I Taught Jaiden Animations COMPETITIVE Pokemon

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if you watch any pokemon youtuber you  probably already know who jaden is for those   of you who don't know her jaden is a popular  youtuber known for her incredible animations   hence the name while jaden's content centers  around lots of things in addition to pokemon   her impact on the space cannot be stressed  enough jaiden is a huge part of why nuzlocke's   are well known her original video i attempted my  first pokemon nuzlocke has over 75 million views   now as a former world champion myself i like  competitive battling much more than nuzlocking   so i reached out to jaden to see if she'd be  interested in learning competitive pokemon   competitive pokemon is different in many ways to  nuzzlocking but at the end of the day pokemon is   still pokemon when jaden said she was down to give  it a shot i got to work jayden gave me a list of   every single pokemon ranked by how she felt about  them i decided that in order to build jaden's team   i'd only use pokemon in the s a and b tiers and  that half of the pokemon needed to be in either s   or a before we talk about the team i came up  with we need to talk about the format competitive   pokemon's rule set changes frequently at present  the format is what's called a restricted format in   a restricted format players are allowed one or two  legendary pokemon that are normally banned because   these legendary pokemon are so strong games play  out a bit differently than other formats and the   specific restricted pokemon you choose dictate  a lot of what your team is going to look like   there were no legal restricted pokemon in the s  tier a strong start the a tier left me with four   options groudon dialga girotina and devaltol there  were a lot more options in the b tier but because   these pokemon were going to be coming to so many  of the matches i wanted jaiden to like them i   settled on using groudon and develtol groudon  sets the sun up which is invaluable against   the powerful water restricted pokemon kyogre and  palkia it's also able to do tons of damage against   station and incinerator the two most popular  pokemon in the format groudon has a ton of good   matchups and there aren't many scenarios where it  ends up feeling useless so i thought it could be   a good starting point i gave groudon a life orb  and made it fast and offensive as opposed to the   standard slower and bulkier groudon yveltal is  different than a lot of other restricted pokemon   while most restrictive pokemon focus on doing  absurd amounts of damage yveltal instead leans   into its defenses thanks to its ability boosting  dark type attacks and the fact that foul play   uses the target's attack stat instead of the users  yveltal is able to invest heavily in its defenses   yuvaltol is great at pestering your opponent  it can weaken special attackers with snarl   heal itself up with oblivion wing and even finish  off low hp pokemon with sucker punch i gave you   alcohol the assault best item and invested heavily  in its bulk making it a huge nuisance to get off   the field i knew i wanted to have at least one  pokemon from the s tier i messed around trying to   get center scorch and gallerian zapdos to work but  in the end chose gastrodon gastron's ability storm   drain is great to pair with groudon since it makes  gastrodon immune to water attacks gastrodon also   helps against electric and rock attacks that are  able to hit yeveltol for super effective damage   i trained gastron to be defensive had it hold  a citrus berry and gave it a moveset of protect   earth power ice beam and yawn yawn is really  strong in a dynamex format as you can hit a   pokemon that is dynamaxed and force them to either  fall asleep or give up their dynamaxx early at   this point i ran into a major problem jaden hates  incineroar thinner is probably the best pokemon in   the game while it won't sweep you the support it  offers is just incomparable to any other pokemon   thanks to the combination of intimidate fake  out and parting shot there are some pokemon   that fill a similar role like willowboom and  landorus tea but unfortunately jaden didn't like   those pokemon either i tested hitmontop salamance  arcanine and even arbok but i just couldn't keep   up with my opponent's incineroar ready to give  up i went through the tier list one last time   it hit me what i needed wasn't explicitly  intimidate it was a way to make my pokemon   bulkier in pokemon there's rarely only one right  way to do things and in this case a different dark   type could fill the same role enter grim snarl  this hairy monstrosity has the prankster ability   allowing its non-damaging moves to move before  other pokemon pairing this ability with the   support moves reflect and light screen gave  my team the survivability i was looking for   grimstarl held the light clay item making reflect  and light screen stay up for eight full turns   often the length of a full game i also gave a  thunder wave to pester opponents and foul play so   it could still do damage at this point i was a bit  worried that the team didn't have enough damage   output but luckily for me game freak's golden  child happened to be passable in jaden's eyes   charizard is a very powerful pokemon  especially in sun thanks to its solar   power ability solar power gives all of  charizard's attacks a damage boost in sun   on top of the boost sun gives to fire type moves  at the cost of a little bit of charizard's hp   on top of that charizard has a very powerful  gigantomax form if charizard hits an opponent   with g-max wildfire it will set up a passive  damage effect on the opponent doing lots of chip   damage for 4 turns since i already had groudon  on the team i thought charizard could be a really   strong addition i gave it protect blast burn  air slash and scorching sands most charizard   run solar beam but i found i was never clicking it  and scorching sands is stronger against incineroar   one quirky thing about charizard on this  team is its held item most