Playoffs Begins! WBE Top 8 VS Kaycreigh

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hello wbe playoffs top eight um here's the deal basically we've played 10 weeks of the wbe regular season i actually finished six and four i think wait let me check i think i actually went six and four which is like not phenomenal i'm not gonna lie to you guys like i mean for like for someone who has won this three times i went seven three okay seven three is okay it's not it's still seven three is like definitely a little bit underperforming um those of you who watched week to week are aware that um i definitely was struggling a little bit towards the middle of the season towards the end um had some sloppy play had really overall not phenomenal prep now we're in playoffs mode now so there's no more room for error uh it's top eight and a single loss would mean the end of the season unfortunately our first opponent is actually very strong we're playing against kcra uh we did end up beating her in the regular season but i was doing some research and her like run is kind of crazy so she's also seven and three but she's the fourth seed however every game or every time she lost three the three sets that she lost were round one which like i always kind of don't really like like to read too much into a random loss because people are still getting comfortable and figuring out their teams and then we played and i super cheesed her and then it was like the second to last week and she brought a meme team and every one of those losses was a one-two loss meaning she still was able to take a game even when she lost additionally her team is kind of nuts um she has a really scary team it's very top-heavy in my opinion um it's very top-heavy but it's just because the top is i think i've said this before but the top is insane her taught her first four pokemon or venus or gigantomex for me dust clubs neenah tails and tyranitar additionally she has two pokemon or equity in the confe that are extremely problematic for my team um i could see her not bringing toronto but i think the other five are almost certainly coming and iraq would eat and comfy are actually like one years or nine tells tyranitar dust clubs are just a super scary combination of pokemon um and iraq wouldn't comfy are two pokemon that are really difficult for my team to deal with so the reason for that is we'll take a look at the team that i'm bringing here um the reason for that is that um wait where's my team oh i didn't put in the box yet um i'm good good job uh the reason for that is that my team is primarily physical attackers which is unfortunate um a lot of people have been abusing this by running iron defense body press stuff which is forcing me to be a little bit more creative um in the final matches so right that's why rackmount is hard and then confey is just a really hard counter both to dracovish and to scrafty we're we're also using a little bit or another strategy this week normally and almost every week i have brought uh masharna and a scavalier i think it's been like very very i don't even know if i've not brought bashar even a single time um because i really have been liking the way that masharna plays but this week we're leaving both masharna and scavalier um they're pretty easy to counter and so in playoffs like i'm not going to be relying on them as much and like although a scavenger is strong she has dust clops and if that runs lowest then like i can't remove it quickly enough with this cavalier and like a lot of my pokemon don't like fighting and tricker i'm like yes a scavalior likes fighting in trick room but everything else on my team like the exception of scrafty unless i want to run like iron baldragovich again is not phenomenal in trick room so um yeah so we've got an interesting team here we're going to be relying a lot uh driftlim um i mentioned that cakery has venusaur which is a really scary pokemon so we're actually going to be using an item that i've never used before which is um flare blues for an ability that i've never used before which is flare boost flame warp drift blend um ordinarily something like weakness policy plus unburdened would be much stronger you could find a way to activate it yourself and then kind of take off with driftwood from there however um flame orbs are the the benefit so for those of you who don't know uh um flare boost powers official attacks in the pokemon is burned by 1.5 times it's not an incredible boost because driftwood is actually pretty weak overall however it's still worth noting that like because you're able to be to burn yourself with the strategy you're not worried about sleep powder so venusaur which like driftwood should be a venus or counter but it becomes messy when they can just sleep out of you they can't sleep powder you if you're burned so that's the idea there um in terms of the moves protect to get the first turn baron shadowball gust and weatherball jeriflum doesn't really have great moves to use in this last slot like it could have been baton pass it could have been minimize or strength set but her team is primarily special or at least a spoken word or special weather ball gives me some options against venus slightly stronger against venusaur rather than the max gust in the sun um and also lets me use rain dance with my scarf jolteon which we'll talk about next so um that's the wrong way jolteon scarf jolteon is one of the few pokemon that can actually out speed venusaur's sun it's got just enough speed to outspeed venusaur and sun volts which maybe should have been quick feet i don't think it really matters i'm gonna be fast enough anyway uh volt which weather will thunderbolt rain dance