How I Got to #1 In the World with Morpeko

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it's so bad Gyarados is a problem I can't I just can't believe that like why am i playing a 6000 ranked player in the first place I don't know I don't know dude all right well this is another weird team I have to watch out for chicken eggs button I have to watch out for weird Gyarados sets who's that okay well speaking of weird Gyarados that's moxie Garrity's that makes sense I'm gonna reflect and protect here see what they want to do they're gonna dynamics Gyarados off the bat I need I need you to call somebody Garrity's because if I failed to use colossal to be Gyarados I will lose nothing in the back of yells Gyarados nothing on the front only colosso can deal with Garrity's it's fine if I get dusclops but I didn't get I didn't bring those cloths let's devious trick eject button it's underway that's the other move that made sense I guess no eject button problem is that I now am i paralyzed before I can use reflects they actually just go for geyser so they don't give a crap about potentially gas right on let's see what it does too much damage too much damn why did that do 50% oh my god fast [Music] Tara yep unfortunate very unfortunate let's see if they match grass my dragon pool Thunder of grimace always gonna make this really really really bad yeah they could this is an obvious move but I didn't have a better move I couldn't let colosso take another hit there I think realistically Crimson's gonna Thunder with me though in a in a perfect world they wouldn't Thunder way they do something else oh and gosh it on might have live match dress through reflect but would that reflect being up yeah I'm just in trouble let's see what they go for I'll still have speed the Gyarados they go for a swagger into Gyarados toe guess which Lum berry well I'm dead I just don't know who Lum berry I mean the good thing because we still got this attack off and the damage is gonna be nice the question is do I die and who are they attacking if they're going for my sympathy is limited that's got to be a crit oh I didn't even crit well my sympathy is even more limited that shouldn't be one shotting there's no world in which I believe that should be one shotting should that be one sharting it seems weird oh well we'll take it swagger thunder wave maybe screens ginger comes in could've energy ball could have focus - how much hit the Sun up do everyone's at the Sun up not really roll train isn't really a threat to me anymore I'm gonna scald the grim snarl and I guess I'll vocal with uh you know power the Gengar and vocal with the grim snarling scoot the thing out of the way the thing is if they Thunder Wave me they will up speed with Gengar however they have to connect and I refuse to allow that to happen no more thunder wave for the game we should win this game from now for now shuttle ball yeah I don't think it's ok oh yeah no way it doesn't be the end of gin jar and then yeah pop they survived but not for long goodbye Wow okay bust Pokemon is Ferrothorn oh yeah they have Ferrothorn on this team I forgot well I guess well you own that and Max Flair with the Conklin honker in the back I should be able to win this okay so we gots number 12 let's see how many wins it takes us to get back there if we can even win enough to get back there goodbye ginger all right we are number 20 what we were 12 we lost one we lost not one ranks let's see how much we get for winning one game for ranks okay number 17 then are we having the chance to miss kind of sucks not gonna lie I go back and forth on whether or not I agree with you don't be don't feel sorry for the opposing trainer there were thunders wagging me okay number 11 we've got to win this one okay well I'm special so it doesn't Oh God okay dar man attend Raichu gosh rerun and didi and cinema and korva night so this is definitely a colossal game the question is how do we get colossal setup they're gonna leave right you and I think I should are they gonna leave it's our men if they have to leave cash it on right they have to leave - a dog I'm gonna keep them honest I'm gonna do my regular lead in the back the thing is if I get Conkeldurr and trick room I feel like I win this the thing is the other thing is though that I'm not to really respect - don't know if I do this so yeah conquer and trim does really well here core Vinit is of course a little scary but yeah I think I'm gonna do this it's a little different actually it's all that different it's originally originally built the team okay it's a one in four chance no kakera test cool that's not bad odds so basically I'm giving my opponent a couple chances to lose the game just off the bat bleeding the wrong Pokemon would lose in the game something like ride shook overnight or I mean I could I wouldn't be surprised to that korbinite gastrin on because I've Hayes on dusclops now when I had metronome this is much harder Raichu Enderman attend I'm Leon's guys I don't really know what my opponents thinking like is he gonna superpower me I really don't know cuz if I just go for surfing and he wave I would win the game or surf and max Flair or sir from max rock fall but they've kind of freaked me out I'm not gonna lie to you so I'm not sure they're reflected switch let's see what they want to go for I expect it's gonna be like super power or maybe I'm just getting baited I don't know but let's find out I see results are not out yet no switches from my opponent but police Pokemon of switching moves so they could be going for that let's find out sash and scarf used wait I could have just won I could have just serve two one the game are you serious oh my god feel so bad oh my god servo wins the game I shouldn't be to speculate Florida so much but there's so I ranked oh my god do all three of these Pokemon news to Conkeldurr so they either I've got and they better have capture on the back of their plan like this oh my god server max rockfall is an easy game over are they gonna knows me they nazhde me dude well they know the dusk dude they knows my dusk gotta know this all over the dusk what are you always saying honest I'm gonna light screen here just in case I think it's worthwhile and I'm gonna go for trick room like I'm gonna burn Conkeldurr in as my draggable dies and then I'll see what happens yeah I could just drink punch everything I could've go for Dragon darts and Berk on the focus as well that was a viable option I think they volt switch out okay well we might live in with the last Pokemon is I don't know Michael back into Durant attend I think they'll probably go cash and I'll know if they have it that's not terminate in sky sure okay well he's dashing I feel a little less stupid now they go for a ladder yet though but I can just dream punch into the in sonorous thought and not a KO here unless I survive which is actually pretty bad trick one comes out okay well I guess we'll just go hard Kong could save dragon pool for later since apparently I could just do that I'm gonna nitrate into the it's an Aurora the damage is more likely to be permanent and it might died to a dream punch now this person is nothing for for Conkeldurr they have for Pokemon lose to Conklin here so if I just play call coder correctly I don't even need to rely on I don't need to rely on colossal though having the option is nice as well because I don't need to dynamics colossal either if I don't feel like it I have screens up I've tricked him up but I'm paralyzed in dusclops which add some variants that I don't really want to deal with they should switch us in or out here there's no way they staying I needed this wait what do this guy are they ignoring dragon pool lair oh they ignore drag up old okay well I'm just dream punching that I'll say that much okay I'm gonna dream punch into its inner or I'm gonna night into gosh it on no I'm gonna paint slit negation I gonna mediate give me your health I know they're roughly the same amount of damage and I'll end up with more health they're welcome dub I just need a couple chaos I don't need it I just need I just need I don't even know what I need use hyper beam pool we did use hyper beam on the team actually on knocked our okay they would stand with him sooner our so I'm dream punching it I hope that they don't scold me and gave birth to burn the earth power K that's fine and to conclude on I have no idea what they're doing do they crit me did a lot of damage I dream punch I'm life orb the shirt ko okay so the night sheet actually didn't end up mattering but I got paralyzed on I don't know what's going on there in doubt of Pokemon I have screens and shook him up I have one health on Drago poults they have a Dynomax they're gonna have to dynamite somebody but it's probably gonna be gash it on right I feel like you have to dynamics caster on if you're in this position I could dynamics Conkeldurr here okay right she comes in um I could Dynomax call glitter here actually I actually like that it'll me make it a little harder for me to be cashing on in the end but this will KO a pokemon for sure and then if I got the ko this turn I can ko next turn with well not for sure because the problem is that they could in theory you know I could get paralyzed but if I don't get paralyzed the next turn I got a guaranteed KO on the doorman attend because it cam protects oh yeah we did a Hydra English yawn I forgot I blocked that part in my memory kid they are Dynomax industrial there was like a really weird like wet sound like a straw made at the end of the sign and that's cry I don't know if you guys heard it I heard it though I'll tell you that much I was there I heard the cry please don't be paralyzed please don't be paralyzed please I beg of you I beseech thee take out okay well at least I don't know at least nothing that bad will happen I don't deserve this I don't deserve any of this my reflect is gone it's the last sort of trick room no no No [Applause] oh no screens no hope all right let's think this one through calmly and clearly this is definitely a max card I don't think I can take a scald in the rain regardless so tempted to I'm tempted to switch if we're gonna be honest but I think I'll just paint split into the gastronome though if does sculpture to go down here I probably would lose right whatever hi Sponge Bob okay with it doubled me I might have been in trouble but they didn't double me quake comes out getting a special defense boost that's not really relevant my only special attack his colossal who's currently dog food oh man all those pears is so bad I wonder if it's