My 2020 Resolutions

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[Music] my fellow Americans perhaps that was a little presumptuous of me maybe you're not on my Carrigan maybe you're just a tourist here that was a joke about my name I actually got that wrong twice before I finally got it right or a tourist well maybe you're just tourists here regardless of the region from whence you hail I'd like to share with you my new year's resolutions for accountability purposes I'm reading these to you so that you can help keep me accountable that's right I'm tasking all of you with the chore of harassing me and to completing my goals but you don't you don't must you don't have to maybe I'm more comfortable with the term 2020 goals some people on the internet a lot of hatred towards resolutions because they say making resolutions is dumb because you never complete them anyways well respectfully that sounds like a you problem and to fix it just get a little accountability because for the past probably like 12 years I've gosh my little circle of friends and I have written our resolutions kept them and read them out loud to each other the following year giving points but the ones completed thereby embarrassing ourselves into actually completing our resolutions I say embarassed because it's embarrassing when you don't like for instance last year I thought it was feasible that I could complete twenty boy push-ups this year when after six months of training I only got two for another thing I like to do with new years questionnaires where I write a summary of my year and then ask yes or no questions or fill in the blank questions to my next year so then the next year self reads to my last and then and then you know is what's fun let's make this quick resolution one dress vintage more to notice beauty more lovely floor beautiful ceiling beautifully even more expressive with my style and make up get lost in the editing process of my videos don't just make them good enough but make them something that will thoroughly entertain and shock your older self let go of overly selfish ambitions compete Josh at tennis finished learning a song in a foreign language and by foreign I mean anything that is not the two languages I already speak fluently those being English and uh BW so please all you multiple lingual people leave your suggestions multiple lingual sounds like a disease I am so sorry I've got multiple lingual get 750,000 subscribers talk to the elderly more where they are a treasure trove of life experience stories and good advice for instance my beloved grandfather used to often say accidents only happen when you're acting stupid and just today an older woman who lives around here told me if you see a bird and its body looks heavy it's probably a hawk I will keep that one in my back pocket honestly even though I don't know what it would mean I kind of hope she meant it metaphorically because there's really no context for her saying this master making pants I think you all think I'm a seamstress but I've actually never successfully made even a pair of pants so reconsider your subscription read less now before you go shouting boo is shaped to spew all this uneducated nonsense out into the universe let me first explain that last year I put on my resolution list to read more and I found that I spent more time reading and less time writing I was consuming more than I was producing I was being entertained more than I was entertaining being educated and never educating devouring the creativity of others and not being creative so naturally I thought I'd be the only person who had this on my list but later when we all read our lists my brother had this on his to be able to do five boy push-ups recreate my childhood favorite Barbie dress [Music] by the first thing that pops up on the Facebook marketplace homepage maintain my powerful weight and perhaps gain a few more pounds of power make time to remind others how valued they are I value you really be more ladylike maybe go to a dentist I haven't been to the dentist essencial they robbed me of my wisdom teeth like to go back I have some things I need done but dentist they need to understand that Trust is a two-way street but they like to paint over the line the little lines and put up a sign that says one-way think it's a one-way street and that only they only I don't trust them be more ladylike make sure the world knows that Micha is more talented than me that fact is true in most aspects so though I can't drink water through my nose and he can trick my niece into wearing historical costumes wore OMA Kara don't really love it make the perfect chicken diaper so easy that an elderly father can use it I haven't forgotten about you dad just to clarify I meant make up a chicken diaper so simple that my dad can put it on the chicken himself not he he doesn't he doesn't need a diaper and if he did need a diaper he could very well put any diaper on all by himself he's very competent spend the night at the subscribers house if I survived spending the night at the subscribers house we memorized the whole X section of the dictionary great story when I was 17 I decided I would not go to a university but instead self college myself my major the X section of the dictionary as I memorized the entire thing but two concussions later it's not much left to be clear though memorizing that section of the dictionary wasn't how I spent all of my would-be college days I actually spent them working and sewing I wouldn't normally feel the need to tell you things like that but my mom gets very feisty when people leave negative comments and I was afraid that would garner some negative comments pretend to be a tour guide at a historical location now you all know I am quite the Street buff but I would like to actually go to historical location in either historic garments or perhaps a blazer in a nice name tag and amass a whole group of people to listen to the things I say and though the things I'll say to them so that is all please take the time to let me know what some of your resolutions are I will try to keep you accountable well I probably won't but I will rate to a resolution on a scale of one to ten I didn't plan like a way to close this video out or anything [Music]
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 439,793
Rating: 4.987833 out of 5
Keywords: resolutions, 2020, 2019, goals, micarah, mickara, mikara, tewers, mckara, read less, old people, tour guide, tours, new year, newyears, new year's, girl, funny, humor
Id: do-OoJzhr5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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