How to Get Better at Speaking English

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wanna speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class hi everybody welcome back to cop words my name is Alisha and today we're gonna talk about 10 different ways to remember words so these are actually some ways to remember words that you have sent in to us so I'm really excited to see what your recommendations are I study other languages so let's talk about it let's see I associate new words with words that sound similar in my native language if you're studying English your native language might share some words so like I'm studying Japanese and for example the word chocolate sounds very very similar in in Japanese so in English the word is chocolate in Japanese the word is chocolate evil so it sounds similar so that's an easy word for me to remember I learn about the roots of words and how different words are related to each other many words in English have roots in very very old languages like Latin so a word like omniscient for example can be broken down into maybe two parts the Omni Omni meaning all or everything and she int The Shins part relates to knowledge or knowing so together the word means all-knowing omniscient maybe you can guess the meaning even if it's the first time you've seen the word okay I listen to songs and memorize the lyrics this is also a common way to to help kids learn things too through songs opposite of B plus or minus the square root b squared minus 4ac all over 2a it's a quadratic function equation because it's a song it's still in my head Thank You mrs. Sam I often watch TV or YouTube videos that are designed for young children that's how children in the native language learn so it's a great tool for you don't be embarrassed to do that I do that in English we have Dora the Explorer we have Sesame Street I speak as often as possible with native speakers a native speaker can go up that's that's a strange thing that you're saying so there are a lot of small factors that you can't get unless you're speaking with a native speaker so this is a really really great tip if you're interested in doing this with us we have on English class a special subscription which is called the elite level of subscription where you get to actually study with one of our teachers here so if if you don't have somebody that you can study with now that might be a way to do it please check that out if you're interested I try to use the language routinely in the context of daily life when you're alone just doing stuff at home like making breakfast or cooking or doing the laundry if you use the language just to say like now I'm going to I don't know cut vegetables or oh I need to do laundry later today or thinking about your appointment whatever another good example is really I put my phone into my target language you're telling little stories when you're having conversations with people so get used to telling yourself the story I use repetition reading writing and speaking words over and over again keep repeating in your studies even if it feels like you know you're not making any progress you are just just the act of doing that repetition can be helpful for you if a football player never throws a football he's not going to be able to throw it very well is he you have to repeat repeat repeat and then when you're faced with the actual situation where you need to throw the football you need to use that vocabulary word you're ready you already know how to say the word so yes repeat it's good I try to think in English so it becomes natural to my thought process I do this I think about what I need to do I think about what I have done I think about what I'm going to do and so in that way you can practice past tense future tense and present tense recently this has been happening to me I've started dreaming in Japanese from time to time where I dream bilingually it's exciting I think I try to use the word in a simple sentence so I learn whole phrases not just individual words yes this is a huge tip so vocabulary is important of course if you don't know a key word you might miss the meaning of something but context is important too so there might be two words which seem very similar like big and large for example but when should I use large when should I use big like if your clothes shopping and you say mmm do you have this in a big size it might not be the correct way to use the word instead do you have this in a large-sized is the correct phrase so learning how to use the correct vocabulary word at the correct time is important and you can do that through studying sentences and phrases instead of just vocabulary this is why reading is important I feel reading as much as possible especially the newspaper helps me to remember words when I was a kid I just read everything I was I was so into reading I loved it and I think that it helped it actually helped my language skills improve even in my native language again at first it's really hard to do and you might have to use a dictionary a lot but you'll learn gradually more natural speaking patterns more natural writing patterns - which will help you to sound more natural when you speak and maybe it can help your listening skills - when you can listen for those patterns that you see in textbooks that you see in newspapers and novels whatever it's a great tool reading and thank goodness that's the end so those are ten tips that you can use to remember new words and new phrases try them out I'm going to be doing my best with my target language I hope that you do too thank you very much for watching please please please subscribe to our channel if you have not already and we will see you again soon for more exciting information bye hi everybody my name is