My Favorite Pokemon Battle

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real YouTube base give history lesson you are about to watch some good pokemons um hello it's me first of all I wanted to thank you for all the kind words that you all have posted and shared with me it's been a lot lost you just have been a lot for me personally but I've been going through the messages and they really have meant a lot and again it's very affirming to me that I have such a nice great community here on YouTube and in other places as well so thank you for that now I wanted you know I've had a lot of negativity obviously lately has been super easy so I want to share one of my favorite Pokemon memories with all of you and specifically talk about I think you know I've been around I've been you know almost 10 I've been denying World Championships right I've played in many many tournaments to blend to at least nine US Nationals but to several internationals over the years I've seen oh I've seen a lot of Pokemon and I've always had a hard time picking favorites I always know when growing up like when someone asked me my favorite movie my favorite restaurant yeah like I was always having I was a hard trouble like answering those questions and truthfully I still do I all her time picking favorites in general if you ask me my favorite Pokemon is the answer will vary depending on the day now that being said so so all that to say that maybe I'm sure I'm forgetting something right I'm sure I'm sure that to say this is my favorite set of Pokemon it's it's very difficult right maybe the answer also depends them on the day but to say that this is one of my favorite sets I've ever seen I think is pretty fair now the competitors are people that if you follow VGC you would be very familiar with the first player is David Koresh now kodesh is a European player and he's I've talked about it before in the channel I have a lot of respect for him as a player and especially as a team builder he there's a lot of really interesting stuff that innovates the meta game and really pushes things forward and it's a strong player to boot I don't know him personally I've talked to him very few times I'm actually I'm not positive if we've I'm sure we've talked about I would I think I don't yeah I'm not even positive if it's guaranteed happened but I know for a fact that he's an extremely extremely strong player and there are many - like his teams are always echoing through the metagame now the other player is Brendan Zhang who you should also be familiar with Aaron's younger brother in the 2013 juniors Pokemon world champion now Brenda's and masters now this is 20 this is matches from 2018 and as I recall the matchup is pretty terrible for Brendan no my here's my context for this this is day two worlds right not only date is a date two worlds it's around 7:00 and both players are for two what that means is that the loser finishes top thirty two most likely and the winner makes top cut this is this is an elimination match to advance in the tournament and here's the other context now I didn't actually check with Brendan before I recorded this because I'm a little short on time and I haven't recorded anything in two days so I wanted to get this out so forgive me if this is wrong but I'm sure I'm 99% sure it's correct my understanding is that they've already played they played day 1 which is technically a different tournament you can switch teams before then my recollection is that David Juan I'm not positive about who won but I know that Brendan feels that his match it was really bad now at Worlds 2018 I actually got eliminated a day one it's the only time I didn't move on to day 2 or start in day 2 for the competition so I was serving more as like a coach role I was there to like kind of help him support my friends which is something like it's just the Roy's tend to fail once it eliminated and so Brendan came to me it was like hey like I'm playing Koo Tish can you help and I was like yeah I'll help you so he told me what the matchup and it was looking pretty bad and he builds a game plan I rebuilding a game plan together I make him do some stretches before the match and then he goes into it I think what makes this match also really good is that it's compensated by Aaron so yeah welcome back to Nashville Tennessee for the Pokemon world championships date mr. Levitical levels she was Swiss is coming to test test test testing I'm Adam Jericho joined by the ever lovely Erin Zhang Erin how are you enjoying the day so far it's been so crazy eight players have solidified their spot in that final top cut and Aparo some context you're playing for their position in this next round so you know for a lot of players most have been eliminated at this point from that top contender audio then I have already moved on but then there's like eight to nine matches left really really just kind of janky I know people like about like at wires so this last round is going to be so crazy everybody looked at some of the pair and matchups and boy there are some really tough ones in there yes we're gonna win over about 16 or 17 and opcodes way I believe so yeah those were all gonna be insane matches to get there there's a there's another round to go through I know that we've already had six rounds of thrilling action today there's one more in the Swiss format and we hope that the ranch everyone at home is enjoying themselves in the same way if you're a home and want to get involved make sure you tune in on some of our social media channels I know Aaron you're an absolute fiend for the social media yourself I've seen check Aaron fiend good support for people over there it's so many people supporting their favorite trainers at home people posting their favorite pictures of course there's way more to stay involved with for such Pokemon I don't know why I'm letting the system shell for your final the Instagram machine the matches are only gonna get more from there we'll play the bracket and the day I'm really looking forward to seeing who makes it for both of these players and some could say it's tensors of Durin's hanging out with a heat more those of you who aren't quite sure you know how tense it is that's probably the best analogy I can give durin spending some time we could understand perfectly many good matchups but one of the biggest ones I think two really strong European players coming to this tournament Alessio you're a pushover now and he's playing a really really difficult opponent and perhaps one of the favorites from Europe to win as well cells of the world they're doing pretty honest I thought it was time that said though round seven of day two Swiss is upon us it's pretty clear that these trainers I think it's gonna be a tough one look forward to what we've got things before so maybe you could speak to experience a little bit they're so close to the top guy you just need a stay keep your composure stay we're skipping a lot I have already gotten a guaranteed spot okay here's the next kit there are free shop full were chickens based off their opponents strength but there are kids so yeah it's gonna be really intense a lot of these names up there in the top eight even top 12 shouldn't be too surprising I think yeah there are three world champions for an outlaw to finish third applause David here I believe they actually played yes here we go here we go Machoke was pretty difficult for him so I would like to see Brendan versus Davis himself around in this one yeah so Brendan obviously has a little bit more information I know I had the pleasure of commentating one of David's games yesterday I got to see his team up against drew Nowak of the u.s. his team it pops off when it goes it really really goes but I think if you if he struggles I don't you know i'm sure brendan can bring some of that kind of slower play make it a little bit harder for him then he's got to think a little bit it's so cool that Aaron's complicating this as well they'd actually make it through day one of the competition as well so they played so many rounds of poke one at this point already you know between seven and nine runs yesterday and then another six rounds today and they are look looks like they're are pretty much using the exact same team composition if they did yesterday so clearly it tells about the team's pretty well for