Can you Win with no EV no IV Pokemon in MASTER BALL TIER!?

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okay so you might have noticed my ranking has dropped a fair bit and the reason for that is that Ludwig and I did a challenge on stream and the challenge was we randomized routes of Pokemon of routes routes I think routes of Pokemon we each took three routes in the game and then we went and we each had to catch two Pokemon or we hit catch at most two Pokemon from each of those routes and then we had so we had we randomized the routes we gave ourselves 30 minutes we had at most two Pokemon from each route and after 30 minutes we would battle I didn't even earn anything these are the six Pokemon I chose and I had an idea for a video because I was on stream we streamed this on slash multi VGC we streamed this right and I said okay like I actually was just gonna battle with this orbital team originally um but then I was like well what if I tried to get a win with this so I tried really hard and I lost a bunch so I was ready to give up right with this terrible team with no V's with no IVs everything is caught I don't think any of them were like marked or anything the team is terrible etc but how long would it take me to get a win right it was my question so I thought what I've made this into a video and then I was like okay here's the premise guys and this is how we ended up with it with this specific video we're gonna keep battling with this team until one of two things happens number one I get a win number two I run out of friends and what I mean by that is every time I lose I'm gonna add a friend into the call I've got like four or five people who are rows lined up and they're gonna try to help me I don't think we're gonna answer the question how many did you see players has a tape they're gonna win with what is maybe the worst team I've ever used I gotta keep everybody updated resume is typing first match is just me all right let's see I probably should like to have an export of the team let's see we are searching oh I'm a wild for the one cuz I was so annoyed I randomized it now I'm really honest after playing with this t1 stream I don't know if I'm been able to get a win but also it was the most bizarre thing people were like hard stream sniping me like people were Thunder waving in front of my ride too and thunder punching like ride tunes on the field they were still Thunder punching I was I was mad annoyed nothing is dynamics candy by the way because I decided that it wasn't worth like the time and also I didn't have the candy to like the investing like I used it all regionals all right dudes number 14 2 to 6 so that the key here is low ranked rakish low ranked players are probably the only way I'm gonna be able to win this so I think this match looks winnable the reason I say that is because there's a couple of usable things that I see here and the May one is Gyarados can maybe win this on its own so my goal here is to set up for a garis end game I'm gonna lead with my wise glasses write you and my go lurk or Mike or Vinay korbinite is not mere rumor because that's an egg move it to pressure um let's see what do I need to do to get Garrett us to win this I guess is the question that's the that's the question I don't rigged on trio right so I got to choose between I'm bringing Garrity's in the back sir fetch is really not great here frankly but it's it encrypts I'm gonna I'm gonna leave golurk and bring sir I really want to lead surface right because it's the goal here is to get rid of the the goal here is to get rid of the the interneuron sorry you're gonna have some notifications okay yeah okay we have drive times in as well but he's busy right now so he'll be towards the end if we if we can make it that far all right game one can Wolff click oh and farm fence doesn't have the ability that their service doesn't have the ability that stops intimidate okay incinerate Oh because frankly not the worst lead I've ever seen I do think that it's really likely that my surface just drops too dazzling gleam here's the thing there's no way he expects no fake out on a right ear right also also this was built for singles so I don't have protect on anything I'm gonna try nose with the token guess if you wanna check my stats you'll see something interesting so first always together nuzzle second all you see I am one hundred and twenty two speeds down with rights you which is extremely frustrating I can't even like describe to you how annoying that is but yeah if we can get a nozzle off here or even I don't think we're gonna be able to oak oh it's dinner or like I don't think my father's gonna let me do that but if they do for some reason right then we'll be in good shape I I would Dynomax right you but I don't think I can touch don't gives to the next lightning they Dynomax presumably Togekiss I think that's a timer ball I can't it could work with Pokemon so I'm not entirely sure so they're gonna die the back story gets here toad using the Dynomax so we baited at the Dynomax which is good however there's nothing on my team