Alisha and today we're gonna be talking about ten of the hardest words to pronounce according to you guys so we collected some information from you on Facebook thanks very much for sending in your ideas and these were the top 10 most difficult words for you to pronounce so let's get started absolutely absolutely absolutely might be tough to pronounce absolutely means 100% absolutely is an agreement phrase are you going to that music event next week absolutely yes 100% definitely absolutely loot like a loot Lu te dude big rhyme big rhyme apparently means dirty I have never heard nor used this word before but perhaps it's difficult to pronounce big rhyme the door to my apartment was big rhymed in the storm last week breakfast the next word is breakfast breakfast is hard to pronounce but that is the meaning of breakfast you're breaking the fast so fast isn't period of time without eating and to break means to just well in this case breaking something it doesn't refer to like crushing a thing but stopping something to break the fast of the night in other words so you're fasting during the night you're not eating so you wake up in the morning you break the fast but we don't say break fast we say breakfast in a sentence this morning from breakfast I ate a bowl of cereal with grapes and I had a coffee too colleague colleague yes colleague many of my students struggle with this they say colleague or they say colleague you or something cuz the spelling of this word is really really strange there's that gue at the end and we're more commonly I feel it's just co-worker colleague sounds slightly more formal to me than a co-worker somebody who you work with or somebody who you have a business relationship with in some sense it could be person from another company could be somebody from your own company anyone who you do business dealings with is your colleague can be your colleague in a sentence I'm going to a networking event with my colleagues next week miscellaneous that mis see miscellaneous so just as the spelling I think maybe it's confusing for this word miscellaneous miscellaneous just means other stuff or just other uncatted Erised stuff I keep a lot of miscellaneous items in a drawer in my house maybe they don't they don't really fit into one category like it's not kitchen things it's not clothing it's just sort of a mixture of things miscellaneous things negotiation the next word is negotiation negotiation yeah there are two T's in this but neither T is a hard T they're both very soft at SH sound because they're followed by the eye and another vowel that she ate negotiation negotiation refers to a compromise between two people you're trying to make a decision and you negotiate in this case that's a noun form negotiation business negotiations continued for more than a month with this important deal realm realm I see why this one's hard it's that role part that realm it's a weird word isn't it it's used to talk about just like the kind of a fantasy world is sort of the nuance of this phrase the realm in a sentence lets us go to the realm where the elves live and eat their bread unfortunately the next word is unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately just means too bad you can use this to to start bad news for example like unfortunately I can't come to work today because I'm sick or unfortunately I broke my arm at the basketball game last week or unfortunately my haircut is bad vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry just refers to the words in a language my vocabulary in my second language is really really low I need a bigger vocabulary so that I can express myself more clearly world world oh I see why this one's hard world world hard to pronounce that rld I think together is tough Plus that W at the beginning as well it's such a short word but you have to say so many weird things at the same time world your tongue is going like this in a sentence I have traveled all over the world and the best food is in my stomach that's in so those were 10 hard to pronounce words give them a try slowly at first and just kind of try to work up to him saying at a more natural speed if you like thank you so much for sharing your opinions with us on Facebook and please make sure to subscribe to our channel so that you don't miss out on any of this fun information so thanks again for watching today and we'll see you again next time bye you don't need new shoes you need new feet hi everybody my name is Alisha today we're gonna be talking about the top 10 favorite English words we asked our fans on Facebook what their favorite English words were and these are the top 10 that came out so let's talk about them come on the first word first phrase is come on come on is a phrase that's used to encourage other people like let's go to the party come on or you could also use it with downward intonation as in come on when you feel upset about something someone has stopped in front of you in the middle of the street and you're trying to walk but they they just don't move you can say come on though don't say that out loud maybe because they might get upset with you come on over that's a good one yeah come on over to my house or come on over to the barbecue this weekend it's gonna be a good time so you can use it as part of its separate phrase as well not just by itself believe the next word is belief belief is used a verb it's a verb when you trust in something or that you feel that you know that something exists or something is possible or something is capable many people use it as in like I believe in you to show that they think that the other person or the other group of people is capable of doing something or people use it for their faith as well like I believe in God or I don't believe in