Extreme Bedroom Declutter!

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hey guys I'm about to clean the bedroom that I've inhabited for 17 years and now that I'm moving out into my RV for the next few months it has a chance at actually staying clean now I was initially hesitant to use the con Mari method due to the fact that the name sounded like an ancient religion and I wasn't sure I wanted to welcome those spirits into my house but after some research I concluded that my soul indeed would be safe if I took all the clothes I own and threw them on the floor in the middle of my bedroom at this point I strongly considered quitting because the pile was just too big and daunting by the way that pile was mostly just the clothes from my brother's closet I hadn't even started on my closet yet a DIY hack turn all your old clothes into a throne now being a DIY is Seamster see mr leads to a lot of hoarder tendencies some are helpful for instance when I'm struck by a sudden bout of creativity I find no shortage of materials to utilize so I began by dividing my valuables into the typical con maru' piles which are keep donate and throw away but then I also added a fourth pile which I like to call the chopping block where I throw anything with large amounts of usable fabric that I could hack into something else as well as clothes that I plan to donate but that were ripped or otherwise damaged should I plan to fix them before donating wow look at the size of that pile well yeah that's what my great-grandma said after every time she took a dump just kidding I don't know anything that my great-grandma said she died when I was really little and I remember her funeral dinner was the first time I was exposed to Colby jack cheese and boy were my eyes open that stuff was so good okay going back through this edit I realize every time I do a voiceover right after drinking a cup of coffee it ends up being really obnoxious and irrelevant so sorry I finally cleared up enough space to bring in more let's do a little time capsule episode whatever is in this purse was my life when I was let's see this one was 14 years old a sunflower and hair clip let's I'm gonna keep Aleeah neared oil pastels no sketchbook mind you all I really want to find is money oh look it's a little glasses stem candle your ear lasso your hanger what are these calls I can't donate it till I know what it's called I'm not doing anything who would want this I'm hearing money the whole reason I started cleaning in the first place I actually ended up finding a lot dollar so I'm going to put all but one in the pockets of all the pants that I'm donating because there is nothing better than the feeling when you get a pair of pants from a third store and you find money in the pocket okay so I actually just got carried away and ended up putting all the dollars in and then going and finding more dollars and putting them at more pants by far the hardest treasures to part with were the ones that I made but I reasoned with myself that I like the idea of somebody else wearing it out but I made and they can only bring me joy for so long so why not get rid of them bring someone else joy and incentivize myself to make more clothes to fill my closet with the other thing that's a big struggle to get rid of is certain sentimental items so in a way to eternalize them through the internet going to show you right now this says main attraction director main attraction was the baton core that my mother started that I was in for 17 years and I was never the director but I got really emotional about this money to keep it to commemorate my baton days but I hated baton I hate being a female I don't understand my emotions why do I have them this matching shorts and leg warmers set I was truly obsessed with these when I was 12 I no longer have the butt of a 12 year old well I do but not of me when I was 12 because the butt I had when I was 12 was the butt of a nine year old so moved up from that this is a prom dress that I made earlier this year I'm actually not going to get rid of that because I want to be able to continue to loan it out like I did earlier this year this is a hospital gown I think I may have worn this when I pretended to give birth to a duck if not this one that I have multiple hospital gowns and I have no idea why [Music] congratulations miss tuition so that's really sentimental this is a shirt I was supposed to decorate for an event and I thought swishing around grape juice in my mouth and then spitting on the shirt will make a really cool design and and then I turned into basically like dried blood splatter so it could intimidate people I don't love this shirt doesn't do much for me but this is what I was wearing when I jumped on a moving train and eventually jumped off a moving train so funerals have always been a big part of my life that maybe sounded a little weird understand this I'm the youngest in my immediate and extended family my parents are kind of old their friends are pretty old and in general I feel like I've just known a lot of people with sickness you know I don't actually have to explain why I go to so many funerals but on average I go to two or three a year however there was this one year story time in the middle of 2013 I got best address I fell in love with it I thought it was beautiful in 2014 January to be exact I wore this for the first time to a funeral that year this was the only black dress I had and that year I kid you not I