From Broken Up, To Her Chasing You

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of this video newsletter is going to be to how to go from broken up to her wanting you and chasing you again in other words are you in a situation have you been in a situation or are you fearful that you may be in a situation someday or maybe even you have a friend that's in a situation where they've been dumped by the girl and they want to know what to do to get her back well I personally had was in that situation quite a few times years ago obviously if you've read my book how to be a three percent man and in and I detail my history of what happened and over the years I've developed a strategy that not only that I perfected it myself but for years now I've been teaching it to other clients who have been dumped by the girl and they realize that they screwed up but they want to get her back and I'm going to put a copy of that or link to that store it's called the best strategy to get an ex back and so that's in there and basically what happens what are the reasons why a woman dumps us well usually it's it's one of a couple reasons but the big reason is is either the guys acting like a needy insecure jackass or he's basically doesn't know how to communicate with women and he's constantly doing things and saying things that are constantly hurting her emotionally and breaking her heart and so what happens is this destroys a woman's level of comfort and her ability to feel safe in the relationship to open up emotionally to the point where she becomes submissive and lets a man take control of the direction that the relationship goes and where it goes and she just goes along with it because she just loves the hell out of them and wants to make him happy but if a guy doesn't know how to treat a woman he doesn't know how to communicate with her doesn't know how to open her up and talk to her emotionally and listen to her just like one of her girlfriends would but without trying to solve the problem like most guys tried to do and so usually what happens is a guy will do so much or so many things to hurt her that eventually she's just like I can't take it anymore enough enough we need some time apart I think you need to go work on yourself we should see other people or whatever it happens to be or I think we should just be friends which is one that I used to hear a lot of when I was young right you know it was like every other girl I went out with would say hey let's just be friends and that's not a whole hell of a lot of fun and so if you follow the process that I detail in my article the best strategy to get an ex back and you've communicated what you want and now you've basically walked away then you're at the place where you just have to wait to hear from her and what you do is by communicating what you want communicating how much you love her and you care about her and you want to make things work but you're not interested in becoming her male girlfriend then if she says well that's not what I want you just basically you leave the door open you say well you know give me a call if you change your mind or give me a call when you change your mind and just leave it at that and maybe a week or so or a couple weeks or maybe even a month goes by and then she contacts you and what you should do is you take that as an opportunity to make a date to create the next opportunity for sex to happen an opportunity for sex to happen is a date but you know the reason I say that is so a guy in his logical mind can understand and focus on that because men do men are very simple and we like directions we want like step one step two step three and so I can simplify things for a guy to the point where it's basically create the next opportunity for sex to happen that's what you can do the goal is to be mysterious on a date you don't tell her where you're taking her or what she's going to do you just say hey throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt we're going to go do something really fun what we going to do oh it's going to be a surprise you'll love it just trust me if you something to wonder about wonder what we're gonna do and cuz what a woman does then she gets in the phone with her girlfriends it's like always taking me somewhere and I don't know he told me to wear cowboy boots and jeans or you know is he taking medial line dancing or a bullfight or bull riding or a toolbar just whatever he said to me you dress up and wear a nice dress so I assumed maybe he's going to take me out for a nice dinner the key is is when you're on the date that what happens on the date or that I say the opportunity for sex to happen is she slowly discovers what you got planned for the evening and if you've gone and called ahead maybe got reservations that are really cool like one of my favorite places downtown there's this little bistro restaurant it's great place take girl it's in a bank building I'm not going to say that now because it's one of my favorite places and the food is fantastic I would say the food's probably like three to four stars somewhere in there and it's great to go because it's you see a lot of professionals in there it's a nice place you can dress up you know throw your nice Versace suit on or something and take her out so where she gets dressed up and so you're there with a bunch of other professionals you know usually a lot of people go there for happy hour it's a great place to start out everything's great inside is gorgeous you know it's like cents in a bank but you know a high-rise bank building and so you know the inside where this bar is it's just fantastic and the food is excellent as well so it's a great place to take girl hang out have a few drinks get a nice little buzz on or whatever and then you stroll someplace else maybe in the same restaurant or but a different part of the restaurant or you walk down one a few blocks away and you can chat and this gives her a chance to bump India's as your you walk in there maybe you reach over and grab your hand or touch your arm or those kinds of things and these are the signs you want to look for these are