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hello uh this is a video i didn't particularly want to make but enough people have asked me about it that i think that i should because it's worth addressing um what's going on so what's going on let me tell you long story short there is another youtuber out there who recently accused me of hacking my mods in the players cup 2 global finals um that's pretty bad obviously did wolf click hack his mon stay tuned to find out i'll give you a brief answer to this no i didn't hack my minds well if you didn't turn it out sorry i'm gonna count at some point um so okay if i didn't hack my lawns why am i being accused of hacking my mods why would somebody do that well let's go into a little backstory now for future hello for future reference uh for the rest of this video i'm not gonna name this youtuber and i would ask that you not do the same in the comments because long story short this is a youtuber who's been around since before i started youtubing and their whole kind of shtick is that um they're the only people they're the only person who tells the truth everyone else around them is a liar uh and if you're familiar with any other pokemon youtuber i guarantee you that this person who is now attacking me has attacked them at some point in the past actually this is my second time i think being uh attacked by this particular youtuber um and so you might think oh that's kind of weird like how like it must be hard to be like the only honest uh the only the only person who tells the truth and ever everyone else be a liar and you know i couldn't tell you i really i really couldn't tell you because um i'm not you know this person is the only one who tells the truth but long story short they do this they they do this kind of attacks and this this kind of like drama mongering in order to benefit themselves and redirect traffic to their channel because obviously drama equals views and the reason why i didn't want to address this in the first place is that i don't want to give that to them right i don't want to i don't want to share my audience with them i don't want to give them the spotlight uh this person's like really bad in general like obviously the fact that they like have gone after kids who are minors like sorry not just minors kids who were like 10 years old um i myself have gotten death threats because of this person i have a friend who's also gotten numerous death threats they told viewers to drink bleach i'm like fairly certain they're in neonoxy but frankly i don't actually pay enough attention um i swear i'm hearing something uh i didn't really pay enough attention to them to like really know that the depth of their uh beliefs but it's it's it's they're not a good person in short um um what was i saying yeah so uh effectively um i don't wanna give this person the attention that's why i didn't wanna make this video in the first place i also don't want people to think that i hacked my pokemon because i have no need to hack my pokemon oh oh what i was like i heard something i swear to be sneaky oh okay yeah you were sneaky i thought it was the cat okay anyway you're good you're good um sorry um uh what was i saying um yeah like um i i didn't want to address this because number one um i like i don't want to give this person the attention which is like the whole reason they made their video accusing me in the first place because frankly i don't even think that they believe that i hacked my pokemon because the claims are honestly like so unbelievably ludicrous that like i can't believe someone would take them seriously although clearly the viewers are so maybe maybe they do it but i think that really they like um yeah they just wanted drama and to get views and you might think okay wolf like this person's been around for a while um if you do what i'm talking about you actually know that they have more subscribers than your boy here why would they want to do this right what incentive is there for them uh if they're a bigger channel than you well um because of the way that they've behaved because of all this drama mongering they actually yeah they kind of killed their channel uh they have like over 400k subscribers i believe and uh i've lost a check yeah they have over 450k subscribers and most of their videos get uh like significantly less than 10k views yeah they're like averaging between 2 000 and 6 000 and 8 000 views um per video so despite having such a large number of subscribers uh all this drama and all this like kind of hate that they've spewed um online is overall tank their channel oops who could have seen this coming anyway the video with me obviously has between 10 and twice what they were what they like what most of their videos had last week and it's only from now came out two days ago um and it's also extremely misleading uh it says wolf click caught cheating again and i wasn't caught by anything okay so okay so let's let's go through this why why why was i cheating what did wolf click do that warranted these accusations of teaching let's take a look at my pokemon so number one there's a couple things i've been honest i skipped through this video i like wanted to throw up so that i stopped but number one let's take a look here because i will i will show you okay if you press the y button at the x button you will see that my incineroar has 508 evs compared to i actually don't know how to i think it's the yeah so