God for something that youth you have your faith in and another person or in religion whatever that might be consistency consistency is a noun the consistency of a liquid can be really thick or kind of thin or you could also use consistency to talk about something that's important that you need when you're studying a language for example consistency so consistency refers to doing the same thing the same way over and over and over again studying everyday or making a habit out of studying creating consistency in your study patterns will really help you in learning another language or watch our videos every week we're consistent friend-friend that's good I'm glad that that was a word that was chosen from the Facebook thing friend yeah so someone that you feel close to or someone that you get along really well with is your friend mmm in a sentence I went out drinking with my friends yesterday and that was a bad idea friend also can be used for the people who follow you or the people who you're connected to on social media so your Facebook friends maybe Twitter you can have Twitter friends maybe Instagram friends people that you haven't actually met but that you somehow have a connection with online people are now calling them your friends but whether or not they're true friends remains to be seen what is a true friend a true friend is someone who you can tell all your things - and they won't judge you for it gatecrash this this gatecrash means to go to an event without having been invited to the event I've also heard I'm just crash I haven't heard with gate but I just heard crash isn't to crash a party so in a sentence I once crashed a house party hmm I wasn't invited but someone somehow we had a connection and we just showed up and had a good time but usually gate crashes are perceived as their very unwelcome like you shouldn't be there great great is just a positive word how are you I'm great Oh how was that movie it was great any time that you want to express some sort of positivity you can use the word great great you're great Eileen pizza is pretty great I haven't eaten beets in a while pizza I don't know I love the phrase I don't know I talked about this phrase in one of the English topics videos that we did with Michael check that out if you haven't already I don't know of course is used when you do not know information you don't know the answer your teacher asks you a question in math class or something and you can say I don't know for I have no ideas so you can use it in this way but I like to use I don't know a lot to transition in my speech when I don't have a good idea or when I'm out of things to say and I want to kind of pass the conversation to the next person I go I don't know I don't know you can use this when you're trying to make a decision for example and you kind of want to encourage the other person to like help make the decision so one person might say what do you want to do and you can say I don't know what do you want to do I don't know what do you want to do and eventually somebody has to make the decision but you can kind of pass back and forth with I don't know I don't know in this sort of soft way never mind yeah never mind means don't worry about it or maybe like stop thinking about that I don't need to think about that anymore never mind like you want to move on in the conversation you can say never mind are you making embarrassing comment never mind what is happening there was there's like a creaky cracky thing happening I just used it never mind no it wasn't on purpose so I just use never mind I was pretty good passion passion passion refers to something that you feel very strongly about positively usually so you can feel passion for your studies you can feel passion for your hobby you can feel passion for your family or your friend I think we use passion more so to talk about like a love relationship of a romantic relationship so you could say I have passion for my wife I have passion for my husband or like I have passion for this hobby that I do it's a really positive word so in a sentence let's see I think a relationship should be full of passion I have passion for music I do I have passion for music I'm constantly listening to music from the moment I wake up in the morning I literally have headphones in in my bed and I'm listening to my latest the latest new things on my soundcloud stream that's true sparkler why did you guys pick spark sparkler a sparkler is a a small firework like a handheld firework that you can use like a fourth of July you light one end of it and it kind of makes that sound to it cuz it kind of burns and you can write stuff and if you take a picture with a like a long time err on the camera or whatever you can spell out boobs one of my favorite things to do on the fourth of July in America is to light sparklers with my family and friends and that's the end so that's were let's see how many 10 those were 10 really cool words that you guys chose from Facebook thanks a lot for participating and sending in those words it's interesting to see what you guys chose thanks again for watching today and we will see you again next time bye we're stirring the pot here in English clouds want to speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class hi everybody my name is Alisha and today we're gonna be talking about the top 25 English phrases so let's get started the first phrase is hello hello of course is used as a greeting you can greet your friends you can greet your co-workers your family with this phrase just by saying hello hey hi what's up hello so yo pretty much anytime of day you can use hello hello the next phrase is good morning good morning is used as a greeting in the morning you can kind of feel when morning ends for you good morning