people choose   to run the life orb to let charizard do even  more damage i instead selected the lumbery as   charizard getting hit with thunder wave spore or  sleep powder was a bad time for our fire lizard   lastly i knew i wanted a pokemon that was fast and  ideally would help the rest of the team be faster   too when it comes to speed there's one pokemon  that can't be beat regialeki this energetic light   bulb is the fastest thing of the format and slows  down enemy teams by using electroweb reggie leckie   is great early to disrupt the opponent or late  into the game to finish off low hp pokemon iron   protect thunderbolt electroweb and vault switch  with a focus item which is the standard move set   there can be a lot of information to remember  when you're first starting out playing pokemon   and i wanted to do what i could to make things  easier for jaden i put together some slides with   the help of my friends 17 cats in a trench coat  and l to make a little cheat sheet for the team   you can pause to read them if you want but i'll  share the full pdf in the description if you want   to give it a look the goal of the team was to  take jaden from beginners here all the way to   master ball tier 10 whole ranks on the sword and  shield ladder it was going to be a tough task but   i had faith we could do it jaden and i hopped on a  call i explained the team and we were ready to go   oh one quick thing first before we jump into the  battles listen it's not exactly a secret that i'm   a hairy guy in fact my hair has gone through many  phases in the last decade some better than others   what you probably don't know is that male pattern  baldness runs in my family and i may one day lose   my luscious locks now i've come to terms with  my impending baldness but frankly i'd prefer to   keep my hair and that's where keeps can help  keeps is an online subscription service that   helps men keep their hair they offer clinically  proven research back treatments to stop hair loss   and improve hair growth it's super easy too as you  can get everything you need delivered straight to   your door keeps also offers 24 7 care and support  and has a network of medical advisors prescribers   and care specialists to support you in making your  hair goals a reality the treatment plans come with   a year of unlimited messaging so you can connect  with your prescribing doctor about anything   anytime hair loss stops with keeps to get fifty  percent off your first order go to keeps.com   wolfie vgc or click the link in the description  that's k-e-e-p-s dot com slash wolfy vgc   there are four tiers below master ball beginner  poke ball great ball and ultra ball since jaden   hadn't played on the ladder before we'd be  starting in beginner tier one nerves were high   as we loaded into our first game the start can  absolutely set the tone of a laddering session   it was time to battle cool so this opponent  doesn't have any restricted pokemon so   uh yeah you'll probably just um probably just  children right because i'm definitely beginner one a lot yeah it did are all these pokemon uh like  eevee max down yeah everything everything should   be evied correctly and then oh man yeah these are  definitely just his friends yeah and pokemon got   lots of shinies though wait oh yeah it is a shiny  helicopter i didn't even notice oh also yveltal's   ability powers up all dark moves on the field  so that's why oblivion wing is your weakest move   that went well though it helped that our opponent  didn't have a restricted pokemon unfortunately the   rest of our games wouldn't be this easy our next  opponent actually had two restricted pokemon oh   wow this is like a good team this is like my  team but he's got calorics thunderous calorics   gastrodon groudon charizard and incinerator half  of our teams were the same but they hadn't cinerar   a huge nuisance despite having so many big  offensive threats our opponent leads with   gastrodon and incineroar crazy like is it  is this incineroar just like an attacker   or is he just like me up mentally first the  battle starts with a slow turn one and then we're   just going to protect this charizard because like  they really can't do that much yeah in my opinion   so this is definitely like a let's  see also let me just look at you   real quick our grimsterol says it reflect while  charizard activates incineroar shuka berry   as the opponent yawns charizard and uses  parting shot to bring in their groudon   so they have yeah that's a very that's why  we didn't dynamax here is because they might   have had this berry so you do less damage but  now you can probably kill them in the future   for parting shot yep fine and that's another  reason we didn't dynamax because we couldn't   have killed their incineroar and  then you would have gotten dropped   gotcha i think i'm much more of like a pattern  person like i absorb more after like a lot of   uh repeating patterns so i'll probably be  very lost until i just until you remember   like the fourth time that totally makes sense  cool with charizard's special attack lowered   we want to get it off the field since  there's no real major special attacker   in play we decide to use foul play into  groudon with grim snarl to do some damage gordon's and now this is actually a nice position because  because you uh activated the shuka berry in the   incineroar next time it comes in you can just  like oh my god oh good so remember how foul play   uses their attack stat oh my god holy sh yeah so  this foul play is about to do big damage oh my god   that's terrifying but also like hilarious oh  yeah it's really good that's okay with groudon   being yawned our position is a little awkward  but nothing we can't handle realizing groudon is   probably going to take out grim snarl jaden and  i decided to virginia veltol to set up for the   next turn but the opponent decides to play it slow  as well protecting and switching in charizard so   we can either thunder wave which is going to make  their charizard very sad um or we can life screen   which is like also going to