that beats Toja kiss so that when it doubles its health it becomes really annoying um a max guard would be ideal here I don't think they're gonna go for it but let's see who's faster thing over fake out into serve fetched okay right okay to not max speed that's very good let's see if they are weakness policy though frankly I don't think it actually matters because I'm pretty sure it kills me anyway they go for airstrip actually so that's not great they do correctly assess that sir fetched is the threat they have a speed of this which is annoying okay so they crypt me which tells me they might be they may be scope lens so that's good to know for the item okay so if we're trying with Gyarados I have two oxygen goggle urk and go for Dynomax heavy slam the problem is I don't think it does not much damage and said I'm goin to like my min speed Gyarados or whatever I think that's the play yeah Guerra this is like really close to min speed so let's take a look what they have here who could they they don't have that many good switches - this isn't anything I'm gonna Thunderbolt into the let's see I expect them to solution to drink a fish right I'm gonna nuzzle and max flying both in - in Sonora this will cover a lot of things the worst-case scenario is Mozilla switches in I could have also max keiser there I feel like they're only safe switching is like Chris alert drinking this so I love for air stream here to try it the drink of ich I have like yeah the Intimidator is gonna be really annoying corsola is the switching okay so I'm not gonna do like any damage this thing unfortunately yeah I didn't really like yeah I also have to get like to speed boost in order to have a chance of winning this because otherwise otherwise my Garrett is like 90 speed stat I think they're 98 somewhere around there so we get the 1.5 fans booster Dynomax rear flow is P which helps a lot yeah we probably get one shot by the way to his B please be we karma please really Berman we karma week our movie camera we're not gonna to ako wait we have bite I think on Garrity's which is actually really good okay we do not get the two ako I need a full pair of this turn well pair would be really nice star fall comes out so I can't paralyzed things anymore they're gonna ride - I think I just drop to this I do just drop to this which is a problem yeah they got a crit second crit of the match first one didn't matter that one does though um huh this is gonna be really difficult to win I'm not gonna lie to you guys I think Gyarados can do it but if they didn't have a two minute I would feel like maybe you know this is I think black belt color could not vote wish was extra bail right now but yeah color comes in I have two turns left Dynomax I just learned that I don't have um I don't have shadow punch I offend it for us okay well well - and is that the guys are up in that case you told you - Max Keiser it's not gonna be very much damage but it's gonna sit the rain up which is nice all right you have gotten paralyzed perilous into Pokemon the real pro mrs. Dean sinner they go for something with corsola I then almost looks to me like I might've been going for protect geyser comes out here which is good just gonna do nonzero noms your and on to your innate and I've one term left Dynomax you did so if they attack into my golurk here which I feel like they should right mmm and they're faster than even the paralyzed alert gets one shot okay ah man three four three no Paris only important Mon I have to go four guys are here and drink it I want to get a kill at least if I can yeah they don't switch I think my Garrett is his mystic water all right we can Togekiss if we'd phantom force last turn and we could have taken both kills this turn para para para string SAP oh yeah if we got in the paralysis lost or if we give read out sped the toad yuccas we might have had a chance I think at this because we could have cared the talkingest this tourniquet drinker wishes in now I am plus one speed however that's not good enough I'm so glad you fighting actually because there's crits I could win this I will have to be triggerfish now here I'm gonna call it Dylan hello oh hello how you doing good how are you good we're live oh it's carved really should a game one didn't go that well Game one didn't know that well okay yeah do you want to reduce yourself to the people hide people names no one I do it uh I think I could have had that one but paralyzed plus wouldn't Otis tell its bet Michael lurk okay yeah I was gonna ask with what Timmy yeah so the team is team we used versus Louisville yesterday okay I didn't see it okay it is very frail very slow right you interesting this leaks are fetched nothing is looking I think I heard that that has personal it has PEC and yeah first impression first version is actually good if you quit things its Gyarados without dragon dance golurk which is okay but very slow what else Doug Drew who I've never brought to anything maybe that's the problem and the last one is Roger Tungus Gyarados surface country oh I don't one we'll figure it out yeah oh I feel like