Making An Elsa Dress in a Day!

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oh hi there my name is not compatible but the first three letters of McAra are M I see commonly misspelled in I K and that spelled backwards is kin and if you take all the letters of my last name and replace them with completely different letters you get possible coincidence yep so here's the sitch in my last video I asked you guys to throw me some suggestions of which bros into costume I should make and boy did you throw those suggestions they were being thrown in as much excess as food in the high school cafeteria in an early 2000s teen movie now it stands to reason with my current hair color Anna would be a better choice but I've always wanted to make an Elsa costume and get pictures in the snow and it's supposed to snow in two days and this might be my last chance to see smell before I move an ultimate this January I will be moving to Florida to wait out the winter in like a mobile home retirement community now I used to think if YouTube ever took off to the point where I could afford to leave Ohio for the winter that it would intrinsically come with this innate youtuber desire to go to LA and live in some bougie apartment I could barely afford but that feeling just never really hit Plus this place has a shuffleboard court so it is within walking distance to where my mom lives so that'll be entertaining tomorrow's my brother's birthday so that'll leave me about four hours to work on the costume tomorrow and the next day it's going to snow so I might get four hours to work on it then now if you're all caught up on your math shots you'll know that leaves me with a total of nine hours to complete this costume it's go time for this dress you're going to need two yards of two different fabrics that remind you of an ocean but not just any ocean note the type of ocean a unicorn would drink from if indeed unicorns existed and also if oceans could be drank from which they can't please I beseech you do not drink ocean water now fold your fabric and then locate one of your favorite pairs of leggings if you don't have any leggings you're lying why are you lying to me now scoop up your leggings which you definitely have and place them on the fold of your fabric like so now go retrieve a piece of chalk and lean over your project attempting to trace it and then immediately determining that life's too short to waste time like that so just cut it just wing it just do it then repeat that potentially foolhardy action to create the other side of your leggings now I'll admit this was my first attempt making leggings but I quickly figured out the formula laying the panels on top of each other right sides together and sew along the indicated areas and keep in mind what our founding fathers used to say if it's a stretchy fabric you wish to fix always use a zig-zag stitch now before you question the validity of my last statement let me say I've learned a lot about our presidents and there's no definitive proof that they didn't say that I have ways did such a large percentage of my day trying to think of the words to explain this next step to you and I simply can't so I drew you this picture before trying on your leggings make sure your chicken is asleep so that you don't make them uncomfortable and now you don't want to hear this from the person that's giving you a tutorial but I am legitimately shocked our next grab some elastic cut it to the exact size of your handsome little waist and then sew it in place in a loop with all that now flip the top of your waistband over your elastic tube and sew it in place look I don't want to sound like a foul foul mom but sewing with Bozell down my arm was a lot easier when she was a baby this is why anyone would ever buy this is question why I would buy this is answerable I found it at a thrift store and just knew I would use it for something and today is the day now cut out a piece of fabric that is exactly the size and shape of an American Girl doll twin sized headboard now trace that and make another one for your other doll and for I mean put the back of here for the back of your bodice now lower at the top of the back and cut it in half you should have three pieces that match the fantastic artwork on the bottom right corner of your screen turns out the next right thing was laying on the ground tracing my arm onto a folded piece of fabric and then cutting out a sleeve then I did the next next right thing which was tracing that sleeve onto another folded up piece of fabric then I folded them inside out and sewed them into a big long tube now that I have a free moment I'd like to share with you that I've been having a reoccurring dream that I switched my channel to being about exploring churches with water parks in them it's a highly specific thing to dream multiple times about and there's really no basis in reality for it so I don't know where that came from after attaching the sleeves to the bodice I tried it on and fiddled around with how I wanted the sleeves to light then cut off the excess next you're gonna take a double a piece of this sheer stretchy stuff