MANDY - The Most Insane Nicolas Cage Movie

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It's really not that insane...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/coffeeNiK ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 05 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It was so bad that I demand Nicholas Cage come to my home, apologize and cook me dinner

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BasedOnGreed ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 05 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is the first nick cage movie I liked in a long time he's the same person every movie just different name ๐Ÿ˜‚ same character I mean but ye had a helraiser vibe was twisted old school horror

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hustle-king ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 05 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Overhyped disappointment. Other than Cage breaking some demon bikers neck then snorting a pile of coke off a shard of glass it's a slogfest

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/HoneyShaft ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 06 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] when i'm dead [Music] just kidding i'm not actually dead it's called editing fooled you idiot listen here soy boy facts don't care about your feelings and you better get ready because this video is do you want to get the gossip of your dreams well you're at the right video there's so much testosterone in this movie that they named it [ __ ] mandy i need to equalize it with a woman's name god oh sorry about that got a little bit heated there for a second wow i am so uncomfortable let me just adjust my pillow here you see when you clear the blood away [Music] [Applause] much better that weird quote that you heard me recite in the beginning of this video is from the beginning of the movie mandy i mean maybe it's symbolic of the death metal aesthetic of the film if you take the quote at face value it makes zero sense when you compare to the movie the text is also strangely blurry like they put it in really small and then stretched it out i'm not sure if that was a stylistic choice it was directed by panos cosmatos which is a pretty cool name if i'm being honest it kind of sounds like the name of a greek god that nobody cared about when you watch hercules he's one of the guys in the background so panos wrote and directed another film called beyond the black rainbow it was released in 2010 i watched it about a month ago with my brother and throughout most of the film i was crawling in my skin partially because of how weird it is and partially because of how god damn slow paced it is some scenes felt like they were 10 minutes longer than they should have been visually it's stunning and there is ominous music playing throughout the entire movie mandy suffers from some of the same problems that beyond the black rainbow suffered from but not as much i like mandy a lot more and it's not only because it stars nicholas cage in the lead role and get this nicholas cage's acting in this movie is good it's really good do you have a favorite nicholas cage movie yes it's vampire's kiss yeah that's my favorite neck performance q r s t u v w x y three that was a good one i can't help but feel like panos's work is influenced heavily by older sci-fi flicks such as 2001 a space odyssey and old school horror films like hellraiser so it starts with nicholas cage the lumberjack cutting down some trees he flies away in a helicopter and rejects beer from his buddy kind of rude there's an artistic scene of mandy smoking that good [ __ ] and showing some of her pretty snazzy art this creature in particular kind of reminds me of something we sell at shameless plug i'm sorry guys i can't keep plugging my merch at the end of the video because then only like 40 of people see it if there's anything i learned from jake paul by the way you can buy this shirt there too and this hat then we get a scene of nicolas cage driving home his character in this movie is named red miller so for the most part i'm going to be referring to him as red red then turns off the radio of ronald reagan saying something about americans disapproving of pornography and abortion an overwhelming majority of americans disapprove of pornography not sure what this has to do with the rest of the movie maybe because a lot of the characters in this movie should have been aborted then there's this super fancy title card that looks like it belongs in the movie frozen either that or like a christmas carol or something so red comes home to greet mandy and he says this knock knock who's there eric estrada eric estrado eric estrada from chips what the hell that's so random in the next scene they're in bed talking about planets and stars this is the only scene in any movie ever that i can think of that shows nicholas cage's awkward bendy thumb in all its glory but the way he's rubbing her with his thumb i mean my thumb kind of does that but his thumb's really long then red says something about uh galactus the marvel characters as far as a wider audience goes he's pretty obscure so it's kind of weird that they would put that in this movie and expect audiences to know what they're talking about yeah the character galactus yeah and during the scene the subtitles say woof woof when he's doing this chomp chomp thing this sequence is pretty cool it shows a pretty nice sky that fades in today then it shows red and mandy out on a boat floating on a lake the water then fades into fire and we have a weird scene of red staring at mandy almost as if they both know that a terrible fate awaits them also mandy's right iris is huge for some reason in the next scene mandy's walking through the woods and finds a dead fawn this scene shows the death of something innocent and defenseless which is a reoccurring theme in this