I just brought him to like whatever the last one was it no I didn't bring it I brought you right you survived scared us Oh korbinite korbinite who has iron defense and power trip but no body press their armor is it pressure it's pressure cuz I caught it like nobody wants this this this heat though I haven't drawn it clearly not or any I mean yeah they're really not trying to match you with anyone they're really they're really not they know yeah my general strategy has been like try to paralyze things with right you and win we also have nothing for Togekiss which makes everything really hard yeah like everything we have Corbin and actually element we have korbinite but Corbin it doesn't really I feel like when I'm repping korbinite it just loses weight I should have shown them so the other thing is nothing as Eevee is nothing as Ivy's yeah I think I heard about that yeah but there's a team it's I have loved Spartan stretched yeah yeah it's really hard and most I think every Pokemon is the wrong ability to forget us okay let's see who were playing against to 610 okay well they don't have okay they don't have they don't togekiss they don't have Togekiss surface actually it looks kind of nice here not gonna lie right yes our fish looks pretty good other than the the ninetails there's not Flying type it's just pure fighting oh but the ferry you're right you're right yeah I mean like Dugtrio could maybe do something here like depending on how they like lead or some things I mean the fact that you get to trap them is good yeah those moves aren't very very good the moves are not very good I feel like so we got if you don't have like a ton for korbinite korbinite bring here yeah like I'm a little worried about dusclops cuz we don't have scrappy yeah but oh yeah it's not a lie switch then like it's gonna be a lot easier it likely is how I switch so no sex but like I think golurk you're gonna want to bring it to yeah I think we need Garrity's for the sonoran though yeah so I guess do we think we're leave it so we're I think we're in go lurk Gyarados I think we bring Gyarados in the back so do you think we can leave Korver night or right you hear I think you leave right you okay I agree with that I mean the only thing that the right tree would really help you with those like the Blastoise I don't know if Blastoise is coming to this matchup and they could but they're probably wanting to use smoke shell smash if I'd guess yeah there aren't that much support for bloodthirsty they're in it yeah all right Game two let's see I think because it could be the one no all right yeah so this isn't unexpected no may be really nice if we had beer armor and the other ability now yeah it would be pretty good obviously they're gonna want to get up or Orval which is gonna make it even harder for us since we don't have IVs or Evie's right um so well here's what I'm thinking right like service ignores if service can crit we could be in like not bad shape you know mm-hmm so I'm thinking I was thinking we dynamic sir fetched here okay sure or we can do anyways korbinite but the thing is we're not gonna able to do any damage that's like yeah yeah but like I'm not really sure how much surface is really gonna do for us I feel like we have to grid of the in sooner or like I feel like we can get a KO here yeah Gyarados and what else in the back I've guerra and golurk yeah so I'm I'm kind of like more scared about the nine-tails I think the ninetails kind of beats our entire team that's like true if we especially if we lose Corbin late especially no protects and everything yeah so you're yeah maybe we should have done something maybe we should have doubled ninetails there with max flying off of tech ticket the speed boost yeah maybe I mean like the I expected in order to try and figure out one of one of us yeah they were paying us oh yeah you know the bill is expected that's gonna be the harder part too get through yeah we can cut through it but Oh God yeah if they're not faking out from their doing that oh I can't believe I can't believe we dropped it I can believe that that's so bad all right what's the silver lining is there any we need to crit here okay so but we traded along so on and we're back to neutral so we got rid of intimidate but I think you're right in that I don't know how we beat nine-tails yeah it's I mean we're gonna have to quit through through it right and we're gonna have to be able to take hits from it yeah so we have I guess we've so let's see how faster Garrity's is I think it's cuz like what we could do is like well I was thinking we could go into golurk and then hard switch into Gyarados 2 and then go from axe flying to raise Garrity's to speed but we're still gonna be too slow yeah or we can go Garrity's and force them to freeze-dry which do you think I'd say go Gyarados and only cuz you're gonna have to like place in 50 50s at this point I think yeah that's ok I think yeah but now it's more like a 25 75 probably 50 50 were they mostly we have how I switch and you also have to play the 50-50 of what is the ninetails trying to target