857 Minecraft Things You Didn't Know Existed

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wants to know how to swim in lava forever or the absolute best way to enchant Amorous here are 857 super secret Minecraft things you probably didn't know everyone knows Bedrock is a completely unbreakable block and in most Minecraft servers breaking Bedrock will get you banned however there's a catch as in the nether if you climb a ladder placed on the very top block of bedrock and throw an ender pearl like this you teleport straight through the ceiling putting you on top of the nether but that's not all that's actually possible to break bedrock as well all it takes is this simple TNT machine hop into the trap door flick the lever and right click as fast as you can with a piston in your hand if you click fast enough a Bedrock below the Piston will glitch house and disappear just like my dad when I was a child Billy came back and ran away again but the more obvious way to get banned is to hack Auto clickers are the most common hack letting you click super fast without doing anything this lets you place blocks super fast bridge in crazy ways or absolutely dominate in 1.8 PVP but if you're really trying to get banned fly hacks are the way to go and yes they do exactly what you think allowing you to fly anywhere you want in survival mode for obvious reasons almost no servers allow this making it one of the best ways to get banned but if you want to go out with a bang you should try lava casting if you go on to 2b2t a server with no rules you'll see these everywhere using lava and water people build these huge lava casts to scar the landscape of servers they're super annoying to get rid of but really easy to build start by building a staircase straight up into the sky as high as you possibly can then it's as simple as placing a lava bucket at the top waiting then placing water above and ta-da now all your friends hate you well more so than before if that's possible ever wanting to get overpowered on an SMP so you can kill everyone because everyone knows the best way to get banned is to start wars and kill people well there's a special trick with villagers that lets you get rich gather a whole bunch of villagers together and simply let a zombie loose on them it might sound dumb but trust me once they've been turned into zombie villagers cure them with weakness potions and golden apples this basically makes you their daddy and they'll give you a nice discount on all trades then you can repeat this until all their trades cost just one Emerald so if someone asks how you've got mending on literally everything don't tell them the secret apparently you can repair Iron Golems if you see one or cracked up after a fight should be able to take some iron ingots and right click on it hey yeah fixes it right back up that's super cool I recently learned you can place beds underwater well what's the point if you can't sleep in it I mean surely I gotta hold my breath down here for eight hours I'd oh I guess I can okay but obviously that doesn't work on the lava what the hell Mojang in real life people think coal and diamonds are both made out of the same thing this means that if you apply enough pressure like with a piston you can literally turn coal into diamonds and surprise surprise it doesn't work probably because it's not even true in real life it's a myth there too double busted it's been forever since we got our new note blocks but apparently Mojang secretly added a new one just recently all you have to do is place them on top of an iron block and right click them 64 times each then when you activate them oh God why most of us know now that you can make a bird cage by simply just pushing some glass on top of a parrot but come on doesn't that feel cruel instead give them some room to breathe with a hanging scaffolding cage like this and to make sure our little friend is as happy as can be try making this Advanced bird bath place an armor stand with a helmet on top of three layers of snow then push a floor block and the wall down from above and finish with a slab and some signs another right helmet might work better for some designs but that's expensive I think I'll just stick to liver the most illegal item in all of vanilla Minecraft has to be the debug stick you can only get it with commands but it lets you do all sorts of crazy weird things that literally feel like hacks you can make strange beds with no pillows white grass Cuts flower bushes and even floating water and bow I'm outside your window my favorite build hack to use a debug stick for though is just add a little more interest to my creative builds you can turn this strange and boring bamboo Farm into something cool looking by connecting the fence and adding leaves to the bamboo it's literally magic beehives kind of look like empty storage containers so you can use them for extra decoration in a cluttered storage room or attic they also work great as drawers or a bedside table you can make any English letter in a 4x3 space using different combinations of slabs and stairs this chart by Cookie Dough Bread shows you exactly to spell out anything you want super easily there are tons of ways to add tiny details to your builds in Minecraft but one of my favorites is this method of making Footprints just Chuck some invisible item frames down and then Place some stake in them all of a sudden you've got some weirdly convincing looking footsteps speaking of bombs I'm sorry did you know that TNT dropped into an End Portal doesn't actually explode until you jump in yourself it even keeps its fuse length so if you drop it from around 70 blocks up it'll instantly blow up whoever is unfortunate enough to head through next along with all the valuable gear they were bringing too dripstone works too if you're not feeling that mean but let's face it you'd rather blow them up another great way to blow someone's Sky High is with TNT Minecarts sure there's all these ways to create new to them but let's face it you're gonna have to end up cleaning that up so instead if someone has a railway down to their minds just add a couple TNT Minecarts at the end when they run into them and blow up if anything you're just helping them mine since they were added in the 1.13 update bubble columns have been the absolute best elevator solution we've had and conveniently there's tons of ways to trap them and make your friends live just a little bit worse the easiest is to surround the top in obsidian so they have to spend ages mining it while underwater to get out that's my personal favorite is to shoot a bunch of chipped arrows in the water that hits anyone coming up instant damage or poison and works to give them a real scare but I prefer to use slowness to create just the tiniest inconvenience for them one of the simplest ways to really make someone mad in Minecraft is to simply just fill up their house with water it takes you two minutes to place a bunch of water or ice on their roof but will take them forever to play some break blocks everywhere to get rid of it all if you want to be really evil feel a bunch of kelp to make all of the Water Source blocks so without sponges they're gonna be there for years if you want to take your friend out in a super creative way try using this super unique trick and there's enough entities in a small place it'll start dealing damage to them that means if you can get your friend to fall into a hole with a bunch of Minecarts it'll start damaging them automatically this quick hack lets you harvest an entire field in an instant plants need a certain light level some of you have a redstone Lantern to provide that then switch it off when it's time to harvest all the vegetable burst out at once ready to be picked up or collected in Hoppers under the soil this hack is a fresh Twist on a classic paintings can be used to hide entrances but that can be too obvious instead hide a pressure plate behind it that activates when you drop an item through the painting activating whatever secret mechanism you want to set up sometimes smart hacks use the weirdest items like this stairway of drip Stone and smaller and smaller cake slices use a horse which can travel over a single block height without jumping and the weird hitboxes of the items will send you rocketing up the stairway at high speeds side of creatures jump jumping fences try to attack while you set down a bunch of trap doors and flip them up they'll act as fences that the AI just can't understand and won't be able to escape from here's Johnny the murderous Vindicator and here he is in this weird hack killing these animals for our food see when you attack a Vindicator with the name Johnny he will kill anything in sight and if you trap him in a mob farm the animals he kills drop their loot into the chest without you having to lift a finger in this super old snapshot pumpkins of a Trudy crazy secret if you spawn in pumpkin stems that have grown further than eight stages they'll start to turn into this weird furnace plant this happens because the texture's got totally messed up in the files but I prefer to imagine them growing those fire flowers from Mario in any official update before 1.8 you could use this a legal fire item to craft chainmail armor the weirdest thing was that you couldn't even get the fire item so it was a completely pointless Craft You Can Get Invisible armor in Minecraft right now I'm completely invisible and all I'm wearing is this suit so get this amazing armor all you have to do do is type this command and give yourself 100 armor points the same as a full set of netherite armor except totally invisible brown mushrooms dragon eggs and and portal Flames all actually give off light and the respawn anchor will slowly emit more and more lights depending on how much glowstone you put into it which I think is awesome zombies are pretty harmless on their own but when there's dozens of them they become harder to deal with so it's absolutely terrifying that every night there's a chance of a literal zombie apocalypse spawning and attacking you and any nearby villagers if you have somehow managed to bring a hogling through a portal to the Overworld it will turn into a super gross looking corrupted zoglin these things will roam around menacingly attacking any passive mob they see don't worry mate I'll be angry too if it look like that ever see this mob because if you have you're one of the lucky ones this is called the clutch room and yes it drops mushrooms this mob was released exclusively for Minecraft Earth and with a two percent chance of naturally spawning you don't want to lose this game but Mushy Mushy why if you're in Minecraft Bedrock Edition and you catch on fire Don't Panic just craft a campfire and you can light it for completely free just from standing on it oh man what a good trade-off Now That's What I Call making the best out of a bad situation in the early versions of Minecraft in Dev you could stack up to 99 items in Minecraft This was later Changed by notch to the iconic 64 items you can hold today hey you do you bro everyone knows if you hit a zombie piglet in a swarm it's not gonna be a fun time for you however if you manage to one shot that same zombie piglin with an overpowered weapon all of the piglens will get confused and stop targeting you allowing you to finish them off one by one hey it's fine they're zombies so die piglens did you know if you Splash a potion of poisoning onto a creeper then let them explode they'll end up seeing a lingering poison effect this can be used for blowing up your friend's base and then finishing their dogs off thanking me later be a monster if you're near an ocean with your friend have them crouched down in front of the water and pay attention to their namesag if you look closely you can can see the water is transparent allowing you to see anything you want so if your friends got a secret base we will find it and we will kill your dogs again talking about the ocean if you take an iron golem and try to sink them you'll realize they literally can't drown this means they can stay at the bottom of the ocean for years without taking a single hit of damage man that's just sad this can't be said for snow golems though they don't even get to enjoy a swim man that just feels wrong but there's actually an even more efficient way to use coal and thus by simply just crafting a campfire with just one coal you can cook infinite food by right-clicking it on the campfire each one takes 30 seconds to cook but given you can do four at once is actually faster than a furnace too in PvP games like SkyWars and bedwars a simple Act of bridging is incredibly important so Pros have developed tons of ways to bridge as fast as possible their speed bridging that requires timing your crouches perfectly reasonably bridging where you spam A and D and click around 15 times a second God bridging where you literally just walk by backwards and time your clicks perfectly and the most insane of all Telly bridging there's really nothing else to say about this other than you should probably go outside if you can do it there's also this one but like come on villagers on a touristy hard to move around you either spend the next decade of your life using boats or just pray there do what you want them to but there's actually a hidden Pro strategy you can use to get hundreds of villagers to go exactly where you want if you destroy every nearby bed and place one down near a bell where you need them to move to ringing the bell will summon every nearby villager to that bed speaking of villages the best survival players know that they're actually the most overpowered thing in the game if you find a librarian and Destroy its workstation you can place it down to repeatedly change its trades and given that their first trade is usually an enchantment book you can keep doing this until you find exactly the enchantment you want you can even kill and cure it to get a perfect deal losing your base in Minecraft is a real problem it can be super hard to keep track of in a literary infinite World and hence coordinates can be really hard to remember that's why it can be a great idea yet not only crafter map but also name a banner place it down and right click it with the map this will give you a permanent marker you can follow home that's way cheaper than a lodestone compass one of the oldest ways to mark your base though is to simply just pillow up super high with blocks giving you a beacon to follow home these pillars can be useful in tons of places but can be really annoying to tear down so if you don't have scaffolding try using gravel or sand then whenever you want to get rid of it just place a torch or pressure plate below and it will delete itself in a very satisfying way did you know in recent Minecraft versions you can actually clutch without any items all you need to do is sit Crouch and space just before landing and voila I'm alive one thing only Pros know is if you push yourself into the import or from underneath of the Piston you won't spawn on the main end Island and instead will spawn at your Overworld coordinates in the end which can make tons of super deadly traps Soul sound already slows your player down a ton but adding ice below will make you move even slower but there's a way to be even slower cobwebs you now have the slowest floor known to man but if you're fast enough you can actually use a bow and arrow to break mine carts and boats to troll your friends just make sure you got good aim or you might just pull a JF Kennedy and while we're at it did you know avocaust can turn blue dyed sheep into red dyed sheep yeah pretty wild who knew they hated blue the biggest mistake people make is to mine randomly for the resources they need you want diamonds go to a river it turns out that if a river has a clay patch that is a sign there are diamonds below started essential of the clay patch go two blocks in the Z Direction and mine straight down you'll be swimming in diamonds but never mind straight down if you're not careful you can break the block below you and fall straight into some lava so always mine down with two blocks and have a water bucket so you can clutch so many people make this simple mistake stop making low sea legs even when mining a two block tall staircase tunnel is a recipe for bonged heads whenever you go up or down also doesn't the height ceiling look so much nicer in your house who doesn't love farming but a big mistake people make is to stick a single block of water and Surround it and Edge that water can only feed so many plants so instead set the water and vegetables in rows and your plants will actually grow faster glowstone and sea lanterns are things of the past Instead try placing turtle eggs on top of end rods to make a lump shade by placing an armor stand with a chainmail helmet inside a block like this you can add a pressure plate on top and make a cool decorative chessboard you can't play it though not that I even though hell if you place food on an item frame below a pressure plate looks like it's being served on a dinner plate most people make castle games they're called pork Colors by the way most people make pork cutlets with fences or walls fur select turns make a perfect and super unique version instead playing block walls can look boring so try adding extra blocks of similar colors for more texture this cupboard with glass panes plays like this can make a room much more interesting you could also just use wall blocks as they're literally made for building walls you could even mix a type of all round for extra variety this also works for adding texture to outside walls and finally finally might be a good use for the brake block people have been using cobwebs for chimney smoke since the dawn of time so instead you can use Coral fans to create a similar but more interesting effect alternatively you could use a campfire to make actual animated smoke to bring a little bit of life to your builds but my favorite use for campfires is to place them under the floor in any of my spookier builds Lake a cave or a graveyard a smoke will rise up and make fog dust mysterious and honestly a little claustrophobic and starting with a melon Golem yeah that's right a brother to the Snowman this weirdly creepy guy could only be found in Minecraft Earth it uses melon seeds to fight off enemies instead of snowballs which only do half a hearts of damage but hey that's better than what these silly snowmen can do they can't even do basic math yeah I can't what's five times five three wrong bird even crazier is the love Golem oh isn't he cute the brother to the Iron Golem these guys spawn in villages just like their steel clad Brothers but we're all about peace and love man they it's totally passive even to zombies attacking their villager friends I wonder why that could have been the lure of Gollum was added in the love and hugs update where Mojang blessed us with even more wholesome new Mobs check out the pink weather have you ever seen anything goofier oh you have oh my bad instead of the dark and deadly damaged to normal weather would deal to your world this guy spreads grass and flowers everywhere just like bone meal and what about the smiling creeper there's not much to talk about here but at least they're happy wait wait don't have me don't hurt me oh puppies cute chickens are one of my favorite animals in Minecraft but I sometimes wish they could do more than just that that's why the diamond chicken was the best I mean they were bright blue and instead of eggs laid diamonds now that's more like it some mods even had these back but with stone iron and gold chickens too this is way better than mining although the gold does smell a bit funny oh I think this might be poo most people think Alpha was the first version of Minecraft but something called in Dev was actually earlier than that this super basic version of the game feels a bit like a fever dream especially when you see one of these things skipping past you this apparently is a human though I'm not sure that has supposed to move like that I don't think it's healthy truly the stuff of nightmares well if you think that's crazy wait until you see the strangest mobs in Minecraft that award goes for these Funko Pop looking things seriously what on Earth am I looking up their names were Rana Beast Boy and Steve and they didn't even have animations they just glided motionless around the world like some creepy ghosts from the future Rana looked straight out of a Pokemon game she's pretty cool wants an easy way to find netherite try this out all you need is a fire resistance potion a few blocks and a grindstone after jumping into the lava swim upwards to see through the entire thing enjoy your band if you stack Minecarts on a singular rail you can create a nuclear bomb the mine Castle glitch out it's a move on their own try getting rid of the Rails well the Minecarts don't care in fact it'll keep on going and blow up an entire Village if it wants what a rebel well night vision is usually very useful if you Splash yourself with a night vision potion in the end everything will instantly turn pink thanks guys that helped a lot well done the Minecraft soundtrack changes depending on what time of day it is meaning if you want a certain soundtrack to play just use the command and change it back to the time of day you remember it playing at oh man this track is so beautiful oh who said it today who huh I know karate because Soul Sand isn't a full block you can't really Place falling blocks on top of it or at least without having your blocks turn into fragile blog entities if you've ever created a staircase you'd realize how annoying it is to have to go up and down and back up again who invented stairs I will fight you but there's a way out of the never-ending pain cause if you place a torch on the Block you're using you can place a block on the side and if you keep recycling your torches you'll soon enough have a really long staircase just don't look at it from the side which hurts have the ability to spawn you know witches but also each time one is generated a black cat will also spawn inside they do have a tendency to walk off but this is actually one of only two ways to find their Sleek variant of kitty the only other way is wait until the full moon and venture out into a village where each cat has a 50 chance of spawning as this magical Black Version have you ever run out of gold for powered rails because you never collect it when you're caving don't worry so as literally everybody else that plays this game but that means there's a solution putting a saddled pig in the minecart makes it Go much faster on iron rails it's kind of weird because you have to press the backwards key to move forward but it works just fine otherwise piglens are Primal tribal creatures and do everything together as a group most people know they hunt down hoglands together but you probably didn't know that there's a small chance that they'll dance together after taking one out in Bedrock edition if you name a boat in an anvil it'll actually show up as a name tag above cool right I bet Java Edition has an equally cool mechanic oh it doesn't show up and just gone completely friends can be very trusting leaving themselves AFK in your world you could play this pretty unknown trick set down a composter and fill it up leaving just three pixels of space then push them in and close the door they'll actually be trapped and can only Escape by breaking the whole thing if your friend does carpet a wicked trick is to put magma blocks on the floor and cover it with matching carpet watch for your friend to come home and watch as they hop around confused they take damage from their bill covered carpet Minecraft players all over the world use this incredibly slow method of getting around people love using bubble columns to zip up to some high tower but getting down they use another water shaft why waste of time when you can make a shaft leave it empty and just have a block of snow or water at the bottom to break your Fall using shears to collect leaves big mistake you could instead use a hoe as more modern updates of the game of improved the whole and with enchantments like Fortune you can get way more items way faster path blocks they look great in a lot of spaces but they're slightly shorter than the average block if there's any empty space next to a path block even if another block is on top trying to hide it the Gap will still be there look at it you can see right through that piston door lag it's a big mistake that happens all the time Pistons pushing blocks out of the way look so fancy but takes precious time when you're trying to get through but the pressure plate a few blocks back so you don't smash your face on an automatic door or secret entrance everyone knows that you can't stack different types of slabs on top of each other apparently if you go to the world border and make a setup like this you can use a piston and yep it makes a really cursed looking block this one's true mangrove trees are super cool especially because they're the only tree that can be grown underwater right well the propagule is the only thing that can actually be placed down here and works perfectly saplings however get broken almost immediately almost immediately if you're quick enough you can actually grow trees down here this definitely doesn't feel right but hey the game's a game this one says that if you spawn a cat in a witch hurts it'll always be black I've spawned about 50 of these things in here and they're all black so I'll say that's confirmed and if red isn't your favorite color harming potions are super useful for taking out those dreaded mobs or enemies but when it comes to zombies these potions actually heal them I suppose they're dead anyway so if you want to kill a zombie throw a healing potion at them to damage them instead nice attention to detail Mojang turns out locking is easier than you think unless you can add a glass paint to a map to lock it meaning it won't update if anything changes this can be great for documenting the progress of your base over time or creating a permanent design of an upside down tee if you bring bottles with you to the end fight you can actually pick up the purple particles the dragon shoots at you these are called potions of dragon's breath and can be used to craft tipped arrows or lingering potions I just wish it brush first this secret ender pearl technique lets you phase through walls Sans could even get through the roof of the nether climb a ladder up to the Bedrock ceiling well into the Bedrock and keep going forward your face through the top in Minecraft there's a secret world called debug world to find it you have to press shift and click on the world type button press the Nerf and you'll find debug World which is a fast void filled with every single asset in the game this sneaky little trick lets you copy structure you've made and paste it wherever you like create a grand statue and fill your friend's world with your monstrous art ward of hoglands of just a funny little mushroom these hulking Pig beasts are terribly afraid of the Warped fungus no idea why but at least it keeps them away from my pet Strider this portal makes no sense it's a portal spawned in only one seed so far and for some reason the end portal is totally glitched it generated with six eyes already in and somehow created a portal that only covers six blocks slimes are the only mob you can kill with just a single punch but the bigger versions are a little stronger luckily slimes have terrible pathfinding and won't avoid things like lava Cactus or big holes like this making them easier to trap than any other mop sea turtles might have the most enemies in the game not only do all types of zombies try to break their eggs but skeletons ocelots wolves stray cats and even zoglins will attack baby sea turtles I don't know what they did to make so many enemies so cute somehow bees are even cuter which is why no mobs in the game try to attack it however if they try and pollinate weather roses they'll take damage just the same as mobs that walk over it they'll also die after singing anything that attacks The Hive all types of fish will start to drown after just 15 seconds on land really though they don't even try to get back into the water they just gonna flop around and wait for it to be over Dolphins however can last over two minutes on land and if it's raining they can survive forever however dolphins do need air to survive some of their underwater for too long they'll actually start to drown at least they try to find water squid to literally just sit there and move like and the mites used to have a huge weakness that nobody knows about before 1.15 if they stood on Soul Sand at suffocates and die this was eventually fixed so now that only Predator is Enderman so Golems aren't exactly the strongest to fence your base can have their attacks don't even do damage and they're made even worse by the fact that they can't even survive in warm climates like deserts or in the rain they also only have two hearts of Health I'll stick to Iron Golems if I were you have you seen this bowl that's pretty normal but it's actually a super rare item let's drop when a turtle is struck by lightning a super rare event what's weirder is that this wasn't a glitch or random choice so one of Mojang made sure this happens in the game's code and I have no idea why however there's actually an item Mojang doesn't want you to find this leather tunic with an efficiency one enchantment should be impossible but because of a crazy glitch it can be found in some Woodland Mansions behind a secret wall even crazier the item there used to be a leather helmet I