now i actually was going to run pin missile on this thing i decided not to it might be a mistake but i think raindance is going to do more good for me in the long run um we'll just have to figure out how things kind of play out here um i could actually see myself maxing it in certain situations however overall it's not going to be the right play i think um but yeah basically this thing uh is one of the few pokemon that's used venusaur and that gives me options um in sun obviously i have the option of hitting it with weatherball um uh it's a little risky to be running like weatherball is not a super consistent move on my team um is the thing because i don't have any way of setting the weather except for jolteon so uh i don't really think weather ball is gonna be phenomenal here however it is worth noting that it can use it um in certain situations like against venus or sonic and out of speed and weather wallet and if they don't dynamics it will do a ton of damage um so there's that and like i i could max like i couldn't max drink of a shark and then get the weather that way i don't plan on doing it but it is an option um what else do we need to talk about here um i think the other one who what makes us talk about next drift lim um jolteon um drakovic should dragofish does very well against a couple of caves pokemon oh we need to bring jolteon because the iraq win it otherwise like if she brings iron defense iraq with it again which like i don't honestly expect her to because she brought it last time but it is worth noting that that thing should like just demolish my team and i i don't know like i could also run haze driftling but yeah i'm adding jolteon just because it's like a good pokemon that like gives me flexibility allows me to out speed pokemon on her team because everything on my team is the same speed this week all four of these pokemon are the same speed uh drakovich uh riley boom arcanine and driflim are all approximately the same speed stack jolteon's a little faster or like a lot faster and then scrappy is just a little bit slower so um yeah so we need to bring ulti on because it's one of the best and it's one of the only answers i have for a racquet it has to come and also means that if i see iraq when in preview which i expect it pretty much has to come game one and then from there we'll figure it out um lumber drakovic so we're paying a lot of respect to venusaur and also so willowis so uh lumbery drakovich uh this is a standard i think set for a drinker which isn't running a choice item protect fishes run substitute psychic fangs you're pretty much you're only using fishes rand even in the sun psychic fans are here um pretty much exclusively to deal with the venusaur and sun so you actually have a move to hit it fishers around is still gonna chunk um uh ninetails in the sun this is a really good pokemon it's a little bit tricky to figure out how to maneuver it just because like um is it scrappy or can i game one or is it her team is actually so annoying um yeah uh but yeah basically lumberjack if i had a perfect world i'd be able to get this thing a speed boost with driftwood that would be really good okay i dropped okay i dropped low sleep for snarl scratchy's really good support pokemon here i'm really worried about this tyranitar i'm not bringing this cavalier which makes me nervous um uh it's definitely a scary pokemon like tyranitar that is and gravity is actually not bad here assurance actually does big damage to a lot of their pokemon like after i draw like i can hit that with another move first so although scratchy normally lacks offensive pressure um this one actually should be able to do okay i expect it's gonna be burned and just do nothing as the truth but like i still can i still need it as a schreiner check arcanine good good pokemon against your team this is kind of like a this is a fifth pokemon i think um it's a good pokemon against a lot of the pokemon on her team um and yeah i don't have too much to say about it beyond that it's just like a solid safety goggle support pokemon it helps me with windows or street feed's really nice i am worried about speed and then last but not least we have this alternate mode if i win game one with driftwood i'm gonna consider doing driftworm really in game two this is really bad against uh nine tell us venus release so i don't love doing it however really was a decent pokemon against her team and i can gust myself and then activate my weakness policy uh and dyna and gigantic so um good luck she said have fun she did not say good luck okay all right all right we're going on 100 in that case oh okay she didn't know or maybe she knew it was trying maybe she wants to draw my full power but for those of you who don't know the pet peeve of mine when people say have fun but do not say good luck i'm sure kate doesn't mean it in any negative way um but yeah so we got into it here um i'm nervous uh but i've prepped a lot more for this than my last few games my confidence is a little shaken i don't love my team overall i feel like there's one if i had dropped scrafty for gloria and wheezing which is still in the pool my team would be actually insane um i hope she decided i don't know if the rules downloaded um but i didn't drop scrappy for gloria and we're using in time so i'm i'm my team is a little sub-optimal um thank you okay she has the rules downloaded um but i still think we can make it work i feel overall good about my prep her team just too many threats like that's a real thing here is i'm gonna have to be after like game one i have to win just by like playing well and after that i'm gonna have to make smart reads and smart calls about which pokemon