down right cuz I mean I like I don't know if like if they Dynomax their ninetails which i think is likely actually yeah yeah then we're gonna be in like trouble too yeah I think you wanna we haven't run ours right you want to even get you know you definitely have to get rid of yeah well because the problem is if you yeah I don't think you want to like do max knuckle because if they do a lie switch and you get it wrong that's true yeah we should double it that's pretty bad and then the speed boost will help but wait maybe they long for helping him blizzard or or something helping a blizzard be goody for us come on sir yes so that's the problem yeah I think that's the game also your mic is gonna be in like it has like this weird like don't think rattling sound I don't there's anything you can do about that yeah I'm not sure okay well maybe we would crit here that almost was a crit well they have moonblast that means they might not have freeze-dry what do you think so forth then I think they have Blizzard and Orville and moved West and I think I could have freeze-dry as the legs as well maybe they have protected I see wind maybe if their last Pokemon is rhyperior we can care the night does era if they would say Moon blessed and then if we would just I think waterfalls stronger like I think it doesn't matter at this point right they clicked helping implosion we lose yeah all they had freezed right wait a second oh no wait good luck is alive and well if you can crazier than veil and knock out the nine tails there's like a very I definitely should I mean this is four times effective I should be able to kill this even without a crit yeah okay okay what I'm sorry I told you there yeah sorry I added Justin okay um I didn't see what happened I didn't know but I didn't I also didn't see what those cops did I expected it to go for will-o'-wisp but miss you missed wait a second wait a second wait a second always a crit and they haven't died of eggs yet they didn't go for trick room I don't know what they did I think they had doing this wisp what's up Dylan oh I just don't know why oh well there's that if they I don't know what they plan on doing here I don't know either if I just better I should have hearings no oh nevermind yeah I should have gone for a critter earthquake I don't know yeah yeah me hey yeah can you screen yes I think it was flustered okay this would be any game - oh no what is the team not you think do you think you can knock out if you cur hey I do say yes if they work if I didn't know that they hadn't Dinah next yet oh right right right we have golurk Gyarados sir fetched Raichu Dugtrio and korbinite and uh like nothing as Eve either I these or any good items are protected it was a team built for singles now it's we got them down to their last two and this in and maybe in the first one as well no the first one I'll indicate one Pokemon it's very difficult there like extremely difficult oh we got them with the bad boys wait what max guard breaks phantom force I mean doesn't break phantom horse phantom force does not break that's that's stupid that's how that statement goes it's the same as stupid alright I'll for you guys no we don't got on this thing doesn't he get guts not Iron Fist no guard and another lost one alright three vgg players through three of the greatest VGC players of all time some might say who are some anyway but this is very it's very difficult I think I think the real big thing is just the lack of speed control that's that's why I was leading right you every game I don't look at their team like she was not good enough men though yeah I agree I agree like but I mean like based on what they brought it would have been okay I guess good how far am I gonna fall all right Justin you can see the screen right yeah all right number 10,000 in the world I feel like whenever they're over 10,000 we have a shot oh god oh there's so many good Pokemon alright they're probably leaning why pardon goodra or or obstinacy yeah they're gonna want to just beat you down with fake tears right away I don't really know it you have to stop that nothing I think think about all the people that are gonna tell their friends that they be wolfy oh god it's gonna be so many so I think this is a right you match right yeah what's our end game here how do we win this with Gyarados maybe like boost to +2 speed Gyarados against things yeah I mean Garrity's is pretty good um thanks air fetchin sir fest you think you win I think sir vented is the late-game gotta get rid of moosh I don't know the thing is surface is really frail even when to the dock we don't have any time that's candy so it just needs to be faster I think korbinite okay what I'm thinking I think Gyarados is gonna probably be early I don't we can we can lead right you go lurk and then just see what the positioning tells us you know he gets klutz not guts I was that's really funny raju golurk what do you guys think graduate court right uh I'm okay with right you go wait big brain raju Gyarados switch to go lectured one what does that give us nothing mean we have we have like