Neil Breen's Pass Thru - BAD MOVIES!

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hey guys welcome back once again to another episode of the show you know back a few years ago when I did my fateful findings review I thought that's it I'm done with Niels movies there's no point of reviewing any more of them but recently I watched this one and I just couldn't resist so here we are pass through a movie about guns Tigers and corruption oh my so let's start off with the look at the poster you guys know how I like to do that might give us a good idea of what this movie is gonna be a bet now right away you'll notice that this poster is different from the ones from his previous films not only is Neil on the right side of the poster this time but the whole thing is really just a graphic designers worst nightmare the whole thing is just cluttered with stuff but let's take a look at this description artificial intelligence from far into the future arrives to immediately cleanse the human species of millions of humans who are harmful to other humans a visionary revolutionary film which pushes the human species to the limits of controversial thought-provoking actions now if any of this sounds kind of familiar it's probably because Neil's done similar things before he likes to do a lot of things over and over and over again there's always a very overt message about how you know corruption is bad and or you know how we should be taking better care of the planet Neil is always the hero in his movies with little to no faults he's either a secret agent computer hacker who swims naked with beautiful women in public pools some kind of an alien God who controls everything and ends up saving and sleeping with young women a successful author who at the same time as the world's greatest computer hacker who was constantly being pursued by young women and also has supernatural powers which helped him save and sleep with a young woman who according to the story should be the same age as him but totally ISM and in this case he is a form of artificial intelligence from the future but you'll have to wait until later in the video to find out if he ends up saving young women you can probably guess I have to say past is actually Neil's in my opinion worst movie I know some of you might find that hard to believe but at least fateful findings had some variety in it to keep your attention as ridiculous as it all was that's kind of what made it entertaining to a degree watching all these random things be presented to you as some kind of story and as incoherent as it was at least things happened I can't believe you committed suicide I cannot believe you committed suicide how could you have done this how could you have committed suicide but with us there's not a whole lot that really happens most of the time I had no idea really what was going on or what the movie was leading to at one point I had a friend who messaged me and they were watching the movie at the same time they said we'll party you at and I realized I had no idea how to answer that question oh yeah I'm at the part where Niels is kind of walking around the desert happens multiple times throughout the movie yeah now I'm at the part where he's just sitting on some rocks okay now there's a tiger now he's just spinning around I have no idea what this has to do with the actual story but this is what I'm looking at right now the movie starts with shots of the desert and right away we're going to be introduced to the terrible editing just watch this cut you may notice the tiger fading in and this tiger is going to show up multiple times throughout this movie no idea what it means or what the point if it is Neil's character is basically a heroin junkie living in the desert cleaning up his home and here comes another bad cut as Neil goes from lying inside the camper to outside amongst the garbage I thought he just cleaned this all up anyways this smuggler tells him to clean this place up so that the Border Patrol doesn't spot them and gives him heroin as payment and I just don't really understand why the garbage would be the thing to be concerned about in terms of giving away your position to the Border Patrol II why would that set off any red flags like the Border Patrol is looking and they see Hill these guys a single-file line of a bunch of people carrying jugs of water guys with guns it could be nothing but a second centered empty yogurt container Tom Tom Tom get the trucks Neal is supposed to be injecting the heroin here but really just ends up spraying water on his arm so he dies and I guess this is when he gets possessed by the artificial intelligence from the future there's something going on here with this I don't know gang smuggling in these people from across the border then killing them you two are of no value to me on the streets I'm all he's got in the world why'd you shoot her because I have absolutely no value for you two on the street everything is pretty much what you would come to expect from a Neal Breen movie especially in terms of visual effects and writing and acting and editing and very much everything really but now I know I said this in the I am here now video there's an interview where Neal said that he hires professional actors and I'm sorry you may be paying these people to be in the movie but you are never going to convince me that these people are making a living off of this acting why are we running we have to keep running your mother's my sister she was murdered I word of god I take care of you you're my niece we have to keep running I mean why is she asking why aren't they running how about the guy in the last shot firing a gun at you is that not a good enough reason but get a load of this and the very next shot they're getting