bonnie okay that's bonnie bonnie bonnie so Fox he's running around but it seems like bonnie is the one who's actually gonna be answering the door maybe oh my gosh what no there's Bonnie here's chica here's tikka tikka here and AH pika hello Trick or Treat trick yeah chica hey it's do me high street candies what - - let's do it again what oh no that wasn't enough it's still going okay here's Freddie so it's Freddie okay here's Bonnie doesn't seem like oh no now Balloon Boy using it there's Freddie so body's still moving there - loon boy there's chica I still oh god damn it god okay so foxy still spreading around okay it's getting close I'm still not seeing I think it's gonna be Bonnie okay here we go - great Trick or Treat okay that's cool okay with that oh how are you that is hard that's so hard and it goes on for a really long time oh my gosh that was intense here let's do that again that's fun it's hard but it's fun okay so you're supposed to look to see who's still remaining I guess huh interesting that bookshelf is oddly lit okay let's try it again jingo okay foxy Bonnie chica it's Freddie where's Freddie that's no one bloom boy Freddie okay also we're fun time over here okay so body's moving first Bonnie's hanging out behind the door for a while I'm not seeing Balloon Boy Foxy's Oh chica chicas gone okay someone's coming this way so that's chica so Bonnie's the dope Bonnie's out of commission I heard Goldy fredbear which is weird or no I guess that's Freddy technically there's Freddy so Freddy okay it's Freddy Freddy here we go Trick or Treat smell my feet give me something good to eat yeah anybody I'm so surprised he's like oh I love your outfit thank you I like the the level of surprise that they have on their face wait wait here there okay round two door get out of here door okay Bonnie there's foxy there's chica chicas move in Bonnie's moving Freddy is nowhere to be found okay there's chica there's Freddy there's Bonnie I hear Balloon Boy I'm not seeing Balloon Boy okay there's my goal Thank You mango for blocking my view of this entire side of the room that's great thank you thank you oh there's blue boy where are we not seeing Corbin dancing choo-choo-choo or Nothing Freddy nothing Freddy I think it's gotta be Freddie again because I saw Balloon Boy over there I think it's Freddy again I didn't see huh trick or treat ah Wow once mangles in the room it's really hard to see huh darn it here we'll do it one more time I'll do it one more time see how it goes and then if not well like I said we're playing this later in the week when the rest of the stuff is fully released so you know we can try more of all of these okay foxy and you really gotta like lean in so foxy chick over there and then the other three over here so I'm assuming in later nights are like hard organs you're gonna start mixing in the fun time I don't know if this will work but Sheri Lurie from the chat says you can use the mangle mask to stop mangle from being there like in the window is oh we could try that yeah might not work but it's worth a shot there's pretty hairy Larry for the suggestion there's balloon boy just hanging out okay Chico so I'm not seeing that seen a whole lot of Foxy right now you have not seen a whole lot of foxy this is Gotham foxy right blue boys there Fred's over there I think this is foxy [Music] trick-or-treat yeah hey buddy yeah you know I look great you look great too like I love your costume what are you supposed to be alright so chica Balloon Boy Bonnie over there read the door okay one of the other things I'm wondering is whether you can actually like glitch through the door and see I'm assuming you're gonna get immediately jump scare and if you do that but I do wonder that as a possibility all right so we've got Balloon Boy and chica hanging out in that side of the room we've got one boy chica we've got Bonnie moving and Freddy moving and there's okay foxy so bodies currently behind the door here ah it worked good one yes clapping half okay pick up Bonnie Freddy okay this is gonna be blue boy right now okay what oh my gosh that makes such a huge difference thank you I love that the chat knows things about brand new brand new games yeah hey hey a creeper you're so terrified oh boy why why are you a thing why do you exist okay round three this is it I'm assuming because everything in video games happens in threes Bonnie chica Fred foxy oh my gosh thank goodness I was waiting I was waiting for to get to the good stuff I was waiting for it okay blue boys left behind the door so chica might be there Bonnie I'm not seeing sock see [Music] okay there's no blue boys back there there's Freddy there's foxy Fox he's over there get off my face get off my face Roxy oh no no no no no no no shoot who is it Balloon Boy oh no they're okay there's chica foxy was over there I don't know trick-or-treat yes hey I know I love balloons too and Halloween balloons at Halloween huh sis ha ha thank you thank you mysterious face behind the kid behind the door ha ha ha yes oh that was awesome okay that was really fun that was really really fun join the spookiest party of the year so you're saying throw these at the posters huh okay [Music] but that do