SSundee Has Been CLONED in Among Us

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up dudes welcome back to among us today I get cloned we are literally all going to have about 50 clones following us and of course as the impostor I can use my clones as a mortar or I can just use my clones as a sword you're going to want to stick around till the end we get pretty toxic so do the things hit the like button down below hit the Subscribe button let's do this all right so how this mod Works uh I'm apparently like I said in the intro getting cloned you can see right now I this is the main me I have the crown but if I go in here to this storage area and um fart on the cobwebs yep it opens up the stretcher machine so if I jump on this oh the interact button is on a longer cool down because if not we'll beat this mod in like 5 Seconds ah so let me do this here we go and no oh gosh this is how I clo myself oh I got to press space okay now what that that I just do why do you got a poop I got a poop look I have five clones come on Z let's go poop okay let's go question how does pooping like equate to cloning it's in the DNA of the feces how do you know know this what I don't oh wait's got a poop oh gosh why is why is everyone at to poop I have to uh did you poop out a clone yeah yay okay so as the impostor listen I have a leaderboard they do not have a leaderboard I can see that Pat already has 10 if the crew mates get to 50 clones they win my goal is to get to I think it's 45 or 50 clones but I also have to get to 200 clone kills this is going to get insane so since I have five clones I unlocked an ability called crew Collision uh let me come Pat I can also mute Pat if I mute Pat he can never talk again in the game I think I muted him hello P I'm going to use crew Collision how are you you're mut Pat Pat Pat no me in my alone you're not Pat yep and there goes my my clones that came back and look at Zod he lost I want to say what was that four I don't know how many clones he had but he lost some and oh I have two kills so he lost two okay so hold on let me get clone convert that ability too okay so I have a gun so I think if I use this I'm going to shoot this right there I stole one of his clones but did you just steal one of my crew or are you are you disguised are you disguised oh my gosh no no no no please come here come here um looks is down to three Perfect all right well that's great we're doing good okay what do I need to do next oh I forgot since I have clones I can command them like I can command one of my clones to go uh let's go have the Clone grab paint go get it clone are you going to go grab paint please go find it where's the paint it's right there go grab it for me there you go look now I have a paint buck in the top left that's what I'm talking about okay let me talk to the Mad Science so I have quests as well uh make a clone from your own poop talk to the evil scientist oh my gosh all my years of studying crew mate Anatomy I found you can go to the bathroom and do whisper I don't all right yep I now I got to go poop hey Z I got to go poop like you can you give me some pointers on how to poop yeah so you need to push in like not out do the opposite of what you think is right I don't usually hold I don't use oh oh I got to type uh z d b t p o r c g q e w e o o i what's wrong with you oh gosh oh gosh um is this how the pooping rely if you type on a keyboard is this how children happen what what uh yeah man yeah guys it's the like button hit the Subscribe button what does that mean all right well what did I get I got ride and die okay I need to check the leaderboard if anybody gets to 50 oh I'm above everyone but they're getting close Pat is currently muted he cannot talk wait I have an idea could I pretend to be muted at some point to like the impostor muted me and they'll sus out Pat maybe since Pat's killing everyone what if that do hold on why did I just break that mirror hold on I'm going to I'm going to camouflage this Pat oh there's sigils hold on I'm going to ride and die what is ride and die what does that do I'm being held up by one of my clones oh hey Pat wait how'd you get up on your guys' shoulders now he's got a long respawn time he's going to lose the race and let's use my uh gun clone I'm going to shoot this hold on where's he going right there and then as soon as he comes here I'm going to have this Pat give it back no why not the sword again please don't no no no how many did he lose I think he was up to 15 maybe and he lost five maybe I don't know this is good though let's on camouflage is this going great wait I'm going to send out my guy again because it's off cool down it's a really long cool down let's make him go grab more paint go grab more paint minion it was right there I could have grabbed it sorry clone I'm sorry I made you do that listen I'll give you a better job next time K okay so I smashed that glass what is Pat doing