Stranded on a Raft For 100 Hours in Among us

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D there welcome back to among us today we are playing the raft mod look at these losers check this out we're currently on this boat right in the middle of the ocean we crashed look at this this is my worst nightmare oh look at the fish so you can see the top right that's our timer once it becomes nighttime you don't want to be in the water you'll see why but how this mod works you see how there are a bunch of rafts around the the island right I'm going to claim this one look at this I claim this right now check this out how this mod works I'm the the impostor my goal I have to upgrade my raft fully by buying all these different things like if I want to buy this smoothie stand which I think I'm going to buy that first so I can get drinks I need 10 oh night's starting can I get these coin you see the top left I have zero coins right let me grab these coins okay I got five deons oh no there's the shark St for me staring for me there Z what why did he get eaten by why did he Z why did you said I was going to all right and they're gone during the day okay well now it's day time so I have D Bloons right you saw the smoothie it costs the smoothie stand if I want to upgrade my raft like I said as I upgrade my raft I unlock more abilities to win as the impostor so the smoothie it cost 10 cloth 20 metal and five wood here's more coins and if I want to get the cloth I got to talk to this here vulture all right stop yapping Give me the give me the goods come on oh yeah there we go so I can buy five of these for 10 gold there we go now I got five so I got to run around get a bunch of gold I can also do quests like deep poop the poop deck talk to Pirate Captain hello Captain we seem to be stranded like you lot oh and to make matteress where's our supplies be dwindling by the okay cool all right it's okay yeah give me the deons I got to clean the poop sweeping the poop I swept up this is not my poop by the way okay I'm sweep in the poop Yep this is it's like is that it's white cow poop because it's all spotted like a cow and of course as I'm cleaning up this poop dude do me a favor you know you know the deal hit the like button if you enjoy the content show us some love hit the Subscribe Button as I clean up the turds oh gosh okay that should be enough Quest log updated return to Pirate Captain Hey sir oh it's day starting up hey matey thanks for help here's some deons for you 100 oh it's daytime I'm out of here loser so as the Imposter like I said I unlock ability as I upgrade my ship I currently have a kick ability I'll use that later but I have to be careful cuz I can call a meeting of me out so I got to be careful okay so I need five more of these I think there we go 10 there we go yeah look now I can get the carpet carpet plate look boys we got the carpet okay next thing I'm going to get is the Smoothie right so I need metal wood and plastic oh look here's the metal hi sir what are you buying all right give me metal I need 20 metal 50 gold for 20 okay I'm going to do this and there we go all right I got the metal I need what you buying nothing now I need five wood what are you buying okay and also since I'm the impostor I I think I need five wood right yeah five I can also use my abilities to steal gold z s it's nice I'm scared give me get get your thing get your thing no don't give me no no kill him oh my gosh easy Z hold on Z we got to we got to work together and kill these sharks okay my money sorry sorry that no no no this bloodthirsty sharks give me the money daytime oh that was close holy crap okay okay so I need to find the plastic I think it's down there in the bottom right and I think I need 10 okay so I still have 30 balloons but I have all the resources to create the smoothie and then I get my first item well my second item okay here we go buy this and smoothie do we get it P trap unlocked look we got a smoothie stand now yay okay okay so I think that also unlocked vandalized did it or did I already have that all right so now I have P trap but I have to be careful I can also camouflage uh I'll camouflage as Biffle oh and gold let me get some gold there we go wait I'm want to go talk to Gary Mr whale hey Biffle I'm about to be the one leaving this place are you pooping right now what did you just do all right you listen you be safe okay what [Music] the it's night time Sun's raft yay all right so he may be sus of biffl or he may not be because they they know the Imposter can't camouflage okay so Gary isn't permanently dead it just sets him back because he H has a really long cool down or respawn timer okay actually where is Gary's boat um let me check the leaderboard I'm at 133% of my raft done Gary's at 26 I'm going to have to kill zud soon I got to stop him he is taking over the leaderboard if they get to 100% they can escape okay what do I want to buy next uh let's get a Jacuzzi 20 plastic 10 metal 10 wood do I have enough gold for that I don't know if I do hold on I'm going to go use vandalize on Gary I'm going to camouflage as Biffle I'm going to go wait I'm going to go vandalize zud since he's at 33% Pat's the leading too oh here's zud's oh zud's here hi be look at my smoothie stand look at my chairs bi I'm going to vandalize are they nice okay what Biffle is this actually Biffle speak to me oh oh he's tring that's good to know oh that's beautiful oh look I got some resources for vandalizing I mean I knew you got resources but not that many um camouflage is Biffle let's go to Gary and uh what do I vandalize no no no Biffle get off my raft I'm going vandalize this fish tank are you kidding me you I you know what give me your money somebody call a meeting it's Biffle oh wait it's someone disguised as Biffle it's not Biffle help Biff Stop drowning people Nico bi drowning people he drowned me too did he really just do what did you just do all right well do I have enough resources for anything I just got a bunch of free resources all right