I Built a Secret Gaming Room in Among Us

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so today in among us we've got a good one this is the secret gaming room as we run around the world doing tasks we get money and then we use that money to buy gaming room stuff and that stuff will give us a nuke you're going to want to stick around till the end and also hit the like button if you're a gamer what hit the Subscribe button let's do this so we need to upgrade our gaming room I need to buy a PC TV oh gosh there's so much I need to do so to get money to buy these things you have money top left 0 I'm literally poor so first thing I need to claim a gaming room I am going to claim this sewer look I've claimed this gaming room boys this is going to be my secret hideout I will deck it out with so much awesome stuff and of course I'm the impostor my job is to steal money from them and burn down their gaming setups and I don't think I start with any abilities I unlock these as I buy upgrades to my room be I have to walk a dog for money oh that's it Hey kid over here I just got this puppy and didn't realize how much work it would be take him for a walk would I'll pay you okay just walking oh look s claimed the Tesla okay who zud claimed the secret basement oh no how long do I have to walk anybody want me to mow their lawn why are you mowing the street okay oh it's green wait I'm done I got to go back I got to return the doggy do I get money for this return dog get money that's you did it okayy $50 get out of here give money give money oh gosh no I don't want I don't want no it's my money so now that I have money I can come up here to the shops as you see on the mini map right so like this is the like the lower end shop and that's the high-end shop we'll go there in a little bit that's expensive I'm going to go here first talk to the lady hi I can buy a gamer $50 ooh the gamer chair is 80 I can get a bean bag chair or a sussy rug I'm going to buy a sussy rug I got it so now if I go to my room oh I got a sussy rug and I upgraded an a wait I have an hold on AR upgrade okay I'm going to go in this I'm going to put on the AR upgrade I have an AR blast and an AR strike so how this works you see I have $10 has 30 I'm a rich boy you're not rich I'm rich no you have I'm not rich you're dead why did I steal $10 from them I mean I look awesome right I okay I want to use the AR strike hold on I want to find a group if I can find a group I can AR strike all how much I just got $50 can I buy another set of artor glot hold on let me take this off okay make sure Nobody's around un transform and I also got another ability I think that's how I sabotage I'll have to check Gary yes Gary what are you buying I bought the whole store Gary bean bag I bought a bean bag chair I bought the bean bag chair how did you buy the whole store how did you get so much money Gary H well met a guy and are you the impostor Gary no I threw sorry I said sorry I said sorry Gary just bought everything this is a race whoever can upgrade their gaming room first wins I got to go find Gary's base z z are you z z z okay okay did you just get did you get put in timeout by a Karen why am I in timeout what did I do got it there's Gary's base hold on I got to stop him he's getting too far ahead okay so if I go in here no no this is my secret gaming room get out you are now to be punch you I can fart no no please no you okay that's it that's it I'm going to go tell everyone the oh my God all of his progress okay all right uh let's go ahead and go in this so I don't get caught leaving so if I need to go to my base and place down the bean bag chair that I got that should give me another ability okay here we go oh we got it did I get another ability yeah I think I unlocked controller wire what does that do look at Z he has $200 I have 220 and this building is 20 what are you doing stop I can take now wrong with you I'm stuck forever what is wrong with you leave me alone I'm going to go in this guys help me please are you good are you what's wrong with you you look all TI up wait I didn't kick him I didn't do that I'm I really don't enjoy this at all I don't want all right he's kicked out there and stuck like that until somebody rescues him that's perfect um okay all right uh let me make sure I'm nowhere near anybody Unis unform okay I need to I need to make more money what do I need to do next uh mow the lawn oh I saw that up here uh okay molan I'm glad you stopped by Champ I could use a bit of cheap labor my lawn needs cutting but my Bo my back is sore if you cut all this grass I'll pay you okay thanks Dad okay all right got it I'm just cutting grass fun cool all right all the grass there we go got it Biffle I see you what are you doing you see nothing keep going you know I have a long more right know no no please please I'm so sorry I'm so sorry there you go Dad I cut your grass for you oh I got $50 wait how much do I need for the chair I think it was 80 hold on I'm going to get $10 from someone with my laser Blaster I have $80 thank you go and take that off and we'll go buy something from the store you got the gaming chair