napping again am I gonna lose on god am I gonna lose this cuz it feels like the answer might be yes double thank you for subbing let's get rid of this and do this I asked you this Jim thank you very much for the rate you're watching something horrible tell you that much alright there goes the end of the rant attention so one vs. four however my Concord is paralyzed a knife stupid colossal who can't be gashing on earth tower oh they messed up dude this person messed like big-time messed up and they're quite rank - okay well thank you dusclops it's a little bit too late for anything useful but I guess I guess that's fine oh well that was fun well I have one but I don't feel happy about it my mental state was a loss we got parent through turns is the one for oh I'm gonna get some car boosts oh thanks very much Jim I really appreciate it hope you had a good stream okay two wins two wins the back to where we lost from are we gonna lose to the legendary burden men once again wolf quit versus his arch nemesis 6000 ranked player I think there's something on the melee community named like Falco master 9,000 or 7,000 or something and it's the idea of like a legendary Falco like might be a top player but I don't know just like it's like they've seemed like a nobody and then they're very good or something I think it's the idea and I think it's more of this idea of like an ethereal spirit taking possession of players bodies it's like if you're a really good player and you're like your pool phase of the tournament and you're playing as the Falco like maybe they might be Falco mastermind thousand just be like randomly really good I was like that's happening to me against like 6000 ranked players that happened I lost a Birdman cuz they played it really well I've played against that team many times and I think I've ever lost to it except vs. Birdman could you have the drink of us joy Khan sure just for you chat hey go they're not really in focus oh we found somebody please drink of us joy Khan's high-ranked yes okay thank you Jacobs to a quantum wah-wah very nice where's Birdman is this what did I use this team this looks like a team I used any did I use these humors in the chat hey give me the sets okay what are the sets of this team I know they're out there this looks like a team that somebody knows about if you know that such of this team you were obligated to tell me please I need Falcon master 9,000 and me okay uh-huh we're gonna move past that one this is what's he gonna team that conquered or one shot to everything on except for Milotic do you know been 7000 or was it been 9,000 it was been 7000 Nightblade 7000 who knows met her husband who's has been Benson mm Aaron's team okay Aaron Zhang it wait okay message him what do I done trick room clang trigger and playing maverick seems special flag on life or up a flag on coil my oil Milotic plus - sucks clinging Oh drain flight cheated your flag on it gets cheated ring oh can it beat doesn't have to halt what's a little bit of God set what's the limit God set now what what plus the rumors are called set I don't know I don't know what to do I don't need the sets I think I'll look to go for what I would do if I didn't have info which is just this following nature chrome this team isn't hard to beat hey you say that after I win okay there's I've taught on women's golf doesn't Devon Gore ok this we cling clang talks tricity ok air balloon what fake tears and what I don't know I said what it looks not surprising trick Roma I will get you everything out this team is confusing her balloon toxicity why I have a balloon no balloons only ad all right let's nightshade toxicity fake tears well if the whimsical is coming oh no his game blimey can't hear us I didn't think about reverse stream sniping where you guys helped me by telling me the sets this 45 second delay is killing me wait it's worried seat when it's a car somebody's it in to taunt is that not true boom lost worried seed note on okay well that's good to know that's actually good to know but worries he's kind of scary okay here comes that boy do you guys think earth power key is Dynomax talk sister city cuz I'm not sure Gaston let's see if I even survived because if I die I'm super net oh it's G max oh gee back astonished shocked versus talks tricity [Music] earth power vs Dynomax Seattle kill but only if I'm able to attack they fake tears into probably dusclops pop goodbye air balloon II she makes Sun shock Oh wolf Glick he makes a good play for the once in his life um I want to earth power to talk to true city here I don't really see the reason not to worst-case scenario they go into like a sewer um and I mean actually I could switch here if I wanted I'm just gonna I'm gonna hate wait what are the booths right now it's -2 and dusclops nothing else hasn't any drops or anything I'm just gonna I shoot the whimsicott I think that's gonna be worth while in a longer term please not earth her away but I broke the balloon I had with my shade goodbye was a car yeah I wanted to double the slot with my shading yawn okay here comes Jake adrene Flygon okay hold up everybody I forgot that this was coming in okay well I'm glad I didn't freaking oh my god I almost did something stupid I'm glad I didn't yawn that slot don't just take master ball to your thanks let's go thank you for all the good content you're welcome thank you for other kind words now what am I gonna do okay okay plus one Flygon very very very scary okay let's go ahead and switch into taja kiss turns a trick I'm left are a couple I'm just gonna you know what I've had enough I've had enough I've had enough amazing goodbye goodbye goodbye to the moose damn I can't believe the surviving oh they get it from please max card well click back against the wall Wow goodbye all the boosts and drops Wow Wow wolf click with information is a different beast Wow someone's that this like on doesn't have protect let's test that theory shall we oh no gash it on get out of there and has this chicken read Flygon oh god oh no he has airports and he can't hear us what's that she the answer is max dusclops listen no it's not my pot - got sassy dang do you think gee max talks irregular Dynomax talks is better it's Ricky I'm not sure is the truth if if it was whoa if it always paralyzed it's a GMAX but I'm not sure I'm deaf lever a stream sniping chats giving me all the info of the team which is very helpful Thank You jet I appreciate you and your sacrifice good bye fatigue on Oh chick room is over well I guess I better send up again diverse teams heading for the win yes when was it God I have any Medina Mex yet and the sinner ro I would like to ban that let's conk along to the back I think I could just trick Roman win let's go ahead and yawn here I think they might forfeit but I'm not positive let's see y'all knee and Sonora and trick room please forfeit there's no week when this chat hard carry this game yes I knew that streaming would one day pay off for the chatted information that I didn't have metronome would have won this already know his is very important totally cow carry wolf number 1 this is cheating no it's not cheating whoa boom blast e de Toja kiss oh wow wow wow Claire Blitzer a CVA but only barely it sweetness policy in center RO water Snape you're good enough to win maybe hey I proceed the vote of confidence thank you because I'm not doing with chicka drink like on someone else can tell that you get drink flag on that me gee maybe your wrist dreams I think is how wolf one whirls in 2016 thunk yeah it doesn't quite work like this at live events max dusclops isn't threats hey we'll be how are you I'll tell you at the end of the stream I win and I get nothing I lose and I lose everything I'm not even that ranked top 10 and that guy wasn't low ranked they were like what 300 and this is what I get stuck at rank 12 again for the third time this dream why why I hate it here whoever asked me how I'm doing not good oh we found somebody okay this is a very important game to win for our dreams why this might be like volts which volts was told you tomorrow and it might be on Umbreon and uh yeah might be on Umbreon problem is like I want both Conkeldurr so like I don't I really would like to bring dusclops here if we're being honest with ourselves with each other but the problem is that without without Conkeldurr I don't know if I can beat Umbreon and that maze that I kind of have to do conquer I think so I've decided No most us guys rank I already forgot for 19 I actually I played a number and recently just beyond everything I'm Brad actually it's kind of legit I think maybe I should know I'm brie I understand ilithyia under glacial Olivia was actually good cheated aru are there any are there Nanyang I'm Breanna I think of you I'm Breanna this format you're plotting like yawn snarl foul play stuff told you tomorrow touch you kiss is awkward sup brother do you guys know stations okay that makes sense I have to deal with this with this Rotom an Umbreon I'm not gonna let myself get yond here I'm gonna light screen and myself get you on my mess around and get you on any honors of the chat what happened to my lights couldn't protect worst-case scenario they got like some nasty plotters in the chat I don't need you can't mx2 in this game right although it would help it would certainly help if I light is gonna protect what's the worst thing that happens a good also reflects a Jewish to Gaston but then if I get you on I'm still in trouble so I'm gonna light scree to protect here roar topstitch is out okay so I'm glad I didn't attack dragged up pants is the switch though okay so we know three of the four Pokemon know dynamics from Umbreon very surprisingly very interesting are they gonna break my focus sash with Umbreon they snarl Oh interesting okay well this could go badly I didn't say it reflect up I think I can't I just have to go for it y'all I think I just have to hope I want to speed ties / hope they're not scarf this is really scary though I mean if I got it wrong I would just lose right it's like okay I wouldn't if I get it wrong I don't just lose but what if they're max guys are dragging pulped do you guys think they're mechs dragon you guys are over there not in Japanese no we're fine we're fine never mind never mind ever I got to look for no reason they're not gonna they're not they're not they're not I just do I have a 50% chance of just doing pretty well it's no dark person bad they Dynomax go that yeah they died MX colossal this Google badly yeah I should have made the aggressive play turn one if I go for a surf