Why do people hate THE I-LAND???

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hey guys and welcome to a special episode of the show and I say special episode because normally you know I wouldn't cover a TV series but in this case I had to make an exception I also want to thank those of you who wrote in suggesting that I watched this show because if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have projected out like it wasn't on my radar at all but a bunch of you started sending me messages like mark you got to watch this and then I saw all the horrible reviews I was getting online and at that point I was like all right drop everything I got to sit here and watch this and see what's going on with this thing Netflix blessed the world with seven hilarious episodes of the island and in this video I'm gonna be breaking down the whole series so buckle up guys cuz it's it's gonna be a wild ride honestly I got like 14 pages here the island is easily one of the worst TV shows ever made at least for me there's just there's no question because there's just so much to go over here it's it's amazing let's give you funny I wonder how many people are gonna watch this who are actually fans of this series and just the whole time shouting just it's pronounced island you stupid this show is a perfect example of something I've talked about before and that's the audience's connection to the character based on the characters behavior in the circumstance they're in and what I mean by that is the audience won't be able to connect or relate with a character if their actions in a certain situation don't make any sense the interesting thing is it's not the situation that the character finds themself in that has to be you know exactly realistic or relatable in the literal sense it's their behavior within that situation that has to be relatable because that's the human element I'm gonna use an example of another story that involves being stranded on a deserted island the movie castaway with Tom Hanks now I'm willing to bet that 99.9% of people that have seen castaway have never been stranded on a deserted island they've never been in this situation but I'm willing to bet that most people have probably felt lost before alone scared confused cast away it's the characters reaction to the situation that's relatable again you've never been in this exact situation before but his behavior makes sense and if you were in this situation you'd probably react in a similar way you'd go through a lot of these emotions probably do a lot of these same things because it's only logical so when you have a show with a bunch of characters stranded on a deserted island and their actions make no sense and the choices they make are confusing at best there's really not a lot to connect to the first episode starts with the character chase waking up on a beach holding a shell the last start right away as after she calls out to see if anyone's around she does this question for you guys how many of you think that if you woke up holding on to a shell your first instinct would be to blow it just want to get an idea on average how horny my audience is I was talking about this a few weeks ago and a friend of mine said to be but bark it's a conch shell of course they're gonna blow it but no I'm sorry I'm not buying that if you woke up on a beach and you had no idea what was going on and you were holding on to a shell III don't believe that your first instinct would be like oh yeah let me just wrap my lips around this thing oh yeah maybe if there's people nearby they'll hear the noise of the shell and come running you don't know what's going on you're completely disoriented so now she runs into Casey who was just a jerk for no reason chase asks her if she found anything in case he says no even though she's clearly hiding something so after chase calls her know for lying she reveals a knife so we don't know who or where we are and we got two things you have something look I get being skeptical in this situation right you don't remember what happened you don't know how you got there you don't know who you are you don't know who anybody is but I would think I would try to not make enemies right off the bat survival may depend on it again you don't necessarily have to trust them right away just don't be a dick so they find a few other people and try to figure out exactly what's going on one of the characters suggests that hey maybe we're on some sort of a work trip I mean we're wearing the same clothes and this makes complete sense it's probably the most logical suggestion that anybody makes throughout the entirety of the series think about it you're all dressed the same you all woke up on the beach with no memory here's a scenario you all work together say a resort or something like that and one night you have a work party you know maybe it's the end of the season or something and you know you're all drinking you take some drugs maybe it's a bad batch and you all wander off trip balls and pass out on the beach I mean that's at least somewhat possible I don't know some kind of work trip or something some type of clothes are also similar I don't think is this team-building okay so let's just dismiss the suggestion that you might all work together because I'm pretty sure this isn't team-building oh all right yeah so let's just forget that even though it kind of makes sense let's just let's let's not entertain that possibility at all anymore so you have no memories you don't know what's going on maybe explore all possibilities yeah at least she's trying to piece together what happened instead of just sitting there trying to antagonize everyone that's why I'm saying doesn't add up say it again doesn't add up makes you feel better doesn't you know you're really confrontational and you're real Thanks so you know this is a great strategy maybe if I make enemies with all these people I'll remember who I am then they find out they have names written on the tags of their clothes and