i think she's gonna bring so we're gonna jump into it here good luck have fun to kailyn um and yeah let's let's see what you brought again i expect uh a racquet comfy nine tails one you sword dust club surrounded her i think i think those are her six best pokemon she can do some interesting stuff i didn't prepare for the other five pokemon at all so they definitely could catch me off guard like purloin salazal or definitely pokemon that like exist fungus could be annoying in certain situations my team isn't phenomenal against redirection but i do have both um i have like i've paid so much respect to status i'm not that worried about fungus um let's turn the pokemon maulay i think it's garbage and then cloister i might i don't know maybe it should be afraid of cloister but i'm not afraid of cloister personally um but i could be it could be scary the real thing is like do i bring arkanina game one and have a i think i have to bring guilty on drifting arkanine and one more and that's probably drakovich and just i don't know exactly what i do versus tyranitar okay she doesn't bring the oh no comfy oh no cafe oh my god no comfy in the chat there's literally no comfy in the chat that was like the thing i was the most worried about why is perrla in here maybe some kind of a techmon maybe with charm um okay driftling for sure yolteon for sure scrafty for sure and then i think it's drakovich um it's these three for sure scratchy drift blim i could leech crafty here scrap leading scratchy here actually gives me some nice options against a couple of her pokemon i think maybe it's gravity up front or jolting up front it's definitely driftling lead okay wait if i get rid of the what i have to do to win this if i get rid of the nine tails and the winner swore then i'm a little worried about when you start with this which is okay like it's okay to be worried um i'm no arkanine nor our guinea is really strong here though i think this is probably what i want to do though i'm gonna rely on driftblim and like she's gonna lead it's either nine tells a venous or lead or it's just dust glove stuff good luck have fun to kaelin let's see let's see if we can get some movement in it over here tutorials are really scary i'm worried about weakness policy stuff that's why i have scrafty i'm gonna be really careful with scrafty here it could have been drakovich lead as well anyway let's not rush this too much purloiny and nine tails e okay um interesting this to me like when i see a lead like this i think fake tears right right per line it gets fake out if it's fake tears what else can it do um quash is something that i can do it probably is focus hash um if i'm caitlin here i'm fake tears in something uh i'm just gonna i think in this position though i can just go for max airstream and vault switch both into the tails my goal in the long run here is to win with the real ship report program game one my goal in the long run is to win with my dracofish so i need to get rid of hills to do that it could also be max ninetales here it is max nine tails honestly that's the least one of the least scary max pokemon on her team except for the max flare threat um that's definitely something i'm worried about i think this is probably max quake and booster special defense um so yeah this could definitely go poorly however i do have drakovic still this purlin doesn't get it probably gets quash right encore no quash oh no posh okay wait that's interesting okay drip flim's gonna dynamics here i don't think i'll go down to uh max flare at minus 2 even and i think she probably expects dynamics jolteon here i don't think dynamic strickland makes a ton of sense from her perspective so at a part of the world she just fake tears into your theon i think fake out would be really bad i just don't i just really don't see her going for it truthfully because i i might just dynamic cheltenham if she fakeouts me then i'm in trouble thunder wave actually comes out okay that's interesting that's actually pretty awful um although okay wait a second i got a calc here i did about i didn't do very much damage there i did about 25 how much is dracovich doing to this thing drakovic from my custom set fisher's friend doubled versus nine tails and sun fishes ran against that's mex geyser i don't want that and sun uh at one shot okay cool so i think what i can actually do here is as long as i don't get paralyzed i can go into dragofish um and click fishes rendered to nine tails next turn assuming i don't get paralyzed because i will one shot at this should be max quake max darkness actually she doubles ripley interesting okay oh i can't get flare blue i can't get flare boost up that's not good that's actually super bad okay she really wants driftman gone which is interesting don't get paralyzed light forward okay okay airstream here is huge in my opinion airstream here is really big um because now my drakovic is actually able to out speed the nine tails okay but that was a really bad thunder wave turn one um thunderbird can miss is the thing whatever moves this purling you got it it doesn't get it could get charm right it doesn't get charm okay that's definitely something i need to be aware of um the question is is she gonna thunder with me or is she gonna charm me jerkly taking this much damage is really bad for me i'm gonna take a second just to slow play this turn i think i could play defensive with driflim although like since it's paralyzed like it's not that valuable for me anymore is the thing so i'm gonna strain an air string here i'm plus one speed which means i have to be the nine tails um i really prefer to see thunder wave than anything else here she's probably expecting