I don't understand okay so if I walk up to this glass right he gets scared and I got to break it oh wait I forgot since we have a bunch of clones we can also make them dance right oh get out dance St L it your mom doesn't love you nobody loves you sorry get L Dan back wait so get L Dan loser everyone point at him wait I want to point oh God why are they pointing oh gosh they follow the they follow my finger oh gosh this is disturbing no this is disturbing let me ask you a question yeah how do we know that we're not the Clone and we just think we're the original does anybody not want to talk to him anymore SL get away war clone war did I I need to use my thingy um I need to take somebody's clone again oh there's pat pat talk to me ooh paint Pat you need to talk to us pat pat all right what do I need to do next oh I need to break that glass up there yeah right up there okay so oh don't get scared I'm pretty what happens now break it oh I pull him out you're in my team now clone how many do I have now 17 clones and I unlocked cluster Farm sure why wouldn't I unlock cluster fart what is this mod uh let's go ahead and camouflage this Pat I'm going to use my clone convert and wait no there's Pat wait if I shoot Pats I can steal one of Pats without it changing color I'm just going to shoot it at and then I'm going to Cluster fart charge no why every time I run what is happening why am I dying no my clothes are dying stop it they're dying to the fart oh my gosh look at I'm slowly dying scatter go somewhere else they're all die no how many did you lose right there I legitimately don't know at this point but I'm winning like I said I'm the only one that can see the leaderboard so you know I'm not getting sused I need to look at the leaderboard sigils I need to Target him there he is let's do I'm going to steal one of his guys and then when he comes down here I'm going to crew make Collision him what the pat pat no this is the second time that you've done this to and there we go now we have our guys and uh let's go on camouflage and we got to keep going so I'm at 19 so I need to get to 50 I think or it's at 45 I don't remember let's do the next one convince the chameleon to join your crew oh wait no if I want to do the chameleon I need to get these uh beakers with this thingies in them so what I'm going to do uh I'm going to send out hey zud uh I'm going to command I'm going to command my clone go grab a beaker I keep getting paint wait why didn't that work my dad I need to go get paint I need to go get oh wait no I need to go get it first no Bigg around here so if I talk to him hi chameleon if you let me out of here I can become your doppelganger all right chameleon if he say so clone go get a beaker look at him look at him he's going to get the beaker hey my boy dance with me oh big dance party why are you why is looks doing the wave you're just so weird look you're just I want to get pulled apart what oh gosh I'm doing it pull me apart pull me apart dad me yeah do you have any idea what's wrong with you nope okay um all right I need one more Beaker there's a beaker hi can I have this Beaker thank you for letting me have this Beaker uh and dance Hey I'm going to throw three beakers at you one oh it's breaking hold on two look at it breaking please be my friend it worked hey we got more wait how many do I have I have 24 am I on the leaderboard how is s always catching up I don't understand where is he point to him clones is he that way go get him doggy why am I talking to NPCs again stop doing that why did I dab why did they all dab this hurts me all right what did I unlock with that pile Drive okay I unlocked pile Drive cool you know what I got to go pile Drive zud I don't know how camouflage Pat I'm just going to keep susing out Pat he's still muted it says unmute I can click it again to unmute him but he's just permanently muted where's Pat okay there's a hold on I'm going to do what did I unlock pile Drive what does pile Drive do it's a beautiful place to be when I okay what why I was singing a song to my clones what is wrong with you you just killed half of them stop dabbing what is wrong with you I know you're not Pat why am I sliding like I'm like why no do I just going watch them die no I get to and dab on him again what is this oh I'll check that in a second let me go away I have another Quest right to help the fairy get okay and hold on let me do that one I saw a fact machine thingy let me un camouflage okay we me go to the fact machine Cals is on it is he scanning his butt scan in my butt are you scanning your butt don't scan you want see itd no it's not it's super normal guys just like me hey hey suy hop on that machine yeah oh gosh why am I scanning my butt why oh my God how does that clone me oh the your butt's your best feature what that doesn't make sense I'm going to slap you come here stop slapping me guys I just want to cuse existential dread and