is nice and polite or even just morning with your close friends or close co-workers the next phrase is good night good night is fine we don't use this to greet other people we use it when we're saying goodbye to other people at night family members particularly mothers and fathers to say good night to their children before they put them to bed you can say it to your friend and a text message or in an email if you've been talking for a while good night so the next word to talk about is goodbye use it when you say good bye to your friends when you leave your friends good bye bye of course take care have a nice day peace out that's another way to say goodbye okay the next phrase is I'm plus your name of course this is a way to introduce yourself you can use I'm in my case Alicia I'm Alicia to introduce yourself in any situation new friend I'm Alicia okay the next phrase is what's your name what's your name is used to ask someone else what their name is so what is your name sounds a bit try to use what's your name if you forget someone's name you can say sorry what's your name or sorry what's your name again next phrase is nice to meet you nice to meet you any time you meet someone new nice to meet you is fine good to meet you is a little more casual great to meet you sounds very excited pleasure to meet you sounds like maybe a formal situation or a business context okay the next phrase is how are you how are you is an it's just a friendly way to check in with the other person you can use it with friends your family your co-workers maybe even your boss to a certain degree how are you how you doing the next phrase is I'm fine thanks and you if you saw English in three minutes we talked a lot about this phrase instead of I'm fine thank you and you say I'm good thanks how are you just shorten it make it a little bit more natural how are you good how are you great how are you not so good how are you okay and so on so when someone says how are you offer I usually say I'm good this week I bla bla give some information about what you've been up to maybe a hobby something that you did recently an event something interesting you saw whatever people want to make that connection with you and it's a good chance for you to continue speaking the next word is please please as a polite phrase used when you want something from someone else you can use this as a response when someone offers you something like in a restaurant for example would you like more water would you like something to drink oh please the next phrase is thank you thank you is used to express your appreciation you can use thank you with everybody the next phrase is you're welcome you're welcome when someone says thank you you can say you're welcome no biggie I use no biggie as in no biggie is short for no big problem next word is yes yes of course yes means is any positive expression someone asks you a question and the answer is a positive answer you say yes yep uh-huh yeah we know next I'm guessing I knew it yep the next word is no no is a negative response to something when you have to give a negative answer so as you can probably guess the long form of no is negative I like to use nope it's very very casual not gonna happen my parents would use that with me to soften that a little bit if you want to show a negative response to something like let's go for dinner tonight what do you want to do like do you want to go out not really hmm no I don't think so hmm to soften it the next word is okay okay this word comes from copy editors okay when they had to check a manuscript they had to label the manuscript all clear AC but because they were copy editors and they have a very very sick sense of humor they thought they would mark it okay for all clear to make a joke because o and K do not start all and clear but it caught on among everybody in the world anyway okay is used to agree with somebody else well it can be used actually to express a positive or kind of a slight negative whew transitioning in your conversation you can say okay now we're going to talk about blah blah okay the next phrase is excuse me excuse me it's used to get someone's attention in English when you don't know the other person for example in a store a supermarket maybe a stranger on the street you need to ask directions you can use excuse me you can use excuse me in the supermarket excuse me can you tell me where the hot sauce is if you've done something rude in public you can use excuse me I personally do not do rude things in public ever I'm sorry is the next word we're gonna talk about I'm sorry is used to apologize when you have made a mistake or someone you know it's made a mistake and you're connected to it or you just feel bad you can use I'm sorry you made a mistake at work I'm sorry you forgot to feed your cat I'm sorry sorry about that you bumped someone next to you oh sorry what time is it is the next phrase when you need to check what time it is what time is it when you ask someone else what time it is maybe you say this to yourself to check your watch check your phone check a clock pretty straightforward phrase there aren't really any short version so that's an easy one hey where is that plus a location so you can use this for a building or a store we don't we're not going to use this where is the for a place a city name or a state name or a country name to do that you would need to remove the but where is the bank where is the post office you can use this to ask directions to ask for help in your house or at work where is the copy machine where is the file I need where is the bla bla bla where is the bathroom is perhaps a very important question to know the next one is may I use the restroom may I use the restroom is a polite and soft expression that you can use