movie then it shows red and mandy in bed she tells him a story about a time when she was young and almost peer pressured to kill a starling there are a lot of satanic elements in this next sequence from the voice of mandy as she reads a passage from her book a ghostly emerald light to the brooding red color that drenches the scene to the dark and melancholy music pinots does a great job creating an atmosphere in order to make you feel a certain way in this scene mandy catches a glimpse of the man that will change her life forever and not for the better the scene ends with a still of mandy's face it's supposed to show how this image is etched into this guy's mind each title card gets more sinister as the movie progresses then we get a scene of jeremiah he's speaking to his acolytes about how he needs the girl he saw walking on the side of the road according to panos he's supposed to represent the most toxic aspects of the male ego because of the horrors of the male ego as personified by linus roach he sees manny decides that he wants needs to possess her as he feels he's entitled to possess all things that he desires someone whose ego is so bloated that they expect everything from the world to be delivered to them without question kind of like some other people i can think of and just like any religious cult leader jeremiah is very charismatic and he's very out there with his delivery just be quiet and go fetch me brother swan okay i don't like whatever's happening it's making me very uncomfortable this woman's name is marlene and jeremiah treats her very poorly maybe it's because she's older and not sexually fulfilling to him anymore who knows unlike the younger sister lucy so marlene tries to prove herself to jeremiah by finding this mysterious girl and she does they don't tell us how she stumbles upon her working at a convenience store i mean maybe it wasn't that hard to find her because where they are is kind of desolate there's not a lot of people there they have a really awkward back and forth and then mandy tells her the area where she lives so in the next scene brother swann uses a satanic horn thing to summon a demon biker gang to find mandy and bring her back to them that guy's wearing dark souls armor you know what i'm talking about but they won't do it unless they give him this like jar of raspberry jam or something i don't know what it's like satanic jam they drink it and they like it it's like oh and they also want to sacrifice blood for blood this inbred guy sitting in the passenger seat is kind of weird his face what the [ __ ] is wrong with that guy so the biker gang finds and kidnaps red and mandy mandy wakes up tied to a chair and marlene gives her a little eye drop thing and she has a gigantic wasp stinging her in the neck it's like an insect like a wasp or something no it's a wasp still [Music] i like to call that the cherry on top what the [ __ ] are you talking about i mean apparently these things exist right look at this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] look how big these are look at how big their stingers are what the hell it's like a little knife lucy and marlene lead mandy to the rest of the group jeremiah starts blabbering away in his dbz robe then jeremiah gets a little bit annoyed that the girl that just got stung by a gigantic wasp in her neck five minutes prior won't pay attention to him i'm surprised he's not [ __ ] dead the batshit insane cult leader then plays a song that he wrote that's about him you know about how great he is sad he then starts talking about how oh that world of glitz and glamour wasn't for him basically he's a failed musician you know i was ready to stand tall with the great grand glittering ones but those scumbags couldn't recognize a golden radiant light even as it was cast right down a pun and he found god and god showed him a greater path basically uh you don't have to do [ __ ] to get people to love you you just are apparently god connected with him on a personal level he was like yo jeremiah you're the [ __ ] man if you want something just take it bro it's yours you're not insane bro rape whoever you want kill whoever you want just do it bro all right peace out then there's an interesting scene of jeremiah speaking to mandy their faces start fading in and out of one another it's pretty trippy drugs bro then jeremiah whips his dick out i'm serious he actually does oh god don't show us your dick please oh god no then mandy laughs at the size of it while he jerks off in fury she's able to see through his facade despite him having all these followers despite her being high as [ __ ] and just being stung by a massive wasp and despite the fact that she's kidnapped and has no idea where red is she can't help but find humor in the way that he expects people to love him instantly for no reason at all when she sees him start to be affected by her laughter she takes advantage of his damaged ego and really goes ham then we see jeremiah start to tear at the seams he's seen desperately trying to reach out to god for an answer tell me what to do tell me tell me what to do then god answers through his lips saying never doubt yourself don't ever doubt yourself just take the belt out when you want a sandwich so then jeremiah really proves how insane he is he gets this weird idea to go to red who's chained up outside and he risks the life of lucy in order to prove that the devotion of his followers is unwavering why why do this to red of all people shouldn't you be doing this to mandy who just humiliated you in front of everyone then brother goose takes out a huge knife that he won from defeating a boss in world of warcraft this is the tainted blade of the pale knight straight from the abyssal air i guess demonic [ __ ] in this world glows green so then jeremiah basically compares himself to jesus he then stabs red with the wow blade what a [ __ ] jeremiah then says something about a chemist