and AMEX vocal if that turn in time for me to explain Breann I would have been a good spot but in the speech I witness beads I please not Max Keiser dragon bolt these not Max Keiser dragon pools please not max geysers dragon pool please not Max Keiser dragon pool you're not Japanese you're not Japanese therefore your hunch of having Max Keiser dragon bolt or only one in 20 surf oh yes we got some local is in the chat any local if there's in the chat what does F do that they're Japanese if they're Japanese they have Mex guys are what you want me to say if they're not Japanese they don't have X geyser I faced the guy in covent or couldn't do something sooner wait and Wornall is kind of important information for me if this is geyser I'm BIDU Eduardo whoa I think any on me Wow yeah so if you're running max guys are you're not Japanese you're a part of the 5% yes yes not gone colossal yes okay but now to like ko service is no God my heart says no that I won't ko so I'm gonna protect this term with both my pokey man's well left over us what see what they want to go for conical Duncan's gonna come in here wait okay so plus two did like wait hang on let's do math in my head plus two to like 60 how much is plus one gonna do don't like 42 43 and Plus you would do 50 to 60 hmm are they life already forgot I'm gonna just you need to go for a double detect here I don't need all my dining experience to win this game I can see I'm in a particularly embryo Norris which I don't remember if they had Oh max guard from me an interesting move and no protection the opponent okay I don't know what's going on oh oh I sit reflect up why was I so scared oh hang on a second are they life orb please be life orb roll your arms more reminds me of max I don't know how to respond to that charm why I'm Brianna threat hi I'm brie I'm very good okay I'm Brendon uh fear I've had enough your shenanigans it's drain punch time baby okay last turn of Giganta max calm extreme punching them don't care and then GMAX vocalist should definitely ko and if it doesn't I will lose the game out of sheer spite please kill please get targets told you kiss okay please go please kill please kill please kill please go please kill please kill please thank you colossal very cool okay so the good news is that Kong holder beats ambriano Rotom and the other good news is that gastro Don beets some things the bad news is that if I'm at a position it's not super easy and I'm also only a plus one which is not ideal do I think a oh token gets from here I have a feeling I don't I actually don't wait vocalist okay would you like fifty percent to token guess which is not ideal drum beyond comes back in okay all right so I could get foul played which would be foul um I think we should go to gosh you dong here and she power I still reflect up for one more turn right I said lights green oh I was interesting and I'm - defense a foul play will one-shot me for sure let's see with light screen up I can actually afford to drink punch here into the Umbreon I think and she powers at the table kiss even if things go badly I'll lose the game which would be really bad I knew they had protect oh I felt it oh man I should have protected I should have hard read then that was that was foolish that was foolish and also stupid and also foolish oh they go for snarl okay excellent no foul plays in the chat they Creek calls not a big deal I meant to be borrowing my health back man that was a very good read by me well I should have protected colossal but it's fine okay I'm brain goes down oh there's a good drain punch back to full well Theron Umbreon they would've been a lot harder but they weren't charm Umbreon huh huh why is this a ancient power it was like 30% but why is a hero do 40% to token kiss I'm sick of calls garbaggio protector chicas well I get to bring in the secret last Pokemon that no one would ever expect me to bring to this game gastro dong double protect and they get ticked why why they get double protect do I lose nastyplot hydro pump thank you for health thank you for special it dick thank you more special attack [Music] no no wolf quick click the right buttons please just go to this thing they probably are overestimating how much any tomorrow is gonna do the answer is it doesn't do anything oh wait what if their weakness policy and then I activate the weaknesses policy for them and then I'm actually in trouble don't believe this policy okay thank you a thunderbolt comes out I should still live another one of these clean comes out yeah and I'm in good shape oh wait no did I say gosh we wrong out loud oh no balms thank you very much for seven guys if you want axes the team before I do the team report slash all my teams slash you know knowing what I'm doing in advance feel free to consider subscribing you support me and you get to join a great community of people and estaba discord they should forfeit this turn did you okay that one okay the Persian was high rank so let's go ahead and take a moment and just see where we end up here here I'll show you that they haven't that they haven't released the understandings yet number 12 okay we've won two games at rank 12 let's see how much we gain from winning twice at rank 12 in the world two times two victories we get three ranks for two wins okay good luck when tea silent fatality thank you very much for seven calm winds thank you for seven join the sub discord well we're top ten but it's cost us a lot to get here that's taken forever and it's just we're just crawling through these ranks and we're having trouble finding opponents we're probably gonna have this string soon guys I'm getting kind of tired and I don't want to since we're actually close to getting number one I don't want to just you know give it away oh no problem cupcake thank you guys for watching thanks to everyone who's hanging out here three morons will be ranked five I think we'd be lucky to get ranked five to three wins Lasky's thank you very much for the sub for the two months we're almost back to eg hundred subs y'all don't you get many stream snipers yeah we have to play with delay unfortunately I don't love delay I actually just like delay if we're gonna be honest but uh there's nothing I can do it's just not worth worrying about it is the thing like I always a tweak like worrying if the opponent in stream stabbing me okay we found somebody quickly hopefully top 100 number six or door okay this is a big one everybody where six verses nine this is almost Eduardo's team it why are you still here home games buddies thank you for seven almost edoardo steam they're locked in quickly Conkeldurr or dusclops dusclops allows me to better handle I'm doing Conkeldurr Togekiss my biggest priorities getting here just open guess this game then horror was the sets now I mean I know I know to our dough's team all right we won't achieve bisharp in the NICU if it's Bisharp NICU I know it's coming otherwise I don't know how they beat colossal Road Samba sharp okay so I could just reflect in Max or yeah let's get reflected and surf and Max Flair the Bisharp here and well how would you even how do you beat colossal like surf plus max for their looks free doesn't it I could also lights gonna add protect here I mean it could be stashed a sharp is lights treated or reflect better here first of all I brought how much you're always gonna protect him see what happens dynamaxx I think this will be Rotom if I had to guess I'm not positive of course I've been wrong before the reason I like screen just cuz I thought that it was probably gonna to be dynamic sure Tom I also expected them to go for a Max Keiser here into my protector though I could be wrong I've been wrong before I go for protects I couldn't as surf and Max flared the Bisharp like I said but maybe it's life with Rotom or maybe they know something I don't know they go over sucker punch that's another reason I wanted to light screen is because it would make sure that they couldn't sucker punch me and now I've got light screen for 5 turns which is nice I deliver see geyser but it could be darkness its fat its phantasm okay they drop my defense my defense ha so I could have just serve him max Laird there and won the game but I didn't do that anyway let's cover from Max Keiser again very weird Rotom set let's go from X flare the one thing is the FINA soar comes in oh if the inner circumference flare if you knows what comes in I'll just deal with it I wish I'd gone for surf turn one I don't know what I was like I should have just I don't know thanks very much Josh if I'd gone for surf turn one my dragon boat would be gone but I would have boosted colossal so I wouldn't have to worry about Venus Orient Sun I also wanted on there as well as I could have gone for well I wonder it's like assurance the sharp like you lower defense with next phantasm then you get assurance off do a ton of damage master Mamoswine thank you very much for the gift sub that's not terrible like I'm setting some up which is kind of stupid for Venus or in the back but it's not horrible we also don't know what the Sharps might've is if it's ash or if it's something else if it's life or go for iron head actually okay so that's not great and they phantasm again dude I could have served twice my bad bro big my B oh wait but they didn't take any okay - defense hang on a second you guys want to see a magic trick wait is this a good magic or a bad magic trick first of all I think it's gonna be sash be sharp it's the first thing okay it is sash bisharp that tells us it's not statue Venus or phantasm didn't do anything - gosh Troodon I think I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna go for scald into colossal and vocal it into the Bisharp here i order comes out again pig damage what are this isn'ta colossal and I kill myself okay now I don't okay - it on has a lot of damage on it and - defense drops Colossus taking a ton of damage and all we got out of the exchange was bisharp but we do spell to turn to Dynomax left and we do have boosted colossal as well [Applause] okay I survived alright alright okay vocalist on the field row top of the Colossus boosted dragon pulse damaged Rotom is to coast move it might be a solve vest mimic new comes in I - - defense which freaks me out a little bit I'm not gonna lie to the people at home I also don't know the item on the mimic you and mimic you is another Pokemon that's actually a big problem for this team for a note for this team but for this mode that I've brought I'm - the read offense colossal and I don't reflect up so I think there's a pretty good