make their charizard  sad i like thunderweight and then yeah now it's   more personal it does it's rude our opponent  gigantomax is their charizard he's mad he yells i cannot believe that they gave they  redid charizard's shiny i know that is   the most outrageous thing possible groudon  goes down and things are looking good until   you're streaming here if i had to  guess oh no they went for wildfire okay   oh the bacon bird oh my god with the veltol  and groudon both down we each only have three   pokemon left to finish the game with the  only pokemon we have left that can deal   with our opponent's charizard is groudon and our  opponent answers by sending out their gastrodon   he's got the one that's worse he's got the yes  grimace earl isn't doing anything so we decide to   switch in charizard but their charizard protects  that's okay this is still a really good view and rockstar can flinch as  well so yeah that'd be nice i see how what gastrodon does in these matches  now yes there's leftovers too oh my gosh this   thing's so annoying i'm worried incineroar i might  switch in to let the charizard survive the rock   slide so just to be safe we double into it with  charizard as well after like whatever is left so   they actually stay in here which is fine what is  the reasoning for uh dynamics in this charizard   right now so i'm worried um because the sun just  went down i'm worried if the gastrodon skulls you   then you'll take too much damage and like  because we know that their last pokemon are   really defensive like it's gastronomy which  are known for the damage output we want like   we just need to make sure that we like have  enough damage at the end of the game to win and so   um yeah it's mostly just like uh like we don't  really it's unlikely that we're gonna need our   dynamics for anything else once this charizard  goes down so it feels better it feels safer just   to kind of go for it now if that makes  sense we hit both which is awesome yeah   their treasured goes down but because of the yawn  our groudon falls asleep it's going to be all up   to our charizard to finish the game incineroar is  sent out and because we activated the shuka berry   earlier charizard does huge damage with max quake  so bulky i didn't know he was like that bulky   yeah is he also especially defensive like  that yeah so he's really especially bulky   he's and then intimidate makes him physically  bulky he's just like not balanced you're gonna   fall asleep here but you have a lumbery which is  nice now you don't actually be asleep we're just   gonna gmax wildfire into the incineroar here  because you all your moves will probably kill   it um and so it's better to do something that like  actually um yeah i i would let you in here i think   that's such a big light screen i know yeah cause  it basically like some moves like change depending   on how big your pokemon are like lumbery  for example i think it was really big there   nice okay cool with incineroar down it's gastrodon  against the world tiny gas or dawn damage the fire does so much thanks to the passive  damage from gmax wildfire we're able to   slowly knock it out and win the game our next  opponent only had one restricted pokemon and   they forfeited after their dynomax pokemon  was knocked out by charizard oh gg yeah   you got some carbos congratulations nice the  real reason we play i'm getting so many items   so many gifts oh my gosh oh you already i forgot  about pokeball steer how could i forget about   pokeballs here the classic we'd made it out  of beginner tier and into pokeball already   one tier down three to go we started off strong  taking down a cool lugia centered trick room team   at this point we were still undefeated and  feeling confident we had no idea that our   next opponent would be our toughest one yet oh  okay that's weird well they have two restrictives   um that is a really weird  team because the pop-tops do   i don't know but it kills your  charizard so we gotta watch out for that   um i think a lucky comes here yeah thunder is  sensation yeah let's try a lucky i'll groudon it's tricky it might be you want to try gastrodon  here yeah i will always say yes to gastronomy   yes our opponent had mostly a standard team  but the kabutops and mewtwo were total wild   cards luckily for us the odds of them  leading both weirdo pokemon were pretty much   zero oh okay what the heck these two  friends these two friendies they're   best friends i have no idea what's  going on over here but i'm very nervous   so okay we have a couple options here basically  like you can kill either their pokemon   which one would you go after here because  uh yeah there's not like a wrong answer but   i'm scared of kabutops because i don't know what  the [ __ ] he's doing here yeah so i i agree i so   i think with the lucky let's just click electro  web because it's safe and then i think let's just   i'll play the kabutops because the thing is that  the mewtwo shouldn't be able to do anything to   your ear they'll tall whereas the kabutops can  and we got got normally reggie lucky would out   speed mewtwo and be able to electroweb it down  before it attacked but our opponents mewtwo was   holding the choice scarf he looks way weirder  when he's dynamically and everyone's like oh no   oh no i know what this is it's oh no okay it's  gonna be a weak armor and weakness policy oh no   i didn't even oh no i didn't even know your  mouth and it's it's wait it has a mouth it's   scarf mewtwo oh god okay it's okay we can still  win this but oh god come on lucky please be faster oh no no i'll dodge it no oh god okay well that went badly uh it's okay  we can still win this we can still win this um   okay i gotta do some thinking i didn't do  enough okay jaden sends out groudon to try   and deal with this kabutops we should be able to  just click electro and press displays and that   they shouldn't really have anything that they  can do against that i think okay except hope   that you miss and if you missed them we're  just doomed but we're gonna hit i believe   i do i do hit