them but of course only one of them will move on to that final top 16 bracket it's gonna be a grueling match I'm sure both players are excited to to actually get underway in this one the big thing here though is keeping the composure as you said earlier it's gonna be so tough and okay we took not slowed down Brendan consistently able to put on those performances qualifying for worlds in all divisions and I mean it's still gonna be a change for his second World Championship yeah sure that's also mentioned Carson call for a routine security I want to hear about the teams themselves if you have a couple rounds off fine here we go see the play is ready sorry I thought they were gonna I thought they were gonna like do some pre like talk about the teams and stuff but I think that I was wrong I mean I'd know that I was wrong because I just watched it you did on the left of your screen right there with Brendan over on the right they're ready and there's a really funny picture I have somewhere by the way of me warming Brendan up with stretches I don't know it's super like I think well I don't remember I think I think it's you can see my face I just kind of look like deer in headlights it's like I don't know no oh wait no that's not that one I don't remember this is there's a stupid picture of us of us stretching but I think he's stretching is important we did like the old track stretches that I used to do so one such a tough match you know this this is probably the more you make it to a top cut match it's got to be the most stressful swiss round in the course of the season yeah I think one of the more interesting things is the fact well they actually did play yesterday as well so I'm curious as to what Brent that has maybe prepared a little bit this time around for what David is about to bring if you did mention to me yesterday like he thought the matchup was pretty difficult so I think one of the nice things however about approaching a difficult matchup is if you already lost anything you already know some sense of what I forgot so Brendan at Nidoqueen I forgot about this and as I if I recall correctly okay so there's a couple of weird Pokemon on the screen here Blaziken is not a super popular Pokemon I mean Blaziken plus Bisharp was used a fair bit in 2018 a fair bit like it was something you had to be aware of I lost to it myself at Nationals and Nidoqueen one Oceania internationals no I got lost in finals I got second in Oceania international Serie so it had some play however here's the deal but Brendan Snorlax Snorlax you might notice doesn't have any speed control of this team right maybe tell one immense may be telling Cortana but not like trick him or anything so like why do you have a slow pokemon in your team right now what are you doing well it's max speed Snorlax it's max lakhs as it's known um we're just gonna I think of a role you're about totally positive but yeah I'm trying to remember the gameplay we came off this Cortona was important you know Co do you have the teams on the screen for you David's team over there on the left of Zapdos bisharp Serena Serena had some usages la but not a time fairy Solomon's the nidoqueen which I love and a Snorlax yeah so new queen Brendan was talking to me about before the tournament and if you look it actually does hit everything on David's super super neato Queen the nidoqueen run sludge bomb ice beam earth power protect for those of you who aren't aware most of the time like you can't run like flamethrower but you run ice beam earth power sludge bomb and yeah like it hits literally every Mon like our inventions a baby doll so rockin some really neat Pokemon I think the Serena which we saw its beggin really push David very hard throughout the course of this whole thing it's a cool team like I mentioned David's team bowling I didn't even I didn't even look I had to see what team he was using here my forgotten but you could see like he's very creative in the way that he builds and it's yeah it works for him is those are my headphones Brendan didn't have headphones I gave my headphones I forgot about that I think I have them actually right back there though yeah I'm almost positive those are mine I mean I have those so many things I think it's a V Coco I think it's support code why don't I get support code David yeah so be sure you're really strong it can get a pretty powerful attack off against photopic Oh Cohan selects and of course that this has the option to just tailwind so one of the things however against playing against the relaxes you always have to be very very wary because it can easily just set up a belly drum in front of I think we've all twitch earth a high horse powers into the sharp here if I remember correctly so the situation's a little bit weird because like I'm fairly certain it means machspeed locks and then it's uh a V Coco so I think yeah probably it either has Sky dropper electro web or moves like that I could have nature's madness as well by leading somewhere like she forced the sharp to target it in my opinion with a move like knock off because if you ignore so relaxing at Bell your drums and you just like volt switches into Clefairy for example it could be the game right away so kudos kind of feels like he has to target wax in my opinion and zap does doesn't really put in a ton of pressure here snarling says really good natural book and this is the obviously electro typing just working that's Coco especially av Coco so for that reason sapless is most likely to either going to switch but it doesn't really have any reason because it's it's although it's not like threatening anything it's also not really being threatened in my opinion either so it's probably gonna go for a talent here so the turn feels pretty played out but the question is what is there any gonna do with relax I don't remember if he has I'm pretty sure he doesn't have recycle I think it's BD high horsepower return and maybe protect eyes drop to potentially but I'm not positive I don't remember it printing right now it does have to worry about the threat of daily yeah I mean if you have the chat window Moltres comes out to mean tomorrow webs yeah breaks massages doing nothing of the sort though immediately volts launching into this bish up doing a dog how much nother electric terrain really makes those numbers add up as it leaves the field should equal carry your katana yeah be reviewing another one of his Pokemon card honor the choice of very quick choice there Zapdos decides it's time to tell winter that bishops gonna enjoy that one a lot of Pokemon that's usually a minor actually fish up goes for the iron head does connect with the Snorlax a decent amount but Snorlax immediately retaliates with a high-horsepower bisharp immediately removed from play on David site in turn one right here so I really like that play um I think I probably I may have told Brennan to do it or I can't remember if this is what we expected in terms of the weeds but that play is really good because like basically like snow like just like I said it has to be targeted by the sharp you cannot ignore it you cannot ignore Snorlax because if you ignore it and it belly drums you could just lose right so ku dish is forced to respect Snorlax however Brendon says you know my store like sexually it has good special bulk you have a fair bit of special Pokemon your team between Zapdos tipo fini and yeah like like of course like I'm not really threatened by anything so I can just take a can knock out turn one and of course you know David gets speed control which is pretty valuable however it's it's not a bad trade for Brendan and all keep in mind the matchup feels pretty Brendan feels like the matchup is not in his favor so being able to immediately remove the sharp who is a very problematic Pokemon is pretty good and even if he gets knocked off what she doesn't he actually managed his to maintain his Barry there he still Kalos be sharp like he takes a little bit more damage she trades like half once's health plus the Barry but in exchange you get rid of Bisharp so it's not a terrible trade yeah so trading the bishop port the tailwind set up their had iron head gone to Cortana that probably would be a pretty disastrous for David but getting some blues game senseless Snorlax especially because I think Blaziken has a very strong matchup against