basically in pokemon you can have either 508 and five or 510 evs uh you can have up to 510 evs right i'll turn the camera oh they'll turn their turn on uh in any one stat um you can have up to 510 ev's 91 stat right um and uh or 500 sorry i'm sorry you can have up to 510 evs on any one pokemon in total however the extra two evs don't do anything um the only thing they do is they give you the max eevee riven uh so yeah um but basically like you can have basically two ways to dvs this incineroar does not have those extra two eevees but for example this colossal like where'd it go this colossal does so hmm that's kind of shady why does one of them have it and one of them not well not that the person who accused me did even the most basic research even the most basic not that they did any research at all or bothered to check uh why which also will answer two questions at once which is that all of my pokemon have different ot's brent aunt moe normie girl and puka right all these pokemon of different ot's that's kind of suspicious are they hacked well i'll tell you why they have different ot's and also why some of them have max tvs and some of them don't um the reason is that for this tournament i ask my subscribers and not just any of the subscribers the subscribers who i trust who have helped get pokemon from me before i asked them for help getting the team um i was really busy last week uh or no it was two weeks ago yeah i was really busy two weeks ago when i was leading up to this tournament and rather than getting everything myself i said okay hey i'm gonna ask my subscribers people who are like who like consistently get pokemon for me people who i've known for a while people who i trust i'm gonna ask them to help me get the pokemon for me right which explains why all of them have different ots oh wow because they're from different people almost like different people caught them and trained them wow which also explains that different people have different methods for evie training this person uh actually i actually don't know if it's like how you tell if it's maxed or not like i actually have no idea but yeah basically i think it's the white bar you see all these have white bars and this one has a yellow bar i think that like the yellow bar means that it still has two eevees left that needs to be invested um so yeah that's that's why uh some of the pokemon are ev'd in some of the pokemon or so why one pokemon doesn't have max ev's i also really appreciate the claim that i hacked my incineroar because like this i think i could i think i could literally speedrun getting this exact incinerator um in 30 minutes i think it would take me 30 minutes to get this in sonora um which is like the real claim here is i have no need to hack my pokemon right like there's there's no incentive for me like there's not like i risk getting disqualified i risk i risk you know something being wrong when like if you ask six people to get one pokemon it's a pretty small ask right like and on my team i had one i'd bought two legendary pokemon one which was hershey through right like like i had a colossal i could have re-eated and like minted i don't actually know i couldn't just eat my colossal i was just literally lazy like i have a i have had colossal for a while i just like i didn't have mac soup and oh no it already had mac soup yeah i just didn't want to re-idiot so because this is a different spread so i asked somebody else to get one for me was it lazy yeah is that great no like okay i'm sorry okay if you got me this colossal like alex i'm sorry like i really am um but i was lazy and i was like you know like i'll ask somebody else to help me get it right um but to like the thing about hacking is like first of all it's so easy to get pokemon nowadays that like pretty much nobody has any real reason to hack because the thing about hacking is like do you get pokemon quicker yeah sure you can get your pokemon quicker right um however at the cost is if you're caught and you like you know if something is wrong you could be disqualified from the tournament and if you think that i'm gonna risk getting disqualified from like the grand finals like when it's literally like like it was it was i asked six people to get pokemon for me right it could not have been like i did nothing all i had to do was trade right like like it's like like it was so easy uh yeah and yeah so i don't know like in my opinion it's a pretty ludicrous claim let's talk about some of the other claims by the way okay so uh let's talk about dragon ball okay is dragon ball hacked well you might you might think okay why would dragon ball be hacked well actually we switched to the sh let's open up showdown and i'll tell you why dragonport may be hacked uh let's do this let's check this um let's do this cool okay why is dragopold hacked well let me tell you why dragonfly might be it might be hacked um here's the thing about dragopold look at its eevees look very closely 2364 2876-164 now for someone who's accusing me of of hacking they're not very good at pokemon um they're really bad at pokemon so these eevees i think like kind of like you know like it kind of like started to screw loose in their head it was like very i don't know i think it was pretty disturbing for them to see such complicated numbers here like 28 and 76 and all that jazz so um it's very disturbing obviously if you're like someone who only knows how to do like 252 254 um