Wolfe Glick reacts to Wolfe Glick winning Pokemon World Championships

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today we're going to sound crispy what's going on guys welcome back to new video um you probably can't see but there's been two changes to my setup the first is that obviously i have a mic stand now um this is good because i think i'm gonna be clearer hopefully i did some tests tests and i think i've been clear however i don't know what happens when i inevitably start shouting so i do apologize if anything happens negatively because i'm very conscious of the fact that it's way closer to my face also you can't really tell and i don't really know how to fix this without breaking everything let's see but i so the the mic stick the the mic that might oh you can hear me coughing in hd i could definitely do some asmr um the mic stand is taped because um panda global hashtag sponsored sponsored product hashtag thank you hyperx hyperx sent me this super nice mic and like the idiot that i am when it came several months ago and i've been using it um i threw out the stuff that i didn't need or so i thought and one of the things that i didn't need is the thing that happens to connect my microphone to my mic stand so now we're using tape it's not even duct tape because we don't have any it's scotch tape shout out to my roommate for giving me some scotch tape it might have been my scotch tape it actually might have been robbie scotch tape from when he left here i don't know also does anyone know what this thing does because i don't know what it does um i just put it here because that's what the instructions said also there were two parts of the microphone that i didn't like the mic stand that i didn't use so hopefully those don't matter um anyway what was i saying oh the other half of the setup that's new is that i now have a tripod so you can see the top of my head um before i was just using a stack of books so anyway i'm a professional youtuber anyway so let's go into some backstory first of all here's what you need to do so there i was last week i think it must have been maybe it feels like last week i don't know um maybe a little longer ago um i made a video where i said um i reacted to the 2014 pokemon world championships um it's the most famous worlds finals it's maybe the most famous game of competitive pokemon ever and it features station park from south korea against jody azarelli from the united states um and it's the world's final for those of you who didn't watch it and don't know that featured pacharisu so pacharisu had a big impact i feel kind of weird that i'm hiding my mouth but maybe i like it you have no idea if i'm smiling or not oh um but yeah so it's the one it's probably the most famous world's finest of all time um it's definitely most famous world's finest of all time it's maybe the most famous game of pokemon of all time and i wasn't really sure how it would be received because you know it was one of my more serious bits of content i gave like a really thorough analysis but it seems like people really enjoyed it and i got a lot of requests for me to do more of the series more reaction videos to um specifically worlds finals and a lot of people asked me to react to my own worlds finals which actually surprisingly enough i've never done i've never done it on stream and i've never done it in a video so that is why we are here today um so yeah with all that being said this this is the most important match of pokemon of my life like one of the most important moments of my life so obviously i'm going to be able to give you a slightly different perspective on this match than i was on sagen's match because i played in this match so um of course this is going to be told from my perspective because i was there i hope you don't mind i will try and be as objective as i can um but i can i'm going to tell you guys what i was thinking each turn and kind of the the part of the story that aren't as well known or aren't known because i'm you know they were only experienced by the people there um at the time so let's talk about my backstory first because that's really though do we want to watch the interest of this hello might be too loud wait i'm turning down just in case it's too loud we'll turn up in a second i don't want you guys to get your not only do they make it okay i'm glad i turned it down through the entire bracket and these are the two best pokemon players in the world at this time all right and let's take okay so i think that's fine okay so let's talk about just everything that we just heard which is not much but the first thing to note is that the commentary on this match is done by aaron cybertron zhang who i think everyone should know and evan latt who everyone who has followed pokemon for well if you've followed pokemon at all in the last well since i started playing 2011 you probably know evan evan is a commentator he used to be a player evan actually holds uh evan is evan is the one who could have stopped me he and i played in top oh i think top eight of virginia regionals 2011 my first ever tournament and i needed to win the tournament to continue my career uh and i had mbor and i think i don't remember what evan had i haven't i have the match slips down there somewhere but um yeah i think i either crit hammer i got a one turn to leave i got lucky in some way or i flinched him i don't know anyway so um and it was best of one back then single elimination so evan anyway evan and i have played and he's a great guy really nice um and an amazing commentator he brings a lot of excitement i like him a lot so um yeah so aaron zhang and evan ladd are commentating and this is relevant because what you have to know about my relationship with aaron is that my pokemon journey has in large part been like like aaron has been there every single step of the way so probably most of you don't know this but back in the day um my first ever tournament i won in the masters division the the division for normally 15 and up um aaron won in the senior division the 11 to 14 range uh or maybe 10 to 14 it all it's weird but and then aaron's younger brother brendan who won worlds in 2013 oh i'd like to react to that match let me know if you guys want to see that one i'd like to do that one um aaron's younger brother brendan won in the junior division so the the winners of that tournament my first ever tournament were myself aaron and brendan um then aaron and i went on to win nationals and i think brendan got second that year yeah brendan got second that year so it was almost the same people who won the national championships um and then none of us won worlds and then the next year um aaron and i won nationals again together two years in a row back to back masters and seniors division like we won together and and there was um for those first two years we would all i think we only won tournaments together we i got second at worlds he got top eight at worlds that year um i got second at regionals i don't remember how he did at regionals um i don't think he won excuse me though um yeah so and ever you know we've we've been friends pretty much since day one i mean i'm not looking back i'm not sure how much it was because we kind of were linked by our performances but like we would hang out at events i actually i didn't have a ton of friends when i first started um technically i still don't have i guess i never had a ton of friends but i had like no friends for a while but i was always friendly with aaron um like he was he was someone i considered a friend even before like i had a friend group like i would hang along with them um and i've you know i've been super close with brendan as well his younger brother so basically what i'm trying to say is that aaron and my journey has been in a lot of ways like it's been together right like we both we you know our our star early careers were he aaron started playing in 2010 i think um but even still like my you know my early um you know performances were all with him and yeah we've been friends like for forever we prepared for events together we were in the same team more or less at nationals and at worlds wait did he use that team now i'm actually blanking i think no i think he used a version of the national team no i think he brought executor yeah wait am i crazy i'm totally blanking man i feel bad anyway so the point is that we you know aaron's been a huge part of my pokemon journey he's a great friend and um you know we we are it feels like we're kind of linked in a sense and so now let's cut to the current moment where i this is gonna be a longer video by the way we haven't even started the match um that's fine that's fine um yeah so now you know oh shoot hang on wait um now here we are i'm in the the finals of the world championships for the second time um and aaron is on commentary so you know this is there's nobody else i would have rather had commentate um during this match so that's the first part it's the commentary right now we have to start talking a little bit more about let's talk about me and my perspective going into this match right before we before we do anything else um i was in the finals before i made i mean i got second at the world championships in 2012 um with exeggutor and skill swap crystalia with levitating onto heatran um it was a really cool team and i lost to ray rizzo right and so what you need to know going into this match well there's many things but one of the things is that i realized that this is winning the world championships has been a dream of mine was was a dream of mine my my whole you know my whole career ever since 2011 when i started and i found out there were tournaments and i i played tcg even before i played vgc and so it was a it was a goal of mine right and there were many years and especially i'm going to say especially 2014 and 2015 where um i was very very frustrated and i i started to feel like it wasn't attainable um the reason being is that it's fixed now but back in the day the way that like the way that determined who would top cut the world championships is something called resistance which i personally have a deep hatred for um but what resistance says is okay so let's talk about how it is right now the shop cut system top coat system right now says that any player who makes x and two normally five and two or better will make it to top cut and even though you might get a weird number there the players who do better like the xo and most of the x1s they get to skip the first like playing playing round basically so like if there's a top 22 you play until there's top 16 for example um so 12 people the bottom 12 people would play i think if i've done my math correctly um stuff like that basically so the higher seeds are still rewarded most of the time um but you don't have the word like that's how it determines who top cuts back in the day that wasn't the case um and the 2000 up until 2016 this is the first year where x2 had like where we have an x2 cut um basically the way that it works is they said we're taking a top eight so the best eight players are moving on and most of the time i don't i think almost all of the time that's not a clean like record-based cut so it's not like five and one or six and one will always move on and everyone else will not it was five and two like let's see at the 2015 world championship it was five and twos would miss and i think it's um at 2014 it was four and twos would miss and so i went five and two and four and two at those events and i finished ninth at the 2014 world championship so i missed because i think one of my opponents lost if one of my opponents had won one more game i would have made top cut and then 2015 i was 12th and so people with my record made top cut right it wasn't like i didn't have the right number of games it was just my resistance wasn't high enough so that was very frustrating right to feel like i you know i came so close i felt like i had it what was in me to be to win both those world championships and um but because of resistance i didn't cut and then the tournament before this tournament us nationals 2016. i don't remember it was internationals back then but it's u.s nationals um i prepared a lot i was number one on an online simulator ladder i was number one on the in-game ladder with my