chance that a shadow sneak would KO me but there's no guarantee that they have shadow sneak so I'm gonna go for a scald in to mimic you to break that's nope nope nope nope I'm gonna go for scald in a minute key to break the disguise and max grass and - Rotom let's see what happens I should have max garden I might survive holy cow I just died wait I think I lose now oh I might win I don't know it's not over although that was a really bad turn oh it's a life orb that's why Shadow Ball okay man I'm getting rolled why not let tsoukalos damage kill Bisharp that's a good question I should have less damage kill Beecher I might regret that can't we get the burns oh they're life form that's a huge burn wait holy cow it's actually a really big burn okay thank you okay so now we have a lot of chip damage and play as let's go so up no Sheila should be done now okay my screen might still be up what are going to conk my screen i screen still up i - - defense on gastrin on I'm gonna earth power to mimic you check their team if the last one is Togekiss then I would lose rate probably I'm at Earth power and drain punch for the KO on potentially both unless it's like wood hammer rewards on switches this might be Tobias oh is Venus or okay playoff comes out and connects doesn't go chunk of damage huh they take some light for recoil I'm gonna be a big drain punch off here I said Sun on turn one I believe so that means that I this should this next turn should be the last turn of Sun however that also means that oh wait no it doesn't mean anything Jason life will recoil okay maybe could goes down to the rocks legends gone and I think I have one more turn his son so I'll predict with both this turn last earnest son okay I'm gonna predict with both and see what they want to do I think Kohl's will have one more turn as well question-it Kohl's yeah whoever suggested I should have max rocks into the Rotom I'm inclined to agree with you right now you already put it on there as I could have actually I had a better move I think I think what I could have done there is sax - it on and you got dragged a Bolton at the right time and they have energy ball as well which is good to know okay energy ball and thunderbolt both into Conchas what they want to do son it ends which is nice there non-dream punch range but they are on earth her inch I could also switch to dragon pull here but if I got the call wrong I would lose so they have to double me to win right I'm an earth power and to Venus or and dream punch into Rotom I think they might be assault this Rotom base and how they're playing because I don't know why you have Shadow Ball they're wise protect from Venus or an interesting play but not the right one Thunderbolt comes out as long as I don't get crit or parody they don't crit me I get a dream punch off and two roads home and take a lot of health back from this road Sun Goes Down and there's a three versus one and Venus or doesn't have chica train whew that was close Mockridge lakiya venusaur from this range I didn't think it would I mean like we can find out together they might forfeit though it might it was gonna be close but I figured my move was better let's see because I didn't think roads almost protecting and I figured you were right it did ko but I figured even if like even if they doubled Venus were there I can still go for dragondarch Eon and then run with Rotom versus cash it on cuz reckoned doesn't ever recovery and my gosh and I'm still at the berry intact okay so we beat the number six player we were number nine we beat the number six player we couldn't ask for much of a higher opponent we can only ask for five higher opponents and realistically only four of those five okay we are not top five I'm inclined to keep going we're so close we're so close did you notice that the opponent was in the chat no and I didn't notice but didn't weren't they a Korean alright top five this is the furthest we've been with this team okay that was relatively quickly hopefully we don't play somebody super far away from us this is the person who always beats us if Rannoch odd it's the nightmare team so I've played this guy twice and he's beaten me both times okay hang on Medusa thank you for the gifted subs I have to focus I'm sorry but thank you very much that's super generous we're back over 1800 I think last time you beat with Drago's old stuff and I have to respect for marina as well so I mean I in order to win this game I have to hard to read him right that's what it looks like and if I can't hard to read him that I can't win the game I would even go so far as say if I can't hard reading than I don't deserve to win the game this is my gatekeeper this is my personal demon so Franek he was playing as number one one time and he beat us even though he didn't even I don't know why he's playing it everyone in the first place assault this Drake is old I don't remember the premiered item but I think it's Beck's woman's got premiere the leaves okay he was calling a drink azole lead it didn't work okay this isn't how I normally like to play but I don't know what choices I have at this point I believe its choice effects from Rena and I'm not much mistaken and pixie plate was a car I think telling okay this is what we expected gleam okay so much damage oh my god wow wow wow and a hailstorm so I basically given up my Dynomax here in order to kill whimsicott I got you on in the process which is fine and I got Hale up which doesn't help me this is such a bad matchup and my opponents unfortunately very good [Applause] okay well this is a bad start there should be I believe a sharp we believe in you thank you it's not about belief right now it's about it's about action this is probably not what he expected this lead at least yeah my back feels against the wall but I'm not out of it yet I have a couple tricks left I know that he's got to solve this trig assault I know the aspects Prue marina and I expect the sharpest last Pokemon it's just the stang prix marina but i got to be on the crew marina which it just puts in an awkward position okay this is a right anticipated the question is what's she doing now is he gonna go for max lightning is he gonna switch out I'm gonna the okay so the obvious moves for me to switch into cash it on and max guard however if he reads this then I'll be in really bad shape like super super bad shape because the way that he would counter that it's just I think I have to well I don't have to go for it I could also Matt I guess this to gas him in max ice I think that's a somewhat decent play as well although he would probably cover for that I'm gonna search the cashier in a max card it's obvious but I don't know what else to do okay well he stays in so I mean in the best-case scenario he probably dynamics is gasher on here or dynamics is drinkable here he Dynomax is somebody this is a suit spree marina or if it is drink assault I could see both making sense it's shriek assault okay so we got to sleep on for marina which is what we needed however getting through the rest of this game is gonna be tricky and I have CBI's Alima gastronomic doesn't make things any easier but I have put from Reno to sleep which is really important lightning comes out into gash it on and dazzling gleam comes out oh man gosh woman takes so much damage however it's nothing out of the world like I said we do we are successful in getting up yawn on the pre marina okay I'm an earth power to prevent Bisharp from switching in and I'm gonna switch into token gifts sack Tony goes off to get dusclops in and then get dusclops in and try one with Conkeldurr and trick room because Conkeldurr can be drake assault once it's out of Dynomax form they stay in with free marina okay so they are willing to sleep there they are they're rolling dice asleep turns now get that for some reason max dragon into this dude max lighting though lightning yep okay that's seen a totem guess so I think that I can take Amex lightning from actually no I'm sure I can take a max lightning comes result but I would need primary to stay asleep for one more turn once her to sleep on for a marina he'll is actually kind of helping me right now okay not a ton of damage but not terrible damage either all right so I'm down to dusclops and if it can survive max lightning Plus maybe a dazzling gleam I don't think it can live both but I think it can live one and it's their last turn of dinamarca so I'm gonna go dusclops we will confirm what we already know - craps I solve the sin choice vex I now to make a choice I get a truth power again or I can predict protect I'm gonna go from protect here even though the obvious move is for them just to attack again the reason being is I think there's a chance they want to get rid of the cache it on and I think if they wake up with premiere now I'm screwed anyway so I'd rather make a play that gives me another life gives them a chance to mess up because I can always heal myself again they go for max lightning I made the wrong play unfortunately dusclops didn't take a lot from this Oh actually not as much as I expected just premiere to stay asleep it does okay all right and now they're out of Dynomax and sugar ms up actually they didn't need to stay asleep there I was okay anyway um okay and now the interesting thing is that they are in baddie form and the thing about Bobbie form is that they now have to deal with hustles lowered accuracy and a nice shade + earth power will decay oh the marina so wow this is doable this is the most this is the closest I've gotten in versus disappoint I'm an earth power and nice shade knowing full well I could in theory lose lose my dusclops here if things go badly however I don't think I have a better option tree marina can't protect itself thanks to the specs I don't remember the last Pokemon is is what I just realized and if it's something like I was just been assuming it's too sharp but it's not bisharp we might have some trouble hey switch something's taking the Night Shade earth power who is it but sharp okay we get rid of a sharp that's really good however I might lose a Pokemon in exchange and if I lose a Pokemon in exchange this gets a lot harder earth power comes out okay Dragon Claw minnow connects Joshua faints to a crit I don't know that mattered okay alright wolf back against the wall for real huh so I can one-shot this Drake assault if I want I can also carry marina here what gives me the best odds of winning and who do I need to ko to win this game wait a second how many gender trick Hummer left is there still three there's three right three turn to