Brenda's entire team yeah we talked about how to needle queen is like pretty strong against david scheme but like we've seen three of the pokemon in mega Blaziken hits extremely hard like i'm not positive that coco takes of flare blitz so yeah I believe the lost well especially if zappers is carrying something like heat wave which we often see on a person so if so david has the pre simple point here of just make evolving Blaziken in perhaps super powering Snorlax and keep waving but you would not be surprised to see Brenda maybe go for a double protect this turn or protect one of the Pokemon and switch the other back down into pod right okay yeah so he needs to ever to be sharp because mensis needed to reduce Blaziken his damage output that's the whole point right so you effectively yeah that's the hope that's the whole point I forgot about that yeah so basically you need to remove Bisharp immediately because if you get Blaziken into sharp on the field at the same time you then you're in and you're an immediate like a heaps of trouble because you can't too many plays again without power cut sharp elements entering the field getting an intimidate down on that Blaziken could be so so useful try and slow down the onslaught WTF team it's actually a double switch for Brendon - it starts slow bus comes out probably demesne yeah that's all events on the way in so really good switch there from Byrne taking its recoil - you move Oh interesting move so that's a really good move from David because it covers a switch goes to Coco gets here it goes into salamence it'll be a great turn for baby yeah what Darren said we should be able to take it pretty well so they've been switching it up a little bit let's see who it's Hargett because is this going huge huge attack yeah we're gonna see where it should realtor sulfus Oh amazing switch so basically what David was doing he says alright I know that I have an obvious move right my obvious move is just flare blitz the or superpower the karna relax and heat wave and that cover is everything right like it covers everything on the field right however he says all right Brendan like I know you've cocoa in the back I know you're expecting a superpower here maybe I maybe I do a bit of a different move that way like it still covers the options like you still got some big damage off into Snorlax who isn't threatening that much damage like you know how his power plays again for like 50% but other than that like he probably specs the protector of switch there but it also yeah I just covers like a like a if this if Brennan had switched in the opposite order med sort of taken I think events might have gone down but would have taken at least a ton of damage in cocoa I think also would have well not because I'm intimidated it would have survived but yeah like worked out really well so I like David's play it's just that brendan call decides that he had to switch into correctly because you can also switch medicine to arm you could which meant it to either slot assuming you have it because obviously when stakes fighting attacks well as well the end of that turn that switch for Brendan very very strong Blaziken manages to get itself a speed boost it doesn't really need it right now with the benefit of course Oh so Brenda is a pretty good spot here he's played pretty well hey she turns loves a challenge that was slightly risky because when you done you switch if your opponent calls you crackers could lose a lot of media be but David tries to switch things up a little bit and actually okay let me have so much out of it it's a great turn there for Brendan really phenomenal switching there but David still has the right of offense right now but he's pretty much forces which I please get out because it's not doing much damage after that intimidate yeah the blaziken's definitely needed to do with the stalls to protect katana Brendan the keeping that settlements safe with it protect Zephyrs will from the boss the protecting of Salomon's and describe okay so the sky drop was removed from the game so maybe I'll just explain kind of the dynamics here why would you sky drop Blazek in there right why not come for damage move why not go for Thunderbolt the thing about sky drop is that it puts it creates a really interesting situation where macoco outspeeds men that means that if you sky drop Coco this turn and protect meds or you schedule a blazing this turn predicaments next turn Blaziken would have attacked first I would have attacks before Coco drops it so its attack will do nothing it just doesn't get to go off skyler comes out and then mens gets to attack so basically by sky dropping this turn you ensure that david can't protect like it's not a 50/50 anymore because if Blaziken protects this turn fearing events then next turn you know you're safe to attack it and if Blaziken attacks this turn then it can't protect next turn so it's a really good play from Brendon he also disables the Landorus on the twitch in turn the time we can play could be great town for Brendon is the following time he was already been used as well sky drop especially when your opponent is faster basically burns a turn off there and why don't I swing so I wanted to touch a little even more I'm gonna go deeper on that play the reason Brendon switches here is because he knows that like if you look at if you look at David's at Brenda's team every Mon except for Mets is an OCO range of plays again and so if he lets benched go down he will most likely lose the plays again even even beyond that he needs intimidate to protect some of his Pokemon from the blaze again so even though of course like he had a free attack into Landorus more or less he realizes that he needs to keep mint healthy enough that it can beat the Blaziken in the end so I think it's a really smart switch in a really smart decision not to mega evolve and therefore to keep intimidate wait off the Salomon about it for its troubles that is fortunate I realize all the way in its relaxed is slow it doesn't need diet doesn't need the chance just to be fully paralyzed does activate it spooky bear so it's not exactly unhealthy sky drop freeze the lieutenant and tailwind pizzas out for David so more great switching from Brandon yeah the switches are great he also researched the intimidate on the moon staff those looking at the Pokemon that Brendan ended up bringing into the same you didn't bring that which of course and hit for super effective against Aptos with a potential ice beam no Clefairy for redirection either topo cocoa can ship it away with electric type attacks and we know that this F doesn't have a bearing it's a more offensive variant so I least be able to get damage quicker on the board but even though right after up that power you will read a switch scarf lenders so sorry okay so some lenders run Iran special endurance this tournament actually so hidden power ice is because the obvious move there is David knows that Brendon has David knows that Brendan knows that David is choice scarf Landorus he says you're not gonna let me hit you with a ground move here there's no way I'm in a hidden power icing and call your men switching because if you log into a ground move in this position like you're Landorus and use its immense like Landorus is useless and you can't really push it in again so he makes like a reed there but Brendon goes even further and says I know that you know that I know that you're Landorus is scarfed therefore because i know that you know that i know that your lander is has carved i know that you know that i would want to switch out to get the free switch but even if you earth power i get to bring a mentor for free and you're still in the same position so it's an amazing play by Brendon to stay in there and I don't blame David for going for it because the lander is kind of in an awkward spot here but takes how is that this is help and it's not super bulky you can see what the HP stat and there's a lot of damage after it does not go down what yeah really strong that's a great turn for Brandon there you know David had the opportunity to just snipe the top of cocoa with an earth power but predicted the Salamence the switch in went for a hidden power doesn't get it and I was just talking about how it's difficult to deal with all their interesting thing is that David chooses not to go