The First Tournament of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

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brilliant diamond and shining pearl have been out  for a few weeks and enough people have beaten the   games that a tournament was finally possible  victory road who consistently have high quality   events decided to host a tournament and offer up  a 500 prize pool with free entry i was interested   in the format so i decided to enter before i could  enter the tournament i needed a team i'd like to   give a big thank you to suiku justin and metta for  their help getting my pokemon for the tournament i   wasn't sure what exactly i wanted to build around  i never played competitive doubles in gen 4 but   from what i saw of the format it reminded  me of vgc 2012 which is my favorite format   i decided to build around a zoomer a zoom roll  uses the ability huge power combined with the move   belly drum to max out its attack and the priority  move aquajet to attack before the opponent   a zoom roll is a really threatening powerful  pokemon but it has a number of weaknesses and   counterplay despite this i chose to build around  the zoom roll because the format was so new that i   didn't expect my opponents to be experienced at  either playing around it or building around it   the next pokemon i added was together together is  an incredible source of redirection with the move   follow me allowing a zoomer all to set up safely  most of the time most people who use togekiss   typically like to use scope lens paired with  super luck to give all of token kisses moves   50 critical hit rate but i personally much prefer  serene grace and air slash to give token kiss a 60   chance to flinch i gave together max  hp max speed and an eye of papa berry   in hindsight babbery berry would have been better  i wanted more speed on the team so i decided to   add sword dance garchomp garchomp has good synergy  with togekiss as tokus is able to redirect attacks   away from garchomp while his swords dances and is  also immune to earthquake i chose to run protect   swords dance earthquake and rock slide on my  gar chomp while i normally would have preferred   dragon claw over rockslide i was worried about not  being able to hit opposing togekiss with garchomp   i initially had whiter about my guard chomp but  once i added tyranitar i changed it to bright   powder to combo with sand veil i added scissor  next as i was worried about ice and fairy types   scissor also ran sword dance which could combo  with togekisses follow me and use the strong   priority move bullet punch as its main attacking  move i chose to give scissor a lumbery which   in hindsight should have been steel plate lumber  almost never activated and i missed a few crucial   chaos without the boosting item i decided to add  tyranitar next because i was extremely worried   about my rain match up and i didn't see a way  to get around that with that weather of my own   i opted to run my favorite tyranitar set with rock  slide protect dragon dance and crunch i still had   the focus ash unused on my team so i gave that  to tyranitar and maxed out its speed and attack   i knew i wanted my last slot to be fast offensive  and ideally have intimidate which left pretty much   only choice scarf solomon's solomon's offered  me an additional answer to opposing lattice from   large jump which could be problematic as well as a  fire move with which i could hit a posing scissor   i decided to use draco meteor dragon pulse  flamethrower and rock slide on my settlements   and every move pulled its way throughout the  tournament this team was pretty bad overall but   the theory behind it worked as i expected there is  so much setup on this team that often what you can   do is get one pokemon boosted such as garchomp  or azumarill and then protect with your boosted   pokemon while setting up with another one while  they focus down what they think is the bigger   threat this style of play is very difficult  to deal with and can win games on its own   the other strong point of this team are how  many opportunities for variants there are   of the six pokemon on this team three have  rockslide and one has serene grace air slash   all of which offer at least a 50 chance of  flinching if they hit all targets additionally   i had sand veil and bright powder on my garchomp  as a last resort which was especially dangerous   when combined with rock slide opponents who  didn't have a good way to stop me from clicking   rock slider air slash might find themselves  susceptible to losing games to luck the tournament   was 8 rounds of swiss where you needed 6 wins to  advance if you won 6 of your 8 games you advanced   to a single elimination bracket where you needed  to win five games to win the entire tournament   i streamed the entire run on twitch which you  should follow by the way and while you're at it   please consider subscribing to the youtube channel  as well we actually just hit 400 000 subscribers   which is a milestone i never imagined i would hit  i'm hoping we did half a million within the next   year anyway with all that out of the way let's  take a look at how the tournament actually went   all right good luck have fun let's jump right  into it team is spec zapdos scarf garty pacharisu   okay so i know i'm bringing immense right mensa is  definitely coming here and it's gonna be the lead   um i think azumarill's not good here i think  that the question is guard shop always comes   tea tar always comes scissor always comes and  then leave togekiss basically this means that i   have three fairy weeks though to gardevoir i have  brake powder i should be fine against garter war   although leaving token just feels like a grief  token this isn't even bad here it's just not   good into the uh adaptors which really spooks  me i don't think this makes any sense but i'm   gonna try these four i'm gonna lead with scissor i  think this covers guard overlead they're not gonna   lead guard over there's no ah they could right  my team is oh wait i'm out of time wait hang on okay i'm so cracked um i i only really brought men's  for intimidating to do this so let's just do this   yep predict the guard over switch out switching  to my guard charm that should be apache or   garchomp apache yep and now i'm in  position these knight consortium dance   i just need to kill his poche at some point ah okay good start what's the patchy move set does  it have anything to do with touch my guard jump   yeah super fang that sucked sucked a lot i yeah  okay it's fine oh that's sort of this here i   might take half health but that's fine it was a  bad turn one i need to get damage on the zapdos   uh okay yeah they're just charging again  i'm gonna kill the poche next i think   oh yeah matt strickland meteor surprisingly  strong in this game like whenever i use it   it does more damage than i'd expect i like  would expect i i got to kill apache because   i need scissors to kill a guard over and this  address is locked into um what is the patchy item   citrus okay mens is like gonna survive this  which is actually really good because i   need men to suit oh it died wait only 78  the first time oh 78. miss bright powder um it's like garnor can't touch me right so i  can go this rock slide and swords dance actually   um i'll just protect an earthquake here actually  it's fine and if they protect the knight rockslide   swords dance next turn because like i can  rock slide swords against this turn but i   may lose to the i think i messed up oh they  got me they actually got me um actually but   this is okay because i actually think  that this positioning is better for me i'm probably gonna miss rock slide unfortunately that draco miss really hurt me in the in the long  run okay it's fine i'm still in this um basically   i'm worried about their guard trump in the long  run so the swords dance and i'm on a rock side   because i i think to beat their guard up i need  plus two scissor we don't know if their last one   could be guerra here it's not guaranteed to be  guard chomp because i have double fairy double   dragon and a scarf and scissors so there's no  guarantee that they have version of the last any flinchers any flingers in chat  oh they're gonna super fang me   they're gonna miss they hit oh wait  scissors in danger now unfortunately because now garty comes in right how much does  plus two do with pochi they shouldn't be able   to do that much to me that we know they have  guardian in the back we just don't know what the   last one is if it's garrow or fine right oh it's  a guardian okay i think i'm supposed to just x's   of the guardian here i don't think i if i if they  go for focus blast i'm gonna have a bad time but   i kind of wanted to predict both there  okay they stayed in now what are they   doing are they following okay scissor if  nobody else got me i know scissor got me oh nice let's go because now i can  just bowl punch and kill this thing i could still lose this as if it's garchomp  it's gara nice uh do i kill guardia i should   kill guardian plus one right anyway i have brake  powder so it should be fine anyway all right   so there was a good ring here i definitely  would have lost to this guardian otherwise   also a huge shout out to suiku and um i should  die right nice oh yeah yeah huge shout outs to um   suiku and metta who worked really hard to help  me get this teaming game i really appreciate that oh i did a lot wait garrett sucks  what's the other one this thing okay gg um gara's lumbery citrus was the one that i was most worried  about it didn't even come i just so i   think i probably need to be a little bit  more careful with my meds in hindsight   okay so we're in power punch uh i  don't know but i wouldn't run in anyway   okay um so game two i'm gonna leave  mints and then i'm also gonna do   garchomp lead uh with scissors back and i  need to get t tar because of braid powder   the thing is that like i really want to kiss  here instead of tatar i didn't reveal my last   monster i don't know for sure that it was t-turn  not togekiss um okay let me think about this   together is basically like if i think that i can  beat zapdos without i mean with mental should be   okay versus aptos together is basically solid here  i think it should be together let's try together   as a tokus that's not azu basically i'm really  worried about their guard chomp right so i should   probably bring my toga guess because mutonga's  supposed to my garchomp should be pretty strong   but now my guardian doesn't get sandvale which is  the whole purpose of the thing yeah let's do this oh no oh no this is one adjustment they can make shoot ah shoot shoot okay i led wrong what  were they gonna do if i let scissor though   okay uh it's okay i brought these on so i  can pivot can i pivot here should i just be i they'll never hit me this is really bad by the way guard trump's  one of my most important ones so just sort   of leaving it in the open to sword stance is  like one of the absolute worst things i can do   but i have bright powder so there's no way  they hit me with moonblast wait this is   stupid i thought they were gonna move last might  meant because i can't protect itself oh gleamed it almost killed me are they gonna nuzzle me shoot i should  have switched to tokens an earthquake if   i was going to do this now i can't kill the  patchy easy easily oh oh they super got me   oh they omega got me alright if i lose weight  brake powder no i'm fine i'm actually fine   wait no i lose right i need to  tar i need to get right powder up bright powder bright powder  bright powder brake powder   brake powder brake pedal brake pad or brake power this game is bad 71 down  to 37 i live one more okay are we still in this wait yeah is that 74. all right i'm still in this but probably not  for long because i don't have any damage left   yeah guard is a problem i need to lead better  i'm losing this one for sure i decided to bank   on brighter gartron but it did not pay off in  spades i thought maybe they wouldn't go for it i could i don't know i'm not playing very well i  think i'm up a game i can be a little aggressive   uh i also know how much possible punch  does now which is nice i live oh i die   wait the first one i'm pretty sure my  damage rolls are just screwed because   i'm pretty sure the first one i had 75  i had 71. so the first one only did like   uh i don't know did i count wrong didn't knife  37. didn't i didn't the first one will do 34   damage all right that was i led very badly  and played very badly i do think the token   gets a solid here though yeah i played really  aggressively here and it and yeah it didn't work   i really want to get t i switched oh yeah  yeah that was i was trying to know what i did   it's also good because now i know another  other mods they're probably it's probably   the same ones as last time i don't  think i should be leading with garchomp we already know this is a fair bit of damage this apache is actually pretty annoying oh  mess can take one all right i'm forfeiting   i got all the information i can use i can  out of this um i need to get sandville up   but i don't really bring it uh okay i think  that how do i win this garden was really   pro i didn't test against many uh fairy tape  pokemon that i couldn't like scissor through i don't know if tokens is good here i need to get  rid of apache i think it's actually a problem i   need to lead scissor here for sure um i do think  men's has to come i think guard champ has to come   so then i get one of these three i don't think  azure is good without support i want to cut i   do kind of want to leave togekiss here it's  just the token because guard jumped doesn't   feel super strong to me i think this is okay i  mean the moment is good against their guard chomp   i just basically need to deal with the guard  of war right and then my guard chomp is okay   my back two are okay so this  actually makes some sense all right   gardevoir and touchy right makes sense  okay so i either swords into your bowl   i'm just gonna pull a punch um and you're on  here they have to follow me to stop this and   then they're not doing that much damage  if they're walking to follow me i don't   need to follow me because i don't really care  redirecting and by bullet punching i ensure that   i got a nice good good move by them oh yeah  right they can do that oh who's this yeah zappy   but i've got them a little out of  position now so it's kind of okay   was it pressure in noon see ah oh and i'm very  it's fine that was a good turn one i should but   the thing is that swords dance doesn't even help  me that much wow okay it's slow poche good to know   all right now but i have them a little bit out of  position so i just need to make sure i miss look   at my scissors right yeah that makes sense they're  basically relying on um their last ones most   likely gyarados is the thing so they're probably  going gara here no but they're going guerra   i can't leave scissor i have to save scissor  because it's my best answer against um what's it   called what is this aguero moveset does it have  ice thing no it's a waterfall dragon it's taunt   crunch i don't know if it's crunch but whatever  maybe for chris elliott or somebody are you slash   they're switching to guerra most likely yep okay we know the mods now protect because zappos can't do anything  to me okay protect speed tears hurt me   a little bit there i could have switched in  the other order volt switch okay interesting   um the issue with this is that they're probably  going to go into guardi here and then i'm in i'm   on the back foot again if that it's actually quite  annoying um but i can't afford to let scissors go   down i can swords dance here but then things get  a little bit messy pretty quickly i'm gonna go   for rock slide because i think that what's gonna  happen is garfield is most likely modest right i   don't even think tim what's your carter's is that  even 90 let's go to his base speed i'm pretty sure   it's 90 right which means it might not speed me  oh and apache makes sense good move good move   oh this could backfire on them though if  they get flinched it's basically 80. okay   men's is faster than it which is nice to know  because i still have the rock slide gambit okay hit both a little bit damage on the zapdos  actually yeah not bad it's in the range of another   rock so i give you the flinch my rng's really not  been great this fight this game a lot of damage um so i know all four of their mons which means  what to me they're playing really well actually   um i don't even know if minus one earthquake kills  poche probably not