Dynamax Indeedee (Very Big...)

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okay so there I was in my room it was nighttime and I had an idea for a really good video however the problem was that I don't want I didn't want to embark on this new quest this new quest that would probably be either the hardest one or really close to it yet on this journey but I really like the idea and so I thought to myself and I said okay well I really want to do this new project this new video project right because stuff like you know getting Leafeon a number one or some of other things to number one like these are these aren't just one-off things for me these are you know it takes a lot of time however the problem is that I did say I would get more Pico to number one and I have not successfully gotten more peak of number one so this video here's the plan I'm gonna keep I just updated my ranking I was 65 and now 175 I'm gonna keep playing either until I'm number one or until I get tilted and give up okay makes sense oh I just work okay well the light turn I'm not gonna have nice lights today they're not working I've to restart in order for that to happen and I figured it would just work while I was doing the intro but it's not the case so we're currently ranked 175 not amazing by any means I have made one adjustment to this team I might I might change my mind and go back as you can see I've dropped in GD for Conkeldurr the reason is that I don't have anything on this team for well for xq0 or tricker room or Charizard and so I added you know said Pokemon that could help with those Pokemon in particular um not perfect by any means but you know it's something at least we're currently ranking 175 so realistically this is not a challenge I'm gonna be able to successfully complete in order to get to number one I'd probably have to win at least ten games I think but we're gonna give it a shot you know I'm a little concerned about no follow me on this team my token just has protect and I thought about dropping protect but that would give me only one Pokemon with her protecting move on the team and that just doesn't feel right to me so I could in theory drop like Earth power and venusaur and then follow me for protect herb protection follow me on Tobias toward you kiss but I don't know let's look we're gonna play some games that we might have to make some adjustments I really do like the more picot part of this team I do kind of feel like I was bringing indeed last time lost last video of this so and then I'm a little concerned that I've dropped it but I can always just add it back realistically so yeah um yeah no opponents just yet which is a bit unfortunate but that's right I'm sure we'll find somebody yeah I've served the light so I guess you guys it comes the same to you guys it just doesn't hurt my eyes so much I think playing without the lights is gonna give me an advantage you know as long as we're looking for uh for somebody somebody or for an opponent um maybe I should say okay feel like at some point I need to say the story about how I almost failed jazz band I don't play an instrument but it's a really good story so I'll have to tell that at some point I'm actually recording this during the weekend of the I see there is I think an icy there's no that it's definitely nicely going on analyze that I think so there's an icy going on right now and so maybe that's why I'm having trouble finding opponents it's just insulting it's just insulting I'm just gonna say that's just insulting feels bad it's okay yeah I do hope that we could find opponents relatively quickly though because this is gonna get really pain if I'm playing for a while then this is gonna be pretty painful otherwise I guess in theory I could just edit this out but I don't it's really not my style you know guys I am in trouble actually so there's there's no toilet paper and I like in the store near me and I don't want to go to the store I don't want to like check all the time because I'm just increasing my risk if I do that but I'm running low my stock is getting very low my supply is getting very low so I don't know what to do so yeah I think I have like two rolls left which is okay for now but like it was four rolls you know a little bit ago so yeah I'm definitely concerned it could be bad it could definitely be bad come on this is ridiculous nobody wants to play me see the first important you have to deal with this is the server's right with a matchmaking system we're four minutes in I can't believe I'm saying that like it's like it's a long time you guys you guys been watching the channel for a while you know by the way please subscribe if you haven't already please subscribe we're getting close to 190 K which is close to 200 K I will be doing a Draco wish cosplay at 200k which is cool 200k I mean I don't know exactly what what that's gonna I don't know what that looks like / okay there we go I'm gonna have to figure it out cuz I don't think there's a lot of the reference material in terms of drinkable which cosplays but yeah alright so we added called Buller and it immediately has a pretty good matchup and it's five of these Pokemon four super active damage um extra drills a bit scary I'm not gonna lie to you it feels a little scary I think in this matchup something that we could do is I think we're Picholine Yasur is actually pretty nice here it's probably mold breaker and then I think yeah in the back let's do Conkeldurr so no choking doesn't know to route on in this matchup my game plan is my game plan is solid yeah oh yeah like I like this matchup I like us this the saw this plan a lot basically like worst case scenario this dusclops gets trick him up but now that I've called her that's not as scary as before like an ordinarily versus this kind of team I would have to lead to roll it on like draw it on in DD or something but now that I've conquered her it's not the end of the world if trick them goes up so yeah because cold water and trick room actually destroys almost everything here especially the flame orb so that's that's definitely good yeah I think my kind of might my general game plan here is ideally just win with Venus or upfront cuz vina offensive venusaur and I brought my nine tails in the back denying trigger is still good for me because I am faster than them with most of my Pokemon like more Pico and Venus or and nine tails are faster than them then other than all these Pokemon and son however if circum does go up it's not just a nautilus we sort of hat which you know what I've been the case before so a DS locking in their Pokemon here I think it's probably gonna be extra drill upfront I'm just not sure if it's gonna be extra Togekiss or not that's my kind of one my one thing take share some more people helps a lot here as well so let's see let's see what they lead off with I mean it's Emily not an easy matchup ideally and sinner or would actually be up front I think I think having a sewer in the lead would make this a bit easier for us there really was XQ Linda's in our okay so I thought this was an option let's see if there's sand rush the shipping bold breaker that shows up next ooh okay it is okay it is mold breaker um so I have a couple options here I think they're definitely gonna Dynomax their ex control here like if I'm in their position the men I'm taking out Venus or and I'm max attacking it to be nice or I think I'm not just gonna max oh wait I'm gonna Mac Susie and sinner or here and twisting ninetails wait now that doesn't make sense that doesn't make sense at all I'm gonna max overgrowth the excadrill and Trish no jealousy doesn't make sense either I'm gonna max oh shoot I messed it up I'm gonna max wait the excadrill in Swishahouse yeah this way backfire there's Michael badly there's a couple ways in which this goes badly flare blitz would just kind of ruined me I think they're gonna think of it I think you have to fake out here because otherwise Venus or could just sleep Hut are you but crazier things have happened I do dynamics first I'm gonna get some damage on the exposure she's nice and I I wanted like it's tough because I wanted to Britt both break the focus ash on the excadrill and get a special attack boost and I just can't do that I probably will die doing that to flare bus here if I had to guess but they shoot down to Mexico so you shouldn't really matter yeah they don't have Axl Steve at X girl or in center or it's in a polka mall that doesn't tell me anything let's see it's gonna be the sinner or okay now I don't actually have a lock for dynamite Stinson alright now that I look at it I actually don't know anything that was really interesting play maybe there are over there safety goggles okay so I might lose this because I my answer to this thing is honk this is it might it might earthquake themselves and get a weakness policy boost yeah I can see how this one badly hold up hold up maybe we should have max Gordon Venus another dozen make sense yeah that's why this is what it hurts not that protect they go for a high horsepower so I will lose my nine tails which is pretty bad and this should be max Claire I think max Lera comes out I think there's almost no chance that venusaur survives this okay so I lost both my Pokemon in my Dynomax turn one ah that's really bad that's super bad this is not over of course I could still win this I think but it's looking rough that's a rough start not gonna not gonna lie to anybody because they've called blur in the back they're like I do think this is winnable um but it's not gonna be easy by any means okay how