team it was diago groudon heatran it was a very weird team spoilers it was very bad but i was number one on both ladders i was feeling really good about it i went in and it was my worst performance at the time this is before i had even worse performances it was no longer my worst performance but i went five and four at nationals and i was like i was really devastated right i knew that if i wanted i might have had a chance at making day two i don't remember um but i felt like i prepped super hard i felt like all the signs pointed to the fact that i could at least you know do well to my standards probably make day two and i i didn't i didn't do well at all right i went five and four i didn't do well by my standards lots of people should feel good about going like if your goal is to go positive an event good for you but i'm talking about my standards right where i felt like you know i've won the tournament twice before well now three times but i knew i hadn't in me but um i you know i failed again um and so like i was considering quitting pokemon because it's so it was so frustrating to try so hard and have this goal um and and not be able to reach it you know and and so now we're here in the finals this is going to be a long video i can already tell um and i realized that this might be my last chance right i have made i finished second at 2012 i know that it's possible to make it to the finals even though you feel like this is you know this is your story and this is this is the climax i knew that as someone who lost in the finals i knew i could do it i knew i had it in me to lose um and so i realized that this would maybe cement me as one of the greatest players of all time or i would go down as the guy who got second twice and to lose in the finals twice would be devastating um so there's a lot of pressure on this match and on top of that i played against justin carris who would go on to become one of my best friends at the time i didn't know him that well um we had a really great set and we said he said to me i said to him i think he said to me i'm all confused right i'm pretty sure he said to me one of us said to the other one i think he said to me he was like hey whoever wins this whoever wins this game like let's win the tournament and i said like yeah okay um and so i don't know i'm somebody who i i like to keeping my like like doing what i say i'm gonna do and keeping my word is really important to me um and the other part of this is that and that's that's a match for another day is that i played marcus my uh my best friend in top four and marcus is the other person who i would say is like the other pillar of my pokemon journey um he and i were a team like we met in 2012 at the world championships and we talked pretty much every single day for years marcus is from germany um and like so there was a six hour time difference and you know we would only see each other once a year for many years um but we were like best friends we would talk every day we would call and we worked together on a lot a lot of pokemon stuff and we were we built this team together and this team is probably the team i'm most proud of in all my years and all my tournaments this team is the one i'm the most proud of because we cracked a metagame that felt uncrackable that felt really really kind of fixed um we could talk about that in a little bit man there's a lot to talk about for this one um but yeah we end and we had to play each other in top four of the tournament and so i had knocked out my best friend from the tournament right and and i knew that i knew that i had a lot of people counting on me i knew i had marcus and justin who you know were relying on me to win the tournament and by you know by beating them they had placed their faith in me and so yeah they're basically there's a lot there's a lot like residing on this match so i'm feeling a lot of pressure is i guess what i'm trying to tell you at our competitors starting with jonathan so we saw jonathan a little bit okay so now let's talk about the teams because i think that's part probably what people are more interested in for a second i was like i thought meowth was in my room i was like what is that um so okay let's talk about 2016 as a metagame because that's very relevant here um here's what you do about 2016. first of all everyone hated it the reason everyone hated it was well there was a lot of stuff about 2016 that was um i'm going to use the word unsavory we had dark voids smeargle with moody um dark void is a move that has an 80 chance of hitting each pokemon it hits both pokemon um and it puts them to sleep it's darkrai signature move and it was also for vgc it was smeargle's signature move uh it also is moody which randomly boosts one step by two stages and reduces another one by one stage ev at the end of every turn so um there was a lot of degenerate stuff kangaskhan smeargle was a popular lead you could do fake out in dark void you could go protect with your smeargle and hope to get a speed or evasion boost both of which were pretty devastating um it was people were in scarf smeargle justin knocked one out in top 16. um and there was an art there was a team there was a team slash archetype it was groudon's ernest primal groudon and xerneas um xerneas is and it's one of my least favorite pokemon it's so powerful with power herbs they should just ban power herb if they ever give us back legendaries i'm sure they will give us back legendaries i'm sure they won't ban power but they really should because it's stupid it's a stupid stupid thing with xerneas um but anyway the team was it was called big six and then people would make changes to it and they'd call it big b or big c or big d or whatever um the team originally was talonflame cresselia wait no talonflame kangaskhan smeargle salamance groudon xerneas yeah talonflame smeargle kangaskhan solomon's groudon zernius um and this team won everything it won u.s nationals it was super dominant in the u.s um there and there were variants right people would drop talonflame for cresselia or they drop one of the megas for bronzong um bronzong picked up in popularity a lot especially around u.s nationals that was big b you'd replace one of the pokemon with the bronzong i think it was off in talonflame um aaron trailer actually had a really cool team where he replaced talonflame and i think he had cresselia men's bronzong smeargle yeah so i guess he dropped talonflame in kangaskhan did he have kangaskhan i don't remember i don't think he did for so he ran both crusalia and bronzong but basically going into this tournament every other tournament more or less had felt like it was this team it was this team was the best team in the format it was discovered early on um i'm sorry facebook is open but i can't respond because then you'll see my screen um so i'm sorry um so that was the team that was so incredibly dominant it was it was it was it felt unbeatable and there were times where people would beat it and people would be like oh this team beats it right there was a dual primal phase um there was a dual primal phase um there was i remember actually alex gomez i think used a cool like i don't remember exactly but i think it was dual primals mega mall while bronzong if i recall correctly and people were like oh this team might beat it and then the big 16 would just adapt and they would say okay we're gonna add a trick remoter i don't actually remember the specific adaptation for how they beat it but in the end it felt like this team was unbeatable this groudon xerneas um bronze or uh uh double mega samir gold and then whatever um i thought it really felt like it was unbeatable there were so many things you could do this is back when kangaskhan had power a punch so you could do oh and smeargle had followed me of course and sometimes they would run fake out and some others run crafty shields so you couldn't even you know roar out the xerneas or taunton ernest or something faster or taunt the smeargle it was it was like the volatility and and the the sheer like chaos and the sheer number of modes that came out of this team it was ridiculous um so now okay now i think we're 17 we're almost 18 minutes into the video i think we're going to start talking about the specifics of the match in the pokemon sense so let's take a look at jonathan's team here um jonathan is gengar mega gengar bronzong uh primal groudon primal kyogre this is the dual primal score we were talking about rayquaza had some use as well like x-ray was i think a thing x-rays always been kind of the garbo mon composition like you add x-ray and then four garbage ones and then it works um but anyway that's not really all that so yeah like um it wasn't like 2019 where it felt like a bunch of archetypes were viable it felt like groudon journeys was by far the best um so anyway jonathan's team you can see he doesn't have a xerneas he has groudon and kyogre as his restricted pokemon he has monetric which is a pokemon that didn't see much usage and he has talonflame so i believe this team was i i want to say was built by gavin michaels i know gavin had a big hand in it at least i don't know who else collaborated so i apologize um for not researching that first but yeah i always thought this is gavin michaels team um and it's a cool team it has a trigger mode it has two i think let's see they're both pretty slow i think primals um i don't know if they're mid-speed i've forgotten i knew at the time i think um but the interesting thing here in my opinion is the monetric and the mega gengar so so jonathan's team has a couple cool things about it he has this dual mega option which is which is really interesting um the way that this team works as far as i can tell as far as i remember is it has mega gengar up front which allows trapping and the idea of double dual primals here is that okay gengar is a positive matchup against xerneas right so let's think about the other restricted pokemon and the main ones were groudon and kyogre right and the idea here is if they have groudon you can go into you can trap them with kyogre in um and you can you know once they're trapped i i'm almost positive let's see it was protect willowis sludge bomb i don't think it was hidden wait it might have been hidden power water or was that eduardo i think you know i don't wait was he in power what did he have icy wind i feel like he had icy wind i don't remember i don't remember if you didn't pair water but regardless you could you you would trap them with gengar you trap their groudon on the field with shadow tangenger and then you could go into kyogre and ko them either with hidden power water which i don't remember if he had or um just with kyogre on its own and if they had kyogre you could trap them with grout on and groud on locking the primal sun up um that allowed basically that kyogre could only use ice beam or thunder which isn't very like well that common uh it's kind of common but like basically you're like it can't really touch ground instead of ice beam and jonathan had a bulky slow groudon for sure so um yeah so with that in mind he also this bronzong mode which allowed him to trick him up get speed control because both his primals are really slow and bulky he would he could bring it to the back with the other primal if he wanted he could lead one bring the other one to the back depending on what he was playing against um and he go over trickeroom and gets his skull swap as well on the on the bronzing to reset the weather so and he can pass the levitate to kyogre or groudon which are very dangerous abilities versus groudon um so yeah that was really strong he also told him for speed control and tom which is a good pokemon in general i don't know the specific role in the team and then he had monettric and i'm gonna be honest monetric i didn't really understand like its place but it was very scary in this match-up stream yesterday of course over there in the united kingdom uh top cutting and uh uk nationals and of course top eight jonathan he's an american player but he went to school over there across the globe he is running that dual primal team groudon and kyogre uh with some very interesting things we've seen quite a lot of uh gengar and manectric uh these sort of rogue options there but gengar we've been seeing a lot of this