lady give me that gamer chair and I think I unlocked another ability for getting kills I think the sabotages whenever I want to go oh my God hi sad what is wrong with you please help me here I will help you there thank you okay I owe you my life now why would you so why did you punch me you know what it was it I'm challenging you to a PVP Nintendo switch battle Q is quick attack what is this e is heavy attack oh God going look at our health oh three two you're going down stop look at your help we can talk about thisen and then come here no stop it ow ow you're going down dead you're going down dead no you're going down oh get out done go take my money did I take your money 50 hey Gary that's my trash don't oh gosh you've got to be kidding me lost my gaming set up and now this okay let me go over to the other shop what does this other shop have 4K TV for 300 gaming PC gaming consoles oh this is expensive I will literally steal from you but first I need to go place my chair uh there's my chair did I get another ability console smash I'm going to go do that and then I'm going to go sabotage somebody's base you know what actually let's go let's go check on zud's base let me make sure I'm muted uh okay there's my base let's go to zud's hopefully he's not in here I just want to see what he has I want to see what his house looks like do you want to be my friend you're my only friend he's man how's it going I'm just building my yeah you like my Sunday autograph I got a s yeah it's worth a bajillion the rats to destroy his Teddy Baron autograph what my S the autograph no why did it explode that doesn't even make any sense and now I'm going to control or smash him on ability ow ow that gave me $50 okay that's mildly broken I'll take it thanks Z all right let's go out here let's un transform and $50 richer I can almost get the TV what else do they need to do uh wash the dishes okay where's the dishes let me check in the middle got it all right wash the dishes is right there I mean I guess if I want an ultimate secret gaming room I need to wash the dishes that is a lot of dishes what is on those dishes ketchup is this a family that only eats ketchup okay I got 150 how much was this stuff I don't remember do I have enough I don't know let's take out the trash take out the trash Oh hey you found Z's love life isn't that your love never mind never mind hey whoa whoa whoa we're dumping on side hey zad zad did you die yes I died I lost my son help me take out trash come grab this trash help me come on come on D there's a trash can right up here let's take your career to your career Placer come on how dare you what is your problem I didn't say I didn't say anything I don't know what you mean what is wrong with you all right let's go there here's your Tuesday video no okay oh we got $50 wait can I afford something wait I am not the Imposter can I have some money are you poor I am poor okay not poor how' you get a job oh he's fighting him okay all right let's go ahead can I buy something 200 for the gaming consoles oh hold on let's go back to my base I got it look at my gaming consoles hey look controller thrower unlocked hold on let me go let me go do this what is this make sure I'm muted there's Biffle carrots please carrot yeah I'll deal with the Carrs instead what did that do now my controls are all come on man his controls are broken for 3 minutes he's not going to be able to progress at all okay well that's fun I need more money I need 300 plus 250 3 + 2550 I need $700 okay got it come here Gary Gary I just bought a gaming PC Gary why are you running Gary okay I see why you're running did Gary go to his Bas all right well let's go ahead and no not again you you monster I literally just got all this stuff back I was working so hard okay that's it tell me who you are right now or what are you doing what is that what is that VR headset for what don't put it away put that away right now what the heck does that do all right let's get out of here all right we're back up to $60 I need to do more stuff uh help the old man get a newspaper help Sundy find his undies what okay there's an old man here okay hey I think I've got something cool that you all young fellas would like all you've got to do is go and buy me a newspaper okay go buy some sus news down there okay I'm going I lost all my money how did you lose all your money Z the Imposter keeps killing me it's probably you're lying it's probably you're the Imposter and you're buying all everything to try to win wait you literally just called out the entire thing so what the heck uh what okay newspaper he said I got to buy it f $50 I'm trying to save up for a TV here you go old man look at that a fresh paper wait a second this is from last week okay are you going to give me you got a Teddy that's a Teddy for my my room I got to go put it in my room oh we're in we got the teddy bear hey boys listen oh white we wheel controller unlocked okay cool guys listen if you have a teddy bear hit the like button I don't know hit the Subscribe button I already said that but do the things okay what did I get controller thrower wheel controller what is