five seconds I'm should do that if they lead obstacle we're gonna lose by that's okay hopefully they don't mean ups too good I'm like trying to bait them into using moves at talks tricity I guess or like max lightning with goodra I guess I could see that I don't know how much that's really gonna give us to though like I mean it yeah it stalls out the turn of their Dynomax I think we're just trying to spam the nozzle knock or not I was too good oh Lord okay guts guts guts guts guts what's the move set uncared us ah bite bounce water police Fang not too fine I have bad news guys just get the full pair huh okay who the thing is also a ride shoes 121 stat I think I'm speed and no sash 122 it has static though so actually I think we still do our plan I think we nuzzle okay what do you guys think first of all doesn't it get I think it doesn't get burned because it's not good yeah but nozzoli yeah yeah and then swish tickler cuz I think I don't think cool lurks is valuable here you know I mean if we get the nozzle off 70 is so slow yeah because then we can beat it with surf fetch maybe maybe what's what Sharna doing is do you think they're trying to trick him up I don't it could be like helping hand right I mean yeah well okay I wasn't the best trade we ever made well if they don't set up trick room it might be there like honestly they even if they use it for tricking we're still gonna be slower wait there's scarf oh we know they're not scarf is your life oh yeah yeah yeah I was like oh they're faster than I write you well that's not good how fast is our sir fetched so are Gyarados will out speed here which is good um 78 I think that might be faster what do you guys think I am no idea yeah I think well that should be like 156 oh we can first impression like big brain yeah wait is Mexico yeah isn't max bug kind of good here um yeah yeah but I mean I think the mushara is just gonna be on it like ah yeah what do you guys think I should do here or do you want to write you to go to sleep not really so I would have to I could Dynomax write you or I could switch it out into Gyarados your vocation right you my defaults which I know if knows no I could dynamics right so I'm just worried about electricity in the end but I guess later honestly if they have toxicity we lose right I think yeah I think you lose regardless all right let's it electric train in that case cuz like oh yeah I don't know kill obstacle you have had funds in I'm sorry in advance for the cry you're about to hear Wade we're reporting you got it you got apologies of the viewers to get headphone warning oh god I hate that yeah I really hate that I hit him with the first impression I'm really sad I'm sad oh I didn't get parrot and I'm not even defiant we doesn't get to fight yeah yeah no it's well yeah yeah yeah well our fish gets to fight I don't think nothing is too fine you know that actually no because he doesn't get it cuz define us the inability so that's what scrappy is for right that's right oh is scrappy hidden ability I have to go for trick room that's not shake room oh well okay bye is there any way to win this jet no um no right waterfall punches wonderful flinch I mean we can hope that obviously gonna get paralyzed here yeah yeah but then you still have to get through the likely toxicity in the back and that's gonna Dynomax and then you can't Harriette yeah this is really difficult I think you double the obstacle here cuz he's probably still gonna dynamic I feel like he'd too dynamic to the obviously gonna bother him as its you know yes but ever have an attack double yeah that's fair well that didn't go very well guys we need a full para we actually read the Alice which right Rick quit oh my god it didn't crit no berry no buried okay okay we got a KO as long as you're getting one KO we're doing great I think what Sherman goes down we need it we need the full bearer this turn I've been there all eyes like 30 people and haven't gotten any full Paris that's the baloney well it was a nice attempt as soon as he wants that be out it next thing we gotta kill Oh God we have we weren't winning this one yeah I don't even know we're supposed to do this lack of speed makes it like that's like the hardest part honestly yeah the fact that you're just moving after everything and then you don't get like any say in dictating the board yeah I'm a Terran I don't know how to do it without ruining the call so let's see if the standards they call had friends Cybertron you really just lost to a guy that had my Sharna toxicity and obstacle and knows Justin we lost we not me us together and by the way I think we played fired yeah what's up are you here I'm nervous dude which is not good right you which is 120 to speed stat Dugtrio 13,000 we good guys this is it we can do this one I think good feeling about this one oh god oh I do have a good team this is the team what's the item on characteristic water the clear looks pretty good don't tree doesn't have any moves yeah you mean has no moves it has like these are the moves it's just memorize critical hits with SAS slash that's true way