choice band and choice band would probably still one shot here let's see this should be charm yeah charm thunder wave is really hard for me to be ah just barely not enough yeah and that's standard blimp okay i can still win this though um 100 although how am i gonna beat the venusaur now oh i have jolteon okay wait this isn't over by any means um this is not over okay yeah i can absolutely still win this okay that was a really bad start though good prep decay i'm gonna go vol jolting on here and i'm gonna switch out and full switch um that actually gives me a lot of momentum because i can go over fake out plus substitute potentially into this purlin um she doesn't know i'm scarf yet either so i'm gonna vote switch and switch i gotta get a sub up in front of this purlin i think voltage plus six which is probably my best bet here like with ninetales potentially going down here purloin is annoying what the heck okay i need to make sure i win this game this game wants to be super important um as long as i have drakovic and jolteon i should be able to still clean this up i think uh even though the trades aren't super my favorite because she brought proline which is like an amazing support pokemon um i did get my speed boost which is annoying but like you can't win them all and we're not we can't win any of them realistically thunder wave comes out it doesn't affect me because of my prankster and we're going to hit nintendo's the volt switch which will k out so it's a three versus three and both of us lost our dynomax um her pokemon are stronger than mine i will definitely say that i think our pokemon are 100 stronger than mine however i have a couple tricks left up my sleeve and i have a full hp drakovich scrappy's a little out of position like i don't love scrafty being at a position like this however um this purlin looks pretty bad against jolteon so if we consider that and we consider i do have figure pressure this turn thunder with charm what are the other moves does the player off does it have helping hands what else does it have we don't know where we know what there's life for about nine tails which is interesting well you know there's probably a light and dust club so venusaur comes in okay this is one of the pokemon i'm most worried about of the remaining pokemon um this thing does not have life orb so i can go for a fat substitute here i think and fake out the perline um that should put me in a pretty nice position especially if i can just get the venusaur to play defensive um i don't know where the focus ash is either also stalling sound is good but only if we get rid of the venusaur because otherwise i can't use weather ball yeah i'm more worried about gigantic venusaur than i am about dynamics nine tails truthfully i would really like it if she played defensive here i think in her position you're pretty incentivized to play defensively truthfully okay okay that's a really good turn and purling does not use protect which means it may not even have protect um so if i want like i think i can actually just oh that went so well okay it's using a prank to remove most likely charm uh draco's just a sub up that's that's a really good turn for us i can go for psychic fangs plus assurance here hang on let me run a coke because i need to know drakovic versus venusaur psychic fangs is a pretty good chance to one shot um [Music] so i can either assurance here are either assurance here um and make sure i honestly i think close combat might be better but like no i should probably i should probably assurance i think this way even if something like a racquet is which is in like like shirts around here and switching to this but then i just get to click the fishy button she might have play rough on this perlin but it's such a weak move like i'm really not sure and perlin is not a great one either thunderbird comes out uh unfortunately she does not remember or she realistically she just doesn't know she doesn't have anything better against uh dracovish so okay i should go if i don't go up a pokemon this turn i'm gonna throw up psychic thanks coming out here i'm now super bulky venusaur what scrappy actually does something oh my god super bowl people soar that's that's that's super bulky venusaur sun's gone okay fish's red is now back on the table it's back it's time to rent super bowl convenience store oh my god when you saw i wish crafty protectively had to record it okay so with that in mind i have yolteon in the back and i have draco wish on the field so i think what i want to do right now is just try and get rid of this if i i have to go for close combat right and mike my endgame here is um what is it it might be wackenberry is the only thing it's okay i think this is still fine charm comes out into my drinkabish i don't think she has a move that can that can hit my scrap i think she's all support moves um yeah i don't love this this can do like nothing however close combat should if close combat doesn't get the k.o here i'm gonna throw up okay i get rid of purlin it's a three versus one but my drake vision is minus two attack and my scrap teeth minus one defense so let's see if she's iron defensing up again um because that will definitely be an interesting thing it is iron defense okay i'm glad i brought ulti on but like how am i gonna break this thing you know okay i need to figure out what her ability is first of all because that will tell me some interesting stuff about what i can and cannot do um i'm gonna fish this round again a minus two and i'm gonna snarl does it think of body press hang on before we do anything because depending on if it gets body press it does not get body pressed okay cool so i think snarl