trick room okay what happens if I dream punch in pain split here I would need to lift two specs attacks from premier Rena if it wakes up this turn I would need to live three specs attacks from premier na that we accept this turn I'm gonna take my chances I think it's gonna be dazzled we I think pains book will give me I think I know I only justic two I take this one and then I should I take another one I think I can win this regardless I'm paying someone to drain punching I maybe should have considered ice punching but I think dream put just fine I think I sponge is better though pain split comes out I'm gonna be borrowing some health I go all the way up to 112 I dream butch here if I if it survives that I should ice punch okay it didn't survive so this to the right play I guess now there's a 50% chance that they stay asleep here [Applause] stay asleep see asleep stay asleep and that should do it that should definitely do it Oh drain punch into pre marina nice shading to primer inna and finally I think this will clear it up but I think this is finally the game we win I think we could have won even if they woke up on the second turn the 30 on after two turns instead of three I just needed like cuz I would've Kayode drink assault then they would hit me with thousand William that I would initiate it and I just would've needed to live like spread Desmond's and single target dazzle blim but yeah bad drink punch yeah I just which was better but I borrowed some of the health and I was actually finally able to win really bad match up but I think we played pretty well the Yan play on the pre Marino saved us obviously Yan because we basically use our Dynomax just to get rid of women's card yeah let's check our rank cuz we beat the number two player we beat the number six and the number two ranked players but that was yeah that's pretty clutch that was very-very clutch I am put up with my play era we're so close number two chat I had a plan and it is now with my back finally truly against the wall it is time to execute the plan I don't want to do this I don't want to do this I'm so close to number one but I'm gonna do it more picot to number one this is the gambit the wolf click gambit this team is significantly worse i'm significantly worse at using it then the colossal team but I made you a promise and if this is how I have to fulfill that promise that I'm gonna go for it this is a gambit of a lifetime number two on the ladder back against the wall and where Pico is the choice of team with a high ranked opponent we could potentially get number one after one more win we are so close but this is a gambit the more Pico team is significantly worse we have a much harder time using it I don't even remember what all the Pokemon do but I said I'd get more people to number one and by gosh am I going to try this is all this is all I could come up with this is my final gambit and let's like it can't find an opponent in which case it will the gambit will continue Oh opposing trainers been found the rank two for two for not great we might even if we win we might not get to where we want to be and if we lose we're in deep trouble additionally Charizard is a terrible terrible matchup for us however as I recall captain failings thank you for the gift and sub promise orchard orchid think of the sub these people are industrious they realize it might be in a YouTube video I might have to hard read it surrenders our lead here or I could do more Pico no more Pico doesn't work against right you doesn't all right call loader and DD backs against the wall in the back why don't we bring in the back this is a tough one chat I don't know what's the right I don't know what's right and I don't know what's wrong I think venusaur is a pretty realistic chance to be good to be good here and even though it's god-awful in the matchup more Pico has to come to the game thank you for the gift in severe gifts and subs I make I can't make a username thank you very much okay okay - Marnie thank you for the sub this is it one way or another do I have the right Pokemon to win this game let me be clear no I don't I do not but do I have something that my opponent doesn't have heart I do I do or I hope I do this is it blackness thank you for the gift sub I'm so nervous gotta stretch I'm sorry stealing I didn't mean it bring the more Pico I did how many good Pokemon do I have on this team only one and it's more Pico when you start Oracle one of the best leads we could ask for one of the best leads we could ask for why is this a good lead well I'll tell you it gives me a chance to immediately overwrite the Sun is in Conkeldurr x' rockslide rockslide when it's Dynomax turns into a rock tight move which because of his secondary effects sets the sandstorm thankfully Mayan GD has the safety goggles item safety goggles is a powerful item because it means that I won't take any damage from sandstorm and will also predict me from Venus or sleep I sleep better all right let's go for it I'm breaking the focus ash I'm breaking my opponents kneecaps we couldn't ask for a better leader more Pico against the world a man amor Pico in a dream but for him a frog and it's hurdle his final final enemies Kong voters gonna Dynomax here in early Dynomax from mister Glick what's he thinking it's Conkeldurr a surprising choice in front of a fire in a grass type called goddess fighting day of attacks or matters as neutral as you can get Angie's gonna go for a follow me are there any protects no protects what's gonna happen is it a grass-type is it a poison type slice ball comes out they're not falling for the gambit is there a poison there's not max Rock fall comes out overriding the Sun and doing super effective damage to torkoal torkoal takes a ton of damage an eruption would be significantly weaker but a heat wave would still do good damage he wave comes out and misses the indeedy a crucial miss Kong corner takes some damage but thanks to the Dynomax it takes less damage done to what otherwise however wolf click has revealed a crucial halt on his plan he's revealed that he safety goggles now the opponent will no longer fall for sleep powder what else is on this team okay wolf lick back against the wall psychic into the venusaur nope psychic into the venusaur and rockfall once again into the torkoal now there's a good chance that mimic you comes in here however we don't have a better option against this thing rock fall into torkoal to our goal switches out who's gonna come in here is it Snorlax is it mimic you it doesn't mimic you switching in it's gonna happen sis guys broken in one shot sludge bomb again a poison would be disastrous for mister Glick and his plans know poison and didi takes the hit like a champ psychic comes out thank you the psychic trained super effective will it be enough Venusaur hangs on that's devastating for mister Glick you know he's got to be really upset about that rockfall once again in to mimic you and mister Glick has burned through two turns of his Dynomax he has only one left and there's a mysterious fourth Pokemon that we have not yet been able to witness in the back is it Charizard a Charizard could be very dangerous here Venusaur is so close to getting knocked out Conkeldurr taking so much chip damage thanks to this burn and G's gonna go for protects here saving EDD is an interesting move from mister Glick the problem is that wolf has now lost his ability to overwrite the Sun is this a mistake on his part or is it calculated torgul could switch in here one way another Venus sir should go down no there's no switches what does mimic you gonna go for is it gonna go for a phantom force or a play rough play up comes out and missus no it goes into a DD sludge ball comes out in GD as well well click with the read a lifetime conquer there goes for max rockfall minik you that's gonna take the hit but it will survive does not hang on is it 2 vs. 4 but what is the mysterious last Pokemon and can wolf handle it because Terra Charizard would be particularly dangerous in this economy sky ace thank you for subbing wolf Glick fear in his heart torkoal comes in we already knew this was a possibility and the Charizard its char Lord a dangerous dangerous dangerous lost Pokemon to have now Charizard cannot safely Giganta max here it will have to stay in this babby form if it chooses it again to max it will unfortunately not be able to get her and follow me so wolf has two options here however they're both kind of bad we're going to go from follow me and rockslide we're most likely in the hit with a heat wave and lose both Pokemon rockslide coming out or will it heatwave is the obvious choice from our opponent judge and Max unreal the opponent predicts wolf to not go for follow me and instead to detect cha Conkeldurr so they go for gigantic spheric not to follow me of his opponent chat this might be what wolf click needs to turn this match around to take this for to advantage and turn it into a win max card from Charizard the first turn of Giganta max used follow me coming out from a DD it's gonna be redirecting to spread movies of torkoal which won't be redirected at all who's faster call the dirt or coal conquered removes first but rockslide is not perfectly accurate okay torgul goes down is now a 4 vs 1 [Applause] solar power activates and the charese already and flame armed as well what was looking like a bad position for wolf click that slowly slowly turning around into what could be a victory how a wick turi however we have to consider that rockslide is only 90% accurate and with that 90% accuracy and his dreams on the line wolf knows only one Canberra via prevail Airstream comes out here big damage into indeedy let's see if this charges on his life orb that will tell wolf if he can safely go for a sleep powder or if he has to resort to a sludge bomb instead life or comes out there's no safety goggles rockslide connects and Charizard faints wolf click one of matches number two but his opponent was not especially high on the ladder so will this be a dream come true or perhaps another stage in a nightmare but a wig tree is secured more Pico in the back didn't even have to hit the field however - four - four versus number two it might not be enough points to push this into Rank 1 let's see no we would like to see what is that ranking there was no update there was no update or did we rank up or do we rank down anything's possible at this point folks communicating moment of truth there was no update heartbreaking heartbreaking we have to play again feels terrible more Peco take two oh my God my heart's