they decide these must be their names these names don't really jar anybody's memory though so chase then decides hey let's look around this place maybe try to figure out where we are what's to figure out where we are who we are you know little details like that we just learned our names it's enough for one day yeah that's that's enough for one day learning your names something that proved to be entirely inconsequential and led you nowhere closer to figuring out what's going on enough for one day as if that was some sort of exhausting task it's nothing you've literally accomplished nothing you know what it's like here's another example imagine you're going to renovate your kitchen it's a lot of work right okay so imagine on the first day you walk into the kitchen you read the Domino's Pizza menu that's stuck on the fridge and say oh well that's enough for one day the same amount of progress was made here none so chase asks if anyone wants to come with her and nobody speaks up is this a joke you all just want to stand around and do nothing here's the thing that kills me about all of this they don't know that they're on a deserted island they don't all they know is that they woke up on a beach and they don't remember anything civilization could be not that far away but you've just come to the conclusion that well there's water in front of us that must mean that we're completely surrounded by it we're stranded so after chase and KC start taking some more childish jabs at each other Brodie and Donovan finally agree to go with chase they dig up some more items they find at the sand Brodie suggests that they find some fresh water and then Donovan criticizes Brodie for taking his shirt off time for the gun show what a surprise and then leaves because he says it's too hot yeah guys it's it's it's too hot here I'm gonna go over there and find some shade I I mean we might all starve to death but shade during this first 15 minutes of watching the show I began to wonder if the characters were written as high-school students because that's how they act starting fights for no reason shit-talking each other getting jealous calling each other basic anyways Brodie and chase find a waterfall and then they just start making out because this makes total sense given the circumstances it must be the realization of not knowing who you are or who anybody else is how you got there or how you're gonna survive I can see that making someone extremely horny you know forget survival instinct let's just let's bang it out do I really have to explain why this is a terrible idea I mean you don't remember who you are or who anybody else is what if you're related have you thought about that do you really want to take the risk of that memory coming back after the fact suddenly Brodie turns out to be a rapist because of course we've already established one of these characters as being a complete piece of shit from the beginning why not another one meanwhile back on the beach Taylor is sunbathing because again it seems like none of the characters have even two brain cells to rub together she's just concluded that since she hasn't seen a plane in the sky since she woke up not they're stranded on a deserted island and she's going to die I mean wow talk about taking pessimism to the extreme that's quite the jump to a conclusion I mean I don't remember who I or where I am maybe I should start looking around for food and and shelter and trying to figure out how to survive but oh you know what wait I haven't seen a plane in the sky since I woke up oh I'm doomed I must be stranded on a deserted island hey guys guys stop trying yet no planes then she finds a book buried in the sand called the mysterious island well that's a strange coincidence maybe there's some kind of a clue in here and if not maybe we could use it to keep a fire going up now I'm just gonna throw it away and just when you thought these characters couldn't get any dumber Donovan's just like hey everybody let's go swimming [Music] so while they're having fun and living life carefree Donovan gets bitten by a shark disappears and nothing of value was lost I mean seriously that's the audience member do I care no I'm not connected to any one of the characters because so far none of their actions make sense in fact I wish the shark ate more of them because they're pretty much useless especially Casey whose only talent seemed to be starting problems with people and repeating exactly what she just said doesn't add up that's why I'm saying doesn't add up say it again doesn't add up makes you feel better doesn't shit doesn't just happen so what are you saying that shit doesn't just happen Brody comes back and shows everyone all this stuff he and chase found where'd you get all that stuff that bitch find it what is your problem like this is the funny thing she doesn't really have any reason to hate chase she says she thinks chase is hiding something from everybody else but she's been like this towards chase from the moment she met her Brody suggests moving behind some rocks to block the wind and build a fire and it is amazing how these characters have already given up on life they see no point to this he basically has to beg them to come with them the next day chase is exploring with her trusty shell and finds Donovan's body washed up on the beach and he's still alive somehow so I guess it's a good thing that she has that she'll so they all come running to help and just listen to the chatter here I love that in the middle of trying to save this guy's life he said that the guy who pushed you into the shark wait oh oh yeah you know you're right I mean there was a lot of panic going on at the time and maybe it was unintentional but yeah yeah I think you did push me to that shark screw this guy well Becky go later Brodie comes over and gives probably the worst apology ever written which chase clearly doesn't accept so then he tells her the group is having a meeting and then he hopes she can join them and just watch