and you know you're like trying to find a hacker and then you're like okay there's no way right how do they have so first of all these numbers even add up to 508 is that even possible i'm sure that was the first thing they checked but then they they brought up a really interesting point which is that you know these evs are so precise and there's no mistakes how is that possible how is it possible that somebody could have so many evs and so complex and so difficult with no mistakes well i'll tell you um the person accusing me here has never actually i think they played in an official vgc tournament they went zero wins four losses uh dropped from the tournament and then told everyone they went undefeated so that that i believe is their experience with with the vgc but um in case they didn't know which i'm confident they didn't know um you have to submit a team sheet let's see if we can figure this out actually let me see if i can find one you know there's been a team sheet wait does that have all that oh i'm sorry hang on i have to pull the cat out you don't want to hear this drama this is boring you need to go play with your stick be free yes be free the drama was bothersome to him um okay so let's see if we can find a team sheet per effect okay this is what a team sheet looks like um uh wait how do i okay my head's in the way but um you get the point here basically it says pokemon nature ability held item move one move two move three move four and then all of the stats and the gender um and i think that's pretty much it um now in order to play in an official vgc tournament nowadays you didn't always have to do this but since like 2014 it was first introduced at least and then after that i don't remember exactly when it first became mandatory but it's been around for for a couple years at least i think 2017 was the first year started getting like really enforced but um you have to fill out all this information all the items and all the items on your pokemon all of the moves and the order matters uh the abilities the nature um the gender and the level and all of the stats so if you're like me the way that this happens is you have your team and game in front of you and you fill it in on your sheet and then you go and you check your your showdown export and you say okay what is it supposed to be and let me just double check that it makes that it matches what's in my game um the funny thing here is that i actually had half of my pokemon had errors on them um my moultries had hurricanes and air slash um my ursh food was not gigantic max souped which is like pretty easy to mix so i was really glad i caught it and then um my religion was had like the wrong eevs but that was my fault because i asked like i asked for like an outdated version where i had moved adv's out of speed and into like some other stat i don't even remember but like yeah there was like uh there was an error there um and so um yeah basically like you have to fill out all this information if you want to play a tournament um and yeah like if you're like me then you double check your team as it goes into the uh as you're as you're submitting it this online tournament was no different i still had to input all of my pokemon all of their stats and all their moves so it's pretty difficult to make an error when you're i mean it happens sometimes but like um you have to input all this data so it's not like it's sorry a little all over the place um it's it's not it's not like you know i'm just randomly hoping that my pokemon are right i literally i literally have to like i literally have to in order to play in the tournament check that all the stats are correct right um that's something that has to happen and i think kind of the last claim uh that was made is that my maltrace is hacked because not only is it zero attack iv god forbid it also has a mark uh the angry mark multitrace the furious now for those of you unaware a mark is i think a one in 30 chance in a wild pokemon and a zero attack iv is also like a it's like a one in 30 because you can have two or is it a it's like a wait it's a two and 32. it's like a 1 to 16 chance to have a zero attack iv um so people were like well people somebody was like oh boy it has zero tech iv in a mark i bet attacked uh it's not um you might think okay well well that sounds kind of that's kinda you know uh that's kind of difficult you know 130 for a mark and then um i think it's wait what is the author of the mark charm i actually don't know mark charm pokemon odds um three and fifty and three wait i don't get it it looks like it it varies but it's like it looks like a roughly one in three chance it might be better than that um yeah so okay okay so one and three um four or one third or one in 30 i don't know why i said one three let's say one 130 and uh for the uh for the mark and then a one in 16 for the attack iv because zero and iv both have the same stat at level 50. um so yeah um so basically that's a what a 130 times a 116 which is like one in i don't know i just i don't do my phone i'm not gonna numbers like this oopsie excuse me it's a one in 480 chance right relatively small what you're forgetting and what what hang on maybe i can actually do this with a calculator um let's actually yeah i can actually do this calculator so what you're forgetting is that um i have like over a thousand subscribers so if even each of them right if even each of them um did like reset caught one