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hello friends are you tired run down you poop out at parties live got everything you need in this little bottom you left this downstairs oh thank you any I don't know what I'd do without you yes well I've gotta run along this video is brought to you by be divided up hi Lena Peter might imagine I'm just kidding this video isn't sponsored and if you're wondering why I'm dressed like Lucille Ball did you really think I'd have a valid excuse our story begins early this summer when I was driving home from church camping [Music] yeah sorry Brad never disobey amar when I was driving home from church camp and I was trapped in the general area of this farm town all the surrounding area was flooded I could not find a way out when suddenly I remembered something see a few weeks prior when I was in the ER for completely unrelated reasons my brother told me that he read on the internet that 2008 Priuses can float in water and he wondered if that was true I thought it was high time to test that theory so yes I sort of drove through a river okay maybe I sort of drove through two rivers speed should carry me through if it works no no nope this one's this is deeper than the other one well well well then I have made a decision all right please car please work oh gosh it is like over my car well just witness the dumbest moment of my life and my car was mostly fine but then the next week after the next camp I got in an accident on the way home and totaled it so it was time to find a new car the first one that catches my attention was in 1929 Hudson and my nephew's name is Hudson and I like Downton Abbey which takes place in the 20s so it was super practical but my dad just could not see that didn't get you by it I've had a good thing to just throw money into just for the sake of throwing money into something no it's for costume Oh for a costume oh okay well around this time I decided to settle for a Prius because some people actually live in those full time and I really wanted to do a lot of traveling and escape these tragic Ohio winters maybe go to Florida this was the perfect travel vehicle I thought until I went onto an impromptu trip to Canada with some friends and realized that I couldn't sleep in it enter my van like rabbit hole venture I began seriously considering buying a transit or a sprinter but those were costly my next thought was to get an older van but when it came down to it a van just wasn't big enough for this certain activity that I really like to do all the time and I can't imagine going through the winter without sewing so I gave up on the whole dream until one day my dad and I were out she was driving home taking the scenic route and I begged him to go faster because I had to urinate he sarcastically said well don't you want to pull into this dealership and check out some RVs and then something ignited in me and I took him up on his sarcasm I was so smitten with all the armies that I entirely forgot about the urgency in my bladder see I wanted a Motorhome since I was a child but I thought that was only an amenity reserved for the very wealthy and very old the cheapest RV at that dealership smelled like a glass of freshly juiced dog foot it was $17,000 which was way out of my budget so that was a no hour be like just wasn't gonna happen for me but that didn't keep me from dreaming 25 7 I loitered around dealerships all across Ohio and compiled the wish list of all the amenities that my imaginary RV would consist of friends occasionally sent me links to RVs on Craigslist and I clicked through the pictures with rapturous desire 1 piqued my interest it was in the same small town that my sister lived in the same town that I was headed to that weekend anyway so I packed up Lautrec saw in her tiny little Barbie Dreamhouse perfect books a doorframe for her in her two and I texted mr. army guy and said hey can I come check out your army this isn't texting my phone is not this big it's I texted the owners asking if I could stop by and by I did stop this particular iron beast had all the amenities on my wish list enough storage space for fabric closets tall enough for dresses enough floor space to lay out an eighteenth-century dress chairs as opposed to a bathtub which is super rare in an RV and most importantly it was a 90's RV clean but severely outdated enough to warrant a complete makeover which was truly important Lautrec scent I loved it but I had to inform the sellers that I was probably not a buyer just a dreamer that is until a couple of weeks passed and with them Lautrec sue passed she left a gaping hole in my heart and I wondered how to fill it so I asked Instagram if I should get an RV and they responded 97% supportively but what was important was it 3% I didn't think I should so I could but then something funny happened one day I was just sitting on my porch doing absolutely nothing when I decided to text the seller of the RV with a super lowball number he responded to my offer with a counteroffer to which I responded with a counter counteroffer and then we just went back and forth like that flinging counters around for the next half hour there are so many counters in there it was like a kitchen at first I wasn't taking it very seriously I was just doing it for the fun you know riding the high of haggling if you will and then at one point I realized I might be buying this RV so I gave him my final offer 11350 was as much as I was willing to pay and then I sat back and waited and kept asking my friend Josh to stop recording me but he kept recording me and I you're gonna be I'm glad he did yes up aren't you anxious and he says 11 350 I don't know what to make you Vista I said lol you are quite the dealers you have to go to the farm tomorrow can you do it then anything good idea he tells my offer yeah [Music] do you see that soccer ball boy nope there it is hi fellow Meharry this is a great that this is better than Christmas almost everyday when is foot [Music] anyway I'm getting an RV today I don't think I've ever been this excited in my life got dad here I won't trust myself [Music] [Applause] I could take a bath and I'm going to hit don't that just beat on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you these are all my chairs even those flies flying around yep mine real glass TV no you don't but it's mine this closet whose is it oh let me check it's mine you feel powerful Wow imagine huntin and an old lady in this everybody clapping hands and so we took the newly named SS Lautrec sat out on her maiden voyage where to go first this it all happened so fast that I hadn't told anyone I was getting this RV so I decided to go to my sister's house pull in her driveway and surprise her upon walking out their front door she and my niece freaked out which was so sweet but unfortunately I didn't get my phone out until they were already in the RV so I didn't catch that just pulled up to my sister's house what do you think this made me an offer what was it I will trade you this RV for all three kids for all three of you all three kids and we'll take the RV say hi in your Russian accent I use a boy in everybody [Music] the holy thank you all for being here till the tracks up just got this milkshake took a drink and you know why because I have an RV riding in a car you sit at a table potentially drinking some coffee on the road do you see that freaking tiny smart car so moral of the story in case you didn't catch it I've got an RV and I'm quite pleased I'm looking forward to giving it a makeover and taking all of you our opinions into account when doing so not all of your opinions that's why you know it's a high but a lot of your opinions if you don't follow me on instagram that is where i'm doing all of the RV related boats I've already done a few sorry I'm sorry I couldn't wait for you to release one for this to go [Music]
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 1,536,805
Rating: 4.9363704 out of 5
Keywords: 10-30-19, 10-30-19 1, RV, 5th wheel, fifth wheel, vanlife, van, life, conversion, motor home, motorhome, tewers, landon, micarah, purchase, youtuber, camper, full time, girl, female, solo female, florida, ohio, road trip, camping, sprinter, transit, makara, mickara, cara, home, car, river, driving, wrecking
Id: eG-VA-hI6Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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