this wrestling me uh they want to have a meeting so I told them that I come over here and tell you I hope you can join us see I hope so I could use your vote it'll hold your breath you know I don't need you you know that right I was just being nice oh by the way I wasn't trying to rape you you weren't really mean there's no such thing like that in a place like this it's just sex and no sex where do I even begin with this it's just incredible it's like oh hey how's it going sorry about that whole trying to attack you and then lying about it to everybody so you still pissed about that yeah you're still pissed okay uh well hey we robbing a meeting could you come to the meeting and then help me because I need you to vote for me at the meeting oh you're not coming to the meeting okay well fine I actually didn't need your help you know that was me asking for your help was just my way of being nice and by the way I wasn't trying to rape you because rape doesn't exist here didn't you didn't you know that yeah we're on the island of surprise sex and I gotta say how would you not just kill that guy right then and there for saying all that I mean not only is he condoning what he did he's basically saying yeah it's probably gonna happen again just make him disappear nobody's around you got a hatchet and a knife and then as he's bleeding out just really rub salt in the wound you know just be like oh you didn't hear Brody there's no such thing as murder here it's just the island of life and death and I guess you're dead one of the characters Mason decided to count the number of steps between the spots where they all woke up on the beach and it turns out it's 39 steps I have no idea why anyone would think to do this but not only did he think to count the steps but then multiply it by the number of people in their group and then walked that number of steps or something until they found a sign these little puzzles are hilarious because it doesn't like who would do magic coming up with that okay so we're gonna space their bodies out 39 steps and if you take that number and then multiply it by the amount of people you get another number which if you walk that many steps in a certain direction that's another thing how did he know which direction to walk that number of steps in he'll you know we'll find it the fun to sign so they take the group to the sign which says find your way back and I love how most of them don't give a shit they all treat it like it means nothing I'll guess it was a sign says find your way back yep right there yeah we can read it's not like it's magic it's not even bad I just walked down the beach we found it they had someone else with him it's cool it's just nuts not a grocery store ice cream we're hungry and it's not even a map that tells us where we are they don't even try to collectively come up with an idea of what it could possibly mean this may be the laziest group of characters of all time I mean really how many times do I have to say this if you were in this situation no idea who you are where you are what's going on why don't you at least have an interest in seeing if these clues lead to something well what else have you got to do aww I'm sorry are you too busy oh sorry my schedules packed for the next couple days I got to go back to doing what I was doing before running out of coconuts to eat and dying it's just the attitude that they have them well it's just a sign I mean that could mean anything so chase gets pissed off and throws the shell which breaks and has this and printed on the inside along with some sort of blinking device and so ends episode one with another clue that you as an audience member probably don't care about because this first episode was so terrible but I beg you ladies and gentlemen stick around because it gets better and by better I mean even more ridiculously bad a show like this doesn't come around all the time folks this is like the unicorn of bad TV it's amazing it gets worse with each episode somehow so chase finds a life raft and decides to hide it from the group inside the raft are some bullets to medical cases one containing medical supplies the other contains a locked mental case the next day she finds the blinking device and for whatever reason determines that this must be the way to open the locked case then comes in the power of the number 39 and all the different combinations of 3 and 9 until finally it opens to reveal a gun Casey tells Hayden about what happened when Brody tried to rape her I can't push in it pushing him to be with me to prove that he liked me more I'm sorry you kept pushing him to prove that he liked you more than chase again I'm sorry are these characters supposed to be high school students I just wanted him to prove to me that he liked me more than her what are you talking about you're you don't even know each other and you're already getting jealous that this guy might like chase more than you hello I have we forgotten about the situation at hand here what what planet is this I mean if it was me in this situation I'm pretty sure the last thing on my mind would be who likes who more than who who cares this is what but the 3rd day and you've gone from waking up on an island with memory loss to wait that guy likes her more than me well we'll see about that somehow you know survival has just like dropped down the list of priorities for these people and become basically well if we live we live so chase and what's this guy's name again a Cooper they go on a hike and find some kind of old hotel with rooms and beds so of course they go back and tell the others it's got beds some water all kinds of stuff beds beds Wow you know we could build beds here and we don't have to climb a cliff yeah I mean who wants to make an effort to go to shelter that's already been constructed we can build our own shelter and our own beds okay I mean come on look look we've what we've made we made these hats today so that's like halfway there anyways chase and Brody getting a