do I win this I have more picot who beats a lot of these Pokemon I have more people would beat a lot of these Pokemon I'm gonna take out the excadrill and drain punch here I could have doubled the in Sonora as well but I don't think that's in my best interest I mean ideally they would Max's lair Conkeldurr but I don't think they'll do that I don't know how much dream punch does I don't think it will I don't think it doesn't know I don't think it's go to ako unfortunate me and they max learned if I call holder here I think there's a chance I could win this uh I should have it's gonna be token guess oh it's dusclops actually okay so now that I know my items so they go for here I should have doubled the incident I knew I'm I need to make a read there and I didn't I didn't have the guts to go for it they go from X low there should be no more Pico yeah and you know Conkeldurr is good but it's not like winning a one before good you know I got a dream punch off this should you look 40 all right all right everyone here's how we win this here's how we win this you ready I'm now dark tape for me the way that I win this is I Thunder Wave and drain punch here now I haven't figured out conquedor beats dusclops that's a question for later dusclops would need to do something really stupid here like really stupid it's not weakness policy though maybe there's safety goggles in this case there turn one makes a lot more sense in my opinion ah right yeah okay that makes sense but I did get a thunder wave in the dusclops which is good you know what I should have read that I think that was the only way when this is is hard reading Alice which sad that's my bad they go for an knuckle actually into my problem or Pico yeah more people goes down so it's a one versus floor with the new Pokemon I just added now there are ways in which I can win this like cuz extra is really low health at the moment and I got a paralysis and like instant Rosenbach punch range [Applause] if i if i heard read that can you imagine though just imagine if I if I if I thunder wave drain punch it took aa dusclops alright Conkeldurr back against the wall I don't know if we can win this probably not if they had rhyperior in the back and it was mid speed and then I got the right calls and a light switch in the back like mark which will ko and Center or I believe yeah MOC which Wilkinson all right if they all listen to me that I lose but like I think it always be paralyzed okay mark once comes out no allies which comes out all right we took a kill we got rhythm Center are what do they want really tripping para-- para-- para-- para-- para-- they go for initiator right that would the right play and Mike repress all right we can still win this right call there's actually faster than the rhyperior so if the last one is not Togekiss and instead it's right here which makes sense given the other pokemon they brought here like dusclops are up here in the back I think makes a lot of sense oh it's calm okay what are they gonna go for a year I think I'm in speed Conkeldurr checked I believe on 45 stat on this team okay I'm mints we call holder so I mean okay no no Alice which I survived okay hold on I do a lot of the image I need a pair of this turn I need a paralysis this turn why why no browses okay they're gonna beam in speed though they're gonna mock punch me right so I need to win the speed tie and get a mock punch off I need to come across I in the row let's see this is definitely doable I call go there Alma Warford dusclops okay okay they would for a light switch okay all right cool and I get the mall couch off all right if I just give the exterior li ER I've I just played a little better okay so here's the deal everybody all right now call does this extra you'll have protect the oh okay let's say it let's say Mama's gonna keep him honest I'm gonna need another pair and then some flinches like there's so many ways which I lose this and almost no ways in which I win okay I need if I get the full pair of this turn if I get the full pair of this turn then I think there's a chance I'm probably not gonna get it so you know only I wanted for we were so close oh you're so close we were so close alright that was a rough start I'm not gonna lie but we're gonna keep playing I'm on I'm on I'm on tilted just yet like Conkeldurr was so good here I just had to make I just had to make one move better that was the term were they I were the obvious Alice which came out like turn what badly sure right determine go badly a hundred percent I just didn't prepare for what they were gonna do i I made I made the reader they were gonna fake out when I didn't consider them Dynomax saying oh god and that's that's on me I think that if I I don't even know if I led wrong their nests like what I could have done if I like if I knew what they were gonna I just assumed they were gonna Dynomax excadrill so uh for that reason that I made the play that I did because I figured well they probably wanna take up my venusaur and Dynomax excadrill because they need to like basically they want to deal with the Sleep Powder threat um but yeah I didn't even the match it was too bad at all I think I just I think I just messed it up um if I were to go back and do it again I don't even know how much of what I did was like I mean obviously losing my Dynomax Pokemon it turn one is a big is a big problem I could have slow played them if I wanted like I could have maxed guard it turned one with venusaur and gone for like a fake tears into something and see what they wanted to do I don't know how much that would actually help me in the long run but yeah I could have you take out of excadrill in max quaked excadrill there because it breaks the focus sash but the problem is that if they max quick my more Pico which is what I was expecting then like to take out breaking the sash doesn't matter at all because they don't they survive the max quick anyway so yeah um yeah bit of a rough start not gonna lie not gonna lie ok we found somebody let's see if we can turn this around trill number three eight one five okay so this is a trim team with Lapras and Durant Durant is a big problem um versus Durant I have only one beat option I have to do this because of the way that I what I realized was when I dropped in DDI I limited my options versus Durant significantly so yeah Conkeldurr is gonna come in the back this looks like a trick room team but there's no trick room Center so blossom all I think venusaur in the back can work here I think there's a good chance i dynamics fetus or in the back dynamic venusaur hits all these Pokemon for super hooked of damage except for Durant Anand DD and Venus or but it okay it's half the Pokemon pursue perfect of damage but a life orb dynamite Venus is pretty strong one shotting torkoal is pretty good and it probably I think one shots Durant as well regular Durant not Dynomax the good thing here is that both Durant and Lapras want to Dynomax so you know we can kind of force them to choose yeah but basically versus Durant I have to leave my to heatwave pokémon and just double meet with turn 1 if they lead Durant it's the only thing I could think of that would beat Durant because I was like how do I beat Durant if I drop in Dede because my whole game plan was predicating around and GG Tobias but yeah no more Pico this game that's right in GD and Lapras actually are the believes so they're gonna go roar evil up but I can't really do anything about that I think we don't want to do is just click heatwave honestly it's my strongest move by both Mons I might be able to get written DD unless it's psychic seed because my movies are pretty powerful I don't know if Tobias gets one shot by G max Aurora Belle that's the problem it is psychic seed okay but I am critical hit token just so I still think it's in my best interest just click the heatwave buttons this is what they have in the back I have Venus or and Conkeldurr and they have probably Venus oratorical if I had to guess I'm just gonna double heatwave here let's get their dynamics out early get some damage on the board before Dynomax goes up or before Rory low goes up I should say I could have done it max my toe because here and smacked but I didn't want to I would rather save it from Venus or I think I just self sleep had a thread as well so I get ratings kind of bad but I can overwrite it with fetus source so yeah ideally we crypt the NGT here that's the important one I don't know if Lapras is shell Armour a lot of them running shallow right now so yeah sorry I know it's do a lot of turns done yeah we'll see who ever comes out it hits both still does a lot of damage the indeedy and a lot more sexual that's good damage we usually double hit and we don't got a crit but we do crit needy and it still survives okay that makes sense we actually crypt both there's not shell armor that's good information to have and DD actually activates their own weakness policy funnily enough that's cool it's very cute very cute um which is bad I'm not gonna lie honestly the best key scenarios they max keiser into my nine tails here yeah there isn't it's okay well I've seen things go better so our oil goes up and which is not great based on what I have I think they have torkoal and venusaur in the back right so since I believe that they have torkoal and venusaur in the back I think that my play here is going to Conkeldurr I think I wonder person go Conkeldurr and I need I try to get rid of in DD and then I try the one with the Dynomax venusaur I think that's my play because if I can get a sleep powder off I