100 Days in a Haunted Prison in Among Us

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so today and among us we've got an interesting one this is 100 days in a haunted prison and of course stick around till the end there's a pretty interesting ending hi we're in prison I think who's who's there who's the other prisoner with me dude look at this it's me and Gary oh no when we're in a haunted prison what's gonna happen hey we didn't do it why why am I getting beat up what is happening all right boys haunted prison let's do it Gary Gary are you here oh no nobody's here prison there is a lot of things that we need to do to break out of this prison look there's a ghost over there it's a haunted prison and boys if you don't want to go to prison hit the like button what just hit the like button so I show my mouth hit the Subscribe button let's do this oh there you are oh Gary Gary the Warrens are coming well well oh well look at these nerd bags we have some newbies in here listen we didn't do anything wrong I only yeah I didn't do anything wrong okay you know what we do to newbies around here don't you boys you guys gotta fold all of our stinky laundry that's right come with us no follow me boys all right boys we will get out of this prison we'll figure it out we have all these tasks we will get out of here it's day one we have until day 100 to leave where are we going oh you smell that you know what that's right smells like detergent stinky socks and don't worry let me add a little extra something in there yeah go ahead and start start folding these things okay Gary listen Gary listen I have concocted a plan to get us out of here I need you to trust me Gary first thing we need you see that guy over there looking all menacing looking all menacing yeah we need to go talk to him do me a solid and drop off the package at the top sell five and do not get caught Gary here's the deal in this package if I drop this off we have our first tool to get out of you can see our inventory down center right once we get all the tools we can break out of this haunted prison come on Gary what is that Quest log updated foreign there we go easy Quest log updated talk to Big Joe come on Gary all right please don't get caught if you get caught I'm gonna punch you sorry okay sir listen we dropped it off thanks man you are all right in my book take this okay what'd I get we got street cred look in the top left once that bar fills then we can leave hey there you are guys where were you what are you doing phone closed this whole time we were in the back we were cleaning the uh beautiful dirty underwear I got a screwdriver now and I can shank stop it put me down I don't wanna oh gosh all right good night good night Gary yeah get up day one's not over yet Gary I have a screwdriver okay Gary listen here's what we have to do we have to sneak around this prison we can't get caught I am gonna unlock as many of those vents as we can before we go to sleep come on okay hold on I saw a vet in here when we were in here right here here we go oh nice now we gotta go to the bathroom and unlock the other side now we have a secret passageway from the bathroom into the laundry room another van Gary okay we gotta go on the other side to unlock it we're in the cafeteria make sure nobody's here dude it's haunted it's spoopy all right that's unlocked I can eat the food here and unlock this so now we can get from library is this Library I don't know what this is the cafeteria got it we made it nothing happens just go to sleep you guys to sleep yeah day two oh God Gary we've been sleeping for 25 days get up Gary hey everyone it's time to get a workout in oh God why have we been sleeping for 25 days I don't understand you don't worry about it you know why it's time to go to the yard and get yourself my legs are lethargic you need some workout you guys be getting a little chunky after these days excuse me okay okay I'm gonna work out I'm gonna work out hold on I'm gonna punch the punching bag yeah you better watch I'm gonna work out oh gosh Gary look guys no good that guy looks no good kill Joy Kyle we need to talk to him I need yous to take care of some Chumps for me do this so use ain't God Gary every time oh oh my every time we talk to one of these guys would get another ability I have a shank ability from the screwdriver now we have invisibility right my next uh thingy stab the targeted Target oh I got a stab a ghost because this is haunted oh I'm gonna go invisible I'm gonna stab him invisible okay he never saw that they had no idea what Gary what sorry I just I I'm stab happy Gary listen we can probably use the invis and shank to steal the the security card from one of the the guards all right let me talk to this guy attaboy you'll do just fine around here okay cool thanks man Gary we just got more cred we are almost halfway there hey Gary we're just we were here though let's lay down lay down lay down lay down okay now we're innocent act like you're stupid find them where are they where were you there was a couple of dead bodies of the yard where we left hey wake up wake up for like the past eight hours oh gosh you guys aren't going anywhere listen where where are you guys we need to know nothing about no dead bodies we've been sleeping locked up sleeping this where you're gonna be staying for the next few days guys we have to keep a closer eye on them you know Gary I don't want to be here anymore Gary all right Gary here's what I want to do stay here that be be on the lookout say that I'm sleeping underneath the bed if anybody comes by okay so what I have to do since it's night time I have my invis right so the security look at these doors they Auto close I can't get in there but whenever I use invis I can sneak past the door but that is laser guarded right but this one the Armory is not so if I go invis there we go here's here it is here's the box if I grab this Quest log updated we got the disguise so now I can use this disguise to turn into one of the guards okay let's just go this way and everything seems to be checking out lookups it's Sunday sleep ing near his bed he listen uh ah why'd you punch me I swear he good job Terry you did good wait what oh my gosh I'm gonna go to sleep Gary go to sleep go to sleep good night Gary Dave how why are we sleeping for like 30 days Gary oh my God I feel like a new man all right Gary our street cred is is increasing right we are starting to get more credibility calm down calm down Gary okay dirt bags what all hungry to start making some food because we're hungry there you go get him in there stop hitting us uh delicious oh great not really sure how this stuff is gonna taste but Gary look at the next Quest talk to Salty Sam look at him he's got salt on his head those wardens drive me nuts you should poison them newbie here let me show you how wait what oh god where's it going I think he just farted he oh no oh he gave us the ability to poison wait hold on hold on what do we do now poison the targeted Warden hi Gary here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna disguise as Locos you just keep cooking if anybody runs by say that I went to the toilet to wash my foot what