Faking My Death To Steal $150,000 (Perfect Heist 2)

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so there's welcome back to perfect Heist 2 this time they added a new class I'm the robber and I'll explain how this game works so I'm an actor I can play dead this is a new mechanic to this game so of course stick around till the end and also play dead on that like button what I don't know hit the like button hit the Subscribe button let's do it are you losers so you can see top Center I have an hour oh gosh to steal a hundred and fifty thousand dollars and I only have four lives close the door behind you sir okay and you can see in the top right look you see in the top right it says I'm disguised right now right but if I move in a weird Direction those letters turn red means they can they know I'm not an NPC We're Not Gonna I'm also I'm also hacking into your account voice I have an idea I'm a police officer and I'm gonna block all entrances he's not getting in the basement why do you always pick that class around the front door is now blocked he can't get in I'm hacking in here I don't know what that means well I'm gonna hack into front door open front door you said he couldn't get through the front door get him I don't know where he was wait I'm confused that guys I'm gonna stop what is that a guy who shot you but pour his body I just I just scanned I just scanned he is um a guy with a five o'clock shadow and a green jacket and uh five o'clock shadow in a green jacket yes you so I can play Daddy it's not me it's this guy I only have 10 hit points do you keep an eye on this guy I'm gonna go block more entrances I'm gonna give you more things I have to report more bodies all right guys suddenly walked away it is now completed you can't get through the back either oh I wasn't bored yesterday I died by the way yeah yeah I keep walking around it's cute wait my front thing just disappeared what do you mean either a blown up he's the same guy he's still the same guy I gotta steal somebody else's car hold on a minute can I steal someone else's clothes someone outside I had oh I got a thousand dollars oh yeah I forgot to mention if you guys kill uh NPCs you give me a thousand dollars I have a thousand dollars yeah wait I can also recruit somebody recruit stunt double don't kill any of them can you do that in a little bit he's right here I gotta find some donuts to heal okay listen we're gonna get fired I gotta eat this donut look I'm gonna eat this donut keep spinning look at my health in the bottom left I have 60 health no I was at ten I can scan for his costume he's in like a burgundy suit he's in the back area burgundy pack suit more things down I just watched him he's out there he's outside he's running he's running for me come back here okay Pursuit I'm in Hot Pursuit I'm right behind your right behind you I got a shot hey buddy he's dead come on I have an idea watch this report the body okay I gotta start getting money now I still need 150 000. you can also plant bombs you see up there there's a vault I gotta plan a bomb on a vault you guys are getting absolutely styled on wait he's the manager again he's the manager again he's the manager again what colors are that that's like the guy in the suit area class I heard that I heard that I heard that I can't get into my own barricades good job Biffle I did a bad I'm barricaded too much glass get broken wait there's a dead guy over here what just happened I just found a manager Stadium here by the glass guys there's money on the ground where everybody wait a second I'm gonna let a couple more people coming through there's a bag of money here eight thousand dollars okay we're barricading no one as soon as he leaves I gotta go or Out Boys there came there all right if anyone opens any of these doors there's sauce it's me it's me I'm here I'm here okay I gotta hurry I gotta hurry I gotta hurry I gotta come to me okay so in here he was in here before it was come here come here come here look right there you see that bag of money oh dang it I don't know where you won okay listen he's in this guy's outfit I jumped I jumped out of the roof dude I was like Spider-Man look at the roof okay or my not heavy room full of Armory weapons like I don't know an auto sniper a flash launcher a P90 a Tommy Gun uh SMGs uh that looks like we all went and checked oh what is happening over here um barricading this is pretty sauce too guys he's still the manager with the five o'clock shadow until he came back and stole the money sigils where ow you literally had the money no no I can't pick up the money why did you leave it I'll come back and get that money watching I'm gonna come back and get that there's 24 000 up there I'm going to get a powered weapon I want to see if there's something you stole all the jewelry remember I can also hire someone I'm I'll probably do that later though money bags recruiters what's in yours kind of people in my way oh I've got I've got like an assault rifle only opens during fire alarms okay we have one for days nothing in here anything in here wait this guy nothing in here oh there's money in here which means he's kind of much of a loser or a thousand there four thousand there thousand dollars only a thousand seven stop breaking my things I close the door if you open the door that's us wait he opened the he broke the glass here I think he got away where dude I'm here on the second floor okay listen I need you guys to stop working with barricades there's gold down here too um can I crouch okay I can't get the gold another donut okay