for Talon there which on the one hand I kind of get because blit yeah cuz Blaziken and and cortana are going to eventually have speed everything anyway but it's still an interesting play because it basically means that you're forced to thinking it basically means that Blaziken can't attack immediately a lot of the time like you can't just come in and attack really might have to protect to go to speed boosts first so it's interesting that it doesn't go for talent in terms of damage output with the nature madness and the frustration combination does so much damage to it an excellent turn therefore Brendon as he's able to almost knock out this app does a knock out that would have been so great for him but I think that turn still went really well from considering like you didn't just lose hop with loco and ego all that free damage I think voltages Aptus here yeah the lender is kind of doesn't want to be stuck with the hidden power as its move of choice for the rest of the game Blaziken may be a lecture Oh protects Aptos take that little bit of damage that would knock it out that play into the protect and Snorlax frustration a lot of damage done it's like okay I'm probably oh yeah yeah so much damage and more importantly a topple Coco here should still be the fastest Oakland on the field so David had to switch they're staying in hidden power icing for no damage isn't gonna help him but also by switching yeah I mean you kind of need the full paralysis chance I think quite well and I believe it going for that aggressive prediction with that Landorus and like as you mentioned being forced I think I would like to see the lack sufficient to mayonnaise here and go for electric really but I'm not positive he has we've seen volt switch sky droppin a tremendous threat and fortunately Brendon has been able to attack through the paralysis despite getting paralyzed he's gonna try save it for later bringing in the Landorus getting an intimidate down would be very very helpful against these frustrations as well you know there's no boots on the Snorlax that's an extremely important miss for the record because of this miss now placing a well out speed tap of cocoa which wouldn't have happened otherwise and because it has speeds well it also had speeds mega Mets which is also a big deal because of man talks people were Blaziken and release forces David into a bit of an awkward position but yeah the missus huge but also good for plan good for David for not yeah it was still good for David because like yeah he didn't fall for the fact that like that play was really good he knew that he knew that doctors kind of had to switch out he knew that Coco had it's hard if does Aptos slot and save zapped allows him to reset both the intimidate drop and the super power drop and Landorus his choice move one more time he chooses theory if he wants to he doesn't have to Elektra web so it's still in pretty good shape right now 95% accuracy by the way the electric connector then guaranteed let's hop with Koko and set mega salamence supposed to be faster but unfortunately not the case and we've already seen like David slanders one hyper boys would win the game for oh no what are you sorry certainly worried about I hate it matters potentially can just knock it out so this next one's gonna be really big because we know David's gonna have to lock himself into an attack so we have to see which one he commits himself in two we know curtana is the last one on bringing sense if he might just try to go sorry I can fix this I rejoice Earth's power looks like going okay if you're focused azi Dahaka if you switch out I would do a lot of damage if not just knock out the katana outright for the blaster retreat it's been caught with intimidate right under the drop from super powers so no surprise cuz - Aptos comeback is the sacrificial lamb or I guess sacrificial bird in this interesting no switch out Solomon's does decide mega evolution no more trying to cycle the intimidate just going to get airily as its ability now just hidden power knows protect on the Solomons it's not able to get the knockout as Tiger cooker sky drops the philanderers not gonna do any damage as some of its frustration will get the gnome on its bulky yeah yeah like you in theory I think ladders coulda knocked out a few elements of remembering correctly depending on Bill it's like maybe of salamence is- special events or maybe it did like 90% but that's yeah that's a lot that did a lot less than most people would expect myself influence elements train very hard in special defense is able to take that attacking and now the but now it's a weird 50/50 because it's like is Blaziken gonna protect here I know David is down to his last few moles Cortana is not doing anything such a trouble for the Landorus and it's stuck with hidden power rise that's Suliman such a big point so hard to take you know you think it would get there no protects doesn't do it sky drop freeze the Landorus tailwind I like it hanging on that so important David throwing up his hands Blaziken just decide it's time to follow up with a rockslide we'll get the knockout on Solomon's but it's not so that was a really smart town win that covers all the options if plays again protects it's obviously good if plays again doesn't protect well you'll be able to see this is what happened so let's see what happens Blaziken right now in there but I've tailwind a little bit of a safer place because lost one lose again return you don't even show the emplacement actually all speeds everything so it's down to the last Pokemon Tumbo trainers side here but Brendan does have the speed advantage it's gonna be a really close one but we do know that that Landers is locked in to hit empower boys again however it does have the option to protect so this next rounds gonna be big Jones plays can opt to protect hoping lat print and targets into it or do you just attack with both Pokemon well the big thing here is vote from Brendan so we've not seen as emu yes I mean it doesn't have a huge damage option available to him right now I'm sorry play sky drop sky drop the Blaziken fail with the protect and the time of the move katana wants to do the damage that it needs to get rid of this Landorus yeah will be enough and even if it's not wool the hidden power ice knocked off either top of cook or Cortado top with cocoa you presume not because it is quite bulky curtana of course a little bit more frail but you know with the sugar the same type attack bonus and with Landers the space special attack not being that how you presumably can survive a hit in power as well so let's see the seam of yours that you're just gonna outright knocked out so Brent employs himself go fantastic Williams now +2 um if I've counted correct there's so much pressure on this plays again right obviously gonna be a real struggle to see if he can get there because I lost you bread move is rockslide you don't want to rockslide maybe's puzzle we saw how well Tommy cocoa took it out he's not gonna do anything to this part I think it's supposed to if you've got to get rid of one before honestly I think this blaze it's got a little bit too much work to do right now yeah absolutely goes to the double protect you I was plus two definitely it was Dave it's one out so good for him for assessing that that was the one correct move to make you know it's still a little bit difficult because if the ops super you can't really player with bright feet does will just take too much recourse right it's pretty much forced to go for a superpower but that means like please game does get another speed boost which means that should be able to outspeed the cart on a now well well there's a rockslide that there's a way and it could've definitely be the option for him in a two-on-one situation it's gonna be a tough one but he's got a try this is your final round or Swiss at the World Championships you can't just give it up and even if you don't she's got super power he's gone for the super power maybe thinking he can take the damage the top of Coco has to offer we'll have to see it's gonna be so close but topical cure could go first run goes down that actually won't be super effective and then the deep inch drop as well from the blades going after super power like potentially be enough this is gonna be so close but that double protect keeping