mole trace right then like uh let's see e to the x sorry i'm actually i'm literally going to do the math here if we if you think that each of them caught like only triad wants to get to all trace then the odds of one of them getting it would be 88 uh it's point one two four two four four okay so it's like 88 right if each of my thousand subscribers i have more than a thousand twitch subscribers right which is what i'm talking about and if each of them only caught up once then the odds of one of them calving it would be over over 87 right and that's without considering that people reset for it right so like let's say somebody like if each of them did it like five times um which of course they didn't but let's okay let's just leave it at at 12 like write a one and a 12 chance to not get it so an 88 chance of somebody getting it um even if you assume that only 200 of them bothered resetting for their mulch race um like like yeah the odds are still the same uh if each of them resets five times which most people are going to bother resetting are going to reset a lot more than five times so it's not like i asked my subscribers hey i want a marked maltreats right i said like um actually i and somebody had mentioned to me earlier and i actually used on my for youtube they had said um hey i have a marked multirace do you want it i didn't even know the attack iv was zero like i swear i didn't even know i just like i was like oh my god that's super that's super nice but i thought a marked mulch is really cool and because moltres is a dark type like it's not really getting hit by foul play like i literally didn't know my attack id was zero probably until i actually submitted the team um but yeah i was like yeah that sounds cool like i'm cool like mark moltres is for style points and the only reason attack iv matters is for confusion and for foul play and like i didn't expect to get confused that much so because there's no swagger there's no confused ray like there's like really no moves that even confuse right now so i was like yeah like oh oh like i'll take the spot the style points in exchange for like um you know slightly slightly optimality um and in the end it actually had zero attack iv anyway so oh by the way this is an alphard this is somebody who that was just their old cart and i guess they were inspired i don't really know but um yeah so yeah like what what the guy who's accusing me likes to do is say hey this pokemon is unlikely therefore attacked and without even considering like how numbers affect probability like you can't just say something like unless you're prepared to say every shiny pokemon ever is a hacked pokemon which since we have people who literally live stream themselves catching shiny pokemon i hope that no one's prepared to say that um you can't say just cause something isn't likely attacked right what are the odds for shiny isn't this thing easier to get than a shiny it's a uh like wait hang on shiny pokemon odds right one eight eight one nine two this thing is what 450 what did i say it's it's 16 times 30 roughly 480 divided by it's like this thing is like 10 times more likely than a shiny pokemon i'm getting i like literally like you see how ridiculous this claim is especially when i like it's not even my ot like i didn't even catch it also like i don't know like the whole thing is just ridiculous so um listen i appreciate everyone standing up for me and i appreciate the people who took the time to explain why the claims were like ridiculous but yeah like also who hacks in a gentle mall trace just so they can mint it right like and if you're gonna hack a moltres like with a mark why are you gonna give it the master ball like ah it's so stupid anyway um again i didn't hack my pokemon like you know what i'm saying like i can't believe i even have to make this video i thought it was pretty obvious that the claims were so unreasonable that i wouldn't have to say anything and people would just be reasonable but so many people were like movie we still love you like i was like okay like you could still love me but i didn't do anything wrong here like yeah the only thing illegal is my is is is my gameplay am i right i'm moving but uh yeah no these pokemon are all legit like they're easy to get to like okay mark's moultrie's short but like i wasn't gonna like like i like i didn't care too much that it had a mark it was like a cool thing right like i was like okay this is slightly cool if it was gonna hack in the months i would have given colossal mark right actually i talked about this in another video like um oh yeah i'm happening in serious urchin food right um and you might think oh well maybe like you just you just uh you just uh what the what the i can't swear um uh you might have just you know hacked them in with the wrong nature just so you could men so you can make this defense i haven't been accused of hacking since this guy accused me like four or five years ago jeez yeah like i wasn't like like yeah like i don't know the whole thing is just ridiculous like my bashful colossal yeah let's go yes i really wanted bashful colossal um and what i was saying is that somebody so alex the person who gave me this colossal um actually said hey wolf i caught the colossal the parched which is a cool like the coolest in my opinion one of the best marks um you can get in colossal there's a couple other really good ones but colossal the parched is a phenomenal mark right