SSundee Was Murdered in Among Us

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so today and Among Us I found out that someone is trying to kill me but I'm gonna set up a trap on sigils let's go talk to him real quick I said listen you were currently at my house right I got a tip that somebody is trying to kill you me okay but here's the deal I says this is my nut my house I know how to navigate this you be me right I'm currently me and I'll be you and then we'll so we'll fix this okay trust me guys you do this for me yeah if listen if they hit the like button sigils you won't die okay thank you thank you thank you for saving my life also hit the Subscribe button okay let's do it on all those trains names okay look I'm you right you gotta trust me I love you I will take the hit for you and we will figure this out let's do this okay so whenever we get whenever we go over here just act like you're me whenever I talk move around like you're me okay and I'll you know whenever you talk and you just do for me okay hey guys welcome to my house I gotta look look at my gold chain you know look at my name is great boss come on in guys come on in let's go let's go grab it let's go have some dinner welcome to my house we're gonna get some dinner here I'll take the head of the table over here I'll be the dad of the table okay and okay I'm gonna be on the other hand one hour later that's uh it's time to eat some dessert I'm gonna take the head of the table again there we go okay yes okay everybody keep your eyes [Music] search for Sunday I knew one of you was gonna try to kill me wait what in sigils changed places I am the detective here I will figure out which one of you has done this wait so sigils died um go on now I'll figure this out so I know I can call sigils right hold on let me call them there he goes hold on hello sigils what me so listen there was a miscommunication I thought they were gonna kill you but they meant to kill me okay listen uh do you have any information can you help me at all pour me in the right direction I'm the detective here oh my god look they killed me in the dining check under the dining table for Clues okay I'm gonna go check I'm gonna go check guy go hide and don't get seen okay all right well let me check okay check here okay sudden okay nothing nothing it's gonna be this one isn't it there we go okay table with a green carpet wait I own this house table with a green carpet that's a pool table a Billiards that's over here hey look at my house they were falling hey we got money I didn't want to die so I don't you know I have Essentials die you know I think it's down here is it sigils wait here's the table uh do the thingy show me where your body's at behold oh oh you've done to me listen listen listen ah it's better you than me let me go ahead and check out your body oh gosh it's not good is it no um can you fix it oh oh look I found a clue it's on your head hold on what does it say you think you are smart huh then catch me here's a clue wait your killer is leaving Clues it says leave me alone sigils outfit I don't miss out I'll figure out who tried to kill me but killed you and uh and then I won't be dead anymore oh dude don't punch me I need to go find some Leafs it said Leaf meal okay here's some leaves I think it's all about hi Pat I didn't see any death any Moira I'm the detective here any over here maybe it's here here's a leaf let me dig come on anything nothing where did you leave this weapon over here we got a gun hold on let me pick this up so as we pick these up we all have this number here right this is how we're gonna figure this out all of us have this ID card I have a weapon on this weapon is a clue I gotta spin it nothing nothing okay nothing let me flip the gun 86 hold on let me go to my room let me go to my board oh my God I got an idea yeah here's my super detective detectoring room right here check this out let me fill out this board we'll put zut in the top left we'll put sigils there and me here so you can see everybody this is all of their codes right all of their IDs look at my ID down here and the first code is 86. so here's what I'm gonna do on my note card here I'm gonna type in 86. that's the first two letters or numbers of the ten digit code and as you can see everybody has 86 in the start of their code except for me I have 22. everyone is still a suspect but we will figure it out no you clocked the toilet I did clog anything what are you two gallon about hey my poops are not that big listen challenge the toilet with his big old duck truck as detective sunlocked Holmes I'll get to the bottom of this the bottom of the toilet it was done what is this what is that no what is that who put Cable in here who put a murder weapon in here which one are you doing murder weapon it wasn't checking right now who did it he clogged the toilet first of all let me take a picture of this you just took a picture of me yeah that was of me what sorry no not that one let's check this in the bathroom let me let me turn it yeah don't take pictures of this one it's weird 75. [Music] whenever I say the number 75 do you think you get kind of nervous does anybody I'm 75 years old like that's my IQ I don't know I'm watching you okay let me check your ID actually let me check you're ready all right uh let's put this on the board okay all right let's uh let's write down 86.75 there we go is anybody clear 86.75 86.75 86 75 86 24 sigils sigils is dead he's clear he's literally clear oh that didn't help at all everybody else is still a suspect all right we're getting there we gotta keep finding Clues oh hey hey have you guys seen it hey have you have you ever anything reportedly just working for you we were just looking for you all right we're wondering if we should tell you we saw somebody that looked like Gary outside in the dumpster yeah we don't know what he was trying to do but it was okay boys I'm gonna go check it out hide there's a killer on the loose okay so the dumps I know there's dumpsters out front what is that is this hold on did somebody put a bloody knife here wait hold on hold on is this another clue we got a knife let me search it flip it anything