can win this game I think so I'm gonna heat wave again trying order this DD and I'm gonna go for a drain punch I don't know if Conkeldurr take some extra resonance I think it will but I'm not sure I mean the damage the Lapras is good the problem is the Aurora though but the good news is there's only five turns of it but the bad news is that I don't think I'm gonna make it through five like I did I think five turns is the rest of the game you know these next these next four turns so we'll see heatwave should kon DD thankfully but a damp drain punch that crawl you follow me they probably psychic they probably don't have protect so I'm just gonna yeah I think he waive it actually pretty safe here I could a detective Conkeldurr that might have been better but I figured like okay helping n comes out called her super dead I do we need a heat wave here it's very important we missed the Lapras which is really bad cuz the chip damage matters a lot here we get rid of a DD but that misses pretty bad and I think honker is just going once it they go for geyser though ya know I mean I knew it was coming I should have played differently Conkeldurr super dad to this there's no way it survives I got Campos down huh well I've seen these go better for me but then again I do still have my dynamics of available it just depends on what they go into this turn in my opinion are they going torque or are they going into Venusaur or do they have something else they've Durant in the back Durant the back would be interesting if they hit their moves I cry loose I could definitely still win this a hundred percent believe this is winnable for me I just need them to go into the wrong Pokemon here hey Venus or is in my opinion the wrong Pokemon to go into and it does support my theory that the last Pokemon is torkoal that also would explain why they seemingly are hesitant they're very hesitant here to go for a geyser so I'm gonna do this it's my only option I'm gonna keep waving some X or a sleep powder in the next tournament of Dianetics I need to sleep outage Kinect but like that's doable you know realistically ideally we are like you know best-case scenario I think is they go for sleep powder as well I'm honestly not that concerned about sleep powder here I'm mainly concerned about and I'm just concerned about me hitting right I need to I need to get through la Serna dinah Mecca so I can ko them with Max grass and if i KO with max grass the Lapras then I have you know life where Venus or and ninetails and grassy terrain the good news is that Sun turns are going away as well Sun will end the same tremors revell take over sleep better and connect 90's is falling asleep I mean if we can exploit powder this is the best-case scenario if we miss Li powder we lose the game so you have a one in four chance to lose the game right here we go for sleep header we connect alright that's a good trait in my opinion that's a great trade we're dealing with sleep rolls now which is not ideal but you know what you can't win them all and and if we're gonna win this one this is what needs to happen so they're out of Dynomax perfect we made it through their item acts we have two turns left over are they'll and now we're gonna go for heatwave we have a chance to wake up and we're gonna max overgrowth into the Lapras that we're gonna it should definitely KO this is not a this is clearly an offensive Lapras intended to do damage and yeah the problem is how do we beat this torkoal in the end right cuz I can max quake it I mean I guess a good max card max quake I can't run a calculus all how much would you like for Venus or max quake does to Venus or earth power max does to korpal life orb in a light screen it should do uh it's almost a one-shot it's like the role to one shot is 25 so that's not good okay so I'm gonna have to do is prettily unless light else wakes up which case things get more interesting wait lapper script protect actually okay they have worth power as well um that's really bad we might okay we don't die to it but we take a lot of damage they're not okay especially the vents Falls which is actually kind of relevant unfortunately grasses drain goes up which is I think not good for me I think grass is green actually being up as bad for me in this instance it's life with Durant's basically like this is probably gonna come down to Venus or verses of Venus or come on nine tails come on nine tails come on nine tails want that alright the problem is there venus or faster and the four other problems we have one turn to some left I think unfortunately that the only way when this is if I one-shot torkoal the thing is they have no trick we're on the scene so it could be like it doesn't necessarily need to be max HP it's so it's a one in four chance now all I have to go for it I think I have to go for max quick here I could max card but then the situation is first of all they get just protect which would be bad next turn and then I would definitely lose take over another with power okay so I need my max quake with life orb and modest max special attack to one-shot that store call and I think there's a good chance that it does well I mean even though even in like a standard scenario it's one in four but based on their team I don't know Thurman's I don't their max HP let's see we do get the one-shot okay so now this is a different game so now it's +1 venusaur with life orb against neutral venusaur with no life orb and I can see go for 2 max uses and hope that it two shots Sun is gone doesn't really matter anymore yeah I'm glad I didn't max card there I don't know if that was a roll like the thing is if you don't have trick I'm on your team you could do like something like I did which is they don't have max card protects there's no way something like I did where I run a fast Oracle and I on it on a team with Venus or and then I changed it to nine tails so the run comes out let's see much this does not very much damage so as long as they don't crit the next one I think we should be fine who should definitely to shot here yeah it's a clean 2-shot even without the boost yeah so I'm plus one plus one Venus or and even though the early game what kind of bad here I think we've really played well in the end then they're timid Venus or as well so even what the current they might not kale but it I'd rather they just didn't credit it's all the same to everyone else because I we do like three times that damage which i think is not enough right three times is a lot like 30 yet shouldn't ko 40 imagine it was we were speed tying all this time they won't like three in a row no they were not to be tiger timid all right let's see you 123 down - no crits oh we definitely wouldn't uh would've done what oh I did it wrong it would have been no would have done that was it would have done double that oh I forgot the crit multiplier no what is it okay where did that oh I wasn't a little over double that I think we might have survived but it's just better that we didn't didn't take the hit alrighty cool so we win somehow somehow someway we're able to whirling that one so okay I mean we won we lost we lost what we wanted you know you're killing them all we're gonna keep playing I'm not you tilted just yet let's see yeah it's okay so we won we're still worse than we started which feels bad the thing is if like if this is the the rankings that happened you know like if this is the rank changes that I get like I win one I only get 50 at I'm still in the - so you know - 70 I think it could be bad but this opponent looks like it'll be higher ranked okay so they were there actually where we just were and they have an interesting team so this looks like swamp to me swamp with the whimsicott stuff I'm not totally sure what stops you from just doing like nine tails of venusaur here it's okay brave ear is kind of frightening I think this is a more Pico game I kinda want to do more people do a little actually that that covers a lot of their answers to stuff and then the back I think Nigel's venusaur is probably fine like Chandler gets trigger him but to me this looks like Chandler wants to imprison the trigger and rather than use the trick room you know this is probably still volley grass Creamery Nolita if I had to guess yeah this is definitely some grass pledge garbaggio I don't know if you lead grass plug water pledge stuff here because if I just lead Venus or ninetails like you're kind of screwed right so I think that there's a good chance that they just lead with the whimsicott drink is old or something cuz Dragons won't doesn't look bad here although I I did leave things that counter it who's this alright they live with whims of cotton so valley now there is actually a popular team that went around um which featured in the life force of all I it was special because it gets actually pretty strong moves and it would use like max Airstream and stuff it's normal type so I don't learn anything about it I'm just gonna Thunder with this of all I and flash cannon here I think that's all it this could be fake to your stuff as well I wanna I want to know if whimsicott is protect they do Dynomax so that's why I didn't take out the Somali because I thought that I thought it might protect or though I thought it like um dynamaxx and I didn't take other ones o'clock us a lot of them carry protects so I went for a thunder wave instead now so volley dynamics in here isn't amazing for us you know it could be it could be better but at least be good enough early we know pre marina can't Dynomax Somalis eyes are so big they're gonna go for a protect