and cut out a taco but make it the size of a taco matching the ratio of an elephant then fold your elephant taco in half and cut out a neck hole now try it on and take photos with your eyeballs of how much room you need to cut off the edges then snip it off and voila then after sewing up the edges of your monk collar thing try it on again and then slide your blue bodice over top of it tucking in and pinning the bottom edges of your sassy monk collar so this is my first attempt at doing a voiceover with the microphone in my nose so the note collar in place that voiceover method actually sounded remarkably awful so we're back to this hear ye hear ye his bedazzling time now use a horde of different size gems to create a snow spell I'd look not unlike blood splatter but think what would this shirt look like if I just blood into snowman I was very distracted during this process because in the other room my dad was watching fail videos for the first time [Music] laughing so sad with this two neat toy but he gets doomed with that image fresh in my mind to inspire me I jumped headfirst and to be dazzling the arms before I knew it it was time to sail in our land boat to the distant kingdom of Columbus Ohio for my brother's birthday learning more about the president's recently has struck within me an idea that I'd like to muse about with all of you Mount Rushmore contains the faces of our four most prominent and well-known presidents if say on the other side there were a mount rush less which i think is a fantastic idea should it contain the least well-known presidents or the least liked presidents and if so who should be the four presidents on there and they replaced the bone in his neck with a bone in his hips but now he's got like two months this is buddy Josh my best buddy and my brother's roommate now the following story is going to be very hard to explain when we went back to the apartment Mike I said Josh play me a video on your computer and Josh said which video but Micah didn't hear him say that because Michael was busy saying Josh just stop being so toxic and play the video then like I struggled to get the perfect shot of him telling Ricky how toxic Josh was and it got carried away then Ricky decided to play Micah because Micah couldn't do it well enough and you know honestly this all made sense in the moment but now I just can't Micah you need to keep it together we finally got a perfect take now speaking of hard to explain I was on the way home with a mystery character whose identity will not be revealed because I don't wish to shame them over the fact that they got a speeding ticket and what's hard to explain is how difficult this cop was to understand I decided to record the cop when he returned so that we could listen back to what he said and try to decipher what he was saying so if any of you majored in Midwestern cop language at college your translation would be greatly appreciated you know I do see supernova in the 7th of January it needs my birthday Oh license for non-payment have a great day it's happening it's happening it's finally happening it's snowing some legit freezing sky dandruff right there like styrofoam fresh out of a food processor what my bathroom looks like when I haven't washed my hair in two days and I think baby powder can save me it's earth all just a plate of spaghetti because God has broken out the parmesan like freshly sifted flour if I'm allergic to gluten we better finish this thing probably I thought of another one like snow falling on a middle-class Midwestern street so it is the second morning and probably the eighth hour of working on this costume and we not this program to bring you the fact that my mom's Christmas presents to me came in the mail they don't open they're so pretty Victoria growing up my mom always made us use coasters and the whole point of ever becoming an adult was to not have to use coasters she sent me some in the mail for my RV and I am grateful but these are coasters of me I'm going to look like the most self-important person yes it's been too long oh my gosh do you want a coaster this is really no big deal you don't have to obviously but you're using the coaster oh yeah that's a picture of me so that after every time you take a drink whilst you put the glass down you can stare into my eyes while the cool liquid runs down your throat anyway how are the kids this is awesome don't get me wrong this is better than the time that she sent out Christmas card pictures of just me even though she has four kids and it said have a beautiful Christmas love McAra oh we're not even gonna talking about the business card she hands out if you haven't seen my video describing what it's like having an extra mom it might help you understand a lot about her I'm honestly in no position to judge though because I'm the absolute worst at giving people Christmas present this year I got some little stairs for my brother's dogs to be able to climb up on furniture that you might tear apart and my 11 year old niece a prom dress on for my dad's 60th birthday I got him a hoverboard [Music] which actually went over pretty well oh they're