loaded into a truck and hauled off with the others and then the next time we see them they're still running in the desert anyways there's a bunch of boring shots of Neil in the desert walking around Tiger appears touches some rocks it's a shot of him with the tiger probably should have erased the snow in the background here because well that doesn't add up at all so the smugglers take all the immigrants and keep them in some house I guess they feed them beans and toilet paper and I get it you know beans canned beans are cheap butts you're all eating beans in a small confined space all the time really you're just you're just harming yourselves here you belong to me you ran away and try to escape and now you are mine see this person isn't acting they're just shouting are you this is my universe I will kill you you are God Amanda and Kim stumble upon Neil's camper and none of this makes any sense because then it just cuts to them already talking not meeting or anything like that just mid conversation Neil already knows everything about them I'll let you and your knees stay in my place I'll stay in the car up front no no we can't stay here it'll be fine I'll clean it up yes he'll clean it up I'm sure it will look as good as new in no time [Music] it's clean it's all clean now that is a face you can trust he said he would clean it up and he did now you know you and your niece don't have to worry about empty cans as you sleep soundly on that disease soaked mattress and Amanda is yelling at Neil and I really don't know why here drink some water well get it ourselves leave us alone and I just don't understand this like you don't have to stay here this person is kindly offering you a roof over your head and a partial mattress that's you know you should be thankful for what you do have better than nothing you could you could have ended up with the others in the fart room you know but now you're here place with the breeze and that's all there is to the scene all we get are just these fragments of interaction just look at this they arrived on Neil's campsite then it's him convincing her to stay and now it's her yelling at him about finding their own water and furthermore what else do we have here Neil disappearing into a rock the immigrants fighting very awkwardly over water we also have Neil walking around the desert more fighting this time it's over sleeping Neil is sitting on some rocks like these aren't actual scenes there's no building the story or developing character or moving the plot forward and it's definitely not captivating Kim follows Neil and sees him disappear into rock and why is he doing this I don't know I don't understand what is actually happening and then Kim falls asleep for some reason then we have some more of Neil in the desert and when he gets back Kim starts questioning him about what he was doing that's like okay good we're gonna finally get some answers here where did you go a little while ago I went for a walk I saw you you're a weird dude you're a weird dude you see someone literally disappear into a rock before your very eyes and your response to that is you're a weird dude anyways Neal runs into Amanda who was even meaner than before don't come near me I'll kill you you fucker I won't hurt you again what is the problem here this person has done nothing except offer to help you I understand keeping your guard up but it's not like he was trying to bull rush you he didn't even know you were there you were hiding behind a rock waiting for him to get closer so that you could throw a rock at his face Amanda looks remorseful doesn't help him up or anything but to her credit she does try to help him after but this interaction it's it's almost like someone trying to help a wounded animal it's okay it's okay I'm sorry no just let me tap it a little bit get that off [Music] see I'm not gonna hurt you again the editing here there's the shot of Amanda talking about all the bad people coming across the border and then it just cuts to this scene where they kind of have this bonding moment over towels with holes in them hey how you doing I'm fine I'm fine so this is weird because there's nothing between this scene and the last shot of them to show any kind of passage of time for her to be like oh hey how you doing well you know to the audience's knowledge you guys were just talking again what does this have to do with anything and then we just have this shot of Neil sitting down and staring back at her and her staring back at him nothing's happening who is this guy I don't know how about you guys have an actual interaction to develop whatever this is between the characters okay here we go finally something right he tells them his name is till but it's spelt T hgil and they tell him their names and then he offers them water again and that's it we're back to him sitting on the rocks again standing in a circle of rocks spinning and this is weird the camera holds on him for a bit then the music fades out as the camera pans away and then the camera pans back and the music fades back in while he's still spinning what's on your face oh I I guess it's dirt I think I slept in the ground last night in the dirt just riveting cinema you know that's the whole scene by the way it's just mind-blowing to think about being in the editing room like well that we can't cut that out you know we have to leave that in because otherwise the audience will be completely lost I'll have no idea how he got the dirt on his face there's no way they're just gonna assume that it's from him you know being dirty all over sleeping in filth living in garbage and then the movie has its own troll 2 moment where Amanda realizes that tills name is just light spelt backwards your name till that isn't your name that's light l