Reacting To My Own Birth

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why is this video being made well I decided to make it then I decided maybe I shouldn't so I asked Instagram and want to watch me be born there's a lot of sitcoms out there if you're watching this it must mean it's my birthday or way after my birthday you could be in the future and tie future what's up what's happening I mean luckily my house is yeah today is my special quarter birthday you know I got like a quarter like with George Washington I should have dressed up as George Washington I have the costume ITEC rest today is an important birthday but not nearly as important as the one that happened on May 19th 1995 so if you'll join me I'd like to take you back there on my time travel train I am your captain pilot train driver engineer now let me warn you that there's nothing to warn you about Isis the point is it's not graphic let's watch my birth together so here we have my ultrasound video and looks like I am a slippery little snake I'm honestly a little bit envious of everyone who is born after 2008 because they have these like high-tech 3d images where they look more realistic than they even do on the outside world clothes I wish I had that because I'm sure I was living my best life in there I was perpetually immersed in a hot tub without drowning could it get any better I mean until I was dragged into this world sorry I shouldn't be giving my spoilers maybe I never ended up getting born maybe I'm still in my mom's stomach you never know let's find out what's going on is this your first second third or fourth [Music] stand sideways so we can see your belly that's the big belly Wow dad tactful hope you do well by anything that my dad recorded before everytime he turns off the camera he says goodbye I promise she's much prettier than this now why do you want to shop what the catheter it looks like okay I love how my mom's in labor and my dad's basically asking her to take a video just like I'm sorry I'm kind of busy giving birth here she is super casually chewing gum this isn't her first rodeo so honestly I have seen this before and I must say it's very anticlimactic they say childbirth is hard but I've seen my mom poop more dramatically than this I've I've seen her talk about poop more dramatically than this I like the doctor trying to pretend he's not confused by their choices named with that blanket that's the same way my mom talks to my bird garyun [Music] okay so this nurse she let my mom hold me for like a total of eight seconds and then just took me away baby hard much too much work they were watching TV like giving birth to me wasn't interesting enough they had to watch TV while they did it what were they watching what is so important that you can't be present for the birth of the most important person the most free your daughter also I love my dad saying holding the camera is really hard that's alright it's alright whoa easy with the eyes easy with oh my she's just crying I'm often okay that was how she was she did not mince movements like that hurt and this is coming from someone who's had the top layer of their eyeball cut off by a laser that hurt worse I mean like I don't remember it but that's cuz you repress traumatic memories that hurts so bad that I can't even remember the whole day of my birth told me like I'm a football this way he's a bully she'd probably thought this baby's little it's um never gonna remember this day cuz traumatized her she can't fight back well I want someone with a high-tech brain to do a thing where you know like what they do in movies to her name tag and figure out what it says and I'll track her down I'm gonna go to her house in the middle of the night and I'm gonna pin her down and rub her face kind of harshly with a rag and see how she likes it maybe maybe stick a snot sucker up her nose it's my dad being sweet now we're inking my foot and shaking my leg quite violently oh no wonder I don't like my feet being touched this is horrifying no more shaking there's no more shaking you did this lady was she late for a date or like another job she's just trying to get through this as fast as possible [Music] for mentioning my lipstick in this video I would like to serve it up as evidence to the people that have left comments telling me that my lip filler looks bad and outrageous it's really just a thing from birth that being said I appreciate your it's good to know that if I did have filler that some some people would like care enough to try to keep me in line oh she's back that baby had every right to pinch you that it I dad being precious strikes again oh and check out this a quick zoom see quick to zoom ins on my face have been a thing since long before Emma Chamberlain even existed so take that Keith from try guys I'm a Chamberlain really made everybody think they should edit like that to close punch ends my dad's kind of the king of getting filler shots things that don't matter taking pictures of yes dad the parking lot was the most important part of that day of course you walk fast a simple Oh Randy what is this in office what are you gonna do fax me someone make copies of me seven eight seven nine nine that's about as average as it gets that's really boring come on baby McAra give us content I could nap I could never cry with you grandma I believe I was exfoliating my mom was really into this catheter business I was gonna be good at the time bless her heart I did it for years I tried I really did my dad is the king of on top of the head kisses I remember seeing this and asking my dad why he filmed this hallway and he said for posterity for historical purposes sneaky view this is some something other than what it was this whole birth was like this National Geographic experience are you [Music] here comes the epitome of 90s child fashion look at the hair come on shailen you don't even recognize your own sister good for my self-esteem I'm feeling gassed up Oh mica is pumped to see my mom look at home looking a little might go with this little hand oh I see shaylen inherited my dad's tactfulness five six I can never sneeze just once anybody else out there like right here I can't get them dad grab my end what the leg he's like a National Geographic cinematographer he just doesn't want to compromise the integrity of the scene by inserting himself in it save the clipping I would judge but the apple doesn't fall far enough from the tree for that if you saw my decluttering my room video it top of the head kisses usually in machine gun fashion they just come over and over and over my brother in Landon my sister Shayla is there anything honors my mom is still just as bad with cameras which is great I find a lack of change comforting by the way if you're wondering why everybody it seems to be talking about the size of my hands it's probably because Micah came before me and set the bar really low okay yes Lena Bravo I have so many memories from growing up where my mom would say mark stop wasting film he has an artistic mind that's my grandpa Ron you tell me what her name is [Music] he doesn't know my name he's too hard to remember actually shaylen the only one in our family to inherit my mom's nose is her most recent grandchild garyun don't hate on me she she said it Amanda I was a bridesmaid in her make sure Micah still reads books like this no idea what they're watching or better yet why my dad's recording it this is Micah hanging out with me for the first time there's an abundance of jokes that could be made about that but we're gonna pass oh my gosh that looks just like a really tiny version of the dress that I just made like a living his best life always here we are heading to my church the same church I attended for all of the twenty four years of my life now before we moved to my baby dedication let's look at a couple of pictures okay the bottom half of me here just still looks like dough so they should have put that bread back in the oven this totally looks like she's sticking the thing in between two nostrils like was I born with a yuna nostril okay I'm looking at this picture of my toes and I almost had an existential crisis because I would counted them and I had too many one two three four five six over and over and I was like why would my parents keep it for me that I was born with six toes what the heck is going on and then I realized it's just my dad's finger there's me with my favorite nurse in Sydney it's really cute jacket I'm happy to borrow them for me sometimes getting a little bit forward when I was three years old there was a church costume party where we were supposed to dress as Bible characters and this is what my mom put us in I think what's really sad is that my abs peaked in preschool let's watch my dedication there's my dad being on brand incessantly offering me food at every opportunity he was actually telling me just yesterday that he's always just been paranoid that I'll be hungry but forget to eat ok wait is this guy in a graduation gown as far as I know our church has never had a choir so reach out a hand and pray for the baby I feel like I should but also like that's me I care so my dad will probably be embarrassed that I show this because he doesn't like singing in front of people anyways but it's pretty sweet cops get emotional everybody had kiss [Music] [Music] back then I couldn't listen to this without tearing up best time very good great perfect thank you for watching I feel like we got a lot closer through this experience I know you feel it too also real quick please DM me some pictures of your grandma's like not recent ones but when they were younger like if you have any glamourous pictures of your grandma from when she was like a teenager or young at all or something it involves a project I want to do in my RV so DM or tag me [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 1,016,852
Rating: 4.9801512 out of 5
Keywords: reacting, to, my, own, birth, birthday, born, mom, dad, micarah, tewers, landon, 1995, nurse, mean, baby, newborn, dedication, singing, song, siblings, sister, brother
Id: cdbWqMZp9ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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