right i should i wish i had   swords dance last turn at least if i swore since  i could have um gone for an earthquake this turn   but now i can't i'm in pretty bad shape here to be  honest i'm probably losing this they've done too   much i just don't have the answers to gar i wish  i yeah i don't think the answer is a gardevoir i'm   gonna go rock slide an earthquake i think i need  to count on them making a mistake but they played   really well so far i don't think token kisses  the bring here in hindsight i always said the   flinching yeah that was the i knew it was coming  but i i don't have a better move here because even   my sister's taking too much damage we already knew  superfang plus um two dazzling leaves kills me   any flinch some decent damage any flinch oh  moon blast ah okay okay i lose guaranteed   i can't win this anymore because i can't  beat the guerra i never damaged the gyara   yeah they caught me it's fine um i still have  rock slide but there's a rock slide there's a   way actually i can wait what's that what's the  gyarados item this cochise actually might really   part of this garage is actually really hard for  my team it's a long berry garrett okay i can be   on here but i don't know how much it does i think  i'm better off just going for air slash hoping to   get the flinch no brake pattern no rock slide  flinches like i've i've given myself a lot of   chances for good rng but it's just not happening  yeah literally zero energy this fight for me   whatever um it's possibly still winnable i'm  probably getting nuzzled this turn realistically   oh no i can't because after this yeah yeah i  forgot about zapdos uh maybe i got the plus just barely not enough okay um if i can get to plus three maybe  that's my win condition swordsman scissor   and then yawn here right and  then start following me spamming okay i can take one i'm pretty sure okay i should be able to deliver this okay all   right this is my comeback if i'm  gonna come back it has to be here because together still alive so as long as i put  zapdos in bullet punch range it's possible to win   where where so i need to go for a second sword dance  here and follow me if i get period here if   i get parodied at all i lose so yeah the  odds are basically zero that i win but   um it's not impossible they might they might feel  obligated to go for uh and they'll follow me here   because they think they can just like take a ko  and that would be a chance for me to come back   oh wait if they get poche next  to zapdos i also lose right yeah that's not going to work for  me is it i could have taken the   ko here but i thought i had to get  enough boosts up oh it came over gg yeah i didn't play very well that's fine  i had to get warmed up for the team and   it was actually a rough match of ironically  i just don't have anything for gardevoir um   and pachu was actually pretty hard i also  like i feel like if you play this much   if you make these moves a lot i gave myself a  lot of chances um but yeah i didn't it didn't   roll but yeah um you're not the way that you're  supposed to play this team is let me say gg um   the like you're never supposed to rely on the  chances they're just supposed to give you for like   basically gonna make you further ahead uh i'm  bringing garchomp all right um mance has to   come uh tokens should come uh guar chomp do i need  here i don't need gartron but just such a good mon   meant 100 to come i think token gets us to come  and scissor has to come so it's men's together   scissor and then one of azu it doesn't have  redirection i'm going to try this i don't love   it but no guard chomp no tetar that feels like  an ant right i mean i meant i need men's here   the suicune is actually pretty hard for me i think  it is ozu because if they lead badly i can have i   think if they lead badly i at least have a chance  to sweep with ozzie on the game too i can pivot   out all right uh checking the items again there's  no sash right it's just uh twiki berry sweetened   with scald ice beam lachio says ice beam as well  what do they leave and it was new looking so we   can guard you okay that's fine oh i'm gonna go for  a little i'm gonna i really want this guard over   head so let's just do this they're gonna go for  dazzling most likely so i can just do this really i'm molding it's okay if we trade ozzy  for guardia here it's a good trade wow hopefully i hit it's 95 right oh they didn't go  for tailwind that's great for me okay no freeze let's go okay not bad just keep the on pressure  up let's think about this i can't see their team   oh i should have it's okay i haven't memorized   do they have a they don't have a  great mission to play ref right okay um should have played rift again wait that  means they don't have um what do they have   latios ttar and oh i don't i have their team  sheet i don't know the memory is their team   logia scissor and teethart  it's probably scissor i guess   okay that's fine this is okay though um who do  i have in the back i have my own scissor and   i should i should have yawned again  y'all would've been better here attack drop any attack droppers in chat   no okay i just need to make sure i  always have priority on the field   who's there who which who else do they they  brought suicune just double out here because with   this i basically just need to make sure that they  don't they don't run away with scissors because   scissors now the biggest threat in their team  i got a little bit of damage down which is nice yep okay okay sd i mean they know the thing is that  they know that i have flamethrower they also   have helping hand though i almost wonder  if they're gonna go for a helping hand here i don't think plus one helping hand will kill me  what are they what's the hip hop moves again i   think i have to keep them honest with flamethrower  and swords ants here yeah if scissors goes down   this game shoot pretty good because i don't have  the damage this is just about kind of killed a   scissor i think their their move here is lightly  switched just oh okay if i die to this i have no   idea it is boosting steel plate so i actually may  die then she got me oh i'm super i'm super hosed i'm super super screwed um wow i did not think i would die to that i think i  lose now um scissor versus scissors but it looks   like their scissors is way better ah i didn't  think i died to that that's crazy wait it meant   is my scissor counter so they can't actually beat  scissors i'm in omega trouble the thing is that   it's low speed guardian back right okay switches  they're probably protecting here suicune okay let's see i should have gone  the scissor and the switch in oh they got me didn't do that much actually did it fair a bit okay if i follow  me here i'm probably losing right   they're probably gonna go back into  h-top the issues are faster than me i'm pretty sure i take plus one if i access her  here and get scalded i might lose is the thing   no i have i have one i don't think this play is correct but whatever they got me oh they have tailwind actually okay it's okay i think they're gonna i feel like  they want to double my scissor here   if we trade here can i still win probably not  uh yeah if we trade here i might be able to win   so i'm gonna go for this no it doesn't make  any sense if i'm gonna make this read i have   to actually commit i either i have to i have to  commit if i'm gonna make this read okay no switch zoom roll move next ah man  it's so strong it's too strong i just had to kill a scissor and i'm fine like i  can i can literally sweep this whole team if i get   rid of the scissor so this is plus one no because  intimidate um yeah i'm pinned now i actually can't   do anything i have to hard i have to make them  mess up somehow okay well if it's gonna happen   it has to be something like this but i am in  pretty big trouble here hang on the scissor thank you lumbery can't do anything can't do any damage they're gonna scald scissor and um bullet  punch togekiss right i'm going to gamble a   little i don't love this play but i think that  it might be okay i just don't think air slash   kills is a thing i didn't just protect it no i x  scissored i definitely searched are they protected   i got the i need the wrong player return  i should live this oh yeah i clearly don't   know my damage calcs because this thing is doing  insane damage okay i i don't know any of my calcs   my tokens definitely should have lived that i  thought my tokens would love that i i didn't   really have a better play there i could have  protected an excessive but i get burned to lose   i mean i guess the product nexus was fine i  just didn't realize i was taking so much damage   i don't know i'm supposed to beat the scissor  plus guardian thing game one was the game i   really needed to win is the thing my team is fine  i just have a couple bad matchups i got to get   a zoom roll in better position i can't let the  scissors set up on me i think it's a real thing   i really need to win this game this is gonna  make the scent very difficult to win from here   okay either were speed tying or they didn't  go for anything my scissor feels like it sucks   okay my scissors feels like it's super bad  let's see if they would have gotten the double   burn okay maybe i could have i don't know i i  probably i could have played i i played pretty   not great here but i just don't have the d like  my team is supposed to be offensive and so when   i when i get put in the back foot it's just so  difficult oh let's try again they don't have   any redirection right i need to kiss here for sure  the thing is i'm worried about a potential scissor   lead so i'm going to leave this mints here i think  i have to do tokens of zoom roll no matter what   i think this is my only option i have to try  and sweep the belly drum i think it's my only my   only chance wait i forgot how strong scissor  was i won nationals of swords and scissors   i really should know it's tough speaking  okay that's fine oh i need damage on the   each top this is a really good lead for me i  couldn't have asked for much better to be honest   um i'm just going to belly drum you on   i have to i have to go on the offensive here it's  my only option okay this is good for me they're   going to scissor they're going to guarding okay  that's fine it depends on who they fake out though okay it's fine who cares nobody nobody cares wow i'm just gonna get guaranteed  uh belly drum off i i think that   they're almost certainly gonna switch  here but i think i'm helping him does   it they're not helping an energy  ball right they don't expect me to they're not going to follow me here i think they got they got me every turn i  should still be surviving this though   yeah let's go okay now i'm lit okay i'm back to being lit all  right zoo you gotta sweep now   you don't have to win the game outright you just  have to get kill enough mons not be nappy it has   protecting the on hitmontop so i wouldn't be  shocked if then again if i just trade one for   one here i'm still okay because i get damage  off so it's okay should protect yeah okay okay might as well drink  break powder because i'm lit   that's why this weekend okay i have free aquajet  into the i want to kill the this thing right i'm not sure helping hitting  even kills me to be honest oh it's called that nice good burn super good burn okay i shouldn't have  seen this game one i don't know what   i was thinking i got spooked bait doesn't gleam nice all right papa berry  let's go really good burn i i gotta people aren't prepared for  a zoomer the entire reason they built   this team was to just sweep with this  zoom roll i don't know why i didn't   go for it before winning a game doesn't matter um i have to win the set so  winning a game is fine but   i wish i'd done this i should have done  this game one i know i was thinking okay that's fine i should still be fine okay go to this go to this it's minus one defense oh i can't check oh man she got me does he do like eighty percent oh plus one i never mind i i got confused okay another one but now i have to do this  the thing is i should always get one game   with the zoom real token because that's why i was  really bad i lost game one because i should have   i should have i should have had it you know  because now they can adjust and that's why you   need basically the idea is that you want to stay  one step ahead by winning game one with a zoomer   altogether but i won game two with this real  token so that puts me in a really not great spot   i think i needed metal coat scissors  it seems to be doing way more damage what i want to do now i expect they're going  to lead with like like if they leave with h   top scissor i'm just hosed right does token just  take neutral ball punch probably it should take   neutral surely yeah yeah yeah yeah okay  cool then i can leave took this poster   that's fine i don't see a reason not to i don't think tj or trump do anything  here the main threats are scissor   and hip on top and garchomp none of which my mom's  doing yeah these are the right ones i have to do   this yeah i wish i had bug bite okay this is the  lead i expected this is fine i prepared for this   in the absolute worst case the helping hand  and kill me right but then i just go into men's i don't think a zoo should take that much  from uh helping him blow punch i think i   should still be able to believe i could be wrong  though no i should i should be able to take one okay nice cover the swords dance that's really  good that's super good turn one by me they   thought that i would play defensively but  i'm not gonna do that because trading token   gets for sleep on scissor is a really good  trade for me a really good trade for me   okay follow me belly drum no reason not to  worst case scenario to close combat probably   because now they're in a tough spot because  they're metal coat that's why i like lone mary   they stayed in they're just going to kill my  token guess they thought that i wouldn't follow   me but i'm definitely following me thank you  priority scissor can't ko token is not set up either this thing is stalwart or yeah tokens is  dead but this is a really favorable trade for me okay now i have a choice i don't have a choice  to take it back because i i want to go i could   go into um i could go into my scissor and  sword dance here which is normally what i   would do but since they're set up i'm just  gonna go mental click flamethrower i think i'm gonna flamethrow and play rough here because  i think there's a chance they switch up on top out like if i take a close combat that's  fine right and actually you know what hit on top can protect so this move is the  safest i think because hitmontop isn't the   threat here this ensures that i should get  a yep this should be sweet good yep let's go yep let's go and i hit super good oh such a good play by me  i'm such a good player and now i think that's game   because they if they have guardian back  that should be sealed yep that's game can't do now all right let's go zoom earl you're  so good that's awkward here and let's flamethrower   doesn't really it's still it doesn't close  combat i should just double to cover the switch   all right gg oh okay unless  oh no awkward guarantee kills why haven't yeah this is the whole  the entire reason i built this team   is around a zoomer i don't know why  i didn't use it round one or game one like my entire my entire thought process with this  team is that people are like you need to be very   a zoom roll token because you need space  you need to know your specific counterplay   for it's not unbeatable but you need  to know what you can do to beat it   there are only a discharge zapdos but so  that's why i didn't bring it and then i guess   because i wasn't in practice with it i didn't  bring it i brought game one and got spooked   play rough turn one but yeah this is yeah it's  like basically very very very difficult to beat yeah yeah i totally for why did i forget  about the zoom roll like this is this the   entire plan was a zoom real wolf wake up come  on okay i didn't get much sleep all uh john big damage oh i can't believe i forgot what the whole  it's like i built a team and i was like okay   here's my strategy and then i was like what  if i just didn't use my strategy there we go   excuse me i forgot alright now i remember  i should be what should be warmed up there we go all right it took me a little bit but  i got there might be a guard over let's go ggs   airport score i lost game one i won the other  two games life chomp i need men's menses for sure   coming lefter is rotom i mean terence is really  good here