MandJTV wins a game in ONE TURN!?

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what's going on guys welcome back to another video I keep doing this I keep inviting people back to another video when it's obvious it's a video welcome back to another podcast today we are joined by M NJTV aka Michael the why very improperly pronounced your name last time I'm very sorry welcome you today it's fair everybody people think it's manned it's it's fair I'm very sorry you know yeah I have no excuse especially cuz like I hate when people forget my name because yeah it's just like a pet peeve because I feel like well my perspective is like how many how many wolf's are you gonna meet right but I'm always because of that because I'm sensitive to it I always try to like be sensitive to other people's names but I have very much failed so this video is my redemption video this video 100% name correct pronunciation but yeah welcome do you want to like introduce yourself I'm sure most of my viewers know who you are but just just a case there's anybody else yeah I suppose to properly introduce myself I have to say greetings pokefans michael here i make pokemon videos not much competitive content you know sometimes we'll talk about like this is a really good competitive pokemon hmm for these reasons like it has a good move and then mike that's it I don't really do any battling on camera uh-huh I was I think the the peak of my competitive interest was 2014 mm-hmm I got really into VGC then I even went to a regionals I didn't know that yeah I've went to Houston regionals blogged that it's still on the channel it has like it's like one of the least viewed videos is that vlog of that regionals we're gonna change that viewers go watch right now we're gonna make a most viewed video on channel yeah but it uh I did pretty well actually yeah I like I didn't make top cut or anything but I went like six and two in the swiss way that's so good and ended up like 24th out of like 250 people that's so good yeah cuz I had a rough start I like lost 1 lost and then won 5-straight that's really really good yeah but since then I haven't in into like competitive much at all I did a draft leak like later that are like the next year or something I hated it it's not for everybody yeah but I haven't I haven't been as into it since but with the gen8 obviously a new gens exciting but I also like that they got rid of Megas encima me to do me - ha that was it was it was just too much of a mess too much of a mess and so now I'm like kind of getting back into it cuz I'm like ooh plus like the accessibility is so much easier so much outer yeah I can make like I can get a shiny and make and competitively perfect if I want which is awesome yeah that's super cool so that that's part of the reason why I want to get back into it well and I've always preferred like for competitive doubles two singles rightly VGC cuz it just moves so much faster yeah there's no stall early and there's like more creative strategies that can be utilized right Pokemon that our Opie and singles end up not as Opie and doubles yeah they can be targeted dynamaxx is more balanced in doubles on drives so yeah I'd like really wanted to get back into BGC so this is a good step in that I would say 100% yeah you've also picked a really good year for it I currently I mean it's I haven't been to a tournament yet it's still very early on however I would say that this torn this format to me feels like number number one or number two of all time in the ten seasons that I've played the the only one in contention currently is 2012 which is like pre Megas pre moves pre Landorus tee and it was also you know yeah like I don't like when people are like everybody uses the same Pokemon but apart from that I'm still very happy that Landers has gone and it's in San Aurora as well actually and you know I'm now saying it out loud the last time my lot of my previous favorite form it was the format where it was the last time in like one seven eight years that intimidate didn't feel essential and now eight years later we finally come to another format where intimidate doesn't feel like as essential and I'm really enjoying it more so I wonder if that I wonder if that's a coincidence or if there's some kind of correlation okay like that's definitely part of the correlation right yeah because I guess maybe intimate fuels essential when the physical attackers are so strong that you need it just to prevent them from running were things like kangas mega Kangaskhan like landers t etc etc the really strong one so I don't know maybe I wonder I wonder if that's I wonder if that's not a coincidence but yeah dynamaxx is super fun in doubles I forgot to give an indie D the candy I just realized I always forget something but hopefully nobody's dying I'm actually in DD if you are I'm really sorry oh okay yeah I was that you're gonna be fine you're gonna be yeah I can fix me I want repost the code but anyway um this is the team that we're gonna be using today uh yeah I actually I didn't know they used to they used to arm compete I I missed that somehow so that's so it was just it was just one like tournament right but six and two for your first tournament is really good especially in 2014 where it was a really beautiful stay they had like what are they called premier challenges yeah like the like Friday and Saturday and I went to those two and did way worse did better