The NeverEnding Story 3 - BAD MOVIES!

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back to the show building a long time pledge of its but like not what like over a month good thing that's what I said it'd be the last video but that's another story and shall be told another time like two months don't believe anything else that you saw or heard it's all just alternative facts video attacked you know when I started on this journey to review this trilogy I really had no idea what I was in for when I came to this one I mean the process of reviewing the first two movies was quite long it was a lot longer than I had initially thought it would be partially because there was a lot to cover with those two movies also halfway through writing the review I decided to just go ahead and read the book to make a more thorough review of movies but then you get to this one and it's like oh okay pretty much what you see is what you get and trust me I'm telling you right now there's there's not much to see now the first thing that's gonna be apart from the others is that this is a completely original story was that adapted from any book that I know hopefully and you can easily tell this had nothing to do with the original story I don't know if I made this clear enough in the last review but I felt like the subject matter and the themes that were in the book were in my opinion pretty sophisticated for what I thought was a kids book at least that's the impression I had going into it and by kids book I don't mean as a turtle Franklin good night moon not that type of stuff you know what I mean I mean younger reader and that's something that I really respected about the book in the first movie so that they were willing to tackle these things and like I said on the review there's still very real issues also I get the feeling that these days grief death self-identity existentialism aren't very common themes in kids entertainment it was a long process so long that if it was a book it might be 450 pages so you go from that to this and this has really nothing to say at all it actually makes the neverending story to look really good in comparison and I'm not just saying that for comedic exaggeration it really does so let's get started with of course this gem of a poster now there's a lot going on here but my first reaction when I saw this was just what is that that's supposed to be felt or it's not supposed to be rockbiter I also like how the poster tries to remind the public just who the actor is starring Jason James Richter the star of Free Willy remember Free Willy yeah he was in that so see this I remember free really I actually remember seeing that in the theater when it came out when I was a kid and I also remember not being done pressed by it I don't know I felt like I kind of knew what was gonna happen probably because they kind of gave away the ending on the poster and for some reason there's something going on with this face here it's like everything else looks like a photograph but then you get to the face and it's like a drawing just look at the mouse weird becomes a cartoon speaking of interesting art choices I did find this alternate poster and it's just me or does this look kind of awkward like just look at the arm here is that not doesn't does that not look like kind of an uncomfortable position but of course then there's the other one here where they just talk about it completely also they had a couple titles for this thing this poster says return to Fantasia whereas this poster says escape from Fantasia so come on let's make up our minds are we coming or going here so the movie starts off by talking about an evil force called the nasty which takes hold in kids when they stop reading and turn away from books a sentiment which I honestly don't 100% agree with because I knew plenty of kids growing up who read a lot and they were jerks too and now we see Bastian being chased by Jack Black and his gang of nasty friends so Bastian hides in the school library which is run by Carl coriander and I guess this is supposed to be Carl coriander and you know what let's just get this out of the way right now why don't we take a look at what's changed since the last movie as you might recall from the last review there is very little that stayed the same from the first to second movie and believe it or not there's even less here casting wise I do I really have to say anything here I think this speaks for itself now with the childlike Empress I thought she was supposed to be the childlike Empress child now I can't remember if this was in the movies or not but the book kind of explains that the childlike Empress is actually really old I think she's older than everybody in Fantasia but she has the appearance of a child hence the childlike Empress so even if you wanted to make the argument that maybe since this is Bastian story her appearance kind of changes to keep pace or fashions age and show a passage of time well that theory doesn't really work either because they always appeared to be around the same age and here fashion looks like he's ready to start high school and she looks like she's already graduated college a while ago does time move faster on Fantasia than it does on earth or something is this some kind of like reverse Christopher Nolan type shit creatures from Fantasia looked nothing like they did before and not only that but they act like completely different characters Al Gore has gone from being the wise voice of reason don't go to him in anger go and warn him is your friend is me to a bumbling idiot Wow something tells me I'm not in Fantasia anymore doesn't seem to be anybody else around up here hope I'm not the only flying creature in this park oh pardon me ma'am may I talk to you for a second I'm a little lost so Bastian runs into mr. coriander in the school library by the way this school is in a different town fashion moved there when his dad got remarried why so far