MARINE'S SAFE LOCK BOXES I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Auction / Opening Mystery Boxes Wars

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all you have to do is ask I got it for you but you guys never seen a key like this before come hails are high water we're gonna get through this five hundred and twenty dollar unit this week come hails or high water we are gonna get through this five hundred and twenty dollars yes we're so close to being done with the unboxing and finding all the treasure in this unit actually we're not close at all but hey you'll get to see it all as it unfolds and it unboxes so if you haven't subscribed yet what the hell's are you waiting for and got this unit for five hundred and twenty dollars and this fine young gentleman right here bid me up that high what the Hales did you see that you wanted in there I saw some trunks BB guns boxes said cheeseburgers that had me excited I'm gonna open this bad boy up this was the footlocker y'all ready on that side George we were able to pull some of the loose stuff out this looks like this looks like a brand new tent so George is gonna unzip it and if it is we sell tens here at the warehouse I mean these this is a hot hot commodity definitely in there so this easily easily is gonna be a $75 sale probably we got another one over here and sit in there yep it's in there holes in there holes are in there so again another 50 75 dollars look at this tote here this tote is filled with tools now here you may think electric chainsaw that does nothing but in our area you have to know your region you have to know your market the Amish actually love this because there is a sawmill around every corner in Amish country and so this will go for an easy 50 bucks and then we got a circular saw look at this there's a jigsaw jigsaw jigsaw there's I see four jigsaw just right there so this tote here if I send it to auction easily easily will sell for a hundred plus dollars it'll go well over but we like to undervalue everything so that you guys can't say that we're inflating prices and then there's another nice find that was loose this looks like a brand new weed eater all right George let's see your weed eater moves or do you want me to crank it like two chainsaw George let me pick a box this time I picked this one because it's got a J on it that stands for no for jammin let's get jammin on this thing George definitely I thought may I interest you in this one I thought J stood for George Chuck that's job George in Spanish the J is silent it comes off as H I can guarantee you in America as George ain't silence awesome Oh like what I'm seeing already look at this oh we got totes look we got a we got a cowboy hat now if it's a Stetson which oh yes it is it actually is a Stetson so it's in rough rough condition condition it is it is a Stetson for sure the Stetson sell really well especially if you can get them with the box so one of the things that we look for this is a 7 and 3/4 if I see a Stetson hat in a unit then I typically will try and buy that unit because it gives a sign of quality so if you see the actual box not the Hat the actual box Oh over here on my side here let me take Pam let me put the camera in look at this this has totes but look at this there are lock boxes down in here are you gonna pull one out first alright she's gonna pull one out here let's do this let me move this back look at George risking it with no gloves whatsoever really really sweat it's hot out today and my hands are sweaty really at least wear one here we go Crown Royal what you want me to start right here is some glasses so these are professor Hales glasses weird nose is almost as big as mine and yours George is that that's what I think it is just a massager it's exactly what I yeah - massage certain parts of what did you just find Anna Maria Island Anna Maria where's Anna Maria something just lit up she just found a lighter and I just found calendar girls all right hold a second we knew he loved his women he was he was doing amateur he was doing amateur photo shoots and he was women yeah yeah yeah here we go yep are you serious look at this belly music that is belly dance music right there coming home we have you love the Crown Royal bag so yeah oh these are nice the time we find fun stuff in the Crown Royal bags so bushnell binoculars this looks like the Olympics logo right there so maybe maybe he actually went to the Olympics babe here's here's some hemp rolling paper babe babe babe why would he put a seasoning bottle in with you know what this is you're the one that taught me what this is because I'm too pure we both know go ahead and smell that what does that smell like you guys we both know what was going on he was having a good time I have a feeling that definitely isn't organic this is not time you can throw something back in time this here in Ohio is completely and totally illegal they just approved medical this is completely illegal all right she let me pick this time this looks really cool has the Sears logo on it I don't know what the year would be but it's a one tray warm box let's open it up oh oh we don't even have the tray in the movie Dumb and Dumber when they opened up a business they named it I've got worms I got I got grounded for three months for bringing that home yeah you laugh go ahead and open up another one since that one was I filled with air grab one here we go and three two let's do an ad break right here and one ooh okay this that looks oriental we know we know you a survey on the world blue bird confectionery let's see what he has in here and you don't have a blood okey we got a Jack's pet aqui oh there we go this is a you USPS okay so that it goes to appeal bot this goes to a P o