okay sorry I mean I expected them to do what they did properly let's see if we can under wave here thunder wave comes out and connects okay that's really good that adds variants into the mix that'll help us in the long run we have flash cannon does not work obviously and I'll see if they got the attack off here strike comes out alright they're lowering my speed stats or Pico goes down to focus a switch is not great that's bad for two reasons the speed drop here is actually really annoying because this is kind of worrying their life work right they've probably got drinking salt in the back right cool so they have in the back Schindler I'm gonna double them I really want hero to whimsicott here before a wheel in flash Kenny Linscott the problem with being speed dropped is now that now in Tallinn they will have speed my more Pico thanks just could remove loss though into my more peak okay so they they assess the threat properly and take it out I I think that was a really smart play from their end for a number of reasons but the main one is that let's go I wanted their sash okay we know their items yeah I think like they wanted to lay their talent here which is smart I don't know if I can deal with delayed talent if I go ninetails I will be able to sorry my mom misses me well they're gonna tell in here and I can't stop it I can't stop it based on what they have in the bag I mean I kind of feel like D'Arnot maxing your out on this not a bad move here right like because do I want to dynamics Venus Oregon's watch Chandeleur drag easel I don't really want that right if I wanted to I could even I could even switch but I yeah I could even switch and sack the Indus or and then try to win with but if they have Chandeleur I'm kind of in trouble right like if they have Chandeleur then then I'm Kyle oh I'm super in trouble hang on a second let's actually overheat here and Drake ooh ah no I need a heat wave right I need to heat wave and then if they go why did they go chandelier and they go Chandler I'm just gonna have to figure something out I don't think this thing gets a strong special attack that's in the ground side so I mean I could be wrong I've been wrong before but I don't think so Valley gets anything super good on the ground on the from the ground perspective this is this could go very badly I'm basically betting two hours into the world and this is because I don't have any freaking I don't nobody protects on my team so Chandeleur comes in it's gonna be really hard for me there got over tailwind of course even basically what I'm afraid of now is tonight tails going down here Nigel gives the heat wave off so we're doing some good damage to the Somali actually way less than I expected spec's expects even son against Dynamics Diwali doesn't do enough damage is really go for here I've got another full Paris somewhere Pecos gift from beyond the grave helping out a ton steel spike comes out sorry that's my mom and that's good okay so we got lucky but we're still in this 90 looking a defense boost is good as well Chandler could come in here but basically like it could be all right if Chandeleur comes in I think I just have to give it the flash fire boost which is not something I like saying but Chandler let's brave iary actually alright so I mean I have a defense boost that's not terrible I mean I shouldn't die to the I shouldn't died anything from bravery of nine tell us I'm just gonna do that same play again with heatwave and I could max lightning as max lightning good for me or bad for me it could be drink is old in the back I don't really want to mess around with that I think I'm still good for steel spike heat we've if it connects okay they forfeit well we probably didn't deserve to win that one but we want it hopefully we can get some rankings for that let's see all right so we're now better than we started we're still not top 100 we're still not where we were when I updated the rank before this we have a good number of battles right now so that's cool um I mean ideally we're just going to win streak we get to like top twenty and then I can take a break you know we'll see this is this is gonna be tough like we're just not gaining ranks fast enough in my opinion for this to be like there's I don't know the ladders already to clog it up but that's okay we're not gonna give up I have something I have you know we're you know that game didn't go super Queen least our so valley matchup was just not not great maybe I dropped a relative what do you been doing with Darrell autonomous team actually now that I think about it I brought her out on there and I mean maybe in DD actually is better here yeah actually I think I'm gonna drop draw it on three I'm gonna go back to a DD and instead dropped around on leader Island is nice don't get me wrong but I think that indeed he gives me better options overall like if I had in DD in that matchup I could have led within DD togekiss and that would have been really good and I just can't do that right now so I think it's actually better to drop doral it on for ng D because I don't even know why I brought her out on that matchup okay so they have a trick room team it looks like with grim snarl with um with Gardevoir and excadrill I mean this isn't terrible I can go into some more Pico huncle there ninetails right just try and maybe dynamite eNOS or this game and and and go from there cuz the Venus or offensively is amazing here it hits five of the six pokemon for super Victor damaged it could sleep out of the dusclops I'm what a Seagram so I'm always worried it where we have truck eject button right now I don't know why I just I just feel the eject button trick coming on this team it really looks like it's gonna be screens grim snarl I do expect a grim snow lead here um the tough thing is I don't know anything about the Gardevoir yeah with Conkeldurr in the bat I mean so basically I think I have to is winning this game the first is I use FINA sort of blow everything up the second is I iced all their dynamics and the one with my own dynamics call folder because dynamics Conkeldurr I mean has a really good match up the conquer isn't like one of the most Pokemon you can have against a Renat are in excadrill and you know like if you died it back because it's not really that's threatened by dusclops and it does a lot of damage - grim - Rotom and grim snarl so it's really just that Gardevoir that I'd have to watch out for at that point which they might not bring I don't know if you bring carded we're here I don't really have a card aboard dies in hormone a cigar door I think it was used in the Champions Cup it was in the top card I think Tom ate and it was like shadow sneak with with weakness policy Drago pull something you can do with it but yeah we'll see I don't really know what to expect right now this is Gardevoir into a rennet are okay alright I wishing to the items tracing my chlorophyll is a problem chat that's not good for me um okay so I've Conkeldurr in the back I'm worried about a couple of things I think I definitely Thunder Wave the Gardevoir right now the question is do I sleep out of the Tyranitar I don't really want to sleep part of the shreditor I'm in max who's the carnivore and thunder wave do I want a thunder wave it or do I want to take it out like I don't think they're gonna dynamics Gardevoir do I know I don't do they're gonna dine in Mike's car to work in this matchup well if they did diner Baxter slower than me yeah I think I think this is fine to make a harder eat cuz I I just don't feel like you dynamics Gardevoir garden wah Venus are yelling as usual keep on Dinah maxing my window sore let's see this card over Dynomax there is a dynamics from the opponent it's in a beast ball that implies to run a turbot does not does not you know you know prove turn it or it just implies it all right it is Tyranitar my my assumptions were correct so we're gonna run a little Kalki put some calculus chat when you serve return leaf storm there watch it's actually happening right okay figure comes out this is probably a good trade for me plus one leaf storm dynamaxx in the Sun does not one chart dynamics or anything okay good to know it only does 72 81 all right good to know good to know but we do get a special attack boost here although we probably lose more Pico if I had to guess the thing is we get to go into truck all colder if we want they actually have a rockfall I don't know whose is into man I coulda just pick out something pattern that's crazy okay actually it when you soar whoa wait a second hang on we've got we got one really good trick up our sleeve oh wait the church is not that good actually is it I think Oh X control it's kind of it's not new trick doesn't work unfortunately oh wait but I've other tricks that I can do if they go XQ drill X roll comes in all right I think in this instance I ii mean details i can max guard twisting details here I'll sack it off so that I can set up for the next turn yeah I like that because realistically about to take about to take out the ground move on my own or Pico I'm plus one on my when Yasur which is really nice helps a lot here but yeah I just need to be very mindful of the speed here so they stand with excadrill more pico switches out we're sacking ninetails but we're doing it for it you know a good cause the other option there was that I could have sacked more Pico and Max Martin and gotten ninetails in this turn which I think was respectable as well hey max cord to run Ofuro that's literally the best thing that could have happened they go for earthquake as well