if you need to use the toilet you need to use the washroom and when you're at someone's house for the very first time when you're in a place that you're that is new to you you can ask may I use the restroom more casually can I go to the bathroom to be very polite you could say may I go to the bathroom the next phrase is I would like to order something you can use this at a restaurant probably or in any situation where you need to place an order I'd like a pizza I like beer can I get the check please this will be used at a restaurant when you've finished your meal and it's time to go can I get the check please in a very very casual situation you can just say check please that's fine the next phrase is see you soon see you soon is used with friends and family members perhaps when you expect to see them again soon after saying goodbye to them this is used at the end of the conversation you're going separate directions see you soon see ya is also good or just see you to make it a little more formal you can say I'll see you again soon make a full sentence out of it that way so next phrases see you later see you later is very similar to see you soon but the point is with see you later is that you're probably going to meet that person again later on in the same day the last phrase is really really is a very useful word because you can use it to show you we're interested in a conversation with upward intonation really really tell me more or to show that you're not so interested in the conversation with downward intonation really so there are many other words that you can use similar to really in this way like seriously or oh oh and so on so it's a really good practice for your intonation so those are 25 very common words and phrases in English if you liked this video if you liked this topic please subscribe I'm sure there'll be a button here somewhere a button here or wherever but please be sure to subscribe to our channel because we're gonna be doing more videos like this and we already have more videos like this so please be sure to check them out thanks very much for watching and we'll see you again soon really Oh interesting uh-huh okay I see great fantastic unbelievable mmm gratitude subjects what are we having for dinner tonight Pizza affirmative Oh riff on that I am Chris Hardwick mmm oh no all right welcome back to weekly words my name is Alisha and this week we are going to talk about commonly used onomatopoeia this is gonna be a fun one we talked briefly about an onomatopoeia zoom in a previous episode of weekly words we're gonna talk some more about some more talk some more about some more we're gonna talk about more today the first word is beep oh beep beep is any kind of electronic sound or a car sound and was also in a popular American cartoon Wiley coyote and the roadrunner the roadrunner would commonly say Carson will usually make a beep or a honk sound for electronics however the beep becomes a little bit more robotic will often see like beep beep so in a sentence let's say you have a computer problem you tell your friend the computer won't stop beeping at me what do I do next is the sound jingle jingle is any kind of light ringing sound this word gets used a lot in holiday seasons particularly Christmas Thanksgiving New Year's any jingling sound is very commonly assigned to bells like the song jingle bells for example is a perfect example of this jingle it's just the sound that a Bell makes in a sentence let's see you might say she has a small Bell attached to her phone so she jingles everywhere she walks it's really irritating okay the next word is thump a thump is for something to hit heavily to give an example the people who live in the apartment above me often thump on the floor it sounds like maybe they're dropping something heavy or they're stepping very heavily all right next is splash anything that falls into liquid lands in liquid makes a splash it's that sort of sound that comes from water or any other liquid really we refer to that as a splash sound there is also a popular Tom Hanks mermaid movie called splash this has nothing to do with that about him falling in love with a mermaid I made a big splash when I jumped into the swimming pool this summer next is blurt it means to say something quickly i blurt it out the news as soon as I heard it like I blurt it out the secret I couldn't hold it in any longer it means you just say something without thinking to blurt the first part of the word what that blurr sound it sounds like something it's just kind of sort of slips out on accident and then the harsh blurt that T at the end is like a kind of a final like oh my gosh I've just said something is I slipped him and I've said something oh no I didn't think about that alright that's the end of that one so I hope you learned a few new onomatopoeias that you can try out next time thanks for joining us for weekly words and I will see you again next time bye bye today's video is on words Americans overuse I haven't seen these words yet but apparently it's gonna be a series of words that we as Americans I'm American we overuse we use too often so let's start the first word is definitely definitely is definitely a word that Americans overuse we use it to put emphasis at the end of a phrase to put emphasis the end of a sentence as in oh that party last week was so great yeah definitely or to agree with somebody like that Oh God literally uh just in the last few days I've seen the word literally so many times on the internet and used in just such stupid ways the word literally means actually or truly something this is literally the best hamburger I've ever eaten so literally meaning truly or actually would mean that in that person's entire life that is the best hamburger they've ever eaten