plus uh fidget spinner fisherman tells me what the ability is if it's if it's immune to water type attack which i don't think it will be yeah okay it's not immune okay a crit widow and even at minus two and plus two it's still doing like decent damage um let's see i need to get ulti on in twice it is special okay special especially special she hard reads a dracovish switch which is the right option i think um but it does not work i have to reveal skald here but that's totally fine oh it's leftovers okay if it's leftovers truthfully like i could probably take her at a time but like i just need to get her in in range of ulti on right how much is jolteon thunderbolt doing to this thing even if it's especially bulky jolteon my custom set versus araquinid because i think we can absolutely win this from here that's max lightning uh it's only doing 62 percent to max hp no special vocabulary so like i do need to be careful with this but i think i'll just snarl her twice more and then just fish just rent her down in fact i could take her to timer if i wanted most likely um because also if i crit her even once like i will win the game um but yeah i think that this should be pretty winnable like she can slow play me if she wants but yeah oh awkward yeah that's gonna be annoying i'm not gonna lie i might wanna take your timer um awkward iron defense scald probably protect if i had to guess um um don't want to take your timer not really truthfully i prefer not to i think fishes ran plus snarl here is probably my best bet i hope when i run out of pp again if i run a fishes run ppm and he's super mad i think one drink of his crit will end this um i don't need to crit to win like i have a volcano in the back specifically in case of situations like these but um yeah once i get this thing that minus six it shouldn't be able to one shot guilty on anyway let's see what our last move is as well scald into scrafty no drink of this yet she's not breaking this ever it's a four times resistance she's minus three you know i originally had low sweet but i'm very glad i dropped it on scrafty for um for this leftovers and awkward together um this strategy is viable but the reason you don't see stuff like this in vgc is for exactly the reason that you're seeing here which is that it's there's something called all my friends are dead syndrome and it's when protect no mirror code okay no mirror code no meerkats um knowing the full set of this thing is very valuable it means that if jolteon goes down at any point i will lose or if driftwood i need one of them preferably jolteon though because driflam only has uh drivel only has gust which like although i appreciate driflim and the effort it's making uh yeah like it's not gonna be enough buddy assurance probably does good damage by the way but like yeah i'm gonna try and get this thing down to like very little health or i wanna get this thing down to like minus six special attack um before anything else happens because like yes she is like yes i'm not doing damage but like neither is she and every one of these things that could create like if even one of these crits it's over um and i can always take their timer and went that way in fact it may go to timer anyway like i'm not trying to take your timer but like yeah i can do it if i want skull comes out into scruffy the reason i'm switching it to ulti on now is because like if she crits me i'd be super in bad shape like a crit would like i actually have a chance to lose without a crit i should always win i think um yeah oh it was ppmax this time whoever made a rack or whoever did drake overshare me thank you very much i think it's minus five right minus four okay i need to make sure my time's ahead of hers by a little bit as well because otherwise like yeah give me the crit i'm wondering now if i switch could i lose if i switch and she crits me i think realistically she's going after scrafty right now right no she doesn't drink it she's sub again huh that's not breaking hmm should i get her minus six before i switch i think she's going to protect this turn i'm going to risk it if she crits me i'm taking her time and that's that's that's a promise like this technically isn't optimal but like yeah and i'd rather not drag this on if i don't have to yeah i definitely need to bring guilty on and preserve it because also okay so let's let's think about what we learned so far this game iraq what did we know it's full set on we know nina tails has uh most likely dark pulse oh oh i've only shown voltage so far skull comes out into my oh if this crits okay it didn't crit didn't even do very much damage is the truth no burns this happened last time too she couldn't burn me the the no words so far have been pretty helpful truthfully because um doesn't care wait but i can get good information on her set but i can get that with volt switch to voltage is like 50 but it just resets the situation i'm gonna go for fidget spinner thunderbolt like if she crits me then she keeps me or alternatively i could switch volts we should get double damage on my let me do that i'm gonna switch hold switch like this is pretty safe right because as long as i don't let her nail my yeah okay product comes out that's the other thing i can fake out voltage and then i can go sub snarl and then i can do vicious round assurance this really make up time okay venusaur we saw sludge moment protect from those are very that's very valuable information because it means it doesn't have grass move sleep powder and earth power it's missing one of those that's very valuable needed hills may not have protect based on how she played i think there's a pretty real chance that she just like doesn't