How to Turn a T Shirt Into a Wrap Shirt (or dress)

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hi there friends today I'm going to show you how to make a wrap shirt hold on no silly I didn't say wrap sure I said wrap shirt wrap shirt that makes a lot more sense with the context of the channel and plus making a rapture period just doesn't that sentence that doesn't make sense thanks for your two cents McAra that's right today I'm going to show you how to make a wrap shirt out of a frumpy old t-shirt or a wrap dress if you'd prefer first you're gonna need a t-shirt I got mine from Salvation Army for a dollar ninety-nine now put it on and decide where you want the bottom to hit I prefer it to hit just right along the top of the belly button now having marked that spot with a pin that's P I n not PE n I used a ruler to straighten up the bottom and then cut several strips each one about three inches wide next I began cutting off the neckline and halfway through doing that I tried it on for this sort of weird DIY look and you know what you could just stop here and do this if you're bored watching the video or moving along you could cut off the rest of the neckline like I did and cut off to sort of shark fin shapes from the sides of your bodice to make it more fitted save these two pieces don't burn them don't lose them don't throw them away and don't make a bikini out of them you'll need them later now flip the shirt inside out and sew those new edges that you just created you can pin if you would like last early on that making a video with a black fabric was a bad idea because it doesn't show up very well so if that bothers you feel free to leave a mean comment be sure to try the shirt on every point in the project just you get the full experience next mark a line going straight down diagonally from the top to the bottom of your t-shirt now this is especially easy if you choose a v-neck because then you can just follow that neckline all the way down now when you spread the shirt completely out you'll notice that one side sort of tapers off and the other sort of stops bluntly that's when these two triangles come into play so I really hope you didn't end up making that bikini with them now place the two triangles right sides together and then sew along the edge so then your two triangles becomes one just like marriage or something now straighten up the edge of that triangle and place it against the blunt edge of your top you want to pin it right sides together next idea to rolled him all along all the open edges of my shirt which is not necessary with the jersey net but I just wanted it to look really clean cut and sharp now take those gorgeous undoubtedly perfect strips you cut earlier and fold them in half all the way down now so all along that edge with a zig-zag stitch you don't want to be too close to the edge but you don't want to be too far either I don't like to use numbers or increments to explain things but try to keep it about a centipedes width from the edge now with the t-shirt type knit you want to be careful not to tug as you go sort of push it through the Machine and be careful to notice that this part in the video my nails get magically more beautiful very quickly all right now you're going to fold that whole long tube inside out now how I do this is I put a safety pin on the end and I sort of use that so that I have something to hold on to while I flip it inside out now this is a pro tip anytime you're doing something not on the machine and you can be outside you need to get yourself outside get those vitamins that you get from the Sun whatever those may be next after you turn your loop iron it all flat so it's nice and crisp and then nice and easy sew it to the edges of your shirt now quick backstory about this shirt I was considering either making this or a regency dress one day because i was just really in the mood to make something and I let my Instagram followers vote and decide and they overwhelmingly chose this which is good it's fine and I've worn this shirt pretty much every day since I made it and I love it but it's just kind of sad that no one cares about historical fashion the way I do so lastly I folded up the edges of my sleeves several times and sewed it in place for a more cutesy look or something does anyone notice how my narrator voice gets less narrarator as time goes on okay anyways results here is the frumpy old t-shirt you remember and here is the wrap shirt that I now wear like every day I just love this style of shirt because I can wear sweatpants or shorts and be casual or I can pair it with a skirt and wear it to church which I have twice already but let's say you want to make a dress well you'll need two t-shirts this time and you'll repeat the same steps but real quick let me show you how to draw the neckline if you have a rounded neckline there you go nice and easy now with your second t-shirt you're going to want to cut the sleeves off and then lay it all out and just cut a general skirt shape now this doesn't have to be specific you don't even have to use a ruler but cut it out and then fold it inside out and sew along the edges so you're just sewing a big tube now once you've sewed that you're going to cut it open on one side cut a line slightly off-center and open it all up then pin it to your shirt right sides together now you're going to want to leave a little spot open on one side right about the middle of your side now this is uh this is so you can you can put the you know the thing the thing through you know the thing have you seen a wrap dress okay I'll try to do a slightly better job explaining so you're going to sew it all and skip one little spot big enough for two fingers or you know two big juicy earthworms to fit through or you know for your strap to fit through and there you have it a simple casual or dressy wrap dress that you could wear anywhere from the wall outside your garage to the alley behind your house yep literally anywhere alright that's enough that's enough thank you let's go alright bye
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 1,021,101
Rating: 4.9766746 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, Sewing, sewing projects for beginers, fashion, style, trendy top, dress, Wrap shirt, making of, thrift flip, upcycled, crafting, making your own clothes
Id: VN25ia8Y3tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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