box yep which we could probably go check out the P o box we've got a little master lock these are like century safe keys here so all the keys that we find I always set aside in case we find something that it goes and a weird camping like a bookmark but oh did you see this plate it whoops I'm dropping it okay you can see this has to be silver-plated you start to recognize it Oh yep right here okay do you see that this one's pewter okay so this is silver-plated this is Italian beautiful piece this is Rogers and brothers and we've got a lot of people actually collect this stuff we've us silver company silverware we did like legit that was in the was that in the Youngstown union yeah which we're still not done with we're gonna finish that unit after this one Lord willing okay so we've got some beautiful pieces of silverware there is an mg national something a micrometer okay that looks like an old tool all right oh I saw that out of the corner of my eye did you is that hair here's someone yes I did okay this man definitely doesn't have any pants on if you see all of the autographed pictures in the background those are all Playboy Playmates that he did photoshoots with and we've we've seen we've already seen the autographed photos so we've found those already but we didn't show them to you this is just crazy I wonder if this is like his black book black box his black box full no you know what this is look full car shots signed unsigned deceased this is his collection maybe this is his collection of racing and nascar helmets it's got sizes well this one signed not signed this is a look this is a collection Rollie Beall head small this is this is crazy this is anytime in those years what do you think the U stands for I have no idea I don't know but this guy was an intense collector wow this guy collected anything and everything that has to do with manhood some kind of keychain here's a Niagara Falls keychain and here we go Vegas George is diggin in another one postcards come on antique postcards and when I turn it this way in case something inappropriate pops up well in this unit there's always something inappropriate so he's that some type of Playboy oh there you go convention you see that there Playboy's celebrity doing autographs again there are some pictures that we might wanna do you think these are resolved oh we're gonna have to find out like sports NASCAR looks like he had upfront and close yeah we're gonna have to figure some of this stuff out a lot of sports and a lot of NASCAR can go yeah we're gonna have to look these out or not even look it up but do yeah we could Balch like we could do a ball field sell all of the NASCAR driver pictures we could do all of the NASCAR driver pictures and we could do all of the sports figures in different Lots George made me give up on gloves too she said we don't need no stinking gloves she said don't you listen to the viewers you listen to me I'm your booth clean she said I'm your boo you listen to me not them I said yes yes baby sir yes sir you hold me sir off-camera yes I did I call you lots of things um what do we have sir ticket of rebel or revealed that's uh it's a die-cast it's for all the other cars really cool look at that gold black and whites those always have such a vintage feel to them look at that good I mean Bryant I don't know just holding on coca-cola and look at racing championship racing Indy a place Motor Speedway back race day only display at all times to use this pass this is another race race day only pass I won't have to use a photographer for this because we have the pictures I wonder if these are as photography passes look pit and garage access pit and garage access What did he say yeah pit and garage access these are his VIP passes pit and garage access oh my goodness yeah he must have been used to doing something yellow la Indy appleĆ­s 500 yellows 95 95 some kind of numbers for something yellow long parking these are is parking this is crazy I can't even begin to put a quote on this as far as what it would be worth we're gonna have to do we're definitely going to have to do some searching on eBay there's there's a ton of paperwork here's more VIP the decal VIP right there he definitely got wherever he wanted remember this is the same guy that had all the the horse racing so the horse racing was in this guy's in his lockbox and I was lockbox this footlocker his Marine footlocker so not only was the in horse racing the car racing there's yeah baby this is crazy he could get anywhere he did get anywhere a wristband for the driver autographs here's more VIP VIP this is just crazy we're down to the two lock boxes that are in here and look at this did you see this yet George this old glass yes I don't know look there's a well it could be there's a glass all right I'm gonna hand those two because we don't want those to get broken it looks like I heard something in there and it sounded like money and we got a VCR now a good VCR or working VCR this one looks good these skins still go anywhere 25 50 if you got a DVD VCR combo it can even go higher for that on eBay which black box do you want first George going small typical George still defined the viewers wishes for gloves do you think we'll need to use the keys that we found earlier that or we just get the sledgehammer you want me to grab it I got your sledge let's see if I can break into it I got your sledge right here I just turned this in an open do you know what this is just right here baby you see this do you see the name on it mark okay this is the old toy company that everybody collects this awesome so anything made by Marx look at that look at that okay the fight the flash is turning now there's a bag of nickels do you see any 1940 okay so we have 1942 