alright so if I'd gone for across the attack there I would have survived in on tails I think there's Nigel is very physically bulky or physically frail so I don't think there's any way survive this what would be nice too is if we see a life form if we see a life form that we get really good information no life orb though so okay we also know that their ground move is we know the ground move is earthquake and that's very relevant here because I mean there's two things that we filled up we know here the first oh I'm so stupid oh my god I was gonna fake tears I was gonna fake tears but I'm faster now okay well things have gone awry rapidly I think I threw this oh I'm so stupid I'm so stupid I thought I was smart but I'm stupid I was gonna fake tears Max Weber cuz of Kayla's but now ah very stupid very stupid very stupid very stupid all right well how much is this gonna do we need a high roll with this max grass oh wait the flight screen I'm so stupid we one-shot it I'm so stupid this is one shot I was coming with light screen up oh my god I knew I should be doing more damage after not turning off from Lapras Oh like oh wait no I made the right plays anyway I played badly but I did the right thing right that was the if I knew if I was counting properly like the other option was like what max crowd since you're an ATAR this and then I would have taken earthquake damage I would just have less HP in my venusaur right oh but I should if I knew that then I would have take out an executor I would not have doubled to Rena door that turn I'm back to focus on thank you grassy terrain and Sun all right I've been hungry for me the sand is gone forever external just protected I can easily double it this turn grassy terrain is up and I'm plus one when you soar so things are looking up Rotom comes in and my last movements Conkeldurr so I could just 1-shot the road to him but I think you know Rotom might have protect works on my talus which all right Chad I'm gonna leave store I really don't want to leave storm the excadrill here because it could miss however I think it's in my best interest just to cover for an ally swish oh well I made a wrong move I made the wrong move it hopefully I had to leave storm if I miss it but it feels super stupid okay don't feel stupid sash I like that more picot against Rotom wash like it always gets the it's always you know proper like both of it stabs both both of the war wheels types work you know it's neutral regardless of the hungry hungry I can't believe there's something called like literally called hangry for me in the game that's just wild to me this is so goofy alright we won this one I don't know how but we did it wait no we played well I'd you know how we cared Gardevoir turn one they made the wrong move turn one I played well I counted wrong but I made there yeah we got there in the end it's all because I forgot about faith tears which in the end was better because I didn't need fake tears to win the game anyway so alright wound again that guy was that person was pretty high ranked I think as I recall I think they were maybe top 200 maybe top 100 I don't remember I'm just more Pico Destroy mode alright we're warmed up no I want to switch my team now I want to go back to a DD for me I think I'm really handicapping myself by not using okay search sorry I guys we're doing alive I just divide out where I put that in DD that's prolly not it I actually know for a fact that's not it done it oops no what are you doing is it this one or is it this one it's definitely this one draw it on and add in TV yeah I like that better I think now I have three Pokemon with protects which is good that's you know start and we also we also can bring totem gets more and more easily now because I do think token because is kind of an important part of this team and I haven't really been able to bring it so I think that's fine alright we're almost top 100 again I'm say it's no I wanted so close so close not the closest ha all right let's see let's see what we're dealing with here 1177 and their copyrighted just give me a bad matchup um this is a true team with sand thank goodness we had a Conkeldurr yeah ah like I indeedy and had a rainy lead which is like looking what's likely here I think I just want to do nine tails up front I mean I could do nine tails and indeedy here the problem is why don't they leave their sand Pokemon right that's kind of that that's the threat you could do wait a second I could do nine tons of venusaur and then Dynomax early and then lose the game yeah I don't like that I think my own in GD is pretty good here actually I think I definitely burn Conkeldurr I definitely bring a DD I definitely don't bring more Pico the X I'm gonna do in DD Tobias upfront with Conkeldurr in the back and then I think I think 9 - do I really want 9 tells here's the thing like Venus or at least some sweet powder stuff but nine tails is a secondary thing that beats yeah let's bring nine tails yeah okay Venusaur might have been better here like it's just about if I get out of tricker my like I like ninetails better my plan here is just like be annoying waste their turns of of chick room and then try and win the game which is you know being annoying is a crucial part of a lot of my plans I'm hoping that helping hand downs Ling what the current will do enough damage to how to reading that it's like significant oh but it's actually in DD dusclops and this is frankly one of the best ways this could go on um the reason is okay they're faster than me that's good to know or wispy time we're probably speed time let's see if their psychic seed we would love to see a psychic see here okay we do not so what I'm worried about here is a check button I'm very worried about eject button here however I'm gonna helping hand a dozen we've nonetheless I think it's still my best play getting damaged off onto a DD is really nice for us um yeah thanks to my own in DD in colder I should be able to do a somewhat decent job stalling their trick room again I just don't know if this indeed eject button because I really don't wanna give them a free switch out here realistically it's probably to run it on the back and then maybe Ferrothorn or excadrill they go over follow me okay which means again my goal here is called ER con loader is my focus now we're gonna helping hand dazzling gleam off we have a 50% she has to create both Pokemon we actually don't pretty either which is okay actually that's fine I've shown that I'm offensive I'm show that I'm willing to be offensive here the thing is I want to protect with both right but I because I don't think that you're switching in two different at are here I'm gonna predict both it's really risky because if they switch out in TD like the thing is you don't respect protect on like neither these Pokemon always have protect and if you take helping and as we on Tyranitar who I think is what you have in the back if you go kind of badly so we'll have to see if they if they hard reading here because they definitely want to run it on the field that's definitely their goal I could have just oh that's not surrender fair though Oh God oh I could have just feels bad okay well I forgot that they had header a knee okay how during is a huge threat for this team I'm not gonna front what are you doing what stuff up doing nice shaded tell me it's alright I think I follow me here turn to a trick room the problem is that I don't have a good pokémon to Dynomax in this matchup I'm gonna get G Mex smited which is a problem it's a huge problem I wish I quit that first okay and there's not terrible I've seen worse the nice thing is that trick rooms going to end as Dynomax ends but the problem is that really I wanted I know expecto we get this matchup and I just I think I was gonna have to roll sleep sleep dice I think that's my play here I mean yeah I go for all of me because dusclops is sho nightshade and trickery my just calling in the nightshade I don't want to the connection and Toby just cuz I'm frail the end should go for a sneak okay so that's weakness policy it's weakness policy dusclops or a witness Holocene head Irini which changes my plans i've been it's in a hundred damage okay my plans have changed again i'm gonna let them activate the weakest policy come on touch because I need this damage okay I get it as I'm going off did a lot of damage to how to rainy I still crit I just launched I hit for pokemon and I didn't get a single crit that's ridiculous predictive both we're rolling dice with sleep it's fine I don't really have a better option I don't want to let how to reactivate the weakness policy but what do you want me to do you know come on in DD okay I need to get to protect off so I could be bad or good I'm really not sure token Gus is confused gets to protect off okay we're just rolling dice and praying turn to of their Dynomax so she be another shadow sneak into themselves Alice which actually okay Ali's which trick room nightshade and shadows name we've seen all four minutes that's good so now they're gonna go for a max smite again so GG's gonna take more damage here we're 50 health I'm gonna go for follow me again and a dowsing believe again come on in didi come on Andy ah very nice very nice very nice now I don't know how confusion works which is about to be a problem because I don't know when I'm guaranteed to snap out of it shadow sneak again indeed he predicts itself and it's immune smite again so I'll use all three terms of Dynomax adding a DD back was crucial here although I guess honestly truth be told around I would have