I'll get that donut later still on the ground all these top secret files each one is worth three thousand I'm gonna ignite this all right oh you're hacking what does he look like I told you he's the manager without a beard he's still a manager he's been that one wait I can poison this lady this is one of the VIP what are those beeps that sounds like a bomb she's poisoned what does that do I have this money bag I'm leaving the money bag what's that noise it says defend Vault on my screen I swap close yeah I just stole I just killed one of the VIPs look on the left that gave me ten thousand dollars yeah look at the money oh you did the fire to distract us with the money but where is the fire we gotta let it out aren't you guys checking where what I'm wearing I don't understand what's going on what happened oh oh I see the fire oh he killed our VIP and turned into her oh ATM I have to kill two more VIPs to win I guess I'm gonna have to predict this city don't worry guys he still hasn't taken the money back I was protecting so I have a flash grenade too I got that 5 000. I'm going to the Armory going to the Armory I'm getting a P90 wait where's the armor 8100 okay if there if there's a hypothetical Armory where is that no no about it okay you tell me where it is I'll stop stealing money I was just kidding criminal jacket no beard Green Jacket no beard Green Jacket no beard let me just go to the Armory real quick I'm in the Armory boys he said Second Story is the Armory seen things yeah that's what they're there for hey why were you running why are you running wait you saw somebody running oh it was him yeah it's only him dude what do you mean wait no that was not him he's just turned into someone else and died that was that is that an ability okay he's red shirt now red shirt guy he ran up to me I pointed my gun and then he just fell red shirt guy no beard red shirt guy no beard it was a red shirt guy I told you look at me Nico look at me why don't you shoot why do you shoot I should use my Taser snap out of it Nico snap out of it I should have used my Taser was that noise guys what weapon should I use should I use the SMG the tommy gun or the pull-up death I watched him stand up and I shot him I Told You So when that guy collapsed in front of you that was him you dummy he was still alive yeah so I walked up I could put on a hat that allows me to double jump but I need to find this Armory can you check what color he's wearing yeah cool down I'm hacking still Green Jacket no beard Green Jacket no Green Jacket no beard do you see any green jacket in my beard oh no wait there's a dead body and there's there's no money bag so you're saying can we shoot this dead body oh I forgot I got the bomb I'm getting the bomb and blow up that should I do the upstairs volume to this Vault I really want to find the Armory yeah he's a manager he's a manager no beard manager no beers the a manager is a manager because he's kind of mean um what are you doing Nico literally was good at defending that that 24 000 Eco he did real good what's that noise fire alarm where was the fire last time I see a fire I see a fire where is the Armory before you lie to me that you told me the Army was on the second floor you're lying to me it's just barricaded loser you're barricaded what it's a bare necessities I'm just saying like the are still demand is still the manager pull something out where where where uh there's the second floor by the Vault going up oh he was right by the other Hole by the Armory right by the armor not by biffle's Armory following him pretty follow me now here's another VIP poison now it'll be inside stop moving stop moving stop moving I need to poison you okay guys what I just found like 100k secret Wing she's got 100K 100 games he's a red beady gray jacket red beanie wait there's a guy right here the VIP for him wait wait there's a VIP just walk by me but him wait okay but he didn't pick up the money I don't think it's the fire second floor I swear it's a fire just be careful there's so many of them boys in this lady I hate this game I'm just watching the money bag watch where's the fire there were nine I just put them all he's manager no beard manager no beard no beer no beard no beard man shooting who's shooting that wasn't me noise breaking into the Armory I just don't break your breaker remember he's not going into my Armory Nico he's right there he's right there he's right here is he in the armory in the Armory I think no one's in the Army wait if I set a fire then I can go into the arms someone's in the ice people five thousand dollars right there I have 13 or I need 40 000 left prize weapons hold on I need to get the bomb why is there a VIP dead right here I don't know probably because he's a VIP I don't know I'm going I picked up a sniper I don't know if I got what it takes a quick scope manager with no there's a manager oh yeah okay I need to get the bomb where is my money bag I left over there sitting where's the ball I'm gonna run out here and I need to find the bomb you know I have to find the bombs there's the bomb I see him he's manager he's manager no beard manager no beard where did he just go hello what the how where did he go what's his ability do I see I don't know I think you just I don't get his ability I just saw him come out here as a manager is this him there's a dead body behind me which makes me think he just let him turned into it did you get Boozled this hard are you gonna be kidding me no Biffle Bibble no where are you going I don't know what what barriers around that is