any numbers no okay flip it says noob The Imposter faster they're putting face I will find this imposter you will pay for this where's the dumpster hold on I forgot okay you have anything this is the real knife this is the real murder weapon this is one of the murder weapons I gotta go back to the office I gotta scan this actually I can scan it here let me scan it okay okay rotate it anything we got a fingerprint wait we got a fingerprint look right there hold on let me scan it there we go let's go back to the y'all all right let's plug this into the computer there we go scan it what do we got give me something good match round 30 30. hold on hold on let's write this in thirty eight six seven five three zero eight six seven five three zero wilcoms isn't clear Zod is not clear Pat eight six seven five seven eight not three zero that's clear Gary Biffle zutter not clear that's hello I am is not clear Nico's clear Nico Pat sigils are all clear all right let me round them up where are they at where's everybody at all right boys I have gathered you to my game room definitely not jealous Nico and PAT stand to the left okay is this because what we said earlier no one has ever been out of here since I have been a detective died on my watch not a single time has anyone ever died Nico are both cleared I need all of you to trust me I will figure this out [Music] the body oh it smells good oh that doesn't look good oh I found the okay I found a thingy what's this what do you find pet pee I got into an argument with the Statue the other day and I have to admit it had some rock solid points I have an idea I'm gonna go check the statues guys [Music] we can come with you okay I'll come with you all right come on come on yeah here are the statues I don't even know if I can trust you but I want to keep it look at this you can trust me it's like it's me guys okay let me check it's not you stop it what'd you find did you find anything let me see that real quick before standing there no I was look I was making them look like it's me I'm going open to the chest I have a key I'm going to open the chest here's the chest I got the key we got the poison is this gonna give me a code this has got to give you part of the code hey boys you everybody stay here stay in this room I'm going to do detective things don't nobody leave nobody okay all right time to check it what do we got anything flip it okay flip it nothing flip it 90. all right so we got 90. 867-53090 okay wait three zero three zero four six instead of ninety lookham's clear wait hello I am is clear too Gary has 90. Biffle 90 and zud 90. it's one of these three we're getting there we gotta figure hey stupid okay I need you guys well sorry what who left did everybody where's Nico did you guys leave when I told you not to leave no no I was here the whole time we didn't leave no I didn't I was here I told you not to leave I told you not to leave uh um no there was no no guys like I was saying nobody has ever died on my watch okay I can toast to that uh lookham's yeah come over here you're the only one I can trust me think about sometimes we've recorded interested hello I am as well none of you I mean where is Nico though oh gosh I don't know we all left I'm trying to wait no no no no no no no of course I found it what is this uh I have a stretch limo Tesla it's elongated okay you're my Deputy follow me off Sunday I should be in front of you I'm gonna be with you Sunday no I don't trust either you I am detective sonlock Holmes okay here's the limo did I okay oh oh no there's nothing to see here guys nothing to see here all right good man give me the gun what's on the gun I don't see anything do you see anything oh I got a fingerprint it's probably just Nicos no way I have an idea you boys stay here watch the body I'm gonna I'm gonna go check the fingerprint okay I'm scared okay check the fingerprint what do we got loser it's planted evidence evidence one of those idiots did that which one of you planted evidence huh which one are you planning evidence maple syrup I got it what is this disgusting people what do you call a security guard at a swimming pool the police I'll meet you guys back in the meeting room I gotta go do some detectiving okay here's my pool Zod all right did you throw any did you throw any killer stuff in here I've literally not doing anything so if there's a bet I have to get the Bat Out I missed I see it hold on let me guard the bat hold on I've been trying to go pro on base easy easy you get it you got it Zod I have it is that are you feeling kind of nervous that I found the bat was that I literally feel fine look at my mustache look at it all right Zod I have another weapon we're gonna scan it before we do that guys oh hey boys what's necessary before I scan this weapon does anybody have anything to say yeah I really like wearing this made out before the job okay oh my gosh anything else Gary why were you laughing what you were laughing thought no body move my hands are not moving nobody move okay we got the bat anything flip it we got more fingerprints we got more fingerprints let's throw this in here that there we go 77 that's the last number 77. let me type this in down here Essentials sizzles at you 77 oh suddenly what did you I figured it out wait hold on hold on hold on um Zod last numbers 88. that's clear Gary 70 Gary's clear who killed me who did it sigils do you remember whenever you died yellow banana looking hands you have to take your revenge let's go get up so um I've been doing all my description do you guys have anything to say anything else yeah I think my maiden Butler I have never doubted you at all it stays random guests that I invited beautiful it was you oh my God your subscribers and be honest they're so cute please don't do it what's happening ready are you ready I want to do this for 10 years [Music] Essentials chill man hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we did it oh gosh
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,508,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yy_hBjsSy3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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