wonder what it'll turn into next this large Fern is weirder than it looks and with a rarity rate of 0.3 percent this one's pretty rare you actually can't get these in a while she has cut large phones into two regular phones so the only place to find whole ones is in a chest and a tiger Villa chilling to what else they're hiding frogs look at them all cute and tan oh but I want a rare green frog to get them green you actually have to become their dad grab a tub Bowl in a bucket and take it to a cool biome and put them in a pool and watch them grow up green oh and don't let the ball freeze over my babies speaking of rare water creatures axolotls come in many colors but one you'll never see in the wild is the legendary blue Axolotl this super rare creature can only be found through breeding and has a 1 in 1 200 chance of spawning sir you better have plenty of tropical fish to feed him but how about the rarest door in the game deep slave demoral door is actually very hard to find with a 0.15 chance to regenerate it only appears in mountains and Windswept Hills and only a dead sub both emeralds and deep slate appear be sure to mine them with a silk touch pick so you can show your friends a super rare find axolotls are amazing but can you trust them a secret message was found in Minecraft's release notes saying the axolotls are not what they seem one can only imagine what Sinister Secrets whose adorable axolotls are hiding finding a large Diamond vein is great what's even crazier is a maximum Diamond vein it's a whopping 48 diamonds this certainly happens when the max Diamond vein in a chunk connects to four other chunks at the same time unlike regular skeletons nether skeletons don't have bows but if they did the bow would shoot fire and there's already plenty of that in another already talking about mobs there's suns in Minecraft but did you know this mob was actually changed into an item that mob is the humble sign yes originally it was class of the mob which could only be spawned by pressing B and only had a pre-written message on it don't try to rate a baby Strider as even if you use a command to tame a baby Strider and have a saddle on it a moment you ride it into lava you'll catch on fire the baby is just too small to protect you from it did you know that Steve wasn't always called Steve he actually didn't have a name at first and they had to scramble to come up with one when they agreed to have him show up in the indie game Super Meat Boy this special secret about iron could save your home because it turns 1000 iron chain is the same resistance against explosions as a full iron block despite being made with way less materials for the menu walls and you've got a fortress you can actually use enchanting tables as a way to catch Intruders in your base anyone trying to sleep around and steal your items is probably going to be invisible but the enchanting tables magical powers actually show you there's someone nearby by opening up and facing straight towards them Grandma what are you doing in my house oh right every single item in the game has a shape that goes from the bottom left of the item slot to the top right from tools to fences name tags and even amethyst shards that is except for the echo Shard which does the exact opposites and faces the other way I love this feature because it shows that the item really is an echo of the regular items and could even come from some strange alien world ever wondered what causes those creepy cave sounds to play it's actually not random it relies on this section of the F3 screen called mood that increases over time when you're underground and decreases when you're near light when it gets to 100 a random caves sounds will play and that's already set back to zero there are actually four secret paintings hidden in the game files that you can't even get normally in the game the paintings are earth wind fire and water and can only be spawned in with this command apparently they were only added in to promote Pocket Edition but I really hope they get added in fully eventually because they're so much cooler than this tinted glass is the only glass block that actually drops an item when you break it normally I guess the amethyst Enchanted it with mystical Powers with all the carpet traps out there most people are terrified to even step foot on them which makes them perfect for the most illegal hidden entrance yes you can jump on turtle eggs through carpets and they'll break the carpet as well as the egg sending you straight down to anything you build below sea turtles are endangered in real life by the way making this one actually illegal if he plays perfectly white maps on sea lanterns or glowstone you can make a super trippy infinite room most people use this to troll their friends but honestly I think it makes a super cool house just try not to get a headache smacking into the walls you can use a similar trick to make custom wallpaper for your house depending on your dedication you can make custom blocks simple patterns or super ornate drawings rivaled only by glazed terracotta whatever that's supposed to be using a hoe or a shovel on dirt will send a pulse to a hidden Observer letting you create wild hidden bases like the one Mr insane made in his world this does seem like a lot of effort for a single player world though what are you hiding it from Herobrine something slightly more practical is this instant base idea that uses nothing but saplings at the start of Your World put some Oak saplings down where you want the walls once you're back from mining or looking for food your house will have literally built itself everybody knows that naming a mob dinner bone flips it upside down but I bet you didn't know there's a second secret name that does the same thing if you call the mob grum with two M's instead it'll do the same thing this was added at the same time as dinnerbone so I kind of feel bad he didn't get as much attention if you're like me you probably still managed to get lost even with a map but if you name a banner and place it down at your base you can right click it with the map and a market will pop up showing you exactly where home is remember the last time you used a furnace Minecraft yeah me neither but there was actually a way to use them that kind of makes them useful I guess if you push a furnace Minecart into a chess Minecart he'll actually couple together allowing you to transfer a huge bunch of resources easily without choker boxes it all completely falls apart the secondary corner or Hill appears but hey they've got the spirit honey blocks are so sticky that mobs like villagers can't actually jump off them meaning you can use them to hold them in place and if you've spent ages putting villagers around or using boats to move them I'm about to blow your mind you can't bait villagers around the seeds or carrots but you can get them to follow you simply by having a chat with them it seems they're so excited to trade with you that they just won't leave you alone letting you bring them pretty much wherever you want and if anything wants to happen to your villagers don't use potions and weakness to heal them instead you should use tipped Arrows with a crossbow if you have a high enough piercing level you can shoot through multiple villagers and then pick the arrow up after allowing you to cure hundreds of villages with just one Arrow speaking of bombs I'm sorry did you know that TNT dropped into an End Portal doesn't actually explode until you jump in yourself it even keeps its fuse length so if you drop it from around 70 blocks up it'll instantly blow up whoever is unfortunate enough to head through next along with all the valuable gear they were bringing too dripstone works too if you're not feeling that mean but let's face it you'd rather blow them up another great way to blow someone's Sky High is with TNT Minecarts sure there's all these ways to create new to them but let's face it you're gonna have to end up cleaning that up so instead if someone has a railway down to their minds just add a couple TNT Minecarts at the end when they run into them and blow up if anything you're just helping them mine since they were added in the 1.13 update bubble columns have been the absolute best elevator solution we've had and conveniently there's tons of ways to trap them and make your friends live just a little bit worse the easiest is to surround the top in obsidian so they have to spend ages mining it while underwater to get out that's my personal favorite is to shoot a bunch of arrows in the water that hits anyone coming up instant damage or poison Works to give them a real scare but I prefer to use slowness to create just a tiniest inconvenience for them one of the simplest ways to really make someone mad in Minecraft is to simply just fill up their house with water it takes you two minutes to place a bunch of water or ice on their roof but will take them forever to play some break blocks everywhere to get rid of it all if you want to be really evil you can bone meal a bunch of kelp to make all of the Water Source blocks so without sponges they're gonna be there for years if you want to take your friend out in a super creative way try using this super unique trick and there's enough entities in a small place it'll start dealing damage to them that means if you can get your friend to fall into a hole with a bunch of Minecarts it'll start damaging them automatically this quick hack lets you harvest an entire field in an instant plants need a certain light level some of you have a redstone Lantern to provide that then switch it off when it's time to harvest all the veg will burst out at once ready to be picked up or collected in Hoppers under the soil this hack is a fresh Twist on a classic paintings can be used to hide entrances but that can be too obvious instead hide a pressure plate behind it that activates when you drop an item through the painting activating whatever secret mechanism you want to set up sometimes smart hacks use the weirdest items like this stairway of drip Stone and smaller and smaller cake slicers use a horse which can travel over a single block height without jumping and the weird hitboxes of the items will send you rocketing up the stairway at high speeds side of creatures jumping fences try to suck while you set down a bunch of trap doors and flip them up they'll act as fences that the AI just can't understand and won't be able to escape from here's Johnny the murderous Vindicator and here he is in this weird hack killing these animals for our food see when you tag a Vindicator with the name Johnny he will kill anything in sight and if you trap him in a mob farm the animals he kills drop their loot into the chest without you having to lift a finger there was also a mob called the Great hunger which is a pretty powerful name for a mob that looks like this he's just a little lizard guy and he didn't even attack you instead he was supposed to be able to either remove enchantments to your items but as we know the grindstone ended up doing that instead poor thing imagine being replaced by literally just a rock and then more recently there was a copper Gollum hey give me about my job um anyway and then more recently there was a copper Golem smaller and less threatening than his I am Brothers but not without its uses if it was added it would have come with copper buttons and would have loved to press them allowing for all sorts of automatic machines and Contraptions disruptions stay away from me rock I'm warning you turns out there's actually a bunch more golems that Mojang never ended up adding first off there's a furnace golem from Minecraft Earth there are another variant of the classic Iron Golem but have a burning desire to take out any mob using their fiery attacks alongside its normal melee attack they were even able to light the ground around their enemy on fire which caused real trouble for the village they were protecting then there's a Squall Golem these guys behave eerily similar to the warden in dungeons they start off totally still on the ground until a nearby resonance crystal is activated this is when they power up and quickly charge towards you attacking you with quick fast-paced attacks like a supercharged Iron Golem that can even cause huge shock waves that send you flying through the air and we can't forget the infamous red Stone monstrosity a gigantic Golem boss that's even immune to Lava it's a huge hulking mechanical piece of rock covered in Redstone patches with three glowing eyes and two massive horns on its head it has tons of powerful attacks including a fireball attack where it shoots projectiles that deal huge damage a slum attack where it hits the ground and knocks you back like a TNT blast and a summon attack where 12 Redstone cubes leap from the ground and attack you if you ask me this seems way more fun than the ender dragon fight I'm about to start playing dungeons instead sayonara Minecraft and the best part is if you ever manage to actually take out this crazy strong boss which I certainly couldn't it's not even over later on in the game you can come across the Mooshroom monstrosity which appears to be the body of an ancient Redstone monstrosity somehow brought back to life by mushroom spores it's attacks aren't quite as crazy though it just like spawns cows sometimes never mind it's quite powerful too with the Mansions are one of the rarest and coolest structures in the game and this one is even cooler not only did this mansion been spawn in the middle of a swamp but is also right next to this crazy drip Stone sinkhole and if that wasn't cool enough these waterfalls can even spawn axolotls talk about luxury if you like caves and caverns you'll love this next seed imagine loading up a new Minecraft world to play on and suddenly you spawn here you're placed right in the middle of this huge open cabin with near infinite drip Stone caves to explore there's even an ancient city deep inside if you're feeling courageous but you don't have to go too far to make use of this giant cave just follow this waterfall down and you'll end up right next to one two three four five six exposed diamonds good luck mining them though and you can't craft a pickaxe with this whole cave system being underneath a giant desert with no trees in sight for miles but thankfully I have creative mode wait that if giant caves and lava pools aren't your style try out this seed that has to have one of the prettiest spawn points in the entire game in the middle of this ring of cold snow-tipped mountains lies a quiet little village complete with Farms cats and baby donkeys just next to it there's even a gorgeous flower Forest as well as pigs chickens and caves with iron in them all contained within this beautiful scenery thus even that doesn't compare to this Village which rests on a grassy plane covered in flowers right above this huge exposed Lush cave there's even a ruined portal and a bunch of food nearby to get you started in this world it doesn't get better than this it's never right Mr villager oh why would you kill an innocent dog that's just cruel drop doors and chains make perfect hanging chairs for Garden or parks and flower pots attached to chains look like hanging plants but sometimes the chains that we have in the game just don't look like enough to hold up our big builds so instead try linking a bunch of grindstones like this that looks much more stable pathways are are super important for tying the village together so instead of just using gravel and Cobblestone try using andesite and even dead coral blocks for extra variety and texture the same goes for floors mud mixed with brown mushrooms and terracotta makes an awesome floor for muddy Farms barrels and Spruce plants look great for a creaky attic floor and beehives are a super interesting block to use for the floor of a cute little cottage you've built you can also try using blast furnaces cartography tables and a bunch of other blocks to make unique and interesting Floor Designs be creative with them dripstone makes an awesome trunk for a palm tree and you can even use conduits to add coconuts at least if you squint thin candles are just another light source here's a bunch of reasons why you're wrong firstly you can make a pond plant called a cattail by placing a green candle on a glass plane an End Rod Plus a candle redstone torch or iron bar makes a perfect sword replica it's always annoying me that lanterns come close but with the help of candles they can damn it kinda looks like Hogwarts in here red candles look suspiciously like tiny stick of dynamite that you can mix with TNT for more detail in your cave builds cacti in real life often have pretty pink flowers on top and you guessed it pink candles perfectly replicate this building a computer on your computer is a classic for Minecraft so when you've set up your painting and pressure plate try using a candle in an item frame instead of a button as your mouse it looks scarily accurate and finally gray candles and skeleton skulls on a stone wall make a really cool design Awards allowed to Leaf block on top of a fence or walls look suspiciously like a globe but Marlo the Earth isn't Square actually wow see thing building like a pro is difficult think again and watch this if you're building walls like this you're doing it all wrong instead grab some blocks that are similar and scatter them around a bit you can use stairs to add extra depth or even add patterns in front to make it extra interesting just like that you're leveling up your buildings super easily the same goes for Flaws both inside and out spending a couple minutes making a block palette can add tons of detail like adding beehives in with Oak planks brown mushrooms in with mugs and masking with grass us outside there's tons of ways to make super-sized versions of different foods in Minecraft obviously you can use a sea pickle from melon or pumpkin stem but you can also put a mangrove proper Gill on top of a mangrove Vlog for a bulbous beetroot a warped vine on some honeycomb for peculiar pineapple and a sea pickle on a Netherwood blog for a tomato for extra Farm decoration you can add barrels full of berries by placing Coral blocks above water surrounded by trapdos this works with raw iron to make potato barrels and you can even try making a larger version with Crimson planks below as a grape stomping Barrel outside of Vineyard looms are one of the weirdest looking blocks in the game but you can actually use them to make empty bookshelves escalators air conditioning units outside buildings and cool looking roofs for your house and if it's a detailed bookshelf you're going for 1.20 added this secret way to put a 3D book model on a shelf just add an armor stand under the block you want like this and place a leather helmet with a white Coast armor trim applied push a block down from above and it'll look exactly like a spare book left out on the table but sometimes players aren't just trying to steal your loot they're out for blood Stone alarm system just won't cut it to truly fortify your base try building your base using stairs placed like this if you fill them with water it won't spill everywhere and it makes your entire base completely resistant to TNT stopping Raiders and creepers in their tracks and if you want to take this to the next level try placing a line of observers below the outside blocks hooked up to TNT these will trigger as soon as the stairs are broken lowering the Raiders up instantly while your base sits there so totally in harm remember back in the old days of the game when the best traps just involved placing gravel above signs while these go 1000 times better with scaffolding now instead of spending ages placing signs perfectly you can just place a layer of scaffolding hooked up to a piston stick some carpets above it and as soon as it's triggered it'll plunge any players and their loot directly into this pit of lava the most difficult part of creating a secret base is trying to hide the entrance to try this idea out build a regular wheat or potato farm above wherever you want your base to be then break a block behind the crop like this and hide a button in there not only is this almost impossible to see but nobody will ever suspect this lovely little farm being the place you hide all your valuable gear everyone knows Bedrock is a completely unbreakable block and in most Minecraft servers breaking Bedrock will get you banned however there's a catch as in the nether if you climb a ladder placed on the very top block of bedrock and throw an ender pearl like this you teleport straight through the ceiling putting you on top of the nether but that's not all as it's actually possible to break bedrock as well all it takes is this simple TNT machine hop into the trap door flick the lever and right click as fast as you can with a piston in your hand if you click fast enough a Bedrock below the Piston will glitch house and disappear just like my dad when I was a child Billy came back and ran away again but the more obvious way to get banned is to hack Auto clickers are the most common hack letting you click super fast without doing anything this lets you place blocks super fast bridge in crazy ways or absolutely dominating 1.8 PVP but if you're really trying to get banned fly hacks are the way to go and yes they do exactly what you think allowing you to fly anywhere you want in survival mode for obvious reasons almost no servers allow this making it one of the best ways to get banned but if you want to go out with a bang you should try lava casting if you go on to 2b2t a server with no rules you'll see these everywhere using lava and water people build these huge lava casts to scar the landscape of servers they're super annoying to get rid of but really easy to build start by building a staircase straight up into the sky as high as you possibly can then it's as simple as placing a lava bucket at the top waiting then placing water above and ta-da now all your friends hate you well more so than before if that's possible ever wanting to get overpowered on an SMP so you can kill everyone because everyone knows the best way to get banned is to start wars and kill people well there's a special trick with villagers that lets you get rich gather a whole bunch of villagers together and simply let a zombie loose on them it might sound dumb but trust me once they've been turned into zombie villagers cure them with weakness potions and golden apples this basically makes you their daddy and they'll give you a nice discount on all trades then you can repeat this until all their trades cost just one Emerald so if someone asks how you've got mending on literally everything don't tell them the secret a real dirty trick only works if your friend puts down signs see a little mischievous by moving the signs around and swapping them about they'll get lost in no time in a snowy area try this bouncy castle trick build a castle with a spot where you need to drop down cover the lower area with slime blocks cover that with snow and when your friend drops down onto it they'll bounce wildly out of control into whatever Hazard you want this trick is simple and classic just started open when there's a block above them so put some obsidian on top and watch your friends slowly chip away just so they can access their tools this next trick requires your very own pet zombie or the name tag on them hide them under your friend's bed and watches a game and let them sleep because enemies are too close by all my life I've made this huge enchanting setup with all these bookshelves but apparently you only need 15 bookshelves in total meaning this tiny setup works just as well as this one and wait it's actually true my life is a lie there were three different types of Overworld frog warm cold and temporary but supposedly there's a four secret frog you can only guess in the end if you take two frogs and lead them to the stronghold send them to the portal and feed them slime balls the tadpoles will grow into Super frogs Yeah I just made that up they're just normal myth busted this myth says you can shoot fire arrows to the bottom of a lava cauldron but there's no way that's true can you even shoot below them at all huh well I guess it is true how did they know that am I stupid or something but as it turns out Mojang might want to brush past some older Minecraft snapshots too as in an old snapshot you could actually grow furnaces while using a command to spawn a pumpkin with an impossible gross face a furnace would go out to the ground underneath her shulkers can be super annoying when they hit you with their levitation balls trust me I know but these balls can actually hit other mobs as well causing them to fly high into the sky who knew their balls were so powerful not me definitely not me everyone knows that if you name a sheep Jeb it will turn rainbow but most people don't know is that you can actually name a rabbit toast to unlock toast okay not already but it does have a secret texture it's a reference for developers old pets and although it's not exactly rainbow at least this guy has meaning it's common knowledge that dispensers can't place blocks but did you know that dispensers are actually able to place blocks if it means they can summon a Golem or the weather dispensing a carved pumpkin on top of two snow blocks will create a snow golem just as if you place the block there a pretty cool way to win a bet and scam your friends out of their hand earned Diamonds oh just do it for fun but come on who does that a major mistake when making an enchantment table is forgetting to bring the right items make sure any lapis or books are nearby in chess you don't have to remember at all speaking of storage what on Earth is this nothing is sorted it's all just thrown together Any Which Way set aside different chests to hold different things one tools make a tool chest so you know where all your tools are in fact stop using in chess entirely they're old and dumb and stupid well all right they look okay but barrels carry the same amounts cost less to make and it's gonna actually be opened even when another block is on top of it don't panic really don't panic when a creeper is coming or TNT is ready to explode just put some blocks down in front of you and you'll take way less damage Minecarts can fit almost any mob including sniffers ravages and even guests that's a hell of a visitor when you send it down the rail see a friend's home base ever feel like a zombie horde is never ending that's because it might be any time you hit a zombie it will look around and try 50 times to spawn a new zombie it only has up to a 10 chance to succeed though unless it's a leader then it goes up to a 75 chance of spawning The Horde be careful where you put your beehives if it's too close to the ocean any bee that Strays over the water can very quickly get disoriented and will eventually fall in and drown people have lost entire B colonies this way so stay safe there's a crazy looting glitch that lets you get the extra rewards of the Looting enchantment even and when the Tool you're using isn't Enchanted if you have a saw with looting in your main hand a regular bow in the other enemies killed with the bow will give extra items everyone knows cats always land on their feet but did you know that in Minecraft they also take no damage from a fall this is based on Cat's real world ability to survive crazy Force some have even fallen out of a plane without a parachute and live to tell the tale go beyond the end of the world with this command it's a secret teleport destination that will put you on the other side of the world border but be careful because the moment you pass that border you'll be taking real damage Snow Golems aren't the only mod that doesn't like the rain though pandas are actually terrified of thunderstorms and they don't just take damage in the rain they hide their face and whimper so they're actually scared also did you know pandas eat cake that's not a weakness or anything I just thought it was cool ocelots see more adopted to the tough jungle environment as they've learned to avoid full damage and to hunt chickens for food however they are still terrified of humans and run away faster than almost any mob in the game it's worth it if you can get an ocelot or cat to stick around though as they're actually super good at keeping away Phantoms in fact a phantom won't come within 16 blocks of a cat at all but if you want to avoid Phantoms altogether just make sure you get a good night's rest taming gots a lots removes the sweetness just the same as saving a wolf removes there and this one is the strangest so far for some reason wolves are super scared of llamas and they'll run away the seconds they get anywhere near them I wonder why they hate them so much change walls however are super chill with llamas until their human decides otherwise but this is the same with every other mob in the game except for creepers so I guess this makes them weak to Creepers the only other thing dogs have to worry about is me despite being possibly the most peaceful mob in the game sheep of their own enemies too wild wolves will attack any nearby sheep they can find they don't even fight back the poor things but if that doesn't impress your friends blast some of these rare screaming goat horns goats or van players or other mods and if they're missing it's a tree the horns can break off and be used as musical instruments horns from screaming goats are extra rare and can't be found any other way this rare portal is actually a Blog that you can pick up and drop whatever you want you need a stone touch and a loss of luck but if you use this machine to push you as you mine this