went to 11 funerals 11 so this dress has a lot of memories for me I detest the thought of ever wearing it again but it's equally heart-wrenching to think of throwing it away because there's so many times when it was the thing I was wearing the last time I saw someone was that too heavy for this channel that was too heavy for this I'm I'm sorry guys I'll just think of something funny to say now so that you can forget about that part well what is what is the letter T's favorite sport tee ball okay how about this one why does the Pope always wear a dress because God wears the pants in his marriage anyway around the time I put all my pants away suddenly I heard a wrestling on the porch and I thought I had company so I excitedly opened up the door now as much as I enjoy the intrigue of a possum dwelling in my yard they do occasionally prey upon chickens and ducks so I set out a harmless live trap on my porch and while patiently waiting for him to choose to enter it I asked Instagram for cleaning suggestions burn it all don't think twice throw stuff away one certified Internet user suggested to eliminate everything you have that is not useful but I've got a big problem with this because I can think of one very important thing that is not useful art don't think twice if clothes still have a tag on it get rid of them right I keep tags on like everything though if I go to Salvation Army and something still has a tag on it I'm gonna get it even if I don't want it and then I'll keep that and the Salvation Army's hag on it this flat iron $1.99 at Goodwill one person said do what I do hide it where you hid the body to which I replied but if I put all my jewelry in the freezer it's gonna be cold when I go to put it on one Instagram user gave me a piece of advice that I liked way more than they'll only keep it if it's useful advice and that was only keep it if it's priceless or brings you joy which means I get to keep my hair lamp my hair balls my just plain hair this cut off my head these are from hair brushes over the years I will find a use for them eventually and of course the most priceless of all my abc gumball yes I've been piling on to this thing for years now it should actually be way bigger that's now that I mentioned that it's kind of unimpressive now keeping only what is priceless would mean getting rid of everything that is the opposite of priceless such as but that would be price Oh so it is the most expensive thing in my room probably that space heater this was super expensive bye-bye oh crap I broke my TARDIS this comb is relatively useless because it is missing so many teeth but that is kind of the reason I keep it around because it reminds me of my grandpa was like he's missing so many - you were sorry was missing so many teeth I don't have any grandparents left this I hate this this is ugly Katie why would you put a rose on your shoe that's just inviting bees and wasps and other carnivorous insects to colonize your foot but alas I cannot get rid of it because this has been my top secret hiding place for my diary for over 15 years now and no one's figured it out yet so take that 9 year old Courtney no you know don't think I've opened this since I was 16 these are the markers I used to make little streaks in my hair with price tag thank you next Oh this was the bonnet that my first son I mean this was just a bonnet I had for no reason I have no babies this is a glasses case been looking for that for six years now this is this we have Jeremy Cara here are some tips for when you're a parent that I dare you to live by don't get mad at your kids before they're 13 regardless of their age lay their pajamas out for them on their bed every once in a while who are you married to oh so this was a little novel about a underground future world very original a girl named Metro a wealthy 11 year old girl lived in the future where the world was a very different place she took her hoverboard everywhere she never walked but she was still very in shape because every evening when she came home from school she stood in something called a workout chamber a big machine that sent by breaks and serve our muscles making her lean and strong without any effort oh I brought so many first chapters of novels from the time I was like eight till still oh here's another partial story I estimate this one around the age of 12 Jo was an Egyptian spy in India she wasn't on a mission though well not an official one anyways technically she was on vacation but she had a personal mission to become a princess ah later on there's a character named Tonka oh this is an interview that I did with my cousin when we were like eight what job would you least like to have health inspector you're not a health inspector now what job would you most like to have pharmacist he's not pharmacist if you had to marry one celebrity which would it be he said Shirley Temple oh my gosh so I just found this song but I remember writing when I was 13 it was a supposed to be for a musical about an old couple who one of them had Alzheimer's and I'm not gonna sing the song to you because it's to be obsessed with Diaries that had locks cuz I was super secretive but I could never remember where I put the keys here's the beginning of a letter dear Ashley I have to say that I was quite disturbed I couldn't even finish my letters eight-year-old Mackerras fashion design skills were piqued this is a paper describing me for this modeling competition I was in when I was