David in this game and we're gonna have to see what it comes down to for this final damage so it's double protected stay alive and now 62 HP right now it's going down it's going down it's not remember that electro up you missed earlier yeah so you can see I will move my mic facecam because of covered Brendon but you can see that Brendan is like he's he's frustrated right the matchup is really really bad and you played extremely well just to recap what happened at eliminates Bisharp right away delays mega evolving ments positions really well sort of tail one to the right time David plays the ball as well to be clear I want to take anything away from David in fact I think he plays extraordinary well because Brandon was also playing like brenda was playing out his mind and David's able to bring this back with good play and a little luck as well electro up is 95% accurate that miss changes the entire game and then he also needs to double protect internet speed Cortana blazes mega Blaziken space 100 speed Cortana is base 107 or something like that it's 177 stat I think so Brendan's frustrated it's two out of three he's lost a game that realistically most the time he should win based on how the plays have gone he loses on a five percent miss and then a one in three chance for a double protect so the question is how like he plays out of his mind and he still loses the match of his priority it's a little unlucky as well how is he gonna adapt how was he gonna adjust how is he gonna maintain composure slush is he gonna maintain composure because I know having been in this spot it's very difficult to maintain your composure being on the other end of this fight back against this type of coco really crazy game I felt like coal players were playing really well up at David and recoil if he dies to recoil Blaziken makes Pokemon he thinks to recoil so two zero zero goes down trying to prove that it's the hottest chicken in Nashville this weekend better than any of the local joints that has put david koresh one step closer to top car at the world championships such a close game there I mean if the double protect doesn't go off them to game is innocent back to the banjo is this banjo chance there to go forward the protect play on pertama there I don't listen to music we couldn't read back into it could be potentially difficult to bring especially if they sharp out speed say which I think Brendan mentioned yesterday so we do just CD yeah so David adapts here this is the game plan I told you Brennan to lead but Landorus and the lead is a little scarier because now Landorus actually checks cocoa and be sharp but sharp has the same Bisharp was always threatening Snorlax and also because of intimidate there's a chance I or my rep minus one won't KO so yeah this is a little bit trickier the combination of Bisharp was physical attackers in this format especially was really difficult to deal with decision is of course threading top cocoa at meto via with a potential earth power or we could see a double okay so that's also I don't know it hasn't really been relevant but just you're all aware this is old speed mechanics not new speed mechanics so like Tallinn it'll look like for example he's not to be black so maybe there's some worlds where a lecture webplus high-horsepower if that were to que up a sharp wouldn't make sense I don't think whatever kayo but maybe but it doesn't work because ya like speed mechanics don't actually till the end of the turn until the next turn so yeah just so everyone's aware by this threat again you know we saw the high horsepower from his small axe dealt with that fish are so so easily so if you can get rid of that again you know maybe cut flows on the lead a little bit better game so I suppose room protect actually I like it up to David to see if he's managed to call goal switching away from danger good damage on that fish up again in the electric terrain yes I really like that play from Brendan he knows that straw likes has to be targeted or David risk was losing so she knows that at least one attack will go into the Snorlax nice personal expected power to the cocoa but because you're selfish you know you can take one and you also probably guess is that voltage goes high horsepower won't KO be sharp at minus one I'm not I might be reading too much into this want to see what he goes into but yeah core Tonya comes good switch it's not threatened by be sharp in any way assurance oh okay that explains a lot he doesn't actually have knock off he has assurance instead of knock off so that's why he went for Ironhead Game one and that's why he would he had to go forth power game to because if if he goes for earth power into cocoa cocoa volts which the statistical fairy and then some like smelly drums it splits boosted lacks so that's why couch ish makes that play it makes a lot of sense but Brendon really benefits from it any damage and also I think are Tawna should live in earth power but not sucker Frank lizard our turn here for him and now this coupon is actually in a pretty good spot bit sharp now can't as easily go for that assurance and if Flanders goes for another power in the cart on assurance will do less damage two-star likes but one play Brendan does however have to worry about is like a sucker punch for a power play it's important so now the question is do you protect the Carcano learner punch and yours just an earth power into Snorlax David is terrified of this store like good move my run is coming out from power it's blue its katana and if it's headed towards Landorus based on Game one it's gonna be a knockout Brendan really up in the ante in this game going a lot more upset I'm actually really surprised that CUDA chooses to presumably double into the small X again because it doesn't seem that threatening to me like the Cortana honestly feels a bit like the bigger threat but yeah maybe it because of what are you brought in the back or maybe he just hard right above detect from Cortana cuz it's so scary to attack with your Z move here knowing full well like you might lose your katana just go down to Brendan from the field cuts on the crops of beast boost for its trouble that really is let's see he's gonna be the high horse power is the connective will so that's two quick knockouts for Brendan assuming it yeah yeah just carry on with a miniscule amount over hit points Blaziken will end to the field the sharp sticking around is really difficult for Brendan to use I mean we know he has immense in the back right and we know he needs men's to beat this plays again but he can't really use men super well as long as this sharp is around but getting this much damage on it is still nice for sure especially like in the last game David really used tell one to press a lot of advantages and in this game he doesn't have this Aptos on the field right now what that means for the total like state of the game flow the game is let's presume me as Coco and mention the back which i think is pretty fair the sharp can Sucker Punch good the men's it could plus more iron hit the Coco but like yeah I mean it could sucker punch the men's is the real thing but we know men's his tail end and sucker punch isn't gonna do very much to Coco anyway and so yeah like with that being said like because he doesn't because his threatening move of this instance is actually Ironhead her assurance I don't actually think it's like even though like the damage on Bisharp is so important even though like ideally it would have gone down there but I think it's still good for for Brendan here to get the damage on bisharp and if you're David you're very happy I didn't go down there I wanna see Blaziken cookie up against it once again David already down one Pokemon that said the two on the field right now with its Rana has +1 attack so oh sorry the other thing here that's kind of important is number one we don't know Carter Ana's fourth move they often would run Talent but it could also substitute but we know that Ben's his talent so I'm not sure what it has there could also have soared sandstone those grass seems you say you wouldn't normally run Swords Dance or steel move or something and we also know that because Blaziken is actually slower than cart Hana right now it might be forced into like making a defensive play because yeah look you definitely want to take as well so no