completing this impossible skill test challenge sent me to therapy

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all right we're checking out the only game where no matter how high you start off it will eventually beat you down and drag you to hell it's grand theft auto 5. remember how i said games that start you off all the way at the bottom and then they go so high that you actually don't get to see where they end up because it goes past the stratosphere scare me this is the opposite it goes down so low that i don't know where the end of the game actually is on this track checkpoint i appreciate that there's a little arrow it's like if you'd like to continue to hell please go this way oh what do you know it's tightrope yeah the car fits already all i have to do is just do a little testing on the lord jesus christ on the suspension here and everything will be decide [Applause] as usual i have found a board that a lot of people have played and even more people have hated which means it's perfect for my purposes are you actually supposed to go on the u here christ almighty what is up with this board i don't know what up or down or anything is impossible parkours makes my pp hurt hey it worked yeah i think you just kind of you know go over here excellent what the hell is that down there would i have to go inside of the thunderdome eventually why am i sliding upward look i'm not doing anything my car is just slowly levitating back to hell it's like not today satan too bad we've got an appointment with the devil and we can't keep them waiting oh my god um this is very disorienting all right so i have to do what i did before and then do it again so perfect and then flippity-doo up this way oh yeah some board creator went through a lot of work to make this board that means that i have to give him his dues in pain perfect all right now as long as this bastard doesn't plan anything particularly annoying for me here and i can just get this checkpoint i will continue to play his board appropriately oh what a nice guy checkpoint okay so go flying off here into what [Music] nice what the hell what do i have to oh you have to fit through the tiniest little hole oh hell oh yeah oh this is oh god this is thumbnail material if ever i did see it perfect now i just have to make sure that i land this and don't can't too hard oh really uh hmm apparently i need slightly more speed for the maybe i can save this i can't save this okay how about i'm gonna use this wall to my advantage all right and go yes yes yes yes you oh god oh roll it roll it over to the side roll it over to the side i was waiting when all of the 99s would start rearing their ugly heads i found them this is a tremendous pain in my ass i can see my death from here wait yes sure well this is a very satanic level you've made here what the hell are you supposed to do now i don't actually see oh my god no okay i've i've done this before i i just have to like very slowly glide down oh yeah all right through here and pull through here checkpoint i need enough speed to i'm oh okay jump over here i overshot it i do appreciate that this board has different elaborate types of things that you need to do why is that road completely sideways i guess i'll find out when i get there checkpoint okay i can't really see where this is taking me but i'm sure it'll be fine never mind i found it the fact that this board creator gave me a slowdown is a lie i was gonna say it makes me love him but now i don't love him as much because most of the part of my brain that loves people is laying in the airport beneath us okay very controlled turn here very oh my god no what the hell is this nascar speedway on crack okay go around here doing good so far oh yeah oh yeah oh god start to get a little steeper oh yeah you know what we call this this board right here al dente that means it's hard enough to make me wish it were soft i trusted my instincts and my instincts didn't lie to me that's good checkity checkpoint my beloved roads guess i get to fall to my death now what i was trying to say is my beloved road spikes how long has it been since we've been together did you like that pro gamer move ow ow i'm just i was going to say i'm trying to get some chips in the paint it gives it character okay and by some chips i mean a lot of chips what the hell what what the hell uh i'm sure if i just keep the gas down things will somehow work out things things did not work out i'm dying now i'm dying now because i thought because i thought optimistically for once yay back to the beginning of the spiked area oh god i hit that one spike so hard i left some of my pixels on it gotta do this with some speed okay i actually have no idea how the hell i'm supposed to get through this but we're getting through this may the pain be with you on the plus side i'm getting really good at going through the spikes didn't even touch them okay so somehow i need to get over this but with just the right amount of momentum oh yeah okay sweet perfect yep this is okay i'm not i'm not feeling quite as confident now oh um hold on now just just trust me here i have i have a plan my blender okay smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth totally smooth smooth smooth smooth nope keep sideways keep sideways if i no no no no no no i thought you were a friend oh ye who made this board i was wrong hell yes clearly the key was just sending it checkpoint all right go up the wall of sadism uh i don't what do you what the hell what do i just go off i guess i just go off and hope this works i feel like this is a terrible idea maybe you're supposed to follow this lip oh baby jesus why did you make this lord give me strength there we go okay now although gravity is constantly trying to pull me to the right uh if we just idle speed this i think we'll be oh what do you know more road spikes all right idle this way and then idle this way if we touch one of these spikes we're screwed saved i have to do what i did but sideways you freaking kidding me over to go okay okay go this way go around this way oh yeah this is fine this is fine okay front down front down front down and turn and gray don't screw this up great don't screw this up great don't screw this up checkpoint good thing too because there's a space here that the bastard put okay this looks surprisingly normal i don't know i don't really know where the where the difficulty in this part comes from besides oh my god besides the fact that i have to get through all the damn spikes is that a tactical nuke in the distance it's either a tactical nuke or a unicorn horn i was looking at the unicorn horn and it almost killed me typical florida driving uh okay again this looks really simplistic uh checkpoint you gotta be kidding me all right top down for the win oh yeah i got plenty of space to do this and by plenty of space i mean i wish i had another like two or three inches i know i know i know that's what she said i'm waiting for it oh yeah oh patience oh yeah patience is my middle name right here look at this boom now we have to fondle the nuke here here we go oh that that was some primo new fondling over here jump one of these pop