however it gets misused a lot in sentences like George Bush was literally supporting the war in Iraq or something like that taking a phrase like that literally would have to mean that you know the president former president would be you know physically supporting a war with his body onward onward hilarious hilarious is the next word I like to use the word hilarious when something is actually funny hilarious of course means something that is really funny super funny it's a step above funny maybe two steps three steps I don't know however people like to use this word in place of laughter so for example friends are talking and instead of just laughing the friend will say that's hilarious but well if it's so hilarious just laugh oh this must be the last one because this is the worst one this word is like I've probably said it several times already today for the for the purposes of this video the word like is used as a filler word so it's the same as something such as um or uh or hmm for example we use like as a filler word when we're trying to think of something you it's not uncommon to hear the word did like three four five times in a row when someone is thinking they'll say oh you know that party that I went to like like like like do you know who was there it just invades your speech sometimes when you're trying to think of something and no other filler words come out but the word like does ah this wasn't the last word there is another one seriously seriously it's used oh it's it's good for any time you receive bad news well not from your boss it's a really casual word but if you hear something like your friend lost their job and you can sympathize with them or maybe empathize with them by saying seriously oh that's too bad or Oh tell me like all your problems oh my god I just use like Oh God well I hate myself it's the end all right well I hope you enjoyed learning about a few words that Americans overuse I'm sure that there are more words that Americans overuse but perhaps you'll find those out on your own thanks very much for watching and we'll see you again next time today we're going to talk about four techniques to help you stop translating in your head and instead start thinking in your target language this will allow you to have conversations with ease read smoothly and better understand native speakers these are four methods to help you think in a new language number one surround yourself with your target language this way you'll be completely immersed in the language without realizing it you'll learn pronunciation sentence structures grammar and new vocabulary play music in the background while you're cooking or have a radio station on while you study just use one of our endless podcasts available to you these are easy to listen to in the background while doing other things number two learn through observation this is how we all learned our native languages as kids words will develop their own meanings that relate better to your target language rather than meanings that are translated directly number three speak out loud to yourself even if you're a little embarrassed it forces you to listen to how you speak it makes it much easier to spot simple grammar mistakes number four practice daily if you practice everything for only one day you won't retain the information you learned the brain can realistically only focus for about 30 minutes so studying a little every day allows you to absorb better follow these steps and have patience you'll soon be able to achieve your language learning goals just make sure to remember these four methods sign up for your free lifetime account no credit card required and you'll get the best free online resources and start learning more every day you've decided to study a new language so now what well you want to become fluent fast right here are the top five shortcuts to learning a language number one create a study schedule and set some goals many language learners are unorganized creating a schedule allows you to free up time to study consistently goals give you motivation and something to strive for number two make it fun if you learn how to make your study time enjoyable chances are you'll be more inclined to study watch a TV show with subtitles or listen to some music number three find a language partner this is the best way to improve your conversation skills it will help you gain fluency even faster and increase confidence when speaking number four use word list to build up a solid vocabulary this is a great way to build up your fluency one word at a time luckily we have all the word lists you need with a range of topics from food to love choose whichever language you want to study and go number five don't be afraid to make mistakes nothing helps you improve more than correcting your own errors you're more likely to remember it correctly the next time around everyone makes mistakes don't be afraid to learn from them there's no magical way to learn a new language overnight but doing all of these can really help your learning process and remember if you're interested in getting on the fast track to fluency sign up for your free lifetime account no credit card required and you'll get the best free online resources start learning now [Music]
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 832,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: englishpod101, learn english, english language, japan, english, school, teacher, tutorial, lessons, compilation, how to, fast, quick, easy, listening comprehension, podcast, speak english, conversation in english, start a conversation, how to speak, speaking english, english conversation
Id: bwO1qknJVek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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