also been good here but I mean we've shown that we can get through it anyway snap out snap out snap out no come on okay one more attack more tech okay well we didn't get any crits but it's still no wait hang on something is wrong here something is actually wrong here my soup lips Copeland's super luck check check check check okay i think i dynamics nine tails super luck scope lens wait why I can't complain because I haven't gotten any confusions to be honest no Antos comes in I'm gonna Dynomax nine tails I think it's the play I'm thinking that like Dynomax nine tails lets me do max darkness Oh both these Pokemon could have wait maybe I don't Dynomax nine tails I think I just pray I think it's time for I think it's time for prayer I think I just pray that specks heat wave and then scrit downs Lincoln's head rainy here we missed house from a strong receivin this is 80 vs. 95 I'm going for I'm going for I'm rolling dice everybody if you're gonna roll dice you better roll dice well they actually switch dusclops out here Oh what if it's Tyranitar that's Tyranitar I should annex darkness well things have backfired for me thing is it very backfired for me however the still is not that bad we gotta specs heat wave all we do so much damage ah toking of snaps out it goes for heat wave it connects them both give me a crit give me this is the one I need I got the crit in the hatter ET nope I still have not Curtis like a Pokemon that's right I don't know what's going on but it's fine okay and now things are getting different because now finally the threat of trick room is kind of low-key kind of nice and kind of gone okay now I could still lose this because dusclops is Alice which just makes things very difficult indeedy actually the switch okay so I think the way that I win this do I want to die knocks my Conkeldurr what are my options I could Dynomax nine tails which does not me too much I think I want a heat wave and max Starfall here just trying to rid of this thing I think it sounded I know max yeah cuz Conkeldurr like I'm not really concerned about calling with our being to her an eternal one versus one I think overriding the psychic terrain is pretty good I don't know how I don't know what's going on this game it's very weird no confusion no crits how many attacks have I launched to eat have I gotten zero Christian eight and eight attacks maybe maybe I missed something obvious I don't know you guys ought to tell me in the comments cuz I have no idea what's going on I'm sacking nine tails here Oh imagine I kriti wave okay I just miss I miss indeedy that was the important one although this should smoke a actually give me the Bern give me the Bern give me the Berg name of the Bern what that's ridiculous okay star ball comes out the should KO I've over it in the psychic train with misty train i KO the indeedy there's my first Crick nothing to be status conditioned anymore which is bad because I flame our Conkeldurr in the back and I don't exactly know what I was thinking and rocks like comes out with helping hand nine tails dies but Tokyo survives all right and now I just need to find a way to when the game so I think that if I go for max Airstream in a rockslide no it doesn't work I have to drain punch the dusclops and airstream the dusclops I think I think that's the best move here and hope that things go my way like the thing is conker can always mock punch this furniture yeah okay okay yeah not today I could actually still lose this weight no I know other movies I can't lose this I get our stream off into Tyranitar I'm gonna get like two Conkeldurr a speed boost which meat might mean I asked Peter knitter does that not critic n well I can't that crit what's going on headhunters Dan did I do something wrong oh wait I could flinch hang on a second I don't know wait I can flinch and lose this wait a second hold on a second if I mess this up if I flinch I think I lose I should have max guarded I just clicked buttons for no reason don't flinch okay whoa uh-huh scary okay well I mean it's not technically over I still only meet nightshade dust gloves but I have a rockslide in Santa's lap which actually helped me a lot right now and I'm not burned which I first think that was bad but now I think might be good it's gonna take dusclops four hits to Cammy so as long as I can beaten in four hits or like maybe three hits it's cuz of sand and stuff and they've shadow sneak but I mean Conkeldurr should win this but I've seen I mean there's been a weird game already so you can never you can never be sure who can never be sure Rock Slide is the only option I have left Congo they are putting into work and Gd coming back and putting a lot of work rocks like connects that's good I probably need one more of those yeah I should need one more of those so you'll get a flinch they go for a nightshade if the read the right move okay so in order for them to win this I think they would need me to missed two rock slides consecutively and then you know I think maybe three I think I need to miss three rocks let's win this which is a 1 in 1000 OPA never mind it doesn't happen alright so we won this one we got lucky with confusion we got a little unlucky with crits we'll take it I'm really surprised that the way my opponent played I'm not gonna lie I really expected them to respect my token just to turn to more aah cuz helping in crit dies and we want you on to pad it reenie would have done like 70 to 80 percent I think but we won't anyway all right top 100 but man I just I just don't gain ranking fast enough I'm three and one I think for this yeah I mean I guess it's not terrible my 3104 and when I've lost I've lost count we've been out for an hour for games final night before I won we lost the first one and then we played we lost the first one and then the second one was what do we do i dynamic venusaur the second one was the one where I had where I went down I think forward at two and then I won't feed a store in the back and then there was the one where Doral don't beat the whimsicott and then there was the one where there was one we just play it so that would be 3 and 1 and then the brothers also want to where feel like there's this valley one I think we think before and one actually let's say we are 200 we were 100 and then we were 270 and then we were 200 something either we were 160 and then we were we're definitely at least four and one it was 175 to 275 to 225 to 160 to 100 I think we're five and one that can't be right have we played six games no that can't be right I think we're four in one I have no idea all right I don't know ha wait this isn't no I thought it might be for some reason it reminds me of station's trainer card but I think I'm wrong okay nine tails Pikachu and by nine times I mean Charizard Pikachu excadrill Lapras and Dee Dee and whimsicott so this is a talent team it looks like the problem is that Pikachu actually is lightning rod so I can't just do my normal stuff versus it I actually really like a DD Conkeldurr here it kind of eats everything and in the back I'll deal with the speed so I'll deal ninth isn't Venus or I think no more particulars game because if Pikachu and XQ drove it yeah I think actually dynamics in my Conkeldurr and using max rock fault could be good yeah I'm really glad we added a TD back because now within DD and Conkeldurr I have an answer to Charizard I can I can lead this it's a bit of a weird team I might lose to pikachu here not gonna lie Pikachu is actually legitimate it's something you have to respect which isn't something I thought I would say I picked she also freaks me out a little bit because paralyzing just makes things like really volatile oh yeah I think ninetails Venus or dusk lore Conkeldurr indeedy up front is good who is this DD inch [ __ ] are okay so I think I like follow me rock slide here they're faster than me I mean it makes sense I have no speed investment yeah I think like follow me rock slide I think that's a pretty good move I don't think it will one shot to Charizard in the Dynomax is but I don't think that I have a better option I don't DT shouldn't get knocked out by anything here like I expect them to Dynomax Charizard here and if they Dynamics charger that tells us that they probably have extra drill in the back and they probably have what else do they tell us Oh interesting actually no Dynomax is might just be like glass burn maybe there's going for damage they go for heat wave they want spread damage that makes sense Kongo doesn't take a lot that kind of discourages me from dying to maxing I get burned which is actually super clutch it tells them that it doesn't because did like hides our item who they safeguard okay no sleep powder but fine I wasn't really trying to safeguard firstly part of this game anyway I go over rockslide and I pick them up and I was gonna miss so I mean we get rid of charger we do a ton of damage to dee dee turn one that went pretty well all things considered I Kiley's have to watch out for executor right now and then I feel like I'll be kind of sitting pretty you know so they what could they get of laparis they could have excadrill they got a whimsicott or pikachu then go into I think that executor oh there was actually a lot worse okay well they have safeguard out but I can just drain punch into and didi and follow me I think right and GD smells pretty healthy and that's okay oh they're in DD and then I can maybe with nine tails and venusaur in the back the dude you got two backs here for this interesting lead Charizard heat wave burn helps us I don't know if I finished