Making BAD Decisions in Among Us

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so today and among us we've got an interesting one this is the decision mod and the first decision is will you choose to hit the like button or the Subscribe button let's win this mod we gotta make a bunch of decisions do we drink the lava or swim in it and a bunch of others You're Gonna Wanna stick around till the end all right the first decision we all have to get in teams of two uh who do I choose um so boys how this works what there is an imposter amongst us and we have to work as teams to figure out who it is to vote them out so I'm so substitious look at him he's ugly is that is it you you have to tell me if it's you is it you no it's not me is it you no it's not me what do you mean okay so first thing we have to do look at the quest log we have decisions to make right so firstly look at our map uh we have a decision down here follow me as we complete our decisions you can see up top we have a 50 decision meter and guys do me a favor make a decision hit the like so first decision is here uh what do we want to do we can either be bad and burn the tree or be good and eat an apple being good is kind of boring but being good is good but being bad is fun I'm gonna eat an apple oh is that good that is good that is good so look my meter goes up to six oh I'm a slow boy oh nice here all you want to okay I'm gonna punch foreign s out in a minute where did he go I just punched him out of the world oh and since I did that task check this out I unlock abilities look I have this ability meter I can unlock one of these abilities should I get the Blaster gun kill mode I can use this once to kill somebody and I have all these other abilities that I can unlock to Sunday Zod are you still here oh my what just happened I was punched what I want you to do since that was unfortunate uh be a bad guy yeah you be the bad guy okay be the bad guy turn the trees up oh gosh slider and go did he die this is not going well for that so far all right well we have that done look we have a check mark there is that what is your problem this is not going well for you is it no it's really not I'm having an awful time I have an idea I have an idea so you know how there's an imposter in one of these groups right yeah that in Buster is me oh oh Cindy we'll work together so here's what I'm gonna do together there's an ability that I can unlock that gives me a camouflage so what I'm gonna do I can turn into somebody else what I'm gonna do I'm gonna run around as myself and kill someone and try to fake somebody out and think that maybe it's not me because it's too obvious because you're camouflage okay this is the next uh thingy that we gotta do up here so stay there I'm gonna go find somebody to kill but I can't talk if I talk they'll know it to me listen you're the okay uh where did you get that where did you oh tell my partner Sunday I can literally see you I can literally tell it's you I'm gonna tell everybody so uh I just killed hello I am um oh gosh okay I don't know if I can condone that as a crewmate but good job man we're working together so we win together you need to but I'm not evil yeah on a team okay we're gonna check this out I'm gonna should I be bad or good sabotage or repair so far uh I'm looking I'm gonna do I'm gonna be bad this I'm gonna sabotage it oh gosh all right what why oh gosh you just sabotaged the entire time what is happening I don't know but I think everyone fell over what's that are you okay no I don't feel good okay all right all right are you gonna fix it now oh you want me to be good okay I'll be good I'll be good hey you repaired him I'm that way you're good and I'm kind of bald now oh no I got glasses on wait I got another ability which I unlock oh I think I'm gonna unlock camouflage now just in case right oh if you have to get away yeah but you can fake camouflage from you to someone else like before someone what if I go kill someone as me and then camouflage into someone else on accident that's a crazy idea it's almost like no I just said that whoa okay let's go let's go do more decisions okay okay so would you rather up here um destroy these chairs or sit on them ah okay which one do you want to do I'm gonna destroy it we're on the same team we're working together hold on abilities I have another ability what should I get now um uh whatever kills hand of suss Ring of Fire poop projectile why is that a thing and my final ability is the ultimate decision I'm gonna get left I'm gonna get hand of sus left hand okay man okay I need you to go hide somewhere I'm gonna go do the thing I'm gonna go do the thing on another team okay make sure I'm muted hey hey why aren't you with Zana wait wait this is something someone is camouflage that's it that's perfect oh I don't want to walk through it yeah that's somebody farted in there oh no oh gosh oh I'm sniffing the fart all right I gotta go find Zod said don't go away say those get out of here this I I'm this is my spot oh trust nothing but good cheers so I think I may have sussed myself or sigils out so anytime you see sigils around anyone else be scared of them be scared of them okay uh we need to do more things uh hold on follow me uh would you rather let it fall or shoot the meteor actually Sunday oh shoot I'm gonna be good I'm gonna shoot the meteor oh my gosh oh nice okay what are you guys what are you guys do it's Sunday I'm telling you I watched him okay go ask us what are you doing I'm letting it fall what is this interesting your partner's Daddy and weird weird no no no but but wait just Pleasant me what sigils no Sunday kills that's what I'm saying right in front of him wrong person I have been with someone go ass son go Assad I've been with him though the whole time no no no I didn't do that tell him I've been with you the whole time tell them Sunday's been with me the whole time yeah I don't know about