except for the garchomp is it willowisp   on the um arcanine my sargon is a problem i really  wish i had saab i should have listened to marcus   i didn't have time to change my team this stinks  all my wands are good here i definitely need mints   for sure i think leading men's is really solid  if they lead badly then wait are they rusting or   sandvale i'm going eighth it's sandvale oh no i  can't hit them my drinking meter is never gonna   hit i like men's lead i think the only way that i  get around smeargle is by also leading guard chomp   if they lead arcanine though i'm just immediately  on the back foot right nonetheless i do think   guard champion is pretty solid here i have lum  scissor which is okay but with double intimidate   i don't even think i want a bullet punch either  turner's really good i just need to watch out for   their men's like basically oh it's choice mentor  as well does this make sense um no one zoomer   all and then no i have no immunities to sleep i  guess i'm doing this i don't have time to pivot okay smeargle rotom is it nasty plot it  is right thunderbolt leaf storm nasty   plot protect okay and the smear goal is fake  out follow me sport shape like your shield   this could backfire really hard they spore  i think they're more likely to fake out here i think i remember the match  actually yeah gg fake out oh mirabelle oh they got  mirabelle ah i got mirror bill   oh this could be bad they might they might spore  my garchie which would be quite quite unfortunate moody uh minus defense not speed not speed   okay minus defense minus speed  minus defense minus speed okay gg it's not actually gt but this is funny  okay smiggle switching is fine is it arcanine   antonio in this game oh interesting they have  like not so much damage output though minus is   that minus two t it's minus two t tau right yeah  that's what's that first it's much too terrible   nope uh i don't i missed antonio it's not  good still a lot of damage to be honest the   missing antonio's really bad there any  flinches okay nice we'll call it even   okay nice now it's down to single intimidate  oh i know i didn't get the kill okay there's the gyarados of ice i  didn't even check oh it does   oh i can just switch to jekys here and protect i  kind of want an earthquake if i trade one for uh   but if i earthquake i could die right i'm gonna  protect okay stay down nice or i think they stand you're a bad person i'm a  person hmm everything about that oh it went to tokyo wait that's actually so good  oh that's so good i can follow me the spore now i could follow me spore now  they can't even spore me   i just click earthquake  now okay fashion token kiss bruno okay oh wait bruno already okay that's fine  i'm gonna go for yawn plus eq here because it   needs a thunderbolt if they want to do anything  and they have they can protect which is there   organic does that protect what's the item  on it oh it's i was i didn't even i need   to check up look at those sets because  i didn't even check to see if it was um   i didn't even check to see  see if it was shook excuse me okay that's good because i don't have intimidating   anymore so i can sd and win what's  my last one again is it scissors   i have mints in the back i have t tar meant  to turn back that's fine i need to kill bruno double predicted kilgara i figured it  was better to hook kiss there because   um we don't really care too much about like  token switching is is isn't a big deal and   this way i can't follow me for my guard chomp  so i can redirect one of this if i had like if   miro came in i could redirect with this if i  predicted but i had minus two cheetos there's   no reason to leave it on the field with century  wait wait opponent's accuracy is only 72 percent   really is break better plus how does it  how do the sandville plus one accuracy   i actually don't know how it works i'm just  perfect both here there's no reason not to they couldn't even support you  before i mean they could have nice nice okay i don't want to go for earthquake though oh  i lost sandville that's fine let's bring it   determine what token says nappy nappy sleepy  sleepy oh wait i have to deal with moody oh okay well that wasn't good the longer  this i have to just kill the um   the road time i'll just go rockstar what's the moose and smeargle fake  out follow me sports i just like your   shield you can't do anything to me and  already broke the focus ash with sand she's gonna kill this bruno and i'm good because this mirror could actually be a problem  okay that's good if moody boos i guess oh can't   boost evasion anymore i'm just gonna keep  following because i don't want to take a spore   although i could lose this potentially i should  still be okay with mints in the back because in   order to kill garchomp they're gonna have to leave  storm and drop their special attack and i still   have my sash intact on torrential okay that's fine  at least sweet garden doesn't fall asleep this way   and even if they wake up they  might just get rock-slided and it doesn't have citrus berry so i  just have to do what i can with rock slide let's get stronger damage nice   let's do that again i should put it in a  rock slide of toronto range or meant range fail and powder compound i'm asking with  the what the oh it's actually pretty nice   oh wait no that's actually really bad   it means that i don't get sport this turn but  it does mean that in next turn i'm potentially   in a lot of danger wait a second smeargle it  got defense and i got speed that's actually   pretty bad because it's gonna move next right  okay garchomp you got me don't miss okay nice some big damage no i guess okay i got the  return to sleep cool was asking for the odds like one of the odds of it staying asleep  same old point eight right there point nine   point seven two the odds of them hitting are  point eight uh sam valentine they have to both   have point seven two okay make sense how come you  gotta share your sense in this tourney uh it's an   online tournament it's just kind of standard it's  a good thing though sharing information is good nice gg all right cool good job  garcia they didn't bring the mods i   expected they basically put it all on rotom  because i guess guerra's okay versus me too i don't like that i can't check their stats i want to do a zoom roll but versus the  smeargle it's kind of difficult because   like i don't want to leave azu together wait yeah  cause they have lawnmower i probably shouldn't   i don't even just like the mods that i brought  there no zoom roll seems kind of weird though   because zoomroll's the one that can go to plus  six they're gonna leave with arcane on this   game is the thing like i know they're leading  arcanine they're gonna lead arcanine smeargle   it's gonna be annoying but i don't really wanna  leave tito here either the others are my favorite garsh plus smeargle okay that's fine uh  smeargles the biggest thread i'm just   gonna go for damage here they have life  dragon claw i think that i'll survive one   this is a little risky but instead  because i played last game i i really   just need to smear them on because  it just it's given me a lot of guerra mirabelle i got gary in this game  okay this is fake of spore i'm in good shape   i assume that dragon pulse [ __ ] cute kills  here i didn't even think about it too much   nice okay i'm good really good play by me as long  as this kills dragon balls is kind of weak but   men should be kind of strong let's go all right  getting rid of smeargle turn one is so good for me   i just watch over this gara though because it can  boost on me and i can't intimidate it right now   what's the item on it plum it's lumber okay  interesting we know three of the four months   we have two of the remaining three months it's  garjanov guerra and maybe arcanine i had to guess   yeah there's our oh wait yeah that's recognition  oh it's rotom okay i'm only minus one i'm gonna   go for rockslide here because i don't even if  they ice fang me i should still be okay and i   want the flinch chance this term might have been a  little bit too aggressive okay i got some i'm just   trying to get damage down basically i still want  the gyro boosting on me so i need to go for damage nice hit both really big hit okay   flinch oh interesting okay that's fine getting  this into minus two is really nice it's a lot of   damage if i can flinch that wait it hit me through  break cutter how did you okay nice really good because now it's in dragon pulse range  yeah i'm really glad i chose to attack   their mens is faster than their their one as well   uh i hear swords units here and d pulse i'd only  be plus one though it's even worth it i don't   wanna break too much just focus ash though yeah it  was obvious but i didn't have a better play here if my meds goes down i might have some  trouble versus their guard chomp right   because i don't have i was gonna have  to go over rock side lunches i think   i just need men to survive but the thing  is they're minus two so they hit again through brightpetter the thing is though in this  position they're kind of pinned right because if   rotom stays even if they if basically if garrosh  switches out then gartron dies and if gareth   and if rotoms which is out then they don't  kill him on here and men's is still full hp yeah okay makes sense but  now my mens are still alive faster thank you scarf minty mines thanks  for 20 months really appreciate that   she kill nice thank you max last one is teetar here they are sandville right so i'm actually gonna  try and deny them sand the question is do i want   to stay in here and go for rock slide i kind  of want i mean i don't really have a strong   incentive to switch except to like it's obvious  they're going to protect garchomp but i i can't   i can't risk it so i either rock slime to twitch  to togekiss but i just eat thunderbolt then and   i don't i don't improve my position that much i'm  just gonna go for deep poles because between rock   slide and deep first of all they can over  predict here if they over predict and just   attack with garchomp and they lose yeah i mean  it was obvious but i should keep them honest it's live for guardrans it  doesn't have infinite bulk either   i just need some more damage on this rotom  they have to thunderbolt or nasty plot here   and they have to get through  rockslide flinches as well okay that's totally okay with me because now i  need to go to tokyo i get to go for either follow   me plus i think they need to be turning down the  men's my guard shop doesn't even have a dragon   move so it's not even very strong it was only plus  one yeah i don't i think that that should steal   it for us i think k1 i think men's was the mod if  they used all those attacks to attack an immense i   think i would have lost i could have lost at least  i saw the garchomp and it would have been healthy   but they have declined i don't have d-claw so um  yeah let me shoot the yawn on the rubber tom it's   minus two special attack and then i can d-pulse  which is running out of peepee unfortunately   gary had ice fang yeah scarf meant in current  vgc and like for for a while has felt pretty   bad but in gen 4 and gen 5 it actually feels  pretty good because it actually does damage   like mod just feel less bulky to me t-bolt  into my yeah that would have two shot me   so i think they should have been targeted in  that earlier is the men's teammate no it's modest   but it's still faster than gara plus  one oh yeah it's mild not modest it's probably somewhat quick to  switch here but this should be fine   yeah carson mentioned a ton of work  this game i got the term one correct crit okay survive nice next game all right gg not bad finally a two a win yeah there's some tricks on this team helping hand  wait no it's faint wide guard hip on top fake out   faint wide guard close combat facade belly drum  recycle protect lacks guardian book life orb   an earthquake of oxford flamethrower press with  psychic ice beam call mine trick room air slush   doesn't follow me protect i'm worried about the  kiss i definitely need to do togekiss and mints   here the thing is i want to bring scissor here  but i if i do this i like super lose the heatran   that being said why do i want scissor over tatar  because tito is actually let's maybe it's worse   versus togekiss but it's and garchomp but i have  cements for garchomp right no gorgeous no scissor   this gives you more options versus  the heatran at least i'll do this   the togeki is the hogus and garchomp  were really threatening in particular hitmontop crest that's fine with  me right this is call minecraft   it's honestly way better than it could have  gone for me in terms of leads this is like   because cress isn't that threatening  with teatare and zumerel in my opinion   what's the hit on top item i need items  leftovers cress i have papa berry him on top   they might have heatran in the back if they're  doing this that's my inclination might be   switching fake out i guess fine figure out zoom  that makes sense it's a little bit of damage wow psychic good move they got me i should  have predicted a zoo oh they cripped me   huh it just does that much um okay that is all  right i am still going to belly drum here should   i air slash it's really risky if i miss the flinch  i need to get belly drum up though is a thing or   else i won't win i want to air slash but i got a  belly drum there's no way i can do anything else   that was a good turn one from them i thought i  was in really good position but now my health   is really low okay the deploy heatran and  garch lax does the north guard they don't   have guard jump i'm going to okay spot it's the  last mod okay double switch i could've yawned   here all right slashed last month is heatran  okay we know the mods now which is super nice okay 44 hp left that might be enough to  take a heat wave i know all four of the mods   so i've turned back both these mods can protect  themselves i think if i'm my opponent here i'm   expecting heatran to be the target because  heatran could get around my spread move so   i'm gonna play with the snorlax and just to  cover myself a little bit i'm gonna air slash   the heatran because this way even if i get it  wrong there should be hip on top and protect   is my prediction i need to go there on top here  they should protect here because that could open   them up next turn for fake out plus [ __ ] or  faint plus heatwave let's see if i got it right   nice okay as long as i don't play  rough i'm in a really good spot nice super good okay good turn him on top going  down is really big for me um because it's one of   the answers to my tyrannosaur right okay this  is a free um awkward into the right slot locks   getting damaged on locks is still good for me and  they they're not gonna get through my token gets   anytime soon i always aquajet here and i have to  follow me because i don't want to take a psychic   okay i just take our heat wait  what's the item i didn't check   shoe guy okay that's fine i should still kill here trick room okay that's fine i kind of want to get damaged in the crest because  the wax with the crescent item leftovers right   cress can't protect itself so if i go for the  damage in the crests if snorlax could spell   the drum up can i lose i can right i think if i  get damage in the crest i should always win or   damage on the lacks i should always win i want to  go over to the crest because it can't protect but   i i don't know what the last belly drum me  because i don't know how much plus five ock   which it does it's not gonna it might not one shot  okay well i just have to watch out for freeze now okay it's fine i just need to watch out for freeze  even if i get frozen i might still be able to call   it back no freeze though that's a really offensive  crust it's not supposed to be doing that much   they're probably they might go for the double here  okay if i missed player if i might get some danger okay oh i'm dead to another ice beam okay nice  i hit plus five play rough get the ko nice   now it's game i cried i don't think it matters oh i live okay we should win this from here oh yeah i can  actually maybe take another hit actual as well   i know these people coming from there probably gg  okay all right but uh you can you normally with a   zoom roll you can get one game the question is  can you get a second game i definitely didn't   think they'd bring heatran but they they did i  really don't think guard trump is that good here   because i i need i need to bring at least either  cheat or scissor i always need to bring mints   i think i was going to try the same