reason not to if you're the Blaziken in this situation Brennan I didn't expose bigger moves maybe wanting the defiant vis before a sucker punch plus two super parities boosts we're gonna be sticking around though it's flare blitz or from this Blaziken will connect with cart ana what hit knockout are they that's still a very good trade even though it's full HP Cortana for 184 HP Bisharp it's all very very good play for the truth state of the game because unlike last game where David to reset his intimidate she doesn't have that option anymore pull this Blaziken as well so another trait of Pokemon but the advantage still lies with Brendan in the numbers yeah definitely especially if he's got that Salamence in the back which we saw in the previous game Solomon's would be able to get an intimidate Appa gainst Blaziken Blaziken would stand out but it's really reduced and we do see it come out which is basically I think the perfect Pokemon I have right now in this situation especially in Pokemon is lost game but I think at Abu cocoa right now actually you know really good spot however David hasn't used to see movement can use that essentially to beat the elements just needs to avoid getting Z moved and getting that Solomon sniped out immediately yeah I mean you do have to wonder you know what will displays that can be able to do it wants to feast on this oh my god wait a second I had an idea let's see if it works oh I had an idea but it's not going to be able to right now top Rococo and Solomon stand the way it's gonna be stuck with an attack job for the rest of our game so there were two good players there in my opinion Brendon makes the safer one that isn't reach double protects the play that I was considering so basically the Kutaisi they're gonna tell when here are just gonna max move sorry is he moving to the immense with his actors and Blaziken will you to protect your attack what I was thinking you could do is you could actually sky drop into the cocoa and protect meds and then that way next term we could do the thing that we talked about earlier however I don't know that the electrum's the calyx unbranded mints I assume because it lived a hidden power it should be somewhat bulky and so I think I could take a move as well but it's that's right what I mentioned the play that I mentioned is we to double protection also might have some other issues as well so the you play that he makes its switching out Snorlax to get a double intimidate down on the men's other on a pleasingly call that one and really limit what this Blaziken can do no way to boost its stances blaziken's in a before the Sullivans their reaction switch to interact see both good places that's exactly what Brendan wants to see you right now once you commit that Z move your damage output is so much more reduced because afters doesn't have that threat not to mention Solomon's won't be able to come back in and get another intimidate off against that blaze again so excellently done by Brandon here the Snorlax at this point really isn't that useful I think it might actually able to survive just take this way like 50 60 percent let's take six manage to survive but that's a great turn there for Brandon he's able to get the Z move out and he knows Blaziken can't protect now it's still a little bit of an awkward spot though like I don't know later because you can't really volt switch anymore without the fear of getting sniped on the way in just take any attack yep let's go exactly so I mean we haven't fully seen place Akins whoo oh very interesting isn't a pretty comfortable spot where he knows you won't be taking too much damage I kind of surprised actually deceive I'm really yeah which out there instead of just getting a free switching into Salamis because now sounds does risk getting potentially treated so Brenna doesn't care what the damage they are in cocoa he cares about not being flinched you want some really good damage at all really good plan it's really good play doesn't get really really good so David knew that Coco's main form of damage output there was two volts which into his plays again putting it in range of another attack um so he therefore Thunderbolt of the cocoa in order to get some damage on the men switching in however Brendon predicts this which is wax out in two men saying alright I'll take I'll take of -2 rockslide it's cool and return though I may be asking for your blaze again give me a blaze again and you gets it exactly and the only way that that play doesn't work is if qu tetroxide crits or he thunderbolts into the wax which I mean it on some in some ways makes sense but no because it's raw like says protect it doesn't make sense actually so I really like my range where another Bowl could knock out but now Brendon gets a guaranteed free knock get onto this place again another Thunderbolt capitals won't knock out Brendon Salamence and then it'll be a three on one game and Brendon should have this game to sealed up Brendon doesn't want me messing around the intimidate cycling anymore finally mega revolving that Salomon's getting access to aerial a tamper cocoa sky drop as we saw there's some solid damage to Blaziken a really good amount that a solomon's will frustration as an immediate follow-up and with the aerial a it's super effective and Blaziken is sorry can I read it text I just got this is from one of my capella friends SOS period wTF is the purpose of lightning rod if it can't protect my azumarill from thunder I'm so upset I thought I just made the biggest brain play of my life by switching in marowak next to a zero on the last turn of Dynomax and I said I lost and I said who thundered you and I'll give you type your interest in the comments below the answer is Doral Adan so I would say so you made a great play but Duryodhan's ability is the only ability in the game that ignores lightning rod well technically mold breaker ignores the damage but he doesn't need to know that it's about the redirection that he carried go on yeah and it's after school Thunder pool so we'll see how much it will do to salamence yeah Salomon's oh it actually does take actually gone so Solomons that or the Snorlax which on set of top rococo that could have been really bad yeah sappers can never beat the cocoa and contagious Majesty's medicine so I feel like here's something that people don't talk about that often or at least I haven't seen people talk about that often this position where you get cheesed out of game one or game two and then win the other one right and she's just kind of unfair today because he played really well but I think you know like maybe Brendan's gotta be feeling like I should have won Game one I know I least maybe friend who doesn't feel that way but I've been in situation two were like I lose a game that I feel like I should have won right and thinking the set should be over right now I should have already won but now I have to play a third game and I actually think that like the two hardest times are like not to tilt when you get unlucky in a game is right after it happens in the second game and then in the third game as well because you feel like I've already I already did it you're in I already should feel like I should I already feel like I've done what I had to do but now I have to play another game so yeah it's a very difficult position another very important thing to know is that the Landorus plus they sharp double up into Snorlax actually only goes around 75% doesn't do any damage probably expecting it to knock out maybe even Brendan was expecting it but the fact it can survive that so easily is a really really big deal and we're gonna go into a game oh yes GA win an inset and it doesn't get any more intense than that no this is gonna be one of the biggest games I hope you're enjoying the action here David cooter Scooby Skippy Skippy so if you're Brendan here I don't know if he adjusts because I have mean I don't know I think I'd fall and stick with my plan a little bit you also can adjust so lastly let me see them go with thus far in the game so yeah this you know Vita matchups gonna often dictate that third game especially if your opponent switches it up so let's see it's gonna be tough go go in needle Queen okay he switches it up so he brandon has gone off script I didn't I don't remember telling him to use neo Queens but he's he's adapted