I'll take it I can buy a fish tank but I want to save for a Jacuzzi all right let's get some more wood is that enough oh no it's night time please no sharks please no sharks I hate this so much oh there's also other quests that I need to do to get more money just run grab the money okay we're good dude this is terrifying for you guys that don't know I am terrified of deep water I don't like it okay let's go back to our base I should be able to give to jacuzzi now and jacuzzi does it work let me see we got a jacuzzi boys and I got a new ability water jet teleport I mean I assume that's just a I can teleport across the screen now that's going to help me significantly okay what I want to get next I I need to buy three chairs and four cannons I'm going to work on the chairs next so I need 20 Fabric and 10 wood oh my gosh let me do a task Let's uh clear the wh the whales blo hole get the bottle out of the whales blo hole yeah I saw the whale up here earlier hi whale those pesky vultures must have dropped this in my blo hole when they stole from the Pirates okay man care to give me a hand oh god oh v d XJ n k r o e b that's better thanks again it seems that bottle went it's night time hurry up stop talking stop talking I don't like this I stop freaking talking I got to go back to my ship yep there's a struct okay I got 120 gold now that's pretty good all right so 20 20 fabric 10 wood got it um and that task is done wait what is that rescue the mermaid so my impostor is uh vandalize other rafts upgrade your raft got it uh all right let me check the leader board they're all at 40 I'm at 20 I need to hurry uh oh Gary has a chair camouflage what if I vandalized the chair will that give me the resources for a chair that gave me 20 fabric water jet teleport huh what does this do why is that on my base why is that at my base I don't like that I can't teleport on my base that'd be too sus I'm going to teleport in the middle no no no I can teleport somewhere to do another task yeah one of the tasks is save the mermaid oh gosh all right well let's do this uh there we go wait why am I hello oh that was a bad idea that was a bad idea okay how do I do this okay please don't kill me I don't like this I don't hurry up night time there's literally seven sharks and somebody just died just keep running just keep running just keep running just keep running all right I don't like this mod I don't like this mod at all you saved the day I thought for sure those sharks would have been the end of me I got you mermaid I don't that's gross all right got it cool you're my hero what did that did that is that going to give you a bunch of money oh gold I'll take it all right cool um go ahead and use this jet thingy what happens if I land on somebody like what if I land right here on Nico right careful how'd you get here the heck was that bi hello being weird Sun's wrapped all right let's go ahead all right let's go ahead and vandalize the chair there we go that gave me it was this isn't bi I you know what I'm gonna save him I'm gonna resc I don't know it's bi or not I can't tell who are you I resc wait I'm going who are you who are you give me your money thank you did you oh no why what is wrong with you you give me back that money I just want to vot out B at this point I don't even care anymore oh it's night time is that going to die there's no way okay he's good he's good he's good he's good I'm going to do this right here I'm going to do this right here laun this is a fun mod I like this I'm going to pee right there actually I'm going to pee right there at the entrance of the boat all right um I need three chairs let me go get another chair um so I need 20 fabric uh there we go and I need 10 wood hey bevel hey s you get I have been hearing some sus things about you bi listen whatever you're hearing it's wrong I'm being framed by somebody and I don't sorry I just need I need money gold I need gold I need gold I need gold I need gold so now I should be able to buy all three chairs one two three we got all three jet ski unlocked look at my chairs boy we got a Jacuzzi we got chairs okay hold on so I got jet ski what the heck is that I should just be I I'm just going to stay people I'm going to play no uh give me a minute like I was saying I'm just going to play The Narrative that I'm Biffle hopefully they fall for it and vote him out but they probably won't we'll see all right jet ski what does this do oh my gosh no let me check the leaderboard um I'm catching up besid still ahead um what a okay jet ski is broken let me check what I want to do next let me go ahead and camoufl un camouflage what are we doing next four cannons dude that looks so expensive 20 metal wait can I just steal their cannons hold on camouflage I'm going to go check to see whose base has cannons Gary has three cannons here we go yeah and vandalize that one give me my money you freak he's in the water with the sharks he's in the water with the sharks help me pi I'm going to tell everyone that you murdered me and let's go ahead and vandalize another Cannon all right that's 40 metal I'll take it uh I should probably also do another task catch the rainbow fish win the race find the mysterious bottle I assume it's this boat here right okay oh gosh all right let me un camouflage it's this one right it's no use I've tried everything but I can't catch the legendary rainbow fish if you want to try be my guest okay man I got you uh okay middle easy it how's this difficult for you how's that difficult for you why was that um you did it that means it's all yours thanks cool oh I got a rainbow F oh that's sick did I get any Theo did I get any money I got 100 gold so I'm going to need 80 metal 20 plastic and eight wood okay this will be fun pleas how does this keep happen nope NOP nope go away already all right cool sorry zad all right let me get the plastic I need 20 plastic uh we'll just buy 10 uh 10 more there we go I need eight wood that should be enough and now I need metal this is literally I need so much