going a million miles a second okay here we go this is it number this could be it everybody Wilder with Rotom fan and DD Tyranitar a conundrum Gardevoir and hitmontop there's a check button hitmontop I played this person before hmm but I don't know anything about the team okay let's think I think it's scarf Gardevoir on this team so obviously ninetails venusaur looks very strong here I'm gonna join some calyx I think I want to do this I'm just gonna run some calculator click [Music] this isn't everybody this isn't wolf lick back against the wall Gardevoir indeedy okay okay not the worst thing I've ever seen not the best but not the worst it's quite an unfortunate trace it's actually got a very unfortunate trace they're gonna go for dowsing believe in psychic here right okay some gd's which is out okay this is probably you turn it sir yep they got me they got me however I'm not giving up just yet yeah they're gonna be a thousand blame here was gonna bring me down to focus - most likely well will bring me down - so focus ash but if they're doing this maybe they didn't maybe they went for now that should dazzle you they psychic Oh interesting okay hang on wait a second this isn't so bad because I actually got a speed boost Ozora wheel and thanks to the speed boost right now at speed scarf Gardevoir oh my god more Pico almost one-shots now I will lose my focus ash however it's not the end of the world I'm not faster than guard at work and go for a dark-type whirl wheel which is quite valuable heading a Sleep Powder would be kind of kind of a clutch I would say sleep art into Tyranitar and/or a wheel take a Gardevoir that seems pretty good they shouldn't have a switch into this it should be like excadrill or searches Gardevoir out wait who are this what you into oh when Dee Dee's dad dude you can solution dee dee into oral wheel okay well this is now a dark-type move so Angie he goes down okay so we one shot in dee dee I'm twice as fast which means I'm now actually even faster than excadrill we go for a sleep powder we connect so unless it's lumbar a turn does is sleep surrender doesn't have alum berry it's asleep hang on a second wait a second back to you happy for me okay hang on a second it's more Pico not less Pico okay well we're up four to three but a carnivore is one of the last pokemon that has one HP and her editors of sleep more Pico less indeedy okay excuse the last Pokemon okay chat and everyone's life you have the opportunity to do are they gonna call me here that's my question cuz what I'd like to do is switch oh it works anyway hold on it will work even if I get this turn wrong won't it Oh interesting yeah this should work either way even if they even if they card read this and this was shredding her into Gardevoir then I would still be in a good position next turn and they would have to oka my nine tails this turn anyway they stayed in tyrannosaurs gone trend are so gone wait a second there's no way to run at our lives max grass unless the Dynomax is but you're not gonna die no extra sleeping shreditor are you and I overrode the second tree so now I can block punch things hold on hold on who are they down in Maxim you should be excadrill no Dynomax extra drill protects itself in this economy no way protect from excadrill okay turn targets one shot and now it's a four versus - oh they're gonna can trace chlorophyll though hold up they're gonna trace chlorophyll but does that really matter too much I don't think it does can I sit up grassy terrain and I'm still because my nine tails is faster than my nine toes is faster than excadrill so I can just keep even and sludge bomb Gardevoir comes back in and will unfortunately trace chlorophyll I think apparently it always your something across from it yeah but get chlorophyll however first of all I don't think you could 1-shot us and even if it could wait I could or growth into no I'm not sue it okay I could overgrowth into external he waived I'm gonna do that okay Dynomax excadrill maybe I should have just one shot guard over there I don't think guarded working one shot in nine tails and I have Conkeldurr in the back so I figured basically this gives me a pretty good chance to win the game this turn what's he gonna go for what's guard we're gonna go for here car door Moo's first so I get comes out into venusaur okay so it didn't really matter I do the Venus are but we hang on if we hit both heatwaves chat this could be a four oh if we missed both heat waves we're gonna have some serious problems I think so much damaged excadrill even though Dynomax nine-toes moves next he wave for Oh victory for more peek oh no Pokemon kayoed a for Oh victory two wins at number two will this be enough Gardevoir faints it's not it doesn't have enough damage to win and we for Oh wilder with more picot more picot just so well that game oh my god chat this might be it this might be the end of our journey they were ranked 300 I don't know how how I like it scales please everyone send me your energy 40mm seconds into the future send me your energy please we've won twice at number two please let this be it give me a rank update give me number one more Pico more Pico please I'm so close I can't stop down I must not stop I know it's a problem wrong way there we go a for Oh wasn't enough more Pico destroying the opponent wasn't enough we need more for Pico guys I don't know how many more of these I have in me but this is gonna have to be Paul Paul I need you to throw Mogul moves please Paul you don't understand what I've been through Paul please please we can pry them this is a world champ okay well okay all right well calm down okay anticipate his moves and go from there [Music] this is a 2018 world champion maybe I should bring maybe Sherman venusaur over ninetails here what do I think he's gonna bring draggable token just lead excadrill and then maybe Rotom I'm gonna bring night tail so I'm gonna take a gamble Paul please please Paul please please Paul in order for more people to get to number one it has to overcome a world champion I guess this is only fitting but boy is it terrifying I will tell you that much new music stretch okay mm people your dreams are with me send me your energy or our toughest opponent yet the world champion the leaves are what we expected more Pico and Togekiss staredown togas and Drago poll if I'm Paul here you know what I'm gonna have to play really well if I want to win this I just I just have to say it I had to play well if I want to win this I'm Thunder waving Drago pulled here I anticipate Paul goes for max flying and Yan into my Togekiss if Paul were to make a different move instead go for attack into more picot it could be problematic she switches Drago pulled out extras old the switch an excellent switch from Paul interesting move mold breaker is on the field and I made the wrong move everybody protect from my totem guess is he gonna you are Mira's gonna douse in between me you guys were protect as well okay an interesting move but not a bad one thunder wave comes out and is wasted it's wasted on Paul and it's dang excadrill so externals the biggest threat in this game I'm really honest everybody if I want to win it I'm gonna have to go big I'm faked using Tobias and going for max Airstream this volcanoes Togekiss if you Dynomax is excadrill it's not the end of the world yeah we also expect the last pokemon is probably Rotom wash okay all right Dynomax Paul does not that's very good for us that's very very good for us more Pico not less Pico okay he does not Dynomax executors limeys told me this will definitely survive this turn my question is what is he gonna use with his excadrill I was talking just gonna go for follow me comes out from Toby that's not a big deal not a big deal what's he gonna go for with excadrill Swords Dance take tears for more pika without speeds an excellent off-speed good job burns from Pico extra goes for a Swords Dance okay there's now a very dangerous Pokemon however this isn't over this actually isn't even that bad Toby isn't gonna go down here and keep in mind everybody beef Conkeldurr in the back Togekiss hangs on however that's really bad okay I didn't know that it was even possible to hang on okay Wow so I don't get the critical hit which is okay we're gonna have to keep playing this well we're gonna go for aura will this time he's already revealed that he has yeah this is fine I have a plan let's just calm down and think he has sword stamps I have more pika we are not the same I can't believe that survived so we did have a 50% should secure it but we don't get it which is kind of important however we're now plus one speedo more Pico which means that we cannot be to drag a pool in the back and if we get any damage index control which should be more or less assured this turn they can well if we get an out of Dynomax we can hit it with Mach punch for the ko there is a dynamics from Paul but that's actually not too bad for our team over here is it gonna be this extra drill most likely this is gonna be the end of toga Gus however it's not that bad in the long run because external Dynomax ting means that they forfeits its speed this will allow nine tails to come in this next turn and heatwave is extremely dangerous for excadrill another protect from Toba kiss he got us however it's still not that bad for us thanks to max flair a risky move Paul I could have done I could have faked here at the excadrill but I chose not to max Flair comes out let's see a critical hit this time it's a lot of damage I create an excellent quake comes out he goes out for more Pico the wrong target or maybe the right target actually however more people will actually serve either next you'll get a special defense boost however he does not damage Togekiss I'm unfortunately back to hangry for me however both Pokemon are now in range of heatwave I'm going to go for an aura wheel into an extra drill into the akuto on max guard this allows me to go for heatwave next turn which okay of both pokemon and he has no way of getting speed control right now and we've already is the turn of his Dynomax in addition we know one of us booked one of the back is Drago pulled who does not have a favorable matchup here against my Dyna rotary against my plus P Togekiss he's playing really well against more picot dancing between his forums for meas max card from my Togekiss blaster to Dynomax not a big deal he goes were follow me correct play is gonna go after more picot again or will he target token guess this time I'm going for or wheel half a Telfer meeting another speed which from where