younger and the best part is that's not a picture of me I have no idea who that is that is most assuredly not I there was a span of time in my life where people just knew that I liked saving hair so when they got haircuts they give them to me but you think it's weird but in the Victorian era that was a very normal thing for friends to do so this means a lot to me and I'm not going to throw it away even if I can't remember whose it was so I used to be obsessed with playing Charlie's Angels that / spies good luck getting this bomb diffused I just duct-taped some batteries together and an office cord first someone was looking for this this little this Barbie dress was a jam I always picture myself being an adult wearing this yikes so this was my very first makeup kit that my mom gave me when I was 11 those the age in my family or kind of expected the server makeup and I really loved it this saw me through a lot of awkward ears and it's sad to part with but it's verging on maybe like a touch kind of undesirable so I think this is where we say thank you next or was it bacon eggs price tag here is pretty much all my jewelry you know honestly as separate pieces I wasn't a big fan of any of these but all together if you're a boy skip to 20 seconds from now this was given to me by a female three years ago for Christmas and I tore my room apart looking for them because I lost it almost immediately afterwards my room's just not the cleanest and easiest to find things in now that I found it I might actually go to Victoria's Secret and get some stuff I've always loved their perfume so much or I'm gonna check it out like every other time I've almost gone into Victoria's Secret yeah I've never gotten anything from Victoria's Secret I'm always afraid to go in there because like it's sort of like a like a naughty ish story you know like what if someone sees me there that wear wig folks we found another novel this one was when I was about 16 and very into pretentious wordiness I'm still into pretentious wordiness I love words Magdalene wore all black as she sat rigidly in near silence unmitigated silence if not for the heavy ticking of the old grandfather clock she was staring intently at a worn photograph on the wall across the room from where she was sitting she couldn't see it very descriptive but no matter she had every detail of the family portrait engraved in the deepest layer of her brain she was certain she had looked at it at least a hundred thousand times well it was this time in particular she recognized the momentous relevancy of it in fact her entire lifetime prior to the day that photograph was taken was completely irrelevant her memories from before that time were shadowed foggy but her every recollection from there on was vivid pronounced in fact the memory of that day itself held a particular unclouded ease for the first time in hours she allowed her eyelids to close as she summoned to the sights sounds and feelings of her long absent past so that's all next pages are drawing and now it's time to play guess what's in that trap where we guess what's in the trap that we set out for the possum is it a possum nope it appears to be some sort of cat did you guess correctly after dodging that bullet I went to a goodwill and found this arm this what is I don't know what it is but I painted the handles with some $2 craft paint from Hobby Lobby then I painted the rest of it with some white chalk paint and voila clearing out a spot board I found this photo of my cousin's old celebrity crush then I hauled it upstairs all by myself with absolutely no help then we fed my dad's pickup truck til its belly was nice and full with things to go to Salvation Army speaking of Salvation Army that's where I found this fabric to make my valence up next me making new curtains but you won't see me making new curtains instead you'll see this time-lapse that I took of the neighbors across the street well I made the curtains I sincerely hoped they'd be more entertaining than this next I realized that my valance was something Marie Antoinette would probably turn her nose up on so I added ruching and then after touching up the paint job on my door it was time for another episode of gasps what's in that trap what do you think it is this time I'll give you a hint unlike most creatures it only has two eyeballs what a big mouse oh let's release you so my far away right away okay open your mouth really creepily if the answer is yes perfect my niece and I took the creepy mutation of Lautrec sir to a distant field where it seemed reluctant to leave us Tippett run runs miles it didn't take long for me to diagnose this rat monkey with severe camera shyness so I asked the camera woman to stop rolling and sure enough the hairless tail to squirrel ran right off into the distance oh hey it's me McAra just kidding it's actually me McAra let's go perform a high steel one what name is your what is your favorite animal right answers keep eye contact with the camera yeah I don't feel like he's cut out for this let's go the mission was a roaring success my father never realized that the Mayor was gone or where the mirror in my room came from and to this day he still occasionally asks me so what was that 72 questions thing about here you'll see me painting various candles in my room and next you'll see my nephew trying to get up the nerve to kiss a puppy I procured this curtain panel at Hobby Lobby in the clearance section for two dollars and fifty