talk about butts wait should I pretend to be muted soon cuz Pat's going to be cleared probably soon I got to be careful oh my gosh they're getting so many clones no if they're halfway to winning okay I need to hurry what did I unlock with that clone B bowling what does clone bowling do okay hold on I'm going to throw the bowling right there what what did that do they're just all stunned all right well that was fun I only have 28 kills I need 200 kills what am I doing I need to hurry I need to hurry hold on I'm going to oh did you just fart on me Pat what wait did what did I just see no no no no no no no no no Pat I just went from 28 kills to 44 okay now we're making now we're doing it I need to throw another bowling they said I don't want them to clear each other too much so what I'm going to do hold on let them cook I need I need to make sure they're separated I'm going to throw a bowling ball at zud right here scan my butt scan your butt oh my I wanted to scan my butt what is wrong with you stop pushing me what is happening stop dabbing every time you do something wait I can pile I can pile Drive come on close pile Drive oh my I need to kill more did I die why are you why you tall what is that what just happened I just went from 44 to 60 okay now we're making a dent this is going well and let's uh un camouflage I need to do this Quest talk to the fairy crewmate is this like the Fairly Odd Parents what is this yeah right here and here's another Beaker I can't use the beakers anymore I also have to paint okay hold on let me talk to this person help an evil bird has stolen my wand bring it back and I will grant you oh gosh why I don't want to wish what's wrong with you he have you seen a bird with a weird stick yeah come over here it's on this tall thing oh look at that what is that is that a wait is that a Sigil Eagle yeah I'll find him we got to tell him that okay go find him I'm going to eat my blueberries while I wait dundy what is this that we found look this is a Sigil Eagle I'm leaving no no no it's because I symbolize Freedom just everybody slap them everybody slap them stop I got to go I got to go us all right I'm going to talk to the sigil Eagle come here what do I do good Lu man wait I clicked it no I clicked it you failed I got to click it fast you I clicked it you I'm just going to sit here and dance this is not fair I'm telling my mom please dude I'm clicking it oh I did it you did it hey we got it okay what do I have to do return to the Fairly Odd Parent okay hey man hey look at your tiny little army huh I just I just got wait how many do you have how many do you have I'm not telling you how many do you have telling you okay my my first number starts with a two what about yours so does mine my second number starts with a nine what about yours wait we have the exact same well my third number starts with an eight what you have 298 no you have 29 stop okay all right well let me go talk to the Fairly Odd Parent here you got it back now for your reward okay did you just give me more clones I'm at 34 clone Cannon hold on that sounds like it does some damage uh where did it pat Pat's right there okay I'm going to become Pat clone let me see who has lot Pat does I'm going to leave Pat with a lot so it seems like he sus so they're more likely to call a meeting on him I think after I start using this clone Cannon I'm going to mute myself should I so whenever they try to talk to me I'm going to be muted okay this is going to be good let's use clone Cannon right here oh my gosh look I'm Miss stacked I'm going to shoot it right there oh I just went from 60 kills to 100 and I still have another shot of this um let me check the leaderboard sigil has 29 okay let's hit him there he is and just got 18 kills from that so that's pretty good I like that thank you clone Cannon Let's uh let's un transform let's un camouflage oh my gosh what happened here I love so much clothes go get more look up oh gosh oh wait I forgot I can go get more uh paint cans go get a paint can loser I don't know why I said that to an NPC okay so what do I do with the paint cans right you see these uh snowman if I throw paint on it it gets painted I I need to do that two more times but I have a cool down so I got to wait hey Z I saw a bunch of your clones dead over here what happened yeah I know Pat came down and exploded us listen I'm exhausted okay I've scanned my butt 14 times I'm sick of it how sure are you that it's Pat though like do you think he's like you know playing playing a ro cuz Pat's also been muted this whole game and I'm doing air quotes can you see the air quotes right now I'm he's been muted okay okay let's do this I have an idea what I'm going to do I'm going to walk up to somebody as myself and I'm going to do an ability on them and then I'm going to be muted the rest of the game but then I'm going to unmute Pat that's genius what's this look at the size of my suy uh