that um they're so dumb oh let's do abilities I can unlock another one okay I got this judgment one right I'm gonna do the Judgment okay what this does I have a leaderboard right if I put this up against oh I have an idea to clear myself I'll do a judgment uh with me against someone else and since I'm the Imposter I cannot die do not kill you oh but how this works it takes over has the highest amount of decisions made like Nico has nine and if I was to put that again Say pat pat would die hey boys there's the losers you guys are you naked what give me a minute here let me just because I'm good let me just he can't decide oh gosh yes who did this before I told you I wasn't an imposter I told you I wasn't ready every time I've been with zud the whole time he is my I was with Nico the whole time okay but he's not here my teammates use we're sigils where is he he killed my Nico I don't know as a good guy okay let's do oh what's down here Snowman okay okay I'll take this one I'm going to decorate it oh okay I will vandalize it what am I doing why did you why did you turn up the snow yellows it's not Nothing Stops uh This Way follow me um what is this you could go no go neutral again oh yeah I'll be neutral okay then like you'll just be confused energy drink oh gosh I'm caffeinated oh God take some water oh I drink it sorry okay wait you're gonna be good now we're both neutral neutral wait that's good for us I can't keep up but I got another ability point should I do a poop thingy now have you done any poops today oh I can do a watery poop or a fiery poop should I do a watery poop I'm gonna do a water water you first get the water out of the way you gotta you gotta get the watery poop out of the way first okay so I have a poop projectile hold on is it I mean it's Sunday stop stop squatting over what are you doing I don't know um what is wrong with you um if you don't know if anyone sees you doing this they're gonna know it's you wait how we can run hold on they see you sweating [Music] just happened what happened Pat's currently throwing up wait why you poop on Pat you snipe Pat with poop across the mat yeah I want you to know that okay uh let's do more thingies oh this one okay what is this would you rather jump in this lava or drink the lava ah you can get super powers if you drink it okay I'm gonna drink it oh God nice super powers that's it that's it I'm jumping I'm jumping in oh no so who are recessive schedule sigils our recessive Biffle too what if both I didn't see people okay okay so it could be either maybe Biffle kill this teammate you guys you guys ever think of that okay so it could be a solo guy huh I'm sorry I gotta step on you sorry I can't see stop doing this I have to pick one no just just get out of it son come on oh you can okay good okay I thought I had to jump in again okay we got okay we got a bunch of check marks over there let's go this way now uh what is this would you rather blow up or jump in ah those both sound really bad so I don't actually know uh I'm gonna jump in oh yes look they gave me 10 more good I'm at 70 good wait so if you jumped in that means I have to blow it up yeah I think so all right please don't kill me please oh I'm good oh that's not bad okay well I got another ability Point what should I unlocked um should I do but you did your left hand what about your right hand I'll say fiery poop for later okay I'm gonna try I'm gonna do ring of fire this will kill a person but it won't kill me let's go get let's go get and Pat you stay away from me I'll put the ring of fire down on me one of them will die and you'll stay alive come on okay stop flattering me I I'm not doing it you literally keep reading what are you guys talking about hey okay literally keeps running into it we have to make a decision oh no oh no we're gonna have to drink the suspicious liquid or fire immunity oh yeah thank you hey oh that's so sad can we get a like okay all right well I'm Reviving one of them are not which one's not gonna revive who do you think is wait did someone die from the oh son I don't know if I trust you I don't know if I trust you why were you not in that Circle son no no no no who was it there who was not there and we all were but you weren't in the circle conveniently zud oh that's totally pleased I'm watching you like a hawk zud we should watch sandals like a hawk he looks like a book no he does it's not me I don't know I'm more like a looker I don't know about that okay I gotta do more things I watched you kill my partner in crime wait you killed Mike was nowhere near anything I have good reason to believe that you are sus and if you don't leave me right now I am gonna make you foot yeah but it's fine it's just throwing it's throwing them off the trail okay now would you rather yeah mix these vials together or drink the vials uh I would rather mix them okay I'll mix them no I'm glad that happened I figured that would happen now I'm gonna drink it okay what does that do yummy I don't know it's hello is that I said are you okay man do I look okay I I have this on Earth to go drink pee from a Snowman no don't do that no hey don't do that part but I have to set a nerds I kind of want no no no no that thing you just I have lost their eyes just drinking pity from a snowman okay that's probably a good thing all right okay we have we have a few more question marks would you rather poop on the floor or poop in the toilet I'm a good boy I'm gonna poop in the toilet I'm gonna poop in the toilet because I'm a good boy I'm pooping in the toilet side oh gosh that was a violent turd why are you bouncing off the wall do not go in there let me show you how it's done Sunday I got this here we go okay that's how it's done Sunday why'd you poop on the floors that's why I'm a bad boy you know what you know what I'm gonna do what are you gonna do no no no no no no no no at least if we can talk about this I don't want this there's nobody