Manos: The Hands of Fate - BAD MOVIES!

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hey guys welcome back to the show and on this episode I'm gonna be talking about another movie which is considered by many to be the worst film ever made vanos the hands of fate now for those of you who don't know the word Manos is Spanish means hands so that would mean the title literally translates to hands the hands of fate I first learned about Manos way back in college about 10 years ago because there was a few students who went to my college a few years before me who made a documentary on Manos called hotel tour go I'll be honest this review I've been putting off forever because I just did not want to have to sit and watch this movie again it is I find it hard to sit through it's not like troll to where you're just so entertained by it it's just it's cat I love troll 2 finding one of those movies that's like a really good bad movie it's it's not it's not as easy as just finding a bad movie there are bad movies and there are good bad movies this is it's not a good bad movie in my opinion it's not finding those ones that are truly entertaining you know at the same time just incredibly inept at everything they set out to do it's like finding a diamond in the rough I love those ones menos is a movie that quite frankly it just feels that everything it's amazing in that respect I've though the editing alone is I would say the worst editing I've ever covered on the show however some of it is it's hard to blame the editor because I can see that what else he's supposed to do like there's no coverage like shot when they were filming this movie obviously and so they pretty much had to like make it up in the editing room like oh here's a shot of the dog again to cover up because there's so many hard cuts like they didn't kind of wait to anything they didn't change the angle it's like okay let's say that line okay cut all right now say they'll excellent you roll it it's like well you're not changing you're not changing the angle you're not changing the perspective you're not changing the shop so just get these jump cuts right in the middle of the scene and get really annoying the movie starts at the family on a road trip on their way to a vacation and right away you get a taste at just how horrible the ADR is in this movie a little while longer on your vacation start we should be pretty close right now the agent said it was about 12 miles from highway 10 and that was highway 10 back there when you don't record audio on site the actor doesn't have a reference when they do the ADR - how they said it the first time so they're basically just guessing even if the audio is shit you know it's gonna be shit like if you're on a busy road still just record audio for a reference for the actor for when they rerecord the dialogue no I don't know if they did that in this movie but it's like so much of it not if it lines up at all Harold Warren plays the father and he's also the man who made this movie as part of a bet that it's not hard to make a horror movie well what now Warren hey guys imagine like a few days later just like yeah shit this is kind of hard now apparently the film crew had very little filmmaking experience which would be shocking to not a single person who watches this anyways the family keeps driving until they get pulled over for a busted taillight and you might be wondering what the point of this scene is well so am i there is no point of this nothing comes of it at all literally does nothing for the movie then there's a bunch more driving shots which go on forever and this sequence is actually a great example as to why you shouldn't put dialogue under music with lyrics now we have this couple who are just drinking and making out in their car and I guess we're just gonna keep watching this until the girl looks directly into the camera many many times their sole purpose in this movie is to let the audience know that there is nothing up that road so in other words nothing apparently this actress was supposed to play a different character but she broke her foot early in the production so Harold just added in these characters to keep her in the movie so the cops show up and tell them not to make out on this road that apparently goes nowhere now I may comment on the editing several times throughout this video because it's just how brutal it is like when you're watching it it feels like you're watching dailies it it doesn't even feel like an assembly edit or a rough cut I can't even say that because it actually feels like you're just watching every shot that was taken just thrown in complete with flashed frames extra footage that should be cut out just to tighten up the scene just watch this reaction and the time that goes by before and after the line is delivered well whatever it is you're not doing go don't do it somewhere else why don't you guys leave it alone so the family runs into some branches on the road I guess this is the end of the road it's a dead end which is okay because that means we now get to watch some thrilling footage of a three-point turn let's watch [Music] anyways when they go back suddenly a house appears that wasn't there before with some guy just standing out by the front door so they decide to ask for directions but instead of just pulling up and asking this creepy person hey do you know how to get to Valley Lodge they pull up stare at him for a while he stares back for a while then they all get out of the car crucial footage approached him and Michael even gets kind of shitty with him I am talk oh I can't care of the place while the master is away but the child I'm not sure the master would have proved or the dog the master doesn't like children we only want to know where Valley Lodge is which way do we go like it's not excuse me would you know how to get to Valley Lodge just which way do we go and here comes one of my favorite lines Mike I'm scared getting dark yes it's getting dark I mean sure it's completely bright and sunny right now but in a few hours once the Sun stops shining in my eyes it could get kind of spooky around here so Mike comes up with the brilliant idea of staying there I mean sure this man looks quite disturbed and is twitching and looking around suspiciously keeps talking about how the master doesn't approve of children and dogs but I'm sure he won't murder us let us stay in your house well you know we could spend the night here and then tomorrow we go I don't want to spend the night here I don't like the looks at the place well it seems we have no alternative well how about a tour no can we spend the night here Mike I don't want to stay here and the master wouldn't approve don't worry about it we do now and I'm sure the master will throw us out well how about a tour