explaining the thought but it helps us because it hides our item now they don't know anything about our item whereas and it also boosted our power for the first rockslide so on the one hand yeah did we take more chip than we would have otherwise yes on the other hand is that bad no I don't think so no I wish call it was healthier because I want to Dynomax it but you should be helping end oh no helping in actually what are they doing are they gonna do like the drain punch thing that we just saw psychic okay I mean do don't drop don't drop to drop to drop okay I think we live this I'm not positive I think we live this like it's not that strong and I'm pretty specially bulky okay we live that's really good it uses a turn of Dynomax it uses a turnover or avail and that's kind of we are slower than them which is not ideal I'm gonna slay in this situation I might just protect both my Pokemon okay and GD goes down so we're up for two - we haven't dynamics yet I just need to find a way through this Lapras I think I'm gonna get a lot of health back actually what's here they going to pikachu whimsicott or XD drill that's ex girl that's whimsicott alright so we know all of their Pokemon I'm gonna waste another turn of their dynamaxx with detect and protect man having protect is so good why have I've not been using protect on anything cuz I think the way that I win this is with my goal is to get Dynomax venusaur sludge bomb up and then just win the game that way wasting terms of their Dynomax is really good for me here I also don't mind wasting their safeguard turns cuz I could come in handy they actually dazzling so I wasn't expecting dazzling they're bigger four guys are ok so that changes things a bit it definitely hurts punggil dong takes a little damage here okay so what happens at the end of this it's gonna be a two versus two you right but it's a two versus two in my favor I think I just sacked my cool one in the field here this is definitely my favorite I'm gonna follow me and I mean I may as well just drain punch deliver zakat I don't want activate a weakness policy cuz that's one way I could do this so I think I just go for I mean I could go over the double predict but I actually kind of want to lose both my mom's here so just in case they mess up I'm just gonna psyche the whimsicott because getting rid of the focus ash would be nice oh there trigger room all God wait there trigger room shoot I didn't expect trick room whimsicott well I'm glad I didn't follow me honk-honk goes down ok well this makes things a lot harder actually somehow this makes things a lot harder I mean there's good news and there's bad news the bad news is they got your him up and Conkeldurr went down who was my instrument the good news is men imagine they did that the turn before I could've helping hen dream punch the laparis and heal all my health back the good news is I mean I'm not really any danger from anything here I have Venus [ __ ] who's slow I mean I can just max who's here right get a special attack boost and then I can just protect you know I don't need to do anything crazy here and then next turn I can follow me I lose if they freeze me with freeze-drying but other than that like this is good for two reasons the first is that like whimsicott doesn't threaten Venus or at all because the fact of the matter is that whimsicott it would be threatening about that fake tears axis right now but doesn't have fake tears that this is the last turn a psychic dream so I think the Dynomax Venus or should be able to win this one will see that i protect my indeedy protective didi has been super clutching as tripping teams so far today takeover freeze-dry as long as I don't get frozen I should be fine let C be frozen we do not I get a Mac twos off and yeah that's gonna make it very difficult I think for this Lapras to win this because the Special Attack boots on both my Pokemon well mostly penis or that's honestly all in the matters here yeah two terms are down I believe that Indies faster than indeed he's faster than Lapras safeguards Gohan not a big deal here psychic train is gone I can just follow me in max max grass here that powers at nine tails as well so like even if let's say worst-case scenario right they have weakness policy and Max overgrowth doesn't one-shot them then I still have a power tube ninetails solar beam and I think Coronel should be ending pretty soon yeah Oroville ends this turn if their weakest policy so and if they're like play they don't get a power boost so I think we should win this one pretty easy from here but I'm really proud of how we played this one I think I think that you know we we made smart calls and it paid off no protect so freezer comes out this the end of a DD but DD did this job took a lot of attacks this game took a lot of a Texas game yeah this is all I like to be Lapras I like to just kind of stall it the Dynomax because it's it's the really the thing about Lapras is strong but it's damage output isn't it's damage output is kind of lacking like in compared to other dynamics Pokemon you know if it's not anything ever super effective and it's not boosted then it's it lacks a lot of power and so what I like to do games Lapras is play defensive waster dynamics and then kind of revenge dynamics you know dynamaxx after they finished and trying win that way it doesn't always work like some teams for example fans each team just do a really good job of having like clay like making the get less about the Dynomax damage output and having good supporting Pokemon that like can really take advantage of that making it more or less about the Dynomax damage output and more about the light ball only twenty ranks okay this is probably the last one for now guys I'm really hungry which is something I didn't account for so I mean we're up over a hundred ranks but I think I have to stop just so I can go get some food I also don't want to like just play for too long and they get burnt out and then like you know be super tired and stuff but yeah I mean honestly I kind of figured I kind of figured I would be going faster than this I'm I'm at least five and one I think I'm lost track maybe we're only four and one I don't know but we're like we're winning a lot but our ranking isn't improving that much so yeah this is gonna take longer than I expected so I think I'll do this challenge again I'll just play until I get number one or until I give up it's so hard it's so hard hahaha why is it so hard but we haven't we still one game left I mean if we get a higher ranked opponent we might finish top fifty which is solid right we've gone from 175 to top 50 you know that's a pretty sizable increase in ranking and so if we do this again because really what's killing me now is decay like I spent a lot of time I get up and then I take a couple days to not play because I had other stuff going on and then I lost like a hundred ranks if we had this kind of win streak you know against I starting at number you know starting at number 50 or number 60 which is where we left off I think 50 50 something 56 um it would be so much easier you know it'd be so much easier but we have to get back there and then we can then we can try again so yeah ha lot of indeedy today I feel like a lot of psychic types generally I feel I feel good about the changes we made in this team though even though in theory it was just or even though technically it was it was just Conkeldurr dropping or completar being added over to ramadan I feel like that was a really smart shit-hot choice having three bookworm protectors makes this so much easier like I can bring easily token Gus and Dee Dee and Conkeldurr resistor chrome teams and then I can actually actually stall that trick run whereas before I was just like I was banging it all into out I'm not allowing trick him to go up which is it's good sometimes but if chicken goes up because sometimes you have to die next route on early and then you can't dragon tail so yeah okay we found somebody quickly hopefully they're close to us top 500 okay top 200 V T V G challenges and it's an interesting oh wait this is fancy steam okay so I know the set its sash turn ATAR it's like clay laparis oh yeah here's nothing for sleep he said it himself he's literally nothing for sleep it's shuka though I should respect the shuka ah wait but what do I do there he's okay so it's Lum berry mimic you as well I'm definitely trying one's Conkeldurr I think the question this was my last Pokemon Conkeldurr beats for apollo door beats pretty much everyone here except for the ghost types if I support it properly so I think what I want to do is aim for a late-game call it's win sweep Conkeldurr sweep distributing nine tails in the back or should I bring in Dede my gut my heart says indeedy indeed here so we know that we know that move is in the dusclops it's a pain split nightshade hazen trick room having info helps along here I'm gonna bring a DD I think that's the right move here although save do you all those doesn't do much for me I mean a blocks Tyranitar did sash Tyranitar I think actually as I recall how much does do in sand a - - Candice okay so if I break the focus sash is it really sash or an ATAR that doesn't sound right let's check so doesn't seem that fevzi used to win the the first ever Champions Cup you can share it online okay it is focus s Tyranitar which might sound stupid and I agree is kind of stupid however in this instance it's kind of scary they're gonna go arcanine and dusclops okay cool so I'm just gonna fake out and sleep powder I think right like I could