flower you could end up mining the actual portal itself drop it in the end and you can teleport straight back home along with anything else that touches the photo lightning striking the same place twice is almost impossible but with some of the rarest items on the game particularly the Trident you can make this infinite lightning machine where every bounce makes another strike for a crazy light show ever tried to catch a bubble this super rare block is actually mined straight out of the water using this machine that dispenses water as you mind pushing the bubbles into the way of your silt touch pickaxe you can get these Bubbles as a block you can even place them on dry land this crazy glitch can be used for even more impossible blocks like this block of water if you try to mine the underwater plants with your silk touch pickaxe you're gonna end up with this it looks like a pain and when you set it down it spills out like a bucket of water oh God my head just kidding this rare item is hard to get but super fun you need a creeper to get charged by lightning then if they explode and kill other mobs around it the mobs drop their heads as items where they're heading take a lot longer for the mobs to even notice you the villagers are hiding a secret they're actually super fast don't believe me well it only happens to a Nightfall when they're under attack their top speed is actually faster than a player sprinting I don't know you're saying ball was white Mojang but a secret that's hiding in plain sight see this end Crystal actually has a secret message written on it it's the word Mojang it's a fact that game updates can reverse Soul changes but in early Minecraft development this happened a lot at one point they stopped the leaves disappearing when the trees were cut down then changed it back to disappear then stopped it again and then again changed it to disappear a Cool Secret your friend knows that while witches can fight each other they might never win their healing potion is more than their damage so you can put them in a glass box and set them up as a permanent display this may look like a magical optical illusion but it's actually just a bunch of stairs and slabs placed in this special way you can Place Coral fans on trap doors like this to make colorful lily pads lanterns can also be placed below Lily pass to make them glow at night and you can finish up your palm by placing hanging Roots below stained glass to a jellyfish if you want to show off how rich you are how about building a huge quartz grand piano have you placed dragon heads on armor stands below some stairs the ears will pop out and look like Keys you can make rope Bridges by building up fences and then attaching leads to them oh don't worry about him this also works to make balloons ladders can be placed on trap doors to make extra thin ladders that don't take up much room and if you're really clever you can use this to make double-sided ladders by using a layout like this waterlogged blocks completely break the game mini pads can be placed on any block that's waterlogged creating illegal looking setups like this but you can make it look even weirder by placing sugarcane next to the lily pads another build hack is this weird new flower because this thing is two blocks tall when it's fully grown you can put string above it to keep it at its third stage and use it to look like a weird overgrown potato in your Farms a lot of the time the builds you make look like they've been thrown into the world randomly and look super out of place to fix this try making Shadows by placing slightly darker blocks near overhangs or edges you can even add Mossy blocks around trees to act as fallen leaves the inside of a mangrove log looks suspiciously like a nice piece of Juicy meat and moving on using some lightning rods armor stands and a campfire you can make a super tasty looking hog roast and if you think this flame is too big you can place an armor stand and lava underneath for a much Tamer flame if you've ever tried to use crops like wheat's decoration you've probably run into this problem however this illegal build hack will fix that will also can actually hydrate dirt across thin air letting you make things like these Garden Parts without visible water try using an upside down lightning rod with a candle placed on top to make a really tall torch it won't be quite as bright but hey you can stand on the edge of the rod for some reason everyone loves a good explosion so here's a way to make a totally invisible and instant landmine just place a bunch of TNT mine cars on some powered rails like this and took them up to a skull sensor right next to them sneak away and you've got the best hidden way to protect your house isn't it so crazy my house but if you want a slightly less distract active method of protection it's time to hire some soldiers bees will actually stay aggravated permanently meaning if you trap a bunch below the floor in your base and rig them up to release when any Intruders enter they'll swarm them instantly and even chase them down for Miles let's be honest though you don't want anyone in your base at all so it's time to up the security with just a couple chains and walls you can create a cool looking fence let's add some magma blocks covered in Moss below and it will actually turn into an electrified laser fence it works too if you're standing on the magma you can't actually break the chain before you die and if you're super rich try building this design with iron bars cobwebs and magic potion dispensers below the ground if you rig this tripwire up to shoot damage potions it'll really send a message to robbers and it's a cool piece of decoration too a great way to protect your base from both mobs and players is to hide puffer fish underground around your base most carpets are a super easy way to sneak them into your decoration and water logging even allows you to hide them in bushes and trees oh oh God I'm getting flashbacks if you're feeling really mean though the best way way to deal with thieves isn't to kill them but trap them permanently using a simple piston trap you can force a player into a bubble elevator like this surrounded in obsidian due to the bubbles pushing them around it'll be almost impossible to mine it even with a pickaxe what's the most evil thing you can possibly do in Minecraft griefing duplicating even camping someone's spawn I don't think it's any of these the worst thing you can do is killing someone's pet of course people love their little friends and you just know someone's gonna run straight to an admin if you hurt them that's why you gotta do it invisible that's more like it oh crap now nobody likes someone who swears all the time so you gotta use this your advantage if you're really looking to get banned quickly off a server or even Minecraft itself there's a whole lot of words that can achieve this very very quickly though I probably shouldn't say them in this video getting banned in Minecraft is one thing but what about something that can actually get you sent you sent Yale now that's more like it we talked about lag earlier but there's actually a way to completely stop someone using their internet called a DDOS attack if somebody gets your IP address they can overload your router and completely if anyone catches you doing this you'll instantly get banned from any server and even have the police called on you crap it wasn't me it was the dog Minecraft skins are a perfect canvas to express your creativity from a turd to Michael Jackson skin show to others who we are but this this is the opposite of beautiful oh my God what is that these kinds of Skins are the reason most servers and even Minecraft itself bans any form of inappropriate skin from curse words written across you it's a rather flattering depictions of other things if you want to get banned you know what to do and if you want something to match your new skin we can't forget inappropriate buildings in smps faction servers and Skyblock servers who are able to create whatever you want giving us the perfect opportunity to shape our house however we want Ah that's more like him ever wanted a girlfriend well good luck because e-dators are running rampant on Minecraft these days and a lot of service think that they need to be stopped Banning dating in Minecraft so if you're really looking for a quick ban why don't you just come and kiss me I mean get a room guys seriously just a glance of a creeper in the corner of your eyes enough to send suddenly they're not scary this is the nerd creeper another April Fool's mob but what I really wish stayed longer they were exactly the same as regular creepers but when you killed them they dropped this weird glitchy 3D item instead of gunpowder this didn't do much at all but if you ate it it displayed an image of Minecraft developers nerd creepers never spawned naturally but if you typed nerd in chat one would appear right in front of you wait no that's too close did you know there are mobs you can only spawn in with cheats the biggest of these has to be the Giants clocking in at 12 blocks tall these things dwarf most people's Mansions if you spawn them in now they didn't do anything but back in the 1.7 update these things could run round and deal damage to you 13 Hearts to be precise and that's not easy mode what's even crazier is that the code says these things technically can still spawn they just require impossible conditions like having bright and dark light at the same time so little Timmy that's why you shouldn't be scared of the dark oh my goodness if you're Pro you'll know all about skeleton horses which are a super rare and Powerful type of horse but alongside these is actually an unused Zombie horse mob in the game too they can be summoned with commands just the same as giant spurts unlike their Undead Brothers they actually move without being tamed and they're pretty cool too you can ride them just the same as normal horses and they even regenerate health over time they're so op that harming potions actually heal them this means that he only totally passive Undead mob in The game everyone loves bunnies they're cute fluffy this is the killer bunny why don't you've got you've got to worry of this one it's a Pure White Rabbit with evil intentions if you get hit within 16 blocks of one it'll lock on and learn straight at you dealing four hearts of damage and if these bunnies can't find a player they'll search for foxes and wolves to attack instead thankfully these guys aren't naturally spawning and don't you work with commands art imitates life I suppose plus apparently it's not just players that can spawn floating above the water because this seed has a woodland Mansion doing exactly the same thing this tiny Island next to it is the only piece of land for miles around and the F3 screen says it's still part of the ocean biome the wildest part of this is that the game says his Mansion actually spawns at the coordinates 0-0 right in the center of the map and these coordinates aren't even a dark oak forest if I had to guess the generation glitched out and thought there was just one block in a dark oak biome but that would be crazy lucky but if a floating Mansion is too boring for you how about a mansion buried underground and if that's still not enough why not put a village on top of it too this seed is truly one in a million there's houses in wide roofs roofs inside houses and even a house just hanging out on its own in the middle of the Mansion but my favorite part is to be these random sprinkles of grass and huge blocks of stone in the roof of the Mansion I wonder what would happen if you started a raid here spawning right next to a village is great allowing you to loot up and get food and set yourself up for the nether but for this seed that's not exactly the case here you spawn right next to an abandoned zombie village sure there's a couple of hay bales but don't try going in any of the houses around any Corner could be a zombie just waiting to ah gosh I should have seen that coming when you spawn into this seat you might be tempted to check out the beautiful coral reef in the ocean right next to you but as soon as you turn around you'll be met with a truly gigantic Badlands mountain range as Badland stretches from sea level to far above the clouds the rocky pass high up are covered in iron and emeralds and there's masses of long winding caves that stretch for Miles underneath a huge pile of terracotta and stone up top and we're not even talking about the crazy spiky rock formations found all over this area and the truly massive Cliffs that open up to reveal caves with mine shafts lakes and even an ancient city below so if you're looking for a sea to explore this is your best bet but let's talk about a different kind of seed for a moment speed running is a crazy way of playing Minecraft where you simply just try and beat the game as fast as possible and if you want the cheat code we got you this currency spawned you in a village with beds for the dragon chess with obsidian a ruined portal Giving You Everything to light the nether portal in minutes but once you're in the nether you don't need to stop for Blazers or Enderman because the end portal in the stronghold is one of the one in a trillion glitch ones I mentioned earlier and let you enter as soon as you're back in the Overworld making this seed even rarer than one in a trillion it's literally the best seed in the world instead of just moving an AFK player to an obsidian box how about putting them into a water-filled box with regenerating walls all you have to do is Place lava on the outside of the box place a conduit to stop them from drowning at an Elder Guardian will make sure it takes them literally forever to mine out I know how to get out poppers literally have a built-in way to prank people if you hate building huge farms wait for someone else to do it for you and place your own Harbor beneath the ones that catch all the items it'll filter you half their items so you get some free stuff and they won't even notice 1.20 added this awesome new feature that lets note blocks make mob sounds if you add the right head on top this means you can set up a random Redstone clock below someone's face and drive them insane with mob noises track down one of my favorite ways to set up one of these random clogs is to add a chicken underground somewhere in a small room with a pressure plate a chicken will walk around slowly and activate whatever you want it to I recommend a bell because oh my God they're loud if you want to be even more annoying and going to sleep with monsters nearby I think this phrase will still haunt us in 20 years all you've got to do is bring over a mob namesagit and hide it underneath your friend's bed a creeper is best for this because it's silent and it'll take forever for your friend to find it and when they do honey blocks of a crazy feature barely anybody knows about they're actually just a little bit smaller than a normal block meaning you can shoot arrows between them like we later Fortress Builders dolphins are one of the smartest animals in the world and it's no different in Minecraft if you give a dolphin enough fish it'll actually begin to swim to the nearest underwater chest as thank you for feeding it and a minute already one of the most creepy and Powerful mobs in the game I absolutely didn't need another buff to make them even stronger but they got exactly that usually an Enderman will just teleport out to the way of an arrow or other projectile first if they've got nowhere to teleport to the arrow will just bounce off like it's nothing cheaters luckily there is a way to make Enderman completely powerless yeah sort of sure you can just Place water at your feet but that's old news if you accidentally trigger an Enderman by looking into its eyes don't look away for some reason Enderman won't move at all as long as you hold eye contact and what do you do from here good question moving on breaking blogs like clay underwater is so annoying sure there's the old door trick but that's no fun compared to TNT mellow wrong all you need to do is play sand or gravel on top before lighting it and it works perfectly and barely even damages you you can actually do the opposite as well placing an anvil on top of TNT before lighting it will stop it from breaking any blocks at all it doesn't even damage the Anvil and again you take almost no damage from the blast ever wanted to create a nuclear bomb well you're in luck all you got to do is place a rail and stack multiple TNT Minecarts on top of each other this glitches the game and creates an insane amount of explosive power just don't touch it or you'll probably end an entire race of Villager when thinking of unbreakable Minecraft blocks Bedrock is probably first to come to mind you can't break bedrock with lava TNT or even a literal nuke so would it surprise you that all it really takes is snow in 1.17 if you place a cauldron and fill it up with powdered snow and place a block above it and click the cauldron it just disappears wow nice job Mojang the Wither can't swim making it impossible to spawn them in the water however there's a catch if you swim to the bottom of the ocean and build a little bunker you can spawn the Wither boss at the bottom of the ocean and when released it will kind of just stay in the ocean like a weird fish so hey if you want an invincible three-headed fish that does nothing you know what to do did you know you can break Minecraft by predicting exactly where lightning strikes land well most lightning strikes are spontaneous a few low specific chunks at the right time that's discovered by a group called the prototec server you can actually predict and direct lightning strikes this is extremely useful making it really easy for you to farm Opie mobs such as skeleton Horsemen from there you can collect all their Loot and end up a rich man you can also just Farm your friends which is another really good option feel free to add their dogs to spice things up a little if you've ever been to a village you'd know pillagers absolutely hate villagers I mean like Mojang literally coded them to find a murder their babies but you can actually use this to break Minecraft as pillagers are programmed to be very dumb very if if you put a villager on a minecart and have him circle around on a railroad a Pillager will forever go in circles never able to reach him imagine bullying villagers losers wait Minecraft seeds are randomly generated meaning you could find entirely different kinds of structures depending on which world you spawn in normally a good seed starts with spawning near a village or you finding yourself close to a desert temple however the best kind of seas are the ones that absolutely defy all types of Minecraft logic having weird lava structures like this or a literal glitched ender portal VCS completely break into fight every rule of Minecraft so if you want to break Minecraft try loading up one of these seats they'll give you a good excuse to blow up your friend's base and their dogs don't forget the dogs hey what are you doing it was the Minecraft scene that doesn't even make any sense big limb bartering is super overpowered but it's so slow luckily Bedrock Edition Pros found a way to speed it up by a hundred times all you need to do is grab a sticky piston and the gold block and took it up to a super fast clock then when you drop the gold the pig Lim will pick a piece of gold up every time the block moves giving you supercharged trading swimming with dolphins Grace is even faster than using a boat the only drawback is that it's quite difficult to breathe down here however there is a secret solution that lets you literally breathe underwater if you punch a mob while swimming you'll stand up for a split second when you head to the surface you'll be able to breathe like you're scuba diving another way to breathe in the water is to bring a bucket and simply just Spam it against the Block in front of you the water will disappear for a split second at a time letting you grab all the air you need look everybody knows about the water bucket clutch now I've been doing it since before dream was even born first in the nether doing this a little bit harder for some weird reason though snow and powder snow doesn't melt here which means you can clutch with it and it looks way more stylish than just riding a boat down how on Earth am I supposed to get back up well if you have a second bucket and some leather boots you can pillar up by placing two blocks of it picking the lower one up and repeating just make sure not to crouch at any point especially over lava I like to call this trick a drip Leaf Drop a big drip Leaf creates a platform that can hold you up but it folds soon after grow one above a big pit and lead your friend over it you'll trigger the fold and they'll fall right in hey hey if your friend is online and you can access a house I have really weird trick by building an upside down version of their house on top of their regular house it's a bizarre mind-bending Monument that will take time to remove if they even want to if you're a friend is a pet dog a real sadistic trick is to replace it with your own hide their dog and name your own dog the same name and watch as your friend's struggles wondering why I won't listen to them anymore you can even hit your friend and what does everyone screaming from the dog they thought was their best friend both rabbits and foxes are also scared of wolves and will be hunted down if they go anywhere near a pack of them the scariest part is that the Wolves don't even eat the meat the animals draw meaning they only hunt for the fun of it now do you understand why I hate them oh yeah and rabbits are also scared of cats and players too that's the easily the least dangerous mob in the game these things are so stupid in fact that's actually their weakness that's so dumb now sometimes when they're flying around a cave they'll fly straight into a pool of lava I get why they don't even drop XP now silverfish take the term strength in numbers to the next level on their own they're harmless but if you're trapped in a room with 15 of them it gets a little scarier however if you have a weapon strong enough to kill them in one hit they won't call in support Pirates are actually a super useful thing to have around as they warn you of nearby enemies and don't get attacked by mobs they are however deathly allergic to cookies and feeding one to a parrot would kill it instantly this is actually because in real life parents are allergic to chocolate so uh keep that in mind I guess you probably already know that villagers are super weak to zombies you don't even try to fight back however did you know that they're even more scared of pillagers in fact in a raid villagers will actually start to sweat because they're so scared thank God they have a hero like me to protect them an even deeper secret comes from the creeper head he was a creeper head in a firework recipe an explosion will take the shape of a giant creeper's face but some secrets are so deep we have to go back in time to get them snowy grass was patched out long ago but if you make a world in the 1.16 version of Minecraft to get an Enderman in the nether to pick up a snow-covered grass block and put it down then take the map from the game files into a new world in the current version of Minecraft that block will still be there don't mind it though or it'll be gone forever in the Woodland Mansion there is an item you were never meant to see until Revival in Bedrock Edition beta the secret lava room in the Woodland Mansion would normally hide the diamond block but this version would glitch out showing the secret barrier block instead so many rare finds Renault updates including the most powerful of all load Minecraft snapshot 22w13 one block at a time and you will find an insane change the Enderman spawn with random items in their hands including the rarest of them all a command block in a minecart this only spawns 0.0001 of the time and for good reason if you can get the rare command block out and use it you can use them to get Enderman to drop the end Gateway block that is normally impossible to get in survival use this code in the command block and then the memo now have the chance to drop the same game item Mojang never wanted you to have you can use these fire arrows to light TNT but what else does this work with exit projectiles do they work oh yeah they do and snowballs would just melt wouldn't they nope that works too okay there's no way the fishing rod works too it does that's insane oh no have you ever been to the cinema and had your eardrums blown out by the super loud Minecraft if you find a two percent screaming goat it does a one in four chance of dropping the cool horn and when you blow it foreign [Music] get through this one's weird because the end rods are thin enough for us to walk through so why wouldn't mobs be able to oh huh I guess it works that's strange maybe they see them as full blocks that they do with trap doors grindstones remove the enchants from items so surely it makes sense for it to do the same for a nutshell ball right oh I guess not what would you even want to do that wait what if I put an enchantment on it with an anvil and then put it in the grindstone after there we go I'll call that one uh maybe most players beat the ender dragon by taking out all the crystals and then hitting it with a sword but excuse you I was dream back in the day and not only have I seen his face before he put the mask back on but even I know that you can skip this process entirely by waiting for the dragon to purge and then using beds to blow it up it's like not American Military cactuses are able to destroy items and throw to them but they are the only block that can do this dropping an anvil on some items from four blocks of higher will instantly destroy those items pretty cool the invisibility potion is great for hiding from your friends also Steve Pass mobs some reason villagers will still look at you even if you're completely invisible the same thing happens with enchanting tables so if you're trying to spy on your friends make sure a villager don't snitch on you it's so much fun finding buried treasure but where is it I'm at The X everyone makes a mistake of just guessing the X exactly is pointing but you might be off by a few blocks so to be absolutely sure look at the coordinates in the chunk selection the treasure will always spawn at 99 for that chunk it should be straight down another is where mistakes can be deadly it's very easy to catch fire and water disappears instantly or does it the big mistake people make is not bringing a cauldron and buckets of water even in the nether water in a cauldron will not disappear so when you catch fire put yourself out with this cool trick a big mistake is to not keep up with what's changing game updates in version 1.18 they even change the way diamonds spawn it used to be that diamonds mostly showed up between depths 5 to 12 but now you'll find them showing up more and more all the way down to bedrock a mistake that has taken millions of lives is digging under sand and having it fall on your head the best way to avoid dying to support a torch under any falling blocks any sand or gravel that falls on the torch breaks instantly in the 1.6 update of Minecraft they added horses and it turns out this was brought to him from an unofficial fan mod Mojang saw doctors arc's Mo creature's mind and even copied the horse model itself wandering Traders look great but what your friends don't know is that you can breed their llamas and the babies will keep the clothes of their parents it's a weird little detail but you can make a whole Army a fashionable llama Mojang love making secret references to other games such as one in Avoca sees a blue sheep the evoker casts a unique spell makes a weird whoa sound and turns a sheep red it's a reference to Age of Empires where monks would convert enemies to their side chanting wo Lo and changing their color a fish out of water bounces and flops but you can actually get them jumping way higher on a slime block they'll gain height sometimes up to 17 blocks high the world famous creeper is the face of Minecraft but they actually have a secret purse they weren't designed they were an accident like my birth the developers are trying to make pigs instead of making them long they made them extra tall this created the frightening creature we know today did you know that spiders never touched the ground that's because of how the model is made even though it's on the floor the legs never actually reached the block below it a secret dirty little trick you can do is build an end portal above your friend's bed so when they respawn they'll instantly teleport to the end and will have to live there until the bed or the portal is broken now think about it if you can remove all the mobs in your world there's no need to protect your base but how on Earth do you do that well as usual the mango has a solution if you create this super simple Warden Farm you can use note blocks to lure dozens of wardens into this prison with a Vine inside eventually so many wardens will spawn that it prevents any mob from spawning anywhere in the entire world however this is terrifying and there's a much easier way to get basically the same effect simply grab a boat and spend some time looking for a mushroom Island other than the deep dark which has other problems this is the only place mobs won't spawn naturally and it's the perfect backdrop to build an awesome fantasy bank so it can be quite hard to find but you can always use a seed map if you're feeling devious if you've got a crown house