have protect on that thing um purloin charm thunder wave we did not see the other moves um goes with the double fails it that's fine um that was the right move in my opinion i don't know if she has protected i don't know she has fake out it most likely is fake out okay thunderbolt would have just straight up code but that's fine i sold the lumber i'll just click fishes ran plus insurance the chicken i think uh if she protects though then i will sub because at that point like i really would prefer not to reel the lumbery that's like like fishes rimple's insurance will kill her at this point and so for that reason like i'm willing to just like risk revealing my lumbar attack in case she scolds the right slot and burns it um but yeah fischer's run plus assurance should always win here should always ko here i think if she protects well then you're gonna have to watch more of this but it's fine i think also like okay she protects well fiscal yolteon you'll down insane you know what like i'm not playing this no i should flash the players properly finishers and plus assurance should put in enough pressure at this point that um yeah i should always be able to win this i think maybe i'll lead to scrafty next game and do fake out plus uh oh wait no sonar plus protect turn one [Music] wait that doesn't really work against uh ninetales though does it right because i would get special defense dropped and she might even have no scrafty don't get burnt this is so annoying all right i need i need a cranky grit there can't be that much time left in the battle this is taking forever i want water i need to get more water should i do it now i don't want to time out the seamless insurance is well i want to see how much this combination is doing actually that's still good information because like knowing how much vicious run plus assurance is going to do at minus minus um like burns crafty and plus two defense like i did damage you know that did some damage like it's not gonna ko with the insurance because the burn and the boost but like it's still doing it's not doing bad damage iron defense again okay she'll protect this turn i think if i'm wrong i could lose am i willing to risk that or like if i'm wrong it should crisp me the fidget spinner is doing so much damage oh i just okay i want a timer okay yeah i mean i'll try and win this the old fashioned way but like i will i'll take like i'll win on timer either way she can even even if she crits crafting she can't kill it so like yeah this game is over um i need to think about game two because i definitely cheesed her a bit with my sets we got some good information out of it though it's just that driftwood is not as strong as i was hoping maybe a heart switch out in front of shoes for protective yeah that should be it i mean i'm not gonna go thunderbolt here but um yeah this is a rack one is a problem without like okay i didn't technically need jolteon to beat it so it's something to keep in mind but like i also got a little like lucky with the drink of this stuff i think i might have to lead scrappy next game and fake out turn one doesn't really make sense though fake out plus max um i forgot what i was doing i hope i didn't miss click oh i haven't chosen anything yet okay thank you every ppmax they wouldn't run out of fish's rents like seriously double protect fails it okay that's gonna be the game all right okay cool we learned some really good information i have a decent idea what to expect on forward pokemon i am sure that nine tells a scorching sand so i know it is fire move dark move scorching sand it could even have solar beam i think it probably has protecting move but like she just didn't use it purloin is a little interesting perline like a prankster thunder wave and charm user is actually kind of excuse me problematic for my team um could i protect snarl turn one she might just fake me out also like dracovish versus purlin with no bulk my minus two single target vicious rend versus the purloin okay i did about what i'd expect if it was evil light it should do like i don't remember how much it did actually it could be uv light i'm not actually positive it's focus that when you sword is like oopsie ridiculously bulky the wendy's was ridiculously bulky i need to be pretty smart about how i approach this game i have tools that i have not shown yet um for sure i need to make place a higher priority getting rid of the purloin is the thing um protect snarl turn one isn't a bad option no i can't do that i would have to fake out airstream and how much is drift flim versus nine tails it's not doing enough right it's doing enough it's doing 50 would you like it would be okay like it would be okay if i was doing more damage with the other stuff but like or if i was burned turn one but i'm not burned turn one that being said i still really like this lead um i'm gonna go for it again i'm gonna i'm gonna try this this mode again i think i don't need jolteon here but like i honestly felt like it was pretty strong that game and gave me like nice damage output against some of their pokemon so i'm gonna try this um scratchy is a really good answer to that purloin like a really really good answer and if i get rid of nine tails then it seems like dragon which is pretty strong so it could be sunny day prolonged as well like i'm wondering if she no that doesn't really make sense doesn't make sense i think it's gotta be fake tears as one of the moves i'm gonna slow play your dynamics i'm gonna play drift one better purlin nine tails we have the same idea here it seems like bring a similar pokemon um i could protect here but the issues i do really i genuinely believe that she has fake tears um and