this looks like a bag of World War two nickels 1940 so remember during World War two 41 there was actually silver in the nickels because they used all the other raw materials for ammunition 51 so these are collectible nickels much better than going through an entire water bottle of coins when you just find them in a bag like this you see that ruff when I see it now it's got the built-in compass see Monsters Inc there's a Monsters Inc little thing little pin/pendant here want to have a local knife for don't have a connect fight I'll get you with my corkscrew I'll get you with my corkscrew oh that's more it's more military operations I think he was a sharpshooter I think that's definitely a military decoration look at this that's Marines as well George has another one yeah the same thing you have Oh your favorite oh look at this we got a memory we got a memory card we just went through last Sunday we just went through like 15 but it's an adapter it's the adapter for the micro SD and there's nothing in it so this is just garbage all right so that's it's got it that's military as well there's the patches and here's the roller so that was for rolling stuff another multi-tool another wallet and we have stuff is it a Jorge wallet yeah it is it is it is a George water okay okay let's see what we have all right we've got balance rewards craftsman let's not show the numbers okay we've got more in here why don't you check the rest for money see what is that okay we we he owed a hundred and $17.98 every month on his unit we've got all kinds of credit cards a certificate of the service we got certificate of service we got his Lowe's card you never to leave home without your Lowe's card we got a Walmart card we got a bunch of credit cards so no gift cards in that batch and we got the Kidz Bop now short Kidz Bop is wack what do you mean what is it you've been finding it like crazy in this unit yeah we got we got some more money you know exactly what that is some more pins there's all kinds of oh I bet you this is worth money I I bet you for sure this is worth money right here look at this this is like license plates these are all like little keychain license plates there's a ton of them how cool is that this lock box is definitely bigger and we're missing it handle yeah all you have to do is ask I got it for you but you guys never seen a key like this before they've watched any of our videos they've seen a key like this alright what you want to do well let's see if you can unlock it without the key oh it popped open I just press this down see what he's got in here oh my gosh wait till you see what's in here oh no way it's the toupee a twig pieces all the time but we've never found a toupee this would be perfect for me that matches my hair I get regardless bottles Falls no instead you want me to can do the comb-over the trouble you yeah you and your comb-over I'm not doing that comb-over ever good you're not wearing that toupee and they're doing a comb-over ever again no toupee ever I'm not doing comb-overs for you either I'm done with comb-overs ok so we've got all this paperwork oh we got jewelry money and money but definitely a bird can give heard bad news your way for the first time this past weekend somebody gave us a fake one hundred dollar bill at the warehouse one of those yellow she's already got it so first time we've been scammed we got a fake $100 bill but now we got another fake three-fitty so should be good for something okay this this sounds like we got some swag here some swag swag it's like cuff links cuff links nothing in this wallet it's a nice looking wallet though this was made here in America Prince Gardner alright look at this here I think it says 1881 Rogers I think this is definitely silver that doesn't say silver that I can see but this is the material they worked with back then with silver I think this is silver but it's missing its handle see that the handle is broke off I think this is absolutely silver how cool and then there was this in it as well this is a Timex let's see what it's made out of she just look on the back sometimes you have to open the watch to find out what it's made out of alright we're nothing nothing big here nothing in it we've got oh yeah we've oh that's not jewelry what is that I can't see because of the glare on the screen these people we we realize you can see just fine because you're watching on your device we can't see when there's a glare in the viewfinder and we have this thing right up onto the viewfinder so this is a it's hotel/casino I see that this looks like a casino chip all right so there's some kind of casino tip right here if you can tell what it is let us know down below and how much it's worth money might have my name on it what is it some type of pin it's a tie tack isn't it George struggles finding the viewfinder she's so short she can't tell where it's at and no there's writing on the back Oh 10 K we do have a 10 K I can see that 10 K EMS all right we got something I'll hand that back over to you baby and we got something for super George see what we have here man purse I'm an emblem duck my fingers into a purse I got razor blade cut still have the scar right there [Music] you want to go gloveless today crazy be careful don't the last time you just stuck your hand in there without even looking she's crazy lesson learned you're gonna creep first before sticking your feet in the bucket I'm not a creeper like you baby nothing in that it wasn't all that super [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 259,955
Rating: 4.8225226 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandon
Id: OmPxM8njA_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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