by himself he's the one playing this set not me and he he adapt and he brings needle Queenie he calls probably honestly if I'm Brendan here I'm expecting his Aptus Bisharp every day of the week every day of the week I think it's Aptus Bisharp up front because David uses it like he brings the same for Pokemon game two with ice game one but it doesn't work and it feels like Lander isn't a sharper a lot weaker so he says alright I'm gonna call your bluff you're doing you're doing this app does sharp again so rounds I he's kind of scary oh yeah please come to the against David seem but there's just so much that threatens it in terms of damage output so that that Landorus has got to be enjoying his choices right now to free Earth powers and you don't have to worry about Solomon switching in because if it does then Bishop will just get a free Bruce I think Brendan may be trying to get a little bit clever in terms of the lead matchup hoping like I like to call that doesn't end up going for it and now it definitely has to suffer the consequences a little bit because they double up could just knock up lococo with an earth power and iron head and land reserve power might just knock out itto Queen yeah neither Kings gonna protect we see a little fist bump from David on the table must be enjoying that one as well Andrus will be into it's not quite gonna be enough for the knockout as topical switch faults which is how again Bishop takes this huge amount of damage just first turn of the way just while it waits to attack yeah you know this type of Coco is not really one that's too offensive for a electric Tory and Bruce like volt switches are still doing a lot of damage I think we're probably Cortana so he leaves lacks presumably doubles into it that's very brave it's very very brave a burn that at least don't guess out of the situation a little bit better than how we would have expected given but the Landorus scarf it was so good yeah it could have been a whole lot worse from there so you know if your couch is like a bit of an awkward position of course because like Brendan could switch it to meant for example like a little you earth power needle Queen and to do whatever with Bashar Brendan sucker punch or or iron head or something if if Brenda's were just needle Queen into mence you waste your attack and Cortana tokyo's Bisharp and on the other hand if you earth power to Cortana and Cortana switches into men's then the same situation happens because Nidoqueen chaos be sharp so it's actually a little bit awkward and the other interesting dynamic here is if you protect by sharp the same situation didn't happen but both pokemon are capable of oklahoma Landorus as well so it's actually like really awkward for david think he has the momentum but he kind of feels like balls in his court right if Brendan wants to play risky and bring in men's which he doesn't have to but he has an option yeah like it can be interesting meaning that fish jump isn't getting to play and again this Landers can just earth how are you again the Salomon still can't come in as vicious almost can't come out but it's it's risking one day you know how much can it do against this cantata the Nidoqueen David nodded does come in so this Bishop is gonna help you take it out before it's given the opportunity to attack or it's just gonna start landing to knockout yeah so we'll have to see who Brendan targets with this cart on Bisharp is going to get that defying boost and on earth power into nidoqueen kind of a predictable move d'art power does go into the court honestly cause I won't be able to survive with the sacred sword bishop not thinking about it as a huge survival I don't think I have to tell you guys how big of a survival that is I think it's literally one HP as I recall but I don't I don't know that for a fact so we don't call me on that come on Brendan side a week to the earth powerful and rest exactly yeah Landers are really strong right now Zapdos could be an interesting way to do it because as soon as he chooses Aptos betty you just run through the other thing to note here though is that it's kind of more complicated than it looks because like if you like you need to get rid of Zapdos or of immense here but like the speaking show is really important and also like the if the andres goes down like let's say you trade let's say you I don't know trade Landorus ferments over the course of the next two turns like this turn is protect for Cortana Earthcare Cortana max lightning I mean Zig evolved havoc and immense and survived his return to Landers and the next turn the same thing do you know queen becomes extremely dangerous for the end condemn you for the end game here because zapped is probably only as heatwave to hit it this Landorus Brendan's gonna have to spend so much time keeping Sullivan safe yeah I think the main issue right now is even though Cortana did survive like you mentioned the entire right side of the field is just weak to her powers I think David you're just probably earth powers like Cortana goes for a tailing with his own Zapdos and even if Brendan SP you could stock telling her you go sounds like John is gonna be able to match it at best so Smurf Landers just being able to locked in for earth power and making out David making to correct calls back to back really giving him a huge advantage to start this game yeah he's in really in the driving seat Cortana I can't describe how much it tells me that Brendan's using protect us at a detective the question is does David Tao and rosy-cheeked about having I expect him rather feels it's not enough so that changes things so I was thinking you play to a Nidoqueen endgame here's the other end game if Flanders wants to keep it earth powering Liam Flanders or at harvester Cortana and zapped us gigolo habits into men's Landers will never be out if once it becomes a 2v2 or once there's only two Pokemon left on David's side you you can no longer like you can never touch mint again so that would mean that it's all the only Pokemon that David has to be meant to be Blaziken and yeah like you don't really want that even know I forgot it's known and like you might wonder why did Brendon protect Cortana well I wonder because why didn't he have a detector but that's beside the point but um yeah like you might think why particular Tana like it's just me go down this turn anyway but the thing is because all of Brenda's Pokemon on that side are returneth power like just stalling the turned is still valuable time and stalling the challenge he has to call if it's if the Z move comes out here if he does he wants to protect against it if it doesn't he wants to attack Kappas tailwind and Landers would have been locked into her power meeting it could have touched Solomon's for the remainder of game however no critical hit there means that a but now I think in a pretty fine position there's people on cheer powers into that car Thomas live now this next one you get a big decision do you just go for the Z move immediately or do just wonderful Oh interesting oh good like it's like it's like a plague like so it's actually not about Cortana surviving here it's well it is but it's about the ability to protect David won't or Brendan wants to play this into a an end game with needle Queen I think or need opens up full HP and cocoa like both cocoa and Cortana got one shot to birth power but if he goes into cocoa here he doesn't have to worry about about like a he could stall another turn of tailwind you both Cortana's detect at the flights on the way in trying to get some damage down my god or what else could you do he delayed the talent he delayed the tip will you'll see you'll see but that's I forgot about that he delays the talent you're a holy cow so sorry talent is an interesting move because unlike trick room which cancels if you use it twice if you like talent doesn't cancel out other talent but using it with like a turn later given your opponent can give you distinct advantages which I think we might see pretty soon he's got an extra turn to pay one behind baby there's no way it doesn't there's no way all right Landers is so we had actually I think would help him steal at the game so even though David's I feel like David has had the advantage earlier on and this team will come down to whether this needle we can take a potential earth power