for that reason i'd be a bit more careful with this turn one um because i can't protect and snarl because next i'll just get fake tears max darkness and just blown up so for that reason i'm going to go for a max airstream into the nine tails and fake out into the i could max guard snarl no it doesn't make sense yeah i'm gonna max airstream and fake if she has fake god i'm gonna force her to show it to me i'm well like i was intending for driftmode to do a bit more work than it looks like it's gonna do um however like i have to take what i can get right and with driftwood it might be like what moses purlin have fake out helping hand fakes here so that's fake tears for sure she's leaving it because it is fake tears she's dying max thing that's that's honestly good i'd rather dynamexis than anything else fake tears confirmed gotta be fake out right fake out yeah fagot's gotta be the last it also means no protecting moves okay no protective moves in the pro line meaning if it doesn't take out scrappy here we know it is fake tears we're making that inference i think it's like i think it's a good read to make what the she does not know scratchy as well but she does not know i have lumber and jolteon and she also does not know that by jolting on his choice scarf or lumberjackamish and those are really big pieces of information and she doesn't know she doesn't know single one of my items she doesn't know that i'm flame orb driflim so she thinks she might think that attacking scrapped his turn is fine because gravity was such a problem for her last game and driftwood frankly wasn't and also she like chucked it right away turning one so i think there's a chance scrappy confirms all the moves okay i mean we haven't seen we haven't seen fake tears but like yeah she makes the right call that's frustrating but like good move over half my health is now deleted unless wait there's another play i can make here i may i think i maybe should hit the purl on here but no i think this is proper i have another play that i can make here but she might read it like so i could i could drink of a switch and max guard here if i wanted because what that would allow me to do is next turn go for uh a 1.5 times damage booster that wait how much does that do minus two dracovish fishes rend francoise my custom set vicious rend versus ninetails son 40 40 plus this to 30 plus 45 that should do enough i'm gonna make this kind of wonky play i'm gonna max guard here and i'm gonna switch to drakovich um an external double nine tails and try and take it out because i think even at minus two i can get it vega fake tears like i don't think she's gonna i think she's either gonna max darkness driftling because now it's got the speed boost and it's got scary the item um or alternatively i think that she she doesn't switch i think i think she unless she like the my big fear is that she's going to predict this because perron doesn't have anything better to do here max dark oh she has an attack oh she has an attack i didn't realize that dark pulse oh i don't care about that i mean actually did some damage hold up that does some damage whoa hold on that actually is a damage wait i don't think driftling goes down to pearl and dark pulse but i've seen crazier stuff i'm gonna air stream and fishes run though i think that's my best move alright this purlins actually annoying i never i never expected prone to be a threat but it's actually a threat okay it doesn't have fake tears though okay thunder wave nope not today i could have i actually didn't need to max airstream here but that's fine um that's totally fine although the venus is going to be kind of scary at this point but also like yeah it's fine i wish i i wish i'd been able to chunk the pearl in at some point but yeah we get rid of nine tails and we're technically up in pokemon compared to last game and like the real issue the main difference is that drakovic is now lost it's um it's barry which is not great but it's not horrible either um i've got plus two drift blim i've got plus one dracovish i could actually move a little bit this game i think i think there's some space for some movement i'm not gonna lie to the people although venus was really scary i definitely deserve power and i think venusaur comes in here every every day of the week if you've got it if you gotta flaunt it girl i don't want to tell you i do not know what to tell you if you got a flaunted is it dracovish or is it dust clops in the back dust cops plus um tyranitar is another option that she could do and would make jolteon a lot worse here and would leave me really relying on scratchy to close out this game the twenties story again okay i think there's a play i can make here which is fake out plus psychic fangs or no protect with switch give up my speed boost then again that venusaur is so slow is it really i'm modest with special defense like i could also just gust here oh wait i can weatherball weatherwell's not going to ko but wait actually weatherball probably does k what am i saying does does drift spin weatherball in the sun i think it chaos venusaur sun yeah that's super chaos i'm gonna go for i'm gonna you know i'm gonna i'm gonna play a little risky here i'm gonna weatherball the venusaur i think that covers a lot of options weatherball and protect first of all she's super bulky so there's no guarantee she's even faster than me she got me she probably dark pulses here actually i was a really good protect i thought i got her too charming to drink a fish okay that's fine and weatherball into the zoe's hair okay i think there's a pretty good chance that she doesn't want to get hit with this so what i'm going to actually do here is i'm