to walk Chris we have sir fetched I mean Gyarados could win if you'd take out the astrid on yeah but how the heck get rid of the gas turn on I'd you don't have leaf blade on surface I don't there's a lot of special attackers if you can max quake with gold maybe that's actually not a bad idea yeah I'm worried about the in sooner are like and I kind of feel like we have to max Garrett us so that we can what should we do I'm actually at a loss for this one do you know autographs mogera you can't another grass people asking yes I've bounced I mean you might still bring right you because if you can just paralyzed everything I like that plan I think ride you gear up front Bluff that we're a good team mmm-hmm and then maybe golurk sir fetched in the backcourt we can't bring court around here right no I mean it's good against rhyperior but against the triple fire types it's pretty bad yeah double ground triple fire this is not in gastronomy just be careful if that Gyarados goes for bounce it might not come back nice yes I hope it doesn't get back at this point no you know what working with you so we have I no items no TVs no IVs that's the only thing that is good that's actually not a bad lead for us right it's not bad but it's not great there's no good leads for a happy that lead is not not a loss for us right I'm so nervous I don't know the moves yet so I'm just so sorry so dude so what we have is this is the right you oh no they know that I'm wise glasses of mr. Connor this is the right you okay that's not bad yeah so I think what we do yours nuzzle the dusclops I'm switch to go lurk what does that what do you guys think I'm thinking plot oh we're so frail like he's gonna sit trigger mop but then we're gonna lose I think me to go for Paris I think you go Aaron yeah that's on for the girls Disney Garry's moves it I think we have to strain winner this bad not bad but yeah it's not gonna do any damage I guess yeah so I think need to switch into either cooler cursor fest what you guys think cooler I think you lurk as well it's all I think black Belka lurk so that knows karate no designer maxing mainly ah Garrity's also there's no dynamics candy para-- para-- para-- para-- para-- para-- para-- para-- para-- para-- para-- para-- you ever parting shot yeah it's right you and you lurk okay that's fine that's not great um if they go into torkoal what happens we need them to get full paralyze eg yeah if they go into torkoal okay okay okay okay that's some such an para oh oh okay it's not looking great but the thing is do you they don't have both torgul and gosh run on the back they probably just have a gastrin on all right we have to play out of our mind what is right period doing this turn it's gonna use a ground move right huh slows golurk so I think we need to get Asti fast we need to get Garrity's in here for something right the thing is like you could just like bulldoze and max rock full right you pretty safely right I think you stitched together this in a gold X lot okay and just thunderbolt now I think you'd have to plot yeah okay go big or go home hey I can dig that you have to put on some off is it pressure right yeah yeah we have to put a red herring right I think Derrida's might be taking a nap the worst part about Dynomax max HP is like Aaron no HP or these varieties is it makes you basically as bulky as you would be with like with like just max HP max it's really bad okay so we stole out there Dynomax maybe there's a chance yeah I think that's pretty if you can preserve gear there knows what if they will always be wrong what do they will list with dusclops para-- para-- para-- para-- para-- okay all right all right okay quake show me that oh no come on - right Danzig alert please on the right okay okay yeah yeah wait big brain we dine a Mexico lurk so that we can get defense drops yes I'm down I think you also need to create 100% if I said yeah just with the surface tension so I think what we do here is oh they still haven't seen her in the back I'm thinking we Dinah Mexico lurk max phantasm the dusclops and switch to Sir fetched what do you guys think I like that I don't think there's any other play that makes sense right because we can Mac we can dynamite scared us and hope to survive but I don't know sir yeah there's no way this much carrot celery yeah so I think max phantasm trying it because we get rid of dusclops like so I think that I think there's also a chance that dusclops actually switches into um - you're on right now to try and I don't know do something about the water things and if we hit that thing with max phantasm lower its defense as long in our non Sonora yeah I guess we could a quake did well it was 200 bucks tweet where he was talking about like the the most broken version of p.m. you - yeah I need like it felt like playing basketball in it like without any arms and legs against Michael Jordan this is what it feels like yeah I think we can win this I actually we're not in the worst shape we already burned a turn of the Dynomax and I think they might not have gastro done based on how they're playing this