like this one and you're trying to figure out where to put the ladder try placing a line of trap doors like this I'm putting the ladders on them alternatively if you're in Creative try using the debug stick to create floating ladders and take up even less space now that's Ingenuity here's a cool way to make an armor stand look like it's holding a sword start by placing an End Rod with a candle on top then pushing an armor stand into it from behind then put some armor on it and push two blocks down behind it and you have your very own knight in shining armor and since you're obviously building a sick castle if you make this you can make awesome ornate carpets using a combination of shulker boxes and glazed terracotta hey hey I don't want to hear anything about how expensive shulkers are you own a castle as long as the colors are similar it really doesn't matter how you lay out carpet it'll look cool either way if you're trying to make a dark creepy cave try adding shadowy cracks with signs inside if you add this character to them dye it red and add a glow ink sac it'll create these super scary looking eyes that glow in the darkness give my grandma take a look speaking of another wall blocks make a fantastic blood substitute for city builders try placing a campfire below balloon to simulate event this same technique also works for a barbecue grill 1.20 already has me hyped check out these new bamboo blocks they're giving us you can use these Mosaic blocks to make cool floor patterns and these new chiseled bookshelves for a new wall design may be mixed in other wooden blocks again to make it even more interesting sea pickles look kind of like pumpkin stems and are stripped Mangrove log flower pots and Mangrove propagule put together makes a really big beetroot for Farm decoration but if that's not enough try adding kegs made of trap doors with raw iron in for potatoes and coral blocks in for berries and grapes this works for other things too like using a respawn anchor and Trident instead to make a spooky animated witch's cauldron item frames and signs can actually be placed on the same block letting you double label chess you can even dye the sign for extra customization scaffolding makes a perfect table to put flower pots or other decorations on sometimes the only thing your build is missing is just a little bit of detail and often buttons are the best solution to this whether it's dotting them around your roof and walls or [ __ ] them next to a Ponder's Pebbles they're perfect for adding a little bit of extra interest they make great fidget toys too if you're looking for an extra block or color to add somewhere to your build the answer is probably in a stripped log their textures are super simple but with Mangrove jungle Acacia and warped logs there's tons of different and interesting colors to choose from six leg turns place like this look suspiciously like a coffin that's being broken out of this pairs perfectly with the gravestone made of Soul soil anvils and a wither skeleton skull everybody wants to have the most diamonds on a server right but it can take ages to find them on the ground now of course there's ways to search caves faster and a way to strip mine 10 diamonds an hour but screw that we're trying to get banned that's where x-ray texture packs come in completely breaking the game these texture packs make every block but diamonds invisible meaning when you look down you can see exactly where the diamonds are this is one of the oldest cheats in Minecraft and almost all servers completely ban it and remember if you get caught say you just got lucky one of the strangest things in the world of Minecraft accounts is that at one point you can make accounts with the same name you could only do this with some really sneaky tricks but it led to some pretty funny incidents on Hypixel the biggest server there is you could actually teleport if you had both of the accounts with the same name this meant you could go anywhere you wanted on the map and surprise enemies in PvP games it totally ruined the game for everyone else and as you can imagine the admins don't like this at all so if you're one of the lucky ones who can do this use it wisely Mojang has another big rule about accounts but this one might be something you guys have done without even knowing you're actually not allowed to use somebody else's accounts the same way Netflix doesn't like you sharing passwords that's right even if it's someone in your family they need their own account one of the easiest ways to get bands is to spawn kill someone but did you know you can also sponge grab someone in the end in loss of servers the end is usually a place to go and collect rare and valuable items and is super dangerous so they'll come in good gear this means you can trap the obsidian platform use swords lava and even end crystals that take them out super quick you can even use one of the traps from my last video and send a bunch of TNT to the end first so anyone that goes through gets blown up instantly do this enough times and you'll secure yourself that good old tasty band delicious and playing on competitive servers you're gonna need to hide your base somewhere in the wilderness away from any prying eyes I want to steal your items however one of the most annoying and cruel things you can do is to leak the coordinates of your team's base other teams will flog straight to the location and fight over anything they can possibly find because of how evil this is most servers ban anyone that leagues coordinates and if you want to take it a step further how about you leakey's house address too speaking of servers ever joined a hardcore survival server as all you need to do to get banned is to die new getting bands could be that easy but it's a mod I was spawned in naturally was this unused Pillager and it's probably the coolest one yet it's called the illusioner and instead of just using boring crossbows and axes this one cast spells and if you even just get close to one of them it turns completely invisible and summons four duplicates in its place I'm starting to see why these things were removed they're so overpowered go Dog go oh what what a shame pets are a man's best friend but we're starved for fluffy buddies in Minecraft all we have are dogs cats foxes and parrots we need more cuteness yet again a hidden mob in Minecraft dungeons solves this my favorites are the Hedgehogs and the ferrets they're just so adorable and guess what they don't even attack mobs and the Hedgehogs just roll around it's too cute wait why is it playing on shoes why is it turning blue no speaking of Minecraft dungeons it is filled with Mobs that so far haven't been added to the regular game one of these is the icy I see I ice Soldier ice Soldier what a strange name thank God some game files call it the Challenger that's a much better name the Challenger is a mysterious cloaked type of villager and summons ice chunks that it holds at the player dealing damage and slowness if it hits it was actually part of the 2020 Minecraft mob vote but what's just be some other glow squid I'm looking at you dream this is why there's an achievement in dungeons called isolija's revenge for killing a glow squid with an ice staff but we'll talk more about the mob votes later including a hidden Minecraft sea monster how about this sick looking wizard villager called the wind caller apparently it possesses Mastery over the wind so it's literally an airbender we need to callers fly around in the sky using its staff to blow gusts of wind at you as well as summon tornadoes Beneath You launching you into the air guys we've just invented a new form of air travel talking about end frames some seeds have something a little bit more common but just as weird instead of all the frames being filled only a few of them will be but the portal will still be lit this one has just nine eyes and a full portal but you can get portals with only two eyes which still work there's some glitchy mechanics with chunk borders that make this work when you load the World the game checks one chunk at a time for a finished portal and if it thinks one part of the frame is complete it'll spawn the portal before it even looks at the rest I don't even know what I just said cool but let's head back above ground for a second to look at some crazy world generation Mojang recently changed how terrain has made to make it seem more realistic but when you look at this Scene It Feels as though they completely messed it up I promise you I'm not in an amplified world this is just how it looks around here complete with crazy Cliff faces floating islands and awesome overhangs this area has it all it even has a lava stream burning all the plants near It To The Ground unlimited it does look cool when it breaks the bamboo though sorry pandas first this next one takes the cake for my favorite seed in Minecraft take a look at this it's like something of a sci-fi movie it looks like some sort of crazy asteroid belt or maybe the Rings surrounding a planet I guess because this is a Stony Pig's biome in the middle of an ocean a game tried to make huge mountains and rocks but it glitched out in a major way I could totally imagine someone building a mysterious orb or machine they're supposed to make all of these rocks and Precious Minerals float in the air like this I do it myself but uh the building isn't really my strong suit now you're gonna have to trust me when I say that Mojang really did update the world generation recently because Wells like this one make me question it myself this seed spawns you right in the middle of the ocean with no land anywhere to be seen how does that even happen the best part about this seed is that there's also tons of dangerous structures nearby like a drowned ruin here and even an ocean Temple right next to spawn over there I mean I can't even make a sword to fight these things off is your friend one of those people that has a bunch of those drop shoots in their base to get around a super simple way to mess with them so simply change the water to a lapis block or blue stained glass but a lot of people have grown wiser there some will check first that's why you can have this setup of chests and water at the bottom so you can jump down and be totally fine but when your friend follows you he'll have a slightly less safe landing another similar trap is to place a drip Leaf above a huge piss when you fall onto it you'll be totally fine but it'll flip down when your friend Falls and send them into the deep dark pit below did you know that observers can tell when you hop in a bed this gives me an idea using a simple circuit with a dispenser you can create a machine that'll stop them from ever sleeping there's always one guy that's super protective about their builds and won't let you anywhere near them and obviously you can't just blow their base up or can you well that didn't work so instead if you've got any copper in there build try using an axon it to change the color and then waxing it with honeycomb or if they have logs simply strip them with an ax to change the color such a simple troll that will easily ruin any friendships you may have left this super high IQ hack lets you found mobs in the nether most mob Farms use water to funnel the mobs into a drop that kills them but you can't do that in another so instead use gas in Minecraft their big hit bugs pushes other mobs to the edges where you can put a drop down to their Doom it can be great to make a village of your own complete with villagers but you need this hack to protect them from Invaders fill a dispenser with armor and use it to launch the set into a villager The Village will actually use the Yama a perfect defense for your peaceful Town campfires can look great in your home but not if it smokes up the place this hack removes the smoke completely let's put two layers of string on top and the smoke stops filling a swimming pool with buckets of water can take way too long so try this Speedy hack instead stack ice blocks along two edges with a gap between and then break them down at speed with the pickaxe the water will spill out in such a way that the whole pool gets filled like magic this illegal machine lets you open a door simply by taking off a piece of armor if you set it up exactly like I did here and turn this leg turn to page 8 you'll create an undetectable legal entrance that you shouldn't be able to build oh also activates when a ravager Roars but I think you've got bigger problems if that happens if you're ever stranded at night surrounded by mobs you can use a composter but that's right jumping inside a composter with a trap door on top protects you from skeletons creepers and all other mobs in a pinch making this an illegal completely portable base but if you want a more permanent house that's just as quick to build try bone mealing a red mushroom tucking a floor in adding some decorations as you've got a perfect little fairy tale house that definitely wasn't meant to be a base if you hide at least chicken underground you can attach the lead to a fence and bake what kind of looks like a floating balloon house you can add some actual balloons up top and you've basically got the house from up you know those little waterfalls that come out of Mountains they're perfect for secret entrances just break one block behind the source and dig down a little and then you're free to build anything you want down there just be careful not to place any lights too close to the entrance because that looks sus if you use invisible item frames with a fake blood trick from before you can create one-way glass that you can use to secretly spy on all of your friends this one definitely really feels illegal oh it was a creeper when you leave and rejoin a world you get a couple seconds of invincibility so if you find yourself in a bit of a spicy situation you can leave and rejoin over and over and swim to safety like you're made out of obsidian The Shield is one of the most overpowered items in the whole game it can block Fireballs for God's sakes but did you know that if you go through a portal while holding right click you'll be permanently blocking in the next Dimension letting you sprint and attack while literally Invincible you can send secret messages with skulk blocks skull usually spreads to stone blocks when it absorbs experience but it won't take over Blocks made with slabs so simply write some letters out with slabs and find a way to cover it sometimes it can be difficult to tell just how low durability your tools are while mining but if you hit F3 and H at the same time you'll get the exact number of blocks that combine left you nerd a campfire smoke is kinda pathetic it only lasts for about 10 blocks before fading away however if you place a hay bale beneath it it'll use that extra fuel to create a 25 block Heist smoke stream it's obviously super cute that foxes can pick up and steal your items but did you know they can actually use them too if you try killing a fox while it's holding a totem it won't die and just runs away from you like the monster you are luckily this feature doesn't work on dogs ever seen this before well if you're from the future then maybe because Mojang added bamboo blocks to the recent 1.20 snapshots having both bamboo and stripped bamboo at separate blocks I like saying bamboo bamboo Bamboo the old bamboo block required four bamboo to craft well the new one needs nine this makes them pretty expensive but at least your house will look cool if you have a pet Axolotl and don't have a name tag to make in your pets you can scoop him up with a bucket and literally put him into an anvil but don't worry we aren't gonna murder him if you're in a village raid but don't manage to kill all the Raiders that's a cool way to easily find them if you win the village Bell then wait a few seconds all remaining Raiders within a 40 block radius will all light up with a glowing effect this one is already semi-known but hey your boy's gotta eat did you know not all skeletons hold the bow in the same hand in fact eleven percent of the skeletons are left-handed while 89 are right-handed Mojang paid close attention to detail here as this is the exact proportional percents in real life if you drop a sword near a fox they can actually pick it up this means if a fox is holding a sword while attacking it'll deal the same damage as the sword making it incredibly overpowered the best way to move villagers isn't to use mine carts or boats essentially just to use a Bell villagers will all flock to a bed whenever a bell is wrong so if you remove all nearby beds and place just one whatever you want them to head to they'll go straight there as soon as the bell is wrong whatever isn't it what's even smarter is this invisible elevator that uses wind crazy right huh you didn't see that okay fine it's not a wind elevator but it's still really cool if you play some bubble stream in a corner behind two honey blocks and then maps and item frames on the honey blocks you'll create a hidden elevator that really does look like magic sometimes you just need a ton of filler blocks for a project so what's the fastest block to farm in bulk well you can obviously build gigantic wood Cobblestone or Moss Farms but if you just want something simple try trapping a Snowman and using Stone shovels to instantly obtain hundreds of snow blocks you can use for whatever your heart desires if you've ever built an Enderman Farm you know it can be pretty tiring to constantly click on Enderman to get XP but did you know that splash water bottles actually her tendermen that means if you get them low with full damage you can just Chuck one every so often to gain tons of XP and infinite satisfaction I could literally do this for hours speaking of splash potions if you ever notice that you don't get quite as much effect time as a potion says oh that's probably because you're throwing them at the ground or a wall if you throw them straight up so they land on your head you'll get the full advertised time most people only place Carpets on you know the floor but they can actually be placed in way more places than you realize ice above string water slabs buttons other carpets crops and even fire although that one might not go too well there are so many potions in the game now so many that I barely even remember how to craft half of them or any of them but that's not an issue for this secret potion literally called the uncraftable potion as the name suggests you can't craft it or even obtain it in survival mode drinking it does absolutely nothing but it looks kind of pretty I guess something you can craft that I bet you don't know about is the End Rod I've spent so long raiding entities for these but it turns out you can just craft them with some chorus fruit and a blaze rod the more you know I guess tip darrows are more useful than you realize you can use harming arrow to the piercing crossbow to deal tons of damage to multiple mobs at a time and even collect the arrows after and if you hit yourself with a slow falling Arrow you'll fly super high when using a Riptide Trident allowing yourself to float for Miles with an alley truck and speaking of Ellie truss remember when firework Rockets didn't exist we had to use punch bows to boost ourselves or am I just really old you're old son if your friend wants a nice oxidized copper roof trick them by secretly waxing the copper blocks with honeycomb they'll be waiting for days wondering why it's not turning that lovely shade of green check out this infinite lightning rod if you can trap your friend in a room above one see how long they can survive as Lightning constantly strikes around them bring extra difficulty by dropping hostile mobs in with them this deadly trick is devilishly simple if your friend uses water to jump great distances put the blue tin to block over the water it totally Blends in and you can watch as your friend slams into it at full speed in Minecraft a Bedrock zombified piglets have a very small chance to spawn into the other world with another ports on his first list Michigan made for a very scary surprise some players whoever have capitalized on this to make overpowered pigland Farms I give infinite gold and resources when you load an arrow or firework rocket into a crossbow it'll update the icon to your Hub Bar to let you know which one it has in it but if you drop the crossbow on the ground the crossbow no longer shows what item it has in it at least until you pick it up again so try not to drop your firework crossbow into a pile of normal ones okay let's be honest now one is doing that you should hide at night to protect yourself from Monsters right well not if you're on the rare mushrooms biome it would be a mistake to waste those nighttime hours because Hostile Mobs just don't spawn on mushroom biomes unless there's a monster spawner one mistake is not getting a cat it turns out creepers hate cats and will run if there are too many around your home plus look how cute they are oh stop using powered rails they're expensive and unnecessary if you really want that speed boost saddle up a pig and put it in the rail cart no I'm serious riding the pig in the minecart while pushing forward lets you move almost as fast on normal rails as you would on powered ones using a furnace for your food is a big mistake use a campfire it doesn't need any fuel and even if the Fire gets put out you can use a silk touch shovel to recover it and the fire will be lit again witches might seem like one of the most dangerous mobs in the game but they're actually completely defenseless against ranged attacks if you want to abuse this the most try grabbing a crossbow in a power 5 Bow and shooting them right after each other the witch dies instantly not so powerful now are you destroy this obvious as you feel most comfortable in lava I mean you've seen what they look like on land so predictably if you go to all the effort to bring one from the nether into the Overworld first of all you're a monster but secondly they'll take damage in water so if you need an unconventional string Farm you know what to do magma cubes are more dangerous than slimes but they still have the same issue however the only danger they'll really face is those big cliffs in the nether since they're immune to fire damage you may think they're all so weak to water like Striders but for some reason they just like shelling it I guess there's no water in the nether so it kind of makes sense but what if you're just lucky if you're walking to the game and find this adorable little lamp you might be the luckiest gamer alive this pink lamb can naturally spawn but it's so rare most players never see it there's only a 0.0082 chance of spawning you could think that would die but one secret mob you can't fake is a rare and exclusive brown panda you'll have to find a super rare Panda the hard way one item Mojang never even intended to make is a fable triple chess it has only been recorded once in the entire history of Minecraft in an old version of the game in the abandoned mine back when mine chest didn't was born in minecartes they could spawn next to monster spawner's chest making a fully functional triple chest a high level secret that many players don't know exists as a conduit it's a special Beacon style item creates an underwater Zone where you can never drown or hurting any naturally our styling the water mobs nearby it's so hard to get though that it needs a heart of the sea nautilus shells and plenty of prismarine just to function at all the blue Axolotl is the rarest version of that mob in Minecraft but the announcement for caves and cliffs part 1 shows off the green Axolotl this was an early version of the Axolotl that never made it into the release game making it even rarer than the blue one The Heart of the sea is as blue orb but it holds a secret when fully activated as a conduit the heart opens showing a staring orange eye as ancient factors from even before Minecraft was made it turns out the original Apple Sprite in Minecraft is from a previous game made by nudge called legend of the chambered don't be so Hasty with enchantments some have hidden properties like quick charge at level 6 and above crossbows with this enchantment stops the reload animation at the first frame which is before the crossbow is loaded and so though won't load at all here's a trick that will freak your friends out carpet can actually be placed on any non-air block even lava It's Tricky and dangerous but you can walk on lava like it's nothing it's easiest with musk carpet as that doesn't burn and for even more detail than these buildings try using this Square character to make it look like signs are nailed down this works really well for boarding up doors and windows you could even use Spruce trap doors placed on the ground to give the effect that a door was broken down waterlog stairs can be used to make tiny creaks and wind throughout your buildings but the more practical use for them is to add water sources to your Farms that you can't fall into animation is the best way to make any building come alive and the absolute easiest way to do this is to hide and Spore Blossom somewhere they create a bunch of these tiny little green particles that are just so so pretty sometimes the Flames from fire and campfires are just way too big so instead try putting an armor stand below ground and lava for a much smaller and way cuter little flame oh look at it so tidy by placing balance below stair blocks you can make couches with cushions also works for beds and comfy chairs if you want to be able to actually use your chairs you can push a stair or slab into a minecart and you'll be able to sit in it and if you want chairs to put outside campfires make great benches coupled with signs and trap doors they also work great in log piles to add extra detail in the form of tiny little logs or sticks as some people call them I also like to add barrels fences and slabs to these to add extra detail and storage to a survival build like this unfortunately you can only get invisible item frames in Creative but there's sort of a solution in survival if you place a block in an item frame on the floor a snow layer will fully cover up the item frame but leave the block exposed allowing you to I don't know make Pebbles or something you know how to make a bird case but how about an aquarium this one's actually even easier but probably just as cruel all you have to do is surround a chest with trap doors take the glass block on top then water lock the chest with a bucket of fish and boom you've trapped him forever sorry fishy cobwebs aren't just good for making a cave on mine shafts feel extra creepy they're also good for adding custom smoke to chimneys and for adding a net to a basketball most people know you can make a really convincing dead tree with strip logs and Mangrove Roots so instead try creating a dead warps tree with Muddy Mangrove Roots dead coral and hanging roots oh yeah muddy Mangrove roots with a candle on top makes a pretty convincing rotten melon if you ever need that for some reason finally gave us another dirt block that's not just gonna turn into grass instantly giving us way more decoration options one of my favorite ways to use this is to mix rooted and cause dirt in a pattern like this to make wheel dragster of forest unfortunately snowmen don't do damage to mob to their attacks but they will push them back and get their attention if you spread a bunch of the mountain tall towers around your base you'll totally stop any mobs from attacking you and keep you safe and if it's players you're worried about try swapping a snowman out for a skeleton adding fire around it to create a truly spicy surprise for any Intruders I think the most underrated item in 1.20 is the calibrated skog Center when you place an amethyst block next to it it'll relay any signal it gets to any other nearby census using this you can create essentially infinite Wireless Redstone that's only activated by certain noises in certain places so if I eat this piece of food here sensors or relay the signal along and teleport me using this ender pearl stasis machine this will make your base literally impossible to find you should know that if you're playing on hard mode a dog probably isn't enough to keep you safe from zombies so instead try placing two end rods like this as a door instead you can slide through perfectly but mobs have a really hard time and if N Rods aren't your style this works with bamboo different kinds of fences and even lightning rods but I'll be careful using these in bad weather these do have a slight drawback though as if you manage to anger enough mobs it can push each other through so for an entrance that's almost foolproof add a line of cobblestone walls or some Carpets on top not even spiders can get past this Fun hack will protect your buildings from being mined Away by Dirty grief and players it's simple just hide an Elder Guardian underneath your home and breaking your walls and flaws will become near impossible another way to defend this so make sure your enemy actually dies with this high IQ hack normally your enemy can jump out of lava but if you put a honey block under a cauldron with lava in it it becomes way harder and almost guarantees they won't survive this weird hack lets you actually sleep among the fishes it turns out you can put a bed in the water and it will make an air pocket when you lie in that bed you can even use this hack to hide your better way because nobody will expect to see it there freak your friends out with this wild pig riding hack see if you make your your floor out of path blocks and put a gap underneath the floor you can ride a pig to that empty