those misses though i will say i  have probably the worst luck i've ever seen in   it from anyone in my entire life oh well that  would have been nice to know before we clicked   the inaccurate move i should i should have told  you that one time i lost 20 coin flips in a row 10 games of rock paper scissor in a row  so i think that we're about carrying okay that makes sense oh gotcha tiny tiny  mouth we actually in this case even if we   missed we're not like doom doomed but it  would be nice to hit yeah i should i might   end up being our saving grace here by the  way little boy please please please please   nice okay what is the accuracy on cruciferous  blade 85 oh we've evened up the pokemon count   but our opponent sends out whimsicott whimsicott  would allow our opponent to double their team   speed with tailwind negating our electroweb  so here we're going to switch your election   to gastrodon i think we're going to max quake  into the kabutops because we need to max at   some point this feels like a good time for it  uh why into gastrodon um there's a chance that   they hit us with a water move here and like if  because they're moved their types are water and   rock and groudon already resist rock now like they  don't have a good way of hitting groudon basically   and they're a lot the thing is their last pokemon  qualization which is awkward because we don't   like it station will do double damage  to us when we're in big forums so   we have to would this actually might be  gastroenteron like required to save us i think i wish that the like i mean i don't actually wish  that they were different but i think it'd be cool   if like that you get like when you dynamics around  kyogre they look like the primal form you know   yeah just tailwind yeah the thing the real thing  we have to worry about is whimsicott which is   yeah pretty spooky geyser geyser  oh that's awesome that's so good okay go grab on go go go fast and nimble  okay cool so that gaussian switches puts us   in a really good spot i think though it's  still going to be close oh my god he's so   both of his important stats are like going up that  turn went pretty much as well as it could have but   we aren't out of the woods yet our opponent's  final pokemon is zation the single strongest   pokemon in the game do you want to yawn the  whimsicott and just like maybe take it a little   slower we can make we can make like a defensive  move here yawn the women's card and protect   the groudon and that way like because they're  because groudon seems like such a bigger threat   i think that they're more likely to go after it  yep and they're also more likely to play defensive   exactly so the question here is does the woman's  kind of a grass move because that could be   a problem oh uh oh no we'll live this  we'll live this trust oh it's so bulky gastrodon getting a yawn off here is huge as  we are quickly running out of ways to deal with   this whimsicott it's our final turn of dynamaxx  so jaden and i decide to turn on the jets and   attack with both of our pokemon anticipation wait  why does whimsicoff faster than tailwind right   oh we shouldn't really should be slower than  jason normally you're not dying to this there's   no way unless they grip come on gordon okay  yeah that thing is so strong now you win oh my goodness with position knocked out and  whimsicott of sleep our opponent no longer has   a way to win if i mean if i was in this situation  i would just leave our opponent forfeits and we   somehow make it out of our closest set so far  with a win before we continue with the battles   i'd like to take a second and ask you to subscribe  currently only about five percent of my audience   is subscribed and i'd love to be able to show  more people why pokemon is such a special game   anyway back to the battles charizard and groudon  swept through our next opponent in three turns   and our opponent after that max kyogre only  to get completely shut down by gastrocon   after a few more wins we were only one game  away from making it out of pokeball tier   oh my goodness these are some attacking guys  yeah this is like a standard kyogre team   so do you so typically what this lead does is  it uses tailwind and water spout right away   just like do a ton of right yeah but you're  lucky as sash and your eval toll is really   bulky so it's not the end of the world  that happens probably a flip oblivion no uh this is that's a good move i was like he's not like a physical attacker  but here it comes yeah that's okay yeah so   you're gonna take some damage here that's right  yeah mega bulky you built up yeah super bulky   holy [ __ ] so much damage oh my god i  was thinking maybe i should have just   hard focused uh thunderous i didn't know it was  gonna damage your oleki is now faster than their   kyogre and your your veltal has a priority so if  you want you can try and take up both here bye-bye nice cool relevant it's actually pretty scary for  you because uh you're you're auntie religious mods   are on the field and they're getting they're  like kind of low you know uh it's so tough i   think you want to you want to protect your  lucky and switch your velvet into gastron   because you want to like basically stall their  talent out i always forget tailwind is up because   it's not it doesn't show it yeah it's really  hard yeah so basically this election this   was getting really hard for us because  our back pokemon are both super weak to it   max the the reasoning is that they're  probably using their grass move or   fake out into your election and so and  probably like behemoth played into gastron well it probably like it depends on who they  grasping glide here they might go after your lucky   here but they probably are just gonna kill your  gases on oh hang on if now you have a chance oh i i think you're like a quad super effective is  is too good to pass up but sometimes people are   like oh there's no way they'd let me just kill  gaston on here and then he's like that awesome   oh they didn't max again do you think they forgot  that they can i