How To Re-Attract Her

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and topic of today's newsletter is going to be how to react her in other words how do you react a woman when you've done things like make stupid mistakes or maybe you acted needy or maybe you chased her too much and so she's gone kind of cold she's kind of distant like when you call her you go out with her she's like a little lukewarm not really that excited to hear from you or to see you well these things usually happen when you first start because like a lot of guys they first start dating a woman and they're like oh she's kind of cool what she's cute girl and and they're you know I'd say maybe their interest levels maybe 60 is 70% on the average woman that you're going to meet not you were like super awesome enthused to go out there but you're like hey she's a cute girl I'd like to go out with her so you go out and you spend time with her you have a couple good dates and what happens is you're not really that enthusiastically into her but what happens is as you go out with her she does a good job of raising your interest and her and so a lot of guys run into problems with is when that that point happens when he starts caring and starts liking this girl and she becomes important to him if normally when he calls her she calls him back right away or he sends her attacks she texts back right away and he notices that wow she doesn't seem to be texting back to me like she was and like when I took her out last night she really didn't seem to be really into making out with me that much and so when that happens most guys start to freak out about that and I think oh my god she's you know what's going on here I have to do more at the chaser I have to call her more I have to do this she must be forgetting about mayor but and so what happens is they just jump all over her and then what happens is they'll leave a message and then maybe she doesn't call back right away and then like two hours go by they call again and then maybe the next morning they call and they finally get ahold ehrlich hey where where I was worried thought maybe something happened to you and what's happening is she sees you blowing up her phone and what's been going on is the attraction that she feels for you is started to drop because what happens is you're starting to chase and in essence what a guy does in those situations is he goes from acting strong and maybe a little indifferent focused on his careers and his goals too he stops focusing on his careers as gold he starts focusing more on her and whether or not she likes him and this is the kind of behavior that that women do and women go through because women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear women need time and they space away from you so they can think about you and they can wonder about you can they and they can talk to their girlfriends about you and and tell them about the date you went on or the dates you've been going on and and work through their emotions but if when they're doing that and they're off doing their thing you're constantly chasing them texting and blowing up the phone it never gives them a chance to to miss you or to think about you or to wonder where they stand with you because at the end of the day women are definitely more attracted to guys whose feelings are unclear for them I got an email here from a guy who's got a gal that he was dating and she dumped him about four months ago and so he's trying to 'try attract her and I can tell his problem here is that he just doesn't wait long enough he'll purposely hold out for a few days and then oh call her it'll have some of it a positive effect on her when he calls but then he that since he's waited a few days and he starts picking right back up where he left off which is chasing running after her and then she gets turned off and disinterested again it's really frustrating to him he says my problem is whenever I leave this girl alone for a week she would love my attention whenever I reappear and what this tells me is that you're not waiting for her to contact you wait for a few days or maybe a week and then you call her and she's really not that you know she's my cool she's glad you called and you call her the next day as opposed to just doing the same thing you call her than you wait a week and then you call her again he says it's like the next day it's like I don't even exist I try to talk to her and she'll give me one word responses or won't put any effort into our responses and you got to pay attention to that page 120 in my book is the interest level table so you can those that communicates that she really does is not that into seeing you and so when a woman is cold like that she's lukewarm I wait a whole week I call her back to following week if she's like this on Monday call her the following Tuesday see how she is and then plan a date a definite date and then get off the phone and then image in make sure you set your date three or four days off into the future so he says there's another guy though she'll give him all our attention I don't know about this guy but we're in the same circle of friends I guess they started talking when I disappeared last week I see them talking and she'll laugh at his jokes and I would say it's not that she hooked up with him when you disappeared it's because you're acting weak and needy or obviously you can't hold out and you're not waiting for her to get back to you so basically what this girl knows is she can have you anytime that she wants and so therefore there's nothing she doesn't have to work to get you you're a piece of cake you're easy you're a known quantity and the reason she broke up with you four months ago is because you did enough things and you acted weak enough times to where she decided she would didn't want to be in a relationship with you anymore and so now she's simply looking to find a man who acts like a dominant male and what's happening is you start to act like one and then after a few days you can't take anymore you can't hold out any longer and you you're just too afraid to find out if she'll never call you again and so you keep chasing her and you don't give her that space so he says I see them talking and she'll laugh at his jokes she'll