gonna like a wrist injury hey sorry he's gonna be mad if I don't clear this up he's 59 not 60 but if my parents really cared about me keeping track of how old they are they should have taught me now oh I'm sorry did you come here for a costume tutorial that's really inconvenient for you but we're back to it now now in the movie we are treated to the delicacy of a close-up of Elsa's feet or more over the bottom of her leggings which is what I care about from the bottom of each legging hole I cut out yet another taco shape then set my intentions on be drooling them I don't know if there will still be snow on the ground tomorrow and we're running out of daylight today so now I'm just kind of running around like a chicken with its heads and running I'm stressed so I'm trying to work as fast as I can to get this done but I still have it down the overskirt yet now take your two yards of unicorn ocean water and fold it in half real quick if I can get your feedback oh do you like my outfit cuz when my friend Courtney wears monochromatic outfits I feel like she looks super cool but when I do it I feel like I look like I just got straight off the bus from prison now before venturing into any other part of the skirt be sure you cut out a waistband this should be the length of your waist and the width of a shoe that an 11 year old would wear to prom if an 11 year old went to prom now plead each end and sewed in place to give it a gathered effect right after I completed this step Courtney came over and I showed her my coasters if anyone ever creates macaron merch it will probably be my mom I hope you like coasters now lay out your waistband and pleat your panels until they fit perfectly within it now let your song machine munch through all those layers while you make a mental list of all the things you're grateful for in life then take your hot glue gun and well I didn't know what to think either maybe it worked now because she has a gadget guy Genentech why doesn't that sound gigantic slitting her skirt the only clothes I added was a little piece of velcro up at the top and now glittery she ate your skirt sorry my own dining room was really blurry that day now after I vacuumed to my dining room of all its blurriness I bejeweled a little bit more why didn't the sassy little opening of my organza skirt and then burnt the raw edges I didn't want to hem it for fear it will be too bulky and take away from the majestic look and let's be real corner cutting is basically my middle name now lastly but not leastly you're going to want to sew up the back you don't need to add a zipper or anything because we're working with stretchy fabric I'm I'm trying this on for the first time I realized that this hair color will not work so I could wear this wig which I work for one of my braids when I got it was costumes but it's a little bit short so I had to sacrifice the hair from my treasured hair lamp I did it with honor brushing her out carefully first then I did it quick she didn't feel a thing when I cut her into four pieces then I spaced those four pieces out evenly as if she was something more than a common set of extensions not the light of my life for eight years and yeah I sorta wanted the way it worked great [Music] daylight is quickly fading Zelda I don't know where she went my can't leave her in here without her diaper show yourself grandma it's me Anastasia I mean Anna me Elsa this outfit really would require barefoot in this but the cold that has always bothered me anyways and that's why I'm living in Florida [Music] I'm Elsa and if I saw Prince Hans well I'll tell you exactly what I'd do with this icicle I don't think I could see me wearing this every day and I think I'll have no choice because I did you 6000 glue this weight to my head I could make all the princess costumes and have a week while I'm in Florida where I only wear princess costumes due to the surprising comfy ness of this costume I decided to wear it to dinner but first I needed something to keep out the cold so I asked grandpa JJ to bring me his cloak then I went into the unknown welt McDonald's but when it comes to the ingredients of their food I feel like the term the unknown is pretty accurate the only thing of note that happened at McDonald's was the girl at the register who was a huge frozen fan asked me why I was dressed as Elsa and I smiled and said nothing I froze realizing I have no answer to that question why was I gonna take this wig off of me final update the e6000 glue worked great it only gave me a really tiny bald spot and this outfit is so comfortable that I've been lounging around on the couch in it for like an hour now [Music]
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 1,533,180
Rating: 4.976079 out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, costume, cosplay, snow, show yourself, in the unknown, frozen, frozen 2, anna, dress, outfit, sewing, DIY, micarah, tewers, queen, day, one, making, make, how, to, tutorial, funny, hot glue, mount rushmore, cop, police
Id: crqLfX6QGVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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