i GH t spoke backwards backwards have you seen the future okay what kind of a thought process is that how does that make any sense is there a deleted scene where she gets hit in the head by a rock his name is light spelled backwards therefore it's only logical that he's probably seen the future and she goes on to ask if he's from outer space and this is where til explains about his ability to travel through time this was all brought on because of a yogurt container so this is where it till vows to eliminate millions of people but only people that are harmful to other people people like you did have role in this planet you are God no you are done I'm done done I like the hesitation there too you know you are Todd though you are done dude you done I'm gonna get up back out of the shot now so that it makes the makes the effects just easier for the editor you know just if I back out of the frame this seems like a good time to talk about how Neil rights dialogue and not just with this movie with all of his movies because when it's not there to just force feed you exposition it's the most unrealistic dialogue you'll ever hear in your life we're constantly putting out our own corporate slanted news half-truths putting our own spin on it we're just as bias and Prejudice in how we present the news as the public is and it gets even worse as Till is going through and eliminating all the bad people from Earth he shows up at this mansion and makes these security guards disappear yeah I guess there are really harmful people for just doing their job and then just walks in and starts mingling with the people inside as CEO of a major bank we manipulate interest rates to serve our best interest with no concern to the customers of course they have no control over us this also helps our stockbroker friends who manipulate their markets to the brokers advantage we make a fortune that our insurance companies overcharging customers and hospitals and there's nothing the customer can do about it we have the backing of the politicians see nobody talks like this and to make it worse none of this makes any sense like Neil just walks in and at no point is anybody like uh excuse me who are you and what are you doing here how did you get in here that never happens this isn't a big party where he's just kind of blending in there's a handful of people standing in each room looking around awkwardly for some reason I'm pretty sure someone would notice that he doesn't belong especially since his only contribution seems to be shaming them isn't that corrupt isn't that cheating the public isn't that corrupt isn't that betraying the public's trust obviously this whole sequence was done with the background keyed out and these photographs of different rooms just placed in but here's the funny thing sometimes when they cut between characters the perspective of the background doesn't change it literally stays the same this isn't that hard obviously when you're going in for the close-up shots you're just scaling up the background plate so if you cut to a shot of a different character just move the plate to the left of the right depending on where they're positioned who was that guy I have no idea never seen him before who was that guy I have no idea he must not be from here yeah I guess it's a good thing we continued to openly discuss our evil plans and corrupt business dealings with him around so I guess instead of making them quietly disappear he went for the more discreet method of just blowing up the whole house and how did he do this exactly did he bring Evan along with him up in planting bombs so again we just see a bunch of the same kind of shit that's been filling out most of the movie to this point Neil goes for a walk spins around I have no idea what in the hell this is supposed to be and then here it is Neil makes all the bad news anchors disappear and goes on a five-minute rant about how bad people are bad and corruption is bad and the human species needs to be better to the planet and it's not that I have a problem with this kind of message it's just that Neil preaches this over and over again in all of his movies even look at fateful findings a movie that seemed to be about a million different things somehow ended on the note of exposing and getting rid of corruption when you look at this movie in many ways it's the same thing as I am here now there's just somehow less that happens in this movie so I guess I should mention that there's a subplot going on with these students and this professor who I guess are trying to track down the signal from space or the future or whatever anyways they tracked down the signal and freaked out that it's here on earth look how excited they are especially this one she's so pumped up she just throws that book in the air so they grabbed the professor who's sick it basically forced him to come with them out into the desert so that they can I don't really know what the plan is they'd find the signal dad come with us no I'm just gonna stay here another one of your false alarms let's go stay here and get some sleep yes you kids just go off and wander into the desert with that sick old man I'm just gonna hang out here and then it just cuts to them standing in front of Neel and somehow they've just come to the conclusion that he's the one they're looking for it was you all this time it was you take me they have absolutely no reason to think this they came out into the desert earlier and saw him so if he was just some homeless bum before why is he suddenly exactly who they were looking for these are from where I come from now they'll believe you Wow what he just hands the kids some fake diamonds and tells them these are where I come from so people are just gonna believe him now why would the