tournament yeah it's weird that we actually see a double yeah so gengar is on both finals teams as is bronzong gengar was not super common at all before this i know it top cut u.s nationals but i don't think it had much of a performance inside that match in this finals here if you asked me earlier in the season what i expected to see in terms of megas in the finals i would have told you solomon's kangaskhan you know those are kind of obvious right here neither of those pokemon make an appearance instead both players do have that mega gengar and jonathan running that midneck trick with the mega evolution possibility so that's a really cool pokemon that we haven't seen very much of in this season but we may be seeing it in this set coming up his competitor will be okay so here's the other well actually yeah okay we can we can look at my team next click well looking for redemption after coming so close okay this is your boy's team gengar mega gengar him on top mega rayquaza primal kyogre raichu and bronzong um the idea was that there were two main modes and this was a team that we felt solved that well solved in quotations because it was hard still like certain players like really good players get around it like i played against william tansley and he um he realized what he had to do to win um i beat him but he took a game off with groudon's ernest which was um surprising given the match up so we built a team so basically okay we've been talking a lot about groudon xerneas this video is so long i hope you guys don't mind um we've been talking a lot about groudon and xerneas right and the problem with groudon's ernest and the weight like okay if i said my opponent's definitely going to run groudon xerneas like can you can you counter at wolf then i would say sure right i can build a counter team if i know their exact sets whatever the thing is a lot of the teams that focus hard on groudon xerneas would lose to the other stuff for example dual primals that would lose to um it would lose to x-ray just random stuff diagonal yoga was a problem for this team tommy colleen had it and it was a it was a nightmare um but yeah um that was that was kind of the general idea and so what this team did is it had two main modes that we didn't really deviate from very much the first against groudon xerneas was gengar hitmontop up front kyogre and bronzong in the back the thing is um if they got the you know they like groudon get in the field in a bad position you could trap with gengar like we were talking about in the ko with kyogre um him on top had eject button which is really good for getting free switches into the primals safe switches into the primal so if kyogre goes on the field they went to groudon you could switch into your hip on top take an attack and then switch back out um i also i mentioned i built this team with marcus i also built it with brendan zang i do wanna i didn't wanna say that who got toppy in the senior division and he played the whole tournament because he didn't finish the delta episode so he couldn't make up all of his rayquaza he was like furiously playing through it every every like in between games um in between like yeah rounds of the world championship so yeah he finished top eight i think he was able to make evolving a top eight set but that's where he lost um unfortunately so um and that was a big deal on this team being able to make a ball was a huge deal on this team so yeah shout outs to him but anyway so the first mode like i said gengar hit on top with kyogre and bronzong in the back kyogre and trickerum really destroyed a lot of big six style teams um gengar was a lot of pressure for xerneas both gengar and bronzong were good against xerneas him on top had wide guard and wide guard plus kyogre invalidates pretty much every single groudon set except for special ones with earth power or ones with weird tech moves like thunder punch or thunder which came up more in 2019 than it did in 2016. um but yeah hip and top also provided fake out support and faint we had fake out faint close combat wide guard no helping hand um but yeah we had a basically there was a flow chart i probably still have it memorized um yeah i think i think i saw him memorize versus versus um groudon xerneas teams where we would we had we had figured out basically the optimal move to make every single turn before the match started but like against all common leads that groudon journeys teams would do and you know against standard stuff so um yeah we had we had so basically we worked really hard on the ground on xerneas matchup the other mode that was interesting was the um raichu kyogre hitmontop rayquaza in pretty much any order um this mode was really strong against a lot of other teams rayquaza was focused right she was assault vest it offered speed control and fake out we had two fake out users this is before psychic train was a thing so that was a pretty strong um strategy we used our fake out users really well um kyogre and requa both benefit a lot from intimidating from hip on top as does where i choose truthfully um raichu has volt switch which there's a lot of switching potential here you can overwrite dual primal teams like rayquaza's really rayquaza kyogre is a really good against dual primal teams as long as they don't have mega gengar um yeah so those are the two kind of main emotes here him on top was kind of a niche pick right she didn't have a ton of uses especially with the assault vest um yeah and like we said gengar was um gengar was not a super common pokemon either the other thing is that the ray ogre archetype hadn't really been explored to this extent before most people use rayogar um some people ran the scarf but that was kind of rare but mostly it was an offensive team right you would use it uh very offensively and this team focused a lot on defensive and smart switching um and yeah like getting your getting your key pieces in the right place that was the that was the main goal here um runner it was five times four competitors well technically six times five times regionals champion two-time national champion multiple-time worlds competitor as well his team is going to be the rayquaza kyogre corps alongside the gengar raichu bronzong and hitmontop and you really can't overstate how much it would mean to wolff who has been spending so much of his time trying to get to worlds and just falling short absolutely and i think if you look a little bit at wolf's accomplishments compared to jonathan i think this is jonathan's first finals of a regional national or world tournament wolf has won i believe like five regionals two nationals and he's played in so many worlds top cuts and so he has so much experience to draw from he's been in this exact position before multiple years ago and he knows what it takes to win in that final i think i lost that water bottle at that tournament no i lost it in london experience in that regard but once again we're two minutes into the video and 27 minutes divide into my video i'm sorry he fought through one of the most difficult fields i've ever seen in the history of the game and he's here in the finals he's got a good shot to make a name for himself you know he's in that underdog position but if he's able to take the glory and he's able to beat wolfie that would just mean so much for him you know you can't be world champion unless you're beating the best of the best and wolf is the best of the best yeah i mean by the way okay wait real fun trivia fact this is my handler um that when you when you're in the finals of the world championships in 2016 not in 2012 they give you like a handler so i just hung out with um this nice man all day it was very nice kind of wonder which position you'd rather be and sort of wolf has all these expectations he is supposed to thank you evan i think i mean he has all of that experience he should be the person who takes this game but jonathan certainly thank you from the expectations game there happy to be in finals and that can be very dangerous there's one more piece i want to talk about absolutely and i think if you look at the matchup it's definitely something that wolf probably appreciates a little bit more so i'm so excited don't click on that link i don't know where it said to you match of the year yeah it is man this is good music do they always have this good music 2016 match all right so here's the last thing you need to know jonathan and i played yesterday and by yesterday i mean not yesterday literally i mean yesterday day two of the world championships we played we were both five and one so the winner would not have to to play a plane round and the the loser would probably have to play a playing round so we played the day before both games he led gengar kyogre into my raichu kyogre which is my default lead against the dual primals team and both both games he hard switched into groudon turn one and protected i think yeah that would make sense or maybe he didn't protect but he basically i went for i think volkswagen waterspout into the kyogre both games and it was it felt like a 50 50 right because if he goes into groudon and i switch my right you out into rayquaza i can waterspout no code the groudon right so i can get that read right um but if i'm wrong and i switch into rayquaza i take a lot of damage which is super bad um and on top of that the real i guess the the main problem with that is that um if i like if jonathan go like let's say i voltage the kyogre and water spout and he switches to ground on both my attacks are wasted and if gengar goes for like a sludge bomb for example then next turn he can go protect precipice blades and it's very hard for me to stop um groudon from just you know killing my right shoe and i go down immediately so i think that happened in actually one of the swiss games um and so what i did i had to vote switch myself to break the lock and then origin pulls from there and even then it's not great because and the other option of course is that i i'm you know if i let's say i got the 50 wrong on the other hand i predict him to go into groudon and um i switch my right shot into rayquaza any just water spouts or even worse ice beams or i take a lot of damage over a quasi i lose my focus sash which is kind of important because i need rayquaza around to the late game to beat kyogre with its damage output because it was kind of one of the only ways of hitting kyogre for a lot of damage and also to protect my kyogre from the allow my car to kill groudon so yeah um and here's the thing so i was thinking about it the day before and this is this is probably gonna be a long thing and then we can actually start the match so it's the night before and i'm thinking about the matchup and i realize okay let's say the leads are the same let's say because my instinct still says lead raju kyogre if i lead raju kyogre and he leads with kyogre gengar which he did both games of swiss and i feel in my heart that he's gonna do um then what he can do is he can mega evolve turn around with gengar and switch to groudon right now this turn two i have an option you can make a wall from protect with the gengar system right now i can cover for that by voltage and guard turn one and water spouting kind of making a mid-ground play right saying i don't think you're going to switch gengar to groudon because then your kyogre can't do damage and if you switch your kyogre into groudon then next turn i can do the same play again like a volt switch and water spout into gengar and now you can't protect yourself right um so the only way that play fails is if he protects kyogre or protects gengar turn one and stays with the kyogre and does a lot of damage my raichu which is kind of fine however here's what i realized and this is what we talked about a little bit earlier jonathan i've only named three of the pokemon that i expected to bring in this scenario the fourth pokemon could be monetric and if the fourth pokemon is monectric then let's go back to the groudon example turn one gengar protects kyrgyz which is into groudon both my moves fail because i'm going for water spout and volt switch um origin pulse and voltage turn two i say okay groudon's on the field i can just vulture just the the gengar and water spout gengar's mega evolved um i can go into rayquaza here and kill the