thing again  there's like i know that they have the tools   to stop this but i'm gonna force them to like  prove it to me because sometimes people don't   understand how to play against the zoom roll  i'm pretty sure they know how to stop this but   i mean this isn't a super criminal lead  right i can always like play defensive okay i took this garchomp that makes sense  this is a bit spooky to be honest with you   it's probably just rock slide plus dazzling gleam  i lose on flinch right do i have one of you on   it's probably not worth all the damage i  would take let's just play room protect   i don't think they're following me this is the  life of garcia i'm worried about rock slide here   please miss actually it doesn't really  matter what happens as long as um as long as i don't flinch or miss here  which you know is not super good odds   queen yep as expected this is 50 chance to crit  so that's not great yeah zero can't set up here   okay no crit oh it is a crit  please get the attack off nice that should kill super good okay i can  take one more attack as well with the zoom roll okay i kept my tokens healthy as well yeah i'm not  going for belly during this game obviously but in   exchange um who do they leave behind they probably  the thing is that all their mods in the back are   pretty slow so he trained all right that's fine  with me what are those what are the moves on this   thing heatwave earth power sub protect okay i'm  just gonna do for awkward for some damage here   i really need to run a turtle in this now maybe  men's isn't needed actually since they're gonna   use tokens anyway okay just get some damage down  let's go i need damage on this thing eventually   like 40 that's super good wow oh  there's slow kiss okay that's good   that's super good now i know that  they're slower than me i should live this nice live on twelve quit to my zoo  again heatwave mrs tonkis super nice my last one is men's right they have  no one they might have intimidated   i don't know if their last one is  hit on top or not let's go tar here is it even worth dragon  dancing here is my question   the last one could be do i think the last one  is crest realistically honestly i don't i'm   gonna air slash here i think it might be him  on top i'm gonna try and get some damage on it okay i'm sorry i'm out of those yet  but i do get near slash off which   is super nice now i know the mons so i  need i do need to keep toronto healthy   because otherwise i won't be  able to eat the token kiss big hit i might have to be the berry  unfortunately the rock slide nice hits nice let's go it's the berry okay what are my options here i should  probably preserve tarnishers health right   because toronto needs to be healthy in order  to hello hello don't disconnect okay i think i   do this and then i want to protect here to be  honest i'm not that worried about feinty wave the right guard jump on the back this would  be better but whatever that might go for   close combat he waved here as well i think they  want to fake out my token kiss though the blimp ah they got me well they  kind of got me i would say don't burn me please over me close combat okay  it's a fair bit of damage the thing is though that   now i have meds and men's isn't that valuable so i  think what i do here is just click ruxin air slash   because that way they're forced to give me  something they're probably not expecting   rock slide here realistically like i just need  to keep together some heatran healthy hip on   top is no item heatran is shook a berry so  i don't need to worry about that this game   i'm gonna go for rock slide here i don't really  want to lock into anything else so even if they   wide guard me i shouldn't die if they wide guard  we should still trade i should still take him on   top here yeah if they switch into token kiss  it's not like rockstar is super powerful but   um it is a super effective move it should do  like 30 of this token kiss protect super good   okay the thing is that also rock flight plus  air slash has super high odds of flinching and   i need to get i need to get tokens into rockstar  range i hit very good shoot 30 they're actually   probably not that bulky so i actually do  a fair bit here especially with sand chip okay i'm pretty sure in this position  they're going to switch into him on top i'm faster than them i just walk  into and click rock star again   i'm gonna rock slide here and i uh my options  are if i air slash the heatran uh the tokens is   the bigger threat it has protect though i want  to attack into the heatran here to be honest   but i might if i do this i'll i might lose  my if i if i do this i shouldn't be in that   much trouble the worst case scenario  is the switch okay it will protect i should attack t-train good damage flinch this is what vgc was like by the way i built  this team because i was like i gotta teach   people people people have to know someone has  to tell these kids like what they nowadays you   have done you have any idea how nice it is  that you can just dynamics not get flinched   this is my life for years this is my life this is  uh it should be guaranteed damage nice i have both   okay it survives that's fine though everything  is in tyranitar took this range now nice good hit i can probably switch out men's here i should probably switch  mints out actually although   it's a player diff i don't want to  tell you do i have rock side mints well actually i didn't know that soldier  was nerfed in terms of what it boosts   stand in the chat i think men can bring  this home as long as it has a partner oh they got me they actually got me shoot i can lose to bur um burn because it did  burn on teacher would be kind of bad here   burning together doesn't matter i just  could play with them because my heatran   is my torrent is faster than our heatran  i can lose if i miss air slash i guess i don't disagree with my play though i think  it was still correct i gave it my focus   but i don't care about that gg okay  cool not bad i'm gonna say gg ggs all right so what are my options here they  also have intimidate which is pretty bad for me   i think i'm forced to leave garchomp to deal  with the zapdos even though it's weak against   like all the mons i think i need scissor as well  with toronto's around the back for sure without   mints the issues if they don't bring mince then i  don't really know how i'm supposed to be i think   i have to bring mints here because everything  else loses to zapdos and also if i don't bring   months i don't say i'd be their scissor ever  i'm going eath um yeah i mean this is that's   what i expected i have to win by being better  and still like i just have to outplay them um   i think i'm going i'm gonna i'm going eighth  i'm just gonna i assure me then i get one shot   even if they assure me though i might be  okay because i can protect dd protect bp wolf champ difference baby um   like the thing is i have to basically play  flawlessly or else i will immediately lose okay connected that's really good oh it's a lot of  damage let's go is it voltage or is it discharge   t-bolt actually okay bullet punch won't kill this  mammogram is the thing and i will die to ice shard   i think that this is okay for me because even if  i switch into gartron like i just need this mammal   off the field you know like our counter ludicola  can come in here i think also bullet punch doesn't   kill my swing because i'm not me because  i'm lumber like a dummy okay they stayed in i'm playing well but i don't think  it matters it's like the truth   because i'm just at such a team disadvantage didn't do enough damage good job scissor their team let me look at the  team again because this is the basically the   best case scenario oh let's take a look at them  um versus their team they have arkan and cola   pelipper i don't think i want to sack tetar here  is the thing if guardrain goes down here it would   be a 3v four it would be a 4v3 and i would  lose so i can't lose garchomp here i think hopefully i don't protect i don't feel  great about this play the switch to go oh a nice little animation protect okay okay what is the animal this is our citrus  berry that means the last one is most likely   archaic i think it's right over rock side  here covers more options right in case they   do something silly like switch it also gives  you flint chance i just need this mamo dead   it's like all there is to it i'm in a range of ice  shard most likely i just don't want the scissors   hitting up on me i just did i did too i need  to just crunch here it doesn't kill with this oh okay any flinchers in chat tea tree got me nice flinch big damage okay i'm lit so just  very scissor okay so it's probably pretty bulky   pelipper okay how fast is pelipper it's the  base speed is it faster than my tournister   i know all the mods now so i  can start to play to an end game i kind of rock slided they didn't bullet punch  either i could just take enough heli here and   that would have been really good for me  oh they're gonna tailwind on me no okay okay immense it's really bad too really bad i'm probably  in range a plus one bp right actually no i   don't think i've been okay i think i shouldn't  so i should have just taken the kill there i   didn't take the kill and keep men's healthy  scissor it's citrus berry so it might not be see it's plus one it's plus two but no choice  band i'm dead to it bullet punch here well much   kills my meds but do they know that they don't  know oh i'm naive i'm definitely dead to it   um that means i probably can't  win with mints anymore right   but i don't know the switch out anymore  so okay it's in rocks that range now if i dragon pulse there would have been really  nice shape but not locked into flamethrower can't win okay it's pretty bad  for me i still have an out um   what is the item on this pelipper it's  sash skull hurricane protect tailwind   there's no real point letting scissor  die here i may as well protect it i'm dead to this unfortunately scissors  is really powerful yeah i know it's dead the thing is i really want to win this  with dragon dance tyranitar but i can't   right because i can't i'm never gonna get dragon  into off all right brake powder don't fail me now   do i do even i don't even i just protect you  actually and i bullet punch here because i'm   dying this turn anyway yeah scissor memozaptos  is really hard for my team to deal with okay a little bit more damage some not  bad damage on the scissor to be honest did they sources again on me oh oh no they didn't they just went for a scissor  okay all right tyranitar it's time to be a good   good friend i mean uh to go  shop it's gonna be a good friend   any good friend any good friend guard shops in  chat tail went up to uh was that turn two of tail   one no they killed manchester bull punch then  they killed caesar this is the lost in tailwind   they can double guard shot but that gives me a 50  chance of dodging an attack more or less yeah this   is plus one tick i should pull a punch but it's  still pretty strong my team is really weak to it   they brought really they led while they  brought their right wands i'm only i'm   hanging on by the skin of my teeth but the skin  of my teeth is bright powder guard chump which   is a good one to have on your backs against  the wall i could just get burned by skull   and i would immediately lose the thing is  they need to double to render or kill it and to turn oh wait it's fine sorry for the any uh issues that's game over that's the reverse sprite powder effect zapdos is only moves or electric  so i can actually still win this   do i take how much do i take from first  of all how much does a garchomp earthquake   doing i think i literally lose on that rock  slide plus earthquake kills that's really   unfortunate bullet punch is a rule to not  kill me if they're bulky oh that's a life orb   i might not have killed anyway all right i  need i have a 50 chance of winning this game let's go let's go chomp uh depending on the  bulky way is there a chance i don't kill here 72   min if they're bulky if they're max hp but  they're probably not physically bulky right who tried to tell me this was bad all right gg i  win let's go garchomp who wants to go to our town all right uh i mean i cheesed one win  out but that's probably not enough   to win the set how do i get through the mama swine  i'm not gonna be able to do that again right i can   get them to lock into discharge most likely but  that's not that good for me right i think i i'm   force lead guard chomp i i think what i did is  pretty much as good as i can get to be honest   i i just did play very aggressive i just need  to make i need to hard read every single turn   even then i might lose i mean tokens and zero  don't help me that much there's a thing zoom   roll's not bad into the mammoth one though zero is  pretty good i just how do i get around the zapdos   is the thing you know uh do i need mints here for  what what do i need meant for for their for their   scissor yeah i do need mints i want to bring  uh zuma but i can't figure out how this   time if they leave the same thing they're  going to attack uh garchomp turn one yeah   so i should give a bowl of punch and hope that  i crit because they know that they take a bullet   punch and they don't take about damage from it so  i think this time they play a little differently   i'm trying to like use multi-game conditioning  my guardian gets one shot by i shard so i have   to be really careful against the memo i hate this  it's just a mind game let's see if their memories   protect i don't think they should but we'll  see okay that's an instant loss unfortunately they got me oh they voltage this time though  i didn't live with more hp   fml they're going to scissor  here and then i just wipe right i'm forced to go into torrential around the ice  shard then they yeah i just can't do anything   punch here yeah if they play defensively  with mamo i can never do anything i   thought they would play aggressive turn one  because they don't take that much damage   i need him on top dude marcus is so right why do  i have nothing from ammo it's probably the same   ones again this is going to be nearly impossible  to win i think i shard into my ttar breaks my sash crit it's not enough damage  still too short swords dance let's see who they target here they  might just take out my tyrannosaur   nope they go for scissor i think they  want me to scissor here defensive is there scissor fest in the mind is that what  they're banking on here plus four scissor guard   shop you got me probably oh i don't know  who's faster but it's probably them yeah um is there any yeah i can win this with sandvale   with sandville's winneball okay i think tyranitar  should love this based on which i sure did because   this is like double i sure damaged it okay  don't flinch hyrule hyrule crunch gg gg with crunch there it's winnable wait wait wait wait i'm still alive i'm barely  breathing but i am still alive in this hold on   hold on hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait  wait wait wait wait this is potentially maybe oh   if i hit that crunch but if they hit the i try to  lose anyway so it's fine um there's citrus very   activates there's no way i win this right they  have zapdos which means it's only a two it's   technically a 2v3 i mean they do zapdos still but  like i mean if i kill the they're going to pelly   here right to eliminate sandville from being a  pain i still break powder even if they go into it   zappy wait zapdos here wait really because  i just can't touch my garchomp so i guess   they're trying to make it a 1v1 or they're  going to try and get pelipper in somehow all right moment of truth men should probably  have a plus three bp but garchomp should live   gorgeous plus three they also have to hit me still i live this i live this trust this kills please am i right does this kill hold on what's the last mon the zap just  can't touch me if i kill the last man i win   volt switch okay show me the last mod i can win this wait i can actually win  this drizzle okay no saying imagine my meds   hold on bray powder death if i  kill peliper guard trump wins   but i issues i only have  rock slides left on my mon's if i hit rock slide i should win this  i think if i double hit rock slide here   they got me though because  oh i could have dragon pulse   come on guard chomp you're so close bring  us home let's go speak damage on kelly   i kind of wish i hadn't used draco meteor  now have i de-pulsed into the peli flinch   oh all right guys well garchomp you did a really  good job let's see if we can bring this home helper