think there's a chance actually   nice sorry you fell tall he did  such a good job though he did that's such a cool move i know the uh it's the  animation is so good that it's annoying that it's   like the move is too good to really appreciate you  know with roller boom asleep groudon is able to   come in dynamax and finish it off with onlyazation  left our opponent can't do enough damage before we   knock them out and win the game our first match in  great ball was terrifying weakness policies ekron   paired with draining kiss comfy nearly got the  better of us but thanks to the power of friendship   and gmax wildfire we managed to close it out  feeling a little shaken we loaded it into our   next game our opponent leads off with kyogre  and tornadus against r olecki and charizard   so what's nice is that gastroenterology can  switch in here pretty much for free and then   with lucky you have the choice of protecting and  slowing it down or you can vol switch here and   just let your sash go like get activated early  but in exchange do a lot of damage to kyogre   why would the electro web not be an option so  last time we had the available to like finish   off the tornadus after electroweb but this time  because if we electro up here the tornado will   just kill your lucky so it's that i think in  this case it's better to switch to gastron   and then use either protector volt switch gotcha  well let's just volt switch tickets i like that kyogre waterspouts giving our gastrodon a  special attack boost and activating elecki's   focus ash but a lekki does a ton of damage in  return that's a lot of damage actually i think   you can go ground on here and protect this turn  i wish that um with these battles the pokemon   were all standing a little bit further away from  each other yeah yeah oh that's really weird this   is okay though i think the thing is it's not  like they can set the rain back up you know okay that's fine so sometimes we're not  just carrying rain dance that's another   reason why it was good to play ground  on there just like just in case they had   um you know questions are they attacking into oh to the absolute best of us yeah yeah  it's it's just that's a gastronomy moment   kyogre's face he's like oh i feel so dumb   oh they're disconnected yes it's okay man it  happens to the best of us about it we were 11 wins   to zero losses and feeling good we'd also already  made it into great ball tier eight with master   ball being tier 11. so close to our goal we were  met with our greatest challenge yet right among us we decided to bring charizard and alecky up  front with groudon and a gastrodon in the back   leaving our second restricted pokemon behind  oh look at these shiny guys yeah this is pretty   spooky to be honest we decided to go on the  offensive attacking with both our pokemon   oh they didn't matter good to me oh i think  they're gonna this might be support thunderous   support for among us yeah well yeah that's  uh yeah i don't know actually why they would   because normally if thunder normally thunderous  dynamics is turn one if it's not gonna dynamics   it normally is support but they're really weird  maybe they're eerie impulsive i have no idea   what's going on um i think we need to go gastron  here that looks like offensive thunderous to me   yeah because we need we need ground to switch  them later to get the sign up against kyogre   please be a good friend yes john hey  oh my god wait they're gonna die uh   that's fine they're dead oh they were a  life form if they and max we would have   died i'm really surprised they i'm really  surprised i didn't act there interesting well now this guy's in trouble oh my god yeah  that's yeah and and gastronauts on the field which   are really good because we can um go on now i  can't believe how much like kyogre gets trumped by   gastrodon yeah yeah it's really it's really not  it's also just nice because groudon normally   loses to kyogre so to have them on that like just  like help switch that totally is just really nice   that went pretty much as well as possible surely  there's no way we could possibly lose from here   right zation takes out charizard while their  kyogre launches an ice beam into gastrodon   gastron gets the yawn off into kyogre  putting us in a really solid position   we send out groudon intending to finish off the  station with precipice blades kyogre dynamaxes   it always trips me up because it looks it looks  shiny right i'm gonna have to after this i'm going   to look up what shiny however it looks like  when dynamics because like oh yeah is it even   more pink you know nice okay cool oh they might  jade they might they might go for geyser here   oh no no oh it's a speed tie or they  want the speed tie oh please don't die oh that's really bad so our groudon's max  speed so normally we have speed opposing   uh everything but oh this is actually awkward now  hold on yeah we forgot about the possibility that   kyogre could also be timid max speed oops  kyogre falls asleep as we send out a lekki   leaving two pokemon remaining on both sides  i think we just have to thunderbolt position   and earth power the mission here there's  the thing damn our sash is broken too   yeah unfortunately because the hill oh we  were so close to being able to finish it off   yeah okay so this is going to be  yeah basically this comes down to how many turns does kyra says to  sleep so right now it has i think   a one and three chance of waking up here okay and we have i think i've lost how many wildfire  turns we have left yeah i think let me think   we used wildfire and then we died turn two and  then this is this is the last turn i'm pretty sure   yeah so now we just have to pray that this  character says if it wakes up and we definitely   lose we could have predicted a lucky there but the  thing is that if we predict the lucky and they oh   yeah this game unfortunately uh that's my bad we  were in such a good position after turn one um   yeah i didn't i didn't really  consider a speed speed there   like yeah we definitely definitely shouldn't  