from home my playing hooky from school are we yes he's playing hooky from school in a different school in a different town didn't really think that one through did you yeah I'm sure I'm sure he woke up in the morning like you know what today I'm gonna skip school and spend the day in a different school yeah that ought to show them I don't play by anyone's rules they'll learn wherever I damn well please neverending story Hey look the neverending story I totally recognized it because it looks nothing like it did before what's the position it looks not it's not even close okay so this is something I actually really hate and not just with this movie whenever this happens when you're watching any type of movie or franchise or TV show or whatever and they change the appearance of something like object for example and you know I said this in the past but casting changes I can look past that to a certain degree especially when they try and find someone who looks similar but props it's one thing if it you know if it had to change as part of the story or whatever it's a completely different situation but when it just changes for no reason so yeah there's that theme and you're sitting there like that's not that no it's not maybe it's a situation where the production company didn't have the rights to use the original props and you know in that case just throw in a lot of dialogue explaining the chain anything really just Hey look they're never running sorry oh yeah change the cover kind of hoping you wouldn't recognize it then you wouldn't be tempted to borrow it again and Wow just look at this scene Sarah McLaughlin poster kiss from a rose by seal playing on that yellow Walkman that everybody had including myself and is that a scrunchie I guess is this seam trying to be the most 90s scene of all time seriously the only thing that's missing is a beanie baby collection and the sound of a dial-up modem in the background you gotta meet him halfway I bother [Music] hey Jessi you so don't use the phone for the next couple hours okay I'm on the net the other might be porn on there somewhere so try and find it yeah real cool hey I heard that you do you bitch fashions new stepsister nicole makes it clear that she's not his biggest fan so what does he do starts telling her about Fantasia because yeah that won't make her think you're a total psycho huh you are completely weird so you can get into trouble yet so Bastian decides to get back in the cold by putting a lot of gel in his hair yeah that'll show her act even more strange I'm sure that will go over really well in a new school and this brings us back to where the movie began with fashion hiding in the library and as soon as Bastian checks to see if the coast is clear one of the nasties appears and for some reason starts banging on the door that's closed this door is open you can see that he opened it so instead of just going through the open door you're just going to stand there and keep banging on the door that's closed giving him time to close and lock the other door and Jesus Christ Sebastian hides and somehow gets transported to Fantasia I'm still not exactly sure what the rules are in terms of coming and going from Fantasia fashion says that is his story so he gets to go whenever he wants I guess and it works Jack Black in the neverending eyebrow we're looking for fashion when he spots the book on the floor and thinks to himself well that's weird a book on the floor and a library the nasties realized that everything that's happening in the book is happening in real life so they decide to mess things up for Fantasia by being nasty as they say again I don't really understand this so by messing up things in the library that somehow messes things up in Fantasia I don't like what are the rules to this whole thing I don't understand I mean at the beginning of the movie they did say that the force of the nasty is caused by kids turning away from books and not reading but isn't this kind of the opposite of that I mean they are reading the book then we have the sequence of rockbiter going for a ride and his bike with his son while singing born to be wild and you've heard this a million times from me but here we go again I have no idea why this is it a movie it adds nothing to the story it does nothing for the movie it lasts for a really long time I have no idea life there so the early 20th Empress shows up with mega mines in the ice castle or whatever and gives bashed in orange at least I think that orange it looks nothing like Oran but okay let's just go with it she gives him orange so that he can wish himself back to the real world and get the book back from the nasties bastard tries to wish himself back but it doesn't work because and I'm not making this up he didn't wish hard enough so bashing in his friends I'll join together in order to make the wish harder and somehow they all get caught in some sort of wish overload which sends the other characters into the wheel world as well now here's where things again just get pretty dumb bashing wants to use orange to wish the book away from the nasties but the Empress says he can't because since the Fantasia's are caught in the real world the new Fantasia won't include them first of all I just don't get this while I was using a wish to get the book back erase the characters from Fantasia I mean the book is recording everything that's happening even outside of Fantasia anyways and even if it does erase them from the book then okay fine just wish them back into the story makes complete sense doesn't it I shouldn't think so it's my imagination I'll just make sure they're in an in Fantasia and what does the Empress have to say to that nobody must find them bring them all together and bring them back to Fantasia before you return the book to the keeper just know no real reason as to why he can't do that just know doesn't work like that no wrong careful Bastian you're making too much sense