groudon what if this was just a monettric and precipice blades now i've given metrometric in a special attack boost i've lost my right to my character's taken a ton of damage and now i'm in trouble now i'm in huge trouble um and so i realized that because of this sequence i cannot lead with raichu kyogre because um yeah because because if i do when this happens then i will lose i basically i say i do not want to bet this game on a read i don't want to bet this game on a turn one 50 50 read that feels really bad to me and keep this in mind because it's going to influence a play at some point in the set um so let's keep that in mind so i think to myself okay i can't lead raichuk or what can i do because i really want ride shoe on the field because i really want the vault twitch pressure right um and i really want the fake out pressure as well that helps me a lot in this matchup so i say okay what and i'm thinking about i'm thinking about i'm talking with marcus marcus falls asleep this is the night before and i think to myself all right what if i let rayquaza kyogre which i've never i never did i never let her requisite kyogre but i think what if i literally quasi kyogre because what this does is it for it puts him in a weird position right because the switching ground on play keep in mind that rayquaza doesn't start out mega evolved so groudon can't switch in on this like he's not going to switch groudon in in this turn one in front of freaking rayquaza kyogre there's there's just no way he does it right because if i go for any water move which is obvious like i think water move and dragon ascent into the kyogre is the obvious play he would lose groudon and problem with the set and he's not going to gamble that and gengar doesn't start out mega wolves either so i can still switch turn one so what i can do is i can actually switch ride you in turn one um into the rayquaza slot which then allows me rise u-turn two which is what i want but i ensure that groudon's not in the field so this then sets me up for the um and i get to do i get to get some damage off with kyogre as well which means that um yeah i can put myself in a good position and i might take damage like with my ride shoe maybe take an ice beam and that lets me endeavor stuff which is threatening so um yeah this also means that i don't have to rely on origin pulse which is also a problem like because the idea is that if i hit gengar with a water spout turn one um sorry i know this is probably more in depth than you guys care about but i'm gonna talk about it so basically okay if if turn one gengar attacks like in the scenario then it takes a water spout um and that is an ice beam range so i don't have to worry about groudon switching in turn two like again ice beam um if i want and do something with raichu and i don't have to worry about like wasting that attack um and yeah it could i could still end up in the same situation but it's slightly better for me because i could damage on ginger and i can threaten to kayo and gengar um and a water spot by ko as well if he goes for like if he will of us he had definitely a little whisper if he was my rayquaza um or if he sludge bombs or like icy winds miracles i can't remember if he did i see when i think he did though i don't think he had hidden power water i don't remember um i feel like he did though i don't know maybe he did maybe he didn't have protect no he definitely unprotected i definitely saw protect um yeah so that was the idea there and i figured like i wasn't really worried about any other lead because like he leading bronzong wasn't threatening leading minecraft wasn't threatening since i had raichu like my network wasn't good offensively it was only good as a full twitch switch in um so yeah did i mention we played the day before and i yeah so i think i got started on this but we played the day before it was very close it was very down to the wire um and i narrowly won 2-0 but the like it was like i knew the matchup was going to be tough so i think that's everything i wanted to say my general game plan was get through the early game get some damage on gangnam and then go from there with my with my superior like bulk and switching ability um i guess my bolt wasn't that superior but the switching ability was and the fake out pressure so after this match it will be time for the next season of the video game championships and we are ready to get right into game one of the finals jonathan evans versus wolf glitter it's my team team preview wolf's team of course we are and i didn't mention it but the last pokemon is him on top of this matchup for intimidating up against jonathan's dual prize guard mentioned it just a little bit but we haven't seen the monettrick but against this uh rayquaza kyogre core have to like monetary care yeah you know monetric is a tempting call and it's really cool because we see two electric type pokemon in the right turn the monettrick on both sides of the team both of those of course do have the ability to redirect electric type attacks away with lightning rod so that could be really crucial as we've seen wolf play on stream throughout the course of this weekend he's really utilized that right you to use his electric type attacks for example that volt switch to swap out and bring in something new like a hitmontop or like a rayquaza also nuzzle is a big big deal the ability to paralyze pokemon and shut them down and make them significantly slower is uh you know really significantly big both teams actually especially for gengar or like pretty much very parallel uh mirror matches come down to who has the faster uh version of the kyogre or the groudon right having that speed control in paralysis can be very important man figa was broken back wondering if this year on his own side of course he does have that talonflame which is very well known for tailwind uh and of course the bronzong so can run that trick room as well here we go double handshake then we've already shaken hands that's the handshake number two game one between wolfie glick and jonathan evans this is for the world championship in the masters division i forgot about this all right the crowd is on both of these players side wolf will go ahead and lead both restricted pokemon the kyogre and the rayquaza on his side while jonathan will go ahead and lead him here's the other thing here's the other thing i knew that jonathan was expecting me to lead raichu kyogre because i did it both swiss games and i just i just felt it in my heart that it was true that he expected raju kyogre and so the other reason i wanted to lead rayquaza kyogre is because jonathan would have had all night to make a game plan right um and just like i did and i knew he was going to leave kyogre gengar um however i knew that if i if i led what he expected me to leave then he would be able to prep for it so i knew that the other advantage of leading rayquaza okay over is that he would he would have had his whole game plan and he only has let's see so we've seen he probably has a minute from this point because he has 45 seconds very often um to figure out what he wants to do and so rather than having the whole night of prep like i had to think about the lead matchup he only has a minute it's definitely something i don't think i've ever seen both of those pokemon out as a lead yeah as evan says you know pretty unique lead in the sense apparently you lead with kyogre and then you keep requas on the back to allow you for the potential switchings here with rayquaza out you know the water type attacks will do less damage because airlock is activated however it also means that if i guess i didn't really want to talk about this but i'll mention it really quickly because it is kind of relevant in this set um at the time jonathan and i weren't on great terms i don't really want to use my platform to badmouth people so i don't really want to get into it and like this is many years ago as well um but jonathan's a very vocal player like you'll notice throughout the i'll try and i'm gonna move myself to cover my face cam because that's kind of also nice um but yeah so basically jonathan's a very vocal player but because we had beef at the time um i could actually cover my mic if i wanted um because we had b for the time i didn't feel bad ignoring him and i think that helped me a lot in this set so um i'm gonna move myself here i hopefully it doesn't bother anybody um so yeah because i remember even in the early turns i think people speak to me you've got to be worried a little bit about that even though we see the gengar here so the other thing is that um so jonathan has revealed gengar at this point this is gonna be a long video um long video so we know that jonathan normally showing gengar mean he doesn't have monetric and showing um rayquaza for me would mean that i don't have gengar so that's the other information that we learned this turn one um these are assumptions but they're probably true in this uh it's pretty clear i don't have gengar um if i ever quasi he could have metric like we mentioned like we talked about and then we see that my kyogre primal reverted first which means i'm faster than most likely lemon metric isn't going to make an appearance unfortunately aaron and i are the same wenger of course does threaten requa immensely with the willowism we've seen that this is a physical requisite that relies kind of on dragon descent and sword stance also has that nifty focus item so by being able to burn it not only do you get rid of the focus essentially he also makes sure that his damage output is significantly decreased but wolf has a lot more offense going on his side right now even if rosa gets burned he can still get a lot of damage off yeah so raquaza may be able to get the damage off after the burn uh jonathan with that kyogre and gengar putting a little bit of offensive pressure but definitely nowhere near as much as the double restricteds on wolf side you know it's funny because it felt like it felt like jonathan had a lot more like offensive pressure to me at the time because i knew i was searching in raichu and i knew that raichu was a lot like more vulnerable here but yeah i agree with the commentators we're just like on the face of it it does kind of look like like i'm the one exerting offensive pressure when really i feel like i'm in a defensive position um so this turn one by the way just since then pause anyway i'm gonna use waterspout the reason is that i didn't want to lose the world championships to an origin pulse miss um i also knew there was a chance that gengar would attack rayquaza here um because he would he could double into it and potentially knock it out um yeah yeah you got to remember like gengar here let's watch the face camps but you're actually going to swap out yeah so wolfe doing what wolfe does best he says something like i don't know but [Laughter] so keeping both of his pokemon in this first turn mega gengar now traffic okay so jonathan makes a good move here ah the other reason i had just reached red claws at turn one is because um with airlock on my water moves were weaker and i was really trying to get rid of this gengar turn one i really because if he attacks into if he willows rayquaza rv ice he wins or if he slush bombs or quasi any or any of those moves and water spells that was not a read i i it was like it's the finals of the world championships he's not going to go for thunder in airlock it's only 70 accurate right if he misses he wastes his whole turn like there's no way he goes for thunder turn one i wasn't i wasn't a read i had never considered him going for thunder and airlock because it's not it's not consistent but it works yeah i do want to say that's already a pretty risky play from jonathan you know and that powers up the voltage ability and so with airlock up the rain is technically negated and thunder is no longer 100 accurate so maybe jonathan trying to gamble so this turn one goes pretty in my favor i only take a little bit of damage i get raichu and for free and i got a little bit of chip on kyogre which is actually relevant because rayquaza actually does a lot with dragon ascent and jonathan doesn't have intimidate so it's pretty relevant and then gengar's almost k out which is really good i would have liked to get rid of it turn