space into a head will pop out of the path like a seven head greeting your guests another looks great and this hack lets you bring it to the safety of your own home instead of using a portal put the obsidian blocks in your wall then go through and recreate the Nether on the other side you get all the looks with none of the danger this sneaky hack lets you hide Vines under item frames which you can then Place Maps over or paintings The Vines are hidden but still work letting you climb them like invisible ladders need a truly secret entrance this hack lets you use a composter as a trapdoor if you drop an item here it falls into a hopper Minecart which activates a mechanism and drops you underground allowing you out into your Secret Base having a villager at home is old news this hack lets you have a totally tame Pillager just trap one in a boat and rub it back home he'll be shooting the whole time but he won't hit you and will eventually break his crossbow making him totally harmless this one is my butler I call him Barry Halls however if you want a less legitimate way to get super rich the still a bunch of ways to duplicate items in 1.19 by placing a fence under an end portal and dropping an anvil from Seven blocks above it will duplicate the Anvil activating trip wires attached to trap doors will duplicate the tripwire hooks I don't know why you need that many tripwire hugs but hey you do you bro and if you ever wanted to get infinite TNT there's a ton of ways to do this using slime blocks Minecarts and dead coral fans just make sure to use this to blow up your friend's build to maximize your chances of getting banned but if you really like duplication items we've got one more for you all you need is some Coral some slime an observer a piston and of course some carpets and voila carpet Heaven and the best part about this is that you can actually use these carpets as fuel and furnaces I bet you didn't know that now if you want to take it a step up to secure a Mojang ban we got you back as this happens all the time to people who buy accounts considered rare if Mojang finds out you bought an account from someone else they will lock it and you won't even be able to play single player worlds on it the most valuable accounts are ones with shorts or special names like iron moo or assman God I love that account or just generally accounts with special features or exclusive items Mojang if you're watching this please and ban ass man that's all I have left everyone hates lag and in normal cases you want to avoid it but when you're trying to get banned it's your best friend well most people don't know is that there's a way to lag out entire servers super easily the best way to do this is to place a whole bunch of Soul Sand in an ocean and then throw as many snowballs as you possibly can which collect into the pool of Bubbles and it's done all of the bubbles and the Snowballs flying up and down which destroys the server this lag is so bad it deserves a prison sentence please don't do this unless you like prison which to be honest free food no rent no parents that's it I'm doing this right now there's also the major Ledger a purple wizard that magically picks you up and then smashes you back into the ground without the yelling but you can yell if you want to smash it feels good finally these tough rugged Mountaineers I use their ice picks to attack you and deal damage that way they're also able to dig their picks into the ground so they don't get blown away by the harsh Mountain winds could you imagine if Minecraft had all these cool mobs and ideas it'd be so cool silverfish are the most annoying mob ever I'm not sure I've met anyone that likes them or even knows why they're in the game but somehow Mojang managed to make them even worse back in the Minecraft 2.0 April Fool's update they added Redstone bugs and they are exactly as they sound having a chance of Spawn whenever Redstone was set off and more of them nearby the higher the chance they had to spawn meaning they got out of control very easily I mean very easily they're everywhere help but unlike Redstone bugs wandering Trader is an awesome idea for a mob but because of how terrible their trades are they're kind of useless however Minecraft dungeons actually fix that by adding an extra type of merchant called the luxury Merchant this guy comes from a land far far away and sells rare value license of players haven't discovered yet but it's not cheap for certain trades you even have to slay a certain number of mobs and mini bosses nothing's ever free in this world there's also the mystery Merchant who sells you loot boxes with random loot inside but don't worry these aren't like CS go cases and you can buy these with plain old emeralds it gives you different types of gear based on what case you buy so if you need a new sword and you're feeling lucky you can take a chance to win a brand new enchanted diamond sword just don't get addicted a phantom glow squid and Ally were all added in mob votes but I bet you didn't know the panda was as well that's right it was actually added in a secret Chinese mob vote to celebrate the release of Minecraft China other contenders were crocodiles monkeys deer and pink dolphins obviously the panda is way cooler than the rest but imagine monkeys in Minecraft that might have given squid competition for goofiest Marvel but then again crocodiles would have made swamps and jungles way more dangerous talking about these votes can you remember what the other options were in 2017 alongside the Phantom they showed us the terrifying Barnacle trust me it's scarier than it sounds it's supposed to be a huge sea monster found deep in the ocean and would suck you underwater using its tentacles and wouldn't let you escape from its slimy grasp unless you managed to kill it which raises the question why would you want to kill it I just want to be held most people don't know that there's actually swamp villagers in Minecraft they look super cool but unfortunately Mojang hasn't added villagers for them to spawn in naturally yet but so this seed stays otherwise slapped right in the middle of this massive swamp there's a tiny plane's biome covered almost completely by a village doesn't this thing look weird this house is actually completely in the swamp so if two villagers were to procreate then make a little cute swamp villager oh it's too bad we don't have anybody Dwarven Villages though because that fits so perfectly in this seed a ravine spawned right in the middle of this Village causing some of the houses to be placed on the ground in the caves check it out there's even a farm down here oh and some cave kitties too and this Iron Golem is on full-time guard down here there's zombies everywhere here I'll help you still this underground Village is nothing compared to the huge ancient cities that were added in the 1.19 update just one of these things can span for Miles underground and they feel even cooler when you have to sneak around wardens but this seat has something even crazier an underground Mega City that's right and just as one deep dark biome there are 15 ancient cities that span over thousands of blocks check out the build of this seed each one of these lanterns is one city and there's tons of them ancient cities are usually super hard to find though as they're already extremely rare and it's even harder to find them when they're so far on the ground but this other seed solves that problem all you've got to do is walk a few blocks from your spawn dig straight down and you're there oh crap I didn't bring any tools I guess I'm stuck down here now that's cool foreign [Music] problem for your friend though this one might be for you using this setup of slime blocks and Redstone you can create a rocket that'll send your friend all the way up to the top of the world ever notice a light gray stained glass truly ruin your friendship try building this in someone's roof and add a hopper and dispenser to shoot out the eggs to chicken lays the house will be filled with baby chicks in no time and they'll have no idea why there'll be Minecraft player knows the pain of this paint look exactly the same as an empty inventory slot this means you can secretly fill somebody's inventory with them or Worse fill all their chests with them and if you name them all differently they'll have to slowly remove every single piece individually speaking of chests they're a perfect way to test the strength of your friendship with a comparator some pistons and the diamond you can test exactly how much you should be trusting your friends one of the best parts about pranking somebody is being able to see their reaction when they realize what's happening and nothing does that better than this sets up made by grian nobody can resist the satisfaction of punching out a huge Tower of scaffolding so build one of above somebody's house let's have it hold just a single block of lava like this when your friend goes to break it and realizes what's happened it's already too late and you'll get to watch them scramble to try and stop it another of grian's devious inventions is the boat bomb and this one's even simpler all you've got to do is craft a turn and I mean a ton of boats and Chuck them on top of a hopper and dispense them all out like this as soon as an unsuspecting Explorer comes along and tries to get in yeah I'll make sure they find this themselves so you don't have to help clean it up dripstone is drop and do real damage so why not use this hack to make a fun defend for your Castle Bounce the drip Stone off these slime blocks and pistons and a stone will be launched out toward any incoming players storming your thoughts powdered snow is technically a full block but you can actually pass through it with this weird hack it turns out you can fly through it with a lighter passing through to the other side without losing any speed so why not use it as a secret wall or entrance buy some water Travel Systems for your items can end up with traffic jams especially the corners so use this build hack to make your system Perfecto put two sea pickles at the corner and they will guide the items around the corners sticking to the edge of the tunnel straight to their destination get your Minecarts going fast with this high speed hack with much less Redstone my cards take turns fast so if you lay your rails out into these circles the minecart will turn constantly gaining super fast and still in a straight line just close your eyes when it's happening this quick and easy hack lets you build an iron farm really fast and really early in the game all you need is an iron golem spawning platform that's very small and a campfire at the top leaving no room for the Golem to walk away from it taking damage and dropping all of its precious iron they actually behave almost exactly the same as a Vindicator named Johnny a secret mod that definitely doesn't keep me awake at night here's Johnny grandma what if you build an end portal in this specific way and fill the northern frames and lust the end portal will generate in completely the wrong place if you wanted to actually work you have to place all the frames from the inside first I think this looks way cooler if you type flower into the creative menu it'll only show you these ones if you want to see all of them you need to put a hashtag in front for some reason though typing hashtag blocks only shows you these four never blocks I think I'm having an identity crisis thing mob Farms are the best way to get XP think again getting achievements actually gives you experience each time you get them so if you manage to find all the nether biomes you'll get a nice reward of 19 levels speedrunner Feinberg even used this in his old advancements world record to get the levels he needed to enchant his Trident this dude's got like five of my brains in there each block in the game has a hardness level that tells you how difficult it is to break or blow up and it actually hides a pretty crazy secret if Stone has a hardness of 1.5 and obsidian has a hardness of 50. what do you think Bedrock would have a million infinity turns out it's actually minus one I'm sure there's some crazy nerdy code reason as to why this is but come on look at me I've got no idea using maps and item frames you can build huge 2D replicas of fake blocks and create super detailed hidden entrances you can use to hide almost anything check out this desert see anything wrong there's actually two hidden bases here one inside this Cactus and one behind this sunblock all you need to do is place the maps inside an item frame placed on a sign and your base is suddenly invisible you can actually make a base in the void sure you can't place blocks down here even in creative mode but there's an illegal workaround using a chicken in leads and boats you can spawn shulkers down here and work on them as if they're normal blocks or even use levitation to send you back up look all of us have wanted to live inside a video game at one point and with some glass Sarah Gutter and buttons you can imagine seeing this while playing on your Nintendo switch hang on I think I'm trapped let me out let me out huh oh God that's even worse this base can't be blown up even with 1000 TNT surrounding your base with water log stairs makes it completely protected from all explosions including creepers completely going against what Notch intended sorry bro it's no secret that Mojang is sometimes a little lazy when it comes to textures with bedrock just being an overly saturated Stone and end Stone being an inverted version of cobblestone well that's I bet none of you realize that the jungle lung texture is just a rotated version of the o'clock speaking of being overpowered though did you know that creepers can climb ladders I'm already terrified of getting ninja bombed by them in Ravines why do I have to be scared of this now too but creepers have been hiding another secret from us too if they're affected by a potion of effect from an arrow or you know a potion when they explode they'll leave a lingering pull of that potion effect wherever they stood what can you use this for don't ask questions moving on no matter how high they fall from cats will never take full damage you can send them all the way from build limit to bedrock and they'll walk away like nothing happened conversely dogs do take damage and Anvil damage it's just so beautiful zombified piglands are terrifying to fight in the nether but if you manage to get a weapon powerful enough to kill them in one hit they won't get mad and you can take them out one by one flower forests are one of the prettiest biomes in the game and one of the easiest places to farm all the different dice too but strangely the flowers don't actually generate in random places each area in this biome can only spawn a specific flower which means you can map us out using bone meal to create a really cool effect bees in Minecraft actually work really similar to how they do in real life when they sting you they don't just lose their stinger and end up dying shortly after they actually leave it inside you it's easiest to see when you turn invisible and uh adding tweezers to the game if you've ever tried shooting through a door you know the arrows won't go through the hole of the door even though there's clear space for an arrow to fit through but with items like Pistons chains or a slanted staircase you'll be able to shoot right through so yeah make your door says chains so you can shoot Intruders this game makes no sense make sure you shoot the dogs want to be immortal in Minecraft well there's a game breaking tactic in the game which makes it impossible for you to die and Emo's worst nightmare to do this just craft a boat place it on the ground and get in and out of it really quickly it'll trick Minecraft into thinking you're still inside of the boat from there you can jump up high buildings live underwater and blow yourself up without taking any damage at all and the best thing is if you ever get trapped or get lost you can always just press shift to teleport back into the boat now that's pretty cool depending on your age and if you like Minecraft pretty subjective really but even cooler than an immortal glitch is a building that will literally morph you into an unkillable Soldier if you're familiar with Anarchy servers you have definitely heard of 2b2t Anarchy servers have absolutely no rules meaning you can do anything for banks grief bases or kill lots of dogs but the one thing you cannot do is building a lag machine but obviously players decided to break him building this huge structure which was over 100 blocks tall and looked amazing however it didn't go to plan as instead players near the machine had their hitboxes disappear making them literally Immortal this machine was mysteriously removed never to be seen or spoken about again this is a regular nether portal and this is a Heather nortle wait what well Minecraft has a history of weird Nether Portals there's never been anything quite as weird as this one literally to do this you need an update suppressor which is a structure that allows you to force skip block updates by basically bugging the game out of functioning and let's be honest I have no idea how you do this and you probably don't care either so after some off-camera building here it is a Heather Norton now that's one of life's greatest achievements when Mojang added XP they expected you to farm it by killing edible mobs and dogs and leveling up the normal way however what Mojang didn't expect is if he put a ton of mobs all in the same place they will die of entity cramming you can get that sweet sweet XP and with sweeping Edge you can kill the rest of them with one hit making it possible to create a self-sustaining mob farm that just feeds you XP huh so that's how McDonald's works so if you really want to break Minecraft's I got something for you if you create a world with the only blocks being ladders they will defy logic and not let you climb as intended making you fall indefinitely into the void this is probably the most useless thing you could ever do but hey from a distance this looks pretty cool and oh wait my game crashed that was worth I feel very accomplished instead of spending ages converting all your concrete powder to concrete before building just build any walls or floors out of the powder and flood it afterwards and if you're ever left with a ton of wet sponges for whatever reason don't try them in a furnace instead take them to the nether without dry out instantly in the heat then you can use an enchanted hoe to pick them up super fast and get straight back to sucking God why did I just say that most people strip mine in a two by one hole like this but there's actually an even more efficient way to do it as long as you're not claustrophobic place a water bucket or trapdoor and start crawling they're mine forward and you'll be in a one by one hole this is faster because for every two blocks you break exposing 10 different possibly Diamond filled blocks instead of just eight in the other method just trust me again it makes sense when you're out in the end raiding cities shulkers can actually get really annoying especially as you get further up the buildings so before heading into one grab some chorus fruit if you get hit by a bunch of pellets and end up floating high above the ground eat some chorus right before you fall and they'll teleport you back down without dealing damage you have to do it with levitation active though I learned that the hard way this does however also work with a laterous allowing you to get back to the ground super quickly and painlessly how many times have you tried leaving an animal pen just for all of the mobs that follow you out and escape to the gate I have a fix you can use an L-shaped layout like this a wall block or a carpet to create exits that only the player can use the best part is that it means I don't have to remember how to craft those stupid fence gates my glasses aren't that useful on their own but if you use OptiFine you can use that as well to get a super zoom entering F1 will remove that annoying overlay too however wanting to learn how to become invincible in Minecraft without armor a few weeks are God apple and then a regular Golden Apple straights after you'll keep some of the absorption even after the effect wears off this means you can repeat this as much as you want to gain literally hundreds of Hearts it doesn't come cheap but come on only the top 0.1 percent smartest people know this you're rich anyway you know how you need two water buckets to create an infinite water source well you know nothing sorry that was me but seriously you only need one now as long as you have either kelp or a cauldron using this setup you can place kelpier to magically create two new sources and you can use water bottles to fill a cauldron and conjure another bucketful setting up a farm for food can be super difficult early game but there's a hidden cheat code only one one percent of people know if you're brave enough to challenge the Nether and make a run to a Soul Sand Valley you can Farm the fossils for tons of bone meal you can bring back with you for a head start on all your farming needs silverfish don't seem that dangerous at first but it's not uncommon to find yourself in a stronghold severely outnumbered in just a few seconds but silverfish only spawn when a player deals damage to them meaning you can just use lava or a flint and steel to totally avoid spawning them this boat is actually a trick when you get in it explodes into as many bows as you want to make it just pour a ton of boats into a hopper that drops into a dispenser on repeats it will place bows after boat after bows into the same spot on the water then you should break the machine and pass and watch the chaos from afar as your friend tries to get in her dirty trick to swipe their goods is to hide a hopper underneath their furnace their new smelted ingots fall right into your evil clutches keep those stolen goods out of sight by hiding them in chess these actually have a limit on how far they can be before the game stops shoving them so if you put them all the way to the top of the sky above the clouds your friend would never find what you took speaking of golden apples apparently there's always one single Golden Apple in this chest right here and it's actually the key to a secret room in the ancient city if you take it down here and eats it in this exact spot this door will open oh that's inside is a bunch of redstone stuff I don't understand but hey it's true and if we head back up there's this huge abandoned portal looking thing right in the middle of the city but if you've actually seen anyone like this thing before here we go it works let's see where it takes us oh just another probably because this is actually just obsidian this one's false apparently you can actually make two block jumps at the cactus or fire damage you just have to time it perfectly but I did it I've heard you can do it with a bubble column too oh yeah that's way easier and much less painful mob heads are extremely rare but most players never even bother to collect them well that changes today did you know that wearing a zombie head actually reduces a detection range by 50 allowing you to blend in with them and live out your days as a zombie I love brains did you know it's actually possible to ban yourself from a single player well all you have to do is become a bunch of weird texts into a book then fill an entire shulker box with them the information is just too much for Minecraft to handle so it'll just ban you I'm not sure why you'd want to do this but hey it's possible during a zombie villager takes forever but what most people don't know is you can actually speed up this process for whatever reason placing beds and iron bars around the village that will actually speed up the curing process by about four percent which sure isn't that much but hey every second counts if you think placing wars in the nether isn't possible well you're wrong on this specific Minecraft snapshot Mojang messed up and accidentally allowed players to bring water into The Nether if you place a piece of glow Lighting in water and share the lighting and silk touch facing this piece in another would cause water to start flowing everywhere allowing me to fulfill my dreams and create a water Paradise okay just joking this is a texture pack foxes can hold items in their mouths but they won't just hold the item after a while they'll attempt to eat if it's a food item this means foxes are able to teleport when eating a chorus fruit and if they eat something like a suspicious stew I'll actually gain the effect from that as well just about everyone knows our Stakes are a terrible fuel source when it comes to smelting items but if you pour and that's all you have I got you covered use a crafting table to turn them into lettuce which will make your sticks much more effective as a fuel source it's so easy to get lost in Minecraft it even happens to me sometimes but if you make a banner name it using the Anvil then use the map on it it'll show up on your map plain as day now I just have to find my Anvil to get started hmm Where'd I put that monolita desert temple do not forget your water bucket it's really useful if you accidentally step on that Central pressure plate dig through it to expose the TNT then pour that water on top the first TNT will explode Birds won't damage anything or ignite the other TNT destroy them with Riptide is great for the high jump but a big mistake people make is using it in deep water you actually do much higher jumps in a one block deep puddle a sniper doll achievement can be really hard to get normally but this is Minecraft get creative trap a skeleton in a hole put a block above its head shoot the block with arrows put a sticky piston there connect a switch 50 blocks away pull the switch the block moves as skeleton dies and you get your shiny new achievement this milk is special it was milled from a squid that's because back in beta 1.2 squid could be milked just like cows it was later taken out of the game but modders all over the world have been desperately trying to put it back into the game this mound of snow holds a secret It's actually an igloo and exactly 50 percent of the time is a secret trap door underneath leading to a golden apple a zombie villager and a regular villager if you cure the zombie villager you've got yourself the makings of a brand new Village invisibility is amazing but it's not perfect wearing Gamma makes you more visible but even without nothing on at all bats and cats can see you clear as day so if you see some bats freaking out about nothing it might be another player sneaking up on you it's super gross but this baby panda can make a slime ball all you have to do is wait for it to sneeze and the gooey snot has a chance of coming out of the full slime ball ready to be used so mushroom is a light source it may not look here but the brown mushroom is generating the lowest light in the game light level one before glowberries that might have been the only food that could glow in fact this is actually based on real mushrooms that glow in the dark in the Java Edition you can use rail tracks to block mobs completely certain enemies like zombies and piglens will not cross the rails unless there are Phantom and fly over it check out this sick grappling hook made entirely in game you just use a bunch of command blocks it checks that you launched a fishing bobber drags you toward it removes the bobber when you reach it and even stops you when you hit a wall for a perfect grappling hook experience some items have only existed in a single update including mad experiments like this special little chicken that actually lays diamonds instead of eggs they don't taste good in an omelette though and the chickens have a bad habit of exploding one item you were never supposed to get is bedrock but if you put end crystals around the end portal after killing a dragon and then quickly explode them with a click before the dragon re-summons it's a slight chance a piece of that Bedrock will fall to the portal and end up as a usable block at World spawn check out this nether portal or uh this reverse nether portal requires this insane Contraption of update suppressor rails that lets you destroy pieces of the frame without this area of the portal breaking use water to break the intersection and you can fill that with obsidian then break the rest of the frame and you get this mind-bending results hey that's illegal this impossible end portal doesn't have a frame to get this build a portal play the mushroom one block to the side and three blocks below go me a little mushroom will grow and delete the frame do this on all sides and the portal will exist on its own just make sure you didn't accidentally walk in i i good dragon now this definitely should be impossible this rare style of lava block is actually a weird glitch where if you trap some lava use a redstone block history and slime to break the walls without letting the lava out to destroy the Redstone the Piston then the rest you end up with lava block that floats in mid-air you'll need a lot of luck for a bunch of these rare items so you better get a rabbit's foot to help just in case but they're rare too they drop only a fraction of the time when hunting these cute little bunnies sorry fellas it's for the content die this rare item is a lot more dangerous get a bowl and scoop up the dragon's breath in the middle of a fight with the Ender Dragon glowstone and sea lanterns are things of the past Instead try placing turtle eggs on top of end rods to make a lampshade by placing an armor stand