that how that works he can play dead no way this is him he wouldn't be sitting here this whole time there's no way boys check the money it's not him how is that not him okay hold on hold on I got a bear I got a bear kid the Armory hold on no one's touching our time you got a peanut irritate his getaway vehicles so just did we lose the sniper uh uh I never looked at that one so did you take the paper I did but I thought I put it back right over here okay I gotta grab them okay he's a red beanie guy red beanie guy okay hey red beanie guys this guy right you're looking sus right here hey but oh yeah turn around for me yeah I think it's this guy right here turn around it wasn't him I think it's him shooting anything this guy's standing in front of me [Music] that's okay I'm gonna set a fire there's a this is a dead VIP right here set a fire I'm gonna set fires everywhere close in the back door so if the fire alarm's going off okay he's a manager with a beard now upstairs second floor that's his favorite spot I can go into security now taking the shot where is the fire he still hasn't taken my money back if you can't if you can't be trusted I'll just do it Tommy it's the fire second floor second floor look at all this money okay put that away I just stole a Tommy Gun uh oh my God okay there's an arsonist Banks more fire than man okay any morning now where's that okay I got oh I got rid of all the VIPs we get the fire out just keep setting yeah we gotta fire out it keeps on fire with a beard manager with the beard I need to go get another bomb and wanted to go check out that um uh what was that I can also recruit a strut double something's on fire again I just recruited a stunt double what does he do I don't know tired where is this fire through the Flames by Nico what does he do he's running why is the armory door open I do not know did anybody take the peanut wait who just shot who just shot I got rid of the fire I mean did you shoot oh my God don't worry he did no manager or the bowl of stuff look at all this but I have 60 000 just walked out of the Vault interesting do you have money on his back wait what was that what was that noise I just saw something explode wait check the Vault check the Vault Eco go away go in go in I didn't see anything I'm hearing like little thuds you said measure with a beard is it you is it you mister I don't think he's here whoa okay in there did people just keep walking in here I don't like it put it here I got it move I just gotta get that money and leave I only have two lives after what does my little bot do where's my bot hmm you kind of looked at it there's my boss what's my bot dude if it's you Sunday he's in the security we're losing so bad we should just say two thousand dollars what are you there's a lot of money in this corner over here or is it the one with the I'm gonna go set a fire on this side with the beard and then go back that way I think I saw someone running I'm gonna kill him yeah get out I can't kill her Green Jacket fire he's not green jacket it's purple tide no jacket beard red boss man like all the guys standing around me fire alarm he's literally burning down our oh he's on the staircase flanking him I'm flanking him you're getting it says you're gonna run into him you're gonna run into him I literally just pooped in my undies undies here we go I don't know uh responding back boys I'm in fires he might be one of these guys he's right behind us he's going down no he's ready he's not me I'm the one HP boys I'm going in people I'm here I'm here I'm covering you Biffle guys I'm grabbing a good gun wait he's gone he I think he's disability yet okay hold on I'm hacking okay for like a red beanie guy red beanie oh my gosh I'm looking outside dude I'm going upstairs dude that's a broken ability man it's so good there's a red beanie guy outside no it wasn't him there's a lot he got a thousand dollars sorry oh my stop giving a buddy all right that's it I'm getting an upgrade I'm changing my weapon out to do Armory you guys stop losing money steal my weapons oh he's still red beanie red beanie red beanie oh I got him I got it I got one life left I'm at 100 health I gotta change this 99 okay I need to go back in there and grab a gun he's Green Jacket no beer Green Jacket no beard Jacob Dead Boys Green Jacket okay change all right where's the armor again I need to get the gray launcher outside's clear kind of yeah they launch over the mouth probably I need to get the money from that Vault or I can go up to the top Vault and steal from that I'm gonna go to the top level I gotta go up to the top level I see him I don't know where he went I'm watching him so it's over okay I'm gonna go ahead and um cry a little bit all right I've got the OverWatch I'm playing OverWatch 2 right now I think you took the elevator somewhere I think he's scared wait you let him go in the elevator what am I supposed to do the door is closed and he had did the century 72 000 boys are you kidding me oh it has been deposited oh no wait now do I do I try to get more no I don't think you'll be able to take it do I try to get more boys I have an idea he's never coming back red beanie red beanie get him boys shoot already guys dude my bot has oh my bought one for us [Laughter] hit the like button hit the Subscribe button you guys are bad sorry what I said sorry
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,147,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w2HGO3thSHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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