one but going forward he says nope i'm not gonna let that thunder i'm gonna bring in raichu gengar is able to survive and you know i like remember that direction we talked about i think that's about to be relevant i get my games confused sometimes i remember game two better you know you're in a really good position to win the game right from the start so he gambled a little bit didn't go in his favor but you can respect that play for sure yeah and gengar if he got the sludge bomb thunder he would have been in the greatest damage so i don't agree with it that much attack this turn if it wants to uh or even just switch back out and switch back in for uh willow with uh threat later on on rayquaza you got to remember you could switch and groud on here you know kyogre could go to groudon gengar does have the trap up and that's actually really really helpful okay so the ground here watch my body language here block any watercolor attacks gengar now along the hair that's stressful for an attack here may try to protect itself to make ensure that wolf's pokemon are both trapped here uh with the groudon for at least one turn hands still in front of the face you can always volt switch out so gengar will go for the protect uh so no damage being taken by gengar right now raichu goes for the fake out we'll connect with the groudon but uh just dealing a little bit of chip damage there okay so there what i tried to do is make a mid-ground play i said okay um kyogre might stay in probably not but it might so i'll fake out just to be sure and just in case you go into groudon i'll ice beam your gengar to make sure um that i can as long as you don't attack your wheels so at least for one turn raichu and kyogre are trapped in here and now let's remember what we were talking about venetrix so even though gengar has some damage here so jonathan knows that um if i go for like my obvious play here is voltrous the gengar and waterspout i voltage into rayquaza my kyogre is faster than his groudon we learned this yesterday or i knew it somehow but i'm pretty sure we learned it yesterday and there's nothing you can do about voltage into gengar and waterspout into both pokemon and i will i i threaten chaos in both pokemon but here's what wolf glick is thinking at the time crap i ended up in the situation that i didn't want to end up in because stupid nectar gets to come and like gets to come in now and i really i really don't want that i really don't want my nectar to come on the field and be annoying and and if i if my neck is just into gengar here and i go for that play i just told you about voltric boosts monetary special attack which is relevant because water or priceless blades ko's my raichu and puts my kyogre low enough um that it's definitely in the range of a plus one thunderbolt and now i don't really have anything left that can beat kyogre and i don't have any damage on groudon and i would need to rely pretty heavily on storage dance um with rayquaza and i probably just don't have enough to win the game right um and so what i realized is i can't i cannot go for a switch here i don't know his last pokemon i can't go for voltage water spout because right i think that jonathan i might just be in huge trouble so i say okay i've seen this is the i think he's going into minecraft here with gengar and then he pressed with blade so the only thing i can really do to punish that is protect and endeavor protect the protect and endeavor the groudon get some damage off maybe don't give it a boost and go for the plaza could come in so i guess the volt switch option kind of mitigates the fact that the trap is so imminent here but what if magnetrix there we go yes right even though exactly because that sounds it actually does have a lot of use here you know if you are able to bring in that monetary for example swap gengar into the next groudon gets to press this blades off or you know just a really strong attack off in general pick up exactly okay a lot of damage regular would actually be so great to see here it's swapping out here's gengar going out gengar is going to switch out okay and then i see it's so now i know there's no magnetic will be the switch for jonathan uh once upon a time so jonathan doubles down here he goes into kyogre to switch both pokemon out so the sunlight will fade and i'm entirely sure or jonathan in place of groudon so having put himself in that position looks like he realized he made a mistake i think i actually like honestly i i don't know but i think what he was thinking is that he switched groudon to overwrite the reign so like the water my modern moves are weaker but i think like based on his his um body language there like he reacts when he sees promotional see i have a feeling he forgot that like the reign would be reset when he brings in his own kyogre a free turn here i over protect to use protection he's confused by that free turn uh while right you is going to get the device and we'll connect with doesn't do much damage so basically if i had gone for volts which in waters about there i probably would have won the game i could have gone into rayquaza i could have gotten a ton of damage off um like on on bronzong i wouldn't put it i definitely would have put in a range of another water type move and then i could dragon ascent waterspout and just win the game from there but instead we're still playing full health did not take a precipice but i don't agree with the play at all yeah so i think if i'm jonathan i'm not you know i'm okay about that yeah kyogre doesn't take too much damage i'm still in an okay position here's the situation this turn i am boosted raichu um if i voltage the kyogre and waterspout here um then i will put kyogre in range of extreme speed and jonathan knows that so he could protect and if he protects and gets trigger him up i might be in trouble with raichu i don't think i take a water i don't think an origin pulse plus dryerball um yeah so raichu does have an increased age of special attack of course but so basically is jonathan gonna protect his kyogre here or not because he is threatened by the damage for sure because i'm plus one boulders with water move is going to be addressed and ultimately you know we didn't see electric type attack uh come we didn't see that volt switch and bronzong here instead of the neck trick makes sense here we got to wonder what exactly this bronzing you can see jonathan's taking the whole time i think he was considering a timer and condition just in this game right now yeah you have to wonder if jonathan will be just comes out he doesn't protect actually a trick i hit the bronzong yeah i agree with that does vault switch this time it's like actually damaged which is really who i want to be in but i don't think i want to lose my sash so i have a feeling i go hit montana will be hey so if i think i went for origin pulse there i probably would have cared bronzong and been in a good spot although i'm actually not sure if killing bronzing oh wait yeah i probably would have won the game as well if i went for origin holes and connected but hang on origin pulse connects your first is it going to be enough to pick up the kale and hit him on top yeah for that survives without red help i want to take a ride here while kyogre taking a little bit of extra damage as well the thing is like when i voltage i knew i had to go into either him on top of rayquaza and so um i didn't want to go into hitmont or rayquaza because i wanted my stash intact having stationed that's really important i have a feeling i could write you here but can actually play a huge role in terms of finishing off pokemon and knocking things out no aaron's right i can't i can't pick up from him on top and extremely right neither of those uh excuse me former claws excuse me so now that this can actually hit the game yeah aaron's actually that's actually a really good observation goes up trick room is set up and rayquaza is the switch in for wolf so bronzong twisting the dimensions now jonathan's kyogre will be the fastest so this is a weird position jonathan can't switch anything in here to an extreme speed but he can get an ice beam off um he could also get a thunder off if he wanted he could thunder here if he wanted yeah so basically jonathan can't go into groudon here or he could go groudon but it'd be really risky because um if he goes into groudon here and i ext and i like uh and he goes for thunder and the characters for a water move then um then groudon just dies um which is bad um and he probably loses because bronzong's low hp like one bronzong isn't fake out or faint or extreme speed range gengar that really low hp and trick goes up so it's a range of everything and kyogre's damage as well so his only really healthy pokemon at this point is groudon and he really needs it uh to win this game especially in trick room so he can't go ground in here he doesn't want to go into um into his gengar because it will just drop and then bronze like it's still vulnerable at some point and kyogre is almost in extreme future range as well um and so what's he going to do here and i'm thinking in the moment and i'm thinking all right i think he has two options either he dryerball ice comes into mark rayquaza i think that's option number one or i think he goes for maybe thunder into kyogre and tries to get the ko and maybe maybe then he switches out into groudon um or maybe he switches one of his pokemon out like somehow like which i think switch to groudon thunder is the other option and so with that in mind i realize what covers all of those options is protect requisite and switch to right now he's not going to go over a water move even if he does you can't kill my right you with how much health i have left i'm not in danger basically so it's pretty much safe and jonathan's then is just free together is either going to negate the rain through its airlock or if it mega evolves also going to negate the ring so water type attack damage is deep so even though i was threatening immediately like a ko on either pokemon with my with my pokemon because i could have dragon essential character for the ko or extremely speeded uh bronzing for the cameo i realize i don't have i'm not in a rush right and also i can waste trick returns which is probably my favorite since both his primals are slower than both my restricted i think you know he was able to really make some good plays so far to at least give himself an advantage yeah all right well wolfe will retreat his car didn't feel any damage here right uh so write you back on the field rayquaza with a protect here thunder's a solid play as well is around fireball thunder i think it's what i did yeah okay another thunder into lightning rod again so right you will pick it it wasn't like a hard read it just covered the option you know what i'm saying so now i have i have choices i can fake out the kyogre speed which seems okay what happens if i pick up the kyogre in extreme speed it gets a little risky unless it gets a little dicey because he can go into um bro like he can go into groudon why do i feel like a swords dance here i feel like if they got kyogre and swords yeah you can see why wolfe is considered one of the best players oh i actually really like that you know okay so fake out requests here covers it puts them in extreme range so i don't have to worry as much about my focus potential which is actually really good that's gonna think about it of course and keep in mind okay here's the other thing you guys might have forgotten i'm sorry this is gonna be such a long video um the other thing you have to keep in mind is remember when hitmontop switched in and immediately switched out with the eject button that intimidates still on that bronzong so it's actually significant to play from jonathan you know and jonathan knows okay if somehow i can punish it and if somehow you know for some reason wolfe you can see him playing pretty conservative with my coyote like i know it and i eliminate the biggest threat but i couldn't but i need it i really like to see kyogre knocked out yeah and jonathan's pokemon are slowly starting to get whittled down and as we see the battle timer i mean uh i always like to check around this part of the game whenever i'm casting one of wolf's matches which is i think fake swords is my play