over the course of each of the three days right like doing that well in the regionals like I was like pretty pleased with myself yeah you should be um do you live near like the Texas area I mean you don't achieve if you don't to say I'm stream that's why there's a regional thing up in Dallas yeah so well I've talked about it I don't mind I I did live in Houston for many years we actually moved to LA okay like just a few months ago actually I don't know how long we'll stay here but I don't think the Dallas regional is gonna work right okay I was if you weren't if you're a nearby that I was going to suggest it but that's fair yeah anyway cool without that was that out of the way let's go ahead and talk about the team we're using today so you obviously are a huge fan of phalanx right yeah it's one of my favorite of the Jenni Pokemon my number one favorite is mister octo-octo-octopus ultros for the storm going in the back it's like wow it's an amazing animation like it's a boy the best sorry I just I really want failing to succeed yes why I was like you should make a guide slash team for it yes you did and that's cool and here we are yeah so yeah so this is the team that we've built I'll just walk you through it really quickly first of all we have failing so that's who the team is built around this phalanx is trained in speed and HP with a psychic seed because it because of defiant you don't to worry about dropping your attack and because of the defense boost you actually become like super bulky after no retreat we've paired it with in DD with psychic surge the main premise here is that it's so hard to like it's really basically its near impossible to hit failing surrounded Dedes follow me and so you basically be a +1 in every stat right off the bat um plus with X with the exception of special defense where you get +2 thanks to the psychic seed so it just makes it incredibly incredibly bulky that's awesome so remind me uh wait which type does Cole Burberry that's dark type so we're a monumental ghost in DD is only weeks to dart week to darkened bug and so I think I had focus ash but it was never activating so I kind of felt like let's throw Nicole Burberry because like this indeed is relatively bulky and like there's not really excuse me very many bug Pokemon at the moment like there's definitely a couple that are good but for the most part there's like very little bug attacks in this in this um thing so we could have run like a berry like right health restoring berry as well but I figured better safe than sorry just in case we run into like a weird Tyranitar or like a you know just things are like hide Regan like with life forever choice specs let's just like throw in Cole Burberry so that like it might turn it to a KO into a three hit ko that was my thinking okay that make sense so follow-up question yeah I'm looking at the Eevee spreads over here why max special attack rather than investing more into like defense or special defense so I actually like offensive in DD a little bit because with psychic train although it is weaker now than it used to be which I learned recently um but with psychic train giving the power boost and like you could run more bulk but when I was running cow cuz I found like it kind of felt like I would say we could we could experiment with that we could definitely try a bulkier in DD but they're like there's a couple pokémon that failings doesn't hit very well and so having a Pokemon that can do more damage for example like Bray V area is really problematic for this team and so having a Pokemon that can do more like I think I'd rather have given in didi can always take at least one hit for the most part like and so it should take at least between like two and three hits depending um and because like we don't have a health restoring berry anyway I kind of figured like we can go offensive with it and just try that so that pokémon like Gyarados and brave iary who are really problematic for failing just like you can do more damage to them um but it could have gone with more bulk as well we just know this to be more offensive but yeah that's another thing we're like if we were testing this team and if indeed he kept getting knocked out before we wanted it to then we could that's like an adjustment that we we could make from there you know okay um but yeah moving on with like I mentioned the team is really has failing specifically as trouble with flying-type pokémon so we've added Tyranitar excadrill and Rotom all of which are pretty good against flying-type pokémon this team is for physical attackers with one special attacker the reason for that is that or start two special attackers within DD and Rotom the reason for that is that with phalanx is defiant you discourage intimidate which is the first thing and the second thing is that dynamaxx failings using close combat raises the attack stat so it can like buff Tyranitar xq0 or Gyarados in addition to itself and with Dynomax doubling your HP you become super bulky especially after your no retreat and psychic seed boost so you're just like very hard to remove and if you're Dyna maxed boosting your partner's attack on fast powerful Pokemon it's really scary for your opponent so okay yeah are you tracking so far do you have any questions uh I think I I think I so I mean I'm guessing the primary strategy is like you're gonna lead with phalanx and in DD exactly percent of the time mhm follow