okay deal got it easy okay gotta mute again I'm telling you it was the new inmates hear me out though we are having a food shortage of this buddy and used it for that's what we've been doing with all the other food in the thing Ohio lookups should we yeah cook this body up for our food or not yeah we can put that towards the slot what just happened they're both farting and vomiting okay I gotta run this way I gotta run I gotta go invis oh I'm farting now oh my God and then I gotta undisguise after I'm done vomiting oh I have somebody vomited on me disguise Gary oh my God that was not me I'm sorry Gary that was not me go back to Salty Sam look we we uh poison the targeted Warden hey salty Sam I did it that's hilarious let's pull more pranks together newbie okay we did it our street cred is full here's what we have to do so the guards don't think it was us Gary we gotta do this Gary I'm sorry this is just what's gotta happen wait we got a son come here this is our Alibi when they suffer [Music] oh God okay listen we got poisoned why did you hit me it wasn't me it's five you're still literally a criminal come on you're going I'm not you're listening I'm a good person go ahead okay I literally flush the toilet every time I poop and pee so your hands I wash my left hand yes standing in here and don't ever talk back now yeah that's right that's right go to sleep okay I'm going to sleep just please don't watch Jake please don't watch me check out the time story please don't watch me sleep I don't want to be watching Gary Gary wake up I gotta plan follow me Gary so I saw some red lasers here I want to try something so if I disguise as a guard I'm gonna disguise this Bibble but the door closes you so you can't go move away from it look it opens for me now since I'm a guard why why can I get by these lasers on disguised what's going on what is good did you guys try to get inside the spots happening listen listen listen listen it wasn't me it I I listen I Sleepwalk I sleepwalk and I slept walk oh okay and I get back into yourselves open the door open the door hey open the door you guys are exactly bad people you guys are bad people let me just delete this one up a little bit stop please get out of ourselves we slept for another like 25 days Gary not good oh somebody's vomiting just act natural hey guys we've only been sleeping for 30 days it's fine don't worry about it it's time for the worst cleanup of Your Life get em boys it was Taco Tuesday last night and um the bathrooms might be a little dirty from the wardens let's just say that we just heard yeah you might want to hold your breath oh god oh what is it we'll be watching you guards take a door take a door away come on I'm cleaning are we getting stop cleaning why am I cleaning with diarrhea I don't understand I'm gonna say this you smell extra nice today Gary get up here Gary I'm cleaning I'm cleaning guys I have the shank we need to steal somebody's card we need to figure out which security guard has the card I'm gonna look oh they're actually standing at the doors okay all right clean that toilet let's go over here and clean this toilet so much in the toilets just cleaning just cleaning keep quieting I'm cleaning right there that spot right there is very scary she had the card so this says find a mirror Shard to deflect the red laser Gary check this out we could we didn't have to do okay okay I got it oh gosh look I have a glass Shard though we can reflect the lasers Gary this is why we made the vents open that's so smart hi there's no way this works it's just glass sharks I'll do the disguise as Lookers you go invis and you can get through okay ready go okay okay now I'm gonna undisguise and then I'm gonna use the glass Shard nice nice oh Works Gary it works go right you hold the right one get the right one oh oh gosh we're doing it Gary we gotta disguise again we gotta disguise again there we go here's the button the button hold on we gotta press the button I should prepare myself more Gary we need to steal that key card for us to leave oh my God Gary we gotta hurry up and get back there before they check the toilet all right Gary just keep cleaning just keep it yeah hey guys we're still cleaning we're still cleaning up I think lots of poop in this room we tried it you literally can't we're shining a turret work harder okay listen we're Connor I want to talk about you know that's it go back to yourself you know I have legs I can walk right all right I'm going to sleep put me down I'm going get back in your belt in your bed right now I'm going to sleep I'm going to sleep ow stop it Gary wake up I need to get that key card I gotta go on a mission Gary let's just ask her for it oh that's smart you're gonna disguise you're gonna go to sleep if anybody comes by tell them that I'm sleeping under the bed because are you gonna ask her for the key card in French let me hear it uh parles versus French take the card go and visit run Lucas you wanna come watch this with me I know your break's not for like another like 10 minutes but are not gonna break up right wait no look up what you did that for what I stole my car I stole my car let's go Gary Gary Gary I got it oh no Gary act like you're sleeping act like you're sleeping in my bed in my bed hurry up hey what's going on hey what no we're just sleeping no hey we've been sleeping buddy we didn't attack anybody we've been sleeping get them boys we're taking them solitary confinement we didn't do anything we've been sleeping is this put them down too yeah you see all these guys yeah this will be one of you how long have they been here we got zud down here yeah he hasn't eaten in four days this guy don't even talk to this guy he's real bad open it up [Music] there it is open it there you go put them in there get inside here you'll be here forever Gary yeah it's sleep time Terry rap this is it this is it check this out we have the key card you are so smart there we go okay wait hey you come and help me also why why would I thanks man take this and get away from here I'm going to free all the others here take what what have you giving us oh oh my a blaster I have a gun wait oh that goes good Gary this is our chance this is how we get out of here it's day 100 we can do this gets a red button we gotta go press that red button Gary thanks Kate for the key card let's go Gary okay so the button keep right there there's the button uh oh I pressed the wrong button oh gosh glass Shard wait I gotta go invisible I gotta go invisible too this glass Shard and go okay I'm gonna press the button you ready no uh oh uh the alarms are going off this is our chance to escape that was the button Gary into Riot it's a riot oh no oh no what's going on oh there's the explosion let's keep going just keep going Gary oh salty Sam died never leaving my prison yeah does it block this oh nice nice Gary let's get out of here oh here's the door leave Gary [Music] oh he escaped the haunted prison boys hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 9,629,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sSFuQNQp7Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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