going to double the purloin i think that it could go poorly but like in the worst case i lose one pokemon i think i'm gonna double the prolong here i don't think she lets me just smack venus with weather while here i expect to switch out to a rackmount because it it resists fire um and i need this purling gun at some point this is really risky though because i'm now out of answers to venusaur if both my pokemon in the field become incapacitated like this if this is like dark pulse plus sleep powder she goes for the double and fails it she didn't have a switch into this that's frustrating because i could have just taken i could have just taken out the venusaur however i still have plus two dracovish speed um oh it wasn't sash okay okay okay okay uh i still get damage on the venusaur as well okay flame orb driftwood is actually doing work um i have driftwood plus two speed dragon mission plus one speed and it's black sludge venusaur oh snap okay um i'm in good shape i'm in really good shape here i can definitely close this out um it just has i just have to find a way through the whatever the last pokemon is araquin is a tyranitar dust cops that's my question it is iraq win it okay iraq when it has protect um my best option is gust somehow which is not like it's like a it's i can't even describe to you how weak it is it's a 40 base power move it's the same as shadow ball effectively um i'm going to double the venusaur to keep it honest shadow ball plus psychic fangs she might feel safe because like i could go after the iraq one in here as well but like if finisher goes down a win she does not go for the three products in a row um which is good the should i think psychic fans will ko it's obviously super bulky one yesterday i think okay it's a four versus one now so we're in the same position as last game except my lumbar is gone and we're slightly and better like we're in better shape skull comes out into the drift blim and goes down um i've got yolton as the last pokemon though so i can just wait i can just click vicious run plus thunderbolt and i think i'll win i think i win this oh boy okay all right okay all right okay there should be this should be game win i think i don't think i should be able to throw this because if like she can't even if she get chao's revealed to go to one shot then i can just fake out substitute and then fish around assurance i think that should do it because she doesn't even have aqua ring up yet so i think that there should be a win for the team um thunderbolt comes out there's no point protecting here right like she's not gaining health back we don't do that much but i think that's vicious red range if you ask me that fisher's running range i have never seen because you've written ko and that's the game so we actually will move on to top four in the playoffs um but really good games to uh caitlyn like i definitely um this was not an easy matchup her prep really kept me on my toes um the way that i prepped this week i think was like i basically like i i didn't have a set strategy like i intended to bring either arcane or willowboom like depending on the match up um but like i think my real strength this week was that allowed me to play flexibly and then i anticipated a lot of like not all not all the sets but i anticipated the iraq wind being brought and like because i was able to build a game plan around that um i was able to play like to uh to an end game where like i could ignore like basically the arachnid like yes it walled a lot of my pokemon but it didn't do it in time like it was it was too late for i better tell her ggs ggs um yeah like it didn't do it in time to to protect its friends from from getting ko'd so um i'm really proud of my prep this week i think flame orb driflim was really strong um i think it didn't look as strong as maybe it could have just because kaelin's prep was also really strong uh the pearl land was a problem perlin was a real problem people keep bringing prankster charmont against me um i'm also really happy that i that i made scrappy work this week scrappy's been like a really weak pokemon on my team like i said earlier like i wanted to drop it for gloria and wheezing um and so to have it like actually this is the first week i think where scratchy's felt like a good pokemon where i'm like okay yes i'm happy i've have crafty on this team so um although it's not like the perfect pokemon in slot like it's good to um it's it's good to still have it like do the job that was supposed to do and it was very important to match up being immune to purloin um having snarl having intimidated having fake out yeah and obviously like being flexible with dracovish's uh items and set and like playing drakovich in that way i think was also really strong combined with the speed boost from driftblim so overall i'm really happy with how i played this um but yeah like caitlyn also played phenomenally so um go show her some love as well i'll go watch her side of the battle um as well because yeah like it was a 2-0 but it like it was pretty difficult not gonna lie like i wasn't i wasn't looking forward to it and like if we played a couple more games i wouldn't be confident that i would keep winning so um anyway thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed we'll see you next week for top four um goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 170,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc, vgc 2020, vgc 20, wbe, wbe vgc, wbe pokemon, wolfey wbe, wolfe glick wbe, wbe top cut, wbe season 5, dc dracovish, wolfe wbe, wbe wolfey
Id: bbNYTWkq5AA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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