Fused Together in Among Us

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so dudes welcome to a very interesting mod as you can see there are two Impostors but we have to stay hidden we are actually battling against each other this is called the fused like I said this is an interesting one I'll try my best to explain it you're going to want to stick around till the end this mod is insane the basic gist of it you see up here I have glue sticks if I glue together this table in polus it's going to drop me some glue oh gosh look now I have glue I have 20 glue and speaking of glue guys do me a favor glue your finger to that like button what don't do that just hit it hit the Subscribe button okay so check this out once I get enough glue I can fuse somebody to me once I fuse six players to me I win but first let me go find Gary where's Gary He's the impostor I'm going to go to him F well well well Gary my competition okay listen listen listen listen Gary I am going to win I am going to fuse all five players to me and I'm I'm going to win but here's the deal we kind of also have to not sus each other because if I say it's you they could call a meeting and vote you out but then you can also say it's me they'll call meeting and vote Gary like it's bad idea right and then I'm going to Gary listen listen listen get out of here I'm going to win you loser I'm going to get my chickens I'm going to get my chickens no oh wait there's glue here why is there glue here oh I got 40 I need to get to 100 glue and then I can fuse the first person just got to play cool and there's a bunch of abil that I unlock and look here's one of the fuse machines okay um what is This Old Man Rivers doing them Young Rascals done stuck me to this tree with glue okay get it got it get me out of here give an Oldtimer a hand will you grab me okay down okay I'm trying to okay right got it I got to press it fast enough I can literally do this with my nose I'm going to do this with my nose my my these young whipper snappers might have a good heart after her here's the sign of gratitude are you going to give me a bunch of glue oh oh a bunch of glue so like I said I unlock abilities as time goes on right like Che I have mind control I'm going to mind control I can't mind control Gary because he's the Imposter I'm going to mind control bivel well well guys I can't guys I can't control my body no I can't this guys I'm not I'm not acting up I promise guys I got I got all right that's how that works that's pretty good override I'll show you what that does in a minute right so now that I have 140 let me go find where's zud I'm going to grab zud here Z oh gosh hey Z listen listen listen do you want to work together do you want to be do you want to be on a team I mean down Gary Stop Gary I'm using this one get out of here oh gosh all right now I'm going to win I'm win I'm stuck to you wait I unlocked an ability since okay so you see the timer above I have a 100 seconds to get as much glue as I can and then we swap places and you become the leader of this little group can I do it I want to do it right now give it to me I I since I since I I have two unlock or two people stuck I have a new ability Dro go oh look in the middle I have all these thingies all these tasks hold on at least it hey guys get away from me hold on I'm going to fix this wait I want to do something let me do something guys help no that's the worst I'm good what's happening to my body I'm not listen guys I promise I'm not controlling my body what is my go Gary just mind control Biffle and he shot a grenade at us and it's now sending us in okay Gary you want to play this game Gary you want to play this game I'm going to uppercut your mom I'm going to uppercut your dad okay all right okay hey uh so what just happened I didn't like that I didn't do that I promise whatever you okay all right let me go ahead and he fixed it's fixed everything's fixed I can't Gary Gary fixed all this he's getting so much glue good job Gary I just got why did Biff do that I can't believe I wonder why Biff would do that anybody have any ideas why Biffle would do that cuz he's the worst give me that I stole your glue Gary hey sigil hey uh come here meone all my timer freezes a second hey sigils uh no no no no no no I have to do this fast I have 1 second put him in no the leader now it's my choice now but sigs we want you come here Sig oh hey he's on our team now first day ever all right guys where we going I do what what sigs leader listen I I know what that looks like it doesn't look like what okay listen we need there you know there are two imposters is it sigil who's the other imposter wait a minute want to play are you trying to clear yourself SS no I don't need to hey you you notice how before we got sigils we just were playing normal right no yeah there's no switching at all joins since we got three since we got three people I have ground fuse now what's that do what no was trying to spy on you guys okay why are you spying on us huh I just wanted to see how cute you guys little group was sry get away why does he why is he holding what is this hold on it says we have a t wait I can't use this bridge Oh e oh okay wait I can't wait