go I don't know about it I just don't know well thar go in or out but I love how Margaret it's just like buck I really don't want to stay here and he's like no I'm putting my foot down we're staying here okay I don't care what this master says all right come on tar goal let us stay in your house well what would it be one of these people who values privacy let some strangers sleep in your house what the hell's wrong with this movie is fascinating because I've never seen a movie like this where not only do the characters seem like they have no idea what's going on but because of the way it's cut the movie itself seems pretty confused I don't know about it I just don't know [Music] there's just too many things to cover here like there's so much to show you every few seconds something happens that's just unintentionally hilarious so finally Targo is like okay fine you can stay here even though the master is gonna be really pissed okay I'll get your luggage I have luggage Donna will stay tonight and then tomorrow must be you cannot stay the master would not approve I [Music] think if I was making this situation I would at least be like no no that's okay well we'll take our own stuff I mean you're clearly imposing as it is this guy obviously has some kind of a disability you're he's not a bellhop you're not paying guests at a hotel you're basically crashing on his couch and if Margaret thought this place was creepy on the outside I'm sure the living room decor will put her fears to rest so Mike comes in and it's like hey look at this creepy painting and then they just stare at it and the movie just keeps cutting back and forth for a while must be the master himself Mike I'm scared he has to mean it look that dog I'd hate to run up on him in the dark or even the light for that matter I mean all the warning signs were there from the get-go Torgo basically told you don't stay here but you just bulldoze your way through all of that and now the creepy painting is what makes you uneasy [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was that well why did he tap him on the shoulder was his hand staff what was that supposed to be is that supposed to be a joke or something here's something you might notice some lines seem to be repeated I don't know if this is a mistake or if it was done for dramatic effect but it just sounds weird there is no way out of here it will be dark soon there is no way out of here she'll understand she's my baby she'll understand I hope so darling I sure hope so she's my baby she'll understand dad no madam not bad the way you know it he is with us always not dead the way you know it he is with us always nothing to worry about it's only your imagination yes it's all her imagination the disturbing hosts the fireplace that looks like evil spirits are constantly trying to escape from they messed up painting that Torgo says yeah no that guy is dead but not not dead in the traditional sense but don't be scared because he likes you yes the man in the painting likes you this isn't her imagination dude this could it be more real so now we're gonna have the dog do some tricks and cut in a shot where the cast looks like they're waiting for some kind of direction on what to do next anyways after the dog Pepe runs outside it gets killed by some animal Mike decides that's it we're leaving as soon as Torgo brings our bags out to the car yes come on tor go quickly now chop chop what do you think it is that I'm not paying you for is this any way to treat an uninvited guest anyways well mike is trying to start the car which sounds like a dying animal [Music] Torgo goes into the bedroom with Margaret and tells her that the master wants her as one of his wives and then very slowly and awkwardly kind of touches her hair why she doesn't just move away from him or push him out of the way and run out of the room is beyond me I mean I don't think it would be that hard he's moving at a snail's pace also you may notice that Margaret's headscarf just appears on and off her head randomly from shot to shot this is pretty big con Udyr although I'm not surprised actually this would make for a good drinking game if you're planning to watch this movie just bet on if the next shot the headscarf is gonna be on or off another good drinking game would be to bet if the next shot is gonna be in focus or not seriously it's a coin flip most of the time so do it do it with beer don't do that with hard alcohol so Debbie leaves the room and they're freaking out trying to find her Margaret even opens the door that she went through but doesn't even open it all the way there's three doors in the room one which goes to the bedroom where you know she's not in one that goes outside and the other one which leads to I don't know other parts of the house so why wouldn't you go through that door and look for her instead of just well I opened it a crack called her name and immediately closed it so she obviously didn't go through there anyways they find her with the dog from the painting and when they asked her where she went she takes them through the door and this apparently leads right into some kind of ritual room but this appears to be outside so I guess this is the backyard or something so they get out of there and mike tells them to lock themselves in the bedroom while he finds Torgo cuz he's got some explaining to do Torgo I want some answers what exactly do you have going on here on your private property some kind of weird cult ritual don't you think we should have been privy to this before we showed up unexpectedly on your doorstep but he ends up just kind of running around aimlessly outside until Torgo knocks him out from behind and then we begin the agonizingly long of Torgo dragging Mike's body and tying him up against a post or a tree or whatever the master arises at this point what is he the master of exactly who knows we never really find out we don't even know what's really going on here but just in case you were wondering yes this is the same guy from the painting the movie intercuts a shot of it just to be very clear about that in case you had any doubts and now guess what happens we have the couple drinking and making out in their car again and then the police show up and tell them to leave again what's the point of this I don't know nobody knows even the other cop doesn't seem to know the next cut is seriously in my opinion the funniest of the whole movie because it just cuts to all of the wives bickering and the master looking like he's seriously regretting all of his life choices at that point arise my wives and here the will of Manos [Music] this is all very awkwardly cut in terms of sound you'll have all of them bickering and then suddenly there's silence while one of the wives starts talking why the child been