me no retreat and then just way no just Dynomax and try and kill things that's what I've been doing yeah okay and the so let's talk about the things that give that problems first is flying types like I mentioned which is part of the reason we have two Renat are with excadrill we have Rotom just because phalanx like it doesn't hit flying types that hard and it takes a lot of damage from flying to have attacks and the other is tricker um teams especially like psychic type trick room centers um Fairey as well like but mostly psychic because that's why we have iron head did the fairies but for example how iranian DD is really hard for families because once they get rid of a DD it's like camaron and Gd then um they just start like they can just really do too much damage to phalanx which is why I paired it with Tyranitar who is obviously like super bulky and super effective on psychic types and yeah excadrill who also looks like a super effective one fairy and resist psychic type attacks so that's part of the reason to run at our excuse over added like they're solid on their own like just in general there's three you can bring them up front to pressure things you can bring them in the back to pressure things and yeah they're just like overall solid against flying and tricker of pokemon okay that makes sense so i would say so like if we do run into an indeed hey Doreen yeah lead team which is very common right now how did would you still go with the failing sandy delete or no you just be like that that's kind of a weird situation where I might consider bringing a phalanx in the back um against you and probably you would probably want to lead to Renat are just so you could fire off attacks and so like if you want to be safe you could lead like Tyranitar and ngd and just like focus on like a owing their and DD turn one and then from there you can try and stall out the trick room with like Dynomax and you have follow me on your own in DD which makes it getting rid of it difficult and like you have a couple tricks up your sleeve the other option is that you can lead to ran into our excadrill and just double rock slide and flinch them which is my personal favorite but i feel i feel bad when i recommend other people do that just because like it's not consistent you know yeah but yeah Tyranitar up front is pretty good and the thing is though you can all you and this is the one this is one of the situations where like you could bring it you can bring your own failings in the back so that like once you stole that truck room then you could set up phalanx late-game which is not normally something we want to do but against trigger cubes you might be able to do it like once you get rid of the the psychic and fairy types um so that leaky and families can still be good okay cool that makes sense to me and then the very last pokemon who we well there's Gyarados who is just here because um the typing is nice um I wanted it I can it pairs really well with turned into our next goood role it doesn't it doesn't add like that much on its own but it also if it pairs very well than de because follow me and then like dragon dance into launching like helping hand attacks is really threatening um especially with Dynomax Gyarados and also and it is nice because Tyranitar especially bulky failings obviously has more special book than physical bulk because of the psychic seed boost and yeah just like making feelings like stick around longer and also benefiting from max fighting it's not like a super complex pic here but it just kind of made a lot of sense in my mind and then I noticed that we were pretty weak to core overnight so I had Rotom heat oops just cuz bro time he can do like it's really good against Korver night and it's really disruptive with trick and overheat and stuff so yeah vert time is here to hit like it's also good against water types because we don't have any super effective moves at water types except for Gyarados and Rotom Garrity's is also here for rain because it Gyarados and DD is actually pretty good against rain so yeah cool yeah does all that make sense I know you kind of threw a lot at you really quickly no I I think I understand yeah yeah like it's I feel like to me it makes a lot of sense but also I've been yeah I've already played with it a fair bit so yeah definitely not a perfect team but I think I think it's pretty good especially for a Pokemon like failing to hasn't really had the chance like there hasn't really been any failings teams that I've seen you know yeah I think it'll be good to like see it like in action right because then I can see the decisions like okay this pokemon here and so forth you know what I mean yeah exactly exactly I do not just like what do I do aside from like the if the default strategy doesn't work right that's and that's really that's kind of the challenge of I feel like that's like that's like learning how to play that is a large part of like how to improve at VGC you know like things like okay I haven't main strategy what happens when that doesn't work oh this person's really high rank so this should be interesting to top 100 in the world so this is what we were talking about this trick room that's trick room so yeah their center is orang guru they have follow me and they have Jesus is scary they have follow me on Toby cos they faked out with hitmontop who they're probably not gonna bring and they have Butterfree which is