I think do not know didn't know it do it that would definitely land it on the poster jus like that was square on that was pretty great let's try read this one nothing huh baby did that actually land not sure try this one well definitely hit that one I don't know friends I'm not sure if there are any Easter eggs with the posters cuz though it was all hit pretty well the blue balloons still there the blue balloon is always there the blue balloon the blue balloon freaks me out I don't trust the blue balloon I'm all Rieman in the chat says it's all three darts on the same poster oh come on just we're getting we're getting the updates as we go oh there's two there's two darts on one poster so judging by the fact that nothing happened it's definitely not one or two darts on the posters a process of deduction we are we're figuring it out oh he beat you oh dentists forbid it Wow teeth eat you let's rip out some teeth jelly ah here my little handle I can't touch you anymore okay that's fine alright so how are we doing on time Chris what time is that it is 5:11 so we got about another 15 20 minutes good that's actually perfect because that gives us time for the last minigame so what has changed every time it feels like something is either added or different this time maybe we've seen kind of the cycle it was weird that there was a pirate ship back there that was odd and now wait hold up is it gone yeah it's gone scarecrow just general spookiness you know based on the fact that the pirate ship is phasing in and out of existence probably making a visit from fortnight season five I think it was season five where it was phasing in through the glitches okay danger keep out so we've done a couple we did two spooky mansions we'll figure out how to move four hallway before this Thursday or Friday when we keep going plus skin patch we passed thank goodness because those are so hard and now we're danger keep out night one which doesn't bode well oh push buttons use light to scare animatronic survive until 6:00 classic and nothing okay push buttons survive until 6:00 so this is classic snap yeah uh whoa whoa whoa all right hey hello hello hello ooh whoa-oh-oh what'd I do what'd I do wrong oh no oh no what'd I do wrong oh no oh no nope nope nope what what what what hold up light Oh Mike what whoa this is not nothing is responding the way I expect it to respond I'm like what it's like a oh oh no a my power 40 okay so this so each flash is taking huge amounts of power and this is a boat oh hey oh whoa whoa oh that's so cool okay so everything's taking huge amounts of power those are like the the Jack O'Lantern animatronics that's wild okay what is this so this can flash them away in the camera I'm assuming so this is oh oh jeez hey hey hey okay so you got a recharge it what's door dude so door doesn't do anything it's all flashed them away and recharge I'm not okay if i flash him he's gone okay so I think I get why how this works I think this is okay here he comes so as soon as this comes on I need to flash him so nope run flash there it is ha and we are in the old pizzeria entry okay it's - hey huh so can it just attack me so that's a no so that's not gonna scare him away oh this is so cool so you're in the here question Wow and each one takes up huge amounts of battery okay so now okay so we're done so now we need to recharge so this is all about power maintenance and recharging at the appropriate time like you don't want to be recharging when they're about to attack you so now we're back at 100 okay any time I slashed this it's 20 so each flash is about 20 percent so you guys just keep that in mind okay so you're over there right you so I'm assuming based on the fact that so the one thing I don't know is whether things can just attack us from the camera and whether I need to actually be actively like this should I attack this or not or is it just to like reset cycles I do not know but I do know that right now there's not a whole lot oh here comes okay so now he's gonna be coming this way so maybe I just reset a cycle which he should be gone now so now I can fire this off presumably since he's reset to reach hard okay so it seems like the cameras I wonder what's behind me huh that's Oh oh hi huh top paid attention stop paying attention to but what's behind me okay here is this guy here comes so he's there so now those two are reset I'm gonna recharge just because I reset both of them pretty quickly so they both should be okay 100% 5 a.m. I say I feel good about this I like this a lot and legitimately it is really cool the models in this game the new animatronics are without question some of the coolest ones yet okay so he's gonna be coming to visit me here ha so I guess you do have to spot them in the camera right I get huh that's good to know this is also interesting that's this purging system not a hundred percent sure why they were there purging the system of me is this basically me getting deleted from the system files shoot we were so close Chris you were real like we had it and we had figured out we'd figure it out how it worked I was so proud darn it all right let's try one more time what happens if I don't answer it guess Scott didn't really want