or see the endgame that's actually soon of course safe this term wants to use that turn of course we're only Brendon has tailwind available Landorus is earth power oh I see a different engagements will frustration it's gonna knock out that Zapdos oh my goodness Brendon could find that one turn to carve out a huge advance there's one turn left of David's Helen and two left to left this is a really awkward spot for David because like sure like you could power rock slide here um however oh my god I see it oh I might even tell you you didn't watch I know what happens that's actually committed into the needle Queen slide so now the question is does Brendan hope that he can survive the arc power and just go for a nice being it's a lanyard I'm actually in charge out the needle Queen because if you do it'll probably just lose the needle Queen and Solomon says return won't knockout yeah she does pull out the switch out yeah Nidoqueen leaving the field wants to play next turn where it is gonna be of course a little bit different in the speed okay so you guys remember a couple turns ago when I was talking about protect Salling toe and Coco Satan Coco versus saving Cortona yeah well I was wrong it wasn't about saving protect their Brendan created a guaranteed win condition I think are pretty close to it blaziken's forced to protect this turn and Landorus locks it to her power can't touch men's right so in this position right that blend that Brendan's and now he always returns into plays again however if Coco was alive instead of Cortana that becomes a little tricky because if David hard reads this play and goes for earth power into mence instead intentionally not taking a KO reading the switch from needle Queen into Coco in this case it would be Coco instead of Cortana then it actually puts Brendon in a little bit of a weird situation where he can't use the last sort of talent however with this position David needs a double protect to win and even then what we're like in this position if the earth powers and demesne to intentionally not take a KO it doesn't matter cortana with one turn of tail one distills the bloomed in which that hasn't used yet to be able to pick up the KO onto the Landorus so it's a very bad decision that he made of saving coco versus are sacking coco versus saving the one HP cortana changes everything and the frustration going into the protect but a pretty safe town edge and this is where the delayed tip Brendon played the whole game into this position where he has one turn left of tail and David's gonna come back out I mean the question is is Nidoqueen gonna be able to outspeed choice car Flanders under the tail and I think that's what I good is what it's gonna come down to I think my boys I can't probably goes for a double protect this Nidoqueen might just be the a slit Brendon eats the seal at this game it's gonna be so close so learn to win this it's not guaranteed what David you tier is double predict plays again he always loses Landorus he can't stop that so double brick plays again into rockslide flinch Nidoqueen into the player blitzkrieg and maybe just need the curtains let's go to the double I love the World Championships here in Nashville David's run has been fantastic for these stopped at the final I feel bad for Dave because he played really well but Brenda was totally out of his mind this set such an incredible series but Brendan really I'm just you know so impressed by his ability to maintain his composure after that first game because losing the way Oh makes me so happy what are the toughest ways you can lose him poke mine you know feeling like you are consistently one step ahead but then ultimately losing to a double protect there in the end but he manages to keep calm keep collected and he takes it to games and I rolled that nidoqueen ended up being so clutch and I think that play that he made in the end switching out the needle Queen it was so good protected kind of pitting his opponent into a perfect place on having that extra turn of tailwind ended up winning him the game I mean he maneuvered the second half at that game just yep not enough cayenne pepper and lard for that Blaziken unable to be the hot chicken that it needed to be and get the double protect I think if that happened we could have had a much denser final turn of the game yeah but that turn where he hates the gigabyte havoc on solomon's sets up the tailwind and then even the late game where he's maneuvering the mido queen around to be on the field beyond the field safely that's me I think I think he's going to a little emotional muck in my eye I like I remember feeling such pride for him in this moment I have that shirt it's actually drying behind me oh I'm actually I'm not gonna lie I'm a little emotional like I was I was so proud obviously I'm biased right and um yeah like obviously I'm biased we're not gonna pretend that I'm not biased here of course I was rooting for Brendan here nothing has crew touch I think he's a really nice guy but I don't know I was like the I think this is one of my favorite sets because Brendan kind of against all odds maintains composure and pushes like some of the but like some incredible gameplay legs I think that if Pokemon were bigger people would study it and kind of be like academic and breaking it down and say okay here's the position what are the perfect moves you can make and Brenda doesn't have that luxury he's making his moves in about 30 seconds per turn right and not only that but the pressure that's on him is immense I'm not gonna I don't want to understate that Brendan really wants to top cut the world championships here in the masters division I don't believe you talk cut in 2017 it really wants to top cut and do you know be in your elimination match right to just that's enough pressure on its own and especially like when you have when you feel like your matchup is not good right when you end when you've already lost the person the day before right and when Game one doesn't go your way to maintain your composure to stay collected and to continue to play excellently I think given the full context that's why this is I think my favorite set Brendan displays almost perfect mastery of the team and a really deep understanding of Pokemon and I don't know he plays out of his mind just kind of despite everything else working against him right not to mention he played in day one so this is he played between seven and nine rounds day one and then another seventh round day two so potentially he's played and he went it took him nine rounds day one which it may have that's a 16% of Pokemon even in the best case scenario it's just 14 set of Pokemon meaning he's played at least 30 games of Pokemon over the two days which is exhausting and this is the end of the second day so yeah so he wins the match and get top cuts the world championships and I don't know I was I was I was and am really proud of him so this is a bit longer than I intended I actually really hungry I was gonna like I'll eat beforehand but then I was like I was for quarter than Eid after but yeah I think that's all I want to say I thought that it would be nice to share with you all kind of this this set that I brings me a lot of joy to rewatch actually haven't I didn't realize it was online actually Jake was here as well that was able to find this match for me or now they showed me where it was so thank you to him as well for sharing it with me so I could share it with you all but yeah I don't I think it's really I think it's a really really great set of Pokemon and between two very high level very very very strong competitors so yeah the whole thing is just is just phenomenal in my opinion and in my opinion in my opinion but I like it a lot so oh yeah I think that's all I want to say thanks for watching and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 274,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 2020, vgc 20, best battle, best pokemon battle, favorite pokemon, favorite pokemon battle, favorite pokemon battle ever, competitive pokemon battle, best pokemon battle music, aaron zheng, cybertron, brendan zheng, babbytron, cybertronvgc, babytron
Id: 8HPSEvVdplA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 0sec (3780 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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