well I think they have torque oh yeah like I never saw a goal or open his fists before hey how can someone run the calc how much how much is critten first impression gonna do this in sin or there's not get it Chris I'm not gonna waste my time it's leaked it can crit oh wait here and it reminds one defense though you're trying to play with the heart of the cards there no no no no no I mean yes but no it has no V's right yeah yeah crit - one first impression it's slower than consider oh that's good wait a second hang on a second guys wait a second we know that surface is slower than in Sonora which might tell us so cool Lorca slower than in Sonora we can max quake here until she Garrity's or we can first impression it does like 40% we could over them know we could max knuckle first impression what do you guys think should we switch to Garrity's I don't think you want to bring Derrida person until they die nice is ended you think they're gonna read me and go for max rock fall into Sur fetch there's no way right I don't know but I don't think I need to be scared us and they can just like you don't wanna you want to get rid of the in Sonora so they can't keep cycling intimidates on your Gyarados best great great ah oh they predict that you guys are right you guys are super right it's super pretty commit come on surface no no no no no that's oh my god all right well we wasted their Dynomax which is very good go lik like poses doing Muay Thai alright mystic water Gyarados and Dynomax alert against base rhyperior paralyzed dusclops and one more if it's not gastro Don I think there's a chance there's no waves gastro base now he's playing right that's what I'm thinking I don't think scattered on but with historical yeah we can do this we could totally do this we just need to weed it we need to we need to survive the dusclops hit right or that we need to survive this term it's both Pokemon I think yeah because keep in mind I've also dropped or IP Rose defense by one stage and this should be the last year at trick room up oh he just gonna go super go for like so I think I think we did phantasm into dusclops drop the defense and waterfall indirect here to try and take it out using back videos waterfall into monster appear here yeah choice yeah the desktops because if trick room goes out then or a bar fight it so you can wonderful store anything from getting trick room well we can care what next turn because it's gonna be paralyzed like phantasm and then drop the fence and the earthquake will ko for sure alright I agree with it but I really did the repair Eliza's turn oh it's gonna knock caster on they waited the whole game to just to talk with us okay just knew I we should we should have bit the desk loves and now another one bites the klopse this is not over we dropped defense on Gaston and weed you can we give it a special time twist he balanced right I think I bite it and hope for the flinch not so I'm very not storm God that also did nothing by the way okay what if they like over predicted predict power whip on Gyarados and they switch out it probably probably well I don't know that they switch out but they probably protect Castro double of the desktops if they water move me I die why would they want to move you do you think we should make a hard read here what else are we gonna see alternative wait we shall fight we should bite the dust look bite the dust clocks hope for the flinch and fan to force the gastrin on wait we should and divorce and bounce the gastrin on am I getting too crazy yeah I need you crazy I think you need to attack then ok just lose so you think i quick and bite here yeah please I was on board yeah that's fine hey you get damaged under the right there yeah but what if they don't they didn't predict I knew they were gonna predict as run wait there only other slope okay it's minus one defense my gosh don't give me a big crit ah imagine just imagine we phantom forest and bounced I think we could have catered astronaut next turn para wait a second survived please although we could we were so close oh it's like 484 - if it wasn't life where we definitely would have lived no and then we could dump me actually I think we would have won that cuz we woulda cut earth quaked and uh maybe not uh yeah not a water type of test I it was plus one we forgot yeah I know I remembered it was plus one okay you know what guys Rock moves can miss that's the best thing that's the mark of a rock move so if a rock move misses and then and then we kr ipiria because we delegate a gastronomic bounce here right yeah looks like you miss rocks like well yeah it's rock slide and this is you can maybe win yeah it's still a chance do you believe in miracles everyone put your hands up all that'll actually be em I I hope we don't I hope they don't miss rocks like as if they do I'm gonna oh they doubled well we can do this all day is we also have timers like EP stalling dude he is four minutes left on is your time we just need him to ratty or time before let's get trail right here I'm just gonna go ahead Adam how many games have you guys won so