be able to win this that's my bad i i like   yeah like i think if we had gone into a  lucky and electric first i don't know why   we didn't do that that was yeah sorry i lost a  little bit of focus that's okay i should have   i should have emphasized how much i lose coin  flips unfortunately with kyogre waking up we   don't have enough health left in the tank and we  lose our first game we knew we couldn't give up   but we were in real danger of going on a losing  streak and losing all the progress we've worked   so hard to make how are you feeling by the way  is this like you still like you still good you   having fun still yeah it's going good knowing  the next match could really set the tone for this   home stretch we load it in our opponent leads off  with blastoise and zapdos against r yavaltol and   reggiolecki since either of our opponents pokemon  can dynamex here we decide to play it slow and   protect and switch to gastron okay here's the max  ultra ball what do you think blastoise or zapdos   probably blastoise i'm thinking zapdos  really you're probably right maybe yeah   oh what happened oh they disconnected oh they  probably like water move well let's see what they   did they they disconnected i'm wondering if they  lightning did to the gastronomy slot it might have   been a wi-fi issue but it might have been also  the turn will still play out but at the end of the   turn it'll just go on oh my god they went for help  again probably they just rage quit we were like   they're like scared of their team yeah yeah but i  mean that's you know like i said if you like one   of the nice things about yveltal in front gastro  and vat because it's really easy to bait people   into a bad move like that our next opponent had  a really tough combination of restricted pokemon   in the evaltol and station they also had landorus  tea which is really hard for us to deal with since   we don't have intimidate rotom heat which is  strong against our groudon their own grim snarl   and gastrodon gastron is so hard to deal with  whoa royalty oh my gosh whoa that's drippy   our opponent leaves off with landorus and grim  snarl against our charizard and grim snarl this   is a really tough lead and though we could try  and trade charizard for lots of damage on landorus   it might not go in our favor we decide to switch  charizard into groudon hoping their landeris uses   max rockfall if they rockfall here i think we're  in a good position but if the airstream i think it   can get kind of awkward quickly because groudon  will take a lot so i'll just have to see what   happens i guess and they're they're like landers  just gonna be a huge pain to deal with they do max   though which is good like it would be kind of  awkward if they swords dance or something but   yeah we're basically going to try and stall out  their max and then sweep them with charizard i   think i always think landorus is like a little  breastplate just a little weird you know   yeah it looks like a cute little  um feminine t-shirt yeah it does he's all dressed up for the occasion  all just up with nowhere to go looking at landers through that lens i  feel like he matches the trainer better   nice we get the turn right but we aren't out of  the woods yet we still have two more turns of   dynamex to get through and we can't do much damage  until there dynamex ends we decide to play it slow   protecting groudon and attacking with grim snarl  i like um doing damage yeah doing damage is nice   i'm with you the grimsterol sets up reflect but  their landorus attacks into our groudon to protect   doing very little damage unfortunately grimsnurl's  foul play does almost nothing thanks to the   reflector opponent setup we can't let groudon  go down as we need the sun for charizard later   so we switch to yveltal and set light screen up  our opponent switches into zation and chunks are   yveltal with max airstream no damage happens the  next turn as nation protects and landers flies   theirization doesn't want to get thunder waved  so they switch into their grim snarl once again oh he was just chilling up there oh we crit oh  that's okay that's actually really really really   unlucky holy cow okay that's actually bad uh  we may be in some trouble now with lander is   still alive charizard can't do its job without  being in serious danger we're forced to play   defensive hoping for grimsnurl to take out their  landorus oh here comes i hate seeing rockslide   nice landorus is nearly down so we once  again switch groudon into a rock move and   finish off the landorus with grim snarl  okay nice okay cool finally got to this   stupid lander is we've evened up the pokemon  count but our grim snarl is nearly out of health   our opponent sends out yveltal and we protect  groudon hoping they'll knock out our grim snarl   but they instead decide to double groudon leaving  our grim snarl doing little damage with foul play   reflect is expired so we set it up again  and get some damage down with groudon   we flinch with the aveltol and get cripped by  the grim snarl leaving us with low hp on groudon   yivaldo tries to finish off our groudon with  sucker punch but thanks to reflect we hang on   oh it's really big groudon goes down thanks to the  lifewarp recoil but not before chunking yeveltol   and grimsnar with rockslide finally it's time  to dynamax both grimsnel set lightscreen back up   charizard finishes off grimsnarl and  theriaveltol uses snarl and crits archarzard   we're each down to our last two pokemon giveaway  and station against charizard and grim snarl   station protects and their yveltal finishes  off our grim snarl it's all down to charizard okay that's not enough okay if we don't  get crit here we're in really good shape   not to drink it excessive it  would be a bit excessive okay   okay if you develop crits we might die let's see  what they go for living wing okay nice oh wait it   might come down to a 50 50. i think there you have  has sucker punch so if they uh it's really hard to   tell like i can't tell if they're gonna get ko'd  by another one of those