Make Her Want You More

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be how to make her want you more now this refers to women that you're dating refers to your girlfriend and also refers to your wife one things I teach about my book I've got an interest level table that's not on four or five pages long and it starts on page 120 in my book and what I detail is the different percentages of a woman's romantic interest in you so you can tell like you know her from 51% to say 60% there's a certain number of things a woman is willing to do and that you won't do when her interest level is in that percentage range when your interest level is in the 60 to 70 percentage range there's another set of actions that she'll do in addition to what she does when her interest is in the 50 to 60 percent range and the same thing from 70 80 and from 80 90 and obviously 92 to a hundred and if you want to get really good it's sensing how a woman feels about you emotionally in every moment because it fluctuates based upon her emotions the mood she's in it obviously is based upon her hormones and how you're showing up in the relationship when you're demonstrating dominant male behavior and your being strong and your being centered usually she's going to pursue you and want to be with you more because she's going to be unsure where she stands with you because I've got an article here I'm on this particular page this link a link to an article that was written out a year or two ago it was a scientific study where scientists actually sat and concluded you know by looking at the data and talking I was like a thousand different women they interacted with and this survey and what they concluded was that women were more attracted to men whose feelings were unclear or when they were sure of where they stood now as I've talked about before you want to be a challenge to women you want to be your own man you want a woman to wonder about you if you're constantly texting woman calling a woman you know in between your dates and tell them professing your love and how much you appreciate her in blah blah blah when you've only been out on one date more likely she'll end up canceling your second date if you do that and one things I talk about is you always is especially in the beginning you only use the phone text email instant messaging whatever you happen whatever form of contact that you're using you will use these forms of contact to simply set a definite date and what a lot of guys make the mistake of doing especially when they're finding out first finding out about my work is they've you know they've got they're under this illusion of action that I have to do something to make her like me more because that's running around their head and they've been watching TV and movies movie programs since they were little children that show that that the men have to constantly chase the women and do something to cause her to fall from because if you're not doing something you're not totally in her face she's going to forget about you and choose some other guy who is in her face and that's total [ __ ] [ __ ] it's some dude probably some guy that sat in the back of class in high school who's a screenwriter that never was very successful about women he's got fantasies of the way he thinks that they should be because he's been watching movies his whole life and TV programs and so he just goes and starts writing stories and stuff that are based upon the same [ __ ] and interact in accurate stuff that's just simply not the way women respond in life and so as you're dating a woman you're interacting with her and like I talked about page 120 that about four or five pages after that where I explained in detail you have to know that stuff like the back of your hand because like I said a woman's emotional romantic interest in you is going to fluctuate based upon how she's feeling just maybe it's that time of the month or whatever hormones are going or maybe something's going on in her life or you know it's causing some kind of a stress or whatever or obviously most importantly what you're doing or not when you're dating her that's all going to affect how she shows up and so when a woman becomes lukewarm and cold you and she's not really that enthusiastic to see you you should do things like setting your date's up further into the future you need to spread that time out because like I've talked about before a woman's romantic interest in you Rises slowly over time you got to think of it like a cake that's baking in the oven and a mistake that most guys do is they keep opening the oven is done is it done is it done yet and then the cake just goes and they totally deflate all the sexual tension and they get rejected the right way to handle it is to understand that it's okay to communicate what you think about her that you like her that she thinks she's beautiful but like I talked about my book it's better for guys that are starting out to not do those things and the reason being I've talked about it in other articles is that until you get to the place where you can speak from your heart and give a compliment without any kind of attachment or anything attached to it that says she's got to show up a certain way or she's got to act a certain way you're going to have problems and so you don't want to get attached to her being a certain way or doing things a certain way you just have to kind of let it come and let women come and go as they please and so if a woman's is she's lukewarm then like I said you said if you set your date up in the future or if she's not real enthusiastic to call you back when you text you text her at 12:00 and she doesn't text you till like 6 or 7 o'clock that night or maybe the next morning well you that should be an indication you need to take your time getting back to her it's you know it's not about being manipulative it's about looking at how she's showing up in relation to you because most guys just completely ignore all that crap altogether and only pay attention to their own level of interest and they don't pay attention to what what how he's doing and sit what he's doing and saying in the relationship is affecting her actions you know if a woman is blowing up your phone when I miss you I want to say I can't wait to see you of course he'll like hey come on over tonight that's how you handle those interactions but like I said a woman you feel are backing away and she's not excited to see you then you have to spread out the time in between you contacting your next asking her out for a date the next time if she wouldn't yell normally she thanks you and she [ __ ] your brains out that's a bit at the end of every one her dates and tonight you take her home and you know she's not really in the mood to kiss and she's kinda like I'm not really feeling well that's great you know wait a few days to call her you know don't call her the next day all I had such a