with a chainmail helmet inside a block like this you can add a pressure plate on top and make a cool decorative chessboard you can't play it though not that I even though if you place food on an item frame below a pressure plate looks like it's being served on a dinner plate most people make castle games they're called pork Colors by the way most people make pork color sales with fences or walls first or leg turns make a perfect and super unique version instead playing block walls can look boring so try adding extra blocks of similar colors for more texture this cupboard with glass panes placed like this can make a room much more interesting you could also just use wall blocks as their lint actually made for building walls you could even mix a type of all round for extra variety this also works for adding texture to outside walls and finally finally might be a good use for the brick block people have been using cobwebs for chimney smoke since the dawn of time so instead you can use Coral fans to create a similar but more interesting effect alternatively you could use a campfire to make actual animated smoke to bring a little bit of life to your builds but my favorite use for campfires is to place them under the floor in any of my spookier builds Lake a cave or a graveyard a smoke will rise up and make fog dust mysterious and honestly a little claustrophobic so let's be honest though one of the best ways to protect your base is to just hide it really well so next time you're feeling too lazy to set up tons of traps on your Turf right heading to a snowy biome and hiding it like this pick a random snow covered block and place a few scaffolding below it then dig two holes either side add a bubble elevator in one and now you have an invisible base that you can even Crouch around in to hide your name tag that's if you can remember where you put it which let's be honest mobs have got way better at pathfinding compared to how they used to be but this love some issues for some reason they still don't see carpets as blocks so if you fill a pit like this with them you're totally protected from mobs suits or flowers like sunflowers and Roses work for this too if you're like me and can never remember where you put your secret entrances try this out shulker boxes are a great way to sort your items third if I jump on top of this one and open it suddenly I'm in my second secret base for some reason you can fall through sugar boxes if there's a block above your head allowing for a perfect entrance that you can even color code and use a storage everyone knows zombies love turtlenecks or hate them I guess but you can actually use this to protect your base with just a single turtle egg and a trap door you can create this super simple zombie trap that will kill every zombie nearby for you almost no cost have another great defense hack that brings an adorable Edge to your builds if you want to keep creepers away from blowing up all your hard work get a bunch of cuts the more the better creepers and even Phantoms are afraid of them and will turn and run if the card gets too close this hack lets you show off a puffer fish in a glass case puffed up at all times it does this because there's actually an armored stand underneath keeping it on edge above the standards of waterlog's chest keeping the fish alive and the picture frame to cover that up the glass case is the block that's been pushed on top with a piston to keep the fish in place optical illusions can be used in some crazy hacks like this house that watches you wherever you go thanks to the way those creepy eyes have been made they actually sink into the building creating a creepy illusion I've got my eye on you this weird hack takes advantage of a cute little Axolotl if you tie a lease to one and connect that to a post that post gets this cool rope model put on it and when you pick the Axolotl up again in the bucket the leech is gone but the Rope stays providing a nice detail to your fancy Bridge or fence check out this insane near illegal hack where this water is somehow protected from the lava what's actually happening is that the lower blockers of water logged sign and that sign is keeping the lava up while the water logging makes sure it doesn't burn it's a crazy hack which can be a crazy decoration to show your friends most servers stop you from using commands for obvious reasons but if the server owner forgot to disable them it's free game baby the slash teleportal entities command has to be the best teleporting or mobs loaded into the server to any player you want it lags their game and if they've got their volume on you just unlocked a deaf friend you can also use slash give to get any block or item you want in the entire game including command blocks and debug sticks and of course try putting yourself in creative mode fly around wherever you want and give items to everyone on the server come on guys spread the love now if you want to take griefing seriously TNT is your best friend not only does TNT destroy buildings it destroys all items too meaning with enough TNT you can destroy anything but if you take it to the next level TNT Minecarts are amazing not only do they not have a fuse allowing you to instantly explode them but if you stack a ton of them then push them congratulations you just made a Minecraft nuke bonus points if you push it into a village or someone's Farm or into a dog yeah do that trading between players this is one of the most useful things to do on an SMP it allows everyone to get the items they need to build their dream base lots of Max sell their gear but one of the worst things you can do is scam someone in a trade making it one of the best ways to get banned you can do this in a few ways asking them to pay you up front saying you can duplicate their items or just straight up ambushing them the second you make the trade if you want a way to get banned almost instantly though kill the owner over and over most servers don't like you spawn camping anyone as it's just annoying and nobody gains anything but when you do it to the owner they'll be even more annoyed and either use cheats to Escape or just straight up ban you seriously what are we teaching kids here if you're ever being chased by a Mugger and quickly want to hide your diamonds just throw them in graspass if you place hobblers under the grass covering the diamonds will automatically transport into them making your Escape smooth calculated and absolutely foolproof and he's found the Hoppers hasn't he oh come on he is a useless fact you didn't know wearing a creeper mask reduces the chance of a creeper spousing You by 50 but don't get too cocky as they still explode in snapshot 15w 31a Mojang pretty much added one of the dumbest things possible usually to respawn the Ender Dragon you need ender crystals pretty hard to obtain that makes sense right well for this snapshot you literally could build a clay Creeper face and the dragon would respawn yeah I'm not even joking I'm baffled Bamboozled if an iron golem is low on health you can heal them by tapping on them with an iron ingot don't confuse this with hitting them with an iron ingot as that will certainly end up killing them and we don't want that if you've ever tried building a railroad before you would have definitely come across a train turn that looks something like this well if you take a look at the corner of the train track it actually looks very similar to an iron pickaxe bet you didn't know that wanna player crafts their first enchantment table and enchants their first weapon assuming you pick the lowest enchant level on a bow and arrow the first in chance will always be power one what a young us facts I don't want Power one [Music] ass one and in case you don't have a big enough iron Supply to waste on literally blowing up there's a cheaper alternative in placing TNT on top of a half slab instead for some reason this also reduces the blast radius significantly but unfortunately you still take quite a lot of damage are you one of those weirdos that prefers using donkeys over horses for the extra storage space first of all why are you using horses in the first place it's 2023 man get a lighter but secondly llamas are a way better option they can have up to 15 inventory slots and form groups of 10 that follow each other around using shulker boxes you can transport up to 4 000 stacks of blocks with you thus this many blocks more than you'd ever need and if you need another reason to make the switch to llamas check this out well horses and donkeys just sink like rugs when you try to ride them in water llamas can swim you still go and control them or anything but if you need a fancy pool float or something llamas work perfectly fireworks can be used for a bunch of things these days but I bet you never thought of making a cannon with them that's right fireworks launch from dispensers actually do damage to mobs meaning firework crossbows are out and this is the new best way to take out mobs although it doesn't look it villagers can actually wear armor they can even wear mob heads and pumpkins but nobody wants to see that you can use dispensers to equip it to them and even put enchantments on each piece of armor including Thorns enchantment God that's an embarrassing death message oh and by the way that mob head thing works on pigments too and it's somehow even worse everyone knows how cowardly villagers are especially around anything that even has a possibility of hurting them but I bet you never notice they actually sweat during raids at least I heard that swear they really don't have much to worry about though because some of these villagers actually have morals these scary ax guys called vindicators refuse to kill baby villagers so the leaves when they grow up they can rebuild the village oh never mind we all know that trident is the most useless weapon in the entire game but they actually have a secret use only Pro players know if you charge up a Riptide Trident and towards her with a sword in your hand you'll turn into a supercharged torpedo I can kill almost any sea creature and if you've gotten a light Rich try taking to the sky as well as raining and using the same trick to literally become a missile that destroys any mobs above ground too gas tears can be super annoying to collect I don't think I've ever forced a gas that wasn't over a giant lava bit that's why the best players bring a fishing rod to the nether that they can use to pull mobs back over dry land to take out with a sword this doesn't just work for gas either you can stop these pesky Blazers from getting away and even lets you get sick kills on piglens I don't teach him for stealing my gold enchanting can be really annoying when the bomb slot just shows up with a breaking or an enchant you just don't want but you can fix it with a wooden shovel turns out it's true if you enchant any useless tool that level one it'll re-roll the entire set of entrance and you make the perfect set of gear one of the most common items you can get in ruined portal chess are these seemingly useless Fortune gold pickaxes this thing will break after like three iron ore what's the point well if you're in the smartest 0.5 you all know that pickaxe says don't break when destroying crops so you can use the fortune enchant to get extra resources from your farm for free try this spooky trick with your good friend Johnny name tag of Vindicator with that name and they go nuts killing everything they see turn them invisible and set them loose in the neighborhood first your friends will see animals dying then suddenly they'll start getting hit as Johnny turns on them hide behind a tree and play a goat on to add scary sound effects if your friend is showing off their red chairs with shiny gold blocks play this funny trick by replacing them with yellow concrete blocks see how long it takes for them to notice use an anvil to change their name and you can replace the blocks they hide in their chest too we've all felt a disappointment of not receiving rainbow wall from a Jeb sheep but apparently if you surround a wall block with eight different dice you'll finally get it uh never mind there's that disappointment again my bad but speaking of dies I was told all that The White Tulip doesn't actually give you white dye the red orange and pink tulips all give you the right dye but yeah the white one doesn't I absolutely love Alex and it turns out they're even better than I thought apparently they're totally immune to our attacks while holding an item if you punch them normally they'll just run away but if you throw them an item literally nothing can hurt them these things are just so cute but allies aren't the only mob that can pick up items zombies and foxes can too so let's try giving each of them a totem of undying and see if they can use them okay zombies can which is just terrifying and Fox's gun as well but what about allies I feel truly horrible doing this but let's try it out oh thank God I wouldn't have been able to live in myself most of us know now that you can make a bird cage by simply just pushing some glass on top of a parrot but come on doesn't that feel cruel instead give them some room to breathe with a hanging scaffolding cage like this and to make sure our little friend is as happy as can be try making this Advanced bird bath place an armor stand with a helmet on top of three layers of snow then push a floor block on the wall down from above and finish with a slab and some signs another white helmet might work better for some designs but that's expensive save I think I'll just stick to level the most illegal item in all of vanilla Minecraft has to be the debug stick you can only get it with commands but it lets you do all sorts of crazy weird things that literally feel like hacks you can make strange beds with no pillows white grass Cuts flower bushes and even floating water and bow I'm outside your window my favorite build hack to use the debug stick for though is just add a little more interest to my creative builds you can turn this strange and boring bamboo Farm into something cool looking by connecting the fence and adding leaves to the bamboo it's literally magic beehives kind of look like empty storage containers so you can use them for extra decoration in a cluttered storage room or attic they also work greatest drawers or a bedside table you can make any English letter in a 4x3 space using different combinations of slabs and stairs for this chart by Cookie Dough Bread shows you exactly to spell out anything you want super easily there are tons of ways to add tiny details to your builds in Minecraft but one of my favorites is this method of making Footprints just check some invisible item frames down and then Place some steak in them all of a sudden you've got some weirdly convincing looking footsteps there was actually a secret red dragon that almost made it into the game the plans were dropped in 2014. but Mojang has said that if they ever brought it back it would come from the rarest item in the game the dragon egg this lava is trapped the pressure plate technically fills at space for stone so the lava can't flow into it use it as a decoration in your house it's totally safe until someone decides to break it this secret is one you've seen and never even noticed the title screen Minecraft is at ten thousand to one chance of changing the spelling to mince raft circles are illegal in Minecraft but with command blocks you can make one with an armor stand that rotates this spawn stands as it rotates with sandblocks on their head use a command to face a center stand and make the stands invisible for a perfect circle the fastest way to get homies with an ender pearl stasis chamber it's a fun technique where but I just kept hovering in a bubble elevator if you connect it to a daylight sensor a knight comes the bubble stream stops and the Pearl lands are teleporting you back home this is a miracle End Portal frames have a 10 chance of spawning already filled with an eye having all of them filled only happens one in a trillion times did you know about Minecraft secret F commands everyone knows about pressing f for all that info but did you know about F3 plus b that shows everyone's hitboxes what happens if I press F3 plus C most people use fences slabs or iron bars for balcony railings but come on I'm too short I can't see over Instead try adding Carpets on top of barriers to create this Sleek modern railing that you can actually see past if you want to do this in survival you can use string instead for the same effect this trick also works to hide lighting blocks in your roof yeah just ignore the cobwebs up there they stop the roof falling down looms kind of look like empty bookshelves so you can mix in a few to make it look like you actually read if you want to add more life to a hedge you can place sunflowers an invisible item frames to add Flawless drip leaves also work really well as a natural Archway if you need a way through and of course a garden isn't complete without a lawn especially one of those weird stripy ones that rich people seem to have for some reason if you want to do the same use lines of grass and Moss to make it look realistic and perfectly moaning but if you want to do the opposite make a Barren dead landscape Mangrove roots and Spruce fences make a great dead Bush that's much better looking than this you can also use Mangrove roots with stripped bark to make a dead tree and the basalt works perfectly to use in Burn Down Forest also for some reason you can place fish in axolotls and water logged Mangrove Roots which is just cruel why on Earth is this a thing did you know that mob heads fit perfectly on top of wall blocks skeleton skulls also match really well with Underside or dear white wolves zombie skulls with Mossy Cobble and weather skulls with deep slate walls I don't know what he could use this for other than making gravestones but hey you again stop taking my job a nerve of some people anyway ever wanted to play pool in Minecraft well you can't so disappointed but you can't make a pretty cool looking pool table by placing signs like this underneath green carpets and then surrounding it with Trump doors search for a build hack you can use try building this Hummer hook it up using fence gates on the side then attach some stairs Outdoors to place the bed on and some signs to complete the shape you can even change the bed color to match the wood type for Peak color coordinated Comfort banners could be used to add illegal levels of detail than bills so they're not just the marking Maps or making a crappy coat of arms take next j-man's incredible train build he made using banners to perfectly match the real-life version if people are literally making real trains now what's your excuse decoys are the number one best way to help hide your base and you can even cover them with traps try building this water drop shoot somewhere obvious let's add a tripwire halfway down as soon as it triggers this piston pushes a block over leaving the thief in a very unfortunate situation another way to create a great decoy is with paintings if you cover a war with all sorts of paintings an intruder is always going to try and just walk on through however if you build this setup you can totally trick them that's what real entrance requires throwing an item in here and being squished through this trap door it's quite sophisticated just like my art collection all these methods are quite expensive though if you want the cheapest possible way to protect your base by literally just placing boats all the way around it when it turns nighttime any mobs that drive to attack or get stuck in them and serve as a defense against players another super cheap method of defense is to just wire up a super annoying noise to start playing as soon as someone enters when this door is open then Observer gets pushed over here and triggers all these blocks over and over creating a circuit that will drive a thief crazy and even work as a perfect alarm system once you get your plans to stop growing so tall try this simple hack by placing string at the top it will actually stop your plan from growing any further and it's almost invisible perfect when you want to take a fancy picture without the bamboo blocking the shot the sound of villagers waking you to the sound of their people can be great but not if they all die during the night so try this build hack to get them safe indoors Bells can be activated with redstone so just put a pressure plate by your bed and when you go to rest so will they do you need a protector for your base how about a guardian with a simple hack put a guardian outside your home and any player coming for your goodies will get blasted here's a defense hack that looks invisible it's actually these azalea bushes because apparently mobs don't know how to jump over them even though you can some if you want a safe house that doesn't like a prison this works great also killing mob Farms are great for items but this hack lets you get the XP from it too just sit one of your dogs next to a non-fatal drop like this they'll get that last hit and you'll get the experience what a great team up speaking of marble Farms it can be a hassle making them especially in the nether but if you're specifically trying to get Enderman this high IQ hack can make it way easier Enderman hates endermite so use them as bait above a hole and the end of them will drop right in for the easy killing anyone else remember when zombies and skeletons and spawners were the best way to build experience Farms I sure do shut up Grandma well this is three mob spawners super close together something with a one in four million chance of happening I'm never leaving this world again everyone's favorite biome has got to be the Mushroom Island but they can be extremely hard to find the only problem is if you do find one mobs can't spawn there that is if you exclude mushrooms oh yeah baby this is all we need well luckily the sea sponge ruins where mushrooms lovers Paradise with 4 a huge mushroom Island surrounding you you're welcome mushroom islands can only spawn in oceans but have you ever seen an ocean spawn in the middle of a forest this seed looks normal when you first spawn in but if you look over this hill you'll find an absolutely huge ice Lake let me tell you it's not one you want to fall into if you break just a single ice block you'll end up sinking down a hundred blocks to this huge obsidian floor covered in rugs filled with exposed diamonds but you'll probably want to bring a water breathing potion or something I don't think you get him back out of your life just saying what's craziest is that this seed looks even more broken in 1.19.2 here is a gigantic sinkhole right in the middle of the lake with a massive lava pool at the bottom it's like somebody wins and world edit and punch the terrain down a hundred blocks and this isn't the only one of these either a user on Reddit has found a bunch of these including this wild sinkhole with a woodland Mansion directly in the middle of it these seeds are so new and crazy that we still don't even know why they generate all we know is that it's something to do with the code and how apparently in certain places the values for what can spawn and where are totally messed up causing this Insanity to happen if you're brave enough to delve deep into one of the ancient cities you're usually awarded with some enchantments gear and maybe even some music discs but all of that is comparatively terrible compared to the best chest in Minecraft check it out for enchanted golden apples in one chest the chances of this are actually over one in twenty thousand which means you'd have to search thousands of ancient cities before you ever see this again and nobody ain't got time for that but compared to this next seed one in 20 000 seems like a coin flip before heading to the end most people bring 12 or more Eyes of Ender to complete the portal but did you know that each individual portal block has a 10 chance to already be filled and now I know exactly what you're thinking and you're right that means portals can spawn in with none loser but they can also be spawned with 12 eyes just like this one however it is insanely rare one in a trillion to be exact that's a million Millions my brain can't even handle that number did you know there's a way to get extra inventory space instantly simply turn touchscreen mode on and use your number keys to put some items in the crafting grid then click off your inventory and you've got four extra slots just like that unfortunately this was patched thousand one point nineteen but you can still use this feature in any other update splash water bottles seem at the most useless item in the entire game but they're actually the only way to put yourself out in the nether you can also use cauldrons for this as water place in them won't disappear in the nether this even works the other way around letting you place the lava and the water it's not quite as helpful though but this isn't even the only way to get fire and water to mix you got the method requires bubble columns and Fire charges if you place a ton of Soul Sand in the water like this they'll Bob around in the water as if they're not just totally breaking the laws of science drip Stone technically counts as an entity while it's falling meaning you can grab it with a fishing rod and yank it midair this doesn't have much use outside of really messing with your friend ends but it also works for sand gravel and best of all TNT back when bees were added in 1.15 there were actually two secret textures hidden in the files for extra honey items the first was for a crystallized honey item and the second was this yellow block called the wax block these items never made it into the actual game but it does bring the concept of crusty honey into my head and I don't like that Lions can actually let you duplicate name tags well technically at least if you use one on a big slime the name will actually pass down to the smaller ones and since these things can't despawn anymore you can use them to really get your message across to a friend oh God there's so many of them I'm always finding myself running out of room for storage but who said we're not allowed to just build a house out of barrels or chests problem solved now I can get all of my items well hey give them back okay okay everybody knows about the painting entrance by now but what if we use that to our advantage all people do is walk into the painting to see if there's anything hidden but this painting has a pressure plate behind it you can activate with an item I guarantee you nobody will find this one let's face it everybody's realized that amethyst is pretty useless so I don't think anyone would mind you setting up camp inside one they're the perfect size to fit all your decorations in and Crimson wood goes perfectly with the amethyst color that's just cherry wood if you're living in the future Gathering materials for a base can take forever why not just cut the parts out entirely leaves are the fastest block to collect in the game so just share a bunch of them and build your house out of those how to make sure to set up a few uh lightning rods though because that could go very wrong but if you want to take it even further try building this thing instead it's got all of the blocks you need for a home including a brewing stand and an anvil and you're even safe from mobs in the bed too I don't know if I'd call it a base though it's more like being homeless you can make a perfect little cage for Paris by pushing a piece of stained glass on top of them for dogs try a solid block instead foxes can also eat chorus fruit if given the opportunity and presumably get really confused after you can go upstairs much faster if you've got Auto jump enabled finally maybe a reason to use this every Minecraft player's worst nightmare man he's having a creeper sneaking or spawning their base and having it blow up everything but to make this a little less disastrous you can water lug your chest to make them blast resistant speaking of if you're looking for a Blog to build your TNT base Farms Out of Water logged leaves might be for you they're totally blast resistant and super easy to get a hold of just be careful you don't accidentally flood your Redstone end portal Flames are one of the only impossible blocks to break in Minecraft right wrong using a red mushroom plates just rice you can grow it with bone meal and use it to totally delete the frames the weather is definitely not the friendliest of Mars but if you've always wanted to befriend the guy there's a way a secret April 4 snapshot called the love and hugs update oh so cute turns the weather into a friendly pink mob that actually heals everything around her who knew he had such a soft side I love you withy that's his name it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but amethyst clusters and geodes actually produce light it's not a very bright light but if you wanted to create a bar with ambient lighting it actually works pretty well if you're looking for a creative way to get lots of colorful for your survival world one of the best places to look is actually Woodland Mansions as it turns out these Mansions can have up to 13 different colors of wall blocks inside of them just make sure you don't bring shears though greatest pitch trap is a dirty trick to play dig a huge hole put up a bunch of scaffolding to cover the top cover that with snow and put a little treat in the center hide at the bottom and wait for them to take the bait then hit the scaffold and watch them tumble down to their death it's a treat they might not notice at first but will Haze when they