your base speed is what 65 if it's  modest diode speed we don't know if it's   modest or timid though if it's timid i don't  have speed that means the driver should kill it   this is gonna be really down to the wire if  i lose this i don't think i win a third game i hit that's a big deal with  sand chip this might be enough   i might have to get one more draco i  got so lucky i got so lucky holy cow   oh my god yeah apollo i i should probably  apologize for that one ggs sorry about   bright powder to be fair these people have to  know people don't understand what it was like   all right this is pretty tough um there's no  guarantee they'll lead correctly so i can do   one two i think i need scissor guard  jump here no intimidate no territory   i think that's the correct play guard jump  gives me something i'm so gary weak though   if i don't bring mints but okay i need i think  i need garchomp because i need scissors as a   backup from amazon and garchomp as a answer  to tyranitar heatran yeah hit him on top yeah   the zone is bold nature are timid tongue  this is token this nature mammal crests okay they're probably gonna go for energy  ball here is the thing it's probably   iso crash plus energy ball unfortunately  if i get rid of the mammoth one i can win   right so i'll just aqua jet plus protect i'm  gonna take an energy ball here which is okay some big damage there crash  should be energy ball here yep okay so i should get a belly drum there would  have been better to follow me villager um   project belgium is probably correct so  my option to your aqua jet plus yawn   these are the aqua jet plus yawn as it  might backfire right i think i'm going   to predict them to be really let's make  a good player belly drone plus follow me   this could backfire really hard i  think they want to just bam out though yep guerra wow you and your pokemon's power levels  are amazing they're over nine thanks very much i   appreciate that uh let's go badly for me for  sure because i just took a lot of damage here how much does plastics or zoom roll do to  cress it's like a good move uh priscilla versus the zoom roll aqua gel plus six   max attack adamant huge power doesn't do  enough i'm basically going to try to use   scissors to be the cresselia and the okay they  didn't protect ah come on player don't miss okay that's fine they didn't go  for ice fans i didn't want to miss   i might take an ice beam it's gonna be  close uh please hang in there togekiss all right i need to hit the  player offer i'm going nath okay we trade one for one  but i'm still low hp here   does the so it's minus one plus one here  if it's hitmontop or to run a tar they   don't really want to switch in here  right as long as the scissor alive   it's probably heatran it's got to be heatran  right oh it's h top wait how do they intend to be   how do they intend to beat um scissor wait what  was their plan for scissor hold on ah they got me wait fake onto faint is gonna kill me oh wait i think i messed up  hold on i actually messed up   when i actually messed up i  lose this now because of the oh wait i actually messed up breitbart  you got me it's faster than me too because   i'm only plus one on my hitmon on my scissor  wait i actually messed this up so badly oh my god   scissor versus hitmontop it's  probably just max max right   well a puncher plus one doesn't do enough how  about a plus four it doesn't do enough anyway   i need to sort this again after that ship i can  do it and versus cr i can kill cressier but then   because they have to faint right does scissor  plus won't even kill crossell yeah since they're   frail it might i think this can do it with  the chip damage oh didn't think about that i'm back to neutral guard chop any flinchers  any flinchers in chat they break powder   they got me really good okay plus one  next scissors should kill the crest here okay it's a 2v1 their mammoth one's moves are what  earthquake is impressions move a rock slide   i have to call whether it's faint or fake out here  i hate 5050s i was going to go for rock slide plus   [ __ ] or rockslide plus faint and i think i get  it wrong i lose whatever 5050 random anyway nice let's go me okay mama's dead two should do it with if they close combat  defense drop with the defense drop it should   do it it's a lot of damage i'm dead to another  one i have to go for it but it should kill   minimum damage according to this is 113. it's plus two scissor no item technician  adamant versus hip on top should kill   let's go scissor good stuff they didn't bring  heatran so yeah but him on top was good against   me so because all my bones are physical  except for men so i didn't you know bring   and token because who didn't attack i think i used  to zoom really well there i always had to turn one   and then called to switch um if i was really big  brain i would leave together here and immediately   switch out turn one wait i could try i'm gonna  try this i don't know if it makes any sense   because i think they're gonna either lead him on  top memo or wait this is actually kind of heat   i think that this could work maybe well they  have double intimidated i don't even notice   because they're probably gonna do him on top memo  and try and play a faint mind game turn one right um i actually survive it's memo  h top right oh cheetah okay it's fine with me to be honest  this is choice ben terenatar   uh it's move set is rocks like crunch  brickpick and stone edge okay they switch gara okay super solid for  me scara's ice fang though guerra's item is what lumber okay any missers  any misters in chat that [ __ ] image could   actually be important so i really prefer  a miss they hit through brake powder wow   that's a lot of damage okay the number  one threat to my team right now is this   oh slow gyarados okay all right guard chomp  ready we're gonna need some flinchies oh this   is supposed to slow toronto this gyarados is  the biggest threat because if i can get a little   damage on the garchomp or in the toronto tire they  stayed in oh all right i'm actually together what   am i saying of course they're slower than me  i thought i was bulky token just for a second   all right this is a very high odds of  flinching nice they hit both this is okay   tokus is dead though which is bad but  gyarados took a ton of damage through that this is really going to be able  to clean this up i'm not so sure i want an earthquake here but i'm worried  that my scissor will take too much damage   if i were really ballsy i can't right  this covers the garage staying in   there's no chance that the garage stays in here take some damage down come on top minus one bullet punches can do as much  we still should do a little bit of damage didn't do very much a lot of swords  danced rather than go for rock slide   all right i shouldn't miss he  shouldn't they should miss this turn well i'm worried about scissors hp but whatever  they hit every one of my guard job what is the   purpose of brake powder if it's not gonna wait  do they have wiggered they do have white guard oh   that's not good oh that's not good at all i didn't  really have my type of wide guard hold up um   i want to protect earthquake here but it's  probably stupid right because they're probably   wide guarding this turn whatever they  might just mess even if they wide guard i need a rock slide this sucks it's too pivoty here's where i go this  turn i'm still in this though i'm actually still   in this because the zoom roll's still in play  and back it's neutral bar jump minus two scissor   oh they they went for a close they went for  close combat wait hold on who do they attack   what's the other one on top is it citrus that's  citrus oh god they're playing really well i've   done so much damage it doesn't even matter let's  go okay all right it's fine we're still in this guardian dying there would be really bad both  intimidators on the field i'm neutral we've   done some damage switch out to reset the drops  and protect we just don't know what the last   one is it's maybe mammoth wine i'm just not sure  if oh they switch again oh it's cresselia okay   wait that means scissors really strong on the  end game here i just need to get an attack off shoot okay that's a lot of  damage it's a lot of damage   i need to get a kill at some point is the thing sand is over which that's also under  my brake powder oh it's their tornado   playroof should be close to guaranteed kill can i  rock slide here it feels really risky but i think   that i think i have to actually because i can't  switch scissors anymore so this is the way that i   win this game okay someone's taking a turn damage  here and it's me i just don't know which one yet i   got a swords dance but i wanted to go for flinches  thanks for the sub uh yeah tonight i appreciate   that is it energy more than ice beam energy ball  a zero should survive this let's go zoom roll   okay surviving there is incredibly important the  tyranitar can't protect itself as the thing so okay connected that's a big ko hit on top was  like the biggest throne of my side for this fight i have a feeling they're going to go  gyarados and pivot into garchomp or tyranitar   they go to renator okay this thing can't  protect itself is the thing so i can just   i'm gonna aquajet slide here because it covers  aguero switching and it means that i like since as   long as tyranitar faints here aqua jar plus rock  slide right because all i need is is everything in   scissor range and i think the only thing nothing  says arranged right now is the tyranitar if   it gets another attack off plus i just need  to make sure doesn't switch in and safely   because the end game here is scissor bead  crest i think is the goal i don't know if   i don't know if this is actually beats  crest but that's what i'm hoping for   scissors should as long as it has its current  health or it's close to it because it resists   all crested moves and ice beam won't activate they  can't protect their choice ban so they stayed in   okay awkward they should do it like 40 i don't  know if that's enough for rock slide guard trump   hits both doing a tyranitar  impression no no no no no no no no such high odds of surviving this  turn buddy your odds are so high   and they're a hundred percent okay  um okay scissors in we're still alive we are actually still alive here this is my  best move right i don't want to protect here i   need to go for rock slide awkward earthquake  might have been better there but i thought   that architect rockstar would kill and i oh  no no i couldn't earthquake because that's   like garrosh switching in let's turn her so  bulky i hit both wait no intimidate switch any flinch any bright powder survived okay dead oh thanks sand oh it says are really  carried this was looking pretty bad but we   managed to we were really smart with our damage  mitigation with our own with get where we got   our damage also let me take out the hit on top  was i think the real thing because they needed   sensor to be not intimidated or to be intimidated  gary doesn't have any spread moves so this is safe oh digi spray powder once again to be  fair though they gave me the sand um let me think about this it's not that much  tyrannosaurus bad i mean i need mints for sure   right and they also probably won't guard show  for the heatran so medicine garchomp should   come for sure i think togenkis is good here i  don't think scissors is super good because it's   not good to any individual models they have  intimidated it's okay in the latter's but   not great because bug moves are too slow it's  not good into their scissor whatever is their   scissor agua berry okay lots of bulky scissors  i think i made the wrong choice i'm just gonna   go one two three four i think i mean yeah it might  not work but that's this is what i can do i need   to not be afraid and not be afraid to hate my  turkey turn okay there's zoomer on geckos okay okay fake out faint wide guard close combat  i'm onto the flash cannon uh i'm gonna go for   belly drum here and yawn here i think i should  probably protect like they could faint me though   i think i'm better predictor i don't  think they're going to faint me that's   my impression i'm going to break above  here because of faint it's a bit risky but because i think that the threat of belly drum  is going to keep them honest here because harder   to protect a protect here when i'm not  under that much pressure is really risky well gg ah they really got me it doesn't  do that much damage i'm still alive   but that went really badly i can't even  really belly drum safely here can i   okay i messed up i gotta kill the tip on top wow  they really hard read that i didn't realize they   were willing to take such big risks that's  right i have a secret trick on my sleeve   what are the other mods in this team latios gastro  they probably have gastro in the back and scissor   unfortunate it might be scissor  yeah okay that's not good ah no flinch really i made that the tournament went  so badly like unbelievably badly okay a little bit of damage here this has  recovery but getting damaged on is good still   this hitmontop's a big problem unfortunately i'm  not gonna over belly drum this game i just have   to go for damage because heatran is a problem  all right such a good lead i really like my   lead matchup i just messed it up i should just  yawned or air slashed air splash plus there's   my feature plus belly drum is probably fine in  hindsight i just lied really badly i hopefully   could still turn this around but the issue is that  um i don't know what the last one is it's probably some more damage down on this i'm trying to  put in an earthquake range it's nowhere near   earthquake range flash cannon it's my meds  oh i'm about to die this is going badly um i slash this isn't that scary i've taken a lot  of damage there's 100 of the damage trades here yes hang in there 36-64 i'm gonna do another one ah okay man there's less flinching to burn okay that's  okay i can still win this he should plug is   just a hit on top here but i can't do anything  about that the issue is wide guard unfortunately yeah he drink wasn't hit on top but  i didn't because i got burned there   i couldn't do anything about it that's him on top they got me this swords installed  on me i lose now i actually lose now ah they're playing so risky i could have just  could just kill the scissor here probably i   couldn't kill the scissor but okay i have to  sack together right though i segment instead   oh wait if i stack men's i just lose two plus one  right is zero still healthy um they could misplay   here potentially i'm probably losing this i'll  take chances and hope that they make a mistake   they can just wide guard indefinite indefinitely  they got so lucky bright powder is active wait hold on are they gonna have sources  again oh it makes sense they're just gonna   swords dance until um okay that makes sense if  they miss there they lose though which is funny that i just got the wrong turn  one and which i just like the   wide guard is too hard for my garcon to deal with my guard into my garchomp wait i survived that hold up   hold up wait i can't win this right if their last  one is gastronomic i think they might have entered wait if their last one is gastro i can  bring this back hold on hold on hold on wait hold on hold on hold on because nine plus three and hit my top is  dead i thought they were just go after kiss how much does garchomps plus three  earthquakes doing the gastronomy right they didn't even oh i'm getting  the return wrong every turn earthquake probably doesn't kill this depending on  spread if it's it's almost certainly not going to   kill here but i have bright powder don't forget  and where there's a bright pattern there's a way   i'll only plus three okay gray powder  bright powder bright powder bright powder   bright powder bright powder bright powder  bright powder bright powder bright predator   what is it one and nine to survive or just crit  the the gastro because i kill scissor here i   think their end game is still in their favor but i  think it's possible now especially the rock slide   please kill the gastro just barely not  what's the item on this thing is it citrus   please be rendo ayah papa oh i'm  so close i'm actually so close   miss miss miss i deserve that does  that protect it has protect as well so basically what's the win condition  here men's i need you to get lucky if i hit that second it might be a second  air slash diff although i think that   i don't know the tools to  beat this heatran anymore yeah i can't belly drone because i have no  idea because okay i could drink a meteor