here still have all pokemon right now but that could change jonathan will protect his own kyogre here i agree he can't he can't let kyogre get knocked out i think otherwise how that goes for the fake out there we go okay so like i said i at this point what do i need my focus for and the answer is only kyogre ice beam so if i get requisite a plus two attack um i don't know i can always extremely kyogre he doesn't have a timid he doesn't have any redirection so i i can i don't have to worry about bronzong breaking my focus anymore so his switch was actually really good because if he doesn't switch there this turn i get to extreme speed and attack bronzong and he has to switch out one of his pokemon or both this pokemon in order to to preserve them and just like waste more turns of his trickery i'm sorry i agree with this play at least he's threatening yeah i like the sword stands play a lot here because his eruption as well by the way and maybe it could potentially even you know right it could potentially uh extremes be knocked out kyogre now we're not sure about so guard groud or y guard hit my top plus kyogre beats groudon in the rain so i know i think that might be why i don't want to switch i actually remember i i know that or maybe it's just that i know that there's a good chance he goes for eruption to again try to break my focus and get some damage on my um get some damage on my um rayquaza so i think what i do this turn is endeavor and experience for quasi but most likely trying to slay a little conservative hoping that wolf would just launch an attack off that sword stance does mean though however now that the raqqa is a much much bigger threat we only have five minutes left both trainers still have all their pokemon but of course so he could switch out here into his character going to gengar but i don't know how much that gets him here and of course kyogre and groudon still should be able to outspeed that rayquaza under trickling mm-hmm okay so i just assumed in the moment that would kill turns out that was a roll so thank you rick wells that's very cool go down yeah i should have evolved i basically just have my restricteds both of like well kyogre has a lot of damage on it um and him on top has a lot of damage on it him on top is definitely coming in here for a kyogre trade this is such a difficult game we only have four minutes left and honestly i would use every second i could right now just because the fact that it's so difficult i'm surprised jonathan's still taking my full time because he's definitely losing in total game is all about you know how 100 serve your primal groudon and your primal cause yeah coming in here puts me in a good position because i can fake out or faint like i could faint on a dragon players so or i can take out the ground and so jonathan's moves are eruption precipice blades and fire punch on groudon to protect and the thing about that is that with wide guard ground basically groudon's only move to hit rayquaza is fire punch um and so in the rain for example groudon can't touch rayquaza at all because it can lose fire moves um and it also means that with with wide guard i forced groudon to use fire punch as its only attacking move so he actually makes a better play there eruption on so that raichu most likely to be able to survive and get an endeavor off so this groudon is still looking really healthy man commentators are doing such a good job gengar comes in i agree um and i definitely agree because of course we mentioned earlier hitmontop and rayquaza cannot hit the gengar with this priority type attacks of course i think this might be the last one is up and that means like gengar is going to be the slowest pokemon actually out here though yeah gengar actually going to switch out so bronzong will come out for jonathan instead trying to just cycle pokemon mega vault here yeah i agree go ahead and finally make it the idea that you want to mega evolve right before your comes in uh especially if they're the last pokemon because like i said gravity can't just require pretty impressive uh rayquaza now in its mega evolution looks like it will be on the bronzong yeah groudon will stick around goes down and i believe that should be the end of trick room here with gengar coming back out on the field yeah he's tripping down and kind of matters so close but i think with timer running low you know wolf definitely sees a opening here in terms of the advantage because uh it's close i feel like you know so without timer really good position because he's playing stronger in the back and i think he's still up i didn't see it go around that extreme speed you know how that calculation works but you don't matter so hip on top not being able to do over here is intimidated which is really good for me and we are coming down to the last couple of turns of this game yeah i don't know is over but that requisite still is at plus two attack and that's really scary gengar of course does get access to willow wisp would could which could potentially help out but right now if you're groudon you have to make the decision what groudon did not just protect so enough i feel like in the situation you wide guard with him on top and dragons not much time left or again you could faint dragon saying you so wide guard on hitmontop good thing that groudon protected because it wasn't going to be oh trickerman was not on it okay that changes things okay wide guard and dragons we don't like to have that much there i figure like he would need to he would need his only play that kind of beats that is fire punch into rayquaza and protect gengar um and then he probably doesn't want on time because i can just protect anyway or i can like basically he would need because i am minus one defense from the first dragon ascent but his ground is distributed so he would need basically sludwam to ko mike anyway jonathan can pull this one off with only one minute 10 seconds left on the timer the timer's gonna end but the game is over because a wide garden switch to kyogre is a guaranteed win condition i can just wide a garden water spout and he can't he can no longer do damage so that's why i saved him on top of his running low but kyogre or maybe it was arena or coverage we'll be able to take this first game but really really well played there and i like it a little bit protect get the burn off on yeah next turn you might actually be able to pick up a potential double knockout there uh even if quasi protects you know there's enough time maybe for one more turn so uh looking at it actually it looked like you know wolf had enough firepower there in the end yeah that [Laughter] looks like he's going to be able to just scratch the surface and win this first game but you know jonathan proving this is not going to be easy that was actually really close um that turn was really big i think rayquaza just took its first bit of damage here at the second to last turn of the game yeah jonathan just can't ignore that rayquaza moving forward yeah absolutely we're going to see kyogre come back in here and uh hitmontop probably is just going to go for the wide variety this is something i don't respond since at this point the game will be over uh at this turn yep here comes the wide garden yeah like i said this is this is the this is and wolf is only one short so you might think it's weird that jonathan ran at the time at the when the game was already over but he was probably thinking about what he wanted to do this game because as you'll see we don't have that much time between games champion yeah i want to say even though the game went down to timer there it was still real thank you thank you you actually didn't need the timer at all all you had to do was get kyogre in with him on top then you just go wide guard and use your water type attacking groton has no way to hit the kyogre when rain is up and when wide guard is i wonder actually if you can see you know that was a really really good game i thought my hands shaking i think trying to kyogre is able to get that ice beam off jonathan wins the game and i i i jonathan's kyogre is built relatively on the bulky side like i think that basically i knew like my handshake when i get nervous and so i did a bunch of stretches before the the set and maybe it hasn't happened yet basically they start shaking at the end of the game or lies you were one play away from winning that last game but yeah that last game was really close jonathan is able to adapt oh there they're they're they're away from where i can see it last game i think right here there when i look down i'm pretty sure that's where i realize my hands are shaking i think my hands are on my legs this is so big wolf must be able to taste it last time he was in the finals he did not win either game or you know he went 0-2 this time wolf is up 1-0 and he is so so close to finally achieving the goal that he's been working for for so long ever since so the game plan was only for game one but he didn't do what i expected game one so i'm gonna do it again game two he all i'd hoped for he was just one damage calc away and one maybe a low roll away from winning that one and so this game aaron's referencing the extreme by the way players really thinking things through there's just so much going on in this match so you're gonna afford to make a big mistake jonathan hasn't been allowing that wolf has been playing super conservative and safe as well but yeah played very conservatively we are going into game two right now uh really have to feel that via the way that those players played uh i would feel comfortable if i were jonathan i might want a little bit better uh of of some of the roles or maybe a couple of reads he could make but i feel pretty comfortable with how jonathan played that game absolutely jonathan gave an excellent show you know he's proving why he is in the finals of this world championship the thing the funny thing to me is that the game was really close but the turn where i protected and endeavored when i got if i went for um vault switching waters but i would have won but i still agree with the play because if he goes monettrick and i have no way of knowing if he has minecraft as the fourth i would just make it a difficult one for wolff to win so we are good though from becoming your world champion jonathan evans needs to win the next two in order to get that title all right and we are going to same leads again exact same leads as before so here's the other piece of trivia in top and in our first set i did the same play turn game one and game two so it's very similar it's like um because again i have the option of just attacking with both my pokemon here i can just drag an ascent and origin pulse or water spout and if i get it right i'm in good shape um honestly so i have that option again um to to attack into kyogre but i've you know i thought through my flow chart and i've decided that pretty much regardless of what he does i will be in good shape if i do the same thing up against john so that's what i'm gonna do and kyogre and uh really interesting that they both kept these leads i mean uh yeah it did and there's so much going on already because we saw the thunder come up from jonathan's kyogre uh in the beginning right and so thunder is a big big deal because it does so much damage like kyogre so there's some mind gamers right now do you expect wolf to once again switch into the ride shoe and if so which slides they're covering exactly if the floss actually switch outs into raichu then the thunder just gets redirected and kyogre is just able to get a free water type attack off yeah gengar so i mentioned game one that i didn't want a water spout because i don't want to original poles because you can miss and if i miss gengar i'm in trouble um however i know i'm up a game and i figure maybe i can take risks like i'm gonna order yeah also knowing that gengar does survive that water spout after a sludge bomb though could be very important information for johnson to have here right uh may still feel comfortable that's actually a really good insight by evan that's someone i wanted um sorry no no no what just happened i'm not going to be able to move groudon's not going to take any damage here uh but nothing else no spoilers i'm sorry i'm sorry so what evan just said i think is that