oh I got to fix the other side got it the other side like that like I fixed it oh I got glue though there you go hold on I have another ability I have fusion bomb I'm going to throw that wait I'm going to throw this down here at Gary fusion bomb at Gary hold on right there oh and that looks like sigils did it that's a new why you sigil I I don't I just picked up some clue guys this is not let me oh perfect timing now you don't have a gun any hey z um listen control God wait look your mind I swear it's not me I swear it's not me what is happening what is that literally not me is that what is that what is that what is happening oh gosh look that was so much okay I'm leaving I'm out of here this is getting really scary this is getting kind of scary I don't like okay blue up do we just call a meeting and voto Sig now we could just call then we have to get everybody else to believe us it's too early in the game we can't do that I'm going I got mind controlled it's clearly not me when did you get mind controlled what I shot the gun just now weird I think it's zud I think zud's out here trying to use me as an excuse wait there was another one right right Z you are getting a lot of glue I know 120 okay well I only have I didn't want I was having fun being carried around Su I was having fun I was having F wait who's saying Help s why wait P oh hey guys well this is convenient I've been stuck in here the whole time oh gosh oh [ __ ] a b am my party oh I unlocked another ability that clear because stuff has been happening but he's been in the tube he has pet is clear hold on I have another ability abduct you guys oh it costs it costs 50 points though oh I only have 60 so it cost 100 glue to stick somebody to us and 50 points to use abduct so I need 150 to abduct someone and then glue them to me is that something I should say am I on a list now yeah well you already have been so don't worry okay I abduct and then sigil switches us cuz he's the impostor and then you I put that was convenience convenience great got it okay so I have abilities now now that they're walking around I'm going to use my abilities those mind control wait who's on wait Gary's there here's what I'm going to do I'm going to override someone on Gary's team I'm going to override Nico and then I'm going get a mind control Nico I am wait wait wait I lost control wait this is not me guys St hey seriously seriously so far away not me guys I promise it's not me resist resist it's not I'm resisting what is that youing bad no that wasn't me looking R dude yes it was who's it going after actually saved my God why did why did it eat me no I was who go after who would it go after's dead oh uh Z we need to talk about this Z we need to talk about this I have no points so I just got killed by a giant uh robot wa do you think maybe sigil did that is next in line and I don't like that thought to put me back on your team I want to on your team come on put me back on your team me just go ahead anyone have glue anyone on this team have glue do you know have glue I do get in there I used it all okay sigil if you're legitimate and you're not the impostor put me on your team go ahead yeah let's see it s and you'll trust me this clears me this clears me oh it's not me I'm telling you it's not me okay all right I'm telling you it's the Z guy remember how you got all that all that oh you're sus of z now I Su okay okay I'm the one that was going to put you on my team fix guys I mean it's not me I was in the tube guys you saw that wait you can maybe fake being in the tube no no I would never I would never wait a minute where are we going wait what is happen Gary just switched us Gary switch you know what I'm going to switch Gary then I'm going to put Gary up top Gary how did you what is happening what is happening what is I'm out of here wait how did I get it okay great cool has it what is happening I don't know it's all right I like Papa safe boys why you say that boys I'm being mind controlled boys I'm being mind controlled I'm being mind control stop mind controlling it's not me son I know it's you here we go let's get Biffle let's get Biffle right [Music] there I'm stealing their glue where's hello I am okay there's them and hello I am it doesn't work it doesn't work okay she doesn't have any glue okay that's not good okay wait hold on uh boys I have I'm still mind control I'm literally I literally can't move stay calm Sun just stop drop and roll oh god oh I don't want to I didn't do it wait I'm I'm good now okay cool oh you're oh you're chilling nice any you guys want to stop uh down get more glue Pat what was that oh okay guys I'm just jumping that's all okay nice nice okay I like it I'm going to mind control wait no I'm going to override Nico mind control Nico here they are here's what I'm going to do n you sa mind controlling me what this is not me it's not oh and then we on mind control okay let's do this why did they they just went flying by I don't know but it wasn't me so that's all I okay so we're all cleared right I'm still sa of sigils though I literally freeze you you said that would clear me Sig sigils you want the you want this glue from this old man huh I I do yeah get it you know