here   i mean it's pretty sure the thing protects  itself but well there's a rock slide there's   a way i just need to get a couple flinches yeah  obvious but i have to i have to make this move   i knew it was coming but scarf and um storm  drain i have to make it immense you got me   you hit okay can we get a flinch single flinch we  might actually turn this around i just need one   oh wait this is actually doable now wait  no meme i can win this same thing again this is actually winnable i think come  on man she got me because i should live   in uh an aquajet right or i should  live at flash cannon with a zoom roll   it depends if player can connect and ko this  gastric on here it might be winnable they   fail the double immense connects on the heatran  big deal just player of connecting the gastro he shouldn't use his flash cannon into my meant  that's correct target does if if a zoom roll   connects here i might be able to win there's no  more rng except for if i get crit player i'll lose   when i miss okay well i didn't deserve everyone  this probably although that's a really long way to   lose but whatever oh wait this never works this  never works oh it does it does actually sorry okay i forgot about how protected works match there's no way uh aquajet does  more than 40 of the seat trend all the   way this isn't a trickrom team it  could be max if it's no bulk maybe   noble kitchen probably dies here flash cannon  i live this 126 10 to 39 okay this kills let's   just take a little little pulse here they don't  have any speed control right so it's probably   adamant huge power 42 to 49 percent of its  no vote but it was max hp it's a roll of its   zero bulk so so i went on crit and i also went  on high roll no bulk go go go air slash diff i   lost on air slash miss i lost to pl and air  slash into play roughness and i played badly if i hit the air slash even though i don't get   the rock slide flinch i still  win because of the damage diff   i know actually i would lose then okay i mean  yeah that's okay but it was a little bit stupid i'm gonna do the same thing again i don't think  there was anything wrong with my game plan i think   i made bad play turn one and then that really  cost me because the thing is that the pokemon   had issues with a hitmontop and the heatran  and the scissor and the they have one of the   scissors basically and bringing toronto turned  scissors don't help me with that so i think i'm   bringing the right ones i really want sandvale  but it's okay let's see if we can turn this around   there's definitely some holes in the gameplay  i can exploit yeah people took heatran okay so the goal here is you go to the hip  on top eventually air slashes into a ko   again we're playing the fake up versus faint  mind game but i think this time i'm a little   bit more informed in terms of what i can do  because i don't die to a faint i don't die   to a flash cannons what i can do is belly drum  and air slash here this puts the odds pretty in   my favor because if they faint they always lose  the the the mind game if they fake out and they   take out togekiss whatever i still get belly  drum off uh if they fake out and they fake out   as uh a zoom roll i can maybe just trade air  slash here and getting a chip on the heatran   is good because of earthquake later i won't  awkward until gastro is dead that's my rule   unless i have to unless i have no choice fake  out they got it right both times into my zoom   roll that's fine the little chip damage is  annoying i hit air slash this should flinch nope i'm willing to do that again actually because  i think there's a good chance they switch into   scissor the number one priority here  is to get rid of the hit on top though   because once hitler on top goes down  garchomp becomes a play a pokemon can use they switch out that's fine  it should be gastro or scissor scissor comes in okay got the secondary slash this time  let's see if we get the flinch that's fine there's no  purpose and follow being there okay healthy pretty sure that he turns in earthquake range now okay we're going to trade here  probably assuming the vola punch i'm assuming player of hits okay should kill i think this is plus six   okay i can't see because of the notification  did they survive oh i'm going eighth hmm okay well i should aqua jetta that's my  bad i think the scissors worth threatening but   i'm a little worried about protect plus  flash cannon here so i'm gonna do this   there's a lot of things that can go wrong with  this i really thought plus six players would kill   okay well we're trading here i'm really worried about this gastrodon now i can't believe they didn't kill him on top and what it could be latias there's not  a certain gastrodon that's not hit on top is it   oh it's latios oh shoot oh i'm  actually lit hang on i'm actually lit   because i shouldn't add a plus mobile there's  no way i'd have to swim ball a punch right but   i don't think salomons kills latias with dragon  pulse how much do you take from dragon pulse 100 minimum that's life form i'm not life-form  i gotta over drink a meteor this could really   backfire awkward jet into the scissor for the  ko and then draco meteor into the latios for   something logical as a life warp as i recall  god i hope i don't make a meteor to lose well   jesus is protected i'm a little worried about him  and um switching in here for that for that slot   him on top and protect would be kind of bad  for me because then they would just probably   sort it again and then i've been pretty  much doomed i should have maybe considered   doubling the latios no no because if  it protects i would just lose right i could have killed it it's my bad  because draco meteor doesn't do enough i need to kill this hip on top of the issue oh the bbp it's fine latios's moves are draco in your  psychic protect an energy ball   i hit a drink of meteor okay which means all i  need to do is put this thing in earth quick range   it's not nice quick range okay that's fine if i  i think there should be guaranteed game from here if i switch into men's and protect let's say  i switch into and i lose my mon here right   they would have been they then they would they  would have taken a little chip damage right i might need another drinking meter to win this take out i knew it was coming do i blow  this i feel like i blew this   because dragon balls is not it doesn't ko  all the time i have to i have to hit a draco   meteor to win that's all there is to it like  at the end of the day is stricter meteor bust minus one all right mance you win if you hit drink upstate  norman you win if you had draco meteor otherwise   we're going eighth i don't think earthquake kills  tim on top from here some of those swords against   i still have brake powder so i still  have one very desperate out oh wait no no   if the hip on top survives i'd never i don't  have any outs settlements come on you got   nobody else got me you know solomon's  got me right psalm is 90 chance to win   god this is really this is really 2012.  win or lose on drinking meteor yep okay   one more chance next turn to do it  they're gonna close combat into my mens   i didn't have any better plays here unless i got  a close combat in which case that's just my bad   if i lose the close combat then uh if i  get a close comment here i guess i have   to dodge a crit so i lose on crit and i  lose on miss but the odds are my favorite okay we'll judge crit the 33 times 2.25 is enough all right mints  nothing else for it buddy does rock slide ever k   i'm hit on top in this range plus two minus  one doesn't kill i gotta go for earthquake i locked in the right move out of the  quarter right draco meteor into the latios   all right mints 90 of the time you  bring us home right nice good job mance a little bit too close for comfort to be honest  and if you like the game don't forget to subscribe oh way too close i feel like they're gonna lead scissor next  game this has been really good they're gonna   do scissor gastro stuff right but i don't really  have any answers to that except for leading mints   do i ever switch it up salomon scar chomp lead  maybe and go for swords and turn one the stupid   hitmontop is really annoying though late game of  zoom roll that sounds kind of risky i just really   have a feeling that they're gonna leave with  scissors so i think i'm gonna do this instead let me think about this basically they're  very like i think they're gonna go back to   the monster brock game one because game two latios  didn't do anything against my men's okay hip on   top and tyranitar okay well i don't just like  my leads at all this is dragon ends turn atar oh i got sand i'm lit this is the best day of  my life wait why do they leave this into a zoom   roll i don't get it wait who do they leave  behind they were all their moms were good okay i got stand up i'm back in my  element baby i got my sandy garchy   all right let's go into a zoo and rather than try  to use a zoo to belly drum this game let's focus   on a guard shop-centric game since they gave  me sand and let's go for play rough into the   uh hitmontop turn 2. like they're not gonna be  able to hit me i have sandville brake powder   dodge it dodge it dodge it dodge it dodge it  dodge your dodger dodge and dodge it dodge it   dodge it dodgy dodge it it is uh sd right or dd  dd crunch rock slide protect that's fine i have um   intimidate spam go zoom releases in real blast etc  etc they switched out tyranitar okay into hoost   scissor pickup castro oh that's scary they  switched out again who is it okay a plus one now okay maybe i do play a different  game plan than i initially thought i gotta kill this this um gastro i'm  most likely dead to ice beam right   so my options are what i can i think i  want an earthquake here for plus one damage   if i do this i'm going to lose a lot of momentum  though right do i have her belly drums here   belly room doesn't really help me  right it's a bit of an awkward spot   i really don't want to give them the boost i know  all their mods right so azumarill is really good   in the late game once i get damaged down right  and the zoom roll like just with play-off does   a lot won't take a damage onto this scissor i'll  go real quick this might be a mistake i need to   get rid of the hitmontop more than anything so  that way i don't need to get rid of him on top   and then win with i think i think i'm gonna eat  nice beam and not get to use garchomp at all but   i still think that this is the move i want  to make they stay in with they're staying in i think this is pretty bad the scissors  are so threatening brother are you flying brother yeah oh they switched out okay i got  back to neutral i got an intimidate down i got   earthquake off i'm happy just get some damage  here scanning damage down is really nice in   this position i gotta ride this hit on top i do  the earthquake does 50 that's my hope just under   swords dances back to plus one okay how do  i go to this hymn on top i know all four   of their mods that means that tokengus is not  as valuable with this setup no safety goggles   i'm gonna proc the berry it's gonna need three  hits decay i got a togi tokidi tokike and eq again i'm stacking togekiss most likely here it  doesn't take a fake out of the bowl punch okay should be bp oh they're swords hinting again   oh wait i lose now right i  killed the hitmontop let's go okay it's plus three now   still pretty stressful but the hit on top  is down which means no more wide guard earthquake ko from here is my question i believe  so that's really it really could go either way   i'm gonna follow me earthquake if i get this  turn wrong do i lose if i get this turn wrong   it's not impossible for me to win actually but  it'd be pretty difficult um if i get this from   wrong i'll lose both mons right and it won't  ko either i get this from wrong i'm most likely   i'm gonna lose for sure but what are my other  options here i could switch into men's here   it's not like men's has that much more value for  the rest of this fight but then again neither   does tokyo guess i'd rather just follow me  i think just in case i got this turn wrong from scissors that's fine it doesn't oh they're  activating um i could have swords dance but it   was really risky the sword's dance here  i don't think it was cryptosaurus dance damaging gastro is nice just  in case something goes wrong   big damage on gaster actually ice beam oh please  don't freeze me that'd be the worst way to lose okay is it ever worth saving togekiss here it  is actually because if together goes down   i actually have a backup now or because men's  doesn't do anything against scissor oh wait let's   say i lose both mons here i would go mence and azu  right yeah i should follow me an earthquake here all right garchomp i need  you to finish off the scissor bullet punch guard chomp if nobody  else got me i know garchomp got me please finish the scissor nice okay gosh  was healing up but i think that this trade   is in my favor because now to 2v2 but  my mods are full hp and those aren't i could still lose to rockslide though that's  a pretty healthy gastronomist dodge it dodger   dodge it oh i survived that mold okay i  actually might still lose this to be honest   sand ends as well really bad timing because now  sand actually helps them more than it helps me oh it's a mind game i don't know  what to do i think i might lose this guitar is back in really nice end  game management but i don't think i   could have done anything better there saving  tokens would have just made it worse for me   okay santa's back up they're minus one which is  a huge buff but i still think the play rough is   the issue how much does a zero player off doing  to tyranitar i doubt it kos um it's it kills   if there's a four hp salomons on the other hand  versus gastrodon i don't know how they're trained   fifty percent minimum okay depends on how  they're trained though this is modest gastronome   like if i do what if i missed the ko though i  would lose i'm out of time i i'm doubling this   i don't really like this play but i'm gonna do  it okay uh i'm on the other end of the coin now oh did you dump me wait i think they ended   if i hit player if i win it's literally hit  player off and win miss player even lose hit okay and by when i mean i have a chance  i have a pretty good chance to win now   awkward should do minimum zoomer ill aquajet max attack adamant huge power  versus tyranitar we have no idea how bulky it is   we know it's neutral attack aqua just is  45 to 54 so i should always just d pulse   here and aquajet here i'll go for it hope that up  double aqueous kayos because i don't risk flinch there's no bulk i should win this now oh let's go that's not quite range hang on there guys men's is  probably dead let's it's comments gg all right we did it nice job we lost the  first round and then the next six to top cut   said ggs those are close games after winning the seventh round i  decided to stop playing for the day   there was technically another round  left but i decided to forfeit because   i was already guaranteed to move on and i  had people coming over for my birthday so   i uh wanted to shower i checked before bed and  saw that my next opponent was using a rain team   this team was pretty spooky it had scissor and  raiku both of which did relatively well against   my team as well as ludicolo who could hit five of  my six pokemon for a super effective damage i woke   up about 15 minutes before the match started and  banged out a rough game plan with help from aaron   traylor realizing i needed to focus on getting  rid of ludicolo and scissor as soon as possible   my opponent didn't have intimidate so setting  up my physical attackers could go a long way   with a rough idea of what i was doing i jumped  into the match i never actually i know what   mods i think i want basically i just know i'm not  bringing scissors right now at least for game one   game two depending on how it goes i could bring  up a freaking one i'm not bringing scissor um   thanks for the sub uh dylan um i can't  look at chatting i got to think about this   i don't think leading uh scissors is a good idea  so i always look token kiss and then i either lead   ments or ozu basically mens is worse if they leave  scissor right and ozzy is worse i'm going to do   azu i i have more faith in those dudes i don't  want to do men's and i'm cheating her and back   this might not work um i'm really worried about  their scissor scissor lootie scissors and they are   the big threats on this team i think um and polish  was also really dangerous because of paris song   it's