notice dig out the blocks under your friend's house then put path blocks all around it path blocks are slightly smaller so the Gap will show the empty underside of their house but only if you're looking carefully once they noticed they'll see it everywhere this will also help with this truly terrible trick this Gap under the house will fill up with monsters as they spawn in the dark and your friend at least expects it or hear the growl of a zombie dangerously close and would have no idea where it's coming from Behold The Mighty villager on his chicken Steed to get this secret villager you have to find a baby villager riding a chicken if you cure that baby it will eventually grow up and become an adult villager on a chicken and it works just like a normal villager but you're gonna touch a lead or lure them around with seeds most Shockers are easy to spot but if you use the summon command shulker will be dyed a different color they now look just like a diet choke a box instead you could replace your friend's boss with one to freak them out and then try to get their stuff this zombie is completely brain dead that's because in this 1.9 snapshots zombie spawn with the no AI tags set to one meaning nothing was going on inside their heads weird stuff started happening too like sometimes that would float off in the air this villager is so rare it literally can't spawn on their own there are no swamp or jungle villagers normally so you have to get one zombified stick him in a boat take him away to the swamp or jungle and cure him there the new look is very snazzy an Enderman that's immune to water and the men hate water but if an Enderman spawns in a cauldron full of water they're absolutely fine let's hope they don't learn this trick as uh already a major problem deep in the ancient cities as a rare and super useful Swiss sneak enchantment it is only available in luchchester and ancient cities and can speed up your sneaking speed get lucky enough to find a level 3 book and you're going the same speed as your regular walking I am speed this is so rare it only exists in One update and you can take it with you outside the game in the 20w14 infinite snapshots there is a secret folder in the game files called nothing to see here move along inside of two sounds banana.ogg and banana dot OGG there are two versions of this sound which is a tribute to the Sega logo have you ever found a music disc in a chest do you want to find them all they're actually a very rare item most can be dropped by a creeper that was killed by a skeleton but three of them can only be found in ancient cities dungeons or mansions and one of them can be made by gathering nine disc fragments get the whole collection and play that music loud speaking of ancient cities filled with rare loot Minecraft 1.20 added these new buildings and the deep dark biome way underground they're filled with new threats and new Treasures like the silence armor trim this armor trim only appears in chess and only 1.2 percent of the time hope you get lucky however you can also just Place string on top of wolves at a tiny piece of extra detail you can place bushes bamboo Cactus or propagules and a flower pop below leaves to emulate Trunks and stem for plants and adding Vines to these leaves adds a little bit of texture that stops these plants from looking too plain oh I felt like I should remind you that the muddy Mangrove root block exists why did you know that the best Minecraft Builders actually get given a special custom Cape by Mojang to show up how good they are it's called the Realms cave and you can only get it if three or more of your maps have been accepted and used by Mojang themselves Yonder looks way better than your Gucci jacket me dry decal blocks look strangely like trash bags Banner sway very subtly in the wind which means you can use a specific Banner design with trap doors to make it look like they're a pair of blinking eyes you can do the same with item frames to make flashing lights or regular carpets too boring for you first of all what's your problem garbage are awesome and fluffy and incredible but secondly you can use Coral fans on waterlogged slabs to make more interesting 3D cool colorful carpets alternatively you can place Crimson or warp signs underneath to make different patterns but they look best when you mix in lots of different blocks and techniques to add variety in both texture and death this works for bookshelves too beehives stairs looms and more all work great to add extra interest and variety have you ever realized that frog lights look kind of like those paper lanterns people released on different holidays oh this could be an idea just add some hanging Roots below and you've destroyed the environment I mean I I made a beautiful light show yes you start to make your pond 10 times better super easily with waterlogged blocks you can create detailed rocks in your ponds with stairs and slabs let's add a little extra detail and even give you a cool way to get across next instead of the normal boring lily pads we have try creating your own using four drip leaves and some flowering azalea leaves to make a big colorful Lily Pad you can also use a bamboo trap door with pink candles on top if you're living in the future and lastly if it's a really big Bond you're trying to decorate try doing something similar with drip leaves lily pads and azalea leaves to create a huge floating algae mat it's kind of gross though it doesn't smell good either oh wait that's just me my bad back in the alpha days of Minecraft they used to be way less blocks and almost no ways to properly decorate your builds this meant people had to create their own Solutions since Trump doors didn't exist people used to glitch regular doors into looking like trap doors by breaking the bottom half of the cactus finally letting them actually decorate their world just as much intended Minecart rails also have the same effect and you can make cool patterns out of them but they have a second effect I think is even more interesting for some reason mobsy rails as completely impossible objects and won't ever walk over them so if you surround your base with a railway it'll be completely safe from the horrors of the outside world and you get a fun little roller coaster too even though zombies can knock down doors of these for some reason they're completely stubs by trapped us and given we can easily hop on all fours and crawl beneath this simple setup works perfectly as a door that zombies have absolutely no hope of breaking down eating the chorus fruits will teleport you to a random nearby block even if that block is maybe on the other side of a wall so if you head underground and build a tunnel like this making sure to place Carpets on the ground you can build a base on the other side of the wall that can be instantly entered by simply eating a chorus fruit however I think the best possible secret entrance as one that I've never seen anybody use simply dying can teleport you tens of thousands of blocks away depending on where you set your spawn so you can make an underground obsidian bunker far away from anything else store your items and an ender chest and instantly teleport there then you can build a machine like this to obstruct your spawn point for 60 seconds and instantly respawn at zero zero again but the most powerful defense method of all that allows you to be completely and utterly safe from all mobs in the game is it just simply but it's a peaceful mode absolutely nothing could huh what's that oh no it can't be oh God subscribe if somebody has a carpet in their house they've left themselves open to one of the easiest and most annoying pranks in the game all it takes is for you to tear up their carpet and place a bunch of water below and then fill it up with puffer fish as soon as they walk home and expect to lay down on their comfy cozy carpets they'll get a spiky surprise don't you think it's weird that all dogs look exactly the same in Minecraft you can use this to really mess with people all you've got to do is push someone's dog somewhere hidden and replace it with your own when your friend comes around grab their dog for walkies they'll spend ages trying to figure out why they can't make it sit up just make absolutely sure that you don't hurt their dog in the process at all did you know you can add the curse of binding to a carved pumpkin and that you can equip calf pumpkins with dispensers I think you get the idea you can place a dispenser pretty much anywhere like under somebody's door and before they know it yeah where's the nearest cliff is your friend of one of those ugly gravel paths around their house or to punish them for not using this build hack for my last video try this see I rub their gravel path and dig out a bit below then add a bunch of science plates like this that'll hold the gravel up all you need now is a piston that would remove this plug and as soon as you step on this pressure plate it all falls down I'd also recommend filling the pit with cobwebs above some lava to really make them think about what they've done spawn trapping is one of the most annoying things to do to someone in any game and luckily it's super simple to do in Minecraft all you need to do is remove all the blocks around someone's bed and place his obsidian chamber right next to it instead whenever they respawn they'll be trapped in here without tools and force to punch their way out there are tons of ways to mess with AFK players in Minecraft that are way more fun than just pushing them into for example one of my personal favorites is to instead push them into a composter that's filled up to a bounce here and then close the trap door on top of them for one it looks hilarious but it'll also be super funny to watch your friend try to figure out what they can't open the trap door and when all is said and done all they've got to do is break the composter hell do you want to remove the Hostile Mobs from your survival world try building a mob switch this hack lets you do it quick and easy just using villagers if you trade with one then zombify them they won't despawn and count toward the amount of hostile mobs in the area so no extra ones will appear this simple hack lets you turn mine cars into two seaters the speed you can control it turns out you can actually put a boat in the minecart and have it still work the boats can fit two people and when you row it it actually changes the speed of the minecart letting you go faster check this out that lets you fly at the side of this building it's not a potion or a lighter it's actually a hidden bubble stream on the other side of these honey blocks the honey is small enough that you can still use the stream and if you want to hide the honey just cover them in item frames of maps on Top This Farm hack is actually brilliant because even when you're not there none of the sugarcane will fall out or despawn because the cane is actually standing on mud mud is a smaller block and items pass right through it so using that with a hopper underneath or the sugarcane or Lander it needs to you can actually send Minecarts to the nether all you have to do is set up train tracks leading directly to another portal load those babies up when they disappear you can go through the portal and find all the Glorious Minecarts you sent over the flower lily of the valley looks the exact same from any angle you look at it through it's sort of like a Minecraft illusion which means the Lily is always watching you don't kill that baby pig you know it doesn't give you meat don't kill it here's a nice trick to try on a blind person if you cup a lava with string nearby players won't be able to hear the lava meaning that sucker won't even know what hit him oh I'm such a great YouTuber subscribe by the way yes this is a call to action Lily is watching you to cure a zombie villager you need a splash potion of weakness and golden apple and a bed apparently being near to a bed helps to speed up the process not sure why that works well I can think of a few reasons the Axolotl is probably the cutest animal in Minecraft but did you know there's an act axolotls so rare just one in 1 200 axolotos spawn this way the blue Axolotl is the rarest mob in Minecraft would you look at that little guy huh you thought I was gonna kill it for comedic effects I'm totally above that I lied you can get floating Minecraft tracks by placing them on trap doors and flipping them down aside from this just looking really weird you can make some pretty crazy traps with this as all the rails disappear at once when anything updates them while obsessing this I realize you can actually walk underneath trap doors even though you're way taller than this Gap and your head even sticks into the drug door yo mallow is that a fresh cut showcas are one of the most mysterious mobs in Minecraft I can't even figure out what they're supposed to be but it turns out if you've thrown invisibility potion at one all is revealed the shulker's shell disappears leaving the shulker itself floating in midair I'm still no closer to understanding what on Earth this thing is but I guess he's like cute it's common knowledge now that villagers are the best way to farm items but it takes so long to cure them first it turns out if you place iron bars near the zombie villager you can actually speed it up a bunch the wiki says this works with beds too but when I tested this it seemed like it was fake but let me know in the comments if it works for you speaking of beds did you know that there used to be a Sky Dimension plan for Minecraft it was supposed to be a magical realm in the sky that you could access through dreams each time you went to sleep there would be a chance you'd wake up here instead unfortunately this idea was eventually replaced by the end but I'd love to see them bring back this idea why were you were busy having sniper duels or hiding away praying they wouldn't see you skeletons have been hiding a dark secret okay it's not that dark but around 11 of them are actually left-handed and hold their bows differently to the rest apparently this is the mirror the amount of real people who are left-handed also even though weather skeletons can't spawn naturally with a bow they still have a line of code that lets them shoot fire arrows when they're given one with commands weird right have you ever noticed that the sky actually changes color during the weather fight that's right as soon as the fight Begins the Horizon turns a deep ashy gray and some clouds become much darker too bad nobody will ever see this because we all fight the Weather Underground now like mole people getting caught in a raid can be a nightmare but don't made the mistake of fighting off the enemies in open combat just dig down in a three block hole you can hit the ravager but it can't hit back wanna sneak first you Swift sneak correctly if you sprint Jump Then sneak as you land your Swift sneak movement will actually be going one block faster every second than you would sneaking normally if you find yourself in a cold biome and want to make a farm you can but don't make the mistake of using open blocks of water use water logged leaves instead because these don't freeze like water does ladders take a lot of wood to make and when you're exploring you might make the mistake of wasting wood for no reason instead grab a friend get some Shields and start punching each other the knockback can launch you six blocks into the air with some real speed does your friend still there in Chapman books and ordered chess play a trick by replacing some of their high level bugs in level 1 books they all look the same so they might not even notice until it's already too late no matter how many chickens your friend clears away more keep coming with this next trick stuff a bunch of chickens above a hopper the eggs go into a dispenser with a repeater causing it to shoot the eggs out spawning a bunch more chickens in the process high-disk Contraption in a Tree near your friend's house and they'll be drowning in chicks want to trap your AFK friend in a little box it's the first trick anyone tries but if you water log the blocks it becomes so much harder to break and when they do your friend will be drowning in water on Minecraft a Bedrock Edition you can create a literal piece of art using a command block to place hundreds of end crystals the crystals will actually stack creating something that doesn't even look like Minecraft just make sure you don't run into it or walk or crawl just just stay away over the years of Minecraft farms have gotten more and more advanced we went from farming melons to a fully functional wither Farm using TNT arrows and insanely precise timing these people built a machine able to get arrows to supersonic speeds allowing you to One-Shot the Wither and farm its resources while AFK in fact there's even a functional wolf Farm which offers a new home to live dogs just turn it on and there we go hey what happened to all my dogs I didn't kill them I I I did not if you have assistance and dumb enough to cover your whole world with Hoppers your game will become extremely buggy lagging glitching and as a bonus if you drop a beacon onto one of these your game will literally die that is my grandma just kidding she's right here it's me the grandma I'm alive dear grandma that being said do not put beacons into random Hoppers not only are beacons valuable but there's a small chance of your computer exploding if you want to destroy your world in a stylish way you can try and place a bunch of iron trap doors then add skulk sensor blocks below that from there just blow it the hell up or Fly Above it and drop a single block into it in a super stylish manner before seeing your game slowly die you're very weird shut up Grandma let's set the scene hear the music you're feeling nostalgic so you go back to 1.9 beta Minecraft to load your old world then you realize something is terribly wrong and it's not just your dating life the ender portal looks like seriously what the hell is this this block was the old ender portal frame and it looked really messed up sort of like an ice block mixed with grass the ender portal looks a lot better now and boy am I glad they changed it right any creature you want the ride commands lets you or anything you want right on top of any other creature such as this bee so I can fly with without even needing a lighter get a whole Squad of bees and play fly to the Bumblebees actually descend upon your enemies ever wanted to feel what it's like to be a shulker cool down into a one block space with a shulker block underneath you when you open the box then close it again you'll end up inside the Box this killer rabbit is extinct black drawing version 1.8 there was a very rare chance at the killer bunny with spawn and attack the player you could still breed the bunny and create more Killers too the model even had blood on his mouth in some versions this secret trick to survive anything without any items there's a million ways to avoid damage using special blocks armor or potions but if you have nothing exit the game just before you take damage in Lan or single player games and you load back in the damage is ignored duplicate End Portals Endless Sea with this trick you need to make a world in 1.19 Java Edition and then update it to 1.20 if you place an end block tower on the exit portal once you kill the dragon or place an ender crystal a duplicate end portal will be spawned back in 1.14 you can apply multiple different protections on the same armor piece source of protections to create the ultimate armor and then update your game so you can have an illegally strong outfit this weird villager secret can give infinite emeralds when you cure a zombie villager any trade you do with them will have a discount if you cure them multiple times it will keep going down and you can end up with weird prices by getting three books for two emeralds which you can sell back three bugs for three emeralds getting you a one Emerald profit you're an extra bit of detail to decorate with no matter how many are nearby or how close they're watching you if you one shot a zombified piglet using something like a Smite 5 sword other piglens won't get mad at you just make sure you don't have sweeping Edge on two wolves don't have much of a use of it than you know being walls and to be fair nobody even really uses them for that either either way they actually have a use in Redstone with a setup like this you can place a single wall right here to instantly send a signal hundreds of blocks down I know that doesn't sound that insane but I know like one percent of you guys are freaking out right now mobs in Minecraft have gotten pretty good at pathfinding but there's still one thing they can't seem to understand and that's Minecart rails for whatever reason if you surround yourself in tracks zombies just don't know what to do and will freeze on the spot the same goes for spiders vindicators iron golems and if you see these weird little scribbles on the end Crystal it turns out if you look super closely they actually kind of spell out Mojang powder snow has made Mountain biomes actually kind of dangerous now and ain't nobody got time to wear leather boots out here but there is another way to deal with it next time you venture out to the snowy slopes grab yourself a flame bow as any powder snow you hit with a fire arrow will instantly melt and disappear glow Legend actually has a secret use I guarantee you didn't know about it could actually completely block water from flowing just the same as signs or pressure plates but more importantly it can do the same with lava and won't ever burn even though it's a plant hmm I give up sea pickles are one of my favorite plants in the whole game but a lot of people seem to forget you can place them outside of water they won't give off light anymore and lose their little pickle stem thing but they do make for a nice decoration or extra piece of color somewhere in your build oh and you can place paintings behind them too what's even crazier than this though is that you can also place knee pads outside of water too kind of as long as the block is water lugged you can place them down this means they can go on Trump doors scaffolding slabs drip police leading to some ready cursed effects it can also be placed on Ice which is like I guess water logged I really don't know anymore man camels are just delightful when they're walking around yeah look at their little layers I love them apparently cauldrons can totally absorb full damage if they're filled with water surely I won't die oh okay what if I actually tried to get in the middle even that doesn't work I literally fell into water fine if that doesn't work what if I try without water it works they even bounce you crazy right I'm just kidding these are slime blocks treat you though didn't I whenever you try to run underwater you just get put into the swimming animation apparently this changes when you run on mud hey it's true I think this is because mud is just a little bit shorter than a regular block so it should work with Soul Sand too right oh wait bubbles yeah I'm not smart it's kind of annoying Minecraft's water can only ever be one block wide meaning you can't make small droplets or tiny strings very easily however blue glass panes work as a perfect substitute for cases like this the same goes for ice how do we have ice and drip Stone but no icicles well maybe it's because Mojang knows that light blue glass panes do the job perfectly but come on I can't take out zombies with them so what's even the point whenever you're building a head in your world try placing quadzole beneath the leaves this both acts like a shadow but also kind of looks like Leaf litter or mulch beneath the Hedge I really like the word mulch by the way wait what are we doing oh yeah build hacks did you know you can place another plants like Crimson fungus or warped Roots outside of the nether what's really weird is that you can only place them on Grassle dirt not come Stone this is super weird to me because nether rock and Cobble seem most similar to me but I guess now we know Netherrack is just like hard dirt my head hurts and the pearls are awesome for moving around and are Even Better in the Nether here's a few tips to make you a pro at using them if a pearl flies out of render distance it won't teleport you until you load it again this means you can throw a pearl wherever you want lower your render distance and travel wherever you want then when you want to leave raise it again and you'll be teleported to wherever you threw the Pearl pearls can also be used to easily Traverse the harsh terrain of the nether but it can sometimes be super risky if you're purling over lava or a long form however if you're purling against the wall position yourself like this on the edge of a block and click as fast as you can while the Pearl is flying when the Pearl hits you'll instantly place a block below you saving you from certain death and making you feel really cool if I was to ask you what the most OP weapon in 1.8 PVP was I bet the last thing you say is fishing rod but you'd be right back then the bobber actually dealt knock back just like a bow would you could activate it instantly this meant you could use it to stop them sprinting and throw them into the air a little letting you start combos Super easily there was also a glitch that literally let you do double damage using a fishing rod if you hit them with someone with a rod and then immediately with a sword they'll take way more damage from The Sword hit if your tools are running low on durability you can combine two of the same type together to get a new tool with extra durability it's only around 10 but this can be the difference between killing a zombie or being stranded in hand-to-hand combatians might seem like one of the most useless items in the game but surprisingly they do actually have a use for people who are too busy to make a huge cow farm for leather but still wants a change of clothes every so often you can clean the die off leather armor by washing it in a cauldron then you can re-dye it after speaking of Enchantment it's a mistake not to get The Mending enchantment first if you get other enchantments first and leave mending too late you could braid that item accidentally or get that too expensive message stopping you from enchanting it at all Nether gold can be really useful in getting gold for the piglands but it's safe to mind it normally because all you get a nugget use a silk touch pickaxe and smelt the ore in the furnace and you'll get a whole Ingot instead which you can trade to the piglens directly burning a lot of coal in your furnace don't just put a big stack of coal in the furnace combine nine coal into a block and use that in the furnace it actually Burns longer than nine coal on their own don't get lost in your new mine the best way to keep track of where you've been where you're going and what you're going to do next is to put down signs seems simple but so many people make the mistake of exploring without leaving a trail of signs telling you how to get home it can also make a great to-do list sneak up on your friends while sprinting full speed with this trick if you move to the absolute edge of a block so that the middle of your screen is above the next block over game will behave like you're on that block if the block is empty then when sprinting you'll cause no noise or particles there's a secret sector thrown splash potions that make them last longer the game tracks how much time the potion was flying through the air and extends how long the potion effects lasts so don't just throw a potion on the ground throw it into the air to get the most out of it this house is on fire but this slabs are completely unharmed that's because they're made with the new petrified Oak slabs they look like Oak but petrified means they are like Stone they don't catch fire you mine them with the pickaxe and to make drum beats when put on a note block we all know about chains and I mentioned a way to make much bigger chains with grindstones in my last build hacks video but if you need something a little smaller try facing two sets of trap doors into each other like this to create a wooden chain you can even change the color of Burton's place in invisible items on logs look suspiciously like bugs crawling all over it bugs are by the way you cannot eat do not under any circumstances ever eat the bugs ever speaking of bugs in Bedrock Edition you can place buttons on the top and bottom of fences allowing for extra decoration but in Java version you can't do either honestly I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but it's still kind of annoying red and yellow candles make really good ketchup and mustard bottles for a diner or bar and green candles are perfect replicas of beer wait does someone say beer sometimes the hardest part of building a hidden base is actually finding a location first so try this sneaky idea out nobody ever goes into these scary water-filled Lush caves so try and take a swim down there yourself place a door and get to work but come on a regular door just isn't gonna cut it so instead try placing a pressure plate on the other side of a corner like this connecting it to a piston and using an arrow to activate it it works underwater too most people think underwater bases have to be super complicated and hard to build but you can actually just Chuck a bed and some chest down and it works fine if you can hold your breath only blocks are actually just a tiny bit smaller than a regular block which means you shoot directly through them it means you can also use them to create secret perilous