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you kind of want a haircut now let me start this video by explaining why now is the perfect time to get one the 90s have made a comeback and you know how cute these styles would look on you secondly it's the 20s exactly 100 years ago today not probably not exactly by the time i post this women won the right to vote which spurred on a little revolution that somehow equated to them all letting loose and chopping off their hair so prove your womanhood and get the chop thirdly times are uncertain and you are undoubtedly doomsday prepping but in the back of your mind you know there really isn't enough room in your stash for the amount of hair product that your long bud hair will require should the apocalypse fall upon us fourth i'm sure you have a whole slew of vintage outfits that you wish you could wear but you can't because you know you can't pull them off with your long stringy hair and i know my hair is stringy because the other day i was walking with some friends and an old man called me up onto his porch and he said you're a pretty girl but your hair's kind of stringy though that's literally a true story and lastly but most importantly now is the right time to cut your hair because listen close the sooner you do it the sooner it will grow back you cannot put this off any longer now how to go about it there are a lot of hacks out there regarding how to hack off your hair and there are a lot of fails produced by certain individuals trying to pull off those hacks which i'm not complaining about who doesn't love a good haircut fail but it led me to wonder is there a foolproof method for the average joe or josephine to pull off an impeccable at-home haircut because if so we need this solution now more than ever maybe there aren't any salons open near you maybe you just feel safer not leaving your house at such a time as this maybe you just hate cosmetologists at an unhealthy level because of some prior trauma involving your uncle marrying one who turned out to be a psycho who robbed your family of all your tupperware jewelry and prescription medications whatever the reason i want to help you find a solution so i took the time to study haircut fails and looked for some common denominator in every cut gone wrong and alas i found it let's see if you can catch it watch these clips notice a theme something that appears in everyone scissors scissors scissors look like my mom these things ruin everything just throw all of yours out but like if you throw them out remember where you left them because you're gonna have to go back and get them for my next sewing tutorial so you'll need them for that now why do scissors cause so much haircut carnage and how can we bypass these shiny little heathens the answer came to me while studying for a motorcycle test by the way yes i have to get a motorcycle license to ride the scooter that i just bought by the way i just bought a scooter because yes i had one when i lived in florida but it got stolen and yes i drove a scooter in florida without a license but that's because it was florida and legally there are no laws in florida generally i think at all i'm pretty sure you ever see the headlines coming out of florida but i'm in ohio now and i'm practicing for my license test and i learned something vital that yes does kind of relate to haircuts some mexican standoff we've got a real mexican standoff this is makara tours with motor scooter slash haircutting 101 here to deliver today's helpful hint is makara tours what do you have for us today makara if you're riding a motorized device and you take a turn or weave through your obstacles too quickly you're more likely to miss your mark i think too many people try to cut their hair too quickly with those huge butt chunky scissors i mean look how big that mouth is look how much hair fits in there you can't help but cut a big amount the solution obviously toenail clippers okay now to start you're going to need these oh that's so long and pretty soon i cut out the center i'll grab that take all the hair and throw it in the back now examine your toenail clippers make sure there are no excess nail clippings left over by your dad or brother or the stranger who might be occasionally breaking into your rv by the way i'm okay with you being here just please don't take anything and take tiny pieces of hair one by one remember slow and steady wins the race this is gonna be the most grueling experience of your life this should make childhood feel quick and painless i don't know what i'm saying i think i meant childbirth but hey maybe your childhood was grueling too and i already kind of have layers because if you saw on my new year's eve misadventures [Music] that's why so really the front pieces don't need much we're going to find the link that we want right there seems good in a market i think i'm viewing this in too much of a sewing way this is the piece we like the length of so we're just going to match all the other little pieces to that length now repeat that 750 times now might be a fun time to share that i did post a picture of the finished product to instagram already and asked everyone what do you think i cut my hair with i'd say the most common responses were meat scissors or craft scissors but bizarrely the people who knew me best like my real-life personal friends guessed fire which honestly would have made for a much better video now when grabbing a piece of hair make sure you use your fingers and when cutting it put the clippers in your dominant hand which is the hand that you write with i'm trying to be as descriptive as possible because i'm often told that my tutorials are hard to follow which i can see that i'm honestly very bad at tutorials it's it really should not be my job by the way if you're new here hair stuff is not my usual content well it's not usually the main focus of my usual content hi i'm mccara i'm uh what do i call