cents and then I used to it as a pet skirt and because I got so trigger-happy with the staple gun I neglected to first iron the bedskirt so I used a pillow to complete that action post staple now be not confused the one on the floor ironing is indeed me the one on bed with the shirt that says McAra is actually mica my brother the next day I did nothing on my room because it was a holiday we are in Toledo Ohio and we're doing our annual Christmas Eve Eve and we're going to try to follow the tradition where we go sing carols to old people in a nursing home last year didn't go so well we tried to find a nursing home accidentally went to an insane asylum a nursing home full of young people who made death threats and walking around naked pointies they weren't as appreciative as the elderly so hopefully we end up in an actual nursing home this structure was indeed inhabited by genuine elderly people the experience was lovely we were mostly appreciated and this year there were no death threats though I must note next year we need to remember not to come while the prices right is on I also realized some of the older people didn't even realize that it was Christmas time so if you want to brighten their days you can go Christmas caroling any time of year really after this we caroled a little more in a grocery store lobby where we met a very serious cop then it was Christmas Eve and boy was it foggy I don't know if that was just Ohio or if it was everywhere let me know if you recall it is so foggy doesn't Mother Nature know that they thing is irresponsible then it was Christmas Day now I'm about as Grinchy Grinch as they come but this Christmas really started out on the right foot when I woke up to Tonto on my stomach a few more blinks and I realized father was there to back to my room I painted almost everything in sight with that cheap craft paint and I found this huge gold frame for $7.99 clearanced at Hobby Lobby and painted it with chalk paint there was a specific painting I had in mind that I desperately wanted in that frame so I found the picture on Google and then edited the colors to fit my color scheme then I took a picture of that picture but then after realizing that my Polaroid camera can't print things in poster size I sent it over to Vistaprint they charged me a whopping $20 but I dare say it was worth it I used double-sided tape to mount my glamorously expensive swinging lady to a piece of $2 poster boy and I had Bozell to run over it to smooth out any wrinkles just kidding she did that of her own volition then I hot-glued that whole mess into the frame then I got a new less price well space heater and painted it white now to replace all the dresser knobs to get a dad and a friend named Josh and just lay down while they work [Music] Oh quick break fun bedroom because we have to go shopping and get some things for the bedroom some organizing things dolla dolla dolla Baz everything's so expensive here last time I checked it was the twenties we found something fun this was in my drawer it obviously fell out of some of my old work pants from when I worked at a craft store this was my two weeks notice I carried it around for months never knowing when I would get the nerve to hand it in until eventually I just lost it but let me read you what it said this is my official two weeks notice the only explanation I can give is this since working here at this always standing job I've noticed a few small purple spider veins slowly present themselves on my upper thighs I've done fairly well at ignoring this in spite of some comments made by some friends tonight however a woman came to the fabric department and my life changed just a little she was wearing a sporty t-shirt sporty shoes and most notably some rather short shorts her legs despite her obvious old age were completely devoid of spider veins I wanted to be like her but since that letter got lost in my dresser I ended up giving a so sorry for your loss card when the time finally came now just for the finishing touches time to take out the trash hi I hope you weren't too attached to the headscarf that was on my head because this little baby sucks it right off [Music] well hello I wasn't expecting company have you come to watch me dance have you come to see my bedroom and a little bit of dancing all right we'll come on in gee I wasn't expecting company I didn't please I'm just kidding I clean the whole dang river like a spot the city's [Music] [Applause] [Music] you like my painting I don't want any attention on me of course I had to put up a big painting to distract from this is my sand this you see you can you can figure it out at the bottom this that's this is my bed this is my armoire makes me think I'm at a therapist's office I wish this is my wedding dress I made out of diapers when I married no one that's all as you can see I spent a lot of time cleaning they actually just threw everything [Music]
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 2,181,333
Rating: 4.9677463 out of 5
Keywords: bedroom, makeover, decluttering, konmari, marie kondo, micarah, makara, mikara, tewers, cleaning, room, donating, orginizing, gum, ball, hair, old, drawer, lamp, painting, picture, furniture, diy, cheap, inexpensive, extreme, time lapse, declutter, clean, thrift, upcycled, childhood, 20s, dress, new years eve, 2020, 2019, 1920's
Id: BCCCN5iSp0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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