the front again pop the front a third time perfect did i get a choice of which way to go i mean i guess the i guess i already made the decision left it is real quick i just want to know can i pop your balloon pop it because we haven't had enough tightroping hey i landed somewhere where the hell am i i don't think i'm supposed to be here i'm just curious um you got like a checkpoint for me anywhere or is this just like um this is a thing or there's not a thing just oh my god how much more of this board is there back at the beginning yay and made it nice is there a checkpoint anywhere i guess i'll just follow these arrows and hope that they have my best interest in heart oh god that was almost very very painful okay go around these spines juggle up here how long is it until i get my next checkpoint oh it's right there oh thank you god don't you screw with me board and checkpoint i love it i'm just leaving a little bit of my paint all over the place to let everyone know i was here ah a couple more of these when i think about all i've done and i look at all i still have to do i feel like this is the longest board i've ever played all right yep just penetrate right through here nice okay not so nice brakes are for squares hell yes oh god oh fish chilling i saved it okay go around captain america's shield through the spikes except now we're going at like a 75 degree angle fantastic where's the lies at i can smell them come on and don't fall into the crevice checkpoint all right now luckily going around the doombagel is something i've done before at this point so i'm pretty sure i can handle this first try oh god i screwed it up oh yeah oh yeah i can see this i can still no send okay this is different it's almost like it's a different trajectory on this one although probably more likely is the fact that i just suck that could also be it there we go i'm gonna slide into this checkpoint boom what the hell is this uh my car fits on this right oh this this is just a glitchy mess i'm sure we'll be fine oh god oh it is you have no idea but it is pulling back oh my god it is pulling all over the place my tires are going nuts okay just just just go just go just go all you have to do is go go go go go go go yes yes i'm really glad i got that like the second time because that could have turned out to be a gigantic pain in my ass what the hell are you supposed to do here oh i did that surprisingly well i did that so well i have to kill myself what is that what the hell it's like a giant sphincter in front of me oh i needed a lot more speed i was too busy looking at the eye of sauron i didn't realize what was going on here hold on there we go we need all the speed for this yay i'm pretty sure we got it perfect and then i have to i i don't know what i have to do i actually have no idea what the hell i'm doing here i think i overshot this i'll piss oh wait i didn't i didn't overshoot it at all got it behold the roller coaster of pain oh god full flip and the smoothest landing ever got it go through yeah i'm sorry go through the yellow pair here that's that's what it is that's what it looks like out penetrate the pair mark two okay all right this looks way better than the last one and smooth landing well look it counted okay what in the hell is this it actually doesn't look that bad this is more about how there's more about timing than anything else i'm just gonna go through it i don't even care oh yeah oh yeah perfect checkpoint through a secondary pair god i stubbed my car on the pair do i have to do i have to go through three of these in a row okay hold on i need to land this really smooth in order to do this that is not lined up this is not lined up okay never mind it's lined up good enough [Music] ow yeah all right you got me i'm breaking out the controller there we go oh that's sultry look at this bing okay that was that was awful [Music] wow penis okay straight straight straight straight straight okay that looks smooth oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah bam checkpoint all right go through the tube over here nice and smooth slow down because i know it'll probably try and knock me off yep oh what a save baby how the hell am i supposed to make this oh boy um okay so i think you just have to send it the whole way and then prepare yourself to oh sh i can do this and prepare yourself to can't this way i can't it way too hard grace still plays in the yeat of a lifetime ah okay that was pretty smooth without losing any speed there it is okay nice oh no it's so ah okay you can't bottom out the car otherwise you lose too much speed so pull back land it this way turn into it there we go nice nice nice nice oh no oh i'm not gonna make it okay yeti lord one oh god and then point downward this is good this is good nice oh no gotta keep all the speed got to keep all the speed all the speed don't don't turn too much don't turn too much don't turn too much oh no no no no god all right that was my closest one okay nice landing and then cam upward a little bit problem is every time i can't upward trying to catch this way i lose all my speed oh wait i still might have this okay i have to land on this i have to land on this damn it it doesn't matter how many times never gonna give up this last platform is such a pain in my ass because you either land too far up here and get ricocheted off or miss or you land too low and you don't have the traction to continue come on this looks good this looks good this is probably my best one okay land it strong and then come on come on get there get there get there you can do this you can do this just land on it just land on it just land on it just land on it please god oh yes oh my god oh oh i don't care what kind of tightrope you have for me i am so happy with what just happened uh and over the loop like this nice through you and your loopy all right so you have to go over the loop you have to go pretty fast oh damn it not that fast this is actually surprisingly annoying because now i have to go fast enough to land on that pad but too slow and i'll miss the pad and too fast then i'll overshoot the pad and i have to do this damn tight rope before every attempt all right that's too fast okay so much much slower around this this and then off and then there we go perfect oh my balls welcome this for the finish hell yes well that was the longest nut pummeling i've ever taken but we did it i'm gonna go ahead and soak in a pool of ice water hope you enjoyed this episode of gta 5 until the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,582,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 online, gta5 online races, gta 5 online stunt races, custom races, stunt races, gta 5 skill test races, best gta 5 races, gta 5 races, hardest gta 5 races, gta 5 hardest stunt race, gta 5 hardest stunt race ever, gta 5 hardest race, gta 5 mods, gta 5 ramp, gta 5 mega ramp, gta 5 super ramp, gta 5 noob pro legend, gta 5 noob pro hacker, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, graystillplays gta 5, impossible challenge, wallride
Id: kW45Yg5l2Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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