also annoying so why why do you think they're not gonna bring him on top I think because we haven't DD and psychic terrain blocks fake out that they probably won't bring it I expect snow or or guru and either togekiss or Butterfree and then the back I expect rhyperior and Snorlax okay so I think they're probably gonna lead Butterfree to try and put us to sleep so I think for the first game maybe we always play get stricter teams it's really frustrating cuz like it's not the best away from you know yeah that rapier is gonna be really really annoying in my opinion um so I think for this first one maybe what we should do is we almost feel like we should lead to her an ATAR and we should definitely lead to run at our right and I think if they lead Butterfree um I'm trying to think the trigger was hard because you think a couple turns ahead we're definitely gonna bring Gyarados we're definitely gonna leave Rotom sorry I just think about what we want to bring teat our let's do tower at a time T tar and DD Gyarados and failings I think in the back is that good yeah we do we actually want failings here because we want to try and win in the end sorry I know that didn't make a lot of sense basically this team is really annoying because it requires a super specific game plan so the way that you beat trim teams in the early meta game is you just you have to like you basically just have to stall them out that's the that's our main game plan here we're just trying to stall out this trick room team so that so that once trick room ends we can like overpower them okay that's not what I expected well that's half of what you expected yeah that yeah that is half of what I expected so what are your thoughts you're seeing this so I a ringer is of course going for trick room I'm not honestly that familiar with what Snorlax does it mainly belly drums or curses it's mostly a setup Pokemon at the moment okay so then it's probably trigger and Plus setup exactly should we like try and kill the thing before it yeah so we I think I think helping a superpower will prolly chaos Snorlax um and I do the thing is I don't think crunch will KO because well actually Dynomax helping hand crunch Mike K lauren guru I'm thinking or you were probably has the dark berry if that makes sense and I don't me yeah that would make sense or it could be focused at yeah so would you rather try and take it orang guru knowing it probably a something for Tyranitar or would you rather go after Snorlax so if you--if we go after her anger you think we can prevent it from trick rooming I'm not sure if we can that's I don't know Mike Alex here that's the problem like I think there's a chance but if we get it wrong we would be in trouble immediately so then I should probably just try and kill the store line that's kind of what I'm thinking as well because it's actually like and we're using help against super power to do that um they also get you something weird like a lie switch which would be kind of bad but yeah also if it has of Satch the sand will break at this turn exactly okay so they don't protect I think this will kill goodbye and Snorlax yeah let's go yeah so those small eggs are the big threat and if we let that thing like if we guessed we guru have like focus ash for example and it's set trick room um we would probably just lose right away like honestly because plus six and relax with instructor and guru be like game over most likely or if it had cobra berry and it survived that would be really bad yeah I don't think you can instruct max moves now that I think about it huh that is a good question I have no idea I'm gonna bet that you can so they're probably I went to rhyperior here that's their other trick room sweeper they could go hitmontop excuse me I'm on top but it's not very good so I think they have to go right carrier so thinking that if they go right peer here what would you like to you here oats gonna be honest I have no idea what's going on I have no idea today even the pros sometimes don't even know it because Tirana tours rockslide is our best move here and hits both so we even Alice which won't help them and it okö his butter for even after an attack drop oh well then is there a reason not to click it I don't like the exam should you like rockslide follow me so if it tries to put the thing is it is indeed he's actually slower so we could even rockslide psychic just in case it's focus ash mmm well I also the sand also the same yeah well we don't want to but if we if we use psychic beforehand or if the Dynomax then even if they are like if we care about our free before can sleep powder then we won't go to sleep you think we're not gonna die to a Giga Drain or something no definitely yeah we're not in range of getting okay and genie might die to bug buzz but like really say even thing wait some rockslide psychic you think yeah or we good yeah if that sounds good to you that sounds fine because order is mostly supportive Pokemon so I'm not that worried about what its gonna do on its own oh you just my battle in one turned so here's what I think happened because that that person was top 100 in the world I think their strategy there was they're like ok or endure aha symbiosis so it can pass it's very to Snorlax Snorlax just while I gotta go for belly drum maybe get past a berry immediately and then they're like we were just gonna wheat that I think their strategy was use instruct with Snorlax