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you saw my last video oh wait you didn't see it well here's a recap process like every other live feathers hoverboarding while sweeping the street well the overarching theme was that it took me about a month and a half to complete primarily due to my intense love of wasting time i tell you what i am a proud citizen of the procrastination [Music] nation but at the end of that video i kind of backed myself into a corner by saying stay tuned until next week to maybe see me make kylie's dress what do you know it's next week so how quickly can i get this dress done well let's do some calculation this one took a month and a half dress number two carried the twelve square root of twelve divided by five inverted by seven i think i think we can complete the whole thing in a day i don't necessarily think we can i just know we have to so stay tuned to see if i succeed also stay tuned to find out why i woke up one morning between a tennis racket and a fedora now let me take you all back in time to the very beginning of our 24 hour dress making period so i just woke up next to a tennis racket and a fedora and i was so confused and then the events of last night came flooding back to me here's the deal i was asleep in bed everything was cool everything was chill everything was groovy and then i just like woke up and there's a bat flying overhead and i don't want to be too much of a primavana but i find it just like hard to chill and like to sleep soundly in a room with a bat this is your back catching kit is the net this is the tray i always feel better when i wear a hat not self-esteem-wise fedoras don't make anybody feel better so it's too nice i just meant specifically when catching a bat it always feels better to have your head covered [Music] upon initially entering the bedroom i did not see the bat but just look at the carnage though he totally made my bedroom a mess that was all him i heard him oh you saw him yeah come on buddy come on buddy [Music] i'm batman he seems to like to strike when i'm sleeping so going back to bed sadly we never caught the bat that night but here's some footage of the last one we caught his name was augustus we like to catch them make sure they get a few good meals and then send them off far away oh this one's name was bruce anyway you're probably wondering if i'm still going to make kylie's dress well i was wondering that too at this time waiting on a wig to come in the mail and then jerry and i were having coffee on the porch when the mail woman brought this package and i was just focused on like what's in the package oh my gosh i really want that to be roller skates but wait i didn't order roller skates so no i can't be roller skates and she asked a question and i really wasn't paying attention to what she was asking and so i just said no and then she walked away at sunk in she said is that a little bird and i said no a wig i want to try it on but i know i won't like how it looks because i don't have makeup on so and so i applied makeup and put on the wig deciding that i would only make this dress if i liked how the wig looked on me and unfortunately i did and so now i had to make a whole nother dress a whole another another whole dress when making a pattern for this dress logic would dictate that i would look at a picture of kylie's dress while doing it but i don't support dictators logic or otherwise so instead of consulting her picture i consulted a mood board i had created of things that reminded me of her dress and i mean this one was especially helpful just look at the pose look look they aren't look at the hands getting this dress to the perfect shade of purple required layering three fabrics on top of one another to make this dress i again made a mock-up but this time using the method of draping and while doing so i really should have looked at at least one picture of kylie from the met ball but you know there was just no time remember we've got one day to get this done because one day is the perfect amount of time because all of the best things in history happened within one day like like this is where i would or should try the mock pieces on and make sure they fit and then make adjustments before i cut it out of our fancy fabric but i have an inflexible arbitrary time limit to construct this dress you basically just have to copy all of the steps i explained in the kendall dress i i know i didn't actually explain any of them but the difference in the silhouette of this one is that i really exaggerated the inward curve of the waist in every panel hoping to use a mixture of that boning and a lace-up back to really deceive my audience into thinking i have an hourglass figure like kylie's i recall around this hour of my project i was overtaken with the desire to go on a short simple run but i knew that i couldn't because with me there's never really such a thing as a short simple run because the run will invariably turn into a dance or a nature appreciation session or if it goes anything like my last run it'll turn into me going home and making a short film about a ladybug i found in a puddle everyone please enjoy the world premiere of [Music] and now back to the dress we're going to bestow upon it a lace-up back to assemble the lace-up back i took some ribbon and tied knots in it about a jolly rancher's width apart then pinned them down about a half a jolly rancher's width apart and sewed across all of the knots filled with joy over the nearing end of my project i decided to finally actually look at a picture of kylie's dress and mine was just definitely the least exciting to look at yeah that neckline wasn't even remotely