metal there we go 50 60 70 and three more 80 that should be enough to get all four cannons dude we are doing it here we go 1 2 3 4 wait are we winning we're winning dude D this is broken I am 73% okay hold on let me look at my cannons I unlocked another ability too what was it um seagull strike what does that do hold on who second I'm going to mess with Gary I'm going to no I'm going to I'm going to seagull strike Pat let's seagull strike [Music] Pat is that literally a zero cool down wait hold on did it break can I use it again I'm going to use it on Z why who it's bi it's just I don't care anymore it's bi it's a literally bi bi I'm voting you out the second chance I get all right it's uh I think it's broken I'm not going to abuse that I might get banned I got to be careful okay I'm going to go talk to uh zud what happens to zud um hold on I can one shot sharks with the jet ski okay it's not I don't I don't even care about you at this point I just want you vot it out look what you're making me do he's clean this for doesn't really have a brain so I don't know all right I'm going to vandalize something I'm going to vandalize this smoothie stand what is wrong why I worked hard on I'm going to pee outside of this door I'm going to pee like right there wait that he drowned the pee in his raft this is a weird mod I kind of like it um okay so the great dolphin race and the Mysterious bottle I have a ton of money what am I going to unlock unlock next wait I can get everything fish tank painting anchor swing what is that unlocked anchor swing and drown oh gosh camouflage is bi there's Gary hold on anchor swing get away from me Biffle no no I'm dodging no okay that's it somebody call him me this is getting ridiculous I'm going to get you voted out yes oh my gosh he I'm sick of bi I'm tired of bi you suck you smell bad what if the what if the Imposter is disguising as bi come on guys even if it's not Biffle I'm sick of seeing Biffle kill me so therefore vote him out he's out at this point I just want peace of mind a good point good point it might be honestly might be just skip get out of here oh hey guys the game didn't end just kind of throwing that out there so that was a wrong call all right well clearly it's not me go do we have any other susses like at all no that was it I'm all done done it had to be done okay so anchor swing stuns them in the water what does drown do I assume drown is just drowning okay camouflage I can still camouflage is beautiful sick dude honestly Dodge the sharks you can dodge a wrench can you die he's still cleaning his ass that's great to know all right it's daytime let's go talk to Gary what the heck are you oh no I'm going to go res you I don't know who you are Z oh wait a minute drown him wait no you you are just cruel you are an evil man or woman help all right what do I need next I'm at 86% the gold raft I need 10 gold where do I get gold from oh up there oh gosh okay gold what are you buying uh 10 I need 1,000 gold for that oh gosh I only have two gold piles I still need 800 gold an hey bi's still alive well I challenge you to a duel we're holding our breath on look at our goes down slower whenever you're hitting space stop it no you're you're lucky I didn't have my auto clicker turned on Z this what happen you don't CH Sunday sorry hey I need I need more gold you have any more gold can I have some of your gold drowning out of thank you okay so if I race I also need to find the mysterious bottle what does that mean what bottle it says mysterious bottle I can finally win oh we got to follow the arrows boys oh okay you got to follow the arrows hit that oh that's what those things are got it okay oh I'm winning I'm winning where do I go now this way down here this way follow the arrows follow the arrows you're getting wrecked oh this way went the wrong way this way I am owning [Applause] what I just won the leader board I hate this I just won the leaderboard um okay well that's pretty good now I need to find the mysterious bottle that gave me 100 that gave me another gold I need more though where's the bottle is it this here on the map oh here's the bottle Treasure Map Quest log updated find the sunken treasure where up there x marks a spot all right x marks a spot oh we got some money oh and I got a treasure chest on the island on my boat that's sick uh Quest lock oh my quest Lock's done no I just need enough money how am I going to get $800 more dollars I know there's a tail of a golden shark but I hav't it hasn't spawned I legitimate don't know speak of the devil the golden shark is spawned I have to kill that before everyone else I will kill that golden shark I will kill it stay away suay no no no no you're not getting this golden shark where is it where is it where is it where is it wait can I jet ski the golden shark to get the kill I got to find it there it is help me done oh no it's Biffle get away from both J SK get all I got 1,000 gold boys all right well that's broken um golden shark is broken why didn't I just search for that the whole time got it all right here vulture give me the gold give me the gold I got 12 gold now literally living in luxury so if I jump on my boat there we go gold raft Quest log updated look at my raft what is this talk to the pirate Captain I'm going to go up there at bi have to call a meeting it's Biffle it's literally Biffle we called the meeting I don't understand why are you talk to the pirate that be some fancy raft you got there got me thinking you got enough room there for me and the crew who are you wait it's not of us wait oh no wait oh no call a meeting oh no call a meeting rap Rampage here we go shoot off the Cannons this is my goal oh we just destroy everything okay all the rafts are gone great hit the like button the Subscribe button oh you did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,984,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0b43oSn4WbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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