far no Aaron what do you mean by one earthquake now we need we need them to make a mind game the Gogia the bounce is really good for abusing your time because you only have to input once whereas they have to input twice your time come on don't predict both okay a second protect protect that's okay it's all a bogus they can frisk me in the air Oh miss miss this we're so close we're so close okay should we ice Fang the rhyperior and try to freeze yes should we should we predict them to predict uh she'll be waterful predicting them no no you don't think we should waterfall I think we should I thought like I'm going yeah you think we should okay it's waterfall are we ice bang in freezer rhyperior I mean that's our winning condition regardless so it's better to start now well if we if we can try period we can win I think this guy's gonna toss it I feel like we're not gonna get the freeze I feel like we have to go bigger go home I felt the dude I knew it was gonna switch okay do you guys think bike chaos because I kind of don't think it does I think I think you could go for it anyway I think you're right you might use the both flinch in peril yeah yeah no oh my god I'm actually so nervous you know any other move could miss Paris could miss bite no flinch wish we just do it again right yes yeah oh my god oh my god yup no nothing's peepee up but like okay every time yeah yeah let's hit a few burns you're me so upset okay no fries no fries no fries you even live yes we have to talk we have to talk that is the most bogus without right is the best movie definit I never put your hands up oh I don't put your hands up I think we can live I think we live one more I think so too okay okay put your hands up I'm gonna press the button for my elbow as well all three of you have your hands up how many of you are there everyone hands up confirm concrete bounce now maybe do we do we bite instead you think bite will sauce nice thing is stronger ice finish stronger so if we returned it I don't think eras well I think if we bet I think we bounce no euro your hands up all right Justin yes oh I can just do this okay all right and please I can't believe we got frozen hands up we need to hit we need to hit oh I know I know I know maybe he's not P P max don't protect okay the question is do we go for the P P max wink honor the the bite slice bang wink on I think we bounce for a while actually what if he had recovered this whole time how my weight how much PP just bounce to have because I it was just in yellow and that makes me nervous you might think Oh 15 okay I saw five is the last digit and I got scared no I don't have better math you do thanks oh my god we do eight kids but do you think we I think we win if it goes to timer what do you guys think because we don't have any ETS Weaver right should this game we did but gas Rose alone lost HP in the gastro ah like it's like a Oh bounce only is one pp left well no this is that that's okay we can still Flynn or freeze I think Iceman he's gonna be just short it is it is I think it's a zero zero right we're gonna lose what's that weekend lunch or free best years with ice thing as long I can't believe we're about to lose to protect a strong like because of protect don't protect you coward we can do this all day right we do this all day look quick as a wink on misclick is a link on it's happening I think he's gonna attack haha I hope he gets I hope he things work he be stalling to eat so I hope the ice Fang don't kill any earth powers haha because he doesn't have scald right all right ice bang a 65 days power bite is sixty is this way the Flynn chance is higher for bite right could someone looking for bites lunch ants really quick it's 60 I mean I spank doesn't have 30 percent flinch I think we go no and I think bite does I think you guys think we should bite or ice Fang I spank could have a higher chance of koe I guess if we crit either we probably ko my just one earthquake did 50 so I think doesn't get some physical book yeah I don't think I spanked you I did 30% yeah I think we buy it right yeah that's right all right boys this is it if we let he lives on like one I'm gonna be really upset all right bye comes out by Gus oh my god it's a five-piece power difference come on Shawn oh that was that's that feels as good as win the world's I'll tell you right now thanks for you guys oh well that's the bit that's the video you guys you guys want to have any closing thoughts just wrap it up wrap it up okay okay thank you for watching I'm sorry for watching what's that by his merch by the merch good bye bye Chris Brian but
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 135,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 20, vgc 2020, no ev no iv team, ludwig, ludwig wolfey, wolfeyvgc ludwig, pokemon challenge, extreme pokemon challenge, competitive pokemon challenge, golurk, golurk team, raichu, crazy pokemon challenge
Id: 4tWVDhorjbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 35sec (2975 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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