to record a new voice line so that's it it's like you know what guys I'm good just let it ring and then when you answer it nothing nothing exciting okay nothing good there so so do you have to touch my mother because like all the other times like they would just walked okay so here he come so I should flash him away that seems weird though oh come on uncalled for really right the nerve the nerve of some animatronics am i right at glee Eric on Twitter says I knew Matt was gonna die this round meaning the last round the second he said I feel really good about this Thanks yeah that is exactly what happened I'm gonna need a reset you're in a second I just don't like not knowing where come on right famous last words come on splash you away okay so he should not be coming I have I really need to get rid of Bonnie here Bonnie's making you paranoid okay flash you a wish there we go let's get rid of Bonnie now we can reset okay so it's interesting you can either flash him away in the camera which I'm wondering if it just like makes it easier to get a monster like a similar cycle or I guess when they come close to you like here comes here comes this guy so I'm gonna flash right now so before he gets the door and here comes Bonnie this way so I'm gonna flash away well who's actually I think gonna be coming here now since I'm assuming I'm coming and coming I saw I saw okay so here you are in camera you are flash you away okay I definitely hear spooky things there's chica since I just flashed chica and since Bonnie wasn't too much different than that let's recharge just to make sure we're all prepared okay here comes good so far there comes Bonnie she's gonna flash you away cuz like I guess I if I can avoid getting them to the door I might as well because maybe every time they touch the door it makes it that much weaker you that's 2 4 a.m. so again do it pretty good and I'm sure at a certain point once they add in Freddy I'm sure what okay so he's he should be past that the wrestle at this point I'm assuming so he'll be coming on my left but that's okay because I still got okay so here's here's bonnie bonnie is gonna be coming here so i'm gonna flash over here no chica coming over here so chicas gonna go past coming here and here we go / you reset reset this is cool I like this this is it's it's it's five nights it's the classic leg monitor cameras monitor your power stuff but it's it's got a twist to it which I appreciate okay okay so Bonnie seems like they'll become it Bonnie we come in up to my door when he come sweetie comes Bonnie's coming up to my door when he comes stretch you away Wow they're still aggressive in this fight I am okay so that's those two gone so I don't think I should need to reset it again it's 5:00 a.m. we should be we should be good presumably but again I said that last time and we see how well that worked out there we go so one thing I definitely want to check out is flashing it and looking backwards just to see what that reveals cuz when you flash it it's you can see things more clearly all right so three darts on the same poster huh we'll try it three darts on the same poster I'm gonna try for the big one the chat is really concerned with looking at the lake once you kind of make the game to its neon mode thing okay but we can always do that later in the week as well if we run out of time today that's three maybe yeah let's get four maybe that one didn't land appropriately oh come on I mean maybe they didn't land appropriately I'll keep trying as I beat things I'll keep trying but okay well let's see what our prize is oh very nice oh it's my favorite nightmare burned Bonnie is it's just nightmare Bonnie or is this like it looks even more terrifying than usual clean my prize got him got my prize all right so you're saying flip it to need so that's the minigames that are available right now obviously there's more coming out I'm assuming that when you beat them you're gonna be unlocking new stuff they're really cool I like them a lot it's interesting that there's go to title and then this is wonder what this purple button does does that just take me back to the menu here let's look in the on mode still nothing on here [Music] and you're saying look at the lake oh is that what that is oh is that what that is that's the reflection in a lake and it's like going off into the distance is that what you were saying when you said funeral yeah oh I totally thought you were just like referencing that little lamp which I guess is a lamp no I didn't realize that that was a lake I get it oh I'm so des I just thought that that was like red burning embers and like they were swaying because of the like flames you know or like kind of the heat waves oh it's a lake and it's reflecting the mode ah see is this why you guys wanted me to look at the lake is that the Easter Egg I was missing that I didn't understand what that actually was and now people are saying turn around [Music] we talked about the 83 before oh there's the car at we did we talked about the car there is something where if you stare at the car for like 10 seconds according to a tweet by another awesome human life say I'm gonna I saved it where did it go a tweet by at