similar so i had to get creative rather than go back to square one and start over which would render obsolete my plan to finish this whole dress in one day i just layered a few strips of fabric sewed them into a tube and then sneezed into my voiceover microphone then i put that pretty purple ribbon through those pretty purple holes and forgot to fill myself sewing a strip of flesh colored fabric to the top edge of each side of the dress oh wow that's really yeah so this is the hem right now and we're going to fix that him the same way they fixed all the plot holes in the series pretty little liars meaning we're not going to fix it we're just going to cover it up with a lot of drama i bought these three feather bows off of amazon or as my dad would probably call it he always does that when he's trying to tell me about a website to go to he says go to www dot sorry this is beside the point and now to make those giant puffy things eating her arms grab a piece of fabric then cut out two doubled up squares about the size of a vinyl album case then fold over and sew all along the top and bottom edge creating a channel for some elastic to go through after you've threaded through and tied off the elastic it should look something like this the next morning i intended to finish my project immediately but was distracted by these cicadas and then the idea that i just had to make a short film about them desiring to fill my time in a purposeful manner but unsure of which path to take i asked my father's advice what you doing making a card for my buddy blake do you think i should make a short film about cicadas i think that would be good card looks good thank you [Music] their love was revolutionary some stilt some ignored it some ran away and discussed and some but the widowed cicada found love again just look at how that bed kisses her yeah so admittedly that was a little bit of a bummer and i do want you guys to walk away from my videos feeling uplifted so here detox your system with some clips of my dad going all out for his co-worker's birthday must be a great co-worker oh man he's the best back to our project before gluing feather boas to these glorified bracelets you're going to want to stuff them with fabric because i did try this step first without doing so and it was about as efficient as my nephew trying to eat eggs with a fork coil the feather bow around its prey as though it were a giant boa constrict oh my gosh do you think that's why they're called boas because they're like you wrap them around yourself as if it was a giant bow constrictor and as though you were like a helpless baby deer now to get that met gala glow i found this at a thrift store for two dollars so that's kind of questionable okay we're gonna set you aside to do this because i don't want to get any of this on you though i'm not going to lie i have had a long running fantasy of coloring him brown just from the neck down not his face because then he would look like you know i'm not going to tell you i'm going to see if you can guess i'll give you a hint that was unhelpful let me try again this might help do you see it now you look like a little bald eagle okay it's okay he's fine we do this a lot he's totally okay and i actually would not color him either please don't call child services oh and when putting it on the face you always want to blend it with a little bit of face moisturizer and make sure you blend really well you don't want stark white circles around the eye holes because you don't want to look like i'm not going to say it i'm not going to say it sorry and to get the fake tan off of your fingers you want to immediately rinse it off grab a toothbrush your own or someone else's it'll have the same effect and the next time you brush your teeth you'll get nice sun-kissed tan teeth now to do some kylie jenner makeup but i have been saying hi to the mail woman every day for the past week and i don't want to miss a day because she might get concerned about me especially since during our last encounter i seem to deny that my bird was a bird so she's probably already concerned so we're gonna do this on the porch i missed her i won't be home tomorrow there now achieving kylie's makeup look will require depleting about half of your makeup stash and doing so flawlessly now one of kylie's signature things is just highlighting like her whole cheek and then dabbing a little bit of blush on there now they're sorry my neighbors were on the porch right next to mine just feel a little bit uncomfortable now there are three steps to getting kylie jenner's signature lips step one grab a famous family you're gonna want to be part of a famous family step two get filthy rich step three get lip fillers and deny it for two years claiming that you simply over line your lip and then ultimately just acknowledge it but if those steps aren't available to you here's some makeup hacks to achieve the kylie jenner lip before here i am lowering my hairline in preparation for the wig and now now to try on the dress so [Music] then take the irish boy ready to go there's nothing in there oh bye [Music] you
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 2,713,146
Rating: 4.9709821 out of 5
Keywords: kylie, jenner, micara, mikara, mi cara, tewers, tweezers, met, gala, challenge, dress, diy, sewing, easy, beginner, funny, comedy, bat, ladybug, short, film, prom, gown, cicada, birthday, dad, fashion, making, made, bird, seemstress, glue, feathers, purple, red, carpet, tours, rv, sparkly, evening, boning, lace up, makeup, lips, hack, hacks
Id: GYY5VuEdscs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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