paris on colleen let me read the items again  for my own sake um lumbery scissor uh citrus berry   lily with energy will hydro pump ice beam i figure  out uh i'll go very political to the protected   encore skull parason yachty chomp beverage hook  gets magnet right here with inner focus okay oh okay all right that's not bad   there's no way i don't have a thunderbolt right  well i could have looked far trump though i'm not   sure this is actually good for me actually because  reich is actually kind of i don't think they would   lead this it doesn't have thunder right it's  thunderbolt voltage i don't know voltage i don't   think i've got a thunderbolt though completely  honest they don't really have better mods to   have against me right now so i don't think they  want to switch super taking both of those okay   looty's the big thing though oh okay that's  not so bad for me scissor let's scissor   okay that's fine um oh i followed me that i would  have been so correct i see they want to set up for   ludi later the scissors the bigger threat but  since i didn't ring guard trump oh oh okay   that's fine though i i'm so cool with this i'm  gonna be completely honest a cool move but um   i'm so like basically like this is  the lead i expected so i led together   expecting this and my play was always air  slash belly drum the fact that i am in the   same position i anticipated but so much since  i started with 40 less hp i like i'm still this   is a tough matchup so i'm nowhere near out of  the woods but it could be worse also i know   four of them on right take out into my i'll  zoo okay and i'm gonna use fake out it hits oh i didn't know that that would happen okay um i don't think aquajet kills from there  in fact i'm pretty sure it doesn't let me calc   there's less did less than i thought i was  just 23 to 28 that's not in range i'm really   weak to the raiku right now unfortunately  and this play is really obvious as well   they hardwood me turn one maybe i  should be a little bit more aggressive the zoom roll if nobody else got  me i know the zoom roll got me all right scissors one of the bigger threats in  this team i am still not in great shape because   of the raiku they're pretty immense they're  just hard reading me which is fine no freeze   all right uh ludy probably kills me  if it's not much the ice cream did but   um the raiku is a problem let's see okay let me  think about this because now is where i actually   have enough information that i can start to make  a game plan right i think i just followed me belly   drum here because i could play rough as well  though like player isn't bad here because it   gets damaged down but belly drum allows me to open  up for t turn sweep right because i enjoy pressing   them with aqua jet because players just don't do  enough damage right i have to go for billigram   let me calc how much i do to polly toad yeah android this doesn't kill  i should love this i think okay they say oh i'm staying in is really  big for me i don't know i'm ever gonna   call this ludi as a thing energy ball ice  beam i could play it's citrus there's a   tiny chance of this okay yeah chance equals zero yeah i guess i didn't really  think this fully through yeah i don't have anything for this looty i  need a towie kiss to beat the ludi so maybe i   should have just switched there i don't actually  know i was worried about energy ball though all   right i have to be a little bit aggressive here  they're playing really aggressively but ugh sucks they're attacking did they get me they got me shoot i should have just  killed it that's my bad it depends on   if the energy ball here or not to be honest paulie ah i played badly that was a bad play i mean i  i should have been a little bit more aggressive   since i've been playing this okay at least they  didn't totally get me they just mostly got me i don't think i take a skull to the issue i think i'm gonna hard read them to but are  they really gonna encore awkward just pretty   obvious right like the energy ball play  is free so i think i just do this and this   and if they take out my ttar i'm  gonna have a bad time i guess because i think i'm dead to scald is the issue  it does about 50 i don't think plus morocco kills if they attack him to deter with  energy ball then i've messed up   i think it's also though right okay then i think  this is the correct play because it only protects   me ground i need to kill the ludi let's try and  keep cheetah alive so rock slides the only move   gives me a chance to do that okay i need to  flinch the poly and kayla okay i got the looty   hold on if i if teacher makes it do this turn  flinch wait i'm actually still in this hold up   hold up hold up hold up i should be  faster than your iq 124 times one point   right because what base 1 15. 124 to 1.5 is 186.  there's no right who's faster than that right 183 i'm faster than it i'm gonna crunch into this   and dragon pulse into this this dragon pulse two  sharks they have no bulk yeah i'm dragon pulsing yeah it was obvious but i i had to cover up  especially based on how they were playing i unless   my teacher does the thunderbolt if t-dart is a  thunderbolt i could still win this though because oh it has some bulk ah it has some bulk   snarl okay we're fine okay it's fine it actually  doesn't change with the kl roll do i just raiku according to this magnet  timid raiku should do maximum   102 damage so i shouldn't die here they need  to double protect to even be in this still pick up a double i can lose now men's crit and bring me home nope i knew they were going to  go for it but i wanted to the para opera okay i should be good now d pulse the shako all right mike is dead okay i got really lucky to get the flinch  i was i would have lost the flinch for sure though it would have been no way better  position of air so i just flipped the scissor   though actually didn't go that badly because  they ice beam me anyway so this might have   this is probably indicative that my team  didn't work properly i think my original   instinct when i saw this team was to  lead with garchomp garcia together but i don't know like a zuma was really good into  the scissor basically i got super bailed out this   game because they voltage themselves turn one  like basically i don't have an answer for the   scissor right so i guess garchomp is probably  a little bit better i thought that azuma would   be stronger but since like they brought i didn't  think they'd bring rag who is the truth i thought   they'd bring together or um maybe maybe guard  trump of their own so i mean i get why they're   not bringing their own guard charm because  it's not super good to know what i brought okay this is again not the worst lead like leading  ladies more threatening for me okay i could   have protected earthquakes but i actually don't  think that trade is in my favor so i didn't do it oh wait if they go looty here  and i don't flinch i'm in trouble   even if they go looting they flinch i'm in trouble  and then they do find him in trouble wait shoot ah they positioned really well together you didn't flinch game one  but now you're gonna flinch right   for me you're gonna flinch  agree get some damage down what is the purpose of this man i lose i should just predict  earthquake i guess but   i needed this ludigon but in my token this is  in range let me think about this bray perdiff the purpose of bright powder what  am i what are my odds uh okay that's not good i'm losing this um let me slow  down here hang on what do i think they're going to   do this turn i should i almost my first thing to  do was attack let's do heck of tokus this turn so   that's my bad um basically like the issue here  is that garsha might be dead to plus three i   think i go men's and switch i'm giving up a lot of  health for this but i need garfield to survive and   i don't want to lose him on just yet oh my mess  dies to plus three this is really dumb wasn't it   this is bad play i need a bright powder to bail me  out like i just don't want to lose both moms this   turn but i think with this i actually still  lose both minds i thought they turned into   i don't know what i was thinking there that  was a really bad play i i moved too quickly   this is really bad i don't think i can win anymore  i quickly should kill the scissor here i think   okay that's good damage across the board excuse me bail me out bail me out right putter i  didn't do a teacher of the turn that i   thought i got flinched because i at  least give myself bright better rods then bright powder chimpanzee berry all right i lose  um i lost my mint which is really bad although   okay they're gonna go riku and they're gonna  voltage my toronto i think that's my prediction   though they're really aggressive they might  just hard to read me to protect tyranitar a polite actually comes in  that's a reasonable play   oh they just want to go for a pair of song because  if they get a pair of song they yeah they win   because i lost my ones okay how do  i win this um they have safe ice   beam here all right infinite flinch i can't  win this this is getting i guaranteed over unless toronto flinches every single one and   yeah i know there's actually no way to  do it because i'm still neutral right okay walking me into encore uh perisong was guaranteed to win so i don't  really agree with that play but it's fine they   thought i would dragon dance though well okay  it's not guaranteed guaranteed over if i get   the double protect if they get the double  protected to win them it's not winnable   when a ball but it's like because i could protect  here and then follow me rockside but i i this is   my fifth double protective attempted man  i got it okay that doesn't matter though   unless i flinch the poly as well and i  need to float to paulie and i don't need   i miss follow you guys because if  i flinch oh oh no i thought roxanna   did more i needed if roxanna was a  3k on polytube it was maybe doable okay it's good to know how much it  does though yeah if i flinch there nice triple yeah this podge is a problem yeah i wasn't getting the 3k on poly anyway  nor was i clenching so it doesn't matter um the scissors always such a problem i don't know how annoying this is looking like a loss but i might be able  to turn around let me think i mean the looty's   the real problem here the issues that i need  tone gets to beat the lootie and i need ludy's   predicting the scissor really well i don't  think they're going to lead with right they   literally rack you both games i don't know if me  leaning guard troubles enough to discourage them   i just think that looty lead is way more  threatening i could do togements here if i wanted   it's not like the dumbo city i've ever had  the issue with together is meant scar trump   tyrannosaurus i'm so eagerly ice beam so i  kind of want to go together kiss the zuma   but they're leading i don't like to zoom around  for raikou so i don't think i i don't know like   a zoom roll here i like garchomp way more but  more importantly they keep like making a couple   of key plays against me but i just need to  make sure you go full time every turn here so let me slow down i really think things are  rather than locking in or i get scissor again okay basically i think it's gonna  switch into ludi here most likely   i they also might just double my tokens  and take it out as the thing though   how bad would that be for me if they swore  i can't protect here because if they swords   inside i'll be like just hosed basically  i'm a little worried about bullet punch plus volt switch yeah but i thought the other  option here was that they just go hard ludi i almost isolate the lootie but i  don't if they have any bulk i won't ko   uh yeah i don't think i would care with it i gotta say that's pretty frustrating  that's a pretty frustrating tournament because if i hit that airslash i'm in such good  position to have missed all three basically   i don't know i think that's kind of unfortunate  i i used air slash from scissor turn one three   consecutive games i didn't get the  flinch or maybe not true but i use   air slash on scissors three consecutive  games and i got zero flinches out of it all right braveheader they're ice beaming me  they're actually us beating me guard trump i need you to dodge it if  garcia doesn't dodge this i lose for sure okay earthquake did about as much as i would expect  maybe it has a little bit of bulk i don't think   crunch kills from here and if i do this i  give up my speed advantage for the whole game   yep is it gonna be ice beam okay please kill there's no way this kills  there's a chance it kills there's no way kills unfortunate i'm still in a bad position here i still can make  calls correctly to even have a chance at this i   needed that crunch to kill i probably should have  crunched again just to be safe but the polytoad is   kind of scary see if they get this correct they  should always ice beam but the question is who   okay that's not good for me it's fine i missed  the poly so it's just if i crunched it doesn't   like crunch it's fine it doesn't matter it was way  more i i should have crunched because it was safer   skull comes out here into teeth  alright you did a really good job   i have no complaints about how you did  that i i'm losing sand here sucks but yeah i brought three ice week mons with  the idea that i would um just focus on   the ludi when i could also talking because  it's only pseudo weak to ice like because   i mean nice people ended forty  percent the fact that they brought   right consistently makes my token gets  a lot less value excuse me valuable scissor raiku they're magnet uh earthquake and  protect here i can't let them take a kill here   no matter what that's like the number one thing  they're probably going to protect but even still   yeah i can't take a kill yet this all  comes into gartron but the issues that   garcia gets burned is just like dead in the water this puts me in a really awkward position   because if my mind takes a ton of  damage it's probably really bad for me please don't burn me please don't burn me   dodge it bright powder's still active i  mean it's it's like basically a 109 to dodge   it's a good chunk of damage if i don't  get burned here i'm in decent position   oh they want to encore earthquake they thought  i was gonna swords dance oh i didn't take any   damage this turn i have free earthquake i  can't lose token kiss here because wait can   i just wait hold on hold on i actually can  lose token kiss here i think following the   earthquake is actually okay here because  if they volt switch me if they thunderbolt   me i'm dead short but then it's a 2v2 and i  still got the damage i'm gonna follow me here oh that was a good move i didn't consider that so then follow me was worthless oops  let's see if they thunderbolt if   thunderbolt we trade volt switch  i don't think i died of this oh i made the wrong play i lose a pair of song now it's basically can  i kill the polygon before it uses power song 43 to 52. earthquakes doing about a  third how much is dragonflies doing   dragon pulse is like way way  way way weaker is the issue that was a good move by them they're  back in this like the thing is that   i don't think that dragon pulse is going to  do enough here dragon ball should do about a   maximum of a third this is if they're really  specially bulky though okay let me see if   i can define the set the spread based on what  earthquake is doing this is a fair bit of bulk   uh earthquake if you didn't more okay i'm gonna  go for deep pulse because the thing is that if i   if i use draco meteor i'm definitely gonna  activate the oguav berry so i think that with this   there's a chance that this will not activate  the bearing we'll pick up the ko there's   that's the polysode i was um worried about  something else if i don't kill this here   i should lose i think because of perish i needed  to put this at like about 40 30 to 40 percent   it's going to be really close if that kills  garchomp if nobody else got me garchomp got me nobody else got me i know garchomp got me oh  my god dude dora trump was so close this game helps dragon pulse myself um does it matter  who i target here let's go after the the   scissors definitely range they're both  definitely range i'll i'll go after this   in case something happens to go trump no it's immense okay they don't have  any moves i can hit my guard chop though oh lin blom thank you for the prime that was  i got pretty lucky like if they hit i mean   okay i only needed to get lucky because  i got unlucky as the thing to be fair   they also if they played differently they  would have