you wanna know something   cool that they could do here by the way you just  protect always hope that the wildfire kills them   so if they were omega brain what they could do  is they could oblivion wing their own their own   station to get the healing they might be  at a range interesting did they do that no but it would have been cool but the thing is  i don't know if we're gonna kill them here   with the with the wildfire it's gonna be really  close it's gonna be really close i think that's   enough i think oh oh barely oh my gosh well  that was a close game we barely win the game and   advance to great ball tier nine our next opponent  has the dreaded double dog but big gordon is able   to handle them double dog was followed by one  of the team's worst match-ups ho oh oh oh oh oh   okay ho is a pain in the butt it's a huge pain  okay but yeah basically hoe is just a piece of   it's just really hard to deal with because it's  not like good inherently but it has like the   right typing that a lot of common pokemon just  can't touch it like if groudon goes down you're   probably losing this so we have to make sure  groudon survives yeah i'm seeing the notes that   definitely brought on the groom are just  like looking at each other oh they didn't   i think you're just going to kill  the groudon here we'll have to see you thought delicious look at how big the berry is  oh true the fairy the diamond it does   i have a lot of questions about the like  practical like some of the more uh like   some of the more technical aspects like why does  the berry get bigger i like that they like never   explain dynamics like they never really explained  what it was or like how it worked or anything like   it you know he said it was like a surge of  power or something right but in interviews   they never like fully explain it there he is  basically our plan right now is to ignore the   hoe and like kill the other ones first and then  at the end of the game beat the hoe with crowd on dynamics is the most common yeah station incineroar at the top and then  yeah after that the data gets kind of i think   the data is like a little outdated so it's hard  to say for sure but i'm yeah pretty sure it's   it's definitely a station in center at the  top although it feels like we haven't seen   that much incineroar today which is nice yeah  it was just early on yeah well here and there ah i thought it's so strong nice huge what's  annoying is both these mods have recovery as well   so they're just like a huge integrative uh  sometimes yeah rooster okay nice because   the rest of this game would have been annoying so  i'm glad that they just kind of you get paralyzed   once his big hoe and you're you're done we were  only one game away from ultra ball but our next   opponent had the same restricted pokemon as us  plus the very unusual cinderace thankfully the   combination of charizard yveltal and groudon are  enough to close the game out and land us in the   final tier before masterball we load into a game  and stare down an unusual team full of pokemon we   haven't dealt with today we decided to go with a  more offensive mode with a lekki over grim snarl   ah we can use reggie lucky we haven't used them in  a while our opponent leads off with whimsicott and   station but neither pokemon matches up well into  charizard i think it is a wild fire the station   right there's not a reason to switch out yet right  right yeah probably you're probably gonna play   defense right i like that yeah go for it oh yeah  they stayed in so as long as you hit the station   with some damage here like it's gonna be really  hard for them because you have elbow kind of beats   the whole rest of the team he cranes his neck  down just just to be able to see oh oh they gonna   break with both okay well that's fine that's not  they're not really gaining any ground is the thing yeah i mean this is i think good  because we get some damage down right and the fire starts anyway right exactly and like  you can see that's a ton of damage already yeah   why don't we airstream the wizard  this time i think because they're both   like you're ready to fire up anyway so and  then you can just thunderbolt the station   okay i don't think they led properly for this yeah so the thing is at this point charizard's  kind of done its job you know yeah oh   alright he's still also giving a lucky a  speed boost is kind of wild because even in   even with tailwind up like you  might still outspeed things you know nice that's dead yeah yeah wildfire is just so good if they have  calorics by the way like it's gonna be really oh   no i feel bad almost oh no there is so much danger  oh you want to be really mean actually you don't   just like really mean it yeah you could switch  your a lucky out and max quake here into the i   don't know like uh calorics and what that would  do is like make you like so yeah yeah and then you   especially available and now your vocal is going  to be so because these are both special attackers   and so she's going to be like so hard to get  rid of oh one note is you don't want to use   snarl in front of my loader because you'll end  up giving it a boost because of its ability uh it has a marvel skill normally  in vgc it uses competitive because   like basically competitive  is like special defiant yeah oh my wait that's what the heck so that did  way more than i think it should have i'm pretty   sure that's choice specs on the calorics so you  can just sucker punch it next turn and kill it   and that speed boost from blaster and comes in   handy because it lets charger  move next rather than later geyser oh i didn't hold it okay it starts  raining and then charizard explodes   yeah wait he's very nice he's very polite just  waiting for the he's like ah just a little longer   i think volkswagen is good because you could  like that way you can bring him in later too   yep and then you can just sucker  punch the calorics because it   can't protect most likely because it's  probably scarf for respect sorry pop poor guy poor guy i can't really feel bad but the  