fight Brody leaves and then everyone tells chase to go as well because the two of them are always fighting yeah probably has something to do with that sexual assault the next morning they dragged chase out of her raft because Brodie is dead on the beach of course chase just starts kicking everyone's ass especially Cooper who isn't even armed yes screw him until finally they knock her unconscious and here we go folks the big reveal it's the future and Chase is in some kind of prison where they do experiments and this experiment is where they send a bunch of inmates to an island in their minds and if you die on the island you die in real life so it's kind of like lost meets the matrix except it sucks anyways this doctor comes in and is like hey I'm the doctor looking after you and I'm sure you have lots of questions which I won't be answering then the doctor removes some kind of force field that was paralyzing her it's a force field of sorts which sounds very sci-fi but it's really just magnetics that's all a magnetic force field to keep you in place ah yes now that you've explained it you're right it's not very sci-fi at all it's just magnetics it's just a magnetic force field that's pretty basic a magnetic force field that's paralyzing you from the neck down completely you know not don't you get it now from that very thorough explanation that makes perfect sense suddenly he just dips which is hilarious because it calls into question exactly why his character was even there he basically came into the room to say hey I'm looking after you I'm a doctor and I'm sure you have a bunch of questions but I'm not gonna listen to any of them I'm just gonna take this totally non sci-fi force field off you okay bye so the miscast prison guards take her to see the warden who tells her she's caused a lot of trouble which I don't understand I mean how exactly has she caused a lot of trouble because she caused some unrest within the group because Brody tried to rape her is it because she was trying to put together the clues that the program was giving them or is it because she seemed to be the only person on the island with them what do you call it common sense so they tried to send her back into the program but she beats up the guards and uses the special force field to stop them from getting up you think that this taking place in the future and being some kind of a special prison the guards would have some kind of efficient method to subdue inmates other than just their fists or guns because it's clear they're not very good at using either hey here's an idea maybe keep inmates especially those who obviously have had some kind of martial arts training in these things they're called handcuffs so they put her in front of this panel of people who designed the whole simulation and this is amazing because it seems like some of these people didn't even observe what happened in the simulation she is proven to be reckless self-serving and rather bloodthirsty hoarding weapons and information for herself well what else was she supposed to do I mean right from the beginning Casey was antagonistic towards her Brody tried to rape her she doesn't know any of the people on the island she doesn't have any memories at all she just woke up in this place so yeah she kept information and weapons that she found to herself who wouldn't doesn't sound like she's bloodthirsty just sounds like she's trying to protect herself by the way this whole time she's been having these visions of this woman and now she's having visions of shooting this woman in the head I really don't get this they gave her some pills and then put her on a truck without any kind of handcuffs or restraints at all because you know that would only prevent her from escaping it's amazing I mean this prison has all this futuristic technology and security and laser fences but you mean to tell me you can't find a zip-tied to put around or then she sneaks into another building and finds them I don't know simulation pods they put her back on the island where she tries to tell them all that it's a simulation but nobody believes her and just when you thought this show couldn't get any dumber these two characters show up named Bonnie and Clyde so after they talked for a bit chase asks why they never said anything about Brody's dead body on the beach at first they're like what body and then suddenly they're just like oh okay you got us well the jig's up this is a simulation and we're here to bring justice courtesy of the US legal system if you step on a line like I don't understand suddenly it's just ah we screwed up ha man we're we're not very good at this whole lying thing why is this so hard just keep denying it just keep saying we didn't see anybody here this is how easy this is Oh Bonnie there's a dead body where's the body oh it's over there oh well that's why we didn't see it we came from over there not that hard you could have arrived there from any to any direction you want just keep lying honestly this whole scene takes the writing and acting in this show to new lows that I didn't even think we're possible and the most amazing thing is that through all of this at no point is any one of them like hey okay hold on a second what exactly is going on here I mean obviously this is all not what it seems so what why are we here who are we what is this and they still have this anger towards chase even though it was just confirmed by these two idiots that chase didn't even kill Brody it was Hayden sure she was hiding the medical supplies but honestly can you blame her and she just gave them to you she seems to be the one best equipped to survive this whole situation especially with Bonnie and Clyde walking around killing people speaking of which these two morons are the ones who deserve your anger I mean they just killed someone right in front of you and are now basically threatening all of you with the most flippant attitude if anything these two are the biggest threats and the most immediate threats you