beaten me for sure like this was   they had the toys i don't think the encore  they scalded into guard ship and burned it   was over and even if they didn't get the burn  like yeah i think there were they had several   opportunities to win um so i don't feel  too bad about the lock because i think i   got i think i think that like even with  the luck i still could have lost um i won the set in advance to  the top 16 of the tournament   however i won't be showing it here because  the set is so uh interesting that i think   it deserves its own separate video which  should be up in a few days here's a little   preview of what happened but the association  of tokens here if they want to talk on dispond i didn't flinch and then they double  crit me i lose weight i actually lose i'm way more intimidated than i realized yeah spoiler alert i won the match and advanced to the  top eight what i saw next filled me with dread   my opponent had not only mammoswine and zapdos  an extremely difficult pairing for my team but   also scarf gardevoir which i'd already struggled  with mammoth wine hits four of my six pokemon for   super effective damage and the ones that it does  worse against zapdos demolishes because my team   has triple ice weakness and triple fairy weakness  this combination of three pokemon was a nightmare   to make matters worse my opponent also had  hitmontop which is probably the best support   pokemon against my team nevertheless i made a  rough game plan and charged into the battle um with our hip on top i would  have a better chance but with   intimidate and wide guard support  it just becomes like so difficult okay is that stop swine it's fine i have bright powder you know what i mean this is that one top right okay it doesn't  even matter they got swords ends off   what's the item on this thing yeah him on top is  just too difficult i didn't think it would happen   i should actually watch hang on i gotta check him on top item is it a berry citrus   his yard close comment helping  him white guard fake out volt switch okay yeah i had the rock slide here because i don't  need a second sword dance like in this matchup it's a favorite of damage losing scissors here is going to be pretty bad but   um it's okay actually because i need  to get rid of him on top at some point   and this gives me an opportunity to do that  they're basically because i have swords dance   he's forced to wide guard like every single  turn from now on which is really nice for me get a little bit of damage on  this thing which is good jason   chunk honestly no no complaints on your boy's end let's go right powder let's go okay  and this is why i brought a zoom roll   because now it's kind of tricky for  him so you can't hear zoom real quickly i'm fairly certain uh this is a pin uh so i can  play roof here it's not an actual pin but it's   okay the question is do i want a swords again or  do i think it has diminishing margin or returns   i want a swords dance again because it's funny um   i could protect earthquake here as well  but i don't think i want to do that i could have earthquake that was a  good move um but they can't ko me and   i think they're probably going for flash  cannon here which is fine with me right yep and that's game over gg gg ggg i can't win anymore  um because the reason i can't win is because um   i now no longer have a way around  ride guard i need to kill a veteran that is a really really lame way  to lose i'm not gonna lie to you but i've had slowed down i could have realized  that protect plus real quick there was fine that   sucked a lot i'm faster okay youtube you got me  you don't count me no defense drop they hit both   it's really good that's really unlucky because oh  they currently are jump too i hope they burn me yeah it was a rough matchup so i needed good  rng but i also could have played a little better   because the thing is i think i definitely lose the  set now because because i need to do in game one   and this game was so winnable based on what he did  like he did not yeah okay the only option i had   here was protect earthquake okay that was my bad  it was a tough matchup though it's not that bad   on top goes down like hitmontop mama swine i got i  mean i played a really aggressive turn one and it   only barely worked out right so it was also part  of it like i made a really aggressive turn one   and if that hadn't worked out then  yeah i almost certainly would have lost okay that's fine yeah without wide  guard this is fine i just need to   kill the hit on top because i have plus  six guard chomp and it's pretty easy the issue is that now he's able to adapt and  because i lost game one i'm just in rough spot   um i do think i need to lead scissor here  i also feel like i want to lead garchomp i don't think the mods i brought were wrong like i  don't think token just does anything here i think   a zoomer was really good just as a non-belly drum  user i don't think i could win this because it's   not easy for me to get rid of the mems i have  bright powder i could just spray powder it up okay same weeds um i got  the turn one wrong last time   i got this one right last time so doing it  again is gonna be kind of tricky i think   the question is do i die to ice shard i don't know  if he's jolly or adamant if he's adamant do i die   it's a roll so how was the odds of killing  even if he's adamant if he's adamant   twenty-five percent okay uh that's a no  bulk i have four hp 25 percent okay i'm   done developing drunk slide here we go with  this memo let's probably hit my top here they got the rockslide flinch not much damage getting a little chip on zapdos  isn't bad though like all like that might matter   later depending on how the game goes nice  okay cool i don't know if leaving garcia   with the field is smart here but like it's  okay double burn didn't matter switching out   wait but i mean i want to hold on hold on hold  on i think he might have made a mistake here because this gives me swords dance i'm plus one now all right this is a term  where i have a chance to win this because the   i don't really want to earthquake myself do i want  to go for the bullet punch damage here on the hip   on top i'm gonna be minus two and plus zero all  damage matters here i'm gonna bullet punch like   losing scissor means that i'm gonna have a really  hard time versus the mammoth one later right   i can go over the double but that feels like a  waste because i'm basically just wasting the move   i'm an sd here i know an earthquake  this way if heatron stays in   yeah this is him on top if he just isn't i do a  lot of damage to the earthquake and if he's gonna   switch it out or if he drop protects that at least  get sources off and hopefully can finish off the   hit on top with bullet punch it'll  be a neutral okay sugar stack sugar big damage big damage a crit okay we're back in  this we're absolutely back in this but he wave   here is going to be bad if it hits me oh my gosh  because it's going to put me out of range of um   okay hopefully it doesn't burn my garchomp  it's like the most important thing here no burns ammo okay auzu i really don't want to let the zapdos switch  in for free here like basically this is tough   because losing my focus on isn't that important  right i'm really not sure what's correct here i   need this mama swine gone to win i should have  oh no i couldn't protect right this might be   wrong i don't know i maybe she's just taking  out the heater in here but i really don't want   to let them get stopped just next to mama's wine  okay that was a good that's really lucky for me flash cannon don't special defense  drop don't [ __ ] yeah nice okay and now i have a slight pin here right  assuming that my uh turnaround doesn't die i   can make a hard read as well i could acquire the  heatran and dragon ants here because the mammoth   horn is almost certainly gonna protect but if i  get it wrong i would lose so i have to do this   and what's the weight hanging on it but if i  get it right like if i get it wrong this way   do i lose all i need to do is kill the member  and then i win yeah i mean it was obvious but   i don't think i should have done anything  differently here only i won the first game into who though nice nice it's fine i'm going to aquajet here because if i kill  it even if i lose my other mod i should still   win right and i'm gonna i could protect  but i think i'm gonna crunch the heatran   because if i lose both do i lose i think  the answer is no right because then i have   guardrain versus these two and they have  to hyperview me to win okay oh i see i see hopefully they don't get  the static ac candace crunch   rocks i would have won if i hit  both but i didn't want to risk it because from here basically like in order to  stop zapdos from dying because i got the speed   booster and dragon dance i have to they have to  ice shard me and if they i shouldn't be then they   can't win with they because they have if they  usher me i'm an awkward at the memo and then i   was just in crunch here and so there's  no this should be sealed up i think don't don't need to rely on rock  slide here because i can miss   that's where that early rock slide damage comes in okay oh this is stressful i'm almost out of water i kind of switch it up but i think is  this really right though realistically like   does it really okay i don't think it's really  immense he could switch it up and go guardi   what if he just like guarded heatran do i lose  that because i don't want to lead a zoom roll for   obvious reasons but he might go like guardian  heatran here i have a feeling he might leave   zap doesn't replace with gardevoir oh you know  oh guardian hit him on top oh right you can't   have guardian hit on top all in the field at the  same time that's that's the advantage that i have   i think i just have to do what i'm doing and  just trying to get to to do as the best that   i can because i don't think i can bring tokens  here like against the four months that he brought   it's really awful into three of them men's  there's no physical mods worth intimidating   these are the right mods the only question is  do i want to lead up change of the order and   i don't think so because i think the zoom roll  in the back as a late game option for damage is pretty valuable okay zap just h-top is it a faint no it doesn't okay i see i see he just  basically wants to go for intimidates here   not any dangerous slow swords and protect i think this is a scary lead for me good move t-bolt okay oh i get it i  got it he's just gonna um   is it fine yeah this is actually pretty difficult  for me to deal with right yeah the hit on top   is really the real it's not about this one put  him i don't know if i should sack toronto here   instead yeah let's do it how much pvp does  water guard have does it have an infinite 10 too much oh hh uh 10 is too many i can't do anything about that okay sorry tutor now double sorry unfortunate this is maybe a grief actually because i  don't think plus two bullet punch does enough okay gg gg if i killed him on top i can win um it's spec  zapdos so i'm pretty sure i can't take it with   the zoom roll the thing is if he does this  i don't have any counter play right there's   nothing there's no i could have led toronto  which isn't even any better right i maybe   should but because then yeah it's the same  situation because something to crunch first if i win this from here it's going to  be pretty pretty difficult it's two wide   yards i'm not gonna remember my wide garage  there's no way here's another one in the back i don't think plus two bullet punch  is gonna do enough is the thing my sans is going to run out and then i lose to  the minus one i think unfortunately because of   the fake out chip i'm in i'm now on mammogram  range if it's adamant actually even if it's   jolly i'm probably in range okay i took too much  damage so rock slide here and swords dance why   did i already have i just don't have anything for  white guard on top of spec zapdos unfortunately okay i don't think that this chaos is the thing i'm fairly certain that plus two bullet  punches isn't gonna ko at 75 percent maybe actually it's it there's a chance i'm not  gonna play defensive anymore i'm going on the   offensive rock slide plus five and bullet punch  the thing is even if i get the k here it just   goes into mammoth swine and then i lose right  i i i have to i have to i went on bright powder   mist which is very unlikely yeah it makes sense  i don't think scissor kills this to be honest i   need to be metal coat scissors into the lumbery  i've like griefed myself pretty hard i could   have swords to go to plus six maybe it ends up  mattering it's gonna be game okay yeah i can't   do anything about that gg well tagging  me with bright powdered still in a wool   comatose not in wide guard range either they're  in aqua jet range so it's like super doomed   yeah this is like when i said this was like  this is why i had to win game one because   if i win game one like game two still happens  and i win the set but if i lose game one   then um he can adapt like if i lose game one  even by winning game two like the matchup is   so bad that the longer you give your opponent  time to adapt like the lower the odds are um of   like or like the more chance you give them to  actually like adapt so um it's not an awkward   range so i can't i literally can't do anything  here but the thing is against this strategy like   my only answer for zapdos is garchomp and like  the monsters in the bench are even worse against   zapdos than the ones i brought so like i literally  couldn't do anything here um against the strategy yeah this is over i could i could forfeit here  and actually like be confident that i would it   wouldn't change the outfit that come which is  rare when you still have two months left but yeah   i mean uh zoom rule doesn't get a ko i knew that  it's like i made a couple really bad decisions and   they all came back to bite me it was really the  real thing here was that i had to win game one   and by losing like sometimes literally  game one will lose you this uh the set um i've owned my scissor k because okay  it's still technically possible with   double bright pet or miss or if it's  jolly memo or if the zoom roll serve i   don't think the zoom roll of spectable though  unfortunately yeah it's like just barely not   um let's see mama swine minimum  role that's jolly is how much   144 uh aren't i 164. if it's jolly i might  only need one bright peter missed to win okay if it's jolly um 12 out of 15 11  minutes one two one two three four 12   out of 16 rolls won't kill me with ice shard  so with bright powder there's actually a way   i should just earthquake here because  i'm banging on bright putter anyway   probably want to give me the  switch i'm not giving a switch he's charged right because of these spears i  always lose i gotta looking for rock side whatever   like i needed super rng to win this anyway i need  one ice shard miss assuming rockstar gets mammo   this is a good rock slide by me do i live is it jolly chat i have a  one in nine if i hit this i hit okay garchomp you've been so good  for us this entire tournament   it would be really cool it'd be so cool  if you could close this out for us buddy okay that won't return yeah it was okay we we were one we had uh   uh eight and nine times eight nine my one  minus eight nine two million to win that   it's okay the matchup was atrocious like you mean  you saw and i brought i made it close even given   how hard it was and i think if game one i don't  get crit i always win that uh so yeah my bad um and with that i finished the tournament in  top eight overall i'm really happy with how i   performed i don't think i had a single favorable  matchup throughout the tournament which is a   sign that my team was poorly constructed  despite that i think i played well overall   and hopefully put on an entertaining show this  format is really interesting so if you want to   see more content of battling in it let me know  thank you for watching and i hope you enjoyed um world chip difference baby you
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 547,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, bdsp, bdsp tournament, brilliant diamond tournament, shining pearl tournament, bdsp competitive, wolfe glick tournament, wolfe glick brilliant diamond shining pearl, wolfeyvgc bdsp, wolfeyvgc cheating, wolfe glick worlds 2016
Id: JyyA06_6X6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 14sec (9134 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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