all right if you say so I don't want the glue I don't even I'm I'm out of here I don't want to talk to him anymore what are we doing I don't know I'm going to do this one I'm going to do this I'm going to talk to this guy oh what is this me boats in pieces from a storm help me why did I turn Irish uh and I'll make it worth your wait what is this I don't while AR M be using that Crimson flag below me to operate the crane and snatch up them ship okay that's a TV screen that's not a flag that's not what is this what is this oh gosh hello oh oh look this Space Magic what is this aliens I don't know I don't know what this is is this going to give me why how does this give me glue I don't it makes sense don't ask questions okay Quest okay do I talk to him now nice oh happy oh look at that ship why isn't the ship on fire it's not it's pretty why not it's on lava me what is that what is that one of the things you just had yeah wait a minute yeah that's what why is that there why is that here oh give me the glue look at all the glue the I wanted the glue no you are not allowed to get the glue you have to share what is that get that thing away I'm jumping away get us away get us away okay oh I got to do this one I haven't done this one hey losers hey what what do you want please no my glue hey you got to be kidding me I'm going to need you to Jo our team okay wait no no please listen we can talk no please I was I I'm a solo guy I'm alone join our team join our team all right I'll join the boys the boys yeah big Le C here hold on all right you're up Biffle that's why he's been solo do you think he's been solo this whole time and it wasn't any of I know what you're think us the whole time listen listen I'm going to rub you guys in poop oh God slow your roll this team's going to win and you guys are going to lose I don't think I don't think got to go okay I'm going to mute I'm going to mute okay check this I have another ability pulse mine so Fusion Monster I think eats one of their players and removes them from their group wait no I want to be the leader let's send it back to sigils it's not me it's not me why Gary I don't want to be on your team Gary get me out of here Gary listen he'll be in the back just immediately just immediately absorb stop it leave me alone leave me alone I got you got give me give me boys we're back you guys do better of protecting our team please huh I'm just sitting here what you want me to do be in the back huh how about that sorry okay I'm to mind control Nico since I just swapped him I'm being mind controlled again guys I'm going to set the other way no whoever's my me go the other way wait why I down I'm upside down guys please guys this I got a headache guys please wait why is it me oh my I was having fun why is it I don't you know what I'm going to fix more of this I'm going to fix that I'm going to fix the meeting table okay what else got it oh my go fix that give me all the glue there we go give me the I want the glue give me the glue I got the glue GL I have like zero glue can I please wait you have zero glue what's wrong with you no I do I glue that's what you sound like what do you mean I'm going up this can you stop making me the top of my head this is how I get migraines look at me wait what do you mean oh gosh H I'm literally bouncing the top of my head hey G Gary than you I need one I need one I got to go [Music] we're I don't want to be with this guy I like my team wowe oh my what I never leave a man behind Pat my man it's kind of clutch I'm not going to lie one man army uh defitely what do you is it zud if it's you I swear wait hold on bro sigil said it was Z that means it could be trying to frame me the whole time Y no someone I'm not controlling I'm not controlling that's not me that's not me that's not me noing dude I what I didn't do that I did not do that I did not do that that wasn't me oh please please get me from right side do you have you have a lot of glue I have 120 you have a lot of glue wa if we get one more person zud we win farming I want to farm you're literally going to win hold on hi farmer Z if we get one more person we win Z if we get one more person we win I'm running around I'm running around who do we okay or or if I get one more person I win wait no this is a team thing wait what do you we're all upside down um D we're all wait I think this I think he might be uh oh go um is that oh boy we once I combine hey Gary uh so yeah guys the other impostor is Gary so uh what Gary you have lost it is all over fuse frenzy the better impostor has won that was a fun mod holy crap okay so I'm just a ball of glue okay great okay great all right okay let's grab a wall okay so where's the where's the last person where's uh I don't know where could be anywhere oh there he is hey how did you find me I was blending in no thank you for fusing with my fusers I thought I could trust you oh I got out too oh go oh gosh I remember the shiver Me timers hit the like buttonit subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,699,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PEv-1zDuKgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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