should be trying to work with Chase to come up with a way of getting rid of these two psychos so a few of them find the village on the other side of the island maybe you would have found this if you actually cared to go exploring in the first place at this point all the characters start having flashbacks which basically show why they went to prison in the first place they're all either killers or just horrible people Kasey's story is that she had an abusive husband so she decided to murder her children and stabbed herself Taylor takes the life raft and leaves to go try and find the second island that Bonnie and Clyde were talking about yes this must be it the one covered with all these jagged rocks this looks much better so Taylor finally makes it past all the rocks and finds a human skull because that's always a good sign and just like the shell the skull has property of Island printed on it or in this case it's to land but why is this printed on it I think these aren't props they're not real this is a simulation suddenly she wakes up and her hand is all bandaged up for some reason and she finds a bowl with the sign that says chicken soup nothing's strange about any of this might as well go ahead and dig in turns out that there's some kind of cannibal on the island and the chicken soup she ate was actually soup made from her own fingers oh no oh my god just imagine yourself in this scenario you suddenly wake up and your hand is all bandaged for some reason and it wasn't before and there's a bowl in front of you with mysterious meat inside that says chicken soup I mean I can only speak for myself but the first thing I would do in this issue Rajon is checked to see why my hand is all wrapped up at bandages OG my hand is all wrapped up for some reason and it really hurts but I mean there's chicken soup right in front of me yeah I'll check on this later and just dive right into this Chase has some kind of vision or encounter some kind of avatar of the woman she killed I don't know exactly it doesn't matter it turns out this woman was her mother so I guess Cooper and chase are actually married in real life and now we get the flashback of what actually happened to chase his mother she was hiding out in her basement with a gun for some reason when Cooper came over there was a struggle and he accidentally shot her in the head and for whatever reason Chase was convicted of the crime which brings up the question why was Chase having memories of shooting her mother in the head when she wasn't even there again maybe this is just me but I don't have memories of things that didn't happen or you know doing things that I didn't do and one of my friends came up to me and said hey Mark do you remember the time that you wrestled that alligator I would say no because it didn't happen none of this makes any sense you can't even make the argument well that's probably the scenario that the prosecution you know put forth in order to get a conviction and that's why she have that has the memories like first of all no she wouldn't have memories of the crime scene if she was never at the crime scene and second because both her and her husband were convicted of the crime and he doesn't appear in any of the flashbacks I don't even know why I'm bothering with this I really don't think I need to defend my position when it comes to how ridiculous this is I think it's pretty straightforward so they take chase out of the simulation like hey guess what because of your husband's confession to the crime in the simulation you've been exonerated yay but there's just one more thing that she can see how she really looks and oh my god it turns out she's actually much older she's been in there for 25 years oh no cares seriously what a twist okay well damn that sucks and the prison is like yeah sorry about that whole thing but on the bright side you really helped us out with our little simulation thing which will help rehabilitate other convicts oh yeah silver lining everybody as if that makes any of this better you know if it was me I'd be like oh okay calling a lawyer and that's the end of this whole thing unlikable characters behavior that makes no sense given the circumstances the whole things to complete mess it's really no wonder why people were just torching this thing when it came out I mean seven episodes of this it's it's one of those situations where you just look at it and you just wonder like how and I can't be sure but I imagine there's not gonna be a second season of this and even if there is I don't care I'm not reviewing it this was enough for me because the thing is and anybody who watches this show regularly knows I usually just cover movies and that's different because a movie you know that's like an hour and a half to two hours usually and then after I finished the video it's done and I move on to something else but this this was seven episodes and each one was around 40 minutes so that's four and a half hours so this was like writing a review for a four and a half hour movie and then the thing is I have to watch them twice I have to watch it again when I'm writing so that's nine hours everyone I talked to about this show trying to go watch it themselves they came back to me and said yeah now you know they either made it through one episode or like half the episode and then they just told me I'll just wait for your video so with all that being said as usual thanks for watching guys and I'll see you next time
Channel: FanboyFlicks
Views: 171,205
Rating: 4.9465995 out of 5
Keywords: Netflix, The I-Land, The island, TV, Tv shows, streaming, Netflix shows, Comedy, Funny, Hilarious, Bad movies, movie reviews, Bad Movie (Film), movie review, Reviews, fanboy flicks, horrible movies, worst movies, rotten tomatoes, best bad movies, tv series, bad shows, worst shows ever
Id: W50WIL8UskI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 12sec (2052 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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