here alright stop being such an asshole I don't have a stronger argument so just know there's not a lot going on in this scene where step-sister watches a music video but it presents the idea that it's impossible for Nicole to enjoy anything and that her mother may or may not hate black people [Music] fashion that goes upstairs to try and have a talk with them but Bastian doesn't seem to be into it so there's nothing your honor sucks okay okay wow that's some great parenting right there you're right son everything does suck finally starting to see the world for what it really is well good night so now nicole goes into Basham's room probably just feel one of the Ace of Base CDs my mom and your dad think you have gone bonkers talking about having you committed to a mental institution oh well at least my mom will get a cell on your Mac but no I guess not you just felt like acting like them so now we get to see the nasties and their hideout which is just a hole in the wall of a parking garage and I have a lot of questions about this do they live here is this just a place they hang out how is this even possible the first place obviously they've been here for quite a long time they've got a collection of shit in there no one has noticed this giant hole in the wall oh wait I get it they hide it behind a rolling dumpster well that makes sense something's never moved Nicole steals Oran and uses it to go shopping at the mall I guess at one point she made a wish for blossoms hat so the nasty steal orange and I guess this causes everyone to just start acting nasty everybody just loses their minds suddenly then there's an explosion which knocks Bashan off his feet even though Nicole seems to be completely unaffected by it and she was only a couple feet away from him anyways they stumble upon the parking garage hideout and through just an incredibly stupid series of events fashion gets Oran back so then the Cole starts reading the book and telling fashion what to do look like what's going to happen next then when to practice all those years of karate lessons I'm sorry that's what it says wait so the book is now dictating what's about to happen I don't understand I thought it was the other way around how does this work anyways Bastian kicks everyone's ass and that's pretty much the end of it everything goes back to normal the nasties are now model students for some reason I guess Ashton made this happen somehow they had the book so I guess you get to say oh yeah this what happened next or maybe Jack black just went home like wow I just got my ass kicked by the kid from Free Willy I got to make some changes Nicole you know my girlfriend washer I do sure you do oh yeah the chick with the terrible tattoo yeah one of the things you'll notice about this movie is just how much it feels like while those made-for-tv movies like everything is just so soft it's like visual Margery I obviously had a lot of criticisms about the second movie but one of the things it had going for it as well as the first one is that even though they were darker movies from a cinematography standpoint they were still really nice-looking films there's some beautiful imagery here achieved through the use of shadows contrast and color and that's maybe something I didn't give the second movie enough credit for because I do think it was well photographed but with this everything is just so flat even the seams near the end where there's a lot more use of shadows in color when compared to the other film I feel it lacks that visual punch and then there's the score which is pretty much the same thing just completely flat it doesn't add any kind of suspense or emotion at all at any point in the film here's a scene from near the end of the movie where everything is falling apart you know you think the music would add some intensity but just listen to this [Music] and you know what I'm going to go back to the title on this thing because this is ridiculous this came from Fantasia return to Fantasia it doesn't matter both of those are complete bullshit what it should be titled is the neverending story three five minutes of Fantasia because that's all your again so what's next that seems to be the big question everybody likes to ask well I'm actually going back to some newer movies for my next review I have a cube queued up that I want to watch and I haven't seen them yet so I'm not guaranteeing that I'm going to do a review on these movies specifically I won't know that until I start writing the review and decide whether or not I think it's funny but I'm going to get on that right away so as always thanks for watching guys see you next time and of course the jumping high-five freeze-frame the classic ending I'm actually not going to crap on that I think it's like the only way you could have ended this movie at this point unless everybody died now the first thing that sets this movie apart from the others is that this Costco loved Costco you go to Costco every time I'm like I'll get like Mabel's get like a chicken something quick then I end up spending like 150 bucks there I'm just things that I need but total excess of things that I need like I needed mustard so I got mustard there's two giant containers of mustard and now I'm going to have mustard probably for the rest of my life I'll run out of all my other food and still have a ton of mustard left and then we'll probably have to resort to eating mustard for a meal maybe two but that's where I draw the line then I'll go shopping for more groceries
Channel: FanboyFlicks
Views: 373,855
Rating: 4.9244857 out of 5
Keywords: the neverending story 3, the neverending story, neverending story, bastian, falkor, Comedy, Funny, Hilarious, Bad movies, movie reviews, Bad Movie (Film), movie review, Reviews, fanboy flicks, horrible movies, worst movies, rotten tomatoes
Id: oEkCCHNvel4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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