Pathways to your hidden base bonus points if you Chuck some drip stone at the bottom to really make it dangerous for some weird reasons you can phase straight through shulker boxes if you open them in a certain way all you have to do is stand on top of one with a roof above your head and it'll push you down and through to whatever you've built below speaking of shulker boxes they're actually invisible when you get far away enough just the same as beds and chests so to create your very own totally invisible base just set up a couple hundred blocks build a shulker box platform place the bed and you golden nobody will ever find this but Sky bases can sometimes be a little Annoying to reach so for a super accessible and equally hidden base try this head to any snubby biome and stick some scaffolding underneath a random block put the snow back and you've made a completely undetectable underground base and one that looks really funny to enter to speaking of mansions vindicators will stop at nothing to murder entire Village's worth of villagers but they're not completely heartless even though they're happy to kill tons of adult villagers vindicators will actually refuse to Target baby villagers but that isn't going to slide in my book because there's actually a way around this if you're on Bedrock Edition aiming a Vindicator Johnny will turn him into a psychopath and he'll go on a rampage regardless of age that's more like it cave noises have been the number one enemy of my soyhood Underpants but did you know you can actually predict exactly when these will happen simply press F3 and wait for the mood percentage to hit 100 and when it does the sounds will play or just turn your sound off I'm still not taking the risk when it's snowing outside snow layers will piled up on top of all the blocks around you sometimes even stacking up to the size of a full blog but for some reason there are two blocks in the entire game that this doesn't happen to both ice and pack dice are immune to snowfall and even trying to manually place them on them doesn't work this isn't the case with blue eyes though even though they're almost the exact same does blowing up balls give you XP I never gives you 100 of the resources now but I've never dared to mine diamonds with it oh yeah it does give XP I think I'll stick to my pickaxe though this just feels wrong apparently you can't spawn Withers and snowy biomes yes snowy tiger Frozen Peaks even snowy beaches don't work wait what if you break the snow layers below ah they're myth busted it works I should probably run away now according to this myth is actually a time where looking in an enderman's eyes is a good idea obviously they became aggressive when you first look at them but from now on whenever you lock eyes or freeze completely in place I don't know what you do from here but hey this myth is true this secret block is the most complicated block of them all the jigsaw block is what the game uses to generate Villages and structures throughout the game you can only get the block through a command because the blocks delete themselves after it's done its job this secret item was disabled from the game abundant was a bag you could carry and fill with any other items up to the stock limit if you had emeralds diamonds and netherites it could fit them all into one space and when you right click it launches all the goodies out onto the ground like a bag of candy thrown at your friends stands can be dangerous falling on top of you but you can fall in from above too this quicksander's place above cobwebs or command blocks watch for a player walking over it step over a cobweb and your command triggers pulling them in so watch your step or you'll fall into oh no no surrounding a bed with slabs makes it look kind of like a sleeping bag but I've always thought the regular bed was quite small so instead of just placing one down and leaving it at that try making a bigger custom one like this also I made these pillows with snow layer blocks he looks so soft this layout of campfires grab doors and Hopper mine cars looks like a stove top and if you place a dragon head backwards it kind of works perfectly as a toaster although I don't know if I'd want to eat that gray bread but if you'd rather just cheat you can use custom texture packs to change block designs for super detailed and useful new blocks and if you want to go all the way custom mob heads offer literally infinite possibilities for extra detail like cakes kitchen appliances and smaller versions of blogs we already have you can mix these in with blocks like iron bath to make things like CCTV cameras but a skeleton head will work fine for this in a pinch oh and if you've made a TV or computer somewhere in your house backwards where the skeleton heads make great speakers sure chests work fine but campfires make for way cooler food storage you could also take it one step further and use invisible item frames to hang fish off chains like this gold ore looks like honey that's ripped onto the floor and gilded Blackstone looks the same but for lava instead you can use stairs and slabs to add extra texture to walls like missing bricks and to create holes as if it's crumbling and degrading but if you're really dedicated to decoration you can make maps with any design you want to and then fill item frames up with them for custom wallpaper I just stick to texture packs though that's a lot of effort you can easily set up a daylight sensor next to a bell to make a simple functioning alarm clock [ __ ] alternatively hook this up to arrow and healing dispensers next to a dog that shoots every morning for the rest of time oh and speaking of lily pads the direction they face depends on the location of the block and not the way you look when placing them down it changes block to block in Sea to seed meaning you can never predict Which Way a lily pad will face you know how you can preload crossbows with an arrow or firework well it turns out you can do this in bulk fill your inventory up and then spam drop and fire the crossbows to turn yourself into a literal machine gun in Minecraft if you look closely all of the regular tools in the game have a regular brown stick for their handle as they're all made with Overworld materials and wood but they've got the right tools instead come with a darker Crimson handle reminiscent of what a crimson stick would look like it's nothing crazy but it's cool to see the attention to detail Mojang sometimes shows in 1.19.2 there was a glitch that allowed you to completely bypass full damage if you jumped from 35 blocks or higher and it crowded exactly the right time you'd be able to walk away like nothing happened ow it's really hard though obviously we know that big lens and the Overworld turn into zombified piglands and hoglands turn into zoglands but what do you think piglet brutes turn into an armored zombified piglet or some super power mutant boss nope are just a regular zombified piglet he gets to keep the ax though so he's got that going for him I guess your friend keeps cutting down your favorite tree get revenge with this new trick hide anvils in the trunk among the leaves if someone cuts through enough of the tree the Anvil will fall right on top of them this silky little trick is great if your friend is a fear of spiders fill the house and cobwebs making them slowly trudge with their own home then put a single spider in their bedroom to attack when they complain just playing the spider lava doesn't burn scaffolding so try this trick on a friend trying to break your stuff put Scaffolding in your house that looks like you use it as a ladder at the top put some lava and hide it from view if your friend wants to be mean and break your scaffold they'll be greeted with a face full of lava this next evil trick is quick and easy wait at the top of a bubble stream shaft shoot a bunch of arrows of harming into the top and when your friend gets to the top they'll get hit and maybe even die this naughty little trick is also really simple if your friend boasts about their Log Cabin go around their house stripping a block here and there at random it will look Dreadful if you want something even less suspicious try breaking a hole beneath the lava pole and placing some water like this and building your base down here lava pools are totally natural and nobody ever touches them on a server making them the perfect place to slip into even if it is a little painter any other place in the entire game that mobs can't spawn is actually an ocean Temple it's true the game is coded so that only Guardians can spawn in them meaning that if you remove all the water absolutely no mobs will spawn nearby you're gonna need a lot of sponges or a massive machine but at the end you're left with a pre-built mob free Paradise but if you'd rather not do all that work there are ways to completely mob proof your base easily not only do slabs basically double the amount of blocks you have for floors and roofs but mobs can't spawn on bottom slaps meaning even if your house is Pitch Black nothing will be able to spawn inside you could even add Soul Sand below and use Soul speed to run around your house super quickly I bet you didn't know that after using a sponge if you put in a furnace and use a lava bucket as fuel you will receive not only your dry sponge return but the water bucket and the fuel slot will be filled right back up with water nice attention to detail Mojang most players know that there are two types of cows regular cows and mushrooms so what most people don't know is that there's actually a secret hidden third type of cow during a thunderstorm if a Mooshroom is struck by lightning it'll turn into the ultra rare brow mushroom this special type of mushroom can give you suspicious stew instead of the boring old mushroom stew that a regular mushroom gives gross for some reason when turtles are struck by lightning they turn into wooden bowls what the what is this Mojang almost everybody knows that sunflowers and Minecraft always face East but there's actually another plant that does this kind of similarly pumpkin stems will always Point Northwest Natural structures are basically just pre-built houses for you to use shipwrecks and jungle temples work great but my favorite is the desert temple not only does it come with multiple rooms and doorways it even has a section up top that perfectly fits a fully built Beacon what a time to be alive here's how to make a completely hidden base beneath your bed dig a hole beneath where your bed will go add some trap doors up top and two mine cars place like this on top of some lettuce then add two beds on top and surround them with more trap doors trust me nobody's gonna find this and if they do ask them why they're sleeping around your bed you can also just use a stair below the bed but that's way easier to see now obviously the best way to hide a base is to simply just put it behind a wall but breaking and replacing the wall every time is so annoying but luckily there's a solution if you create a stone generator that replaces the block that you break all you'll have to do is break the blocks each time and they'll magically cover up the entrance every time I guarantee every one of us has tried to build one of these tree houses in the jungle but let's face it they look terrible instead head to a tiger and try this house instead you can build it in two minutes for super cheap and it keeps you safe from all the mobs except Phantoms the cold biomes offer a bunch more cool houses too including this ice Spike base I built when I was just a lad it's even simpler than the last one just clear out some ice Chuck a door on and now you can pretend you're Superman the powder snow you can find in these biomes makes for an awesome hidden entrance too not only can you hide some in the ground let the scaffold entrance you can create a hidden ladder up a cliff with it that you can only climb with leather boots we can take another of ethos ideas and use a lava curtain to make a hidden entrance he uses ender pearls but come on it's a man cave be a man oh it's so hot out eating berries is a mistake the bushes are decoration at best and they're actually one of the worst Food types in the game filling you less than even raw beef your chest knee protecting don't make the mistake of letting creepers destroy them to be totally sure they're safe walks along the chest the water will protect it and the creeper would have exploded for nothing it's always a mistake to come unprepared especially in the ancient city bring snowfall potions because you can jump to the city from any highs and if you stay in a straight line you won't trigger the sensors in creative mode people always make the mistake of not using all 10 of their hot bars that's right 10 in creative mode you can save your Hotbar to a number save your Hub Bar using the c key and a number you want it safe to press X then that same number to Access that hot bar in an instant did you know that you can actually totally skip the end of dragon fight by building a simple flying machine like this you can fly all the way to the outer Island without so much as touching the Ender Dragon allowing you to raid as many end cities that you want for all the loot you could ever dream of however the only way out is uh down there so do this at your own risk I guess Snow Golems will die almost instantly underwater while Iron Golems will sink but just kinda chill this is already strange enough but it gets even weirder when you realize you can actually spawn Snow Golems underwater but not Iron Golems but what we're down here is another cool underwater fact that might even save your life next time you find yourself stranded outside at night swarmed by mobs and unable to sleep try heading into a river or ocean you'll be able to chuck a bed down and sleep just fine you can even breathe down here for some reason everyone knows that the weather is immune to arrows in its second phase plus I bet you didn't know that fireworks will still damage it letting you sit back and relax as you watch the show oh crap wait you can still hit me baby foxes might be the cutest mob in the entire game which is why I'm sorry that I have to show you this next fact and some older versions are actually so adorable and Tiny and if they find themselves in water their mouth is actually underwater and they'll end up drowning or thing fungus is your friend with this next trick you can play on your friends while they're away dig under their home plant a bunch of mushrooms and add a little bit of bone meal the mushrooms will grow massive going through your friend's house and deleting anything in its path give them a fungal infestation this trick is sneaky if your friend lives near a forest slow do you plan more and more trees closer and closer to the house they'll think it's just a forest growing as it eventually surrounds the house keep planting trees in every block you find until they're in a thick never-ending jungle if you replace the leaves of a tree with some of your own you've snipped those leaves will stay even if your friend breaks them with blocks away leaving these Floating Leaf islands that your friend will want to clean up to get them out of the way when the skeletons are one of the most annoying mobs of farm in Minecraft they don't even spawn half the time but if you're in single player try lowering your render distance and simulation distance to five chunks this will force all mobs to spawn where you can see them letting you find Farm skulls way easier once you're ready to fight the weather whatever you do don't spawn it above ground trust me I learned the hard way instead dig a 40 block long tunnel on the ground and spawn it in a chamber at the end she stayed a safe distance you'll be able to take it down super easily without getting hit once well go play as well cakes aren't really the best food source but they do work as a great decoration did you know they're even better now with the addition of candles now you can place a candle on top of the cake to add just a little bit extra color to the room for red Stoners slimes are super valuable but they can be so hard to find swamps are usually the best place to look for them but sometimes you'll go just to be met with nothing well it turns out that's because slime spawns and swamps are actually based on the moon so if the swamp is dry try waiting a few nights until it's full and a swamp will be covered in the things it can be really hard to find exactly where the buried treasure is when you're nearby the map isn't really clear but if you think you know the general area it's F3 and make these two numbers say nine by moving to the right block dig down and voila seven fish and an emerald but what if I told you this myth says cats are even more powerful sure they only have literally two percent of the warden's Health but they have a special secret no matter how far you drop them from they won't take any damage apparently this is because in real life cats can literally fall from 200 feet up and survive you're so much better than a dog hey I didn't kill it I'm still keeping my promise what about us for some reason Landing in just an inch of water is enough to completely survive any form so I mean a watermelon is mostly water probably that can save me right yeah no but berry bush is gone all right 1.20 finally added armor customization with armor trims but did they add the ability for our horses to get dripped with us all right it doesn't work with diamond what about leather oh guess not looks like it does work for turtle shells though for extra swag for us sorry horsey oh and by the way if you have a looting 255 sword and kill a screaming goat you'll actually get a secret goat horn that plays a super special sound Hey You Ever Wanted infinite TNT if so here's the solution if you build the following Contraption you'll be able to duplicate TNT forever something about the coral reef glitches the TNT allowing for a devastating bug this is something commonly used in Minecraft Warfare creating flying machines with infinite TNT to Nuke your enemies base so if you want to break Minecraft with a bang try this out sometime everyone knows you can't place water in the nether or can you if you build a time machine and travel all the way back to Minecraft version 1.6 you'll need to stock up on ice blocks why well my friend in this version if you break ice in the nether you get water allowing you to technically turn the nether into a water park my life is finally complete and I've got a cool time machine to boost so that's pretty cool yeah I think it's cool yeah okay so villagers aren't as smart as mobs but did you know they're Immortal just kidding did you really believe that but they kind of are because if you make a glass container and have a villager go in for a little nap you can surround him all with lava and watch him die wait how did he survive really Mojang I'm trying to have fun here and be an evil man guests are annoying let's be honest they're ugly hurt your eyes they suck that is until you use them to turn them into a gassed turret Yes you heard that right you can trap gas and turn them into your own turret Machine by clicking fast you're able to direct the Fireballs to wherever you want making it the perfect defense for infinite TNT flying machines and also just a strong new friend's house and their dogs and their dogs dogs trust me bro it wasn't me my grandma can vouch I hate you see weeping Vines can be a lifesaver so don't make the mistake of forgetting to bring some to the nether you can't use water there so to get down from a high place put a weeping Vine up use bone meal and it will grow as a perfect ladder down to safety needing to know what one Byron begins and another ends can be so important don't make it hard to see the line between them turn off the biome blend option the hard line between biomes might look weird but it's so useful it's worth it and trapping villagers or animals the biggest mistake is not using honey put it under their feet so they can't jump out of their pen you'll never have trouble with escaped villagers again get that efficiency Enchantment on your shovel but don't make the mistake of going past efficiency 4. it actually can't get faster so you're wasting your time and experience who doesn't like buried treasure first using a map can be really annoying however Pros know how to find it without a map first head to a beach biome and lower your render distance to fight then hit shift and F3 followed by the Numbers next to game renderer levels and entities if there's orange on the pie charts there's a chest nearby then just turn around slowly until the Orange is biggest and head towards it till it disappears and the chunk behind you at nine nine and the junker should be a buried treasure or just use x-ray don't tell anyone I said that Soul Sand water elevators require every single piece of water to be a source block so to save tons of time try just placing a piece of kelp at the bottom and Bone mealing it when you break the kelp all of the water will instantly be turned to a source did you know there's a way to fly infinitely with an elytra without using a single rocket after taking off you can fly up and down at around a 45 degree angle this will let you build up enough speed and distance to fly forever or at least until your Elijah Runs Out you could even avoid using a rocket to take off by using a Riptide Trident or an entity cramming setup like this that throws you high into the air without a single gunpowder spyglasses don't get anywhere near as much love as they should and I think that's because of this annoying GUI that shows up when you use it but if you hit F1 it'll completely remove it giving you a clear Zoom that's actually kind of powerful Balboa real pros just use OptiFine shut up nerd Fortune is probably the most valuable enchantment in the entire game it duplicates diamonds for God's sake but did you know there's another use for it that makes it even more overpowered if you enchant a hoe or any other tour with fortune 3 you'll get way more crops when you harvest your Farms instead of an average of about 4 carats per crop you'll get about five and a half with Fortune as well as tons more seeds from wheat Cole can smell eight items each plus a cold block made out of just nine coal can smelt eighty that's uh one free call per block that means if you've got an auto smelter set up it's almost always worth it to use cold blocks instead as long as you make sure that what you're smelting is divisible by 80s so you don't waste any blocks if they have an auto smelter a simple yet wicked trick it's a little sabotage clog up the works by putting dirt in the furnaces they can't smell it so they'll be stuck here until your friend cleans them out by hand string trip wire can block bamboo and sugar cane from growing and is invisible use it in this wicked trick put it on your friend's farms and see how long it takes them to notice that bamboo just isn't growing at all an even better trick to play on AFK friends is to build a whole portal around them it'll send them to the Nether and once you break the portals on either side they'll be crying out wondering how they even got here does your friend live near a village play a fun little trick by putting name tags on all the villagers name them with taunts and jokes about your friend and watch them wonder why all the villagers are so mean wanna trick your friend who just got a brand new set of netherride tools Enchanted stone tools look a lot like the netherrite set so why not get some efficiency one stone equipment and swap them over they will don't need them that's the right ones right walking over or punching Redstone or activates observers meaning you can create hidden cave bases really easily or even hide some under a carpet or snow for hidden entrance that'll probably just end up getting activated by a chicken or something for something a little more secure try hiding a hopper beneath a block and having a special item filter that only opens with a block named a certain way Hopper's work under snow slabs Soul Sand or even path blocks but you can take it one step further by using a hopper Minecart instead this little pickup items through literally any Block in the game Hoppers can take items through path blocks because they're just a little smaller than a full block we can take advantage of this in another way by hiding a lever under a tree next to some dirt and using a shovel or hoe to reveal it dirt and grass blocks appear to be basically the same but something you might not have noticed this is that grass blocks actually take a tiny bit longer to mine Than Dirt blocks the same is also true for stone and Cobblestone even though they seem to be the same thing Cobblestone takes just a little more time to mine but you didn't know that you can actually equip villagers with armor by shooting it onto them with a dispenser anyone see the armor repair on the Villager but they'll get all the effects from it including not just increased defense but all the enchantments as well if you're starting a new world and looking for diamonds this tip will save you tons of time for whatever reason diamonds are more likely to spawn below big pools of water on the surface meaning you don't even need to risk running through big caves to find them either just be careful because digging straight down never seems to end well Swift snake is already an amazing enchantment but did you know that if you run and jump into your sneak instead of just sneaking normally you'll sneak around 33 faster I really like saying sneak could you tell speaking of sneaking I just really wanted to say that you can create secret ladders out of powder snow that only you can use it's literally as simple as placing a column of powder snow somewhere and chucking on some leather boots and only you will be able to climb it what item do you think is used in the most crafting recipes in the game wood maybe sticks how about diamonds turns out it's actually iron ingots they're used in 34 different recipes which is more than anything else well kind of with the introduction of chiseled bookshelves in 1.20 modern planks are now also used for 34 recipes in Java Edition riveting what do you think the best item for fighting mobs is axes maybe some people prefer swords or bows but you're all wrong boats are actually extremely powerful as you can just Chuck one down and completely immobilize any mob you want they even stop Enderman from tele supporting you can name a chest in an anvil and the name will actually show up in the GUI it even keeps its name when you break it unlike any other Block in the game apparently you can repair Iron Golems if you see one or cracked up after a fight you should be able to take some iron ingots and right click on it hey yeah fixing it right back up that's super cool I recently learned you can place beds underwater well what's the point if you can't sleep in it I mean surely I gotta hold my breath down here for eight hours I'd oh I guess I can okay but obviously that doesn't work in the lava what the hell Mojang in real life people think cold and diamonds are both made out of the same thing this means that if you apply enough pressure like with a piston you can literally turn coal into diamonds and surprise surprise it doesn't work probably because it's not even true in real life it's a myth there too double busted it's been forever since we've got our new note block sound but apparently Mojang secretly added a new one just recently all you have to do is Place him on top of an iron block and right click them 64 times each then when you activate them oh God why evokers are a super powerful mob despite never hitting you themselves but you can actually predict what spell they're gonna cast next if he sends out white particles it means he's spawning vexes and you can run and get some hits in but if they're gray it means he's summoning fangs and you should probably run and before you head through the portal make sure you bring some TNT as you can use it to farm ender pearls really easily simply build a pillar above a small pit like this and stare at as many Endermen as possible once you've trapped enough place the TNT down and light it for near infinite pearls you can even hold a looting sword while the TNT exploser get even more but what if you're like me you struggle to even find a stronghold speedrunners have a solution once you're fairly sure you're nearby try throwing just a single eye and placing a line of blocks until you think you've run faster then head to the side of a line and throw another eye follow the path until you hit the blocks from before mine down and you'll be right where the stronghold is you know those huge annoying trees you sometimes get from Oak saplings if you place a single block seven blocks above the sapling they'll never grow again you can also use a setup to only get the big ones if you're asleep speedrunners even have ways to make nether portals instantly without diamonds find a lava pool like this then place a block here with water next to it break that and place blocks exactly like this on the side of the pool place water right here and place lava in the formation of a portal around the side remove the water and you've got an instant nether portal with just a single bucket there's also a way to do it in an underwater Ravine but so I'll leave that one to the pros it's not because I can't do it okay
Channel: Mallow
Views: 3,033,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cBJwxZLYy7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 41sec (11981 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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