and he was like do you want it and he was the person who was already getting my um my colossal for me and i said what's the attack iv because colossal's a pokemon that might actually take foul play and he was like 17 16 17 something around there and i was like i really i'm really sorry i have to be responsible like i have to say no colossal departure like colossal still at a ribbon i was still a great friend but um yeah i wasn't like you know like i don't like there's so much inconsistency in the reasoning and the logic and like the whole like like i said i i honestly don't believe that the person accusing me even believed it themselves because it's such a ridiculous claim that like i i don't see how any person in their right mind could could believe it but also this person's not really in the right mind so you can't win them all right but anyway yeah my pokemon weren't hacked like like i i i thought this was a nice thing to like share with my subscribers because number one was i lazy yes but number two it's also like oh also yeah i guess i should say like for the record like from almost all live events i'll get my pokemon myself like especially like sword and shield when it's super easy like um if i can like i typically try to do it myself i like shiny hunted for my team for call until i got two out of the three shinies i was looking for anyone who's traded with me uh in the months after that knows that i had about 500 scope rejects i never got my shiny dust claps um so yeah um so yeah like i don't know like normally for live events i try to do it myself but i was i was pressed for time and um also the other thing is that it's like like i think that it i know that it means a lot to some of my subscribers to be able to provide these pokemon because they got to see their pokemon like win the tournament right and i think that's kind of cool and that's something that i i like sharing with them you know like i think it's really cool that like someone could breathe this dragon ball for me and like then like literally be watching it as it went to be you know the finals of the tournament so um it wasn't it was partially laziness but it's also partially something that i think is nice to share with my subscribers um and i don't i don't think i have to apologize for that because yeah like i don't know like it's i think it's really i think it's a nice thing so um yeah um i think that's pretty much all i have to say about it uh this is longer than i intended but i'm never really organized so yeah for the record i don't ever want to hear about this person again i'm sure this person is someone who always has to have the last word so um they'll most likely make a video probably nitpicking things taking things out of context and continuing to lie as always and as is tradition with them but i'm not i'm not i don't care what they say i'm not responding to this again um i preferably will never have to respond to anything they accuse me of ever again um in the future feel free just like this video because um i don't really want to uh or deal with them again they're just not i don't know they don't add anything they're just naked there's like dropped at a high school just to spread hate and like vitriol on the internet um i don't really want to deal with it frankly and so i didn't want to do this in the first place but um yeah uh in the future if when this person inevitably accuses me of whatever they're gonna accuse me of next uh feel free just to link this video um and maybe have some faith that whatever i did in the future pro like at least think critically about the claims um because it's not like i could do no wrong right like in theory i could have hacked these pokemon um but i didn't uh and so the claims are pretty uh full of uh well not not full of truth i would say um so yeah anyway um the claims are bull bullhonky um and uh i don't even want to deal this person again and i'm sure they'll continue to be a thorn in my side because um they destroyed their youtube channel and now they want to read they want to basically reap the benefits of you know engaging with me and saying bad things about someone who is currently more popular than them but i don't really want to do it frankly it's the whole thing's a drag so um yep thank you for watching i'm sorry if any of you believe that i hacked my pokemon i didn't i'm sorry i'm sorry if you really wanted to believe it too like this this monsters probably gave some hope right they were like okay it's gentle but like we get to look past that like zero attack iv um but yeah unfortunately uh for uh people who are not wolf click fans these pokemon are not hacked um so i'm sorry um but yeah anyway that's all i have to say uh i said more than i wanted to in the first place but thanks for watching see you next time i don't want to ever talk about this dude again uh or do that i'm not going to specify please don't mention their name i don't want to hear about them just leave me alone okay goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 307,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 20, vgc 2020, vgc 21, vgc 2021, wolfe glick hacking, wolfeyvgc hack, wolfeyvgc hacking, wolfe glick caught hacking, hacking wolfe glick, pokemon hack, pokemon hacking, wolfeyvgc caught hacking, wolfe glick hacks, wolfeyvgc hacked pokemon
Id: ZU8xrHGt8bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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