indicators of interest these are indicators that she likes you and you know the more she touches you and you can take these signs that you're doing things right because as a woman's interest level goes up she wants to be closer to you she wants to touch you she wants to be more affectionate she talks about doing things together in the future as a couple essence she's helping paint the picture because women help you when they like you and so you go out on a nice day and maybe you go to a nice dinner which is a different place and then maybe after that you go to someplace where you can have some coffee or some more tea or you know some after-dinner drinks or something like that or maybe even do a little bit Dance Center or maybe shoot some pool or I mean there's throw some darts or so many cool different things you can do based upon your likes and her likes and interests but the key is that you plan something that she slowly discovers and you know if you after you hang out and you go to three or four different places in one evening what it does is it gives the woman of an experience of like going out on three or four different dates because most guys take a chick to dinner and then they take her home and that's it but when you go through several tickets several places and then you've learned the stuff that I talked about my book about how to communicate with a woman get her to talk about you know if you're trying to get her back you know what you did wrong in the past it's just letting her talk about these things and she'll open up and share them with you and as the evening goes on you take her back home or you go back to her place and one things leads to another then you're making out then you're in the bedroom and then you're making love and then the next day you're dropping her off and she's gone well you know this you know or then she texts you later that afternoon when she sobered up she says all that was a mistake you know I don't want you to think that that's gonna you know happen on a regular basis it shouldn't happen and you shouldn't let these things get under your skin or deter you because how was James Bond he's always charming and he always expects to get what he wants especially when the woman protests especially when the woman says there's no way you're getting in my pants he just got that smirk that little look that he has like yeah whatever they all say that [ __ ] same thing until they're buck naked later with their feet behind their head and so you look like Bugs Bunny but that's beside the point but the key is that's what you do and then so the guy's like what do i do how do I get her back and just focus on creating an opportunity for sex to happen and then you don't need to do anything else if you have an hour heard from her she'll text you give her a couple of days or whatever specially if she's got oh this is not gonna be real her thing it was a mistake or whatever you go about your life you haven't heard from her in a week you can shoot her a text and invite her back out or whatever but more than likely if she's texted you or called you a day or two later she'll text you and call you again tell you what a wonderful time she had or whatever and then when she finally does contact you for the second time then you simply use that as an opportunity to make the next date and the next opportunity for sex to happen and you just rinse repeat recycle that's all you're going to do over and over again just keep creating fun romantic filled evenings where sec can happen and it does and as far as like getting back and having the label of boyfriend/girlfriend if that's really important to you you don't need to worry about it you don't need to bring it up why because when a woman gets comfortable she's going to get to the point where she's going to tell you she's going to basically make you be her boyfriend she's going to convince you of why you need to be her boyfriend all you got to do is say yes and go along with that if that's what you really want the key is to only do the things that you really want and I've got a really super long email here from a guy but it's what I love about it is that he goes play-by-play and this is obviously over the course of several days and weeks that this has transpired but you can see how he started out the beginning by following what I teach and then towards the end of it how he's doing great and his question at the end it's like well how do I get her back and she's like dude she's coming over and she's texting you and she's calling you and she's [ __ ] your brains out again it's women vote with their feet and it means is if she's with you it means she voted for you and the only thing that you're worried about it you're asking about is this label of boyfriend/girlfriend and forget about that just keep creating the next opportunity for sex to happen when she contacts you and eventually she's going to let you know that you guys are exclusive and you better not be looking at or talking to any other women until then play ball so if you find these messages of value you can show your appreciation by going to the web' toolbar which is located at the bottom of your screen if you have me watching this video on my website click the PayPal donate button and donate any amount that you feel is equal to the value that you receive from this video an article or anything else on my website at the very least please share this page with all of your friends and family by clicking either Facebook LinkedIn or the Twitter social share buttons which are also located on the web via toolbar if you got a question you like to ask of me that I could consider to use at a potential video newsletter click the contact me tab at the top of your screen there I set the left hand side of your screen and send that to me and give me several days or a 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Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 748,536
Rating: 4.7847681 out of 5
Keywords: From, Broken, Up, To, Her, Chasing, You
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2011
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