picot it's now +2 he goes were quick again he calls the move correctly it's okay not a big deal not a big deal at all his Dynomax is about to end I'm going into 90s nothing wants to rush into my heat waves we're going for double heat wait here as long as one of them connects and they execute a little faint and it'll be a three versus three with no Dynomax has togas most likely will protect this turn however that's not super bad for us max guard from executes all he chooses to sacrifice excadrill to have a different Pokemon he waived from totem guests connect son token goose knocks it out extruder goes back down to babby for me [Applause] so here's the deal everybody here's the deal dazzlingly MS ik needs a critic a leader ally the dragon polled and I don't know whether or not I do not know whether or not whether its weakness policy or not we know that external is not weakness policy but we don't know the item on the Togekiss or on the dragon Pole more picot thank of your sacrifice you did amazing it's a three versus three Drago polled excadrill and one more against nine tails plus one speed Togekiss and my Conkeldurr who he has not seen in the back he might be afraid of venus or he should go into dragon pool tier I think that's his best move dusclops is the last Pokemon interesting that implies that his weakness policy dragon bulbs she knows that I'm spec since Copeland's now he's back to bad before me interesting here's the interesting thing chat trick room doesn't really help him too much I'm gonna go for a double heatwave again it's my best option I just need one of these heat waves to connect dusclops in the back is concerning is he going to go for trick room does he have pain split dusclops is really hard for this team to break I'm ready lost more picot dusclops Drago pull turn excadrill extra drill switches out interesting we had a lot of damage of the Dragon fold it's now in dazzling gleam range heat wave comes out misses the dragon pool no that was really important no crit in the dusclops he wave comes out on nine tails hits both but that that miss is so crucial no trick room goes up however I mean all things considered this isn't horrible we're dealing a lot of damage I'm gonna go for he wave and heat wave again no this time I doesn't wean I have a Conkeldurr in the back who can win this game I just need a little damage on this Drago pole if Paul wants to shadow sneak himself he has the ability to do that however it will put him in range of a heat wave Paintsville comes out no protects into nine tails maybe this is phantom force he heals back up to a hundred and one health Nigel's goes from heat wave and misses the draggable are you kidding me phantom force I needed that hit I can't believe it okay I critical it and dusclops and the Sun fades I have two heat wave here for sure I have to protect as well I think I'm making a hard read I think he's gonna paint splitting my Togekiss here if I'd hit if I just hit one of those this game would be over it's ridiculous dude okay no we have to stay focused for more peeko this game is so close to being ours turn turn turn we have three turns left a trick room protect room token guess who is he paint splitting paint split in two Toby guess we made the call correctly heat wave comes out dragon bolt avoids dusclops head gets hit and who is the target of the nightshade or of the of the phantom forces it 9 tells her as a Togekiss phantom force comes out Toby guess that's not good takes a ton of damage oh wait a second we're actually not in great shape its life orb could we lose this how many turns of trick or more left to terms what happens if I heatwave in dazzling gleam here it depends on the Mexican on if draggable doesn't move to hit Togekiss no I'm gonna heat wave and switch this is a very risky play I might I might end up regretting it for the rest of my life I just needed you see that if I just had a little image of that dragon pole this game would be over now that we know it's life orb however we don't and the trick or ends up coming back to hurt us pretty significantly last year trick room is this turn after this one called water comes in extra dough protects itself oh my god a crucial protect from for from Mexico drill key wave comes out please connect connects on the draggable tool okay because the Sun is gone but it puts it in so close phantom force comes out as well okay we get burned okay he's gonna go for the double protect here I'm gonna go for a heatwave and a dream punch I think the worst-case scenario as long as executable goes down he needs three hits to KO me he need to double protect to win this game otherwise he will definitely lose no not definitely my moves can miss I have rockslide maybe 39 tolls that was better there know what happens the same thing I still would have to hit a rockslide actually goes for a double and gets the double protect are you kidding me who's taking this phantom force [Music] fanta force comes out as a Conkeldurr okay that's a very good chat however it's also very bad okay I have an idea here's what I'm thinking I think he's definitely go for Dragon darts and I think it might be a oh nine tails so I'm actually switching to Togekiss here and go for a mock punch he would need a shriveled reject to avoid this and in this situation he can't kill both my Pokemon in the same turn which is his only win condition so I win as long as he doesn't it a triple protect which is a one in nine chance that allows me to then go for four dark pulse and azulene for a guaranteed win okay he doesn't go over the triple extra goal goes down is a dragon darts or is it phantom force it is dragon darts I made the correct call bring token gets in on the immunity Conkeldurr would have survived but he could have protected it out so now it's a two versus one and even though dragon bolt does have a spread move it shouldn't be able o it died to life form okay well I one more picot beat the 2018 world champion first third win at number two is this hit everybody Paul Rui is 2018 pokemon world champion our third win at number of ranked at number two please this one for sure this one for sure surely we have to keep going I can't believe that I'm an actual disbelief no update again we beat three people at ranking number two and still nothing oh my god oh my god I can't believe that I really thought that was it we got to Rank 2 and won three times and still still nothing still number two 2,200 people backs against the wall all of us I'm playing my heart out I'm giving all of my energy we found somebody ranked at number nine a sword or if we win this game we will we will get to number one I truly believe that however how on earth do we win this game against such a threatening team this was the assault that Rotom team I think I can't believe this okay okay sword or again my arch enemy sees we lock in at the same time it's faded my final final showdown sword or as high on showed on - sword over again not in chat this time wool number 9 in the world this is surely it if we win this we will get to number 1 I believe wrote ominous sinner are the leads I don't think that's what you want to see into into more people when you soar however we don't know the item on a sinner or couldn't weakness policy and if it's weakness policy or I miss a sleep Hatter Evans weakness policy the Dynomax and I miss we Petter I will just lose immediately fake out and to instant or are I think that's my best move and I think sleep pattern - in center or as well I have to go for it I can't respect safety goggles Dynomax in sonora her turn one brooklyn switches but that makes sense regardless of their item who is it Venusaur comes in are they gonna die max in soon or are they do this could be disastrous for me what are their safety goggles oh god if their safety goggles I think I just lose [Applause] okay this is gonna be it we do they have wrote Psalm we know they haven't seen or are they safety goggles in sin nor did they get me faked out does not do any damage but it does crit sleep powder comes out safety goggles they got us flare comes out and that's what the end of Venus or a rough start however not the worst start just a really really really really really bad one that was really bad I'm in hungry for me I'll go conch that's a terrible turn one everybody I don't know if I can come back from this one I'm gonna be completely honest that's really really bad I'm detecting Conkeldurr they have so many moves they could make that would just ruin me they go for a earth power and Tamar Pico know where people hangs on to the focus ash but this is looking horrible I don't know I don't think we can win this anymore they are not life were we got a thunder wave off into Venus or so I guess that's good we're not gonna give up though they go for a flare again this could be into more Pico know they go to Conkeldurr okay all right everybody [Music] or people's gonna break the focus on the Venus or here got a speed boost doesn't really matter they're gonna attack with you sir here no they actually a paralyzed interesting max player again ninetails gonna take this takes it really badly I thought I would take it way better than that okay this is looking kind of bad okay Thunder we've time if you can't beat them with skill beat them with luck hang on a second how much time do I have 30 seconds [Music] I have to take a gamble I'm sorry guys this is all I know how to do I have to take a gamble here well at work I don't know but it's I have to go for it I have to see if they went for a protect okay I have to see if ninetails can one-shot this in sooner are this is the only way I can win that Parra was actually bad [Applause] Kayode ako TIF they're like max HP max attack and they were clearly really offensive that's honestly soul-crushing all right this is it this is all I have left in the tank bro that's ridiculous [Applause] even if it didn't kill it would have put in it enough like I wouldn't put it low enough where I at least had a chance to win this although they didn't put this in or out which I guess is good Thunder Wave comes out I can't believe that missed all right Venus I was gonna go for nothing wait a second hang on if Conkeldurr moves first here we're still in this okay hang on a second we're still in this we have plus one Conkeldurr against the world and we have neutral more Pico huh wait a second I don't think there's any way we win this but I'm really gonna try guys for you [Applause] just enough nimac you okay this life-form in with you I can't beat it cuz it's a shadow sneak yeah if it weren't for mimic you this this