that I I assume it's like a speed buff this is how I get around the map oh what that's me I need to talk to me I need to get my undies uh hello all right that's fun I like that all right let me uh I need to talk to me help I'm down my last pair of clean undies could you go to get my laundry I'll give you something worth a bajillion dollars okay is this that help Sundy find his undies yeah you can see the Lacher mat up here got it okay give me it wait why can't I get it do I need money to get this a it's time for someone to die oh no no no no no is Biffle still com please this is fun okay hold on let me kill some people I need to get some money okay put this on and we'll s him there we go perfect all right and what else let's drop wait I need to kill somebody you know what I'm going to drop a nuke as he's going to his house did that kill him I don't know I need to kill somebody with uh with uh live not I don't have live wires yet control console Smash TV come here Z no I I thank you for the money I need more money wait is is that enough is it 50 50 wait do I get do I get the undies you got sundies undies why these are my UND I don't have undies no I can't say that either I don't know what to say in this situation okay here's your undies thanks here take this I got Sunday's autograph that is not worth a bajillion dollars oh look I got it hey okay hold on did I unlock something live wires what does that do hold on what else do I need to do okay I've done all this now I just need to buy the PC and the TV so I need $550 live wires no no take Nico take no no no no no wait is Biffle dead what um um I just got $100 from that what uh what I just got $150 I just got $150 oh this is so good all let's go ahead and stun mits throw that right there ow what the H what the and give me50 more oh gosh and we're at 220 I need 250 for the next item there's thing lit what do we just one more thing and I'm done what do we what do what do you need what oh okay bye wow that's not cool at all I just need a TV I'm buying a TV and to buy a TV I'm going to drop a nuke right there hey we need1 more do and here's Gary all right and we're at 250 perfect so now I should be able to buy gaming PC now I just need the 4K TV for 300 do I get another ability oh look at the tee boy our gaming room is getting blue shell what's blue shell blue shell unlock got it okay hold on what does this do uh click it send it on sigils oh gosh need to play more video games I that just gave me $50 oh okay we need we need 250 more we need 250 more to win and I need to stop him from calling meeting um um controller I'm going to throw this at zud I missed no I got to kill him okay okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah cool man cool I'm just trying to win man listen we don't what do oh my why okay I need more money I'm going to get a big group of people I need to hit him with live wires okay there's Nico and there's anyone in there no oh no go 50 hit him hit him oh no no I need more money two more want that oh gosh get away why is this not hitting him why is this not hitting him why is this not hitting him I need this to hit get away from me what do you want what is that oh my gosh help what stop I'm going to hit with that 220 I need more money I need more money I need 80 more dollars how do I get more dollars I just got to stop him from calling a meeting stop him from calling a meeting blue shell on Gary here we go get in blue shell I need money what the heck is no I need $30 I need I hi to my Tesla I could just play video games no no no I'm going to my Tesla no no no please these are my video games no and now it's time you like my rug I picked it on myself it's my favorite color yeah I do kind of like your rug it's really nice oh Ian hey s so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to steal $50 from you and then spill soda all over your computer and destroy it no please I just bought it I even and spill soda look at oh oh look at his computer oh go oh oh look at his gaming consoles oh god oh that's too bad all right well I guess I might as well set fire too while I'm here sorry sigils yeah you're still dead for probably like 45 more seconds so you can't really tell anybody and I have enough money to go buy a TV so I'm out of here and TV perfect oh if I did this quick enough we got the TV boys wait do I have it nukees away let's go see if sigil is back oh hey sigil you're back no it's I know it's you stay away I'm going to tell everybody cuz you talked to me in my room and ow what is why why okay now my controls are heyy why don't you go call a meeting hey why don't you why don't you go call a meeting when I'm done with you you're going to be so meeting it is time for the nuke sigils the nukes are incoming okay what is this I'm in my room oh gosh oh look at my room oh he hits the button let's get oh gosh oh I destroyed their rooms okay okay oh gosh hit the like button the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,133,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Sy2LK-m6BGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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