knowing that john jonathan knows that if i make the same play he has to sludge kyogre again because otherwise he will lose his gengar if i water spread again so i guess knowing that maybe i could have played a little more aggressively but may still feel comfortable i would you know there's a lot of pressure up on that stage so i was gonna go with what i'd planned like an ice beam on that rayquaza instead of the thunder onto the kyogre yeah absolutely and uh you know there's just there's so much because if if wolf maybe just decides okay i'm just going to stay in with requests i don't think that he's going to uh go for an ice beam because he might predict the right shoe switch and go for a water type attack then rekwaza could maybe get a sword stance off obviously a little bit risky let's see if we'll switch out he does go for the switch out yeah look at his face he says i remember this you for the second game in a row did jonathan fall for the same trap here he says uh he says something along the way i don't remember exactly but he's just something like you must like it was either like you must think i'm pretty stupid or you don't respect me at all huh something like that because i because he thought that i was reading a thunder when that wasn't what i was doing at all i was just covering the options so he makes a good play he goes for spongebob it's a huge ball he actually gets a point he pops off could be a big deal in this match and i'm going to pop off watch this little bit of extra chips that's a role i think the role was left less than 50 um but we'll take it thank you thank you guys that's huge though getting the ko there means that the trapping is no longer in play and the other thing that's worth noting here is that so how is skimmer in the game first of all mike has a ton of damage keep in mind i do kind of need my kyogre to beat his groudon so this is a problem the other dynamic at play here though is that my ride shoot is alive and has a lot of damage on it and as we saw in game one it has endeavor and now it has to be his entire team so that was a crucial crucial ko that changed a lot as well though yeah very heavy trade-off there in terms of damage uh this time mega gengar does go down but if i'm jonathan i'm probably a lot of damage that's a ton of damage the one thing you do have to be really scared of is the endeavor even though these competitors are they're saying everything i'm saying you guys would probably just watch this without me honestly now if jonathan's kyogre was faster then you maybe feel pretty good about your position because an origin pulse could potentially pick up a double knockout but this is still really really scary for jonathan because i think it goes on here the bronzong we've seen the groudon he's probably gonna want to bring one of those two i'm guessing that jonathan isn't gonna change too much in terms of the pokemon that he's been using here he goes groudon but why do i do what i do that endeavor is trying to remember so so frightening just coming out from that raichu is probably like out either the kyogre even the 30 health left or something i don't know so let's talk about the position really really scary because raichu has the ability to endeavor either pokemon now the one so endeavor here is a big deal so there's kind of two things that i feel like could happen here the first is that i expect groudon to not protect itself um and so i go for a an endeavor into no so i would vulture the kyogre or just harsh kyogre and go into rayquaza and get a water move off um this is it's just a weird position because and i agree with jonathan's play because he's put me in a position where i don't have any safe moves because i can only endeavor one i can only basically ko one pokemon or put ko pressure on one pokemon um and that's a problem because um i have to make a read here so if he let's say you went to bronzong there then i say okay well i know you can't protect your bronzong um so i'm just gonna endeavor it and or or i can make a read and say okay like i'm gonna endeavor your coyote because if you get it wrong you lose um so i could endeavor in water spout in that situation and or you know a difference between him on top like i have options basically the other interesting thing is that well like basically so basically what he does he says okay well you could kill my groudon with origin pulse and switch to rayquaza and or you could chuck my kyogre with endeavor or you could make a middle ground play if i don't protect it either and go for voltage kyogre and origin pulse and you know try and get damage on both but you have to choose basically one pokemon you're gonna smack and so what i'm thinking in this position i think is great it's so obvious to go after groudon so i don't want to do it first of all um and the other reason i don't want to do it is because if i get an endeavor on kyogre i put it into range of extreme speed and if i get into range of extreme speed then my rayquaza probably can beat his garage with him on top of the back so so there's the endeavor play possible but of course wolves shown that he loves switching out he's been switching out so often in this game what do you think are still alive so i can still say that or the rayquaza really feels the question is who does kyogre switch into here he feels like those are the best four pokemon do i go into hitmontop i think i go into him on top i don't want to let repository damage and you know basically pick up a knockout before any of his primals take too much time and i think this next turn is not this one but the one after is where i make a mistake yeah let's see really going to be interesting here of course the sun is up now but we do know that rayquaza is in the back and can't eliminate the sun the other thing is i'm not well i don't remember if right she's an ice cream ranger it looks like it is but i'm not positive absolutely this is an incredible world finals i've been really impressed by the play from both sides and it's a shame that only one of these players will be able to call themselves more champion at the end of the set but let's see how this next turn plays out this is going to be a big one depending on what ride she does whether it attacks or switches out all right well kyogre should be hitting him so kyogre will switch out raichu not going to be able to deal damage don't require focus actually get broken ko's here may be able to endeavor something down hitman actually switches out and the kyogre uh more importantly getting the intimidation yeah so that allows jonathan to go for a watershed attack going to switch his groudon out as well which is relevant this raichu going to go forward i feel like i never cut over but i'm not sure uh go for a volt switch bronzong comes out into the coyote how much health damage originals connect so if he misses um and here's where i made a mistake everybody here's where i made a mistake so right just gonna switch out into rayquaza yeah and at first the kyogre that's such a good target down but the fact now is like bronzong is still at full hp and and for some reason i thought that his kyogre was arranged in origin pulse and this is like because you can't see the health right now and i was like oh waterspout i was like i don't have much hp his character's super low it's probably a range of a water spout so i can water spout swords and then get clustered and win the game from there right now if i go him on top here i can think about kyogre and okay about that you know feel like it'd be in a good position like probably win the game etcetera etcetera but however i made a mistake i made a big mistake by forgetting by not realizing that this kyogre is not in plaza and here's the thing it probably isn't water spout now i forget about the airlock right here i'm like oh i can just water that safely and swords dancing and i'll get some damage much weaker than i remember um potentially leaving the rayquaza vulnerable so i'm thinking about it i'm thinking about it i'm thinking about it extreme speed should be able to pick this up right stance and that's why the priority is so good you know you would think oh jonathan okay over here but that's not necessarily the second the case yeah and and i realized immediately i realized right away that his kyogre is more helpful than i realize or i'm not as confident in the damage because again if i miss an origin pulse the scary thing here is i think jonathan is going to want to set up trick room but does he have enough firepower right because groudon and bronzong can't really hit because he comes in hard all right well kyogre is going to be the switch in four i don't think poison because it wasn't the right switch or it wasn't hit on top switching switch and i see he has too much health i can't safely water spout it won't ko and origin pulse is not safe do i want to lose the world championships because i missed an origin pulse not particularly right so i'm not in amazing shape in actuality because it's a better position yeah i because i just bought a guy over here again him on top and fake outsourcing is probably the one with the game yeah i guess that's really tricky here for john at the moment but i didn't do that you know oops the kyogre is so heavily damaging kyogre is the main pokemon that you want to use on this team to damage laguasa with this super effective ice beam bronzelaw and groudon have gyro ball and fire type attacks but that's practical trigram is not up yet so i still have to get through this trigger like kyogre if there was like kyogre versus groudon bronzong and i which is not amazing yeah bro wait yes wait no no it's not it's only going for the wait is it because kyogre switched out to him on top bronzing ground will switch out into bronzong and then i endeavored to get that dragon has sent no protects coming out from jonathan's pokemon and for some reason i dragged him here instead of extremes i think that was another mistake i think and he has four turns left oh man so wolf opting not to go for his sword stance nor did he mega evolve the requa there so i have mega ball because i want to override the sun like i mentioned matchups like this oh my not mega involving like i mentioned rayquaza it does not take damage from groudon in the sun so or in the rain so i wanted to delay my mega evolution so that i could switch in kyogre and dragon ascent but first you're a little bit slow um he goes groudon here and now i realize i'm kind of in a rough spot main point is that you still conserve your airlock and the ability to make evolve at any point i'm kind of in a rough spot not going to lie because on here and i do a fake pressure there's a slight advantage like that last but trick room could be but because i've dropped my defenses now like i take a lot more damage than i would like to and braun's like a skill swap as well so it's so weird gravity it's always there well i don't remember still at full health i think of a safeguard and groudon may be able to just deal with its partners before rayquaza can do it because such low health right and we know that that requisite is already and here's the turn for those of you who haven't seen this tournament it is going to come back in well you know bronzong girl really good pokemon to have in the late game of anything let's talk about this we're almost done let's talk about this i'm in a position where i can fake out one of these pokemon um if i fake out bronzong then groudon can erupt and it can kill both my pokemon if i fake a groudon i take a i take a dryer ball and minus one defense um and like i probably get put in range of more attacks um but i but i keep my hip on top alive basically and i think that's what so basically i have a choice here in my head what i think to myself is all right let's say grandma goes let's say fake up ronzong i'm also not sure how much dryerball will do because it's only intimidated once and i have dropped my defenses um so it's like a neutral pretty powerful base move power move against groudon who is um not intimidated but it's it's i'm removing the sun and even though i'm dropped defenses i think i take less from groudon so i think to myself okay if i go fake out into bronzong and swords and mega evolve swords dance here most likely i lose him on top i get like 30 to 40 on rayquaza