Diamonds convince anybody of anything assuming they're supposed to be real what is the kid supposed to do hey everybody I met a form of artificial intelligence who traveled here from the future and took over the body of some heroin junkie in the desert and if you still don't believe me check these out yeah that's right diamonds indisputable proof of everything I just said anyways Kim just wanders off at some point I don't know where amanda was at the time there's nothing else to do around here so Amanda starts freaking out and of course needs the help of tyll and why does this hug last so long seriously why is it so drawn-out story-wise of course I mean I think I think we can all guess why it was drawn out during filming but in terms of the story you know for my character perspective if this is so urgent then shouldn't you you know kind of get to finding your niece then bla bla bla they find her in some cave with a soldier who's living there who has PTSD and of course Neel saves him he also saves the people that were killed in the beginning here's where Amanda's ex-husband shows up and get yourselves ready for the performance of the year you both are coming with me you're the one I'm running from leave us alone who the hell are you who the hell are you don't shoot I bet you can guess what happens next yep Neil brings women back to life and what the hell is this I guess this is indicating that they're now romantically involved somehow why there's absolutely no reason for this here in fact there's really no reason for any of it in any of his movies I am here now she just has to have sex with the alien God before he leaves absolutely no logical reason for this to happen no sexual attraction was ever developed in the movie in fact she didn't even meet him until the end fateful findings a young woman tries to seduce him multiple times no reason given for why she's just so insanely attracted to him and on top of that it has nothing to do with the plot now here's something I noticed in the credits and I'm pretty sure Neil did this four fateful findings as well but I didn't notice it until Dow and the credits you'll notice all these different companies listed for things like location set design lighting you know that sort of thing well right under that there's this disclaimer any of the above listed companies and the credits with an N or a B in their name are fictitious this work was actually done personally by Neil Breen okay so basically these companies are fake and I guess this is Neil just using his initials to come up with different company names that's actually kind of funny if you actually put his name in place of the initials so all of these are just Neil casting and entertainment that would be casting Neil Entertainment Sinan Neil collaboration what else do we got here lighting Neil films the Bree Neil Breen effects studio breehn breehn location management Neil Neil Neil Entertainment Partners eats and eats film incorporated I guess that would be eats Deal eats film incorporated BNN salon that would be the Bree Neil Neil salon now I'm pretty sure I said this in videos before but as well mention it again I don't know Neil personally I have nothing against him personally and like any filmmaker I hope that he continues to go out there and pursue making the films he wants to make however I I wish I could say that I feel like he is progressing as a filmmaker and learning more about filmmaking throughout his career but watching all of his movies and especially this one if it's any indication it's that he's getting worse actually another thing I've noticed in Diels films is that most of the characters they're not really characters they're more like vehicles for his ego I know that sounds mean I'm seriously I'm not trying to be a dick but just look at the characters in the end they're all really there to either pursue Neill be saved by Neill condemned by Neill or loved by Neill and that is especially true in this movie every person in this movie is just a one-dimensional character there's no development or any kind of change just the bad people who are there for Neil to eliminate and the good people who are there for Neil to save basically every one of these movies could be titled Neil Breen saves the world now at the time of making this video Neil has new film coming out it's not out yet but I'd be willing to bet that a lot of the same reoccurring themes that I mentioned in this video will be in it I guess we're just gonna have to wait and see I don't know what I'm gonna be doing next I don't spend a long time lost that's been going on it's always a long time between my videos it might be a long time between the next one but that's maybe because I might say take some time to work on a bunch of videos and get them all done and then try and build up like it I don't know bank of videos to release but nonetheless I'm still here still doing the show so we'll see what comes up next as usual thanks for watching guys I'll see you next time but if I just kind of leave the frame is that that'll probably make it easier for the editor right just to seamlessly kind of fade the two otherwise there's the shadow here and you might have to use the pen tool and after-effects to kind of draw around that that might be too much work so I'll just let us awkwardly back out of the frame
Channel: FanboyFlicks
Views: 283,615
Rating: 4.9610887 out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Funny, Hilarious, Bad movies, movie reviews, Bad Movie (Film), movie review, Reviews, fanboy flicks, horrible movies, worst movies, rotten tomatoes, horror, horror movies, best bad movies, Pass thru, Neil Breen
Id: bSYK2vHez40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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