no no no no no no there's no way you just did this to me um put that down please no k no no and then here's what I'm going do since he's dead right here his ghost can still see this so I'm going to camouflage as Pat to make it seem like I un camouflage and then I'm going to unmute Pat oh this is beautiful I'm going to un camouflage and then make sure I'm muted this whole time this is going to be so good hey you with the face yeah you you you right there sunndy Sunny you just killed me huh you think you kill me and get away with it hm wait Sundy wa are you muted oh you're muted wait so somebody osterized you and then murdered me dressed as you yeah okay I I'm following the the symbols yes okay he's waving z z su's muted he's cleared he's cleared su's mut oh you're muted oh make zud just killed me and now he's muted yeah yeah yeah yeah I didn't kill anybody wait he's not muted anymore oh look it's the it's the muted oh my ears work right and is muted now too weird oh it works perfect okay I need more kills I only have 34 clones wait I need to start taking clones hold on I'm going to camouflage this Pat again I'm going to start stealing just shoot that way wait where's Pat shoot that way shoot that way and then uh let's go ahead and Cannon clone right there oh that's a coincidence bad H okay cool yeah cool yeah Pat huh let me guess you're muted again huh yeah there you go 146 kills this is great and now I have to do this uh okay and there we go oh look and this and we got five more clones so I need five more clones and I win well I get enough and then I need 200 kills to win oh and I have one of the last abilities Rumble Rampage and then I get my final form okay what does this do in the meantime uh Pat and shoot a gun I need to steal some more steal some more um right there perfect that's perfect and we stole another one there we go come on my clone we're at 41 I need four more oh wait I forgot I can uh do these levers yeah so if I do this one look at that look at that and then send out another one to click another lever there it goes and I'm going to un camouflage too there we go okay there goes that one look at it hey look at it pulling the lever make sure I'm muted make sure I say nothing I cannot say anything in front of anyone and then if I pull this one there we go oh and this is open now this should be enough and then I just need kills so if I go in here oh god oh gosh I feel very good hey nice do we have enough we have 46 I think that's enough I just need the kills hold on rampage who has the most Pat has the most hold on if I use Rumble Rampage on him it kills all of his clones that'll give me6 I'll still need more hold on all right make sure I'm muted let's see what happens I'm going to jump on pat pat p Pat that's not bad cool so is this Sunday or is this a disguise Sunday hello or is this Sunday pretending to be muted or is it sigil I I actually can't tell I can't tell is it sigil or something no okay it's not me it's not so it's Sunday or sidles Sunday or sidles it's not pad P's clear it's not Kate I'm not stupid wait unless I'm so confused hello please tell me who you are please hey Z cool all right so it's so it's Sunday cool hey no I'm muted Z I'm muted Z M you were muted the whole hold on wait wait wait I'm so worried you're going to tell someone please no please don't tell anyone oh Z you're muted zud point at him come on clones point at him I need you to point at him clones I'm going to mute him really quick and uh hey zad do you have anything to say stop it St what you say that smell bad what are you saying Z what are you saying don't I don't like this have fun and I'm camouflage that's perfect okay cool well I need 30 more kills uh let me find somebody with 30 hello I am so if I do you know what let's just have some fun let's do clone cannon on zud just because I can there we go and where's hello I am uh no there's Nico okay let's do this oh my gosh look at him all bunched up let's just do that and then we'll um oh hold on let me unmute Zed and we got enough and unmute Z what hey zad um so you're going to go press the button you can if if you want yeah oh I'm not dizzy anymore yay yeah you know you're being booted out right I can attack on the Clones no you already got it guys it's time to reach my final I am a Power Ranger attack just keep dancing oh my it's going to be okay do you see all the Death there okay um hey LS look at his clones just explode you know what she has a ton of clones uh there's Z I'll save him look at look at the look Russ zoom in on oh my gosh hey Zod hey nothing I'm just going to go over here me you have one clone look at it that's cute yeah yeah he's my he's my best friend that's all I need don't mind me I'm just going to walk straight over [Music] okay hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,872,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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