could be doable but yeah that has have sneaked yep shadows me comes out crushes my hopes and dreams man under G ball yeah everybody damages spelling my defeat especially the fence drop just insult to injury because of the special offense drop it's now guaranteed that I can't win um because let's say they've missed a playoff and I got you know first of all they could just hand enforce and they would win but let's say even best-case scenario is like they miss a player off and they get paralyzed I'm in thunderbolt range now so because of the special effect like I might take I may have taken Thunder ball before but not anymore pax is a wink on no there's no wink on here we lose I'm probably gonna die this turn actually yep that was the right move I couldn't read it like I just couldn't afford to feel so bad yeah and that's the game I can't I can't wait anymore unless they know even if they found enforce their own venusaur what up Amish feels really bad dude I can't believe we won three times and number two and we twist this is how I look this is how we go versus safety goggles in center oh yeah I mean this is over rocks light okay but I won't get the chance to use it they've had divorced in to my comp older and that's it yeah well just bad just really bad the overeaten this is what killed us there if we get the overheat KO then the whole situation is different but yeah we didn't get the we didn't we just missed overheat and even if we got the damage off the whole situation is different let's see where we finished we were number two we won three times we lost to a very high ranked player so feels bad just super bad okay well we're still at number two I will search for one battle Iowa's there's four one one battle Oh interesting I have been past where's more Pico I don't think the players at number one would be searching well let's find out for some teams at a held team plot armor and 1g Max had a rainy team at least one I will only search one so if we don't find anybody we're just gonna call it quits did you confirm number one of the IC I did I will show you after this covered in snob that wasn't saying what tears you start at great ball yeah why she's very over nature Barry um a Venus there's not bulky enough that I was confident it would go down to 25 percent without getting kayoed you need longer streams listen I normally do longer streams but it's midnight and I had a goal on I accomplished it I was ready to go into the for in the morning but this means I can actually fix my sleep schedule which would be really good for me so Oh all right more pico ather the aether Foundation versus the more Pico foundation more Pico this is your only chip oh wait I don't know Klaus law is that the freakout wait I know this team but the wheezing is a problem the wheezing do be kind of a problem though hmm I forgot how to play I kind of want to do something stupid I feel I've played this team before I just don't remember what it does the wheezing is such a problem there definitely to bring wheezing they're definitely Mamoswine that's why I want to burn Conkeldurr for sure I could do Conkeldurr tajikistan duke onkled her aunt Edie I'm gonna do Conkeldurr toking doesn't just see what happens in the back it's probably oblivious Mamoswine right I think Nina tail should come and then but when just was kind of good to all doing H tells more Pico like this isn't gonna work but if we're gonna lose let's lose with more Pico like and this is this is more Pecos final chance I think they're number one I'm number two but I have to use more Pico team which is problematic I've led with Conkeldurr to beat you discourage mammals live from Dyna maxing off the bat win one game in your doubles more Pico forever but this is a nasty matchup this is a nasty nasty man this matchup wheezing no we're okay oh yeah it's talent I forgot its tail one and they max wheezing right that's what I recall about this team call global good toe because our my leaves they're gonna neutralize the gas all over the place okay um I think what I'll do here alright I don't have ice punch alright I'm just gonna rock slide in the air slash extreme I would like to get rid this wheezing I'd be kind of nice it's sash sash Noren I think it's a berry wheezing I'm pretty I'm mostly shirts at barely wheezing and I think wheezing like stitch again they're Dynomax turn one colon loader guts doesn't work with wheezing out oh my god you're right yeah neither does my scope lens super luck yeah this team it's not scar freezing they're gonna wait why are they doing a Mexican first oh that's why um okay well I'm gonna lose my confidant here which is kind of problematic know everne yelling all right come on we can be mature can't we yeah I think I lose I don't know how I win this cuz with um I mean actually it's not terrible I guess it depends on how fast I guess depends on if I got the one in a chance to crit because I'm gonna lose Conkeldurr here first short for sure Mac's card max card maximart max card yeah it's the end of cone Builder unfortunately Oh ever much okay toad you get some ticket some damage here but uh it's not terrible though it actually did kind of a lot they're supposed bombing as well okay I take another Airstream as long as you don't get poisoned let's find out okay don't get poisoned somehow that's it's not enough damage cuz now they're gonna eat the berry they eat the baddie yeah now I'm gonna super weak yep the berry comes out probably ice punch that's fine um that's fine I go for rocks lotta hit both which is nice however yeah the damage is pretty pitiful I think I addressed you to more Pico here in max guard although the move is so obvious that I really don't want to do it cuz if I'm in their position I'm air streaming and sludge bombing right I can take a sludge bomb truthfully I think I still want to switch though see more Pico the question is who should i target here I'm gonna stir more Pico and I'm in a star fall it's annoying if I lose I lose right if they a double into my token this year or if slides mom does enough damage this actually might I think I maybe should have Mac started the air stem again there should be two conch this time those focus again okay that's pretty bad I lost I wonder how our wheel works here oh I'm oh we repeat Oh plus twos different than plus one right okay okay okay we're still in this they're plus two wheezing however I either have my focus a shin tact or or uh lapis okay I took out their Dynomax and they don't have Talon which is pretty important there plus two wheezing no which is kind of bad let's see what they attack here this much bomb okay I could have max Carter there however we got lucky in that we trade Dynomax so this isn't a terrible trade like a lot of their Pokemon don't deal with nine tails well the problem is of course like they still have the stupid stupid stupid stupid wheezing and play and that's really negating my um it's really messing with my vibe man is really killing my vibe okay Chandler's the switch and I have Nina tails so do I think reasoning has protect as the first question it's air air balloon Chandi they don't have an ability though I'm gonna or a wheel the Chandeleur and I'm gonna I think I want a dark pulse the Chandeleur as well it's a bit risky however if it pays off it'll pay off in spades I maybe shouldn't were wheeled the wheezing actually whoo fast okay I should move but fast and let's do scarfs Chandler okay they're not all right nice is faster okay oh just barely know okay how do I win this cuz I mean I should range from Emma swine now no this is fine I can't change form ease oh I know how to win I or a wheel into the wheezing and I switch into completar this could backfire of course but I hope that it does not because we know that their Mamoswine is the life form like basically it depends on the play they make this turn um yeah it depends a lot on the play that they make this turn I guess I could have double I think I shouldn't take it out wheezing last turn cuz it was speed boost it was the bigger threat more peacoats Pease wheezing yeah I know that actually I realized because Toby because that's bed wheezing at plus one so so will more picot because more Pecos actually even faster so the only way that this backfires is well there's it's not like I don't know it's not perfect to Zelda thank you for the bits let's see if they ice shard they protect that's the perfect move we that's the death think exactly what we needed or what movie comes out is 110 base power so take out wheezing here okay wheezing Goes Down and all of a sudden all the abilities are back in play hang on gas is gone I get burned wait as I get more Pico I sure it probably kills oh definitely would kill but I didn't think they'd go for it yeah so now I can just mock punch or a wheel cuz I have my I got both my abilities at just the right time got some for me changing or we landmark punch you also didn't change forms because the we using exactly so I got stuck in the electric form which is actually good because it let me use electric attack versus wheezing for the K oh hang on wait guys we might have we might actually be there because we have solar beam on specs ninetails mark coach comes out that's a lot of damage we're plus one speed okay we won are we ranked one with more Pico we're picot victory is let's go more picot okay did we get more people to number one in the world please we want seven Oh tonight number one please more picot I've suffered so much I've suffered so much we beat the number one trainer but it took some time to do it but we beat the number one trainer to number ones in one night more picot number one in the world I'm free I'm free I did it yes Murphy good number one I was here yes we're free of war picot oh I fulfilled my obligation and I don't Rick me an hour and a half this was like 20 streams of work for the rest of all of April and now one that May first in an hour and a half I got number one twice in one night do we cheese it a little bit did we go seven oh yes I think it's illegitimate
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 687,261
Rating: 4.8383927 out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 20, vgc 2020, Morpeko, Morpeko to #1, Wolfey Morepko, #1 int he world, #1, #1 team, #1 pokemon, pokemon #1, best pokemon, Strongest Pokemon, WOlfey #1, Wolfe Glick #1, number 1, 1st place, best finish, best pokemon ever, #1 trending
Id: ZX_bvJkT1Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 47sec (7427 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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