awesome DC 91 flip the switch on the desk so hard mode then click the button on the side of the monitor then stare behind you at the car for about 10 seconds and then look back really it's a lot of directions okay push okay I push the button inside the monitor staring at the car okay looking back oh no something supposed to happen it's all just an elaborate prank yeah we might just be getting trolled or maybe I mean the buttons there here let me do one more thing oh it's purple lights now that's different they weren't purple lights before see it's a bright so and there's a dock there's a dock out into the water I get oh hey there you go there's dread bear that's new is it what maybe that's what it is right so we got a putt so weird Easter eggs we got a pirate ship we got dread bear there's the house over there the lights are purple now which is really cool bite of 83 is interesting and there's a lake because duh and just so we know for later byron man man 2 and is saying the car flickers i was wondering that actually cuz i've noticing in my headset as i was staring at it that it's doing stuff that makes it seem more than just like a lighting effect Morse code huh are you sure I'm sure whoo that would be tough to decipher Morse code that's cool so let's press this button again I'm assuming this takes me back to the game proper yep alright ha very cool very interesting I like it I am excited to see what else comes out of this this is really so much for a DLC right it really is good job I will say when it comes to like DLC and Halloween updates five nights historically has done a really good job with that like they add in a bunch of stuff and so it's cool to see whole new gameplay modes like new versions of classic gameplay modes it's great I've said it before I even said it earlier this stream but I'll say it again finale are phenomenal it is a great great game it's definitely one of my top VR games in of the games that I've played it's it's so much fun it's so varied there's so much to do in it it feels like a very full robust game so I'm excited so Thursday or Friday of this week we will be back and we'll be live-streaming the next two days Steph and I are at this YouTube gaming event so I'm sorry that we've been gone for so much of October trust me I don't love it but we couldn't pass up the opportunity to see mists in the Middle East and this YouTube thing is just something that we have to do just because any time YouTube's like come do this thing it you probably should go to it if you can that's important and then Thursday we're headed back from that event I'm not sure what time it ends I don't have full clarity on the schedule but if we can swing it we will absolutely live stream if not we'll be back on Friday definitely and even though you know we may or may not be streaming on Halloween rest assured friends there'll be plenty of Halloween specials and spooky games that we're playing to make up for all the lost time that we had during the month of October for all the travel so I'm bummed that we didn't get to do more for Halloween in October but there's more on the way it'll just kind of bleed a little bit more into November all right so anyway that is a like first look or kind of like a first taste of what's coming with snappy our curse of dread bear looks awesome it's very exciting I hope you liked it I'm excited to see what else is in here and I'm particularly interested to see if there are any sort of canonical connections I know the games like this is only for fun but is it is it mysterious voice instructor because rarely is what you say accurate accurate to what the game actually entails so I'm skeptical and the fact that it's set in 1983 I think says a lot about what we're supposed to get out of this game so anyway friends that's it for today I have to go repack my suitcase for this this trip for tomorrow but anyway it was great to see you it was nice to hang out for a little bit and I'll see you later this week if I don't see you on Thursday have a phenomenal Halloween and if I don't see you Thursday I'll see you Friday for more curse of dread bear all right guys thank you so much for watching and remember that's just a stream a live stream Chris sigmund chat shadow wolf says goodbye chat umber wolf says Friday signing it everything says yay yay Kelly kelp says have a good sleep and a good trip thank you I could use some sleep
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,341,822
Rating: 4.9545555 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf vr help wanted, fnaf, fnaf vr, five nights at freddy's, fnaf vr dlc, dreadbear, fnaf vr dlc trailer, five nights at freddy's vr, fnaf vr dlc gameplay, fnaf vr gameplay, help wanted, fnaf vr walkthrough, fnaf vr help wanted gameplay, dread bear fnaf, help wanted fnaf, freddy fazbear, fnaf ucn, fnaf ultimate custom night, new fnaf, new fnaf game, game theorists, game theory, game theory fnaf, matpat, matpat fnaf, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, gtlive fnaf vr, fnaf vr dreadbear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 30sec (4890 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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