brought here why and a female child is back [Music] but a child and then the master calls for silence when there is no sound but after he calls for silence there's like this humming and hawing kind of groaning and moaning that just cuts out abruptly [Music] and now my wife died her deal with the one who is responsible for the child being here anyways I guess they're all trying to decide what to do with the little girl because the plan is to sacrifice Mike and make Margaret another one of the wives Torgo he's the one get Torgo you are responsible for this nonsense we shall dispose of you later wait what what did she do she's not responsible for any of this stuff she hasn't done anything we haven't even seen this character up until this point so then there's some more bickering one of the wives accuses the other of being jealous of her jealousy is not part of us why are you so jealous of me you are troublemaker you deserve to die oh shit here comes the big wife fight eventually after some more awkward cuts that make very little sense and then the fight finally begins which I don't understand they were both being restrained on both sides and now suddenly not okay anyways you might want to get comfortable because this rumble in the sand goes on for a really long time is it exciting no does it affect anything absolutely not now we have Torgo lying in the corner because he's sleeping is that supposed to be a bed a bed of sand anyways the master is like hey Torgo you failed us blah blah blah so you have to die now and then for the next little while I'm not exactly sure what is actually happening he approaches Torgo and then he just looks at him is he staring him to death what is supposed to be going on here Torgo doesn't look dead by the end of it just kinda weirded out as is pretty much anyone else watching this right now [Music] Manos god of primal darkness that thou had decreed so have I done so the wife who escapes the wife fight finds Mike tied up and just starts making out with the side of his head but when that doesn't wake him up she resorts to just slapping his face again and again and again and again and again which does nothing so that's that I guess because then we cut back to the Royal Rumble and just look at this look at how graphic and violent this all is they're getting sand everywhere margaret wakes up at this point and either the insides of her shoes were incredibly filthy or she just stepped in a pile of shit at some point between taking them off and getting into bed anyways the hand cult gets ready to sacrifice Torgo and one of the wives now for those of you who are squeamish I would recommend averting your eyes at this point because you are about to witness a very graphic and gruesome murder scene where the wives kill Torgo by just putting their hands on him and kind of rubbing his face and chest and oh wait here comes a punch oh wait never mind that's oh wait oh there's a slap oh my god I hope YouTube allows me to even upload this Targo somehow survives this whole ordeal and the master makes him touch the burning hand idol [Music] wait who's laughing here so now the family is gonna try to escape and this is gonna be intense I mean look Margaret fell she says she can't go on what are they gonna do here are they gonna leave her all wait I guess she's fine but okay here we go Mike trips it falls down I don't know how he's gonna survive that I mean look he's got sand all over his pants now the cult is hunting down the family the master opens up his wing suits I'm not exactly sure what this does does this give him power or does he just like showing it off hey just in case you guys see my cool threads you know their hands get it hands like Manos yeah see that's my dedication to this whole thing all right I had this custom-made don't see anybody else rocking a hands suit right just saying it's why I'm the master master ooh this dude let go back they'll never think of looking for us at the house you know you might have a point there no that's a terrible point because eventually they're gonna come back to the house that's where they live and then what you're locked in the kitchen with a gun okay great well there's no phone in the house we've already established that so you're just gonna have to escape the house again please Debbie not now damn it Debbie your dog is dead okay have you done have you not pieced that together at this point all right now your mother she keeps falling down I've got sand in my nice cardigan we've decided we're going back to the house to hide from the finger cult who lives in the house that's really the best thing for us to do since there's not much of a plot here and there's really nowhere else for this to go so they go back to the house where of course the master is waiting with his dog which we have to look at for a really long time for some reason Mike fires his gun at the master who is supposed to be right in front of him but is nowhere to be seen in this shot the we cut back to the master which might just be the most out of focus shot in the whole movie the next day we have these two ladies on their way up to the Valley Lodge which means you guessed it more driving shots that go on forever anyways they pull up to the house and Michael is now the new tour go and Debbie and Margaret are wives for the master the end now Meadows is really one of these movies that you really got to see to believe it but if you do just don't expect to be very entertained I would not say that it's one of those so bad it's good movies so fair warning but it is interesting from a what went wrong standpoint because I mean frankly everything went wrong I'm trying to think of something that went right as always thanks for watching guys I actually have no idea which movie I'm going to be reviewing next but once I decide I don't probably I'll post it on Twitter or something like that so stay tuned and I'll see you guys next time could you imagine like Texas Chainsaw Massacre they just go up to the house yeah so what your brother cuts off people's faces and wears them as his own so what was it come on man we're tired just let us stay here oh I don't care if the couch is made out of bones ooh what's that what's that you got there what's that human sausage wall cables come on man quit quit bogarting that shit man I am pleased out of my mind right now let me have a better that
Channel: FanboyFlicks
Views: 260,591
Rating: 4.9590588 out of 5
Keywords: Manos, Manos the hands of fate, Manos: The Hands of Fate, Comedy, Funny, Hilarious, Bad movies, movie reviews, Bad Movie (Film), movie review, Reviews, fanboy flicks, horrible movies, worst movies, rotten tomatoes, horror, horror movies
Id: ApfNoXMwjl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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