and then like to KO everything and trick room and then after that happens either at some point if trick room goes down or if they need to go into butter free to use like sleep powder and rage powder to protect Snorlax even more okay but you chaos Snorlax turn one so they only had support they probably had Togekiss in the back for a nut or hitmontop probably Togekiss for another follow me just so you could never hit Snorlax however you just ko to turn one that's awesome I'm glad we decided to target it then yeah so I don't know what our guru is doing but I have that's my first one turn forfeit so thank you that's we might actually I say we play another trick room team we might do three battles this episode just so we can use phalanx or just you status regardless cuz that's the whole piano way we gotta use faith we have to use families video yeah would be crazy if we didn't use family's in the family's video please no trick room please no dome placed out your crane please for 30 again please please please please that doesn't look like trick to me yeah yeah they do kinda night cream sir although prince i've liked every Grint snarl I have fought that's what we like to hear today's they've only done like a total of like 15 battles but still your Luck's about to change so what are your thoughts looking at this what do you who do you think we need to for this game um let's see I mean I feel like the failings in DD y isn't like eliminated here so I don't listen let's do it just because like they have intimidate on their team in Dedes actually like the only real problem what that is is korver night and we can find ways around that yeah um I think I mean there's like the rest of our Pokemon are like good against like one yeah like just one well ok Tyranitar is good against both drago Pulte and arcanine uh-huh and it's actually gonna bow to snore like grim snarling well because it is a weakness policy so I couldn't grasp your own kind of as well for that reason okay so probably Tyranitar huh and then uh and then we're gaster done really screws this up so I feel like we have to bring Gyarados so I I think Garris is like good but I think we need Rotom because we can kind of overpower Gyarados or we can overpower we can overpower dashing on but we cannot overpower korbinite in the same way once it becomes too bulky okay still seconds we can drop would you want to bring turn it or you want to Garrity's for Gaston tyrannosaurs good against Moore yeah let's do Carender so I did it yeah go ahead ideally the failings just kills everything that's the goal core right the one thing that makes that a little tricky but that's still the goal nonetheless ideally lead Arcanine actually because that because I've been defiant we would get the intimidate boost right away and we'd be like +1 attack +1 special events just start the battle which would be really good please let this person not know what failings does that's fine that's what they need for us that's actually fine there's not worried about it well psychic turns off fake out I was thinking of like a play rough from grim snarl yeah but we can weaken for a paralysis no we no psychic psychic tureen that's exactly exactly okay that he's probably reflect I I haven't seen failings in game and I love it let's soak you're like an indie see oh yeah it's great so what do you think I know I mean no retreat follow heck yeah right yeah yeah I'm thinking if we can use something other than follow me for like we could we could psychic the dragon pool but follow me is so much safer than I think we should just go for it I totally yeah actually the ideal situation here is if I don't think they would but if if thinking thinking if dices they forget that psychic terrain stops Thunder way right so they go for fake out and then the Dynomax Drago pole use max dragon lore attack and then double our attack because we know they're not gonna do that are they it's in the Beast ball I think that means it's dragon fold I feel like you get Drago pulling the Beast ball you know okay so we're immune to max ghost and Max dragon were is really good for us so and they've already started the Dynomax and indeed he's kind of just here to die anyway so this could be good for us this could be really good for us let's see if they go for a screen or something reflector right that's fine okay great I saw that coming yeah dragon dragon dragon oh that's not good oh we didn't actually take that much damage though so yeah but we do have to watch out for dragon pool now because that thing is definitely definitely scary no retrieves your retreating so I guess it's fly okay so now we're it now we're strong but we cannot switch right so do Edina Mattox I think we do Dynomax so the question is so it looks like a DV can live another to another hit from mom they're going to use both attacks to take out in DD here so do you think we should go for the super effective max steel spike into crimson all and raise our defense ah that makes sense to me yeah yeah thanks knuckle would raise our attack but it's only gonna be like neutral it's yeah neutral and it's actually weaker like it's a good bit weaker because it's dynamics fighting alright and fighting has a smaller cap yeah yeah exactly and let's just follow me again we don't need to we really don't wanna take fly here max fly the good thing is that because we know that on because we know that dragon poses fly as its flying type