sleep out of the dusclops but I actually don't mind trick I'm going up in this instance I think I'd rather get to sleep on the arcanine and just be disruptive they know that I am life orb and sash sleep better into arcanine just two things for me the big one is that if I figure out and sleep powder both into Arcanine it's good for me because even in the worst case scenario you know where I miss the powder I expect them to go for trick room here and trick room going up is you know that helps me a lot because I could've done a good sleep utter again and also if you know if if I connect to sleep powder then I fake out they flinch first and then I get to sleep off so if a couple sleep powder looks really hard for this team to deal with I know that fevzi said it was a problem somebody trying to views that flinch comes out I go for a sleep header and I connect that's a big deal I think I'm doing some reads here right I can way Stricker turns oh they actually overnight shouldn't do my more Pico okay that was smart actually I was really smart I've been angry for me ha well actually that was actually really good move hot shot it to them because I was that was really smart that's put me in a bit of an awkward spot I was banking on them getting trick him up here and now I don't have it so um huh-huh that's kind of bad I'm gonna fake tears and spongeable I'm trying to take out this thing and if I ever goes badly then it goes badly basically as long as they don't get a one turns ooh Lapras okay I imagine I uh oh my god that could gone very differently that could have gone very very differently fate just comes out now we know that all weakness palsy one chair to sleep on the unlike on the arcanine let's see if i poisoned that we've been so clutch now would have been insane if i poisoned I'm back to electric for me I don't think I want to give up my dinosaur dinosaur just yet I think I'm just wish it out man imagine I got the poison there I mean it's not great because ideally I would actually Dynomax when I've hook them on and then the call which one kind of awareness I think they might I think they might paint with themselves here ideal I would die noise my Pokemon call which one lappers you can attack and then attacked like hey Oh with the other but I like they can always just nightshade and blue interesting they actually choose okay the choose not to Dynomax I mean I agree / I respect it boo more Pico they double repeat oh good move the move dang it okay this is actually pretty good for us though because frankly how are they gonna are they gonna stop confidant dusclops can't do anything to kong hold on virgin didi and as long as I follow me like can't do anything in the last Pokemon and give them what they've brought realistically Oh a couldn't call brother it could be Conkeldurr yeah could call right assumed it was I assumed it was tryna tar but it could be called her yeah I need to find a way through this Hong Kong if it's furniture we're good if it's called Lubanga could be kind of scary they go for a pain split makes sense um and just take a little bit damage you're not a big deal takes a lot of names here not a big deal rockslide comes out I actually kind of feel like maybe drain punch into Lapras is better because they're just gonna paint split me again I got the burn off which is that an ass how many turns are left Conkel donk is the last Pokemon okay so we know that there's thunderpunch as well so I could switch into my one Yasur hear how ridiculous two turns of trick room so if I do something like protect and max knuckle yeah I could I could actually dynamaxx of Dede here if I wanted wait if I dynamics indeed you what back to what they do about it I'm gonna do that I it's a little weird but I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna Dynamix my ngd thank you die nice there Oh interesting okay so they got the intimidate down but I actually don't mind that I think they're forced to Dynomax here my completar should take it hit it from there console there for sure 100% yeah so they wanted to be basically they were like alright you're gonna die to make sure Conkeldurr I'm gonna die next why I'm confident we'll have this kind of Conklin air war but I'll win it because I'll have the attack boost first and whereas you'll be intimidated at first like you'll be intimidated yeah which is you know that that was their plan however what they didn't account for was I was gonna Dynomax my in DD which i think is the right move here like it sounds kind of dumb but i honestly do believe it's the right the right call because what are they gonna do about it right I'm gonna have a psychic train boosted maximize storm hawk and yeah okay obviously it's not like it's in DD it's not super strong but still also it means that I take a hit also this called it or isn't anymore recovery so yeah I think this is a good trait I'm a little word with the arcanine so but like the thing is it all becomes a new call voter smacks this turn okay I win the speech I which is actually pretty bad I would have liked to lose this beat I there because I would have let's see okay nevermind didn't matter alright so good to have my help which is bad um and they got an attack boost which is also bad but they take some life orb recoil here how much does max monster I'm gonna do this is pretty confident especially both me his Pokemon okay well I think that my move was correct but it didn't work which is bad I'm gonna max card here for sure and I kinda want to drain punch the thing isn't I got it wrong I probably lose basically I would need to I mean if I'm max card then I get in DD out of psychic trying out of trick room which is good I'm gonna go for I'm gonna go for it dude I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna go for a speed tight if I win this beat I win I witness be die okay very nice we heal up now I could still lose this I have to be wary of dusclops des cups can actually 1 1 V F in GD actually as long as I save in DD echo than this so we get a Maximizer I'm off here and then I think next turn I have to protect oh it's still dining out yourself alright and GTOs where max Mindstorm get some good damage and arcanine a are gonna taste is asleep so that's really good for us that's super good for us i think that max guard and and drain punch into arcanine should win us the game because that way we get the KO and arcanine and the thing is dusclops cannot beat in DD ever because of because i can't touch it it's moves our hayes pain split trick room and nightshade and none of those moves can get hit in DD so we got a little lucky there with the speed tight um 100% but that's ok we don't know for I don't know if he's there min speed called everyone to speed dies so I don't know for a fact why isn't Mangini makes me kind of uncomfortable and it's Dinah back just I'm not gonna lie to you I'm gonna be couple to be honest that makes me a little uncomfortable my max guard here because the only way I loses is if indeed he dies are gonna season sleeper didn't matter okay but if they had woken up and flare blitz me that I might have mattered if I like it got crit so yeah and in this position it's impossible lose actually okay in theory I could lose this because like I have both my Pokemon takes chip damage over time oh wait no if I were to if I wanted to win this 100% I could follow me in speed powder for the rest of the game okay so if it was like okay wolf you every single thing possible go wrong for you how do you guaranteed win this game a hundred percent of the time knowing like let's say every move missus like you know like so basically what like this is kind of an interesting thought experiment it doesn't really matter because I'm definitely one but the way that I would a hundred doesn't win this cuz like if I miss rockslides then I couldn't touch it with color and if I like if it kept paint splitting me then maybe it'd compete meanness or no 1vs1 there probably not because that's like yeah so I mean I guess Venusaur could beat it but what I could also do is I could switch to Venus or and then stall the timer and sweep powder either them or me it doesn't matter and follow me and I could waste up to fifteen or twenty turns that way because dusclops would paint split it would we'd be at the same amount of HP and then yeah it would be over but yeah I actually I really like Donna Mexican D there I think it was really really really smart decision but yeah that's the game I'm gonna stop now cuz it's been an hour and 20 and I need lunch it's kind of late for lunch so I gotta go eat but yeah let me know if you guys enjoyed this I hope you enjoyed seeing me kinda use this team and adapt on the fly you can see that I had a Conkeldurr and I feel like that really improved the team quite a bit I'll just update our ranking server you can see where we finished hopefully in the 50s all right with a girl last RLS opponent was I think top 200 as I recall yeah alright 43 so that's solid that's like maybe maybe if I have a good run next from next next video I can I could do it but yeah I think that's it for me for now so please subscribe like the video leave a comment and I'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 133,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 2020, indeedee, indeedee cry, vgc 20, indeedee team, indeedee competitive, competitive indeedee, how to win with indeedee, epic indeedee sweep
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 12sec (4752 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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