and then i go kyogre and the primal rain is up this allows me to go for protect kyogre and dragon ascent into groudon um and then i might i can probably win with just kyogre um and rayquaza in the end game there but i forgot about skill swap and that's why my plan doesn't work so if jonathan turned that next turn if i go fake up bronzong swords auntie chaos mike him on top i assumed he would go for um like eruption or gyroball into my rayquaza i just didn't consider skill swap if he goes for skill swap this next turn after you know it's kyogre rayquaza against groudon and bronze long sure i get the dragon sent to underground on i probably don't knock it out but i put in a range of extreme speed um but my kyogre because the poison can never beat the the the primordial the desolate land um bronze on so i would lose this so it that's but basically here but the issue here is that jonathan uh so basically this is a bad spot this is all because of course there is a skill swap potential as well so aaron talks about skills one of the nicest is because i didn't go for anything like a sword stance that it's still you know just sitting at neutral attack yeah the other option here is i could fake out that okay if you're required i could take out the ground that's just a coyote that's an option as well um but the thing is such low health and with the poison like i don't think i can bring it in so much damage if you get the attack off then i get poisoned into making a big deal in a pretty good position because you can't do too much damage but of course we did see him on top switch in last turn so there is that fake out pressure oh man it's all coming down to these last two pokemon four jonathan jonathan evans and here's the joke i'm not going to say anything just listen these two pokemon this bronzong and this groudon to come up huge in this match or else he will go home as only the runner-up and wolf will be your new world champion rayquaza does this could be the turn gets the damage off it may be what makes wolfe the net the world champion rayquaza's delta stream now out on the field groudon protects oh watch what did wolf do did wolf attack that crowd on him on top goes for the fake out onto the bronzong so bronzong's not going to be able to move groudon's not going to take any damage here uh but nothing else oh he went for the swords dance it's so good most people don't realize so that's the turn that's probably the most famous turn in my pokemon career though truthfully i've i don't know i've done cooler stuff but that's that's a crucial that's a crucial moment um jonathan is afraid that i'm going to go for fake underground and a dragon centigrad on there so he goes over protect um it looks like a really flashy play it looks like a hard read again it wasn't a read i was just trying to cover options i figured i could i i incorrectly assumed that if i fake out at bronzong i lose him on top i gotta sort his ants off i can probably i might be able to win the game with just what i have left this is not true i can't win the game with what i have left as it turns out um but i don't realize that so i made a bad play but it you know it turned out well for me and it looks really flashy it looks like i made a hard read that's not the case now the whole situation is different because i've got boosted rick closet and i didn't lose a pokemon this turn so um if i want i can go into kyogre and get the rain up um because groudon just protected itself so it cannot protect itself again um i can faint the groudon if i want but i am still worried about taking too much damage here so um i have a pretty safe dragon ascend to groudon and just switch into kyogre if you press those blades you can kill my kyogre which is what i expect him to do here um however i think that with hip on top and extreme speed pressure and faint pressure i can probably win this game with just plus jury quasi and close combat him on top so what i'm going to do here is i'm switching my hip on top into kyogre to ensure that my rayquaza guaranteed does not get ko'd here um and the intention is to sack my to sack my kyogre to get him on top back in so i can fake out extreme speed and then um faint extreme feeder faint um faint dragon ascent into groudon depending on how much my first dragon ascent does and then win the game from there jonathan there had the potential to go for an eruption mm-hmm you get that eruption off you knocked out hitmontop requa takes a good amount of damage because of its reduced defenses kyogre comes back in general would even be dealing a lot of damage exactly and then you could skill swap there so wolfe going all in on that raid he knows i'm already up one game i can risk this i'm going to go for it and he gets it he doesn't have zombies yeah wolf really punishing that passive play on jonathan's part he misses his first one of the set frankly i'm bummed about that as well if you look at my reaction because i really want kyogre to go down there oh no maybe i'm not wait surviving that cosmic assault rayquaza a little bit more of his defenses drop kyogre taking a little bit more damage from the poison but groudon now well within extreme speed range maybe even fake out range from that hype on top is now minus i don't you know probably going for the progression it would have made more sense for groudon maybe to just go for an attack because you know you're the dragon ascent won't do that much damage to that point so that was the game defining play there wolf was able to get that free swordsance off and that's why this team is always such a threat wolf must be able to taste the world championship right now he's so close it's not over yet though it's not over for jonathan but it is so so so close oh here's the kyogre switch out yeah goes back in getting it off that gyro ball is not going to be dealing enough but i want to get i really want to hit the top back of the field has to protect itself the thing is here that i can extreme speed into a groudon and in the worst case scenario which is like a crit i still have fake uploads origin pulse next turn which probably will do enough jonathan's going to have so that's taking this back out i go for extreme even though it's obvious because he and if he crits there like i said like it doesn't it's not the end of the game i do love a dryer ball i'm pretty sure with kyogre so i can fake out into groudon get the ko and as long as i hit an origin pulse you know first of all once again time is running solo but second of all hitmontop gets access to fake out it also gets access to fame [Music] uh you could fake out bronze like here and go for i guess then extreme speed onto groudon um if you protect the groudon there you go you have to use it that would be great to see here you know fake out onto bronzong bronzong is the main means of offense right now oh we're getting so close to it these games have been like like this is the main means because it's true additionally three pokemon left for wolf only the bronzong left for jonathan wolfie click must have to taste that one a minute and 37 seconds away and in may and even before that all he's got to do is just attack with all right this was one of the best master division finals i've ever seen and hit hitmontop with the close combat okay one thing i want to note here i know this video is already is way longer than expected um but the last thing i want to talk about here is that um in 2012 when i lost in the world championship finals i misclicked uh there was a tyranitar on cresselia i used close combat with my hip on top my head my top used close combat i meant to hit tyranitar i hate cresselia and something i think randy claus said was that like it's fitting or maybe he said if you like he wouldn't have believed that in the end like i closed combat and another psychic type to win this world's finals there's close combat to my psychic type of my world's finals by a sliver it will take a great quality here but will finally be able to pick up the knockout onto the mega rayquaza but with tip on top and kyogre and no trick room that is going to be it for jonathan it is but you know it wasn't it was zero two it was very close close but this easily could have been a two-and-oh i am so impressed by jonathan's level of play here there seems like there was just maybe one prediction like he wasn't able to get he wasn't even maybe slightly like miss play isn't a way to a good way to call it's more of just a prediction that wolfie was able to i'm glad he didn't listen and here's the water spell whoopee click is your 2016 pokemon video game world champion in the masters division finally wolf glick gets to lift the first place trophy not the runner up and his fans are going wild in the crowd just look at him drink it in and this is amazing evan if we just look at the stories of every world championship oh watch this watch this watch this watch this one player who's working who hasn't been able to do it and finally gets it in 2014 it was sajuan park who had top cut the previous world championships but wasn't able to win the world championships and finally like to put the camera on last year it was from japan who had been one of japan's top players for so many years but just was never able to get to the world championships he last year was able to make it to worlds and he proved himself on the stage okay so i think oopsie i think that's it um yeah so that's the story of how i won the world championships um like i said i've been trying for that was my sixth attempt um it's something that was really important to me it was a goal that i had for many years it's something i really cared about um and yeah that that said in that game i'm glad i got to share that with you all because it's a very important moment in my life frankly um and yeah it was a very close set it came down to a couple things like i got some good damage rolls like i got a little lucky it didn't seem that way but the extreme speed on the kyogre game one and then the origin pulse and the gengar game two both were pretty like they were roll so there was a chance that this whole set could have gone differently and they could have gone home as you know second place again so um i did i did get some luck there and also the plays that happened like things they both games were really close so um yeah so i think i think that's pretty much it like i said this was a huge deal for me i was happy for like three or four months after this like just just because of this i felt so good um and yeah like i had so many people supporting me and i was really it meant a lot that i was able to kind of fulfill my my promises to justin and demarcus um and to everyone who was believing in me um and who i wanted to win the very i guess the very last thing i'll say is that 2015 it was me billa marcus and i think deflo and maybe some maybe mossy i don't remember um and we just watched like how japan destroyed the world championships that year and somebody i think it was billa said hey next year this is going to be one of us like one of us is going to win the world championships and we were like okay yeah we promise and then yeah we did it so um that's kind of the craziest thing to me as well is that the year before we promised that you know one of us would do it and villa got top eight and marcus got top four and i i won so um yeah i could probably talk about this for a couple more hours if i wanted but i'm sure that lots of people have already stopped watching this video so um yeah i think that's it one hour 30 minute video this is a long one for me is a very long one for me but i hope you enjoyed i wanted to go in depth it's it's my story after all so i get to tell that how i want um but yeah my throat hurts a lot i'm gonna get go drink some water hope you guys are staying safe and yeah i'll see you tomorrow for the next video goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 943,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 2020, vgc 2016, pokemon world championships, vgc20, vgc16, wolfey wins worlds, wolfe glick wins worlds, pokemon wcs, wcs 2016, pokemon reaction, reaction, reaction video
Id: BQsaGJoR2_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 27sec (5367 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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