attack if we can get through if we can get through Dynomax there Dynomax then we don't actually have to worry anymore about about fly because we can always just protect on the fly you know what I'm saying yeah cuz tutor that's it but thank you for explaining that cuz I didn't actually know what flying move and right on I think its eyes I'm like 90% sure that it's fly okay this switch this could be the gastrin or Carbonite I think that's I don't know that is korbinite alright so that's not ideal for us but they they have already used their Dynomax which is good um because that's what makes that's what we that also means that we're plugging to survive this turn as well I just realized because or they or they're gonna go for max dragon and give us an attack boost which would be very good given we just got a defense boost look at them oh that's so good I know that's so good okay we fed on the Dianetics candy thank you 17 tests follow me yeah they're kind of the kind of not in a great spot here frankly I'll even use Mac's dragon or mechs flying all right we're living I think okay that's that's gotta be a crit or like we just statistic it was I think it was just like a higher role but still that's it we had 89 that's crazy what I actually I'm actually in disbelief all right that's right can't win wall okay huh still failing this is very bulky right now with +2 defense yeah so I think we need to get rid of this dragon bolt that's kinda what I'm feeling right now I I would agreed then so I think we go T tar and once you we can always use vert on to beat to be Corvin a today yeah I keep reading about reflect reflect is super annoying it is annoying yeah grim snarl ruins everything always yeah I don't like cream style so what do you think we should do here because we can attack with aliens we can protect with phalanx to stall out there laughs turn of Dynomax oh that's something I feel like should be considered I kind of feel like we should do that personally yeah stall out the last turn of Dynomax and then just crunch via the drag of pole I feel like that's a pretty good move personally cuz they're gonna leave it Ironhead no 100% we live in Ironhead yeah we live in iron head out speed I don't know the speeds here because they soak overnight we'll both of them a lot of speed because of the speed boost from from max flying oh right that core van Dijk got that left exactly but I think even still our train if it was not fast so I think it would survive anyway max air stream good that was a good protect they might even double losses Jewish here I don't think it's like oh okay that's not great god Korver night I really hate Korver night it's so annoying it's cool though it's super cool but it's so annoying I hope it's not weakness palsy oh it's a weakness palsy all right we just ballsy Dragon Ball okay we have to get rid of that thing if we can get rid of that thing we're gonna be fine so let's say they are plus two we are plus two we're really not really drag opposed to not that threatening to us right now it's really the core of a night okay we'll look at what do you think we should do here I think man that's hard to say guess I'm a cycling the core of a knight will like give us a nice attack boost yeah um max steel spike it won't kill any like if the problem yeah well kill anything I feel like we have to max knuckle the core of a knight I agree and then just go for the KO in the dragon pool because now that it's not Dynomax people okay oh oh right yeah I think that makes the most sense I feel like they might over fly here actually but that's okay Oh what oh that's actually so sick but that's so bad for us I didn't know what got acrobatics I did not know that either okay well we didn't take that much damage oh my god okay we're still actually we're actually still okay as long as yeah well actually cuz we'll still live a brave bird even in this turn okay all right we have to be careful what we're still doing okay somehow because we get this a hundred percent this thing is gone yeah this thing is gone and the thing is we can ko korver night with Rotom so we just have to find a way to like basically if Alex and K or whatever they send in which I think it can most likely what reflection reflect is still up yeah but failings is the fastest pokemon on the field by far and it's not crazy good stats right now - got +2 attack +2 defense +2 special defense +1 speed so it's very very good and the core Burnet only +1 okay crimson rose back on the field and we're back to being babby form so I'm kind of feeling like let's check the field really quick they still yeah they still a couple turns left of being annoying I'm kind of feeling we should protect and go into Rotom here to try and deal with the core of a night that makes sense to me yeah because we don't want to u-turn it or really with the defense boost it like can't do that much because they can't thunder wave this turn cuz psychic turns still up right exactly exactly even next turn isn't like thunder wave probably isn't its best option just because like um because then like families could just attack so next turn we're gonna have plus two iron head which I don't think will ko grim snow through reflect I'm pretty sure it won't however well yeah we can put in a lot of like a lot of pressure yeah cuz reflect he's just gonna set it up again at the started they probably have like clay unfortunately but if we do enough damage here