in Rain Zod which means um the right hand the right hand of sus okay okay yeah yeah the right hand okay right-handed this is throwing up okay here's what I'm thinking I do with the right hand so the left hand smashes people make some just tiny for like a pancake this one I'm gonna go try it zud uh meet Me meet Me Right Here meet me here okay I'll just I'll be sleeping he's sleeping he's actually sleeping okay I'm gonna go talk to them as myself and I'm gonna turn into sigils here we go what are you doing lookups my new team member individuals come in now okay perfect perfect are you trying to kill Zod while he's sleeping no no I'm not doing anything with this level I'm gonna sleep in this bed it says would I rather sleep or steal this pillow I mean obviously you would sleep no no no no no no please God wake up hello oh gosh I just hit him with the pillow hit me with the pillow comes I don't know what you're talking about look at these guys in front of me again what are you talking about Cindy excuse me and then I saw sigils like with the shadow in disguising no wait so I punched somebody and then I disguised into sigils is what you're saying exactly that's a lot of blame you look up no no no no no but maybe it was disguising us now I was upset but I'm obsessed with everybody me too oh we got another thing in here would I rather hijack what the locker or rescue the commit to a side you want to be a bad or a good person you gotta I want to be good I want to be good I like my hairline look at it what I rescue you good I'll rescue two as a bad person I will do the good choice obviously you're rescuing me or you hijacked it don't kick me outside is that hello yep that's what you get so that's what you get for stealing my locker that's my lockers I should be a good person probably yeah that's what I'm saying or are you awake or something I am good you know what you either you either be a good person or else why are you threatening me when I thought we're teammates come on you just wait till I get the Fiery poop oh we're gonna fly he's the one yeah I had two people they're both vomiting I can clear them though oh who cares at this point oh I got another ability wait I can unlock should I get the Fiery poop or the stun laser I'm Gonna Save the fire and fruit for last I'm gonna get this done laser it's done laser um okay I'm gonna walk up as sigils I will hide in the guest room no meet me yeah in the guest room meet me in the guest room down Center bottom center okay make sure I'm muted someone pooped foreign Safa you guys actually Sunny okay what is the guest room what is gas from bottom middle that's right here right here okay so we got a check mark here hold on so I'm gonna stay in the good path would I rather fart or clean well if you're gonna stay in the good path you know you got it you gotta clean all right let me um why would you fart in my freshly clean thing because it was so clean it's portable sad stop it listen I'm sorry I won't do it again I promise you better not show your poop elsewhere okay thank you you gotta stop throwing poop around the map it's weird okay we got another one uh wait this is the last one before the end we're gonna win and then I get the poop projectile oh and you can kill everybody and they'll be win and we take over the world no and then I can get the final ability okay so purple would I rather purple or green uh I don't know honestly this is a 50 50. uh you gotta commit to me you gotta commit to being good though was that good that was not fun [Music] if you squish me one more Zod if you squish me one more time when I get up there is a poop bomb with your name okay fine okay I'm gonna do the other one then wait you did purple yeah I did purple all right I'll do green here it is oh gosh oh look at you you're flying wait I got another ability point I got the fiery poopy [Music] he's Natalie now he's stuck out there okay whatever else I don't know what you thought was gonna happen um I can't get it hold on I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea if I face inwards and then punch you'll go flying that way nope that didn't work sorry I miscalculated with you what is that what is wrong with you I'm in now so we're good wait there's people okay what are we doing I wanna I wanna kill Luke Combs with my fiery poop let's go find look I'm just me and you [ __ ] um he's right down there he's right down there so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do this still freaks me out please stop doing that he's peeing on the Snowman and then I'm gonna fart oh my God who died this was you I really wasn't me wait wait listen listen we need to figure out who this imposter is do we have any ideas we know sigils is sus means that have been together the whole time right right yeah and I've been I I said just with a gun he shot made stud baby something like this oh okay wait are you gonna go call a meeting to vote me out oh no yeah what are you doing hey that was my final would you rather I could either hit the like button or smash it so I'm gonna what okay I have a new plan I have a new plan you kill zad and you adopt me as your new child horrible idea so now that that's out of the way uh let's go ahead and the final ability the ultimate decision I don't like the sound of that no listen listen listen I am a just ruler I am a just imposter if you choose to live I'll let you live make your choice if you choose to live I'll let you live make your choice would you rather die or Escape you know what I'll escape with you guys is it really that easy oh yeah is that I forgot remember I told you that we'll both Escape if we win yeah so yeah let's do it come on let's go let's go let's go please hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,735,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1U-8gz95uS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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