when i first watched this movie i was so goddamn confused we wasted the chemist's finest on your [ __ ] a lot of the stuff in this movie makes a lot more sense when you watch it a second time so then they bring mandy out in a bag and burn her in front of red nick cage's acting in the scene is phenomenal a lot of people say that nick cage fell off and he only takes shitty rolls now i personally think he's a hit or miss actor sometimes he's super cringy and he overacts sometimes he hits the nail right on the head and in this movie he's perfect honestly i think this scene would be a lot more impactful if we knew it was mandy they don't show us her face or anything they could have showed them bringing her outside and then putting her in the bag and then burning it we have no way of knowing that it's mandy we just kind of have to assume that it is jeremiah could have burned some random girl in that bag and kept mandy for himself this dude's [ __ ] face where the hell did jeremiah find these two brainlets anyway [ __ ] each other in a mobile home with their mom watching so jeremiah's cult of inbred's leave red somehow pulls his hand free of the barbed wire that held him there ouch his face in this scene is hilarious like he's on his way home from getting his wisdom teeth pulled or something what follows is a morbid scene of red staring at mandy's ashes well what we can only assume are mandy's ashes so red finds his way home somehow he watches this weird commercial on the tv about a cheddar goblin it's so weird and random but i love it [Music] so thanks casper for that inclusion i bet when they were in the middle of making this movie uh casper came to panos and he was like dude i just made this really funny commercial and then panzer's like that is funny let's put that in so red goes to sleep and he has this animated nightmare i actually love the decision to include animation during the dream sequences so then red goes into his bathroom and starts pounding a bottle of liquor he's upset the poop won't come out don't worry bro we've all been there so then red goes to his friend's place where he kept his crossbow that he named the reaper like he's a 12 year old crafting a weapon in skyrim for the first time or something and are you sure the crossbow is the reaper and not your friend because your friend is freaky as [ __ ] especially with the lighting that they chose in this scene so this guy tells red that the satanic biker gang are called the black skulls i know this movie is like straight out of hot topic apparently this biker gang is [ __ ] up because they were given a really bad batch of lsd it still doesn't explain the whole ritualistic horn thing i would have liked it more if these were just like demons like hell spawn but hey so then red randomly becomes a blacksmith and he starts crafting his own fortnite pickaxe no but seriously he practically makes a daedric battle axe from skyrim like it's straight out of an h.r geiger drawing if you google fantasy battle axe there's almost a replica of the exact axe that he makes you know that nerdy kid at your school named leroy with the thick glasses and the lisp be nice to him because he's got a closet full of weapons just like this one so then we finally get the mandy title screen 1 hour and fifteen minutes into this movie that's gotta be a record for the longest intro ever and this is when the movie starts to get metal as [ __ ] red finds the black skulls just riding around minding their own business and he shoots one of them right off their bike with a crossbow that's a pretty good shot dude and if that wasn't enough he drives his car straight into him little did he know that doing this is pretty much the equivalent of driving directly into a boulder seriously what the [ __ ] is this dude the juggernaut from x-men then there's another dream sequence with boobies then red wakes up imprisoned again only this time it's by the black skulls and his left hand is nailed to the floor talk about shitty luck dude and how did his hand get nailed to the floor without him waking up he must have been really passed out oh what about the stab wound from earlier it just healed maybe the wow blade is like a lightsaber you know you you stab him and it like it cauterizes the wound as soon as you stab him because it's glowing green it says the green glow it's really hot it's a hot knife jeremiah should use it to get some views on youtube so the black skull that's guarding red starts punching him and gurgling and then this happens that ryan that line was so weird [Laughter] why the [ __ ] did he say that it's so random why would that out of everything what it just turns into tyler durden it's pretty convenient that there's a black hole of death directly to his left red finds some body armor and a box cutter in this room and then he leaves what follows is a scene that is reminiscent of the bear scene you know that really creepy one from the shining red then finds a elderly couple dead and the old guy has blood all over his ass i have many questions red enters another room and finds another black skull watching porn and snorting coke and he has a huge blade [ __ ] it all oh so that's what happened to the elderly couple ah so this dude was riding a motorcycle with that big blade on his dick must have a custom bike so the black skull and red get into a little bit of a scuffle oh god maybe you shouldn't scream when you're about to stab someone the black skull falls over and his dick gets stuck in the floor so red slices his throat with the box cutter and blood just starts pouring onto his face like a waterfall he just takes it and smiles like a girl surrounded by 20 dicks and a porn or something give me that paycheck hey kids you want to hear a joke what's the color of blood get it another black skull enters the room and misses red with a shotgun from like four feet away then red breaks his neck with a smile what what the [ __ ] these