horse is so strong i don't feel too bad for it   with calorics down mylota can't finish off  all of our pokemon in time and after we stall   the tailwind yveltal and groudon finish it off  without trouble after 19 games we're only one   away from master ball tier with baited breath  we load into what could be our final game and   see something very scary indeed seismitoad and  kyogre are a very dangerous pairing that uses   seismitoad's wide coverage moves and swift swim  ability but this team also has beat up dragapolt   with justified caballion as an option as well  as the standard tornadus kyogre mode oh and   of course zation which is always a nightmare in  order to cover all options our opponent has we   need to do things a little differently and so we  lock in grimsnarl yeveltol groudon and gastrodon   our opponent however doesn't lead with any of the  pairings we'd been planning for and instead with   zation and tornadus so like i think on the sheet  i said that like if i was a loser's distribution   but like it kind of it's kind of really dependent  on a bunch of stuff to be honest gotcha gotcha oh they're just hacking yeah it's unfortunate  they're just playing super fun yeah it's dana   grimstal unfortunately losing a pokemon turn  one is really bad but we at least are able to   do half healthization with foul play all right  gastron's gonna have to carry here i think nothing new zation does about half damage to  our evaltol and tornadus does good damage to   our gastronom yveltal heals back up with  oblivion wing and zation barely hangs on   after gastronom's earth power i think it's  funny that like yaval's foul play which is   not very effective did about as much as gas  shot earth power which is super effective okay that's a big deal yeah i think they're  still not going for tailwind they're still   they really want gastroenterology  what they have in the back i think you might make sure you've told this  game by the way this might be like the time   this music is also much better yeah  it's much more tense yeah what freeze   we have the same instinct with the station gone  the pokemon count has been evened up but their   tornadoes is low hp the issue though is we  never got light screen up so kyogre could be   a huge problem for us with yveltal being damaged  seismitoad is sent out and it's time to dynamax   this isn't a huge threat right now yeah exactly  it's really the seismo that we have to watch out   for and it's basically they're trying to we're  they're trying to end up in a position where   they can go into their kyogre and beat you  that way and we're trying to position where   we don't that doesn't happen look at his little  grin yeah he's he's weird he's very bulbous it is nice that you're reflective  it's gonna help out a lot oh oh no okay at least we're protected what  move is that oh power probably oh barely   poor gaster dawn poor castron he's trying  so hard to hang in there he's like bro okay how much is this gonna do we  used to do a lot hey not bad not bad yeah it took a drop okay do you  want to make a hard read here   what is it so basically we can switch gastron  out which sounds crazy and to groudon but with   that'll like they're probably going to use torn  to attack in a gastro and they're probably going   to use seismic with jack into your vocal  so what that does is it like lets us then   make sure that we can switch back into gastron  and get the like that later you know what i mean   oh yeah so i think if you i think if you go  groud on an air yeah i think you could grab   an airstream here and pray that it does enough  it's a seismitoad it's gonna be it's gonna be   really close because i think they want to  air slash your um thing here there's less   your gastro and like do a lot more damage to  your velcro yeah exactly here's the air slash a lot oh wait oh wait i think this means you kill them though   oh they're setting up yeah but  they are going to die here i think did you drop their special defense that's true  nice okay oh this is going to be really close   really down to the wire there he is there's  the boy okay okay so now hear me out i   think we go back into gastron because  that way we can maintain the weather   we have a pokemon lead but with gastronom  so low it's possible that kyogre could   still win the game for our opponent yeah  wind okay it should be water spout hey come on you belt ball ice oh my god that's too good  damage crazy crazy damage   gastrodon but he's been really good it's been  really important to like you know cool so   still here he is what do you want to do with this  term with gaston probably just kill thunderous   right i think let's let's yawn kyogre here  because we can suck oh yeah you're right nice i forgot that we have yawn too yeah  nice oh where did they use it again   are they scarfed it might be a  choice item yeah i don't know   like they might be okay what do you want to do  here they have yawning kyogre does groudon have   protect yeah they both have protection i just  want to double protect yeah to go for it 100   oh very nice that's awesome that was that was  a good one too that was like pretty spooky but   the grand reveal maybe oh oh yeah awesome  and just like that we made it into master   ball tier i'd like to say a huge thank you to  jaden for doing this with me i had a ton of fun   working on this project and i really love  teaching people about competitive pokemon   if you haven't already you should check out her  channel and if there are any other creators you'd   like to see me do this with let me know in the  comments thank you for watching have a good day
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 2,767,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, jaiden, jaiden animation, jaiden animation pokemon, jaiden animations, wolfey jaiden, jaiden animation sword and shield, pokemon violet, pokemon scarlet, pokemon scarlet and violet, jaiden nuzlocke, jaiden animation nuzlocke
Id: bkz5rzDYp3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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