even try to keep the conversation with him even though it's not all that interesting to her and that's because she has interest in him she's like this every single day with him with me however she only acts this way when I return after a week and that should tell you something I should tell you that after week her attitude towards you is bed when you haven't called or contacted her so what you really need to do isn't nothing at all you need to walk away completely and focus on other women and dating other women practicing your skills and getting other women in your life so you're not consumed about this X here because right now whenever she talks to you she could tell that you're the only thing that you have going on in your life personally and sociably he says our circle of friends has a online chat and he basically goes on there all the time to chat and basically she ignores him until she's done chatting with these other people and and the reason being is because she knows you'll wait around and you'll always be there and alpha males don't act like this alpha males like hey I'm going here you want to come along no all right give me a call if change your mind I love to hang out and they go about their life and their purpose and they don't wait on a woman your problem is that you're waiting on her and it's like you're waiting on her for approval to validate you in some way that she still likes you and you that in and of itself the just acting that way communicates I'm not worthy of you I don't deserve you and that's why she's treating you like you're really not a big deal and I'm not going to read through this whole email here but you know down at the bottom he says you know I'm very fed up with this and he's like he's really angry and pissed off at her but the other day dude you can't be pissed off at her because this is your issue this is your insecurity this is your fear and your doubt and basically what you're doing is you're acting like a little girl would act you're acting like a little girl does when she needs love and reassurance from her father what does she do she goes around and sits his lap when she feels content filled up and like he loves her again she hops off his lap lap and goes runs around the house chases her brothers and sisters has a good time and when she misses him or she falls down or you know somebody said something to hurt her feelings she goes in sits on his lap for that love and reassurance again and you're basically doing this with your ex-girlfriend it's like you hang out and you wait for a week and when you can't take anymore you contact her and it's like you go sit in her lap like a little kitten or a little puppy and you know she'll find you cute for a little while but you know when you call the neck stay and she's cold and she's lukewarm it's because you're chasing her again and you're basically acting like a little girl would act and so you want to know what the best thing you can do is is walk and never look back don't call us girl again ever because if she likes you and she has any chance you have any chance with her she'll get back in touch with you and so when she does get in touch you say hey it's great hearing from you hey let's meet up for a drink you know when are you available this next week you know tell me days you're available and then plan something definite weather and say awesome I will see you there and if something comes up I'll shoot you text otherwise I'll just see it the restaurant or the place or whatever or you'll pick her up I mean out whatever happens to be the point is you got to make definite plans with her and if she won't make definite plans just say all right say I got a run but you know giving off change of mind and just just to have a very lackadaisical ezpz attitude just like you did because when he when this guy says he first met her this is way was he really wasn't that into her and she was chasing and blowing up his phone all the time it's like that worked back then that's how one of the ways that you got her and so chasing her is all is just pushing her away and so you shouldn't chase her because it's just going to push her away more you should employ more of a strategy that has worked in the past instead of doing more of what's turning her off which is chasing her you just got to grow a set of balls dude and hold out and move on and you know you got to be realistic because she may never call you and if she doesn't call you it just means that her interest level you know is in the 40s and you're out but who knows maybe two months from now three months from now it doesn't work out I said there dude she'll probably text you or call you that's just the way it works stay off the chat rooms and stop stop trying to force things to happen and that's your problem so if you find this message of value you can show your appreciation by going down to the web' a tool bar which is at the bottom your screen if you're watching this video on my website and click the Pay Pal donate button and donate any amount that you feel is equal to the value of the information in this video at the very least please share this page with all your friends and family by clicking any one of the social networks sharing buttons which are also located in the would be a tool bar at the bottom of your screen if you have a question you want to ask me or there's a topic that you'd like me to cover in a future video newsletter click the contact me tab on the left hand side of your screen and seventy three or four paragraphs max detailing your situation and just give me several days get back to you the response because I got a lot of email from the internet and I got a ton of it from my paying phone coaching customers and I got to focus on their emails first but be patient and I will get back to you if you'd like to talk to me right away you can book a paid phone coaching session with me personally by clicking the products tab at the top of your screen and just follow the instructions and I will talk to you see you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 810,489
Rating: 4.8932233 out of 5
Keywords: How, To, Re, Attract, Her
Id: oqMd2k6Ab5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2012
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