great time wasn't so awesome when you're because a lot of guys do that and I think oh she was lukewarm and cold so I got to try and cajole her and manipulated her into having a thinking she had a better time last night that she actually did it's just she simply have to back off because what happens the woman becomes sure of herself and she needs time you know just like us guys we need to go be in our man cave when we need to solve our problems when it comes to dealing with her emotions and how she feels about you she needs to talk about it with her girlfriend she doesn't sit and think about it have a glass of wine at night or watch her favorite TV program or read a romance novel or whatever it happens to be you got to give her some space so the dough can arrive so to speak rise just like a cake I should say so I got this short email from a guy and he says I read your article don't act dopey around women this article pretty much is on key with what's happening with the girl I'm currently dating my question is how do I get out of this bind I guess you could say I screwed up by letting her know how I liked her too soon and so she already knows how I feel and what my intentions are and like I said before it's not there's nothing wrong with expressing that it's the problem runs into when you have an attachment to it when you give her a compliment not because it's a gift of your heart but because all I'm saying you're really beautiful because I hope you'll have sex with me or I hope you'll go to dinner with me or I hope that you'll give me your phone number or I hold the door open for you because I'm expecting some kind of reaction not that I'm doing it just because I'm a gentleman and I open the door for everybody it's a huge difference it's a subtle difference but it's a massive difference between giving something or a compliment because it's a gift of your heart or giving it because you're expecting something in return and when you expect something in return women can sense it and it lowers her interest level so he says lately she seems a bit more standoffish and seems to be less interested than she was in the beginning and I would say it's because you've communicated low value and you've been over here obviously you admitted you've acted dopey and when you act dopey you act weak you're basically communicating that you don't have any emotional self-control and when a woman sees that incensed is that you basically are starting to act like a stalker would act or a needy guy would act or a guy that becomes an abusive boyfriend would act and so when a woman senses that and feels that she's going to back away from you and when she backs away you just have to let her go the fact that she's lukewarm here what I would do is I would start spacing out your time in between your dates and the thing you got to pay really close attention to is she see at this point if you've been out in several dates with her is that she should be doing 70 to 80 percent of the contacting or initiating contact so what you need to do is absolutely nothing at all and if you don't hear from her for several days or maybe a week goes by and you haven't heard from her this is what you always fall back on when a woman goes cold like I talked about the book is that if she goes cold you just stick to once a week you call her once a week and ask her out and she's busy or she says I can't make it this week we'll do it some other time it doesn't offer you a counter then you got to wait until the following week and do the same thing and after two times trying to set up dates she says no she can't do it without offering a counter then you don't call her anymore at all but in this particular case more than like you're probably calling her and blowing up her phone all the time telling her you had a nice time at other BS the best thing to do is back off and do nothing and wait to see if she calls you her contact you and when she does text you just say hey I'd really love to see you when you know when are you free next week what nights are you open for dinner question mark let her respond and she says I'm open Tuesday and Thursday say great how about I pick you up Thursday at 8:00 o'clock boom definite date get off the phone and think of it this way it's like once you've set a date and you have definite plans you know where you're going to pick her up or you know where you're going to meet it's just like putting the cake in the oven and then you do nothing until it's time to open the oven up that's the best way to look at it and so you don't open the oven up until it's time for your date it's like you don't need to call her or do anything you just need to show up and keep your word to keep the plans that you made it makes it very simple it very easy and it gives her the space in between the time that you've set the date and she's waiting for you to show up to where she can think about you she can talk to you or talk to her girlfriends about you which all these things are what raised her level of interest you're being mysterious instead of volunteering everything you've been up to let her ask you what you've been up to and don't tell her everything let her work to find these things out about you because you want to know if she's interested in you she's going to want to know these things she's going to ask these things so if you find this message of value you can show your appreciation by going down to the web via toolbar which is at the bottom of your screen if you're watching this video on my website and click the Pay Pal donate button and donate any amount that you feel is equal to the value of the information in this video at the very least please share this page with all of your friends and family by clicking any one of the social networks sharing buttons which are also located on the Libya toolbar at the bottom of your screen if you've got a question you want to ask me or there's a topic you'd like me to cover in a future video newsletter click the contact me tab on the left-hand side of your screen and send me three or four paragraphs maximum detail in your situation you got to be brief I can't read three-page letters it's just way too much information be patient I will get back to you you just got to give me several days because I get a lot of email from the internet and I also get a lot of email for my paying phone coaching customers and obviously I got to focus on the paying customers first but be patient and I will get back to you and if you'd like to talk to me right away you can book a paid phone coaching session with me personally by clicking the products tab at the top of your and just follow the instructions and I'll talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 643,141
Rating: 4.8705339 out of 5
Keywords: Make, Her, Want, You, More
Id: He27tP2PRMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2012
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