myself i'm a plastic surgeon who specializes in nose jobs and eyebrow transplants nice to meet you another common theme in the instagram guesses as to what i used to cut my hair included my birds whether that be my chickens or garion with one person going so far as to suggest that i probably put peanut butter in my hair to coax my bird to chew it off with a mini emergency i broke my tool i am not sure what to do but i think i'd be a lot less distracted without this thing that was infuriatingly easy and furious i didn't didn't mean to use that word at all further guesses included a chainsaw weed whacker guillotine sunlight those soccers that have ridges and very close toenail clippings does anybody else get goosebumps every time they sneeze one time a few years back my friends and i were having a competition to see who could get goosebumps first so we tried all sorts of different things asmr feathers on the back of our necks listening to adele songs but nothing could give me goosebumps and i didn't realize until later that the key to getting goosebumps was taking a little piece of hair sticking it up my nose and making myself sneeze because every time i sneeze i get goosebumps which also reminds me that something really frustrating about having short hair back a long time ago when i did was that it was hard to coax a sneeze out of myself because you really need like a long enough piece to wet the end and be able to go down and then up with which you just can't do as well with short pieces but some sacrifices have to be made before i praise the few people who actually guessed my hair cutting method correctly i'd like to do a few more honorable mentions one instagram user mused that i may have utilized a marilyn monroe to cut my hair yet another user guessed i shouldn't shorten it to just user that sounds drug related another instagram user guest your dad's elbow grease and least of all your chickens and i'd like to give a special award to this guest because it is something that i earnestly considered doing and now dear friends gaze upon your victors these are the people that correctly guessed the method in which i chose to cut my hair that's not a sound effect that's i don't know what's happening another thing i like about doing every teeny tiny microscopic clump of hair individually is that it really gives you a lot of texture i'm not super into blunt cuts mainly because the word blunt has a lot of worldly connotations if you know what i mean because you know sometimes people are blunt and rude and offend people and offending people is bad that's what i was talking about we are halfway done so let's try to mash that on the other side okay i think i've discovered a new method take the tiny piece of hair and before you clip it sort of twist it and then trim just to give it even more texture or something you want to hear something shocking i've actually never done this before kind of making it up as i go wanna hear something not shocking but kind of funny it's a joke i apologize if you know me because you've definitely heard this recently if you do how many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh any guesses you probably guessed eight you're wrong that's not even funny what's funny about that the answer is ten ten tickles tentacles now i just wondered about something and since i have nothing else to say here might as well ask how well do you guys as my subscribers feel like you know me on a scale of one to ten just a reminder slow and steady wins the race just like the tortoise and the hair do you like my necklace because fun story my dad and i were on an rv trip for his birthday and on the way back we were going to a gas station and i had a broken mug i was putting it in the trash can but i didn't want it to be too close to the top because it might cut someone and as i was shoving you know digging real deep inside the trash trying to find a well-inflated spot to put this broken mug my hand graced something shiny and a little bit sticky and i pulled it out and it was this necklace and it's now one of my favorite necklaces now could you do the same method with scissors yes technically i mean if you have some other worldly self-control but it's just like begging you to chop off too much at one time so it really is helpful to have something that makes you go as slow as humanly possible and it's not too ridiculous honestly so far i've spent like 20 minutes on it and i'm just about done in fact i don't think i only have like three more snips to go and there you have it that is my toenail clipping haircut tutorial and this is the front and the back is so irrelevant it really doesn't matter what it looks like in the back i'll show you but just remember that it doesn't matter oh wow that actually looks really good yeah i can't see it at all but i have confidence by the way if you like this shirt um i did not make a tutorial on it on youtube but i did on tick tock so this is the hair you know styled modern let's make it vintage [Music] here i was sincerely trying to focus on making a good hair style tutorial when grandpa jj came over and rocked my focus with a code he invented for cheese recipes that's the original recipe i started with and what's this the code i created to keep it shorter so i could put more recipes on one you created a code and used a typewriter to type out this code that you made up for cheese recipes yes that is all you can't make this guy up [Music] [Music] do come here give me a kiss good boy
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 963,284
Rating: 4.9821262 out of 5
Keywords: micarah, tewers, hair, cut, haircut, lob, bob, short, nail, toenail, fingernail, trimmers, trim, clippers, cutters, blonde, mikara, 2020, 2021, trend, trends, good, cute, fail, scissors, without, how, to, diy, at home, success, bad
Id: ZPtoEEOO5-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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