we could probably can still win yes okay no no your family right no you're right you're right but if it has like plant won't show us until the next turn then I will say so right now it's not gonna define next one I was like three out of eight so that way doesn't reveal the item right away which I actually agree with but yeah it's a little annoying god that reflect is really good for them cuz it just slowed us down a lot yeah hard to deal with see brave bird alright so they actually attacked which is good because we didn't want them to set light screen that turn spear break oh yes let's go now I'm trying to think so what we need to do here is we need to flinch them with iron head oh oh that's so good they are they have leftovers that means they don't have like oh yeah I mean he's gonna prankster reflect just at the start of this but that's really good that's still very good for us because if you prankster reflects then we get we get to iron heads off because we recover korver night with Rotom if that makes sense so that we've kind of got them in a pin situation so how do we cover Corvin a so if we are hidden - grim snarl and they don't use reflect then they'll get Kayode and if they do use reflect then they didn't they didn't kos this turn and if Rotom overheats into korver night it dies it dies okay so I think what just speed order here a prankster failing Stern Rotom then korbinite then grim snarl okay because we're Thomas toy store that's the area I'm lacking in the Mo's right knowing like what out speeds wide right so I think would you just overheat it might be bad for us if something goes wrong this turn but I feel like if they go for light screen they might survive volts which they would definitely survive voltage I think we have to overheat if that makes sense okay that makes sense yeah let's do it alright so I'm curious what they do probably the worst case they're just going for there's going for orangy oh no they've used the best move of the game blood bags Florida okay let's go we connect overheat which is really good this is also very good for us because that means that Rotom nobody died this turn on our side so that means that Rotom can switch out and come back in again Oh get it special attack back exactly in switch moves even better I'm shocked we connected that I'm also shocked that didn't kale grande snarl is a bulky boy yeah I mean uh also our failings is um is not that fast there's not that strong we put an all in bulk which is why we're still alive are the yeah that's true by the way did you notice so fanox took damage from sand before grim snarl which means that Felix will attack before grim snarl which is super helpful to know Oh even after the paralysis oh right so now we know sure that kind of stuff jeez so now we know that we see it we've actually seen three of grim snarls four moves um which is really good because that means so we saw spirit break thunder wave reflects we can assume light screen that means that grants no can't protect itself right so if we iron head into grim snarl it should just go down okay and I think we should actually switch to Tyranitar here so that we can come back in and trick the trick the gastrin on to make sure we can beat it in like a one-on-one oh that's smart does that make sense yeah it does because if we should worry mmm good alright are you not worried about it I got scald into that slide turns are so bulky that like if we the worst case would be scald and we get burned but like staying in and overheating isn't gonna do anything for us if we can trick the look the gastro man we make sure it can't recover so okay yeah also and if we if we just don't get paralyzes turn which you know knock on wood if we don't get paralyze this turn I think we should win reflect all right that's fine muddy water and actually the worst one for us we should move next yep okay that's good we're in really good shape thanks to failings yeah let's see if they go for scald okay this goal but that also means that oh nevermind it it means that uh they targeted the threat huh so Sansom siding is not amazing for us however I think we're okay rotom's are the last mon and this is it would have been better if we still have to stand up but it's okay because we're gonna make sure that because like let's say gosh your own ahead recover it might be able to be in us here like a burns to rennet are they could probably beat us so question yeah does this thing not lock itself into skulls so tricking a choice item onto it is really bad so it probably will lock itself into scald which is not amazing for us however if we don't trick it and it has recovered then we'll we will definitely lose her like let's say it has fit like a berry right okay so I think we should we have to trick it regardless because then like it can only target one of us at a time and it's probably gonna start out targeting Tyranitar okay and we can also use this turn to trick and protect install a turn of reflect Oh true so that's that's kind of what I'm thinking okay if they go up to Rotom that would've been bad but um yeah thankfully there's no Z moves anymore so like now everything could be tricked which is like just nice to just nice yeah very chair let's do the head choice scarf we got the wiki berry okay so that that would have healed them a ton like that would have healed them fit like the 33% when they got low enough so we just basically did 33% of their damage