seriously just looks like he could deal with some counseling he then snorts some coke off of a piece of broken glass finds his hot topic axe and the reaper what's the ax's name then the insurance red finds a jar of that jelly that the bikers drank in the beginning of the movie and he takes a little bit of a taste let's try some why not it's not like he has anything to lose this scene is awesome he then finds another black skull just chilling near a burning car he shoots it with the reaper it does dick so it's time for the insurance to make its debut [Music] when defeated the black skull says she's still burning she's burning but he's like gurgling it so red wouldn't really understand what he's saying anyway but he does and he gets pissed red lights a cigarette with the burning head of his victim okay now this is epic red sees this huge tower thing so he goes towards it and it just so happens that a bond villain is there sorry i meant the chemist so this is the guy that made the drugs that [ __ ] up the biker gang and he's got a pet tiger named lizzy i'm guessing red is supposed to be a personification of a tiger that was just released from captivity because the tiger when it's released doesn't care about red oh and red was also wearing a tiger shirt earlier so hey jesus gives the chemist's dick a little bit of a rub and tug and then he tells red to head north you gonna say anything or this is when i play the song please head north by transit but i'm not sure if any of you would understand that reference after traveling for a while and having another animated dream he finally finds jeremiah's little encampment he stakes out the road leading to the church he kills brother swan by putting the butt end of the axe into his mouth and i love when he first takes him out of the car he's like oh you hurt me lucy's there but red just kind of ignores her and leaves he takes out one of the inbred kids by throwing the battle axe through the air into his head [Laughter] that's a nice throw he then finds a chainsaw this is where his history as a lumberjack comes into play except not because he can't start it for some reason and he walks towards one of the guys while he's trying to start the chainsaw like why don't you start it first and then go towards them and of course this dude pulls out a jumbo sized chainsaw it's [ __ ] huge look how long that thing is where do you even buy a chainsaw that long what the hell this kind of reminds me of that scene from crocodile dundee nick give him your wallet what pool he's got a knife that's not a knife that's a knife red finds a chain and uses it to lasso the guy's neck he pulls him down onto one of the chainsaws [Music] are you kidding me ghost rider call back anyone then red enters the pyramid church thing he finds this hatch in the floor he goes down and he finds marlene then she starts blabbering about how she's good in bed i'm serious i'm the most sensual lover has ever experienced cool sensitivity and my empathy can anticipate my lovers every move so then we see jeremiah in this big open room red throws marlene's head at him and he freaks out this scene is really cool because there's a red light that pulses in and out it's kind of like a heartbeat almost it really helps to raise the tension of the scene and for whatever reason red sounds like a demon the psychotic drones where the mystic swims i mean it's metal so it passes as long as it's [ __ ] metal at this moment jeremiah knows that he's [ __ ] but he still tries to prop himself up above red for some reason as if belittling him will make him leave out of shame there are moments when you can see jeremiah reveal himself for the person that he really is the pitiful man deep down inside that needs people's love and attention to feed his ego he's so [ __ ] in the head that he always resorts back to his god complex at one point when he realizes that his life is pretty much over he's like oh suck your dick man red then squishes his head this is so epic alexa play cannibal corpse you gotta be pretty strong to do that but i'm pretty sure that if someone killed my wife i'd find the strength to squish their head too so so then red burns the place down we then get a glimpse into the past when red met mandy as he's driving away he imagines her in the passenger seat oh my god that's scary just look at that smile as red drives away the camera pans up to reveal a world that is unlike our own maybe it's supposed to be some bog of how his mind changed throughout the movie and then the movie ends there's no music at the end which i thought was kind of odd shouldn't there be metal although blackness and nothingness is the most metal thing there is so maybe that's why all in all this movie isn't perfect but i like it a lot it has a lot of character johan johansson did a great job with the composition i think the combination of the music the animation nicholas cage and all the cool color schemes all this stuff really helps separate this movie from other revenge stories like it it's definitely not a movie that i'll forget anytime soon and i'm looking forward to whatever madness panos has planned for us in the future i know i normally make videos on things that i think are bad so we can cringe at them and whatever but i legitimately like this movie and i think it's good to make videos on things that i actually like from time to time if there's a movie that you guys would like me to watch and maybe make a video on let me know in the comments below oh and if you want this amazing pillow uh i'll put a link in the description for where you can buy it thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 1,787,283
Rating: 4.9360933 out of 5
Keywords: Mandy, Mandy movie review, review, nicolas cage, nic cage, beyond the black rainbow, satire, elvis the alien, elvisthealien, movie
Id: bZdqAzeEgCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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