awesome you know the other cool thing we can do here is know at some point we can trick our own terrain I try to pass it recovery with that Mary Oh what that's cool right yeah so right now we probably have no I mean we pretty much have no choices that we attack with all our Pokemon right there strongest moves right so that's what I'm gonna do we still could lose this we definitely could lose this but I think we're okay because of the weakness policy and now that oh yeah we're definitely okay I did so much damage like given that was a resisted attack yeah and if they actually they don't burn here we should win 100% the time odds not good I think I mean it didn't burn I figured the order there's a lot of damage that's called it a ton of damage yeah we're in the clear you reflect very nice - oh yeah that's exciting yeah um I'm proud of I'm proud of failings Salas was actually he was good right like he took think about it he took +2 acrobatics and plus one brave bird yeah that bulk is serious yeah oh we got some acarbose oh let's go let's go um well yeah that's that's the team and that's the those are the games um I have a public so anyone who wants to yourself included Michael can can use it I thought it's actually a super fun team like there's a lot of stuff going on and like I'm sure to still be improved just cuz you know most most teams early this early on like faced have some weak points of stuff but overall I feel like it's a really it's a really fun team and there's a lot of cool stuff going on with it and felt likes is just very fun to use you know yeah I agree I think I know like the best strategy in this situation is cuz now that you've publicized this team right how you win on the online ladder is building a complete and utter counter team exactly exactly what does Wolfie do do the opposite yeah I feel kind of bad cuz I've published like a new team for the last three days and I haven't another one tomorrow I might share that's honestly good yes then it's like not just all the same thing right because I remember I had the Draco vish team out like it was just Draco fish everywhere like oh my gosh it really was so I'm glad that I've been you know stay away from using drink of its just give people some relief you know yeah cool so that's pretty much everything I just want to say thank you to Eddie 17 cats Billy and Dylan for helping get the Pokemon and game that was a huge help like I've been using a ton of different teams and I couldn't do it without the help of my friends so thank you to those guys and Michael thank you so much for being on this was I had a ton of fun and that honestly thank you for thank you for the suggestion just cuz like I ended up really loving this team and I don't know like I really enjoyed using families and that like I wouldn't used it without your input so oh cool yeah I'm glad to have had a positive contribution I had a heck of a lot of fun I also definitely like learned a lot in just those like short - battles which is great so thank you for having me yeah you were welcome yeah anytime we I kind of wanna I've done like a lot of kind of these style of videos where I take an team and I introduce people to it and I kind of like I kind of want to do like I'm thinking about doing a series we're like I have like a follow up and we so we can see like the growth of people over time if my guests are interested in coming back so I'd be I'd be definitely interested in something like that yeah cuz like I feel like all so we could actually it could be cool I'm just talking a lot I didn't really think about this in advance but like that's my style so but yeah like it's like if you were to go and like take this team and like go ahead and mess around with it yourself and then come back to me and be like hey these are the weak points that we can go and like and prove it and then play some more games and I know like I kind of had more of a I felt like I was like we were both we were both driving this team but I know there were times where I was kind of like hey here's what we should do and here's why right I feel like if we if we were to have like a follow up or you know another episode of this once you had some time to use it yourself then we could like everybody cool to see you're like you're making those decisions as well and maybe seeing things that I would miss so yeah that just kind of balling so yeah maybe yeah that sounds that sounds fun I'd be down awesome um cool so again thank you for being on and really appreciate it guys go check out Michael links em njtv links description and I'll pin it as a comment as well and yeah thank you all for watching and I will see you next time go check out Michael's channel go watch Houston regional vlog 2014 most viewed video on youtube we can do it alright cool alright thanks guys see you later and good bye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 328,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, m&j tv, mandjtv, m and j tv, michael pokemon, falinks, falinks team, falinks rental team, how to win with falinks, wolfeyglick falinks, wolfeyglick MandJtv, wolfe glick mandjtv, wolfeyvgc mandjtv, mandjtv pokemon, mandjtv vgc, mandjtv competitive pokemon, mandjtv battles, vgc20, vgc 2020, vgc2020
Id: r0jc3X0A-hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 2sec (2462 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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